HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOUNCIL - AGENDA ITEM - 09/06/2005 - 2005-2007 CITY COUNCIL POLICY AGENDA DATE: September 6, 2005 WORK SESSION ITEM
Ann Turnquist
2005-2007 City Council Policy Agenda.
1. Do the Policy Goals developed at the August 5 Council retreat capture City Council's
goals for the coming two years?
2. Are there other "examples or ideas for implementation" that Council would like to
provide for staff as it develops work plans for achieving Council's goals?
3. Does Council want to prioritize the items within each of the Policy Goal lists?
4. Does Council wish to develop an overall vision statement to be included in the Policy
On August 5, Council and staff met in a retreat to discuss Council's Policy Goals for the 2005-
2007 Council Policy Agenda. The attached list of Missions, Strategies and Policy Goals was
developed from that discussion. This list includes seven mission statements and strategies which
are tied to the seven Budgeting for Outcomes Results Statements. Each of these strategies is tied
to one or more Policy Goals that staff can use in developing its work plans for the coming two
In addition, Council asked staff to separate out the "bulleted list" of ideas and suggestions for
specific actions and show those as a separate list of action items. Council's intent was not to
provide specific direction on actions for staff to undertake to accomplish the goals, but rather
offer suggestions about the types of actions it is most interested in. Staff will then use these
examples and ideas on policy issues to bring forward to Council during the next two years.
Staff suggests that the columns on the attached table titled "Mission," "Strategy," and "Policy
Goals" become the Council's adopted 2005-2007 Policy Agenda. The supplemental information
can then be provided to staff, but not be included in the formal policy document. This will result
in a simple, streamlined document that will convey to citizens the major policy areas that this
Council wishes to address.
September 6, 2005 Page 2
Also attached for Council's information is a draft of a resolution that Council will be asked to
adopt to formalize the Policy Agenda when it is complete. This resolution has not yet been
scheduled on Council's calendar, but it can be included on an agenda as soon as Council is ready
to adopt the document.
1. Draft 2005-2007 Council Policy Agenda, August 27, 2005
2. June 20, 2005 Work Session Notes
3. BFO Purchasing Strategies
4. Draft Resolution Adopting the 2005-2007 Council Policy Agenda
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City Council Policy Agenda Work Session
June 20, 2005
1. Develop City Economic Strategy
• City ombudsperson for business
• What is city's role as a local government?
• Capture EVSAG work
• Public/private partnerships
• Action plan—Economic Gardening
• Implement parts of existing plans linked to economic goals/targets
• Involve community; listen
• Create recognition program/awards for good
2. Implement strategic plans for Downtown
• Sustain uniqueness/niche
• Use existing plans/studies and implement
• Focus on economic goals
Additional comments:
• What is this really getting at? Should it state "Capitalize on the unique
aspects of Fort Collins"?
• Focus on economic payoffs of culture, etc.
• Don't re-do plans
• Balance with Poudre River policies
• We need to do this and do it soon
• Note that the Downtown Plan consultants said don't move toward the River
• The part of the Downtown Plan that referenced moving to the west was based
on the Mason Street BRT,• need to revisit
• Perhaps "Core Identities" is a category, including Downtown and the Poudre
• Create downtown facilities/venues first and make plans that don't prevent the
Mason Transportation Corridor later; it is not an "either-or"situation
3. Review and implement key parts of projects/existing plans:
• Prioritize
• Stage implementation
• Sustainability plan
• Solid waste plan
• Community separator
• Tell story of accomplishments
Additional comments:
• Many of our plans are outdated, but there are whole series ofplans and they
vary in age
• This discussion is to re-examine and see where plans connect, etc.
• Items 1, 2 and 3 are huge compared to most of the list; we could fill our
agenda with Just these
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4. Provide housing that is affordable for all; re-examine opportunities for infill
and development (City Plan
5. Review residential density requirements (City Plan-LUC
6. Review commercial parking re uirements (City Plan
7. Re-evaluate distance requirements among uses (e.g. gas station/convenience).
City Planning- LUC
8. Re: sub area plans, review and evaluate missed opportunities related to the
Additional comments:
• The Harmony Corridor change in land use for the Lifestyle Center: should it
• Timnath Community Separator
• I-25134—are there sub area plans within the City where development can't
occur because infrastructure is not there?
9. Engage community-find out impediments, other ideas (Econ. Strategy) —
implement Zucker Report
10. Work to stop trains from going thru center of town
11. E. Mulberry Plan—potential - $ related annexation
12. Protect Poudre River Corridor
Additional comments:
• Part of our niche marketing is Downtown;protection of the corridor while
utilizing it as a downtown amenity is critical
• We have minimal standards we don't always enforce; in the long run, if we
protect setbacks habitat and have a state of the art River corridor, we'll get
the economic development
• This ties in with item #2; it appears we're uneasy about how the Poudre River
fits into the Downtown Strategic Plan
13. Foothills Mall—pursue opportunities to strengthen the mall
• Let owners know of City interest/support
14. Re-examine City organizational structure
15. Re-examine pay and benefit policies
16. Examine Police, Fire staffing and tasking:
• Utilize efficiently
• Focus on outcomes
Additional comments:
• These two items both concern benefits and employees
• As we deal with items 1, 2 and 3—growing the economy—then 15 and 16 are
an issue. These are the big budget items
• Council will be facing these items between August and November;
compensation and benefits will be front and center for this Council late
summer and earl all
17. Balancing roles of Council, staff—encouraging CM to review—ask for
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serious examination
• focus on results, outputs—in conjunction with efficient practices
18. Determine if regional partnerships for transportation
19. Transfort Strategic Plan
• Can/should we step over phase two? (skip over BRT to get to the grids stem
20. Re-look at PNO; separate landlord from tenant nuisance behavior
21. Create long-range Neighborhood Quality Plan, e.g.
• Redesign area of City
• Address systematic issues
• Individual neighborhood action plans
22. Need a transparent 10- ear budget picture—easy to understand
23. Get good BOB program package for the November ballot—successful
24. Examine all the revenue sources for capital ro'ects/all expenses
25. Revisit tiered water rates, water rate policy
26. Governance—increasing candidate contribution limits (vs. PACs shouldering
27. Review Governance Model and form of elections: remain as is or some mix of
at-large vs. district, etc.
• Mayor—2 year cycle
• Pa
28. Examine development fees
• Appropriate
• Impact on dev/econ
• Impact on environment
• Impact on housing affordability
29. Create clean and sustainable environment
• Pursue composting at landfill
• Review existing recycling olic
30. Protect upstream water quality—Poudre Rive & Holnam proposal
31. Resolve 3-unrelated issue
32. Improve traffic enforcement red light andspeeding)
33. Library District
34. Bike—Library fees Status and what are we doing)
Stop Doing
• Discussion on living wage
• Inclusionary zoning—affordable housing
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BFO Purchasing Strategies
1. Improve Economic Health
Purchasing Strategy#1 —We are looking for an offer to research existing and potential
key business sectors that promote quality jobs in Fort Collins.
Purchasing Strategy#2 —We are looking for offers that foster a business-friendly attitude
through efficient, flexible, and accessible City staff and processes.
Purchasing Strategy#3 —We are looking for offers that market Fort Collins locally, state-
wide, and nationally as an attractive, business-friendly community and as a cultural,
tourism, and retail destination.
Purchasing Strategy# 4— We are looking for offers that create, implement, and support
City plans and policies related to economic development such as City Plan, Economic
Vitality and Sustainability Action Group: Report & Recommendations, and Downtown
Strategic Plan.
Purchasing Strategy# 5 — We are looking for offers that create community partnerships
focusing on small business and entrepreneurial activities, sustainable industries and
businesses, and the Downtown cultural and arts industry.
Purchasing Strategy# 6—We are looking for offers that develop and communicate
business data to provide coordinated and readily available access to information that
existing and emerging businesses can utilize to be competitive and thrive in Fort Collins.
Purchasing Strategy#7 - We are looking for offers that maintain and improve effective
and supportive infrastructure and essential services for citizens and businesses excluding
transportation and telecommunications.
Purchasing Strategy#8 - We are looking for offers that pursue and develop mechanisms
for stable long-term public funding for municipal services, programs, and facilities.
Purchasing Strategy#9 - We are looking for offers that strengthen our community's
targeted business centers. Preference will be given to Downtown, Campus West,
Foothills Mall, and North College.
Purchasing Strategy#10 - We are looking for offers that maintain and improve non-
residential areas as attractive places to live, work, shop, play, and do business.
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2. Improve Environmental Health
Purchasing Strategy #1: We are seeking offers that contribute to long-term improvement
of water resources and which cut across departmental lines, programs, and services.
Offers will be favored that encourage compliance with environmental standards and the
City's policy objectives through innovative programs, incentives, disincentives, and
service collaboration.
Purchasing Strategy#2: We are seeking offers that contribute to long-term improvement
of air quality and which cut across departmental lines, programs, and services. Offers will
be favored that encourage compliance with environmental standards and the City's policy
objectives through innovative programs, incentives, disincentives, and service
Purchasing Strategy#3: We are seeking offers that
• Conserve and restore habitat and promote biological health.
• Improve and maintain open lands.
• Help conserve and link open lands, trails, and community separators.
Purchasing Strategy#4: We are seeking offers that
• Encourage recycling, diversion, and reuse.
• Provide outreach that increases public knowledge, awareness of, and involvement in
environmental issues and programs.
Purchasing Strategy#5: We are seeking offers that promote "green"businesses,
buildings, and technologies.
3. Improve Neighborhood Quality
1. We are looking for offers encouraging and fostering good neighborhood
relationships. Specifically, offers improving relationships between students,
landlords, renters and homeowners.
2. We are looking for offers enhancing and maintaining the attractiveness of
3. We are looking for offers encouraging voluntary compliance with City codes, in
addition to innovative enforcement efforts.
4. We are looking for offers collaborating with Colorado State University administration
and Associated Students of CSU to improve neighborhood quality.
5. We are looking for offers to geographically identify neighborhoods to create baseline
data in order to evaluate all indicators for neighborhood quality.
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6. We are looking for offers to improve parking management within neighborhoods,
particularly those using voluntary methods in addition to enforcement.
7. We are looking for offers providing and maintaining attractive public spaces within
8. We are looking for offers to create more affordable housing opportunities giving
preference to offers based on collaboration and partnerships.
9. We are looking for offers encouraging partnerships between Poudre School District,
Larimer County & City Departments at the neighborhood level and facilitate
community planning and use of public facilities for programs to enhance
10. We are looking for offers using tools to ensure compatibility of infill development,
redevelopment, and new development with surrounding neighborhood character as
indicated in "City Plan."
4. Safer Community
1. We want offers that encourage and support Prevention, to be proactive in prevention
and not just respond to safety concerns.
Specifically offers for/that:
a) Provide a safe environment (well-lit buildings, streets, parking lots, safe design
and inspection of facilities, clean well kept non-residential areas, visible presence
of safety personnel, flood control, fire prevention).
b) Provide a safe and efficient traffic system that promotes compliance with speed
c) Prevention programs to reduce crime.
d) Provide programs for youth involvement.
e) Prevention programs to reduce high risk behaviors or incidents.
2. We want offers that encourage and support Responsiveness to accidents, crimes, fires,
emergency medical services (EMS) and utility emergencies.
Specifically offers for/that:
a) Provide for well-equipped, trained, caring response teams.
b) Promote coordination and response by appropriate agencies.
c) Provide for prompt restoration of services in emergency situations.
d) Provide flexible, cost efficient, response to emerging safety issues.
3. We want offers that encourage and support Planning and Preparedness, enabling us
to be forward thinking in our planning and preparations.
Specifically offers for/that:
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a) Enable appropriate staging of plans, personnel and equipment to deal with natural
disasters, utility outages and significant community events.
b) Leverage the use of State and Federal Funding by regional agencies (FEMA,
Homeland Security, etc.).
c) Reliable electric power and adequate flood management.
d) Programs to promote intervention and rehabilitation.
e) Aid in business disaster preparedness and recovery.
4. We want offers that encourage and support Community Involvement and
Partnerships, that make our community safer and stronger.
Specifically offers for/that:
a) Maximize the resources of local and regional agencies to address safety issues.
(e.g. Adopt Task Force concept with Latimer County Law Enforcement and the
District Attorney's Office as it concerns economic crime.)
b) Provide for victim's assistance.
c) Reduce recidivism of juvenile offenders.
d) Increase citizen accountability, awareness and involvement in public safety.
e) Contract services which make the community safer by providing animal control,
detoxification, mental health, substance abuse, assistance to those in need.
5. We are looking for offers to provide
a) a crime index of leading indicators which will incorporate gang related crime,
drug-related violent crime, noise disturbances and identity theft; and
b) initial baseline data for voluntary speed compliance in residential areas.
5. Improve Cultural, Recreational and Educational Opportunities
1. Leverage the City's funds through technology, partnerships, volunteers, grants, user
fee revenues, and other multipliers. The partnership dimension crosses all three
primary factors: facilities, access, and customer responsiveness.
1. Provide programs and facilities that contribute to Fort Collins as an authentic and
distinctive center for arts, culture, tourism, and education in northern Colorado.
2. Maintain current cultural, recreational, and educational facilities and properties to
assure long term life of these prior capital investments.
3. Feature diversity across age, income, ethnicity, and similar demographic measures,
including providing positive alternatives for at-risk youth.
4. Feature creativity, innovation, and leadership in the field. We will entertain high
risk/high reward offers.
5. Identify programs for which the City has a mandate or unique ability to provide.
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6. Provide assurance of adequate funding for future operating and maintenance costs in
any new capital development.
6. Improve Transportation
Purchasing Strategy #1: Contribute to Smooth, Predictable Traffic Flow. We are seeking
proposals that help improve the traffic flow in Fort Collins for all modes of transporting
people, goods, and information (not just vehicles).
Purchasing Strategy#2: Support Quality "Roads" and Infrastructure. We are seeking
proposals that will help the City meet citizens' transportation needs by providing well-
functioning, quality "roads" (including bike paths, sidewalks, etc.), or that improve other
critical physical or telecommunication infrastructure.
Purchasing Strategy#3: Integrate Land Use and Transportation Planning. We are
seeking proposals that encourage planning for both land use and transportation in order to
enhance citizens' mobility, and therefore help local and regional transportation networks
work at a high level of efficiency.
Purchasing Strategy#4: Promote Demand Management. We are seeking proposals that
promote transportation demand management by limiting the rate of increase in traffic
volume and enhancing alternative modes for Fort Collins citizens. Through managing
transportation demand, the City will reduce citizens' reliance on single-occupancy
vehicles and relieve traffic congestion.
Purchasing Strategy #5: Increase Awareness and Education. We are seeking proposals
that increase awareness and education, and thereby increase citizens' ability to travel
safely and easily on the City's transportation system.
Purchasing Strategy#6: Develop Indicators. We are seeking proposals that will develop
and measure (collect, analyze, and report data) two specific indicators:
• Accidents per million miles traveled
• Travel time: measures the amount of time it takes to travel a defined route on six
sections of the arterial grid within Fort Collins
7. A High Performing Government
Focus on Results Citizens Want - We are seeking proposals that:
1. Result in spending plans that focus on outcomes and results that citizens need and
want and are designed for long-term financial stability.
2. Measure the organization's progress towards its goals through a Community
Scorecard and measuring the price of government.
Create Active Community Connections - We are seeking proposals that:
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3. Provide a wide array of opportunities for community involvement, and collect and
disseminate information through a variety of channels.
4. Ensure community members experience professional, empathetic and responsive
interactions with employees, i.e. proposals related to training, recruitment and
selection, recognition, etc.
Provide Effective Leadership - We are seeking proposals that:
5. Set forth and implement clear vision, direction and priorities for our organization
and our community.
6. Result in a culture of continuous improvement and learning while striving to
identify and implement best practices, i.e. creation of an"Innovations Fund" to
provide resources for new and different ideas, expanded training for higher level
leadership skills, etc.
Support Productive Employees - We are seeking proposals that:
7. Invest in our employees through competitive and fair compensation, training,
tools, functional work space, and innovative strategies for rewarding high
performing employees.
8. Annually measure the organization's progress in improving employee satisfaction
and the link to employee performance (e.g. the Gallup Q 12 survey or Baldrige
Assessment Tool.)
Provide Supportive Technology and Internal Systems, Services and Processes - We are
seeking proposals that:
9. Provide internal systems, services and processes that increase efficiency,
responsiveness, and access in meeting the needs our customers. Include process
improvements that reduce the layers of"mistrust" that slow down processes and
frustrate customers and staff alike.
10. Provide systems and services that allow one input to produce multiple outputs,
integrate related business processes when possible, and reduce redundancies when
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WHEREAS, under Article II of the City Charter, the City Council is responsible
for the determination of all matters of City policy and for the provision of all public
services; and
WHEREAS, the Council has met with the City Manager to discuss the Council's
vision for the Council's policy work over the next two years; and
WHEREAS, the Council has identified seven major theme areas and budgeting
results statements around which it wishes to concentrate its efforts during the two-year
period; and
WHEREAS, the Council has identified a number of missions, strategies and
policy goals focus on as it works to achieve this vision; and
WHEREAS, the Council wishes to formally establish a Policy Agenda which will
provide a guideline for the Council and citizens of the community for tracking the goals
established by the Council and evaluating the accomplishments of the organization.
FORT COLLINS that the 2005-2007 Policy Agenda, attached hereto as Exhibit "A", and
incorporated herein by this reference, is hereby adopted to serve as the basis for such
future legislative and administrative actions as may subsequently be deemed necessary
and appropriate to address and resolve the various issues identified therein.
Passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Fort Collins
held this day of , A.D. 2005.
City Clerk