Kathleen Bracke
Overview of the Transfort Strategic Operating Plan and update of the Mason Transportation
Staff will be presenting an overview of the Transfort Strategic Operating Plan for comments and
questions. Topics to be discussed include the goals of the Plan,the four phases and service plans to
build Fort Collins transit network to a full grid, timelines for implementation, the current status of
the Plan, implications of not meeting the timelines, and costs for each phase. Staff will present the
many benefits of building a fast,safe, and convenient transit system in our community. In addition,
the presentation will include a brief update of the Mason Transportation Corridor project as it relates
to the City's overall transit and land use plans.
Staff is seeking comments and questions from Council members.
The Transfort Strategic Operating Plan, adopted by Council in June 2001,was created to help focus
the implementation policy for the Transfort fixed route bus system over time.
The Plan identifies the transit needs, opportunities and constraints; prepares a transit development
plan and strategic plan for the system; and develops an operating plan to support the strategic plan.
Existing Transfort Service:
The local fixed route system of Transfort consists of 15 daytime routes, most of which operate
Monday through Saturday. All routes in the City converge at one or more of three transit centers:
the Downtown Transit Center(DTC)in downtown Fort Collins; South Transit Center(STC)at The
Square, near Foothills Mall; or the Colorado State University Transit Center(CTC). Select routes
which serve Old Town and CSU run with the greatest frequency— 20 or 30-minute headways —
while many routes run every hour. Service hours and frequencies on manyroutes are enhanced when
CSU is in session.
Transfort service has been operating with improving efficiency. In 2005,there was a total ridership
of 1,481,472 with the greatest amount being CSU students at 36%, followed by youth 24%, general
public 18%, disabled 9%, and senior citizens 4%. While passengers per hour, an indication of
system productivity, remained relatively unchanged over the past four years, an average of 26
passengers per hour/bus indicates good overall productivity on the system.
March 28, 2006 Page 2
Public Input:
Extensive public input and a transit system peer review during the development of the Transfort
Strategic Operating Plan raised a number of important themes. The overriding issue was the need
for a better transit delivery system in Fort Collins. Areas of emphasis recommended through the
stakeholder interview process included ease of use, frequency, user friendliness, and meeting the
needs of people most likely to use it.
Service Phases:
Four service phases were developed by City staff. These four phases serve as building blocks to a
productive transit system in Fort Collins:
Phase 1: Transfort Bus System(Implemented in January 2002). Complete
This first no-budget growth alternative was a short-term service improvement plan. The
focus was to provide modest modifications to the existing system. Many changes and
improvements were implemented with limited disruption.
Phase 2: Minimal Redesign Plus Mason Transportation Corridor Service 2010
This alternative adds the Mason Transportation Corridor service to the improvements made
in Phase 1 above, and includes the addition of new service on Harmony Road and Prospect
Road. Implementation of this phase will improve the quality of Transfort operations and
increase productivity of the Transfort system.
The focus of this phase is to provide the "backbone" of a highly productive transit system
which will serve the Fort Collins community for years to come. These changes can also be
implemented with limited disruption and will result in significant improvements to the
overall operation of the system.
Phase 3: Transition to Grid Service 2012
Phase 3 is an extensive redesign phase based on the principle of optimizing service within
the existing service area and eliminating inefficiencies in previous service design.
Implementation of this alternative continues to enhance the quality of Transfort operations
and will further increase production of the Transfort system.
Phase 4: Proposed Grid Route System 2014
Whereas Phase 3 lays the foundation for the preferred system, execution of Phase 4 requires
significant budget growth.These improvements position Transfort for continuing growth in
Fort Collins that is consistent with long-range land use plans included in the "City Plan".
Implementation of this phase continues to perfect the quality of Transfort operations and will
strengthen production of the Transfort system.
March 28, 2006 Page 3
The Transfort Strategic Operating Plan(SOP)created four phases for implementation. Phase 1 was
implemented in 2001; Phase 2 was scheduled to be implemented by 2006; Phase 3 by 2008; and
Phase 4 by 2010. The execution of the SOP has fallen behind, due to a lack of funding and
resources. The current forecasts of implementing the remaining phases of the plan show Phase 2
being implemented by 2010,Phase 3 by 2012,and Phase 4 by 2014,assuming the resources required
are allocated.
There is a pressing need to implement the remaining phases of the SOP in order to support existing
and planned future land use and the City's overall transportation system. This need arises from the
land uses and transportation infrastructure that is currently being approved and constructed based
upon the adopted policies and goals within the City Plan, Structure Plan, Transportation Master
Plan, and the Master Street Plan. Each of these key planning documents are predicated upon the
notion of having a functioning grid transit network.
Recent Outreach:
The Transportation Planning Department and Transfort are making several presentations of the
Transfort Strategic Operating Plan overview and the MTC update between the months of January
and March of 2006.
District 6 Public Meeting - January 21: Staff presented an overview of the Transfort
Strategic Operating Plan to an audience of 85 citizens.
Natural Resources Advisory Board - March 15: Staff presented an overview of the
Transfort Strategic Operating Plan, for comment and question.
2006 Environmental Program Series, Fort Collins in Motion - March 22: Staff will
present an overview of the Transfort Strategic Operating Plan and the planned future
expansion of transit in Fort Collins.
Transportation Board-March 23: Staff is scheduled to provide the Transportation Board
with an overview of the Transfort Strategic Operating Plan, for comment and question.
1. MTC Project Fact Sheet—updated Spring 2006
2. American Public Transit Association(APTA)brochure,Benefit of Public Transportation An
6a Mason Transportation Corridor- eA4SC)"
City of Fort Collins " Choice , Convenience and Connectivity" •
4' , •
The Mason Transportation Corridor ( MTC ) is a 5 . 5- mile north/south transportation corridor, serving
the central core of the City of Fort Collins . The MTC is a visionary solution to improve safety and
mobility through choice , convenience and connectivity for all modes of transportation , linking the
City' s major activity centers , districts , neighborhoods , and employment centers .
It will integrate motor vehicles , bicyclists , pedestrians and trains in a cohesive , attractive and well
thought-out corridor design . A misconception about the project is that Mason Street will be closed to
vehicular traffic . In reality , the areas of Mason and McClelland Streets that currently allow
vehicular traffic will continue to do so .
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Bike ,` destria PNR ■
Project Goals :
• Improve safety and enhance north/south mobility between Cherry Street and south of Harmony Road .
• Make transportation options real by providing direct & convenient pedestrian , bicycle and transit
opportunities .
• Reduce travel time and congestion .
• Support active , outdoor lifestyle by connecting major community destinations like Downtown , CSU , and
Foothills Mall with residential neighborhoods and employment centers .
• Provide private and public mixed - use redevelopment opportunities , activity zones , public art,
linear parks and greenbelt areas and encourage in-fill development , critical to the vitality of the
City .
Funding : The MTC is
funded by the 1997
"Building Community _ -
Choices " '/4 cent sales t
tax and grants from the . y-- " w
North Front Range
Metropolitan Planning '� N'
Organization , Colorado
Department of .^
Transportation , and
Great Outdoors
Colorado . The Federal � � a
Transit Administration
( FTA) also has grantsj� ;
available to communities - �
for the construction of transit corridors like the MTC .
Unique project elements :
• BRT : During the Master Plan , the City selected Bus
Rapid Transit ( BRT) technology for the MTC . BRT
service is designed to reduce travel time and improve
convenience by quickly and efficiently moving people
along the corridor. The BRT vehicles and stations are
designed to be comfortable & attractive .
• Multi-modal solution : The MTC will be a multi - modal
transportation solution integrating motor vehicles ,
bicyclists , pedestrians , transit , existing freight trains , and future commuter rail or other transit
technologies that develop over time .
• Supports Active Lifestyle : Trail systems are a unique part of the Fort Collins area and enhance
quality of life , fitness and outdoor interests . The MTC bicycle/pedestrian trail system will . provide
linkage to all existing east/west trails , including the Poudre trail , Spring Creek trail and the new
Fossil Creek Trail .
• Infill & Redevelopment Opportunities : This project will enable the community to improve
the existing rail corridor and use this area for a positive community benefit . It can become an
attractive and safer parkway . The station areas will provide many opportunities for high-
quality , mixed -use activity centers — connecting Downtown , CSU and the southern areas of
our community. The MTC will help Fort Collins maintain its atmosphere as a special place to
live , work , and play — supporting Fort Collins ' unique , competitive edge over other Front
Range communities .
• Approach to public involvement : The City has and will continue to actively involve the public in
every step of the process because it' s important that the MTC reflect citizen suggestions and their
vision for an improved corridor.
Project timeline :
Oct. 2000 : MTC Master Plan phase completed
2001 - 2004 : Design/Engineering
2005 - 06 : Construction of MTC trail , between Spring Creek trail and Fossil Creek trail
Implementation of additional MTC elements (extension of trail north of Spring Creek , trail underpasses ,
& Bus Rapid Transit) will depend upon community support and future funding opportunities from local ,
State , Federal and/or private sources .
For more information :
Kathleen Bracke , City of Fort Collins . MTC Project Manager
970/224-6140 or KBRACKE(a,)fcgov. com Spring 2006
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The Benefits of Public Transportation
Public Transportation : The Need is Now Page 3
Public transportation is undergoing a renaissance in the U.S., but
more is needed. An overview of the benefits provides a powerful
rationale for investing in its future.
! Links to National Goals and Policies Page 4
Public transportation is vital in helping the U.S. enhance safety and
I security, protect the environment and public health, and conserve
Benefits for Individuals and Families Page 6
Public transportation provides access, choice and economic
opportunity for millions of Americans.
Benefits to Business and Industry Page 8
Employers throughout the U.S . are taking advantage of public
transportation to attract larger and more reliable work forces and
save in a variety of ways.
Benefits for Communities and Local Governments Page 10
Communities that invest in public transportation realize enhanced
development and prosperity in the form of more jobs, revitalized business
and activity centers, and an expanded tax base.
Benefits for Public Programs and Community Services Page 12
Public transportation means savings for human services programs,
more access to healthcare and education, and a vital link for seniors, the
disabled and children.
Benefits for Metropolitan America , Small Urban and Rural Areas Page 14
With public transportation, metropolitan areas can remain economic
engines, small urban communities help maintain their character, and
I residents in the rural heartland have critical access to jobs and more.
Benefits of Partnership and Collaboration Page 15
Government and the private sector have been successfully working
together to fund, develop and upgrade the U.S. public transportation
Primary Sources Page 16
1 + 16
¢ Lbd +
Throughout the U. S, public transportation is Through improved mobility, safety, security, economic
opportunity and environmental quality, public trans-
undergoing a renaissance. Steady increases in portation benefits every segment of American society—
individuals, families, businesses, industries and commu-
nities—and supports important national goals and
transit investment have dramatically improved
and expanded public transportation services, At the same time, the growing problem of traffic con-
gestion continues to choke Americas roadways and
restrain community and business development.
attracting record numbers of riders on state-of-
This fact-filled report provides an overview of the ben-
the-art systems in metropolitan, small urban efits public transportation brings to America. Public
transportation is taking on an increasingly important
role in America's multimodal transportation network.
and rural areas alike. Its broad reach extends to all of America's communities,
large and small, and all of Americans' diverse lifestyles,
In the last six years alone, public transportation use has providing freedom and mobility for citizens across the
risen 22%—faster than vehicle miles traveled on our roadways and airline passenger miles logged over the country. It also supports the country's critical national same period. In 2001 , Americans used public transpor- goals and policies, including helping to conserve energy
resources, thereby decreasing the dependence on
tation 9 . 5 billion times—the highest ridership level in 40 foreign oil.
The rebirth of public transportation is a critically
Communities across the country are rehabilitating and important part of Americas future, providing more
expanding public transportation systems and construct- capacity, creating more choices and helping address the
ing new ones. Currently: I
needs of a growing and changing population.
■ 556 local public transportation operators provide ser- These myriad benefits of public transportation provide
vices in 319 urbanized areas with a population of over a powerful rationale for investing in the future upgrade
5000. and expansion of the nation's public transportation
■ 1 ,260 organizations provide public transportation network.
in rural areas. For companion documents that describe in greater detail
■ 3,660 organizations provide services to the aging the varied benefits that public transportation provides you
population and disabled individuals. and residents of your community, contact your local transit
agency orAPTA at (202) 496-4800, www. apta. com.
sxCsx �: ..3s S,",�.' ti4 x4- :tav� r�" ^%S _
Public transportation helps lead the nation ■ Cincinnati's SORTA, one of many that is installing
towards its goals and policies of protecting the state-of-the-art cameras throughout its bus system
environment, conserving energy, and providing ■ Washington, DC's WMATA, which is deploying state-
of-the-art chemical sensors on the Metro rail system
for the health, safety and security of its citizens.
Increased resiliency and redundancy—
Safety and security helping in emergencies
Compared to road systems, transit systems are significantly Time and time again, the availability of public transpor-
safer. Trips with similar destinations result in 200,000 tation in times of emergency—both natural and man- '
fewer deaths, injuries and accidents when made by public made—has proven to be critical in maintaining basic
transit than by car, adding up to between $2 billion and access, mobility and safety for individuals who come in
$5 billion per year in safety benefits. The National Safety harm's way. The value of public transportation services in
Council estimates that riding the bus is over 170 times providing essential redundancy and resiliency in our trans-
safer than automobile travel. portation network cannot be overstated.
Featuring new visual, voice and data communications ■ By midday, September 11 , 2001 , New York's MTA sub-
systems linking vehicles, stations and riders with state- way and commuter trains and buses were evacuating mil-
of-the-art operations centers, transit systems also provide lions of commuters from Manhattan. Following the attack
more security than roadways. In fact, many transit systems on the Pentagon, Washington, DC's WMATA moved hun-
now formally serve as safe havens for children and students dreds of thousands of commuters safely and provided buses
moving throughout communities. Systems on the leading to deploy police and to serve as shelters for rescue workers.
edge include:
CouncilThe National Safety
over 1 times safer than automohile
�•� �° And ublic trans ortation stems around the count
� P
aided passengers stranded by the air system shut downs.
■ In 1999, public transportation systems in North
Carolina transported volunteers, evacuated residents and
LIP raised funds across the state for victims of Hurricane Floyd
and, in Flint, MI, evacuated a senior citizen's complex after
a Tj
._ ' a gas explosion.
■ In 1998, public transportation systems transported
firefighters to wildfires in Florida and evacuated tornado
r i victims in Nashville.
k ■ San Francisco's BART system supported commuters and
the regional economy following the collapse and recon-
struction of major road segments after the Loma Prieta
earthquake in 1989.
Urban a 110 ), is responsible ,for:
of impaired ocean ■ Public transportation reduces carbon monoxide (CO)
shorelines emissions by nearly 745,000 tons annually. This equals
of impaired estuary nearly 75 % of the CO emissions by all U.S. chemical
- shore miles manufacturers.
of impaired lakeshore ■ Public transportation reduces emissions of carbon diox-
-� �� mile$
ide (CO2) , which contributes to global warming, by more
than 7.4 million tons a year.
A cleaner environment
Emissions from road vehicles are the largest contributors to 11 Public health
smog. Over 200 million passenger cars and light trucks log People across America are suffering from air polluted to a
almost 2 trillion miles on American roads every year. These large degree by vehicle emissions.
vehicles account for about 50% of air pollution nation-
■ Every summer, high smog levels cause some 159,000
wide—even higher in polluted cities.
trips to the emergency room, 53,000 hospital admissions
The smog=filled air is devastating to the environment, and 6,000,000 asthma attacks.
reducing growth and survival of tree seedlings, and height-
ening the susceptibility of plants to disease and pests, ■ One out of every three people in the U.S .—including
active children, adults with respiratory or cardiovascular
among other damages.
disease and the aging population—is at higher risk of expe-
In addition, surfaces paved to accommodate more traffic riencing ozone-related health problems.
result in increased urban runoff, which is responsible for:
° ■ For every passenger mile traveled, public transportation
■ 55 /o of environmentally impaired ocean shorelines produces only a fraction of the harmful pollution of auto-
mobile traffic: only 5% as much carbon monoxide, less
■ 21 % of impaired lakeshore miles than 8% as many volatile organic compounds and nearly
Increased investment in and use of public transportation half as much carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides.
provides significant, direct environmental benefits and
helps meet national air quality standards. By reducing Energy conservation
smog-producing pollutants, greenhouse gases, and run-off The supply of oil is finite. Public transportation is crucial
from paved surfaces that degrades the water supply, and
in helping to save energy by using it wisely.
by conserving ecologically sensitive lands and open spaces,
public transportation reduces pollution, thus protecting the ■ Americans use more energy for transportation than for
environment and promoting better health. any other activity. Nearly 43% of America's energy resourc-
■ Public transportation reduces annual emissions of the
es are used in transportation, compared to industrial use
o 0 0
pollutants that create smog—volatile organic compounds (39 /o), residential use ( 11 /o) and commercial use (7 /o) .
Any serious effort to address energy conservation must
(VOCs) and nitrogen oxides (NOx)—by more than 70,000
tons and 27,000 tons respectively. These reductions equal: focus largely on transportation.
of nearly 50% of all VOCs emitted from the dry cleaning ■ For every passenger mile traveled, public transportation
industry, a major source of this pollutant is twice as fuel efficient as private automobiles.
✓ 45% of VOCs emitted from the industrial uses of coal ■ Public transportation already saves more than 855 mil-
50% of NOx from the industrial uses of coal lion gallons of gasoline or 45 million barrels of oil a year.
✓ more than 33% of the NOx emitted by all domestic oil The number is equivalent to the energy used to heat, cool
and gas producers or by the metal processing industry and operate one-fourth of all American homes annually,
or half the energy used to manufacture all computers and
■ The reduced VOC and NOx emissions that result from electronic equipment in America annually.
public transportation use save between $ 130 million and
$200 million a year in regulatory costs.
a-. �.. IV
I �
In community after community, public trans-
3D, 000 passengers can be carried an a
portation is making a real difference in the daily sinbie U. S. subway line in one hour
lives of individuals and households.
10 additional highway lanes would be needed
Improves mobility if these riders drove instead.
Transit systems throughout the U.S. are providing choices _
and luring riders from their cars. For example, in Denver,
nearly 50% of light rail riders previously used cars, and Reduces travel time
nearly 60% of new riders on the city's Southwest LRT
extension are new to transit. Over 25% of commuters to Fewer cars on the road would significantly reduce the
the city center use transit and light rail-56% ahead of commuting time of urban drivers, who, in 1999, spent an
projections. The LRT systems in Denver, Salt Lake City average of 36 hours—nearly 5 work days—in traffic delays.
In the 68 urban areas it studied, the Texas Transportation
and Dallas have attracted 60%, 43% and 30% more riders,
respectively, than projected. Institute found that one-third of daily travel occurs under
congested conditions.
For others, public transportation is a necessity. Recent rid-
ership figures indicate that public transportation is critical State-of--the-art public transportation systems are reducing
for many Americans. travel times for the 10 million Americans who use transit
each working day, on every mode of travel.
■ Of current transit riders, over 20% would not have
made the trip without transit, and nearly 70% do not have 0 In Atlanta, travelers and airline workers rely on
access to cars at the time their trip is made. One-third have MARTA rail service for a 16-minute ride from downtown
yearly household incomes below $ 15 ,000—well below to Hartsfield International Airport.
$ 17,600, the poverty level for a family of four in 2000 . ■ San Francisco's high-speed catamarans have cut travel
■ Nearly 94% of public assistance recipients do not own time for Bay-area commuters by 30% and have posted a
cars and rely on public transportation. 50% increase in ridership.
■ In Minneapolis, 155 miles of the freeway system's bus-
1 o Ridershi ahead of only shoulder lanes speed transit riders and improve traffic
30 % p Y P P
43 % projectionflow on adjacent lanes.
.■■�� I� � % ■ In New York City, the 30-year-old Lincoln Tunnel
Exclusive Bus Lanes accommodate 1 ,700 buses and 60,000
passengers a day.
Reduces road congestion
If all Americans who take transit to work drove alone, they _
would fill a nine-lane freeway from Boston to Los Angeles.
Public transportation takes cars off the road. According to - rs12 raiii�;
Maryland DOT'S estimates, that reduction amounts to 60
cars for a full bus, 12 cars for a full van, and up to 200 cars
for a full commuter rail car. In St. Louis, a full MetroLink
light rail train removes 125 cars from the roads, and the LRT = 125 #cJ56m ,-
entire system removes 12,500 cars from daily rush-hour
traffic. uppmoin Train = 200 r,4,Wvtw,%
�' +:� x 5ru s..o, d�. ,. _ " ' .`.'ssw+a• ;•G`awaa` t " �i't3ttoa <s- , '.r Tom% a''- s .
Connects and extends When intercity bus service is connected to local public
transportation networks transit through an intermodal terminal, 40% of customers
access the service by transit.
The most successful systems are those that provide
easy-access links within and among all forms of modern 11 Enhances economic opportunity
travel—highway, air, water, bus and train. Across the U.S. , Public transportation use lowers household expenses and
multimodal transit systems are reaching greater numbers of frees up more income for other needs.
people, providing travelers with optimum choices.
Automobile expenses are considerable:
■ A new downtown bus terminal in Waco, TX, links local,
intercity, senior and rural bus services. ■ For every dollar earned, the average household spends
18 cents on transportation, 98% of which is for buy- r
■ Secaucus Transfer links 11 of Northern New Jersey's 12 ing, maintaining and operating cars, the largest source of
rail lines, household debt after mortgages.
■ Bikes-on-buses programs are successfully linking rid-
ers with different transportation modes. For example, in exceed 35 % of income.
the San Francisco area, 2,000 bicyclists commute each
day between San Francisco and Silicon Valley on com- ■ Household transportation costs rise in areas with sprawl
muter trains equipped with bike racks. In Phoenix, buses and few transportation services.
equipped with bike racks attract more than 1 . 5 million Savings with public transportation are substantial,
bicyclists a year. Americans living in transit-intensive metropolitan areas
.rt4 Alk
save $22 billion annually in transportation costs. Savings
add up for everyone: every $ 10 million invested in pub-
lic transportation saves more than $ 15 million, for both
highway and transit users. This includes savings of about
$ 1 ,500 and 200 gallons of gas—per year. Plus, transit
availability can reduce the need for additional cars, a yearly
expense of between $4,800 and $9,700 .
Silicon Valley commuters are excellent examples. Riding
the Santa Clara Valley Transit Authority's Altamont
F Commuter Express, the daily 80-mile commute by train
saves each commuter over $2, 500 annually—$2,688 by
t' train compared to $5,282 by car,
a ,
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.— ---- --
More than ever before, public transportation is Expands labor pool, job accessibility
an essential element for maintaining a vibrant and reliability
business community and economic climate. In Employers around the country are taking advantage of the
fact, business leaders are often the driving force
expanded labor pool that public transportation provides.
Almost half of the nation's Fortune 500 companies, repre-
behind local efforts to increase public transpor- senting over $2 trillion in annual revenue, are headquar-
tation investment and use. tered in Americas transit-intensive metropolitan areas .
■ Motorola's new cellular phone plant at the end of
Chicago's Metra draws on a large labor pool with Metra
Generates impressive return on access.
investment ■ BellSouth in Atlanta is consolidating all of its subur-
An investment in public transportation translates into sig- ban offices into three downtown locations convenient to
nificant increases in business revenues and profits. Every Atlanta's MARTA rail system.
$ 10 million invested in transit capital projects yields $30
■ In Dallas, proximity to DART was cited as a key factor
million in business sales, and the same investment in tran-
in the location decisions of prominent firms.
sit operations generates $32 million.
■ In St. Louis, a 25-year transit modernization plan is In addition to enhancing employee recruitment, busi-
expected to generate a $2.3 billion return in business sales. nesses tied to public transportation are experiencing more
■ A 20-year "good-repair" strategy in Chicago would yield employee reliability and less absenteeism and turnover.
an anticipated $4.6 billion. ■ In Lafayette, IN, businesses in outlying areas help
Overall, every dollar of public funds invested in transit underwrite the cost of employee bus commutes because of
returns up to $6 in benefits. the link to willing workers.
- --� -" — ■ Increased OWL service in Oakland, CA, meets the
Investment in public transportation critical transportation needs of shift workers.
generates business revenues.
Public assistance agencies are also using public transporta-
tion to help more people enter the work force.
$302 ■ The FTA's Job Access and Reverse Commute program
provides grants to support transportation for thousands.
■ Through NJ TRANSIT's "WorkPass" program, public
Return agencies provide passes and tickets to welfare recipients for
in sales work-related travel.
■ In Myrtle Beach, SC, Pee Dee RTA, in coordination
i $ 10 $10 with the County Department of Social Services, runs a 24-
hour-per-day commute service linking rural residents with
entry-level jobs in the city.
■ The Albuquerque, NM, Transit Department provides
Capital Projects Operations reduced-rate, curb-to-curb subscription services for low-
income workers whose jobs are not accessible by bus.
Helps the bottom line
Businesses that support public transportation options are
realizing substantial savings in several ways. For example:
■ Businesses save on employee time lost to delay, accident
and injury on the road. In 2000, there were 23 .8 million
accidents involving passenger cars, light trucks and SUVs;
motor vehicle injuries resulted in the loss of $71 .5 billion
in wages and productivity.
■ By relieving roadway congestion, public transportation
helps speed freight and commerce. Transit-oriented Brown-
field redevelopment in New Jersey is focused on reducing
freight travel times and truck volumes on local roads. - ` a
■ The 1 ,200 firms that have joined NJ TRANSIT's ,
"BusinessPass" program reduce payroll costs and taxes for '
both the companies and their employees. Fj
■ Businesses in transit-intensive areas save on land
required for parking and its associated costs. Where public _ 7B
transportation is a factor, the number of parking spaces j
required for offices and retail businesses can be reduced by %4S,
30% and 50%, respectively—saving between $2,000 and
$20,000 per parking space.
■ By lowering vehicle emissions, public transportation can
reduce the need for higher-cost emissions reductions from
stationary plants and equipment.
for Communities • •
• . Governments
Increased congestion on the roadways threatens Creates and sustains jobs
the economic future and the quality o,f'life for Every $ 1 billion invested in public transportation infra-
urban residents. Even the extensive public trans- structure supports approximately 47, 500 jobs, proving that
transit continues to be an economic engine and job cre-
portation networks already serving many major ator. Here are some examples of how public transportation
metropolitan regions are being taxed to the limit helps create and sustain jobs:
by demand that exceeds their capacity. ■ In San Diego, nearly 7,000 workers would be stranded
without transit. Their direct contribution to the local j
Residents and community leaders are recognizing that fully economy is $ 140 million, and their spending supports an
functional, high-capacity, region-wide public transporta- additional 3,200 jobs.
tion services are essential to keep America moving. ■ Riders on southern Illinois' RIDES program, which
Communities that invest in public transportation realize serves 11 counties, contribute a combined payroll of over
enhanced development and prosperity. $ 1 million per year to this rural area.
■ Since its inception in 1999, the Guaranteed Ride
Reduces investment required for Home Program run by Outreach, Inc., the Santa Clara
expansion of roadway network Valley (CA) Transportation Authority's paratransit agency,
Urban rail systems can provide more capacity in a 100-foot has enrolled over 1 ,700 participants and provided more
right-of-way than a six-lane freeway, which requires a 300- than 47,900 rides to work.
foot right-of-way.
According to a recent study, public transportation use
reduces roadway-related costs—traffic enforcement, emer-
gency services, right-of-way acquisition—by an estimated
$ 1 billion to $ 1 .7 billion per year. From 1980 to 1994, it
is estimated that Atlantas MARTA system saved $2 .2 bil-
lion by providing motorists with a public transportation
alternative. $5.8m
That's significant for cities throughout the U.S . The Texas r
Transportation Institute (TTI) estimates that an average of
64 more lane miles (27 miles of freeway plus 37 miles of
principal arterial streets) is needed to meet a single year's y
increase in traffic in the cities it studied. t k "' . '�� �`
ti p
j� ,. �F� ,�. � _� •'1 of
Helps revitalize business districts and -`�
activity centers
Developers in places as diverse as northern Virginia, r
Portland, San Diego, Denver, Chicago, Baltimore, Los
Angeles, Dallas, St. Louis, northern New Jersey and New
York are investing millions in corporate buildings, sports °# '
facilities and entertainment complexes around transit
stations. c
■ Transit villages like those in South Orange, NJ, and
North Hollywood, CA, are becoming hubs for new busi-
nessand cultural activities.
■ The Washington Metro has generated nearly $ 15 billion . .
in surrounding private development. Between 1980 and
1990 alone, 40% of the region's retail and office space was
built within walking distance of a Metro station. I`
■ St. Louis' MetroLink system has sparked the construc-
tion of the $ 5 . 8 million Jackie Joyner Kersee Sports
Complex, the $60 million Performing Arts Center, and
the $266 million Convention Center Hotel. The Busch
Stadium station provides access to the $646 million
Ballpark Village, the largest single development in St.
Louis' history.
■ State-of-the-art regional public transportation systems
in Atlanta and Salt Lake City were essential to those cities'
successful Olympics bids.
Helps increase tax base and
public revenues`
The $32 billion U.S. public transportation industry gener-
ates up to a 6-to- 1 net return on investment—which trans-
lates into higher revenues for cities and states.
■ Between 1994 and 1998 the increase in the taxable
value of properties located near Dallas' DART rail stations _*
was 25% more than elsewhere in the metropolitan area. t:
■ Through 2010, Washington's Metrorail system will gen-
erate $2. 1 billion in tax revenues for the Commonwealth `
of Virginia, exceeding the amount of projected public
for • lic Programs and
CommunityServices� . . b y .
M4 -
Public transportation produces savings in public -
programs and services such as human services,
health care and education.
,yF Roadway-related costs
A recent study estimates that transit use reduces roadway-
related costs—traffic enforcement, emergency services, yb
right-of-way acquisition—by as much as $ 1 billion to $ 1 .7 "
billion per year.
Human services ■ In Florida, the use of Metro Dade transit passes saves the
According to a recent study, savings to social programs Dade County Medicaid agency over $ 500,000 a month
from transit use may be as high as $ 1 .3 billion to $2 bil- and gives Medicaid clients unlimited travel for $ 1
lion per year. Human services-oriented transit programs a month.
can be found in communities around the country. Public transportation reduces health-care costs in other
■ Clallam Transit in Port Angeles, WA, coordinates ser- ways as well. Maryland estimates that public transportation
vices with 14 other agencies to reduce transportation costs saves $70 million annually in air pollution-related health
of public programs. costs by reducing vehicle emissions.
■ CitiLink in Ft. Wayne, IN, joined a consortium of 11 Education
human service agencies in the Community Transportation
Network to meet local needs at a lower cost. Approximately 12% of public transportation users are
en route to schools of various types; and school districts,
■ The Los Angeles LAMTA underwrites transit travel and educators and concerned parents are finding that greater
taxi vouchers for clients of 600 Los Angeles social service reliance on expanded public transportation services
agencies. helps improve educational systems. Across the country,
"Unlimited Access" transit pass programs at 35 universities
Health care provide free, system-wide service to 825,000 college stu-
The availability of public transportation can reduce costly dents, faculty and staff, expanding access, reducing auto-
duplication in transportation services. This helps agencies related expenditures, and saving universities millions.
avoid medical institutionalization of the indigent and ■ Salt Lake City, UT's University TRAX LRT line serves
associated public costs, reduce demand for more expensive 46,000 students and faculty, relieving campus congestion
and oversubscribed paratransit services, provide an option and reducing university parking costs.
to the costly use of ambulance and EMS services, and
relieve other public agencies of transportation responsibil- ■ The Worcestor, MA, Regional Transit Authority con-
relieve thereby increasing their productivity. nects 26 training facilities and two GED test centers, as
well as 26 major employers and 24 child-care facilities.
■ In 1998, Medicare paid for nearly 4. 8 million ambu-
lance trips at an average one-way cost of almost $525 per ■ In Duluth, MN, the U-Pass program allows access to the
trip. The same trip on public transportation would be TA system, easing parking costs and congestion at three
much less. The average one-way trip cost for rural public area colleges and universities.
transportation providers is less than $ 10 . In addition, many public transportation agencies and
educational institutions—in areas such as Waukegan, IL,
Orlando, FL, Syracuse and Albany, NY, Madison, WI, and
Flint, MI—have established cost-saving partnerships.
X ° 0. 2a _
More access for children and and have access to the full range of facilities and services
needed to lead enjoyable and productive lives, the reach
young adults of public transportation to this population needs to be
The need for increased access and mobility also ties into broadened.
the emerging lifestyle needs of children and young adults.
As their activities become more extensive and widespread, Supports diversity
public transportation plays an increasingly important role
In a world with fewer and fewer boundaries, Americans'
in linking young Americans to the larger community.
travel needs are increasingly diverse. Transit services are
becoming more agile and responsive, providing extraordi-
nary value and benefit for a wide range of lifestyles.
Mobility for the aging population
By 2020, 40% of the U.S. population will be older adults; k
many will be unable to drive. In fact, one-fourth of today's w
75 + age group does not drive. Meeting the transportation ` (
needs of seniors is a major community objective as well .
as a national goal. Public transportation and related travel
options represent a lifeline for older adults, linking them f, -
with family, friends and a changing society. Mini-buses in
Miami, for example, serve areas with unique geography
and character, connecting residents with critical neighbor- .
hood facilities and services. , -�
rv ,
A vital link for citizens with disabilities _
mr. .
Over 54 million Americans have disabilities. Nearly 35%
say they are uninvolved in their communities, and the lack
of effective transportation options contributes to an unem-
ployment rate of approximately 75 % .
Nearly 85% of today's public transportation vehicles are
accessible to people with disabilities. However, to ensure
that disabled persons remain actively involved in their
communities, maintain productive roles in the economy,
Benefits 1
1 Metropolitan America and
Small Urban and Rural Areas
The broad-based benefits of public transports- ■ In rural Illinois, RIDES coordinates transportation
tion are most obvious in metropolitan America. needs for clients of 80 agencies to meet job, service and
training needs.
However, public transportation is equally impor-
■ The Sweetwater Transit Authority in Wyoming helps
taut to the nation's small urban communities and 44,000 residents in a 10,000-square-mile service area reach
rural areas. In the last three years, ridership for work sites.
small urban and rural public transportation sys- ■ In the Robertsdale, AL, region, the Baldwin Rural Area
Transit System (BRATS) provides more than 400,000 trips
tems in all50 states has jumped 15%.
per year.
11 Preserving small urban and rural
Small urban communities throughout the country are sym- to t
bols of fundamental American values—a hard work ethic, Itr t
self-reliance, mutual support, creativity, innovation—as
well as emerging focal points for today's economy. In light
of the fact that nearly 10% of all households in small
urban areas are without a car, the freedom, mobility and
access that public transportation services provide in these
settings are key ingredients in sustaining their character.
■ In Des Moines, IA, the MTA's downtown loop shuttle
and an 1 ,800-space park-and-ride lot have increased
mobility, reduced congestion and enhanced access to the - '
downtown area.
■ The Huntington, WV, downtown Intermodal
Transportation Facility combines access to local and inter- µ "
state buses, taxis, bicycles and private cars.
■ In South Carolina, the 43 member agencies of the l
Chesterfield County Coordinating Council share vehicles
on fixed-route and dial-a-ride services and allow adults to
ride school buses. -" w
■ In Lebanon, NH, 65 % of the riders on Advance
Transit services are commuters going to work. .
Providing access for rural areas
Public transportation is equally important to America's
rural heartland, where 40% of residents have no access
to public transportation services and another 28% have
negligible access. Transportation service is vital for rural
America's 30 million non-drivers, who include senior citi-
zens, low-income families, and people with disabilities.
Many of the benefits of public transportation are ■ More direct public funding for transit and related
economic, both direct and indirect, with a real improvements by federal, state and local agencies
dollar value. ■ More public funding for other public services—educa-
tion, health, human services—to support partnerships with
In recent years, government and private-sector groups public transportation agencies
have formed true partnerships to fund public transporta-
■ The leveraging of private funds to support public transit
tion—partnerships in which investment decisions, such as
transit-oriented developments that create livable communi-
ties, are increasingly based on a clear sense of the benefits ■ The introduction of effective incentives for shifting
that can be realized. public and private investment to transit
Successful in getting new-start systems off the ground, as
well as in funding expansions and upgrades, these invest-
ments have taken many forms, including:
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Primary Sources
The facts and figures used in this report have been compiled Free Congress Foundation, Twelve Anti- Transit Myths: A
from a variety of sources, including: Conservative Critique, July 2001
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Maryland Department of Transportation, The Future of
Officials, American Public Transportation Association, Transit in Maryland, January 1999
TEA 21 in Action: Money at Work, October 2001
National Cooperative Highway Research Program, Positive
American Public Transportation Association, 2001 Public Benefits of Transportation Investment, 2002
Transportation Fact Book, March 2001
National Organization on Disability website, www.nod.org
American Public Transportation Association, Passenger
Transport, weekly National Transportation Safety Council, Injury Facts, 2001
American Public Transportation Association, America Under Robert J. Shapiro, Kevin A. Haasett and Frank S. Arnold,
Threat: Transit Responds to Terrorism, September 11 , 2001 Conserving Energy and Preserving the Environment, July 2002
American Public Transportation Association, Transit Means Sierra Club website, www.sierraclub.org
Business, 2001 Surface Transportation Policy Project, Driven to Spend- The
Bay Area Rapid Transit System website, www.bart.gov Impact of Sprawl on Household Transportation Expenses, 2000
CalTrain website, www.caltrain.com Surface Transportation Policy Project, Easing the Burden,
May 2001
Cambridge Systematics, Inc., Public Transportation and the
Nation's Economy, October 1999 Surface Transportation Policy Project, Ten Years of Progress:
Building Better Communities Through Transportation, 2001
Center for Urban Transportation Research, University of
South Florida, Lessons Learned in Transit Efficiencies, Revenue Texas Transportation Institute, 2001 Annual Urban Mobility
Generation and Cost Reduction, 1997 Report, 2001
Campaign for Efficient Passenger Transportation, Dollars and Transit Cooperative Research Program, Report 20, Measuring
Sense: The Economic Case for Public Transportation in America, and Valuing Transit Benefits and Disbenefzts, 1996
June 1997 Transit Cooperative Research Program, Report 22, The Role of
Community Transportation Association of America, Linking Transit in Creating Livable Metropolitan Communities, 1997
People to the Workplace, January 2001 Transit Cooperative Research Program, Report 49, Using
Community Transportation Association of America, Medical Public Transportation to Reduce the Economic, Social and
Transportation: Toolkit and Best Practices, 2001 Human Costs of Immobility, 1999
Community Transportation Association of America, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services website,
Community Transportation— The State of Medical Transportation w'w'w• os.dhhs.gov
2002: Researching the Benefits of Medicare Transportation, John U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Air Now website,
Burkhardt and Adam McGavock, Medical Issue 2002, Vol.
20, No. 1 .
Federal Highway Administration, Rails-to-Trails Conservancy, U.S. Conference of Mayors, National Poll Shows Strong Public
Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals, Improving Support for Rail Investment, 2001
Conditions for Bicycling and Walking, January 1998 Urban Land Institute website, www.uli.org
Federal Highway Administration, Moving Ahead- The Utah Transit Authority website, www.rideuta.com
American Public Speaks on Roads and Transportation in
Communities, 2001
Federal Transit Administration, 1996Report, An Update, 1996 Research: Cambridge Systematics Inc.
Editing, design and production: Reichman Frankle Inc.
Federal Transit Administration website, www.fta.dot.gov Second Edition, September 2002
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The Benefits of Public Transportation
Public Transportation : The Need is Now Page 3
Public transportation is undergoing a renaissance in the U.S., but
more is needed. An overview of the benefits provides a powerful
rationale for investing in its future.
! Links to National Goals and Policies Page 4
Public transportation is vital in helping the U.S. enhance safety and
I security, protect the environment and public health, and conserve
Benefits for Individuals and Families Page 6
Public transportation provides access, choice and economic
opportunity for millions of Americans.
Benefits to Business and Industry Page 8
Employers throughout the U.S . are taking advantage of public
transportation to attract larger and more reliable work forces and
save in a variety of ways.
Benefits for Communities and Local Governments Page 10
Communities that invest in public transportation realize enhanced
development and prosperity in the form of more jobs, revitalized business
and activity centers, and an expanded tax base.
Benefits for Public Programs and Community Services Page 12
Public transportation means savings for human services programs,
more access to healthcare and education, and a vital link for seniors, the
disabled and children.
Benefits for Metropolitan America , Small Urban and Rural Areas Page 14
With public transportation, metropolitan areas can remain economic
engines, small urban communities help maintain their character, and
I residents in the rural heartland have critical access to jobs and more.
Benefits of Partnership and Collaboration Page 15
Government and the private sector have been successfully working
together to fund, develop and upgrade the U.S. public transportation
Primary Sources Page 16
1 + 16
¢ Lbd +
Throughout the U. S, public transportation is Through improved mobility, safety, security, economic
opportunity and environmental quality, public trans-
undergoing a renaissance. Steady increases in portation benefits every segment of American society—
individuals, families, businesses, industries and commu-
nities—and supports important national goals and
transit investment have dramatically improved
and expanded public transportation services, At the same time, the growing problem of traffic con-
gestion continues to choke Americas roadways and
restrain community and business development.
attracting record numbers of riders on state-of-
This fact-filled report provides an overview of the ben-
the-art systems in metropolitan, small urban efits public transportation brings to America. Public
transportation is taking on an increasingly important
role in America's multimodal transportation network.
and rural areas alike. Its broad reach extends to all of America's communities,
large and small, and all of Americans' diverse lifestyles,
In the last six years alone, public transportation use has providing freedom and mobility for citizens across the
risen 22%—faster than vehicle miles traveled on our roadways and airline passenger miles logged over the country. It also supports the country's critical national same period. In 2001 , Americans used public transpor- goals and policies, including helping to conserve energy
resources, thereby decreasing the dependence on
tation 9 . 5 billion times—the highest ridership level in 40 foreign oil.
The rebirth of public transportation is a critically
Communities across the country are rehabilitating and important part of Americas future, providing more
expanding public transportation systems and construct- capacity, creating more choices and helping address the
ing new ones. Currently: I
needs of a growing and changing population.
■ 556 local public transportation operators provide ser- These myriad benefits of public transportation provide
vices in 319 urbanized areas with a population of over a powerful rationale for investing in the future upgrade
5000. and expansion of the nation's public transportation
■ 1 ,260 organizations provide public transportation network.
in rural areas. For companion documents that describe in greater detail
■ 3,660 organizations provide services to the aging the varied benefits that public transportation provides you
population and disabled individuals. and residents of your community, contact your local transit
agency orAPTA at (202) 496-4800, www. apta. com.
sxCsx �: ..3s S,",�.' ti4 x4- :tav� r�" ^%S _
Public transportation helps lead the nation ■ Cincinnati's SORTA, one of many that is installing
towards its goals and policies of protecting the state-of-the-art cameras throughout its bus system
environment, conserving energy, and providing ■ Washington, DC's WMATA, which is deploying state-
of-the-art chemical sensors on the Metro rail system
for the health, safety and security of its citizens.
Increased resiliency and redundancy—
Safety and security helping in emergencies
Compared to road systems, transit systems are significantly Time and time again, the availability of public transpor-
safer. Trips with similar destinations result in 200,000 tation in times of emergency—both natural and man- '
fewer deaths, injuries and accidents when made by public made—has proven to be critical in maintaining basic
transit than by car, adding up to between $2 billion and access, mobility and safety for individuals who come in
$5 billion per year in safety benefits. The National Safety harm's way. The value of public transportation services in
Council estimates that riding the bus is over 170 times providing essential redundancy and resiliency in our trans-
safer than automobile travel. portation network cannot be overstated.
Featuring new visual, voice and data communications ■ By midday, September 11 , 2001 , New York's MTA sub-
systems linking vehicles, stations and riders with state- way and commuter trains and buses were evacuating mil-
of-the-art operations centers, transit systems also provide lions of commuters from Manhattan. Following the attack
more security than roadways. In fact, many transit systems on the Pentagon, Washington, DC's WMATA moved hun-
now formally serve as safe havens for children and students dreds of thousands of commuters safely and provided buses
moving throughout communities. Systems on the leading to deploy police and to serve as shelters for rescue workers.
edge include:
CouncilThe National Safety
over 1 times safer than automohile
�•� �° And ublic trans ortation stems around the count
� P
aided passengers stranded by the air system shut downs.
■ In 1999, public transportation systems in North
Carolina transported volunteers, evacuated residents and
LIP raised funds across the state for victims of Hurricane Floyd
and, in Flint, MI, evacuated a senior citizen's complex after
a Tj
._ ' a gas explosion.
■ In 1998, public transportation systems transported
firefighters to wildfires in Florida and evacuated tornado
r i victims in Nashville.
k ■ San Francisco's BART system supported commuters and
the regional economy following the collapse and recon-
struction of major road segments after the Loma Prieta
earthquake in 1989.
Urban a 110 ), is responsible ,for:
of impaired ocean ■ Public transportation reduces carbon monoxide (CO)
shorelines emissions by nearly 745,000 tons annually. This equals
of impaired estuary nearly 75 % of the CO emissions by all U.S. chemical
- shore miles manufacturers.
of impaired lakeshore ■ Public transportation reduces emissions of carbon diox-
-� �� mile$
ide (CO2) , which contributes to global warming, by more
than 7.4 million tons a year.
A cleaner environment
Emissions from road vehicles are the largest contributors to 11 Public health
smog. Over 200 million passenger cars and light trucks log People across America are suffering from air polluted to a
almost 2 trillion miles on American roads every year. These large degree by vehicle emissions.
vehicles account for about 50% of air pollution nation-
■ Every summer, high smog levels cause some 159,000
wide—even higher in polluted cities.
trips to the emergency room, 53,000 hospital admissions
The smog=filled air is devastating to the environment, and 6,000,000 asthma attacks.
reducing growth and survival of tree seedlings, and height-
ening the susceptibility of plants to disease and pests, ■ One out of every three people in the U.S .—including
active children, adults with respiratory or cardiovascular
among other damages.
disease and the aging population—is at higher risk of expe-
In addition, surfaces paved to accommodate more traffic riencing ozone-related health problems.
result in increased urban runoff, which is responsible for:
° ■ For every passenger mile traveled, public transportation
■ 55 /o of environmentally impaired ocean shorelines produces only a fraction of the harmful pollution of auto-
mobile traffic: only 5% as much carbon monoxide, less
■ 21 % of impaired lakeshore miles than 8% as many volatile organic compounds and nearly
Increased investment in and use of public transportation half as much carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides.
provides significant, direct environmental benefits and
helps meet national air quality standards. By reducing Energy conservation
smog-producing pollutants, greenhouse gases, and run-off The supply of oil is finite. Public transportation is crucial
from paved surfaces that degrades the water supply, and
in helping to save energy by using it wisely.
by conserving ecologically sensitive lands and open spaces,
public transportation reduces pollution, thus protecting the ■ Americans use more energy for transportation than for
environment and promoting better health. any other activity. Nearly 43% of America's energy resourc-
■ Public transportation reduces annual emissions of the
es are used in transportation, compared to industrial use
o 0 0
pollutants that create smog—volatile organic compounds (39 /o), residential use ( 11 /o) and commercial use (7 /o) .
Any serious effort to address energy conservation must
(VOCs) and nitrogen oxides (NOx)—by more than 70,000
tons and 27,000 tons respectively. These reductions equal: focus largely on transportation.
of nearly 50% of all VOCs emitted from the dry cleaning ■ For every passenger mile traveled, public transportation
industry, a major source of this pollutant is twice as fuel efficient as private automobiles.
✓ 45% of VOCs emitted from the industrial uses of coal ■ Public transportation already saves more than 855 mil-
50% of NOx from the industrial uses of coal lion gallons of gasoline or 45 million barrels of oil a year.
✓ more than 33% of the NOx emitted by all domestic oil The number is equivalent to the energy used to heat, cool
and gas producers or by the metal processing industry and operate one-fourth of all American homes annually,
or half the energy used to manufacture all computers and
■ The reduced VOC and NOx emissions that result from electronic equipment in America annually.
public transportation use save between $ 130 million and
$200 million a year in regulatory costs.
a-. �.. IV
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In community after community, public trans-
3D, 000 passengers can be carried an a
portation is making a real difference in the daily sinbie U. S. subway line in one hour
lives of individuals and households.
10 additional highway lanes would be needed
Improves mobility if these riders drove instead.
Transit systems throughout the U.S. are providing choices _
and luring riders from their cars. For example, in Denver,
nearly 50% of light rail riders previously used cars, and Reduces travel time
nearly 60% of new riders on the city's Southwest LRT
extension are new to transit. Over 25% of commuters to Fewer cars on the road would significantly reduce the
the city center use transit and light rail-56% ahead of commuting time of urban drivers, who, in 1999, spent an
projections. The LRT systems in Denver, Salt Lake City average of 36 hours—nearly 5 work days—in traffic delays.
In the 68 urban areas it studied, the Texas Transportation
and Dallas have attracted 60%, 43% and 30% more riders,
respectively, than projected. Institute found that one-third of daily travel occurs under
congested conditions.
For others, public transportation is a necessity. Recent rid-
ership figures indicate that public transportation is critical State-of--the-art public transportation systems are reducing
for many Americans. travel times for the 10 million Americans who use transit
each working day, on every mode of travel.
■ Of current transit riders, over 20% would not have
made the trip without transit, and nearly 70% do not have 0 In Atlanta, travelers and airline workers rely on
access to cars at the time their trip is made. One-third have MARTA rail service for a 16-minute ride from downtown
yearly household incomes below $ 15 ,000—well below to Hartsfield International Airport.
$ 17,600, the poverty level for a family of four in 2000 . ■ San Francisco's high-speed catamarans have cut travel
■ Nearly 94% of public assistance recipients do not own time for Bay-area commuters by 30% and have posted a
cars and rely on public transportation. 50% increase in ridership.
■ In Minneapolis, 155 miles of the freeway system's bus-
1 o Ridershi ahead of only shoulder lanes speed transit riders and improve traffic
30 % p Y P P
43 % projectionflow on adjacent lanes.
.■■�� I� � % ■ In New York City, the 30-year-old Lincoln Tunnel
Exclusive Bus Lanes accommodate 1 ,700 buses and 60,000
passengers a day.
Reduces road congestion
If all Americans who take transit to work drove alone, they _
would fill a nine-lane freeway from Boston to Los Angeles.
Public transportation takes cars off the road. According to - rs12 raiii�;
Maryland DOT'S estimates, that reduction amounts to 60
cars for a full bus, 12 cars for a full van, and up to 200 cars
for a full commuter rail car. In St. Louis, a full MetroLink
light rail train removes 125 cars from the roads, and the LRT = 125 #cJ56m ,-
entire system removes 12,500 cars from daily rush-hour
traffic. uppmoin Train = 200 r,4,Wvtw,%
�' +:� x 5ru s..o, d�. ,. _ " ' .`.'ssw+a• ;•G`awaa` t " �i't3ttoa <s- , '.r Tom% a''- s .
Connects and extends When intercity bus service is connected to local public
transportation networks transit through an intermodal terminal, 40% of customers
access the service by transit.
The most successful systems are those that provide
easy-access links within and among all forms of modern 11 Enhances economic opportunity
travel—highway, air, water, bus and train. Across the U.S. , Public transportation use lowers household expenses and
multimodal transit systems are reaching greater numbers of frees up more income for other needs.
people, providing travelers with optimum choices.
Automobile expenses are considerable:
■ A new downtown bus terminal in Waco, TX, links local,
intercity, senior and rural bus services. ■ For every dollar earned, the average household spends
18 cents on transportation, 98% of which is for buy- r
■ Secaucus Transfer links 11 of Northern New Jersey's 12 ing, maintaining and operating cars, the largest source of
rail lines, household debt after mortgages.
■ Bikes-on-buses programs are successfully linking rid-
ers with different transportation modes. For example, in exceed 35 % of income.
the San Francisco area, 2,000 bicyclists commute each
day between San Francisco and Silicon Valley on com- ■ Household transportation costs rise in areas with sprawl
muter trains equipped with bike racks. In Phoenix, buses and few transportation services.
equipped with bike racks attract more than 1 . 5 million Savings with public transportation are substantial,
bicyclists a year. Americans living in transit-intensive metropolitan areas
.rt4 Alk
save $22 billion annually in transportation costs. Savings
add up for everyone: every $ 10 million invested in pub-
lic transportation saves more than $ 15 million, for both
highway and transit users. This includes savings of about
$ 1 ,500 and 200 gallons of gas—per year. Plus, transit
availability can reduce the need for additional cars, a yearly
expense of between $4,800 and $9,700 .
Silicon Valley commuters are excellent examples. Riding
the Santa Clara Valley Transit Authority's Altamont
F Commuter Express, the daily 80-mile commute by train
saves each commuter over $2, 500 annually—$2,688 by
t' train compared to $5,282 by car,
a ,
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More than ever before, public transportation is Expands labor pool, job accessibility
an essential element for maintaining a vibrant and reliability
business community and economic climate. In Employers around the country are taking advantage of the
fact, business leaders are often the driving force
expanded labor pool that public transportation provides.
Almost half of the nation's Fortune 500 companies, repre-
behind local efforts to increase public transpor- senting over $2 trillion in annual revenue, are headquar-
tation investment and use. tered in Americas transit-intensive metropolitan areas .
■ Motorola's new cellular phone plant at the end of
Chicago's Metra draws on a large labor pool with Metra
Generates impressive return on access.
investment ■ BellSouth in Atlanta is consolidating all of its subur-
An investment in public transportation translates into sig- ban offices into three downtown locations convenient to
nificant increases in business revenues and profits. Every Atlanta's MARTA rail system.
$ 10 million invested in transit capital projects yields $30
■ In Dallas, proximity to DART was cited as a key factor
million in business sales, and the same investment in tran-
in the location decisions of prominent firms.
sit operations generates $32 million.
■ In St. Louis, a 25-year transit modernization plan is In addition to enhancing employee recruitment, busi-
expected to generate a $2.3 billion return in business sales. nesses tied to public transportation are experiencing more
■ A 20-year "good-repair" strategy in Chicago would yield employee reliability and less absenteeism and turnover.
an anticipated $4.6 billion. ■ In Lafayette, IN, businesses in outlying areas help
Overall, every dollar of public funds invested in transit underwrite the cost of employee bus commutes because of
returns up to $6 in benefits. the link to willing workers.
- --� -" — ■ Increased OWL service in Oakland, CA, meets the
Investment in public transportation critical transportation needs of shift workers.
generates business revenues.
Public assistance agencies are also using public transporta-
tion to help more people enter the work force.
$302 ■ The FTA's Job Access and Reverse Commute program
provides grants to support transportation for thousands.
■ Through NJ TRANSIT's "WorkPass" program, public
Return agencies provide passes and tickets to welfare recipients for
in sales work-related travel.
■ In Myrtle Beach, SC, Pee Dee RTA, in coordination
i $ 10 $10 with the County Department of Social Services, runs a 24-
hour-per-day commute service linking rural residents with
entry-level jobs in the city.
■ The Albuquerque, NM, Transit Department provides
Capital Projects Operations reduced-rate, curb-to-curb subscription services for low-
income workers whose jobs are not accessible by bus.
Helps the bottom line
Businesses that support public transportation options are
realizing substantial savings in several ways. For example:
■ Businesses save on employee time lost to delay, accident
and injury on the road. In 2000, there were 23 .8 million
accidents involving passenger cars, light trucks and SUVs;
motor vehicle injuries resulted in the loss of $71 .5 billion
in wages and productivity.
■ By relieving roadway congestion, public transportation
helps speed freight and commerce. Transit-oriented Brown-
field redevelopment in New Jersey is focused on reducing
freight travel times and truck volumes on local roads. - ` a
■ The 1 ,200 firms that have joined NJ TRANSIT's ,
"BusinessPass" program reduce payroll costs and taxes for '
both the companies and their employees. Fj
■ Businesses in transit-intensive areas save on land
required for parking and its associated costs. Where public _ 7B
transportation is a factor, the number of parking spaces j
required for offices and retail businesses can be reduced by %4S,
30% and 50%, respectively—saving between $2,000 and
$20,000 per parking space.
■ By lowering vehicle emissions, public transportation can
reduce the need for higher-cost emissions reductions from
stationary plants and equipment.
for Communities • •
• . Governments
Increased congestion on the roadways threatens Creates and sustains jobs
the economic future and the quality o,f'life for Every $ 1 billion invested in public transportation infra-
urban residents. Even the extensive public trans- structure supports approximately 47, 500 jobs, proving that
transit continues to be an economic engine and job cre-
portation networks already serving many major ator. Here are some examples of how public transportation
metropolitan regions are being taxed to the limit helps create and sustain jobs:
by demand that exceeds their capacity. ■ In San Diego, nearly 7,000 workers would be stranded
without transit. Their direct contribution to the local j
Residents and community leaders are recognizing that fully economy is $ 140 million, and their spending supports an
functional, high-capacity, region-wide public transporta- additional 3,200 jobs.
tion services are essential to keep America moving. ■ Riders on southern Illinois' RIDES program, which
Communities that invest in public transportation realize serves 11 counties, contribute a combined payroll of over
enhanced development and prosperity. $ 1 million per year to this rural area.
■ Since its inception in 1999, the Guaranteed Ride
Reduces investment required for Home Program run by Outreach, Inc., the Santa Clara
expansion of roadway network Valley (CA) Transportation Authority's paratransit agency,
Urban rail systems can provide more capacity in a 100-foot has enrolled over 1 ,700 participants and provided more
right-of-way than a six-lane freeway, which requires a 300- than 47,900 rides to work.
foot right-of-way.
According to a recent study, public transportation use
reduces roadway-related costs—traffic enforcement, emer-
gency services, right-of-way acquisition—by an estimated
$ 1 billion to $ 1 .7 billion per year. From 1980 to 1994, it
is estimated that Atlantas MARTA system saved $2 .2 bil-
lion by providing motorists with a public transportation
alternative. $5.8m
That's significant for cities throughout the U.S . The Texas r
Transportation Institute (TTI) estimates that an average of
64 more lane miles (27 miles of freeway plus 37 miles of
principal arterial streets) is needed to meet a single year's y
increase in traffic in the cities it studied. t k "' . '�� �`
ti p
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Helps revitalize business districts and -`�
activity centers
Developers in places as diverse as northern Virginia, r
Portland, San Diego, Denver, Chicago, Baltimore, Los
Angeles, Dallas, St. Louis, northern New Jersey and New
York are investing millions in corporate buildings, sports °# '
facilities and entertainment complexes around transit
stations. c
■ Transit villages like those in South Orange, NJ, and
North Hollywood, CA, are becoming hubs for new busi-
nessand cultural activities.
■ The Washington Metro has generated nearly $ 15 billion . .
in surrounding private development. Between 1980 and
1990 alone, 40% of the region's retail and office space was
built within walking distance of a Metro station. I`
■ St. Louis' MetroLink system has sparked the construc-
tion of the $ 5 . 8 million Jackie Joyner Kersee Sports
Complex, the $60 million Performing Arts Center, and
the $266 million Convention Center Hotel. The Busch
Stadium station provides access to the $646 million
Ballpark Village, the largest single development in St.
Louis' history.
■ State-of-the-art regional public transportation systems
in Atlanta and Salt Lake City were essential to those cities'
successful Olympics bids.
Helps increase tax base and
public revenues`
The $32 billion U.S. public transportation industry gener-
ates up to a 6-to- 1 net return on investment—which trans-
lates into higher revenues for cities and states.
■ Between 1994 and 1998 the increase in the taxable
value of properties located near Dallas' DART rail stations _*
was 25% more than elsewhere in the metropolitan area. t:
■ Through 2010, Washington's Metrorail system will gen-
erate $2. 1 billion in tax revenues for the Commonwealth `
of Virginia, exceeding the amount of projected public
for • lic Programs and
CommunityServices� . . b y .
M4 -
Public transportation produces savings in public -
programs and services such as human services,
health care and education.
,yF Roadway-related costs
A recent study estimates that transit use reduces roadway-
related costs—traffic enforcement, emergency services, yb
right-of-way acquisition—by as much as $ 1 billion to $ 1 .7 "
billion per year.
Human services ■ In Florida, the use of Metro Dade transit passes saves the
According to a recent study, savings to social programs Dade County Medicaid agency over $ 500,000 a month
from transit use may be as high as $ 1 .3 billion to $2 bil- and gives Medicaid clients unlimited travel for $ 1
lion per year. Human services-oriented transit programs a month.
can be found in communities around the country. Public transportation reduces health-care costs in other
■ Clallam Transit in Port Angeles, WA, coordinates ser- ways as well. Maryland estimates that public transportation
vices with 14 other agencies to reduce transportation costs saves $70 million annually in air pollution-related health
of public programs. costs by reducing vehicle emissions.
■ CitiLink in Ft. Wayne, IN, joined a consortium of 11 Education
human service agencies in the Community Transportation
Network to meet local needs at a lower cost. Approximately 12% of public transportation users are
en route to schools of various types; and school districts,
■ The Los Angeles LAMTA underwrites transit travel and educators and concerned parents are finding that greater
taxi vouchers for clients of 600 Los Angeles social service reliance on expanded public transportation services
agencies. helps improve educational systems. Across the country,
"Unlimited Access" transit pass programs at 35 universities
Health care provide free, system-wide service to 825,000 college stu-
The availability of public transportation can reduce costly dents, faculty and staff, expanding access, reducing auto-
duplication in transportation services. This helps agencies related expenditures, and saving universities millions.
avoid medical institutionalization of the indigent and ■ Salt Lake City, UT's University TRAX LRT line serves
associated public costs, reduce demand for more expensive 46,000 students and faculty, relieving campus congestion
and oversubscribed paratransit services, provide an option and reducing university parking costs.
to the costly use of ambulance and EMS services, and
relieve other public agencies of transportation responsibil- ■ The Worcestor, MA, Regional Transit Authority con-
relieve thereby increasing their productivity. nects 26 training facilities and two GED test centers, as
well as 26 major employers and 24 child-care facilities.
■ In 1998, Medicare paid for nearly 4. 8 million ambu-
lance trips at an average one-way cost of almost $525 per ■ In Duluth, MN, the U-Pass program allows access to the
trip. The same trip on public transportation would be TA system, easing parking costs and congestion at three
much less. The average one-way trip cost for rural public area colleges and universities.
transportation providers is less than $ 10 . In addition, many public transportation agencies and
educational institutions—in areas such as Waukegan, IL,
Orlando, FL, Syracuse and Albany, NY, Madison, WI, and
Flint, MI—have established cost-saving partnerships.
X ° 0. 2a _
More access for children and and have access to the full range of facilities and services
needed to lead enjoyable and productive lives, the reach
young adults of public transportation to this population needs to be
The need for increased access and mobility also ties into broadened.
the emerging lifestyle needs of children and young adults.
As their activities become more extensive and widespread, Supports diversity
public transportation plays an increasingly important role
In a world with fewer and fewer boundaries, Americans'
in linking young Americans to the larger community.
travel needs are increasingly diverse. Transit services are
becoming more agile and responsive, providing extraordi-
nary value and benefit for a wide range of lifestyles.
Mobility for the aging population
By 2020, 40% of the U.S. population will be older adults; k
many will be unable to drive. In fact, one-fourth of today's w
75 + age group does not drive. Meeting the transportation ` (
needs of seniors is a major community objective as well .
as a national goal. Public transportation and related travel
options represent a lifeline for older adults, linking them f, -
with family, friends and a changing society. Mini-buses in
Miami, for example, serve areas with unique geography
and character, connecting residents with critical neighbor- .
hood facilities and services. , -�
rv ,
A vital link for citizens with disabilities _
mr. .
Over 54 million Americans have disabilities. Nearly 35%
say they are uninvolved in their communities, and the lack
of effective transportation options contributes to an unem-
ployment rate of approximately 75 % .
Nearly 85% of today's public transportation vehicles are
accessible to people with disabilities. However, to ensure
that disabled persons remain actively involved in their
communities, maintain productive roles in the economy,
Benefits 1
1 Metropolitan America and
Small Urban and Rural Areas
The broad-based benefits of public transports- ■ In rural Illinois, RIDES coordinates transportation
tion are most obvious in metropolitan America. needs for clients of 80 agencies to meet job, service and
training needs.
However, public transportation is equally impor-
■ The Sweetwater Transit Authority in Wyoming helps
taut to the nation's small urban communities and 44,000 residents in a 10,000-square-mile service area reach
rural areas. In the last three years, ridership for work sites.
small urban and rural public transportation sys- ■ In the Robertsdale, AL, region, the Baldwin Rural Area
Transit System (BRATS) provides more than 400,000 trips
tems in all50 states has jumped 15%.
per year.
11 Preserving small urban and rural
Small urban communities throughout the country are sym- to t
bols of fundamental American values—a hard work ethic, Itr t
self-reliance, mutual support, creativity, innovation—as
well as emerging focal points for today's economy. In light
of the fact that nearly 10% of all households in small
urban areas are without a car, the freedom, mobility and
access that public transportation services provide in these
settings are key ingredients in sustaining their character.
■ In Des Moines, IA, the MTA's downtown loop shuttle
and an 1 ,800-space park-and-ride lot have increased
mobility, reduced congestion and enhanced access to the - '
downtown area.
■ The Huntington, WV, downtown Intermodal
Transportation Facility combines access to local and inter- µ "
state buses, taxis, bicycles and private cars.
■ In South Carolina, the 43 member agencies of the l
Chesterfield County Coordinating Council share vehicles
on fixed-route and dial-a-ride services and allow adults to
ride school buses. -" w
■ In Lebanon, NH, 65 % of the riders on Advance
Transit services are commuters going to work. .
Providing access for rural areas
Public transportation is equally important to America's
rural heartland, where 40% of residents have no access
to public transportation services and another 28% have
negligible access. Transportation service is vital for rural
America's 30 million non-drivers, who include senior citi-
zens, low-income families, and people with disabilities.
Many of the benefits of public transportation are ■ More direct public funding for transit and related
economic, both direct and indirect, with a real improvements by federal, state and local agencies
dollar value. ■ More public funding for other public services—educa-
tion, health, human services—to support partnerships with
In recent years, government and private-sector groups public transportation agencies
have formed true partnerships to fund public transporta-
■ The leveraging of private funds to support public transit
tion—partnerships in which investment decisions, such as
transit-oriented developments that create livable communi-
ties, are increasingly based on a clear sense of the benefits ■ The introduction of effective incentives for shifting
that can be realized. public and private investment to transit
Successful in getting new-start systems off the ground, as
well as in funding expansions and upgrades, these invest-
ments have taken many forms, including:
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Primary Sources
The facts and figures used in this report have been compiled Free Congress Foundation, Twelve Anti- Transit Myths: A
from a variety of sources, including: Conservative Critique, July 2001
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Maryland Department of Transportation, The Future of
Officials, American Public Transportation Association, Transit in Maryland, January 1999
TEA 21 in Action: Money at Work, October 2001
National Cooperative Highway Research Program, Positive
American Public Transportation Association, 2001 Public Benefits of Transportation Investment, 2002
Transportation Fact Book, March 2001
National Organization on Disability website, www.nod.org
American Public Transportation Association, Passenger
Transport, weekly National Transportation Safety Council, Injury Facts, 2001
American Public Transportation Association, America Under Robert J. Shapiro, Kevin A. Haasett and Frank S. Arnold,
Threat: Transit Responds to Terrorism, September 11 , 2001 Conserving Energy and Preserving the Environment, July 2002
American Public Transportation Association, Transit Means Sierra Club website, www.sierraclub.org
Business, 2001 Surface Transportation Policy Project, Driven to Spend- The
Bay Area Rapid Transit System website, www.bart.gov Impact of Sprawl on Household Transportation Expenses, 2000
CalTrain website, www.caltrain.com Surface Transportation Policy Project, Easing the Burden,
May 2001
Cambridge Systematics, Inc., Public Transportation and the
Nation's Economy, October 1999 Surface Transportation Policy Project, Ten Years of Progress:
Building Better Communities Through Transportation, 2001
Center for Urban Transportation Research, University of
South Florida, Lessons Learned in Transit Efficiencies, Revenue Texas Transportation Institute, 2001 Annual Urban Mobility
Generation and Cost Reduction, 1997 Report, 2001
Campaign for Efficient Passenger Transportation, Dollars and Transit Cooperative Research Program, Report 20, Measuring
Sense: The Economic Case for Public Transportation in America, and Valuing Transit Benefits and Disbenefzts, 1996
June 1997 Transit Cooperative Research Program, Report 22, The Role of
Community Transportation Association of America, Linking Transit in Creating Livable Metropolitan Communities, 1997
People to the Workplace, January 2001 Transit Cooperative Research Program, Report 49, Using
Community Transportation Association of America, Medical Public Transportation to Reduce the Economic, Social and
Transportation: Toolkit and Best Practices, 2001 Human Costs of Immobility, 1999
Community Transportation Association of America, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services website,
Community Transportation— The State of Medical Transportation w'w'w• os.dhhs.gov
2002: Researching the Benefits of Medicare Transportation, John U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Air Now website,
Burkhardt and Adam McGavock, Medical Issue 2002, Vol.
20, No. 1 .
Federal Highway Administration, Rails-to-Trails Conservancy, U.S. Conference of Mayors, National Poll Shows Strong Public
Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals, Improving Support for Rail Investment, 2001
Conditions for Bicycling and Walking, January 1998 Urban Land Institute website, www.uli.org
Federal Highway Administration, Moving Ahead- The Utah Transit Authority website, www.rideuta.com
American Public Speaks on Roads and Transportation in
Communities, 2001
Federal Transit Administration, 1996Report, An Update, 1996 Research: Cambridge Systematics Inc.
Editing, design and production: Reichman Frankle Inc.
Federal Transit Administration website, www.fta.dot.gov Second Edition, September 2002