February 28, 2006
Citv of Fort Collins
Doug Hutchinson, Mayor Council Information Center
Karen Weitkunat, District 2, Mayor Pro Tern City Hall West
Ben Manvel, District 1 300 LaPorte Avenue
Diggs Brown, District 3 Fort Collins, Colorado
Kurt Kastein, District 4 Following the Adjourned Meeting
Kelly Ohlson, District 5 Cablecast on City Cable Channel 14
David Roy, District 6 on the Comcast cable system
The City of Fort Collins will make reasonable accommodations for access to City services,programs,and activities and
will make special communication arrangements for persons with disabilities. Please call 221-6515(TDD 224-6001)for
1. Call Meeting to Order.
2. Housing Authority 101 — A general overview of the functions and programs of the Fort
Collins Housing Authority. (30 minutes)
Fort Collins Housing Authority Executive Director Julie Brewen will present an overview
of the programs administered and families served by the Housing Authority. The formation
of housing authorities, organizational structure, and mission will be discussed.
3. Northwest Subarea Plan. (45 minutes)
The purpose of this item is to answer the following questions:
1. Are there any other key choices or alternatives for land use, open space and
recreation, trails and transportation/services that Council would like the planning
team to consider?
2. Is there any other information Council needs as the project moves forward?
4. Northern Colorado Truck Mobility Study Phase lI: Non-Route Based Strategies. (1 hour)
The purpose of this discussion is to answer the following questions:
1. Given negligible positive results of the one year test program, should staff cease
additional Non-Route Based Strategies-related efforts?
2. The Transportation Board and Council For A True Bypass (citizen group sponsor of Ballot
Initiative 200) have each stated that, in order to move forward in a meaningful manner,
language contained within Ballot Initiative 200 must be amended or remanded by a public
vote. Should staff extend its scope to develop language options of a ballot measure for
Council's consideration and sponsor?
5. Other Business.
6. Adjournment.