DATE: April 18, 2000
Bob Blanchard
Second Reading of Ordinance No. 37, 2000, Amending Article 2.8.2(h)(2) of the Land Use Code
With Regard to Modifications of Standards.
Staff recommends adoption of the Ordinance on Second Reading.
This Ordinance clarifies that, when a modification of standards is requested under the Land Use
Code, and the justification is based upon a substantial benefit that the development will provide to
the City, the mere fact that the project will constitute an affordable housing project within the
meaning of the Code should not necessarily justify the granting of the modification of standard.
Ordinance No. 37, 2000,was unanimously adopted as amended on First Reading on April 4, 2000.
Bob Blanchard
First Reading of Ordinance No.37,2000,Amending Article 2.8.2(h)(2)of the Land Use Code With
Regard to Modifications of Standards. 1
Staff recommends adoption o£the Ordinance as drafted on First Reading, except for the changes
which would require the Planning and Zoning Board to make specific findings in support of its i
decision not to grant a modification.With regard to that proposed change staff supports the Planning 11
and Zoning Board's recommendation that findings be made only when a modification is granted,and
not when it is denied. j
This Ordinance would make two changes. The first change would clarify that,when a modification
of standards is requested under the Land Use Code,and the justification is based upon a substantial
benefit that the development wt pr de tb ie ity me e f/�cjt-hat the project will constitute
an affordable housing projec thin t mean o tht` Coe �kiould not necessarily justify the
granting of the modification o andaz ,The s 'o thane uld state that when a modification
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of standards is requested under dieeLan CP"s�Cod�idmgs ld always be made m support of
the decision on the application. At present, findings are required only when the modification of
standards is approved.
During recent appeals to the City Council, certain issues have arisen with regard to the Land Use
Code provisions relating to the modification of standards. In one appeal,the applicant for approval
of an affordable housing proje% "o it is a standard under the Land Use
Code on the basis that the affo ' ble ho ng prd c '• o pi ' 'e a substantial benefit to the City.
One of the justifications that be o�tf din of a req A st for a modification of standards
under Article 2.8.2(H)(2) of thand ode rs that oposed project will result in a
substantial benefit to the City,that is,the proposed project will substantially address an important
community need specifically and expressly defined and described in the City's comprehensive plan,
or in an adopted policy, ordinance or resolution of the City Council. When the benefit to be
provided to the City is the provision of affordable housing, the Code is somewhat unclear as to
whether that"substantial benefit" requirement will be satisfied merely by reason of the fact that the
proposed project will meet the definition of an affordable housing project under the Code. (In order
to be recognized as an affordable housing project for certain other benefits under the Code,at least
ten percent (101/6) of the dwelling units in a project must qualify.)
DATE: April , 2000
Section 5.1.2 of the Land Use Code defines an affordable housing project as follows:
Affordable housing project shall mean a development project in
which: (1) at least seventy-five (75)percent of the gross acreage to
be developed under the plan is to be developed as residential dwelling
units or mobile home park spaces;(2)at least ten(10)percent of said
dwelling units or spaces (the "affordable housing units") are to be
available for rent or purchase on the terms described in the definitions
of affordable housing unitfor rent or affordable housing unit for sale
(as applicable);(3)the construction of the dwelling units or spaces is
to occur as part of the initial phase of the project and(I)prior to the
construction of the market rate uli�s or„(ii) oa a proportional basis,
according to the-same ratio as thei.hurtiber of affoidable units bears to
the number of the market rate units and(4)the units will be required
by binding legal instrument acceptable to the city and duly recorded
with the Larimer County Clerk and Recorder,to be occupied by and
affordable to low-income households for at least twenty (20)years.
For the purposes of considering a request for modification of standards,staff believes that the mere
fact that a proposed project will constitute an affordable housing project does not necessarily justify
the granting of a modification of standards. Instead, a greater percentage of affordable housing
might be necessary in order to rZfvyJe a, to City that would justify such
modification. The proposed 0 anc uld c is f n between an affordable housing
project for other purposes urf r the e o which .' uld provide a substantial benefit
sufficient to justify the granting 4nod i on andar
In another appeal,the Planning and Zoning Board denied a requested modification of standards for
a storage facility and was not required to make any findings in support of that decision because such
findings are required only when a modification of standards request is approved by the Board. The
proposed amendment would require such findings whether an application for modification of
standards is approved or denied.
Finally, the Council Growth en u d the deletion of the present
language of the Code which "" es "e les" li traffic congestion as city-wide
concerns and of historic prese " ation affor I using important community needs.
Planning and Zoning Board Recommendation
The Planning and Zoning Board reviewed the proposed Land Use Code amendments relating to
modifications of standards on Thursday, March 2, 2000. The Board discussed and voted on each
proposed amendment individually.
Regarding the proposed changes contained in Section 2.8.2(H)(2),the Board,by a unanimous vote
of 7-0,recommended that Council delete the last underlined sentence relating to affordable housing.
Boardmembers felt that the first part of the paragraph refers to items which address a community
need specifically described in City Plan or in adopted Council policy and ordinances,of which there
may be many,yet the last sentence singles out affordable housing without mentioning others. It was
DATE: April 4, 2000 3 ITEM NUMBER: 28
the Board's belief that this may cast a shadow over affordable housing that may result in developers
being less inclined to provide for this need.
Regarding the proposed changes contained in Section 2.8.2(H),the last paragraph requires that the
Board make specific findings regarding a modification whether they approve or deny a modification
request. Again,by a unanimous vote of 7-0,the Board recommended that Council not approve the
proposed amendment. It was a consensus opinion that a burden of proof exists if they elect to grant
a modification to an adopted standard. However, the Board does not believe it should be required
to justify why an applicant should comply with adopted law.
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