HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOUNCIL - AGENDA ITEM - 07/19/2005 - RESOLUTION 2005-074 AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER T ITEM NUMBER: 18 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY DATE: July 19, 2005 FORT COLLINS CITY COUNCIL STAFF: Dave Gordon SUBJECT Resolution 2005-074 Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Capital Funding Grant Agreement with the Federal Aviation Administration for Improvements at the Fort Collins-Loveland Airport. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends adoption of the Resolution. FINANCIAL IMPACT The Airport will receive $1,150,000 of federal funding from the FAA and$30,260 from the State of Colorado Division of Aviation. The two Cities will contribute a total of$30,260 for match on the total projects'costs of$1,210,526. The appropriation of these funds has already been approved by both Cities. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Airport is programmed each year to receive FAA Entitlement Funds in the amount of $1,000,000 as a result of enplaning at least 10,000 passengers per calendar year. An additional $150,000 is being added to the Grant from unspent Grant funds from the prior year. On February 1, 2005, the City approved an Ordinance appropriating the expenditure of funds in the amount of $1,240,000, which includes the FAA Grant amount and the City's share of costs. The Cities will open bids on July 28 for Airport improvement projects associated with this Grant. Depending on the price of the bids, projects will be selected by priority and within the supplemental budget amount. Not all of the FAA Grant money must be spent this year. In the event not all of the FAA entitlement money is used this year the remaining money will be rolled over into next year. Approval of the Grant Agreement will allow the Cities to use the Grant proceeds to fund projects from the list of Grant-approved improvements set forth in the Grant Agreement which is on file with the City Clerk. RESOLUTION 2005-074 OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CAPITAL FUNDING GRANT AGREEMENT WITH THE FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION FOR IMPROVEMENTS AT THE FORT COLLINS-LOVELAND AIRPORT WHEREAS, the Cities of Fort Collins and Loveland jointly own and operate the Fort Collins-Loveland Municipal Airport (Airport); and WHEREAS, the Cities, through Resolution 1994-110, have adopted an Operating and Development Policy, an Airport Capital Improvement Program, and Airport Layout Plans; and WHEREAS, the Airport has developed a twenty-year Capital Improvement Program which is consistent with the above Resolution; and WHEREAS, the Federal Aviation Administration provides grant funding to eligible airports to enable those airports to pursue, in a timely manner, required capital improvements included within an adopted Capital Improvement Program; and WHEREAS, the Cities have applied for, and have been offered, a capital funding grant from the Federal Aviation Administration in the amount of $1,150,000 for the purpose of funding the projects as identified in the proposed Grant Agreement on file with the City Clerk; and WHEREAS, the Cities have budgeted and appropriated the grant funds, including local matching funds in the amount of $30,260 necessary to accept this grant from the Federal Aviation Administration. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS that the City Manager is hereby authorized to enter into the Grant Agreement for the capital funding grant identified above, which agreement shall be in substantially the form which is on file with the City Clerk of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, subject to such modifications in form or substance as the City Manager, in consultation with the City Attorney, may deem necessary to effectuate the purposes of this Resolution or to protect the interests of the City. Passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Fort Collins this 19th day of July, A.D. 2005. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk 9 `1 U.S.Department of Transportation GRANT AGREEMENT federal Aviation Administration Part i - Offer Date of Offer: Airport: Fort Couins-Lovolved Municipal Airport Project Number. 3-0840023-19 Contract Number: DOT-FAOSNM-IOXX DUNS Number: 07-649-1407 To: Cities of Fort Collins and Loveland,Colorado (herein called the"Sponsor') From: The 'United Stites .of Ametics (acting through the Fadaral Aviation Administration, herein called the Whereas, the Sponsor has submitted to the FAA a project Application dated .lamrary 13, 2005 for a grant of Federal funds for a project at or associated with the Fort Collin-Loveland Municipal Airport Airport,which Project Applioatiorr, ad approved by the FAA,is hereby incorporated herein and made a part hereof;and Whereas,the FAA has approved a project for the Airport(herein called the"Project")consisting of the following: ..Rahabititate.Air.Carrier.,Apron.{P.lrase-.1.sod..Phase-11-Desiga..Engiasarlag), . ........ ...... .....__ . . Instan,Security Crates sad Access Control Syatmo (Phase IN Aegmre Snow Removal Equipment (Carrier. Vehicle with Plow and Broom. Attachment), -•-*Cgmn Terminal Hold Room and Bagme Claim, Acquire HaIndicap. PsaaeaEer LiR'Deviae ___—FM Form 610a-0r PRO) all a mom particularly described in the Project Application, Now T>tYlt WORE,pursued to and for the purpose of denying out the provisions of Title 49,United States Code,as amended, herein called "the Ad", and in consideration of (a) the Sponeofti adoption mad ratification of the mpegmtions cared assurances contained ,ire saia Project Application and be acceptance of this offer AS heminaRer provided,and(b)the bene5fs to accrue to the United States and the pubGafrom tie accomplishment of the Project and compliaags •with the eastmaoicas cared conditions as hetaia prrrvided, T]3E '�AERAI. AV)(ATION ,r,DbIINISTRATION,FOR AND ON 13E)dAI�OF T1E;E IINITEA STATES,HEREBX OFFERS AND AGREES to pay,as 4na United States ahem ofthe allowablri costs incurred in aeeomplishingih6 project,95.00 per cenarm theroof. This Offer Is made on and SUWECT TO TEN FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDMONS: Conditiow 1. The maximum obligation of the United States payable under this offer shall be$1,150,000. For the purpose of Bay future grant amendments which may increase the foregoing nw-bnum obligation of the United States under the provisions of Section 47100)-of the Act,the following amounts are being specified for this purpose: $0 for planning lamentation 51,150,000 for airport development and noise program implementation 2- The allooweble costa of the project shall not include any costs determined by the FAA to be ineligible for consideration as to showability under•the Act 3. Peyment of the Umitad Steles share of the allowable project coats will be made putauant to and in acoordarea with the provisions of such regulations and proeedares as the Secretary shall proscribe. Final doterrnutstion of the United States share will be based upon the final audit of the total WOW of allowable project costs and settlement will be made for any upward or downward adjustments to the Federal share of coefs. 4. The sponsor dull carry out•and coreplete the project without undue delay 'and in accordance with the terms hereof, and such regulations and ptncedum as the Secretary shall'prescribe, and agrees to comply with the assurances which were made part of the prgjeot application. 5. The FAA reserves the right to amend or widtdraw this offer at any time prior to its acceptance by the sponsor. 6. This affw shall Mire and The United Stakes shall not be:obligated to pay any part of the costs of the project __._-_-•-Bless-this,offer has been-wzq tad• y-the-sponsoron-%w bo%re-July 80,-2005,,or such-subsequent4ate-n•may be—... prescribed in writhtg.by the FAA 7• The Sponsor shall take all steps, including litigation if necessary, to recover Federal funds spent fraudulently, _ _- petStplyrgr ur violation of Federal amtitwetstluutes,.or misused insny_odter mamne�inpoy laviect•upon which •. Federal funds have been expanded. For the purposes of this grant agreement, the UM VF6der8l fonds" means funds however used or diebursed by the Sponsor that•wore,etigbr ally Pdd pursuant to this or any other Federal grant agreement.. It shall obtain the approval of the Secretary as to any determination of the amount of the Federal share of much funds. Itshall-return the recovered Federal share,including funds recovered by settlement, . order or judgm aat,to the Secretary. It shall furnish to the Secretary, upon request, all documents and records ram arm a+oo„+Li�?r9a� z �• �1�� pertaining to the determinffion of the amount of the Federal sbare or to any settlement,litigatioa,negotiation.or other efforts Wm to recover such iicnds. All saftdoments oi other'final.positions of the Sponsor. in court or otherwise,involving the recovery of-such Federal share shall be approved in advance by the Secretary• S. The United States shall not be responsiblo or liable for damage to property or injury to persons which may arise *am,or be incident to,compliance with this grant agreement. . . Special COWIGOma 9. Tbo spoor will retry out the project in accordance with policies,standards,and specifications approved by the Seoretat including but not limited to the advisory circulars listed in the"Current FAA Advisory Citeulars fui AT Prvjeets."dated July 1,1999,and included in this grant,and in accordance *ft applicable state policies,standards.and sptdficatitons approved by the Secretary. 10. It i.mutually understood and agreed that it during the life of the project,the FAA determines that the maximum great obligation of the United States exceeds the expected needs of the Sponsor by $25,000.00 or five percent . (5%), whichever is greater. the maximum obligation of the United States env be unilaterally reduced by latter firm the FAA advising of the budget change• Cem ersely, if there is an ovahrun in the total actual-eligible and allowable project cosh, PAA mry ismVese• bs maws mn gmut obligation of the Uniad.sates to cover *0 amount of the overrun not to exceed the statutory percent limia6on sod will advise the Sponsor by lmtter of the increase. It is fmilibr uadar'atood and agreed that if, during the life of file prvjec% rho FAA determines that a change in the grant description is advannageous and in the best interests of the United States,the change in grant description will be umilaterally amended by'letter from the FAA. Upon issuance of the aforementioned latter, eiQher the grant obliption of the United States is adjusted to the amount specified or the groat description is amended to the description specified. 11. For a project to replace or reconstruct pavemeM at the airport,the Sponsor shall implement an effootive airport ant maintanance matagame»t' program.as is required by Airport Sponsor Assurance Number C-11. The Sponsor shall use such program for the useful life of any pavement conducted,reconstructed, or repaired with federal finmecial assisambs a the airport.As a minimuoa,the program must ood=with the provisions outlined below: Ei,U:LNT MAmw`r6mpuc-E MANA _ ...._.._ .---'., —...._.._.....a., --. .. -___.....—...�_._----.__ --T----- An effective pavement mamamence ma agemont program is one that details the procedures to be followed to assure that proper pavement msintenanoe,both preventive and repair, is performed.An airport sponsor mayy sae any perm of inspection program it deems appropriate.The program must,as a minimum,include ,-_the-fell _._.,.... ..... ...,._._._._..._.._ ,.,......_..•__...-.... __.,....,_.... _ .,....-. _,..,........_._ a. pavement Inventory.no following must be depicted.in an appropriate form and level of detail: .. (I)location of all rhmways,-twways,and aprons; (2)dimensions; FM FOM 010047 V'M) _— —.— ---...�— r- ' •� r�4 (3) of pavement,and; M (4)yea of oomsCvetion or most recent major rebabilibtiom. For eompllance with She Airport Improvmmnt Program(Alp)assutarioea,pavements that have been constructed, reconstructed,or repaired with federal 8neneial assistance shall be so,depietod. ' b. Inspection Sehedde (1) Detew Inspection. A detailed inspection must be performed at least'omoe a year.If a history of recorded pavement deterioration is available,i.e.,pavement Condition Index(PCI)survey as set forth in Advisory Circular 150/5380.6,"Guidelines and procedures for Maintotce of Airport Pavements,"the fiequemoy of inspections may be oatooded to flies years. a minimum of once per month to dated (2) DrimBy Inspection. A drive* inspection must be performed unexpected changes in the pavement condition. a Record 1Kaapiag. Complete information on the fmdlgs of all detailed inspection$ and on the maintenance performed most be reemded and kept an file for a mbhn=of flue Yew.- The types of distress,their locations, and rerttWW action,scheduled or performed,must be docummtted Ile mmtmum information to be recorded is listedbelow. (A i date, (�loeatiar, (3)distress types,and (4)malrtenm ce scheduled of performed For drive-by inspections,tie date of inspection and say maintenance psrtonned must be recorded. d. Isdormatian Retrieval.An suport sponsor may use any foot of record keeping it deems appropriate,so long as The fur+sud'iecords produced'yy flee pavement survey can be retrieved to provide a•report to the PAA as may be requim ; . . ... Reference. Refer to Advisory Circular 150(5380.6, "Guidelines and Procedures for.Maintenance of Airport Pavements," for specific guidelines and procedures for imatnteimimg airport Pavements and establishing an effWdve majoumence program: Specific types of distress, their probable causes, inspection guidelines, and recommended methods of repair are presented. 12.— "'Unless lithe wise approved'by-ghe^FAA;the Spmtsor will not acquire or permit my contractor orsubeoatmoM TO acquire army steel or manufactured products produced outside the United States to be used for any Project for airport development or noise compatibility far which fruds are provided under flfs SMIL 7b. $ Sponsor will' include in every contract a provision implemcnthtg this special condition. 13. In accordance with Section 4710*) of the Act, w amended,the maxximtmn obligation of to United States,as stated in Condition No. 1 of this Grant oUW-- may not be inoreased for a planning project; . b. may be increased by not more than 15 peroant for development projects; •Y____w Fenn c may be lnctoasod by not mane 60 15 pucM,or by en amo®t not to ea oeed 25 Percent of the total increase is allowable costs&M-Mtable to the sc pWdan of land or to land whichever is greatw, bared on current erediblo appaiaals or a coat award in a eoDde modan PiOceBdlnj� 14. The Spomm aV m to cm* with ** "mmoes ettaabed to tltie oftr'which replaces the areoeences that accompanied the APPHNAOn for Faderal Assistance. 15_ 'I lm spoum agteaa to mordoor progms on the work tO be WOaaPbrhed by this Stoat For coOsultmt urvioes, gppp areas to make p*MMU only for work tbat her been nti?fiwto*OomPleted. 1t is understood by and between the parties hereto that the app valae of tho.total Project doonme=600 is ten Waft(10%) ofthe total value oftbe enginom'm6 son*, r oonnnOt,and that mount will not ba yold to the$a&eer until smvj able pmjact won is provided. i - i .. u:�.�-ra-,•r;..__mac__.^�,=._..s�� �-�ra�a_�--_ _____ ._ The Sposrorl scogMmw of this Offer imd redfiadon bd adapgoa ate Projsd AWicffion htcotporamd bereim shall be evidamoed by exeomaou of*As hxhwomm by the Spasmor. as bereiodw pvwd4 r d the Amend S god Annoptone Aa and comprise a zW AgmMA0t. a Drop by do Ad, non abaft the couMwwd oWiga s WA " pect W the sommummo of din PTojed and t om um"WWbo SMU==and matdbione W.provided becdo.' SLeh Orem Agreetaetttahall betwree eQfeedee oponthe SPaaMot's tteoeplance of�it Odbm. i Dram 9TATPS OP AMERICA WMV.ALAVUTWN ADMIIVISTRATION' 1 .: w . ,Deewr Ahpo�m iot aim Part 11 -AbbooksMO •rim Sponsor does hereby ud*and adopt all asm mcm,sWmwu% �wusanaem,w"uwm.w d m comtalmed' in din projed Application eud ac wompmnd mooerals M%ff d t0 is the foregoing OlRr ard•dees hereby cept ads oft and,by Stroh mcaptanoe agtsae to comfy w id,aftbomrms ad vomd1690 in this Offa and is the Project APpliaboa 1> dtie say of .zoos. . cM OF FORT•COLLM COLORADO (SEAL) Sirons°>s DeyRoase offioW Repramhdvn Attest Tide:. Tide' Grdlka6e of spoam es Atmiasy I. -actinsasAttamryfixdteSpomadohatebynadty: - . o twos age Sponsor im easaposaaed to cowbAo tite,.ftWing Ora%ADem�'under din mwa of doe Sam Of Cokaado. The In mu P aed the amdam ukan by udd 8pmw wd SpMWS 0fi9o1e1 teprematrmdve - Furlha,lhave etaaniord the foogorog Gnat ADa+R1e0t and in sowdsnoe whh-doe'laws of dw said- -- has bear-th wtori ed mod that the execadat t6weof is-in so�ompecm•dme sad Preps Stab ad dm Act Is ad dM for gtaata imvohr%Pmieom w be wrled out ar propwW ad owned by to Sponsor,there aro 801014 dot b9 the Sponsor. ,it is my opinion tau din said Gram AF ww coOluk MP a ! gad mg obi not the Bp s b the twins tiara' SWOArs of Soa°scm-s Aitorngy FAA Fog flow(TAe) --' 6 . •• ._. __•__ .• �i.it��aCC.�—:aYt�!•�.4T�:L:_:-::�:��.�-•���^�osSS«v�Y. JL'__G .- .• ..ram :�LIiG�-SC i, ��1IIII��.ggqqqq I ' lb a 8poseor does battoby tally aad ali i s w- 'Sid e.oowsoanta and> W�ahted in dra Project Applhadm and asatah k rafetrad to la the for Vft OfAr sad does IwVW atxapt 6w UM aed by sac" aglees to comply wtlh aU of the trees end casditmns in&W Oft and In to Pwjcet APPilaatim Earocoted this day of�k 2003. C17Y OF LOVELOD,COLORA O CMAW1?�L;. � y .'twtP•,"tl. � i;i 14+1 ' yk;� �ft ill I � I:r•I I I fl i.. k Atbet. I,• li ' . •Celeste ot8poaeee'a Alterttey softasA#wvyfwftSPoamdivbie�aeRi4 r Poe Sponsor b rd mter.iato ,, mj 6imit.'.' wader the taws of to State of Colorado. nee in ny*Aim . wed d►s taken b9 and Spy aid SponWI official repmmb dw Fwdar,I haw am med the tbre®oimtt Cmmtggpgft ad m exordaaoe with the law:of t"e aid has been dtdy asl�orbed and flat the aaeatmo=d�eceof is ha eJi�saiew dae n p pg*am wrned by Ot Spoowr,them an no IMA b"wad the Act i addlffoo,for QadalovoMuG prgieoa m bepgAw out on Psopaii ;mpedla,mo that win praratt loll pet:lbtaw>a by tM Span=' Fbff�ar:It is ray opal'We the add IGamt.Agreod'c"s oorndrbftae.a as end bb ft obbPtioa ofthe Spomer ht wwrdww wkh to tatme ffimeoL Dated u tbic,ley of_ 2005, Sagna n of$pousc"s bzw-y I , I . ,I FAA Farm MOW(r=) ? ..------.—