Resolution 2008-044 Making Appointments to the Community Development Block Grant
Commission and the Telecommunications Board.
Staff recommends adoption of the Resolution.
Two vacancies currently exist on the CDBG Commission due to the resignations of Autumn Kiser
and Cynthia Torp. Councilmembers Manvel and Roy reviewed the applications on file and are
recommending David Carr and Phil Majerus to fill the vacancies with terms to begin June 1, 2008
and set to expire on December 31, 2009 and December 31, 2010 respectively.
Two vacancies currently exist on the Telecommunications Board due to the resignations of Ted Funk
and Wayne Wiemerslage. Councilmembers Roy and Ohlson reviewed the applications on file and
are recommending Eve Klopf and Jason Rist to fill the vacancies with terms to begin immediately
and set to expire on December 31, 2009 and December 31, 2010 respectively.
NOTE:Application deadlines vary. Please check"CURRENT VACANCIES"listing for deadlines. Late applications
will be kept on file for future vacancies.
Return completed application to:Please type or use black Ink
City Clerk's Office -Please limit attachments to two pages
City Hall West -For questions or additional information
300 LaPorte Avenue call the City Clerk's Office,416-2525
P.O. Box 580
Fort Collins,CO 80522 Incomplete Applications will NOT be
FAX: (970)221-6295 considered for appointment
Name of Board
or Commission: Telecommunications Board
Name: Eye Kloof
Residence: 1225 W. Prospect Rd.Apt. D101/Fort Collins. CO 80526 Zip:80526
Mailing Address: Zip:
Day Phone: 970-691-2132 Night Phone:
E-Mail Address: skvsearcher0omail.com
Have you resided in the FC Growth Management Area for at least one year? *as ❑No (see attached map)
Which Council District do you live in? (see attached map) District 5 Are you a registered voter? *as ❑No
Current Occupation: graduate student Employer:Colorado State University
Prior work experience: (please include dates) I was a graduate student with the Microwave Remote Sensing Laboratory
at the University of Massachusetts during the period of Fail 2003-Summer 2004. and was a graduate student with
the Microwave Systems Laboratory at Colorado State University from fall 2004-fall 2007. 1 currently work as a
research assistant doing research in computational electromagnetics at Colorado State University.
Volunteer Work: (please include dates)
Have you ever been convicted of a crime (except for minor traffic offenses that resulted only in a fine)? ❑Yes X No
If yes, please explain in complete detail. State the nature and approximate date of the conviction, the sentence imposed,
whether the sentence has been completed, and any other information you consider to be relevant
Are you presently serving on a City board or commission? ❑ Yes XNo
If so,which one?
Why do you want to become a member of this particular board or commission? I think that it would be interestino,
and a grind nnnnrtimily to learn atmut the telernmmuniratinns iespes that Fort Cnilinc fares
This application was submitted online on: Mar-26-2008 08:58 PM
Briefly explain what you believe are the three most important issues facing this board or commission,and how do you
believe this board or commission should address each issue?
f) I think that municipal wireless networks need to be discussed. We've oot the start of one here in Fort
Collins. but it's important to evaluate issues such as if it should continue to be handled by a private
company, if it should be expanded and if it should be self-sustaining or something that ouaht to be
taYA Indpri
2) 1 think that broadband intemet provision needs to be discussed. The city should be aware of what challenges
providers and customers face.and also should consider whether services such as broad-band over power
ran ha dnne in cnnh a way as fn avnid having negative noise imparts nn exiefing franupnry ucarc
3) 1 think that it's important for cities to keen an eve on emergency communication availability. Cities
should remain aware of their emergency communication abilities.and on what technologies are available
to impmvp it
List any abilities,skills, certificates, specialized training, or interests you have which are applicable to this
board or commission:
I have a BS in electrical engineering. 1 also have an amateur extra class radio license.although I
haven't arfivAly ucpd it since mnvinn fn Fnrt Collins
Please specify any activities which might create a serious conflict of interest if you should be appointed to this board
or commission:
Have you attended a meeting of the board or commission you are applying to or talked to anyone currently on the board?
❑Yes XNo
All applicants are strongly encouraged to attend a regularly scheduled meeting of the board or commission for which they
are applying. Frequent non-attendance may result in termination of the appointment
Signature: Date:
NOTE:Application deadlines vary. Please check"CURRENT VACANCIES"listing for deadlines. Late applications
will be kept on file for future vacancies.
Return completed application to: Please type or use black Ink
City Clerk's Office -Please limit attachments to two pages
City Hall West -For questions or additional Information
300 LaPorte Avenue call the City Clerk's Office,416-2525
P.O. Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522 Incomplete Applications will NOT be
FAX: (970)221-6295 considered for appointment
Name of Board
or Commission: Telecommunications Board
Name: Jason E. Rist
Residence: Fort Collins Zip:80524
Mailing Address: 1415 Cranberry Ct. Zip:80524
Day Phone: 970-215-7235 Night Phone:970-215-7235
E-Mail Address: )ason.rist(aamail.com
Have you resided in the FC Growth Management Area for at least one year? *as ❑No (see attached map)
Which Council District do you live in? (see attached map) District 1 Are you a registered voter? *as ❑ No
Current Occupation: IT Integrations Specialist Employer:The Premier Comnany. LLC
Prior work experience: (please include dates) From November 2007 until present. I've worked for Premier Employment
Screening Services as an IT Integrations Soecialist. I integrate our order management system with outside applicant
tracking vendor systems. I do this via XML using Python and Zope over a secure Internet connection. I previously
worked through Synergetics Inc as a contractor for the USDA writing software for animal tracking.
Volunteer Work: (please include dates) I volunteer for several boards and committees around Fort Collins
I work within the Envision Young Professionals steering committee as a technical adviser, including the creation
and maintenance of their website. I also volunteer for the board of a leads group called the Fort Collins Business
Network. I run my own company as a web application developer and contribute my skills to the group.
Have you ever been convicted of a crime(except for minor traffic offenses that resulted only in a fine)? ❑Yes )K No
If yes, please explain in complete detail. State the nature and approximate date of the conviction, the sentence imposed,
whether the sentence has been completed, and any other information you consider to be relevant
Are you presently serving on a City board or commission? ❑ Yes XNo
If so,which one?
Why do you want to become a member of this particular board or commission? I've been wanting to participate
in the workings of the city for quite some time now. I have an aptitude for technology and the Telecommunications
Board seems to fit my proclivity much better than other boards.
This application was submitted online on: Mar-27-2008 09:33 PM
Briefly explain what you believe are the three most important issues facing this board or commission,and how do you
believe this board or commission should address each issue?
1) 1 would say that one of the primary issues that faces the Telecommunications board to might be to bridoe
oaos existing between users.service oroviders. and operators. This can include making sure that emergency,
services are available when needed. regulations and compliance between the local oovemment and service
p royidars Ara mat and npAratnrc Ara keeping t�gyctam in wnrkipg nrdar
2) Another potential issue that the Telecommunications board might need to attend to is the establishment
of working contracts with local bodies concerned with telecommunication and data communication. This
might include working with a local service provider to create a city-wide wireless networking mesh,
or workino with the local cable company to ensure the city channel is available and service is uninterrupted.
3) A more specific issue that might be facing the Telecommunications board in the upcoming year is the
February 17th.2009 shutoff of Analog (NTSC)television signal. I'm not sure how much the local city
TAIArnmmpnlrAtlnnC hnard might need to deal with thihpt I'm sure thW will haves a rota
List any abilities,skills, certificates,specialized training, or interests you have which are applicable to this
board or commission:
I'm a graduate of Comouter Science from Colorado State University. I've been interested in all things
related to computer and technoloav since I was very young. I served on a youth advisory board in high
srhnnl and am an Fagla Rrnpt rarngni7ed thw Roy Srnnts of Amarira_
Please specify any activities which might create a serious conflict of interest if you should be appointed to this board
or commission:
I rant think of Anyfhinn
Have you attended a meeting of the board or commission you are applying to or talked to anyone currently on the board?
❑Yes XNo
Comments: I am moving to 1404 W. Oak in a week. This will change my city district from 1
6 and my state house from 52 to 53. I'm not sure what difference this information makes, but I thought it was
worth stating.
All applicants are strongly encouraged to attend a regularly scheduled meeting of the board or commission for which they
are applying. Frequent non-attendance may result in termination of the appointment
Signature: Date:
Jason E. Rist 1415 Cranberry Court Fort Collins, CO 80524 www.wixa.com jason@wixa.com Mobile: 970.215.7235 F
COMPUTER& IT RELATED SKILLS *BEA WebLogic Administrator(8.1 Platform - including Portal); BEA WebLogic
Clustering, Admin*J2EE/JEE Application Servers:Apache Tomcat, Oracle AS, BEA WebLogic Server(7.0,
8.1, 9.2); *J2EE/JEE-Java, Servlets, JSP, RMI, Spring, JPF (Beehive) *HTML, XHTML, CSS, AJAX, JavaScript,
XSLT *Photoshop 4 through CS3, Illustrator *Configuration Management, code coverage -Ant, CVS, SVN,
Corbetura, EclEmma *Oracle 81, 91, SQL Server, Pointbase; JDBC/ODBC, MySQL/PHP *Documentum Content
Management v5.25, 5.3 *Rational Rose, Microsoft Visio Diagramming, Object-Oriented analysis, design
and UML modeling. *Unix shell scripting (Ksh, Bash); Unix utilities *Unix (Solaris, Linux, Mac OS
X), Windows environments, VMWare Virtualization *ITIL Foundations Certified *Methodologies and best-practices
(Agile, DSDM, XP, Test-driven Development, etc.) *JasperSoft JasperReports, iReport, Excel and PDF
based reporting tools WORK & BUSINESS EXPERIENCE * IT Integrations Specialist The Premier
Company, LLC. Fort Collins, CO November 2007 Present > Maintained and developed Zope and Python
based content management framework for a customer oriented order management system. Added numerous
features to increase customer satisfaction and increase sales capabilities. Increased overall system
security by locking down permissions and backend accessibility. > Integrated backend system with outside
Applicant Tracking System (ATS)vendors for transmission of HR-XML based applicant data using XML-RPC
on Zope and Python based CGIs. Led project management for customer implementation of ATS integrations. > Designec
and created new marketing materials for the formation of a stronger company-wide brand. Developed new
website design, new email signature design, and other marketing materials including Python and MySQL
backend based lead generation tools. * Intermediate Software Developer Synergetics, Inc. Fort
Collins, CO January 2007 -Oct 2007 >Co-Developed sub-application to track animal samples. Implemented
a model-view-controller design pattern to separate data from business rules and presentation logic using
Hibernate, Spring and Struts. >Retroactively implemented unit/regression testing framework suite and
coverage analysis tools. >Created an Administration application capable of changing the log level
for any logger, push the levels to a database, poll the db for changes and push any new changes to any
other node in a cluster. >Incorporated a reports application based on JasperSoft JasperReports that
integrated with a backend to provide parameterized reports on data pulled from an Oracle database. Created
all reports and included pre-built queries using iReport. Collaborated with data analyst on the queries,
reports and reports filter. *Co-Owner, Technologist, Designer Wixa Labs, LLC. Fort Collins,
CO July 2007- Present >Created numerous web designs, graphic designs, and logo designs for a
wide range of clients. >Focused on cohesive development, web site usability,web site user interface
design, web site traffic enhancement, search engine optimization, search engine marketing, brand synergy,
and analytics. >Implemented several different open-source content management systems for highly flexible
website management. >Multiple conversions of websites from static unidirectional communication to effective
client-focused websites. >Developed business, marketing and sales plans to facilitate achievement of
business goals. "Application Support Engineer BEA Systems, Inc. Denver, CO August 2004
-January 2007 >Recruited for formation of enterprise IT application support department. >Controlled
and maintained enterprise'single-sign-on' service bus and data mart for the MyBEA set of applications
using IBM/Ascential DataStage and QualityStage on BEA WebLogic Platform 8.1, coupled to Oracle 8i, 9i.
>Facilitated enterprise-wide upgrade to aging content management system using Documentum 4i to Documentum
5.25. Installation and configuration of Documentum Web Publisher, Documentum Administrator, Documentum
eContent Server, and Documentum Site Caching Services. Configuration and customization of Documentum
job configurations and 4 docbases containing multiple cabinets. Reduced server hardware count, support
costs and maintenance time. >Reconfigured, tested, and prepared applications in assistance of upgrade
of Oracle 81 environment to Oracle 9i environment. Reduced or avoided end-of-life costs and per-cpu
costs. >Collaborated with consultants, business on significant rework of backend commissions system
for finance department using Callidus TrueComp, Actuate a.Report, and Oracle 81. >Installed, configured
and documented two enterprise-wide Sarbanes-Oxley compliancy applications using Polivec Enforcer, OpenPages
SOX Express, and Oracle 9i. >Contributed knowledge to finance/sales reporting and adjustment databases
while assisting on project to upgrade ETL scripts and processes on legacy data warehousing tool using
Cityof Fod Collins
NOTE: Application deadlines vary. Please check"CURRENT VACANCIES"listing(www.fcgov.conVboards)for deadlines.
•Please type or use black ink
Return completed application to: •Please complete a separate application for each board or commission membership
City Clerk's Office (NOTE: Limit application to 2 boards)
City Hall West •Please limit attachments to two pages
300 LaPorte Avenue •For questions or additional information call the City Clerk's Office,416-2525
P.O.Box 580 •Incomplete Applications will NOT be considered for appointment
FAX: (970)221-6295 .1 year residency within Fort Collins Growth Management Area(map attached)
•Registered Voter(applies to applicants 18 years or older)
Name of Board
or Commission: -C M h1 u n i ' f'�f ,^�1 _ '06ct- t nn_
Name: � 7�1�,1r �- 711� /
¢(dP,pce: oZ2O d S//f�v F—o ko4o Zip: 86 S
Mailing Address: Fp2T a tL1NS t 6_0 Zip:
Day Phone: -2 Night Phone:24 f-I3 8Z
E-Mail Address: r� �67� / &. cu f
Have you resided within the Fort Collins Growth Management Area(GMA)for one year?: �es ❑No (see attached map)
Which Council District do you live in? (see attached map) c Are you a registered voter? [>Y2s ❑No
Current Occupation: ���rr�� Employer: /`
Prior work expenenc . (please include dates) r
n a an
c a ✓ G r6
i^�Stc�� d �5 rnVzZrdp.4 II
Volunteer Work: (please include dates)/ �, 10 �orn io r �J I Q� n 2QJ/ �cJ wc✓�. O 1 0/-
�Lse ✓fit' n�c ,�/�► �1--�Zt� .c'�- .ft�S�M7 ),(i , r cs�ti-�.f �-Q`�£�-
Have you ever been convicted of a crime (except for minor traffic offenses that resulted only in a fine)? ❑ Yes �No
If yes, please explain in complete detail. State the nature and approximate date of the conviction,the sentence imposed,
whether the sentence has been completed,and any other information you consider to be relevant.
Are you presently serviin!4 on a City board or commission? Nyes ❑No
If so, which one? Silo r d/ n`n�
Why do you want to become a member of this particular board or commission? T b k ✓a_ m /
Briefly explain what you believe are the three most important issues facing this board or commission, and how do you
believe this board or commis&ion jshould address each issue?
✓lhF7. K e-� e2 S
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List any abilities, skills, licenses, certificates, specialized training, or interests you have which are applicable to this
board or cor issio :
Please specify any activities which might create a serious conflict of interest if you should be appointed to this board or
commission: V
rc tS n a_-.
Have you attend a meeting of the board or commission you are applying to or talked to anyone currently on the board?
ElYes 0
Comments: '7TTTT��`
All applicants are strongly encouraged to attend a regularly scheduled meeting of the board or commission for which they
are applying. Frequent nonettendance may result in termination of the appointment.
The City of Fort Collins will make reasonable accommodations for access to City services, programs, and activities and
will make special communicatioarr ements for persons with disabilities. Please call 416-2525 for assistance.
Signature: Date: S/ ��7
NOTE:Application deadlines vary. Please check"CURRENT VACANCIES"listing for deadlines. Late applications
will be kept on file for future vacancies.
Return completed appllcation to:Please type or use black Ink
City Clerk's Office .Please limit attachments to two pages
City Hall West -For questions or additional Information
300 LaPorte Avenue call the City Clerk's Office,416-2525
P.O. Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522 Incomplete Applications will NOT be
FAX: (970) 221-6295 considered for appointment
Name of Board
or Commission: CDBG Commission
Name: Philip C. Majerus
Residence: 1931 Kingsborough Dr. Zip:80526
Mailing Address: same Zip:
Day Phone: 970-222-1241 Night Phone:970-222-1241
E-Mail Address: oma)erus pdr-usa.net
Have you resided in the FC Growth Management Area for at least one year? *es ❑No (see attached map)
Which Council District do you live in? (see attached map) District 6 Are you a registered voter? *as ❑ No
Current Occupation: Fire& Flood Damage Repair Contr Employer:Self
Prior work experience: (please include dates) 40 years in construton industry. Numerous national awards.
Own 3 construction companies and am familiar with housing constrution cost, viability, and feasabilitr.
Volunteer Work: (please include dates) CDBG member 1998 thru 2005 (term limited oul)Member of 4 national
indjjg4 hoards
Have you ever been Convicted of a crime (except for minor traffic offenses that resulted only in a fine)? ❑ Yes X No
If yes, please explain in complete detail. State the nature and approximate date of the conviction, the sentence imposed,
whether the sentence has been completed, and any other information you consider to be relevant
Are you presently serving on a City board or commission? ❑ Yes XNo
If so, which one?
Why do you want to become a member of this particular board or commission? My prior experience on CDBG was
rewarding and fulfilling. I am familiar with many of the groups and individuals who seek funding and
This application was submitted online on: Sep-10-2007 12:19 PM
Briefly explain what you believe are the three most important issues facing this board or commission, and how do you
believe this board or commission should address each issue?
f) Dealina with escalating, or generally high, housing costs is always a challenge in the affordable housing
game. Private partnerships have great potential...CDBG should encourage this effort with seed monies
fnr wnrlhy nrnipcts
p) The Cily's budget woes have impacted the affordable housing fund through the reduction and and eliminated
of their annual set aside/contribution toward affordable housing. Housino entities must find creative
ways tn$pnpratw fiords to rpnlnr.P the Uly dnllarc_
3) Education and training are some of the best means of helping the needy. Many past programs actually
had dis-incentive aspects that created an environment of dependency and entitlement. I have always
been a strong proponent of the education and self-sufficiency programs that petition CDBG for funding
List any abilities, skills, certificates, specialized training, or interests you have which are applicable to this
board or commission:
Please specify any activities which might create a serious conflict of interest if you should be appointed to this board
or commission:
Have you attended a meeting of the board or commission you are applying to or talked to anyone currently on the board?
Xyes ❑ No
Comments: City staff if familliar with me and my involvement. they may be a source of reference
rity staff if familliar with me and mTvnlvpment that may hea cni irrp of rpfprpnrp
All applicants are strongly encouraged to attend a regularly scheduled meeting of the board or commission for which they
are applying. Frequent non-attendance may result in termination of the appointment
Signature: Date:
WHEREAS, vacancies currently exist on the Community Development Block Grant
Commission due to the resignations of Autumn Kiser and Cynthia Trop; and
WHEREAS, vacancies currently exist on the Telecommunications Board due to the
resignations of Ted Funk and Wayne Wiemerslage; and
WHEREAS, the City Council desires to make appointments to fill these vacancies.
COLLINS as follows:
Section 1. That the following named persons are hereby appointed to fill current
vacancies on the boards, commissions, and authorities hereinafter indicated, with terms to begin
immediately and to expire as set forth after each name:
Telecommunications Board Expiration of Term
Eve Klopf December 31, 2009
Jason Rist December 31, 2010
Section 2. That the following named persons are hereby appointed to fill expired terms
on boards,commissions, and authorities hereinafter indicated,with terms to begin June 1,2008 and
to expire as set forth after each name:
Community Development Block Grant Commission Expiration of Term
David Carr December 31, 2009
Phil Maierus December 31, 2010
Passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held this 6th day of May, A.D.
City Clerk