HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOUNCIL - AGENDA ITEM - 12/20/2005 - SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 169, 2005, CREATIN ITEM NUMBER: 28 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY DATE: December20, 2005 FORT COLLINS CITY COUNCIL STAFF: John Stokes SUBJECT Second Reading of Ordinance No. 169, 2005, Creating the Land Conservation and Stewardship Board. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends adoption of the Ordinance on Second Reading. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In November 2002, voters passed a ballot measure known as Open Space, Yes! (OSY), a continuation of the City's .25 cent sales tax for the acquisition and management of open space. Open Space,Yes! begins collecting and distributing revenues to the City's Natural Areas Program as of January 1, 2006. Section 15 of OSY states that:"...the City Council shall designate a voluntary City Advisory Board, either existing or new, to advise and make recommendations to the City Council regarding the expenditure of the moneys for the purposes stated herein." Ordinance No. 169, 2005,was unanimously adopted on First Reading on November 29, 2005. ITEM NUMBER: 25 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY DATE: November29, 2005 FORT COLLINS CITY COUNCIL STAFF: John Stokes ft{ «.. iP ii SUBJECT First Reading of Ordinance No. 169, 2005, Creating the Land Conservation and Stewardship Board. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends adoption of the Ordinance on First Reading. FINANCIAL IMPACT Assuming that the Board has nine members and meets approximately once a month, the direct financial impact is expected to be approximately$2,500 a year-primarily for meals. This estimate does not include staff time or incidental cpgts. 11 e en esll ill bpeovered by the City's dedicated Natural Areas sales tax revenus. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In November 2002, voters passed a ballot measure known as Open Space, Yes! (OSY), a continuation of the City's .25 cent sales tax for the acquisition and management of open space. Open Space, Yes! begins collecting and distributing revenues to the City's Natural Areas Program as of January 1, 2006. Section 15 of OSY states that: "...the City Council shall designate a voluntary City Advisory Board, either existing or new, to advise and make recommendations to the City Council regarding the expenditure of the moneys for the purposes stated herein." At the Council's August 9,2005 work session,Council indicated to staff that it wished to create and appoint a Board with certain functions as well as describe an array of desired skill sets that prospective Board members coulflka g to thi Boas„««, The following functions are de nbed infthe or 'fiance creatiri the Board: II ii3 1. To advise City Council regarding policy and budgetary matters pertaining to the Natural Areas Program, including but not limited to the expenditure of Open Space, Yes! and Larimer County Help Preserve Open Space dedicated sales tax revenues. 2. To advise Natural Areas Program staff and the City Council in connection with the proposed acquisition or disposition of land, interests in land, interests in water, and other interests in real property for the Natural Areas Program. November 29, 2005 -2. Item No. 25 3. To advise Natural Areas Program staff regarding the development of management plans and public improvements for Natural Areas Program properties. 4. Upon requesji Oofi the City Manager-off at(i;the direction of the City Council, to advise City ounci i conn ti '" w fh th �oposed acquisition or disposition of land, mtgsts m ld, in��s�in wate,�nd other interests in real property for City programs other''than he,t atural Ar s Program. The following skill sets are set forth in the proposed Code section for prospective board members; they are not intended to be exhaustive or exclusive: Experience or training in, or familiarity with, the following: land conservation and stewardship, public or outdoor recreation (such as wildlife observation, hiking, biking,horseback riding),conservation biology(including restoration ecology,range management, fire ecology, riparian ecology, and wildlife management); nature interpretation and education, land or resource management, and real property transactions. At its October 5th meeting,the Natural Resources Advisory Board unanimously recommended that City Council adopt the proposed functions of the Land Conservation and Stewardship Board. (The Board also requested a minortamrati al c( rif �tic� q IIlan(ppage in the functions; this was addressed by staff.) Jill „ii�IG i4klt i ORDINANCE NO. 169, 2005 OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS CREATING THE LAND CONSERVATION AND STEWARDSHIP BOARD WHEREAS, heretofore, the citizens of Fort Collins approved a quarter-cent sales and use tax for natural areas and trails (the "Tax"), which expires on December 31, 2005; and WHEREAS,at a special municipal election held on November 5,2002,the voters of the city of Fort Collins approved Citizen-initiated Ordinance No. 1, 2002, which extended the Tax for a period of twenty-five (25) years, expiring at midnight on December 31, 2030, for the purposes of acquiring, operating, and maintaining open spaces, community separators, natural areas, wildlife habitat, riparian areas,wetlands,and valued agricultural land, and to provide for the appropriate use and enjoyment of these areas by the citizenry; and WHEREAS,Citizen-initiated Ordinance No. 1,2002 requires the City Council to designate a voluntary City advisory board,either existing or new,to advise and make recommendations to the Council regarding the expenditure of moneys for the purposes stated in said Ordinance; and WHEREAS, at its August 9, 2005 work session, the general consensus of the City Council was that it wished to create and appoint a new board to advise the City Council on the issues described in Ordinance No. 1, 2002, and to generally provide for certain desired areas of expertise of particular interest in connection with appointments to that new board; and WHEREAS, on October 5, 2005, staff presented to the Natural Resources Advisory Board ("NRAB") an outline of board functions and appointment considerations consistent with those provided herein, and the NRAB unanimously recommended that the City Council establish a new board as described; and WHEREAS, one of the recommended functions of the new board would be to advise City staff with regard to management plans and public improvements for properties owned and operated by the City as part of its Natural Areas Program, which plans and improvements should allow for appropriate public access and use of the areas, but only in a manner that is sensitive to, and consistent with, the preservation of the areas and any restrictions or limitations that might be imposed by the funding source used to acquire the areas. NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS as follows: Section 1. That a new Division 18 is hereby added to Chapter 2, Article III of the Code of the City of Fort Collins to read as follows: DIVISION 18. LAND CONSERVATION AND STEWARDSHIP BOARD Sec. 2-270. Creation. There shall be and is hereby created a Land Conservation and Stewardship Board, hereafter referred to in this Division as the "board." i Sec. 2-271. Membership; term. (a) The board shall consist of nine(9)members appointed by the City Council. (b) Each member shall serve without compensation for a term of four(4)years, except that members maybe appointed by the City Council for a shorter term in order to achieve overlapping tenure. Appointments shall specify the term of office of each individual. All members shall be subject to removal by the City Council. If a vacancy occurs on the board, it shall be filled by the City Council for the remaining unexpired portion of the term. No member shall serve more than two(2)consecutive terms. For the purposes of this section, a "term" shall include the balance of an unexpired term served by a person appointed to fill a vacancy if such unexpired term exceeds twenty-four(24) months. (c) In connection with the solicitation, consideration and appointment of members to the board, the City Council may consider and give preference to an applicant's experience or training in, or familiarity with, land conservation and stewardship, public or outdoor recreation (such as wildlife observation, hiking, biking, or horseback riding), conservation biology (including restoration ecology, range management, fire ecology,riparian ecology,and wildlife management);nature interpretation and education, land or resource management, and real property transactions. Sec. 2-272. Functions. The duties and functions of the board shall be as follows: (1) To advise City Council regarding policy and budgetary matters pertaining to the Natural Areas Program, including but not limited to the expenditure Sr' , g of Open Space, Yes! and Larimer County Help Preserve Open Space dedicated sales tax revenues. (2) To advise Natural Areas Program staff and the City Council in connection with the proposed acquisition or disposition of land, interests in land, interests in water, and other interests in real property for the Natural Areas Program. (3) To advise Natural Areas Program staff regarding the development of management plans and public improvements for Natural Areas Program properties. (4) Upon request of the City Manager or at the direction of the City Council, to advise City Council in connection with the proposed acquisition or disposition of land, interests in land, interests in water, and other interests in real property for city programs other than the Natural Areas Program. Sec. 2-273. Officers; bylaws. The board shall elect annually from its membership a chairperson and such officers as maybe required.Bylaws maybe adopted by the board,which bylaws shall not be inconsistent with the Charter, the Code or other policies that may be established by the City Council. A copy of the bylaws shall be filed with the City Clerk for the use of the City Council immediately after adoption by the board, and the same may be subject to the approval of the City Council. Sec. 2-274. Minutes; annual report; work plan. The board shall take and file minutes in accordance with the requirements of§ 2-73 of the Code. On or before January 31 of each year, the board shall file a report with the City Clerk setting forth the activities of the board for the previous year. On or before November 30 of each year, the board shall file a work plan with the City Clerk for the following year. Section 2. That existing Divisions 18 through 25 shall be renumbered as Divisions 19 through 26, respectively. Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered published this 29th day of November, A.D. 2005, and to be presented for final pass the 20th day of December, A.D. 2005. Mayor , AT EST: - 11A City Clerk Passed and adopted on final reading this 20th day of December, A.D. 2005. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk