Chuck Seest
Resolution 2008-038 Adopting Amendments to the Financial Management Policies.
Staff recommends adoption of the Resolution.
This Resolution will formally amend the City's Financial and Management Policies regarding Fund
Balance Reserves. The significant amendment is the consolidation in the City's General Fund of
the Financial Uncertainty and Designation for Contingencies into a single contingency reserve
labeled the "60 Days" Liquidity Reserve. The other amendment is the Utilities adding a reserve
primarily for their vehicles and heavy equipment. This reserve is labeled Capital Outlay Reserve.
In the past, the City has included reserve policies as part of the overall budget process. The City
maintains reserves for the following reasons:
1. Mitigate risk for revenue shortfalls and unanticipated expenditures.
2. Credit and rating agencies favor increased levels of fund balances (reserves). This results
in lowering borrowing costs when the City obtains financing.
3. Reserves play a key role in long-term financial planning and the City's ability to pursue
significant projects and programs.
City staff presented the proposed amendments to the Council Finance and Audit Committee on
February 11, 2008 with follow-up on March 17th. The Council Finance and Audit Committee
agreed with the proposed amendments and recommended bringing them for formal consideration
at a regular City Council Meeting. Attached is a presentation on the reserve policies. It should be
noted that minor and temporary reserves for specific capital/land acquisitions or donations
earmarked for specific purposes have not been included. The policy summary reflects the long term
reserves which serve to stabilize operations.
1. Power Point presentation.
Reserve Policies
April 15, 2008
• Why have reserve policies?
• Consolidation and reformatting of existing policies
• Proposed changes to policies
• Review Funds for compliance with policies
Why have reserve policies ?
• Mitigate risks for revenue shortfalls
• Mitigate risks for unanticipated expenditures
• Credit and rating agencies favor increased levels of fund
balances ( reserves )
• Alternatively , excess fund balance are frowned upon by
taxpayers , citizen groups , and unions
• Crucial in long -term financial planning
Consolidation and formatting of
existing policies
• Most Utility reserve policies were not included in the
Reserve Policy in the Budget Document
• Created separate sections for Debt Service Funds ,
Special Revenue Funds , and Internal Service Funds
• Changed some formatting and organization
Proposed Changes to Policies
• Eliminate Productivity Savings Reserve in General Fund
• Consolidate the Financial Uncertainty and the
Designation for Contingencies in the General Fund into a
new " 60 Day Policy" Reserve based on maintaining a
minimum of 60 days of next year' s original appropriated
expenditures and transfers
• Anew Capital Outlay Reserve for all utility funds
Are Funds in Compliance with
Policies ?
• All Funds are in compliance
• Utility staff will calculate the desired level for the new
Capital Outlay Reserves
WHEREAS,City Council has adopted Financial Management Policies for the City pursuant
to Resolution 1994-174; and
WHEREAS,Resolution 1994-174 provides that Council may adopt amendments to the City's
Financial Management Policies; and
WHEREAS, the City Financial Officer and City Manager have recommended certain
proposed amendments to the Financial Management Policies; and
WHEREAS, the City is committed to sound and efficient financial planning and
management; and
WHEREAS, the proposed amendments to the Financial Management Policies establish
guidelines for sound and efficient financial planning and management, and reflect current
requirements and laws that apply to the City's financial activities; and
WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to adopt these amendments to the City's Financial
Management Policies in pursuit of its objective of sound and efficient financial planning and
COLLINS as follows:
Section 1. That the Council hereby adopts the amendments to the City's Financial
Management Policies attached hereto as Exhibit"A"and incorporated herein by this reference.
Section 2. That the amendments to the Financial Management Policies adopted by the
passage of this Resolution shall be included as part of said Policies,and those Policies shall hereafter
remain in effect until the same are amended or repealed by subsequent action of the City Council.
Passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Fort Collins held this
15th day of April, A.D. 2008.
City Clerk
The General Fund is the largest and most diverse of the City' s operating funds . It
includes all resources not legally restricted to specific uses . The major source of
revenue to the General Fund is sales and use tax , which accounts for approximately
60 % of the revenue . Local property tax and Lodging Tax are also included , as are
revenues derived from fees for services and materials , licenses , permits , and fines .
and delivery of sefviees . General Fund nianagers need a icnearis by whieh to save
0 neentive polney , nianagers tend to spend savings an shaft terffl needs rathef than
feqtiesting additional Genefal Fund
Prudent ttst-effeefive servffiee delivery reqdir iblig rallge Planning of both tosts
within whieh fflanagef� ean develop stfategie plans fathef than � hoft tefmi , ' ' me iteffl
fflanagenient eonditions of enterprise funds .
This Poliey defines savings as tinspent depaftfflent of dlvi5ion level appfopflatlonl'.�
This Polity provides intentives fbr Genertil Ftind fflanagers t(5 irnprbve planning
pfodtietivity in SeMee delivery .
1 . Bddget E)ffiee staff will adjtist departnient or division savings within C5 Sff'Viu'a'
afea R) f any over spending by anMhef departnient of division within the
2 . Budget E)ffiee staff will deterniine the departionent and division al'Inda ' Savings
Financial Management Policies 1
The eligible pfodtitfivity savings shall be separately aeeotinted for in a Genefal
at any tiffle during the yeaf .
The City has five Enterprise Funds . These are Golf, Light & Power, Wastewater , Storm
Drainage , and Water. The Enterprise Fund classification has been used to account for
various services for which there exists a significant potential for financing through user
charges . Historically , services were accounted for in an Enterprise Fund if financed
more than 50 % by user charges (of the five Enterprise Funds , all but the Golf Fund are
also treated as "enterprises " within the meaning of Article X , Section 20 of the State
Constitution ) . All Enterprise Funds will recover 100 % of their costs .
The goal of all enterprise accounts is self-sufficiency . Toward this end , funds that are
not recovering at least 75 % of costs shall incrementally adjust their rate structures to
achieve a positive income position . Those operations which cannot achieve a positive
income position within a five year time frame may be accounted for as subsidized
operations and not as Enterprise Funds .
a . Utility Services
The financial policies of the Utilities are administered in accordance with the City
Charter. Each of the four utilities has been established , and is operated as an
"enterprise" as permitted by the City Charter in accordance with Article X , Section
20 of the Colorado Constitution .
1 . Fiscal Responsibility
Per the Charter, the Financial Officer will maintain a standard system of
accounting which shall , at all times , correctly reflect all financial operations of
each utility . The Utilities may keep other supplemental records and data as
are generally used by various segments of the utility industry .
Financial Management Policies 2
The Financial Officer shall keep accounts of each Utility Fund separate and
distinct from all other accounts of the City . Accounts for the Utilities shall
contain proportionate charges for all services performed by other
departments as well as proportionate credits for all services rendered to other
departments .
2 . Utility Rates
Utility rates will be based upon the cost of service approach to reflect full
distribution of costs to appropriate rate classes in order to effect equitable
sharing of costs . Rates shall be established and maintained at a level
sufficient to maintain positive net income in each of the utility funds after
paying the full cost of operating and maintaining the utilities and keeping
them in good repair and working order. Such rates shall also be sufficient to
enable each utility , where applicable , to meet rate requirements of City or
utility enterprise bond ordinances .
dtility shall be operateelt
partially off-set , defer , or niltigate the lfflpaet Of Pdrehase power
4 . Priority for the aeetiffltilation of reserves shall be as fbIlows : reserves shall
e. Water Utility
The following policies pertain to the water utility-Water Fund .
1 . Pledge of Revenues
Financial Management Policies 3
The City' s general obligation water bonds are general obligations of the City
secured by a covenant to levy taxes to make all bond payments . Thus , they
are backed by the full faith and credit of the City . In addition , the City has
pledged revenues from monthly water charges , plant investment fees ,
supplemental user fees ( collected pursuant to the Anheuser- Busch Master
Agreement-- hence "A- B supplemental user fees" ) , investment earnings , and
all other income derived from the operation of the Water Fund toward
payment of the bonds . The City' s practice is to pay general obligation water
bonds from revenues of the water system rather than through property
taxation . The City has pledged the Water Fund revenues indicated above
toward the payment of its water enterprise revenue bonds .
2 . Flow of FdMd-S
( E) & M ) expenses . E) & M expenses afe those expenses neeessafy to less operation and niaintenante
expenses tire paid , the rellififfIffig I'let reventie is pledged to pay the reventie
pfinelpal and Interest on the water reVentie bomd %'�t
( b ) Debt Service Reserve - tit an anietint specified in the bond ordinanees .
Financial Management Policies 4
Rate Maintenance
The Water Revenue Bond Ordinances require the City to charge and earn
sufficient revenue to produce " net pledged revenues" that are equal to 110 %
of the actual annual debt service requirements for all outstanding water
revenue bonds plus 100 % of all costs payable to issuers of reserve fund
sureties . Net pledged revenues are defined as all revenues of the Water
Fund , less O& M expenses .
4 Water Capital Cost Financing
Capital cost will be identified as either :
(a ) Minor Capital -- relatively small capital acquisitions such as vehicles , lab
equipment , or minor improvements ; or
( b ) Capital Projects-- major additions , improvements , or expansions to utility
plant .
Financing for minor capital is through water utility revenues . Financing for
capital projects is principally through long -term debt financing .
d Wastewater Utility
The following policies pertain to the wastewater utility-Wastewater Fund .
1 . Pledge of Revenues
In accordance with the City and Wastewater Enterprise Bond Ordinances
(together the " Bond Ordinances" ) , the City has pledged revenue from monthly
sewer charges , plant investment fees , A- B supplemental user fees ,
investment earnings , and all other income derived from the operation of its
wastewater utility toward the payment of its sewer revenue bonds .
IF ow of Fdmd �
--expenses--those expenses meeessary to operate ,
no tain , and repair the sevvff systern . After all EAM expenses have been
id , the refflaining met f&v,� M � �
pa is edged to pay the SeWef FeVeMde bbildS
expenses are paid , the Gity iS Feqdired to ninintain the following reserve
prineipal and interest on the sewer revende bondlt-,,
-- ;
Financial Management Policies 5
EAM expenses btidgeted for the fiseal year .
Wastewater Bond Gapital Reserve--at an armatint equal to 25 % of the
3 Rate Maintenance
The Bond Ordinances require the City to charge and earn sufficient revenue
to produce " net pledged revenues " that are equal to 115 % of the actual
annual debt service requirements for all outstanding bonds plus 100 % of all
costs payable to issuers of reserve fund sureties . Net pledged revenues are
defined as all revenues of the Wastewater Fund indicated above , less O & M
expenses .
4 Wastewater Capital Cost Financing
Capital cost will be identified as either :
(a ) Minor Capital -- relatively small capital acquisitions such as vehicles , lab
equipment , or minor improvements ; or
( b ) Capital Projects-- major additions , improvements , or expansions to utility
plant .
Financing for minor capital is through utility revenues . Financing for capital
projects is principally through long -term debt financing .
e Stormwater Utility
The following policies pertain to the stormwater utility - Storm Drainage Fund .
1 . Pledge of Revenues
In accordance with the City and Storm Drainage Enterprise Bond Ordinances
(together the " Bond Ordinances" ) , the City has pledged revenue from monthly
charges , stormwater development fees , investment earnings , and all other
income derived from the operation of its stormwater utility toward the
payment of its storm drainage revenue bonds .
Financial Management Policies 6
2 . Flow of Fdmds
have been paid , the famialmlicig met reVeMidne is pledged to pay the sto
following reserve aeeotints ( listed in pledge order)t
pfne pal and interest en the storfm drai . ge i . nue bands ;
capital pfojeets whose appfopfiatioms exceed $250 , 13013 ; and
Rate Maintenance
The Bond Ordinances require the City to charge and earn sufficient revenue
to produce " net pledged revenues" that are equal to 125 % of the actual
annual debt service requirements for all outstanding bonds . Net pledged
revenues are defined as all revenues of the Storm Drainage Fund indicated
above , less O & M expenses .
4 Storm Drainage Capital Cost Financing
Capital cost will be identified as either :
(a ) Minor Capital -- relatively small capital acquisitions such as vehicles ,
equipment , or minor improvements ; or
( b ) Capital Projects-- major additions , improvements , or expansions to the
storm drainage system .
Financing for minor capital is through utility revenues . Financing for capital
projects is principally through long -term debt financing .
Financial Management Policies 7
Special Revenue Funds are used to account for the proceeds of revenue sources which
are restricted by law or administrative action to expenditures for specified purposes .
The Debt Service Fund is used for the payment of principal and interest on long-term
debts . The major source of revenue in the Debt Service Fund is the Sales & Use Tax .
a . Cultural Services & Facilities Fee Policy
The Cultural Services & Facilities Fund shall budget to recover at least 40 % of its
total cost in revenue generated through implementing the following policy:
1 . Total revenue from fees and charges shall cover a minimum of 55% of
Lincoln Center Operation and Maintenance and Performing and Visual Arts
Programming Budgets . This includes revenues generated at the Lincoln
Center from rentals , equipment , concessions and other miscellaneous
sources and all total direct revenues from the Performing and Visual Arts
Programming . A transfer from the General Fund will make up the difference
between total revenue and expenditures .
2 . The Cultural Services and Facilities Administration and Museum budgets
provide minimal financial support . These programs are funded primarily by a
transfer from the General Fund .
3 . Major capital improvements and renovations will be financed through sources
other than Cultural Services and Facilities Fund .
4 . Solicitation of funds through donations , fund-raising events , and non -
traditional sources shall be encouraged by the City staff, Lincoln Center
League , the Cultural Resources Board and the City Council .
Funding collected for any special purpose shall be earmarked for that
purpose and those funds will be processed through the Fort Collins
Foundation .
b . Art in Public Places
The purpose of this program is to encourage and enhance artistic expression and
appreciation and to add value to the community through acquiring , exhibiting and
maintaining public art. The program provides a funding mechanism and contains
guidelines pertaining to the selection and acquisition of works of art , restrictions on
the usage of certain funds available for the acquisition of art , upkeep and
maintenance of public art , and other areas pertaining to the general administration
of the program .
Following is a summary of the guidelines which provide a framework for the
implementation and administration of the City's Art in Public Places program .
Financial Management Policies 8
1 . Program Funding
The APP program ' s link to funding is the City's Capital Improvements .
(a ) The program encourages City departments to include artistic and
aesthetic values in all construction projects , including those costing less
than $50 , 000 , and all purchases of personal property that may be
located or used in places open to the public .
( b ) For eligible projects costing between $50 , 000 and $250 , 000 , a city
selected artist must be utilized and participate in the design of the
project for the purpose of incorporating works of art into all aspects of
the project to the fullest extent possible within the project budget . Costs
incurred by the artist in providing these services to the City are to be
paid from the project budget .
( c) Requests for appropriations in excess of $250 , 000 for eligible projects
must include an amount equal to one percent ( 1 % ) of the amount
appropriated at the time of the request . One percent of the amount
appropriated will be earmarked for works of art and subsequently
reserved , if not spent , in the Cultural Services and Facilities Fund , with
the exception of eligible appropriations in the Utility Funds ( Light &
Power, Water , Wastewater, and Storm Drainage ) . Each of the Utility
Funds is required to establish their own accounts and reserves for the
APP program to account for the 1 % earmarked for works of art for
eligible utility projects .
2 . Program Administration
The APP Board , with the assistance of the APP Coordinator, will have the
responsibility of coordinating and making recommendations regarding :
(a ) acquisition of works of art ,
( b ) process to be used to select works of art and artists ,
( c) works of art selection criteria ,
(d ) acquisition of donated artwork ,
(e ) certain restrictions on the use of restricted program funds , and
(f) encouraging donations for public art .
Program guidelines also include definitions of art in public places , work of art ,
construction project , and APP Coordinator as well as provisions for the
installation of art and contractual agreements between the City and artists or
donors of works of art .
Financial Management Policies 9
3 . Reserves
Art in Public Places Reserve - This reserve is restricted to Art in Public
Places program use . Appropriations from this reserve and subsequent
expenditures are restricted to the acquisition or lease of works of art , the
maintenance , repair or display of works of art , and the expenses of
administering the Art in Public Places program .
The reserve is funded by amounts equal to 1 % of eligible requested capital
project appropriations in excess of $250 , 000 , excluding Light & Power ,
Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater funds . These funds are required to set
up their own restricted reserve accounts for Art in Public Places .
c . Recreation Fund Fee Policy
The following fee policy for the Recreation Fund was adopted by Resolution 1990-
132 on September 4 , 1990 . The goal of the policy is to provide for a more
equitable distribution of the costs of recreational programs between program users
and General Fund tax dollars .
Costs associated with the Recreation Fund shall be defined as either Program
Costs or Community Good Costs .
1 . Program costs are directly associated with the activities and facilities used by
the citizens , and include the following :
(a ) Activity Costs
( 1 ) part time staff
(2 ) materials
(3 ) equipment
(4 ) participant transportation
( 5 ) other costs directly associated with conducting activities
( b ) Facility Operation and Maintenance Costs
( 1 ) minor repairs
(2 ) custodial equipment and supplies
(3 ) building utilities
(4 ) specialized items
( 5 ) other operations and maintenance costs directly associated with
operating facilities
Fees should cover the cost of the direct program experience and facilities
used . However, fees may be established in accordance with the market
value of the recreational services provided . The fees charged will not exceed
the cost of providing direct services to program users .
Financial Management Policies 10
2 . Community Good costs are those costs that are necessary to provide a
program but are not directly experienced by the user . Such costs include the
following :
(a ) full time recreation staff
( b ) office operation costs such as telephone and computer charges
( c ) training costs
(d ) dues and subscriptions
(e ) insurance
(f) office supplies and equipment
(g ) other costs not directly experienced by the users
The General Fund shall cover " Community Good " costs . General Fund will
also cover deficits in programs that cannot recover all their costs through
fees . Generally , these include programs designed for special populations
where it is not feasible to cover the total cost of participation , or programs ,
like youth sports where Council policy requires a fee discount . Because
costs that are defined as " Community Good " costs are supported by the
General Fund , they are subject to the same operational guidelines as
established for other General Fund budgets .
3 . Designated Reserves
shortfalls .
by the Reelfeation Manager , based on tentative plans for ftittife needs
and the availability of met FeSOdfee� .
The reserve level Is deternilned by the Retreation Manager , based on
tentative plans fof futtire needs and the availability of met fasotirees .
Financial Management Policies 11
Financial Management Policies 12
The City of Fort Collins maintains reserves that are required by law or contract and that
serve a specific purpose . These types of reserves are considered restricted and are not
available for other uses . Within specific funds , additional reserves may be maintained
according to adopted policies . All expenditures of reserves must be approved by
Council . This may occur during the budget process or throughout the budget year.
levels .
Restricted for Emergencies - this reserve is required under Article X , Section 20 of the
State Constitution . This reserve can only be used for declared emergencies . Three
percent or more of the City's fiscal year spending , less bonded debt service must be
reserved .
Restroeted Designated for Affordable Housing - this reserve is restricted for
affordable housing use . City Council may appropriate funds for affordable housing
purposes . Funds appropriated for the promotion of affordable housing and not
expended during the year shall lapse to the Affordable Housing Reserve . Any
appropriation from this reserve shall be restricted for the purpose of affordable housing .
the edffent year Of budgeted feventies afe less than aettial feventies and expend itti ,
expend itti Fes--.
inated for Gontungg !1pipp this fesefve is what is left after all the othef resery
Financial Management Policies 13
this reserve miay be appropfiated eltiring the etirFeicit btidget year and niay also be tiSed
General Fund FeseFves , this Is the fflost flexible .
60 Day Liquidity Goal - The
Designation for Contingency should be at least 60 days ( 17 % ) of the subsequent year's
originally adopted budgeted expenditures and transfers out . The calculation for the
minimum level shall exclude expenditures and transfers out for large and unusual one-
time items . Monies held in this reserve may be appropriated during the current budget
year and may also be used for the ensuing budget years as a financing source if
projected expenditures needed to maintain appropriate levels of service exceed
projected revenues . Of all General Fund reserves , this is the most flexible .
samples of special revenue funds are :
funds :governfflental Transportation Services Fund , Natural Areas Fund , Cemetery
Fund , Cultural Services & Facilities Fund , Perpetual Care Fund , Recreation Fund , Street
Oversizing Fund , and the Transit Services Fund . The fund equity of special revenue
goveFrinientaHunds is classified as reserved or unreserved . Unreserved portions may
be classified as either designated or undesignated . Designated fund balances represent
amounts identified by management for future use . Reserved fund balances indicate that
portion of fund equity , segregated for future use , which are legally required to be
segregated in accordance with legal and contractual provisions .
Fund managers are allowed to identify fund equity designations ( unreserved ) provided
resources are available in excess of the fund equity used to fulfill reserved balances and
those designations determined by policy .
Designated for Operations — This reserve designation is established to provide for
unforeseen revenue losses . If something happens to the economy , there is flexibility
without worrying that current expenditures will exceed the total revenue available . The
revenue reserve is calculated , as a minimum , at an amount equal to 2 % of projected
operating expenditures by fund . The Operations Reserve is not appropriated as part of
the annual budget , but may be utilized at the end of the fiscal year , if necessary .
Debt service funds are generally not expected or managed to carry any fund balance
reserves . Their function is to make debt payments , and receive transfers from other
funds to cover the payments , or collect special revenues dedicated for debt service .
Felplaeonient of existing eapital plant and additional capital inipfovenlents
Financial Management Policies 14
- -resefves . The aniotint of the fesefve Is deteficnined by averaging the dollar Valtie
3 . Bebt Resefves - Debt reserves are established to pfateet bond holders fr
bond ratings and the ionafkatability of bonds .
The aniount of debt reserves are established by bond ordinanee in assoemation
stippleniental Bebt Servite reserves in addition to those expressly reqtlired by
Bond E) rdliciaiciee . Stieh reserves shall not be deamied to tonfer any rights tipoict
Enterprise funds use full accrual based accounting . Their Equity or Fund Balance on a
balance sheet is referred to as Net Assets . In general , Net Assets are subdivided into
three areas , somewhat based on increasing levels of liquidity . The first division is Nets
Assets Invested in Capital Assets, less Related Debt. This class of Net Assets is not
liquid at all , and hence not subject to appropriation . The second division is Nets Assets
Restricted to Debt Service . This class of Nets Assets , if it exists at all , is imposed by
debt covenants . Although each covenant is unique , it commonly equals the next year's
debt service payments . The last division is Unrestricted Net Assets, which ultimately is
the remaining after the other two divisions are satisfied . It is this class of net assets that
the following policies address .
mterna ' Service ftinds aeettint for eertain stipport services provided to other funds . By
Servites Ftind ) , self- instirante of eniployee health tare and other ernployee benefits
Financial Management Policies 15
rev ews ( Belciefits Ftind and Self Instiranee Ftind ) guide the level of reserves .
Electric Utility
The following policies pertain to the electric utility- Light and Power Fund . Since the utility
is debt-free , these policies pertain primarily to maintenance of reserves . The utility shall
be operated :
1 . To provide an operating reserve equal to 8 % of budgeted operating expenditures ,
excluding the cost of purchased power;
2 . To provide a future capital improvements reserve in an amount equal to the average
annual cost (excluding debt financing ) of the approved five-year capital improvement
plan , considering any changes which , from time to time , may be made in such plan ;
3 . To provide a purchase power reserve up to approximately 25 % of the annual
revenue from the sale of electrical energy . This reserve shall be used to partially off-
set , defer, or mitigate the impact of purchase power cost increases due to factors
such as federal power issues . Significant changes to the 25 % level shall be reported
to the Council during the budget process , ..
4 . Capital Outlay Reserve — at an amount needed to maintain capital assets and
equipment reserve at an amount equal to the capital asset replacement schedule ;
5 . Priority for the accumulation of reserves shall be as follows : reserves shall first be
accumulated in the operating reserve , second in future capital improvements
reserve , third in the purchase power reserve . In addition , 1 % of specified capital
project appropriations shall be reserved and restricted for the City's Art in Public
Places program . After reserves are funded , any remaining working capital shall be
added to the purchase power reserve .
Water Utility
The following policies pertain to the water utility - Water Fund .
Flow of Funds
The City has committed to maintain rates and charges sufficient to generate
sufficient " net revenues" of the water system to pay principal and interest on its water
revenue bonds and general obligation water bonds . Net revenues include all
revenues referred to above , less operation and maintenance ( O& M ) expenses .
O & M expenses are those expenses necessary to operate , maintain , and repair the
water system , but do not include any allowance for depreciation or capital
replacements and improvements . After all O& M expenses are paid , the remaining
net revenue is pledged to pay the revenue bonds principal , interest , and related
Financial Management Policies 16
costs . After all O&M and debt services expenses are paid , the City is required to
maintain the following revenue bond accounts :
1 . Principal and Interest Reserve - at an amount equal to the accrued principal
and interest on the water revenue bonds ; or
2 . Debt Service Reserve - at an amount specified in the bond ordinances .
Any remaining net revenues of the Water Fund may be used for any lawful purpose .
These are used , in part , to fund major and minor capital improvements and the
following reserves :
1 . Operating Reserve - at an amount equal to 5% of the projected operating
revenue for the ensuing year;
2 . Water Rights Reserve - at an amount equal to the amount of cash in - lieu -of
water rights payments and raw water surcharges less any expenditures for
acquiring water rights ;
3 . Art in Public Places Reserve - at an amount equal to 1 % of eligible capital
projects whose appropriations exceed $250 , 000 ;
4 . Capital Outlay Reserve — at an amount needed to maintain capital assets and
equipment reserve at an amount equal to the capital asset replacement
schedule ;
5 . Capital Projects Reserve - at an amount equal to remaining working capital
after all other reserves are satisfied .
Wastewater Utility
The following policies pertain to the wastewater utility-Wastewater Fund .
Flow of Funds
The first charge against Wastewater Fund revenue is operation and maintenance
( O& M ) expenses--those expenses necessary to operate , maintain , and repair the
sewer system . After all O& M expenses have been paid , the remaining net revenue
is pledged to pay the sewer revenue bonds principal , interest , and related costs .
After all O& M and debt services expenses are paid , the City is required to maintain
the following reserve accounts ( listed in pledge order) :
1 . Principal and Interest Reserve - at an amount equal to the accrued
principal and interest on the sewer revenue bonds ; or
2 . 2—Debt Service Reserve - at an amount specified in the bond ordinances .
Financial Management Policies 17
3 . Wastewater Bond Capital Reserve - at an amount equal to 25 % of the O & M
expenses budgeted for the fiscal year .
Any remaining net pledged revenues of the Wastewater Fund may be used for any
lawful purpose . These are used , in part , to fund major and minor capital
improvements and the following reserves :
1 . Operating Reserve - at an amount equal to 5 % of the projected operating
revenue for the ensuing year;
2 . Art in Public Places Reserve--at an amount equal to 1 % of eligible capital
projects whose appropriations exceed $250 , 000 ;
Capital Outlay Reserve — at an amount needed to maintain capital assets and
equipment reserve at an amount equal to the capital asset replacement
schedule ;
4 . Capital Projects Reserve - at an amount equal to remaining working capital
after all other reserves are satisfied .
Stormwater Utility
The following policies pertain to the stormwater utility - Storm Drainage Fund .
Flow of Funds
The first charge against Storm Drainage Fund revenue is operation and maintenance
( O& M ) expenses-those expenses necessary to operate , maintain , and repair the
storm drainage system . After all O & M expenses have been paid , the remaining net
revenue is pledged to pay the storm drainage revenue bonds principal , interest , and
related costs . After all O & M and debt service expenses are paid , the City is required
to maintain the following reserve accounts ( listed in pledge order) :
1 . Principal and interest reserve- at an amount equal to the accrued principal
and interest on the storm drainage revenue bonds ;
2 . Debt service reserve-at an amount specified in the bond ordinances .
Any remaining net pledged revenues of the Storm Drainage Fund may be used for
any lawful purpose . These are used , in part , to fund major and minor capital
improvements and the following reserves :
1 . Operating Reserve--at an amount equal to 5 % of the projected operating
revenue for the ensuing year;
2 . Art in Public Places Reserve - at an amount equal to 1 % of eligible capital
projects whose appropriations exceed $250 , 000 ; and
Financial Management Policies 18
4 . Capital Outlay Reserve — at an amount needed to maintain capital assets and
equipment reserve at an amount equal to the capital asset replacement
schedule ;
5 . 4 . Capital Projects Reserve - at an amount equal to remaining
working capital after all other reserves are satisfied .
Golf Fund
Designated for Operations — This reserve designation is established to provide for
unforeseen revenue losses . If something happens to the economy , there is flexibility
without worrying that current expenditures will exceed the total revenue available . The
revenue reserve is calculated , as a minimum , at an amount equal to 2 % of projected
operating expenditures by fund . The Operations Reserve is not appropriated as part of
the annual budget , but may be utilized at the end of the fiscal year, if necessary .
Internal Service funds account for certain support services provided to other funds . By
imposing charges to the users of the services , they recover their costs . The City' s
Internal Service Funds are used to account for the City fleet maintenance ( Equipment
Fund ) , management information services and communication services ( Data and
Communications Services Fund ) , self- insurance of employee health care and other
employee benefits ( Benefits Fund ) , and a risk management insurance program (Self
Insurance Fund ) .
Accounting guidelines strongly encourage internal service fund to charge only enough to
the recovery of the cost of the service , including depreciation , rather than making a
profit . However, in certain situations it is appropriate to establish fund balance reserves
policies . For example , customer-approved master plans and independent third - party
actuarial reviews ( Benefits Fund and Self Insurance Fund ) guide the level of reserves .
Designated for Operations — This reserve designation is established to provide for
unforeseen revenue losses . If something happens to the economy , there is flexibility
without worrying that current expenditures will exceed the total revenue available . The
revenue reserve is calculated , as a minimum , at an amount equal to 2 % of projected
operating expenditures by fund . The Operations Reserve is not appropriated as part of
the annual budget , but may be utilized at the end of the fiscal year, if necessary .
Financial Management Policies 19