HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOUNCIL - SUMMARY AGENDA - 03/10/1998 - SUMMARY AGENDA (ADJOURNED MEETING) , i ,fly AGENDA OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS, COLORADO March 10, 1998 Adjourned Meeting 6:00 p.m. 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER. 2. ROLL CALL. CONSENT CALENDAR 3. First Reading of Ordinance No 39 1998 Amending Section 21-7 of the "Model Traffic Code for Colorado Municipalities," 1977 Edition Clarifying the Parking Requirements for City Motor Vehicles Using Camera Radar to Detect Speeding Violations and for Authorized Emergency Vehicles There are many circumstances when, for law enforcement purposes, it is necessary for authorized emergency vehicles to park in a manner that would otherwise be in violation of the parking requirements of the City's Model Traffic Code. Although Section 21-7 of the City's Model Traffic Code currently provides that in certain circumstances drivers of authorized emergency vehicles are not subject to the parking requirements of the City's Model Traffic Code, recent questions have been raised about the specific circumstances under which such motor vehicles, including City motor vehicles using camera radar to detect speeding violations, are subject to the parking requirements of the City's Model Traffic Code. In order to eliminate any uncertainty as to when such motor vehicles are subject to the parking requirements of the City's Model Traffic Code and in order to provide for those circumstances when, for law enforcement purposes, it is necessary to park such vehicles in a manner contrary to the parking requirements of the City Model Traffic Code, Section 21-7 of the City's Model Traffic Code needs to be amended. This Ordinance amends Section 21-7 of the City's Model Traffic Code to exempt authorized emergency vehicles, for law enforcement purposes, from certain parking requirements. Staff recommends adoption of the ordinance. ***END CONSENT- City of Fort Collins printed on recycled paper PAGE 2 ITEMS NEEDING INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION q. Resolution 98-37 Adopting the Prairie Dog Policy for City Natural Areas, In May 1997, the City planned to exterminate prairie dogs in narrow buffer areas on the edges of several natural areas where colonies were expanding into residential areas. Less than 1% of City-owned prairie dog colonies on natural areas were targeted for fumigation. A group of people opposed to the killing of prairie dogs requested that City Council cancel the fumigation. Fumigation was delayed until the group had relocated some of the prairie dogs. Due to this controversy, the Natural Resources Advisory Board forwarded a recommendation to City Council that the City examine its current prairie dog policies. A Prairie Dog Policy Review Committee made up of City staff and various members of the community was formed to accomplish this task. The Committee discussed the City's current prairie dog policies during four meetings from September through November 1997. In general, it was determined that the City's existing prairie dog policy was not clearly articulated and that the City's prairie dog policies needed to be better defined. 5. pulled Consent Items. 6. Other Business, 7. Adjournment. ***At the conclusion of the adjourned meeting the Study Session will begin' City of Fort Collins ; V printed on recycled paper