HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOUNCIL - AGENDA ITEM - 02/16/1999 - FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 21, 1999, APPROPRIA AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY ITEM NUMBER: 12 DATE: February 16, 1999 • FORT COLLINS CITY COUNCIL STAFF: Ellen Martin SUBJECT: First Reading of Ordinance No.21, 1999,Appropriating Unanticipated Revenue in the Cultural Services and Facilities Fund Art in Public Places Reserve Account for Payment Toward the Sculpture Commemorating the 1997 Flood. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of the Ordinance on First Reading. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The unanticipated funds of$13,400 will be appropriated to the Art in Public Places Reserve account in the Cultural Services and Facilities Fund.The$13,400 is the second installment of a community fund- raising effort. The Fort Collins Chamber of Commerce will continue to raise funds for this community project;the remaining amount required to fully complete the sculpture is expected to total$21,000. The sculpture will be owned by the City as part of its Art in Public Places collection. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Fort Collins artist Jack Kreutzer's commemorative sculpture titled "Human Spirit" will consist of a group of 3 life-sized bronze adult figures holding a child and a dog. The figures depict a rescue worker along with a man, woman, and child wearing life jackets linking arms to support one another. This sculpture is about the community's spirit, not only that night, but during the many days, weeks, and months that followed the Flood of 1997. The Commemorative Sculpture Selection Subcommittee was comprised of two Art in Public Places Board members;community members who were involved in the rescue,relief and counseling efforts;a student and professor from Colorado State University; and representatives from the Water Board and Parks and Recreation Board. At its August 20, 1998 meeting,the Art in Public Places Board reviewed and approved the Committee's selection. The Council previously appropriated $13,000 in initial donations for the project,and this second appropriation will allow the artist to continue working toward completion of the sculpture. • The planned completion date is July 1999,in time for the second anniversary of the flood. ORDINANCE NO. 21, 1999 OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS APPROPRIATING UNANTICIPATED REVENUE IN THE CULTURAL SERVICES AND FACILITIES FUND ART IN PUBLIC PLACES RESERVE ACCOUNT FOR PAYMENT TOWARD THE SCULPTURE COMMEMORATING THE 1997 FLOOD WHEREAS,on October 6,1998,City Council adopted Ordinance No. 154, 1998,authorizing the appropriation of$13,000, representing the first installment of a community fundraising effort to pay artist honorariums and purchase and install a sculpture commemorating the 1997 flood; and WHEREAS,Fort Collins artist Jack Kreutzer was selected,and his sculpture titled"Human Spirit"will consist of a group of three life-sized bronze figures holding a child and a dog,and will depict and capture the community's spirit,not only the night of July 28, 1997,but during the many days, weeks, and months following the flood; and WHEREAS,the estimated cost to pay the artist honorariums and to purchase and install the work and establish funds for maintenance is $50,000; and WHEREAS,the City has received an additional$13,400 through donations received by the Chamber of Commerce which will be used toward foundry charges, installation of the sculpture, signage and artist fees; and WHEREAS,the Fort Collins Chamber of Commerce will continue to raise funds to be used towards this community project; and WHEREAS, the planned completion date for the sculpture is July 1999, in time for the second anniversary of the flood; and WHEREAS,Article V, Section 9, of the Charter of the City of Fort Collins (the"Charter") permits the City Council to make supplemental appropriations by ordinance at any time during the fiscal year,provided that the total amount of such supplemental appropriations,in combination with all previous appropriations for that fiscal year,do not exceed the then current estimate of actual and anticipated revenues to be received during the fiscal year; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Council to authorize the appropriation of$13,400, from donations, in the Art in Public Places reserve account in the Cultural Services and Facilities Fund, to be applied towards payments on the sculpture "Human Spirit" for Creekside Park, as proposed by Jack Kreutzer. NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS that there is hereby appropriated for expenditure from unanticipated revenue in the Art in Public Places reserve account in the Cultural Services and Facilities Fund,the sum of THIRTEEN THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS ($13,400) from donations to be used for payments towards the commemorative sculpture entitled"Human Spirit" at Creekside Park. Introduced and considered favorably on first reading and ordered published this 16th day of February, A.D. 1999, and to be presented for final passage on the 2nd day of March, A.D. 1999. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk Passed and adopted on final reading this 2nd day of March, A.D. 1999. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk ART IN PUBLIC PLACES MINUTES Ragular Meeting-Thursday,';August 2U, 1998 Lincoln Center Council Liaison: Will Smith Staff Liaison: Ellen Martin CRB Liaison: Fran Johnson Chairperson: Deanna Gram Vice Chair: Libby Dale MEMBERS PRESENT: Deanna Gram,Jane Liska-Smith,Jim Lynxwiler,Eric Reno,Roger Sherman, Susan Sternlieb MEMBERS ABSENT: Libby Dale STAFF PRESENT: Ellen Martin,Mark Breimhorst,Jack Gianola,Mike Powers, Jim O'Neill I. Call to order 4:00 p.m. -Ms. Gram . H. Consideration of the agenda-No changes III. Approval of minutes from the meeting of July 16, 1998 Ms.Liska-Smith moved to approve the minutes,as amended Mr.Reno seconded Approved unanimously IV. Citizen Participation None V. Civic Center Plan Ms. Martin introduced Jack Gianola from the City's Facilities department. Mr. Gianola updated the board on the progress of the Civic Center project. The parking garage is the first building the City is constructing as part of the Civic Center project. The Art in Public Places money for art at the site is $92,000. The board brainstormed ideas for art and discussed adding an art consultant to the project. Ms. Liska-Smith moved to use$2000 for a design consultant for the project Mr. Sherman seconded Ms. Liska-Smith,Ms. Gram,Mr. Reno -yes Mr. Lynxwiler,Ms. Sternlieb,Mr. Sherman-no Motion failed. 0 Mr. Sherman moved to hire an art consultant for the project up to a maximum of$5000 Ms. Liska-Smith seconded Ms. Liska-Smith,Ms. Gram,Mr. Sherman,Mr. Reno-yes Mr. Lynxwiler,Ms. Stemlieb-no Motion passed. VI. Neighborhood Art Program Mr. Breimhorst reported that the idea had arisen from the community to expand the neighborhood art program to be more inclusive. It was the consensus of the board to expand the program to become a Community Art Program(CAP). Staff will revise the draft with the help of the legal department and come to the next meeting with new guidelines and application. VII. Commemorative Sculpture Ms.Martin reported that the subcommittee selected Jack Kruetzer. It was an emotional meeting and the committee was split between two of the proposals. Mr. Kruetzer's was selected by a_ 5 to 4 vote of the subcommittee. Mr.Reno moved that the board recommend the Kruetzer sculpture to City Council for approval. Mr. Sherman seconded. Ms. Liska-Smith,Ms. Gram,Mr. Sherman,Ms. Sternlieb,Mr. Reno-yes Mr.Lynxwiler abstained. VIII. Design consultants The board reviewed the submitted slides and proposals from the artists to serve as art consultants for the City of Fort Collins. After evaluating the artists,the results were tabulated and the board accepted twelve artists. Ms. Sternlieb moved to accept the slate of artist consultants. Ms.Liska-Smith seconded. Approved Unanimously. IX Staff reports Ms.Martin reported on the progress of the program and handed out a report. A meeting of Front Range Art in Public Places programs will be held in Longmont in September. All board members interested should let her know if they wish to attend. X. Adjournment 7:00 p.m. Mr.Reno moved. Ms.Liska-Smith. Approved unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Mark Breimhorst Associate Director