DATE: June 15, 1999
Ken Waido
Items Relating to the City's Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Community Development Block Grant(CDBG)
and Home Investment Partnerships (HOME) Programs.
Staff recommends adoption of the Ordinances on Second Reading.
!! A. Second Reading of Ordinance No. 96, 1999, Appropriating Unanticipated Revenue and
Authorizing the Transfer of Appropriations Between Program Years in the Community
Development Block Grant Fund.
B. Second Reading of Ordinance No. 97, 1999, Appropriating Unanticipated Revenue and j
Authorizing the Transfer of Appropriations Between Program Years in the Home Investment
Partnerships Fund.
The Community Development Block Grant(CDBG)Program andthe Home Investment Partnerships
( (HOME)Program provide Federal funds from the Department of Housing and Urban Development
€ (HUD)to the City of Fort Collins which can be allocated to housing and community development j
related programs and projects,thereby,reducing the demand on the City's General Fund Budget to
address such needs. Ordinance No. 96, 1999 and Ordinance No. 97, 1999,were both unanimously
y adopted on First Reading on June 1, 1999.
DATE: June 1, 1999
Ken Waido
Items Relating to the City's Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Community Development Block Grant(CDBG)
and Home Investment Partnerships(HOME) Programs.
Staff recommends adoption of the Resolutions and the Ordinances on First Reading. The CDBG
Commission presents a list of recommendations alto which programs and projects should receive
A. Resolution 99-70 Approving the Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Community Development Block
Grant Program for the Cit} Fort Collins:•
• B. Resolution 99-71 Approving the Fisc Year`1999-2000 Home Investment Partnerships
Program for the City of Art.Collins.
C. First Reading of Ordinance No. 96, 1999, Appropriating Unanticipated Revenue and
Authorizing the Transfer of Appropriations Between Program Years in the Community
Development Block Grant Fund.
D. First Reading of Ordinance No. 97, 1999, Appropriating Unanticipated Revenue and
Authorizing the Transfer ofAppropriations Between Program Years in the Home Investment '
Partnerships Fund.
The Community Development-Block Grant(CDBG)P4=7 andthe Home Investment Partnerships
(HOME)Program provide Federal funds*om the Department of Housing and Urban Development
(HUD)to the City of Fort Collins which car` e allocated to housing and community development
related programs and projects,thereby,reducing the demand on the City's General Fund Budget to }
address such needs. The City Council is being asked to consider two resolutions. Resolution 99-70
will establish which programs and projects will receive funding with CDBG Funds for the FY 1999- f
2000 Program year which starts on October 1, 1999.while Resolution 99-71 will establish which
programs and projects will receive funding with HOME Funds for the FY 1999-2000 Program year
which also starts on October 1. 1999.
DATE: June 1, 1999 2 ITEM NUMBER: 30 A-D
The City Council is being asked to consider the adoption of two resolutions establishing which
programs and projects will receive funding with Community Development Block Grant(CDBG)and
Home Investment Partnership(HOME)funds for the FY 1999-2000 Program years,which start on
October 1, 1999.
Since early January of this year,the CDBG Commission and the City's CDBG and HOME Program
staffs have conducted public hearings to assess community development and housing needs in Fort
Collins and solicited applications.gfor,CDBG and-HOME-ftmding,.Further, the Commission has
reviewed the written applications,personally in iewedApplicants,analyzed the applications,and
formulated a list of recommendations tore Ci oiineil as to which programs and projects should
receive funding. The Commissic utiiizt:d se nteria to determine priorities and establish its
list of recommendations. The criteria include:
o leveraging of other funding with City funds;
o development or acquisition of housing versus operation of programs;
o success rate of the applicant;
o ability of the applicant to complete the proposal;
o meeting community needs, highest priority to the production of rental housing for
families below 50%of the Area's Median Income (AMI);
o long-term impacflo the mm 'tyPfp opos
o full or partial funding
o competing projects or r�rrder 1.
o alternate funding.
CDBG and HOME funds allocated to a for-profit applicants are in the form of a loan while funds
allocated to non-profit entities are in the form of grants.
The Commission also used the funding guidelines contained in the Priority Affordable Housing
Needs and Strategies report adopted by the Council on February 2, 1999. These guidelines include:
o CDBG funds s n y d�as fol s: 65% for Housing projects;
10% for Pro A strati ° r Pu�'bltc Facilities; and 15% for Public
o HOME funds sho Yq gene a ocated as follows: 90% for Housing projects
and 10% for Program Administration;
o funds allocated to housing should generally be divided as follows: 70% for rental
projects and 30%for homeownership opportunities; and
o the average subsidy should be $5,000 per unit, with relatively more funding to
projects producing housing for lower income families.
The CDBG Program is an ongoing grant administration program funded by the Department of
Housing and Urban Development(HUD). The City of Fort Collins has received CDBG Program
funds since 1975. In 1975 and FY 1976-77 the City received HUD CDBG discretionary grants.
Since FY 1977-78,the City has been an Entitlement Grant recipient of CDBG funds,meaning the
City is guaranteed a certain level of funding each year. The level of funding is dependent on the
total amount of funds allocated to the program by Congress and on a formula developed by HUD,
DATE: June 1, 1999 3 ITEM NUMBER: 30 A-D
which includes data on total population, minorities as a percentage of population, income levels,
housing stock conditions, etc. Additional background information on the City's Community
Development Block Grant Program is presented in Appendix "A" attached to this report.
The Home Investment Partnership (HOME) Program was authorized by the National Affordable
Housing Act of 1990 to provide funds for a variety of housing related activities, to strengthen the
ability of local governments to provide housing, and to expand the capacity of non-profit
community-based housing development organizations to provide affordable housing. In May of
1994, the City of Fort Collins received designation as a Participating Jurisdiction in the HOME
Program which in effect is similar to the City's designation as an Entitlement Grant community for
the CDBG Program,meaning the Ciiy7s guaranteed a certain levellbf funding each year. Additional
background information on the City's Home ;nvestment Partnership Program is presented in
Appendix "B" attached to this{effort,,
The amount of the City's CDBG Entitlement Grant for FY 1999-2000 is $1,169,000. The Entitle-
ment Grant will be combined with$50,000 of CDBG Program Income to create a total of$1,219,000
of CDBG funds available for programs and projects during the next CDBG Program year. CDBG
Program Income includes funds returned to the City through the payment of past housing
rehabilitation loans.
The City's HOME Program Giant for Chit, AS$1 6'15fiLO which will be combined with
$42,059 ofHOME Program Income toanake atg al of$657,059,`bvailable for programs and projects
during the next HOME Program year. HOME Program Income eludes funds returned to the City
through the repayment of downpayment assistance grants and HOME loans to development projects.
The following summarizes the amount and sources of available funds:
CDBG Program
$1,169,000 j y, Ff"99 C G�lem` t
50,000 CP GP gram Income
$1,219,000 CDBG Sub-Total
HOME Program
$ 615,000 FY'99 HOME Participating Jurisdiction Grant
42,059 HOME Program Income
$ 657,059 HOME Sub-Total `
DATE: June 1, 1999 4 ITEM NUMBER: 30 A-D
Below is a summary of recent CDBG funding levels allocated from HUD to the City of Fort Collins:
Entitlement Reprogrammed Program
Year Grant Funds Income Total Funds
1990 645,000 50,000 30,000 725,000
1991 728,000 160,000 30,000 918,000
1992 802,000 30,000 50,000 882,000
1993 1,091,000 50,000 90,000 1,231,000
1994 1,187,000 30,000 50,000 1,267,000
1995 1,231,000 0 ' 4q,660 1,271,000
1996 1,202,000 0 �� 1000 n 1,242,000
1997 1,188,000 181, 73_.,� 50,000 1,419,273
1998 1,162,000 216,875 50,000 1,428,875
1999 1,169,000 0 50,000 1,219,000
Below is a summary of recent HOME funding levels allocated from HUD to the City of Fort Collins:
HOME Reprogrammed Program
Year Grant Funds Income Total Funds
1994 500,000 c _ 500,000
1995 455,000 0 455,000
1996 539,000 0 0 539,000
1997 533,000 0 0 533,000
1998 569,000 59,900 50,000 678,900
1999 615,000 0 42,059 657,059
The selection process for the City's FY 1999-2000 CDBG and HOME Programs began on January
14, 1999,when the CDBG Commission held a public hearing to obtain citizen input on community
development and housing ngp&s v'Th. ogram offices placed legal
advertisements in local newspapers starting m J g ough March,to solicit requests
for CDBG and HOME funded rogramilmnd p for FY 1 99-2000. The application deadline
was Thursday,March 25. -- th e of ad}itic the Ci eived 29 applications requesting
a total of approximately$4.7 million.
Copies of all applications were forwarded through the City Manager's office to the City Council on
April 9 and placed in the Council Office for review. Copies of all applications were distributed to
the CDBG Commission on April 8.
On Wednesday,April 28,and Thursday, April 29,the Commission met to hear presentations and
ask clarification questions from each applicant. The Commission then met on Wednesday,May 5,
for the purpose of preparing a recommendation to the City Council as to which programs and
projects should be funded for the FY 1999-2000 program year. At this meeting the Commission
reviewed the written applications, the applicant's verbal presentation, the information provided
during the question and answer session,and reviewed the performance of agencies who received FY
DATE: June 1, 1999 5 ITEM NUMBER: 30 A-D
1998-99 CDBG and/or HOME funds or funding in other previous years. The Commission then
worked on formulation of their list of recommendations. A copy of the Commission's minutes from
the meeting is attached.
HUD CDBG regulations limit the amount of available funds which can be allocated to various
generic categories. Funds for Planning and Administrative purposes are limited to 20%of the total
of the Entitlement Grant and any anticipated Program Income. This means the 20%limitation for
Planning and Administrative purposes is$243,800. CDBG funds for Public Services are limited to
15% of the total of the Entiticment Grant and ticipated ogram Income, making the amount
$182,850. �
HUD HOME Program regulatio> unit the amount of available funds which can be allocated for
Administrative purposes to 10% of the HOME Grant. This means the 10% limitation for
Administrative purposes is $61,500. HOME Program regulations also require that 15% of the
HOME Grant be set aside for projects by community-based housing development organizations
(CHDOs). This means that $92,250 must be set aide for CHDOs. At this time, Neighbor to i
Neighbor, Inc., is the only applicant which has applied to be designated as a CHDO and could
become eligible for funding during FY 1999-2000.
The Commission, thus, not onlylmAo &62 tiicl al pTkants presented programs and projects
which best fit into the CityV§ CDBG?i 4HIE 5gra>i�but also had to insure funding
allocations/requirements wereept withinregulations grid follow the funding guidelines
contained in the Priority Affordable Housing Needs and Sfi ategies report.
The Commission utilized several criteria to determine priorities in the process to establish its list of
recommendations. These criteria were established after a discussion with the City Council at a work
session conducted in December 1995, and include:
1. Leveraging :s
Guideline: The leveraging ofnvate tnno dal funds ' a very important consideration in
making an allocation of CDBG arid-TO -faatds:~Applican asked to indicate the amount of
leveraging,including in-kind services,dollars,and/or labor associated with their CDBG and HOME
2. Acquisition versus Operations
Guideline: Acquisition proposals which provide assets to the community are given greater weight
over proposals which are operational in nature.
DATE: June 1, 1999 6 ITEM NUMBER: 30 A_D
3. Success Rate
Guideline: Applicants who demonstrate continued success in achieving community needs will
receive extra consideration for funding. On the other hand, applicants who have failed to achieve
their proposal in a timely manner may not receive additional funding.
4. Ability to Complete the Proposal During a Program Year
Guideline: Applicants who provide information indicating a capability to complete their proposal
during the program year will receive consideration for funding over applicants whose abilities can
be questioned. : '
5. Meeting Community
Guideline: Applicants must provide support of their application through some sort of needs
assessment,preferably through the use of an objective data source,and not rely solely on anecdotal
information. An applicant may also submit a service history of projects from other communities.
Funding allocations will be made to proposals which meet the greatest community needs. Housing
needs are detailed in the Priority Affordable Housing Needs and Strategies report.
6. Long-Term Impact
Guideline: Applicants whose ,oposal has addi -te pacts beyond the specifics ofthe
proposal will receive greater ideration for d ng.
1. Full or Partial Funding
Guideline: If funds are not available to support a proposal at the lowest acceptable level,no funds
will be granted to the proposal.
2. Competing Projects o de
Guideline: Applicants need demonstrate roposal not a duplication of efforts or a
duplication of service provision irdin°gadini tive,v eer efforts, and acquired service
3. Alternate Funding
Guideline: An applicant needs to discuss what other funding sources are available. Full disclosure
of available and applied for funds is considered essential,required,and mandatory. The Commission
needs to know if the project can continue if CDBG/HOME funds cease to exist.
DATE: June 1, 1999 7 ITEM NUMBER: 30 A-D
1. Equal Competition
Guideline: All proposals are considered equally, there is no preference given to new proposals
requesting "seed" money, and likewise, there is no preference given to proposals which were
previous recipients of CDBG/HOME funds.Continued CDBG/HOME funding from one year to the
next is not guaranteed and funding is not a"right" of any applicant.
2. Sequential Grant Limit a
Guideline: There is no limit.to the number of#imes-an applicant may receive funding from the
CDBG/HOME Program,all applicants are considered equally,however, continued CDBG/HOME
funding from one year to the next is not guaranteed.
The Commission also used the previously listed funding guidelines contained in the Priority
Affordable Housing Needs and Strategies report in making their recommendations for funding.
Listed below is a summary of each applicant's initial request for funding and the Commission's list
of recommendations. Requests and Recommendations specifically for funding with HOME funds
are identified by an H:
N, 7-
(20% of CDBG Entitlement Grant and Program Income)
(10% of HOME Grant)
City of Ft. Collins -CDBG Program Administration
Proposal covers the administrative costs of the FY 1999-2000 CDBG Program
Administration including salary, benefits, and operating expenses for 2 staff positions.
Request: $121 900 q o dntion:)"121,900
City of Ft. Collins -HOME Erogram%,dm' rskion
..� " -2— Y
Proposal covers the administrative costs of the HOME Program, including salary, benefits
and operating expenses for 1 staff position.
Request: $61,500 H Recommendation: $61,500 H
DATE: June 1, 1999 8 ITEM NUMBER: 30 A-D
City of Ft. Collins-Acquisition/preservation of existing project-based Section 8 units
This application proposes setting aside funds for the acquisition/preservation of existing
proj ect-based Section 8 affordable housing units which may become available for sale during
the program year.
Request: $300,000 Recommendation: $0
Elizabeth Street Partners- Elizabeth(Street$eniorpartments
Request by Kaufman and road for a soft loan with repayments to be based on cash flow to
help construct 50 senior apartments on West Elizabeth Street. The applicant proposes to
provide 45 units to families below 50%of AMU and 5 units to families below 40%of AMU.
Request: $480,000 Recommendation: $0
Old Town North LLC, c/o Palladian Construction Company-Old Town North Subdivision
Assistance requested inane f6tin of Tardan 001ILusiton?rand to support development of
a 280 unit starter homesubdivis'ln locAed6 of'RYIne Drive and east of N. College
Avenue. Target mark for fa'ialies " ' 70%of AM and above.
Request: $420,000 Recommendation: $0
Neighbor to Neighbor,Inc. -Acquisition of an existing project-based Section 8 complex
Request for a grant to help acquire an expiring project-based Section 8 affordable housing
complex consisting of 69 units in northeast Fort Collins. The applicant proposes to provide
25 units to families below 30% of AMU; 25 units to families below 50% of AMU; and 19
units to families below o
Request: $787,450 R 'o endati $404,559
$ 92,250 H
Fort Collins Housing Corporation-Acquisition of land
Grant request to help acquire 20 acres of land in northwest Fort Collins for affordable
housing development which will include 26 for-sale homeownership opportunities and 114
rental units. The applicant proposes to provide 57 rental units to families below 50%of AMU
and 13 for-sale units to families below 70%of AMl, 10 for sale units to families below 60%
of AM,and 3 for sale units to families below 50%of AMU.
Request: $360,000 Recommendation: $358,000
DATE: June 1, 1999 9 ITEM NUMBER: 30 A-D
Fort Collins Housing Corporation -Acquisition of an apartment building
Grant request to help acquire a 19 unit apartment building, located on Cowan Street. The
applicant proposes to provide 9 units to families below 50%of AMI.
Request: $190,000 Recommendation: $70,000
Harmony Park Homeowners Association -Acquisition of land
Request to help purchase 50 acres:of land located northeast of the S. Shields Street and
Trilby Road intersection forAe,development ofa 400 manufacture housing unit project;
50%of the units would be for families below50%ofAMI;30%would be for families below
80% of ANE; and 20%would be for families above 80%of AMI.
Request: $500,000 Recommendation: $0
Concorde Capital Corporation -Construction of rental units
Request for a soft loan wifh repaymenftase&oaxass flowto help construct 150 affordable
rental units for families at 50% and 60% of AMI, ,,located at the southeast corner of
10 Redwood and Conifer`Streets (Dry Creek Apartments),,.
Request: $400,000 H Recommendation: $250,000 H
City of Fort Collins - Downpayment & Closing Cost Assistance Program
Request for CDBG andHON E fimdM continue toVovi&-homeownership opportunities
through the Downpayment&Closing Co AssicePrQpam. With approximately$5,000
available per unit means 60 um14 co ul be.assisted and would be available to families
earning less than 80%0'flAA�t1.
Request: $136,950 H Recommendation: $253,309 H
$166,050 $ 49,691
$303, 000 $303,000
DATE: June 1, 1999 10 ITEM NUMBER: 30 A-D
DMA Plaza, Inc. -Exterior structural rehabilitation
Grant request for CDBG and HOME funds for exterior rehabilitation of DMA Plaza which
provides 126 units of low-cost affordable housing to elderly/disabled people living on fixed
Request: $100,000 H Recommendation: $0
.rt Pih tF 4
$282,325Tw P
City of Fort Collins -Matching funds for Job Access and Reverse Commute Grant
Grant request to provide one-half('/z) of the matching funds for a Job Access and Reverse
Commute Grant. Transfort/Dial-A-Ride will provide the remaining local match.
Request: $73,000 Recommendation: $0
Respite Care,Inc.
Grant request to add a bathroom,remove current food storage area,add shelving,and change
lighting in the administrative area of the Respite Care facility.
Request: $54,000 Recommendation: $25,000
Crossroads Safehoue,Inc.
Grant request to repatr�flat and eep f ver Ychiln's playroom of the Crossroads
Safehouse Shelter.
Request: $4,000 Recommendation: $2,000
Fort Collins Area United Way,Inc.
Grant request to help accomplish a safety renovation of United Way Day Care Center
including replacement of substandard flooring in classroom and bathroom areas.
Request: $19,092 Recommendation: $5,000
DATE: June 1, 1999 11 ITEM NUMBER: 30 A-D
(15% of CDBG Entitlement Grant and Program Income)
New Bridges,Inc. - Daytime Shelter
Grant request to help provide operational expenses of a daytime shelter and service referral
center for the homeless.
Request: $23,000 Recommendation: $15,000
Disabled Resource Services -1,"Wouth Employment Program
Grant request to help provr a funds for the Supported Youth Employment Program which
helps disabled youth participate in summer job training experiences.
Request: $24,000 Recommendation: $16,500
Child Care Collaborative Project-Tuition Assistance
Grant request to help provide funds for the Sliding Scale Child Care Tuition Assistance
Program. Eligibility r cements are�aseon income aim requires adults to be working
towards economic sel ufficienp�y. 4
Request: $56,304 Recommendahonc"$56,304
Catholic Charities Northern- Seniors and Frail Elderly Program
Request for funds to provide services for seniors and frail and homebound elderly who are
unable to access community resources because of lack of knowledge or other barriers such
as cultural or language.
Request: $6,000 Recoutme7datiion:'$2;000
Catholic Charities Northern Nightti e Shelter
Grant request to help provide operational expenses of a shelter(The Mission)and supportive
services (Hope Job Bank) for the homeless.
Request: $15,000 Recommendation: $10,046 j
Education and Life Services -Adult Literacy Services Program
Grant request to provide operating expenses for the Adult Literacy Services Program which
provides tutor training for literacy volunteers, maintaining the READ-UP collection,
responding to inquires, and coordinating other related adult literacy services.
Request: $16,849 Recommendation: $12,000
DATE: June 1, 1999 12 ITEM NUMBER: 30 A-D
Project Self-Sufficiency- Project Self-Sufficiency
Grant request to provide funds for the Supportive Services for Single Parent Families j
Program which assists participants in outlining steps towards accomplishment of both career
and personal/family goals.
Request: S20,000 Recommendation: $20,000
Neighbor-to-Neighbor,Inc. - Housing Counseling Program
Grant request to providepJarttai funds f&the blieratidsof the HUD certified Comprehensive
Housing Counseling and Case Managert}entTwiram4which provides assistance to people
along all points of the housmg contin from homelessness to home ownership to options
for older adults.
Request: $25,000 Recommendation: $20,000
Food Distribution Center-Refrigerated Boxes for Trucks
Grant request to provide refrigerated boxes on two trucks needed to carry perishable food.
Request: $29,000 o ion: 9,000
Lutheran Family Services -P entiou.of Cbildbuse Program
Grant request to provide partial funding for the Fostering Family Strengths: Prevention of
Child Abuse Program which is designed to prevent child abuse and neglect by helping
families learn to interact in healthy non-violent ways.
Request: $8,000 Recommendation: $0
Healthy Start,Inc.,d/b/a Children's Clinic-Counselor's
Grant request to pro ' e parti di , Rpm
sale . of a counselor in the Financial
Counseling and Child ealth 1?1 Enrogr
Request: $20,140 Recommendation: $0
The Woman's Center of Larimer County-Child Care Resource and Referral Program
Grant request to provide partial funding for the Child Care Resource and Referral Program
which provides free education, consultation, and referral services to parents; technical
assistance to child care providers; and supply and demand information to decision-makers
and the general public.
Request: $7,000 Recommendation: $0
DATE: June 1, 1999 13 ITEM NUMBER: 30 A-D
Northern Colorado Health Network, Inc. -Northern Colorado Aids Project
Grant request to provide partial funding for the Northern Colorado Aids Project which
attempts to decrease the incidence of HIV in the community and ensure those living with
HIV are in appropriate medical care.
Request: $15,000 Recommendation: $15,000
Total amount of CDBG and HOME funding requested =$4,681,072.
A summary of the Commission's CDBG fundingxedommen- tiion`by category for the total amount
of funds available is as follows: `
$ 121,900 10.0 PLANNING and ADMINISTRATION(Maximum $243,800
based on 20%of Entitlement Grant and Program Income)
882,250 72.4 HOUSING
182,850 15.0 PUBLIC SERVICES (Maximum $182,850 based on 15% of
�-NEnti#lemeapt Oiant;and rogram Income)
$1,219,000 100.0 TOTAL
A summary of the Commission's HOME funding recommendation by category for the total amount
of funds available is as follows:
$ 61,500 9.4 ADMINISTRATION ($61,500 based on 10% of HOME
r O`sk
595,559 90.6 HOUSIN f
$ 657,059 10 0.0 TOTS
The total amount of CDBG and HOME funding requests considered by the CDBG Commission was
approximately$4.7 million,however,only$1.9 million of CDBG and HOME funds were available.
With the amount of total requests far exceeding available funding, obviously not all applications
could be funded. Due to HUD funding limitations, some Public Service applications received no
funds or less funds than requested in order to keep the generic category within program maximums.
No applicant is recommended to receive more funds than requested.
DATE: June 1, 1999 14 ITEM NUMBER: 30 A-D
The CDBG Commission has recommended full funding for seven (7) proposals. In the
Commission's opinion,the seven applications recommended for full funding best fit CDBG Program j
national objectives, HOME Program purposes, the City CDBG policies (presented in Appendix
"A"),the selection criteria,and the funding guidelines. The Commission's reasoning for full funding
are presented in the attached minutes of the May 6 meeting.
Proposals which did not receive full funding were deemed of a lower priority and, in some cases,
a lack of funds,program category limitations(especially in the Public Services category),or funding
guidelines prohibited their full funding. The Commission's reasoning for partial funding are
presented in the attached minutes of the May 6 meeting.
The Commission has recomm ded no urtdmg or nigh(8)proposals. Again,the Commission's
reasoning for recommending nt unding are pre en in the at hed minutes ofthe May 6 meeting.