DATE: December 19, 2000
FROM: John Duval
Items Relating to the City's Self-Insurance Program and its Legal Obligation to Defend and
Indemnify its Public Employees in Certain Civil and Criminal Matters.
Staff recommends adoption of the Ordinances on Second Reading.
A. Second Reading of Ordinance No. 176, 2000, Adding a New Division 6 to Article V of
Chapter 2 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins Concerning the Legal Defense and
Indemnification of the City's Public Employees with Respect to Civil Claims and
40 Payment of Their Attorneys' Fees Related to Criminal Charges.
B. Second Reading of Ordinance No. 177, 2000, Adding a New Division 3 to Article III of
Chapter 8 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins Concerning the City's Self-Insurance
Program and Fund.
Ordinance No.'s 176 and 177, 2000, were unanimously adopted on First Reading on November
21, 2000, amending the City's self-insurance program as well as City Council's previous
Resolutions addressing the City's legal obligation to defend and indemnify its public employees
in certain civil actions and to pay their attorneys' fees in certain criminal matters.
DATE: November 21, 2000
John Duval
Items Relating to the City's Self-Insurance Program and its Legal Obligation to Defend and
Indemnify its Public Employees in Certain Civil and Criminal Matters.
Staff recommends adoption of the Cdinancola—ding.
The Self-Insurance fund is currently adequately funded based on the 2000 actuarial report.
Adoption of these Ordinances shoul dve aff n f this fund.
A. First Reading of Ordinance No. 176, 2000, Adding a New Division 6 to Article V of
Chapter 2 of the Code of the Cit of Fort Collins Concerningthe Legal Defense and
Indemnification of the C' s b ' E o s it a ect to Civil Claims and
Payment of Their Attome Fees R ted t Ch s.
1 B. First Reading of Ordinance o. 177, 0, A ing a ew ivision 3 to Article III of
Chapter 8 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins Concerning the City's Self-Insurance
Program and Fund.
Staff has been reviewing the City's self-insurance program as well as its obligation to defend and
indemnify its public employees (which employees include Councilmembers, City board and
commission members, and City volunteers) in civil actions and in certain circumstances to pay
its public employees' attorneys' fees in criminal matters. The proposed Ordinances make
amendments to the City's self-insurance program as well as amendments to City Council's
previous Resolutions addressing the City's legal obligation to defend and indemnify its public
employees in certain civil actions and to pay their attorneys' fees in certain criminal matters.
DATE: November 21, 2000 2 ITEM NUMBER: 23
City's Obligation to Defend and Indemnify Its Public Employees
In 1987, the City Council adopted Resolution 87-79 to provide for the legal defense and
indemnification of the City's employees against civil claims. Resolution 87-79 generally
requires the City to defend and indemnify its employees against civil claims and also provides
that the City will, under certain circumstances, reimburse its employees for the attorneys' fees
they have incurred in defense of a charge for criminal misconduct. Then, in 1994, the Council
adopted Resolution 94-101 which amended those provisions of Resolution of 87-79 related to
reimbursement of the City's empl r yed ' defense of a charge for
criminal misconduct.
Resolution 87-79 was originally a y u prithe purpose of affirming
the City's obligation to its employees to defend and indemnify them against certain civil claims,
as the City is required to do under the Colorado Governmental Immunity Act ("Act"). A recent
review of Resolution 87-79 and the Act reveals that the prerequisites that must be satisfied by a
public employee of the City under the Act before the City is obligated to defend and indemnify
the employee against certain civil claims, are inconsistent in some respects with the prerequisites
that are required to be satisfied under Resolution 87-79. Therefore, in order to resolve any
conflict that may exist between these prerequisites under Resolution 87-79 and the Act,
Ordinance No. 176, 2000, repeals Re u 'ons -79f4- an bstitutes new provisions
that eliminate the inconsistencies weer olutt 9 a t.Ordinance No. 176, 2000, also ses h ro iof Res tion 87-79 to allow public
employees of other governmental entities to participate in the City's self-insurance program
provided that such entities have entered into an intergovernmental agreement with the City
setting forth the terms and conditions pursuant to which the City would defend and indemnify
the other governmental entities and employees. The likely governmental entities that might
participate in the City's self-insurance program would include the Poudre Fire Authority.
City's Self-Insurance Program
In 1998, the City Council adopt e o o 'on JR n ) establishing the City's
self-insurance program and the C 's sel - suran f e d") to provide for the legal
defense, settlement and payment iv c s ag s e City or its employees and for the
replacement or repair of damaged o en pr Su ently, the Council revised
Resolution 88-1 by adopting Resolution 88-183 to expand the self-insurance program to also
provide for the legal defense, settlement and payment of worker's compensation claims filed
against the City by its employees.
Under its self-insurance program, the City can use the Fund to satisfy the City's legal obligations
to defend and indemnify its employees from and against civil claims as required by the Act, and
as required by Ordinance No. 177, 2000, now before the Council for its consideration, in which
the Council reaffirms its defense and indemnity obligations under the Act for its employees that
were previously made in Council Resolutions 87-79 and 94-101.
A recent review of Resolutions 88-1 and 88-183 reveal that these Resolutions need to be revised
to substitute the references in them to Resolution 87-79 with references to the proposed
DATE: November 21, 2000 3 ITEM NUMBER: 23
Ordinance, and to also clarify that the Fund can be used to pay all of the "covered expenses" as
they are described in Ordinance No. 177, 2000, and that are not otherwise covered by other
insurance. In addition, it is necessary to amend Resolution 88-1 in order to allow other
governmental entities to be covered, such as the Poudre Fire Authority, to participate in the
City's self-insurance program provided they have entered into an intergovernmental agreement
with the City setting forth the terms and conditions of such participation.
Adoption of Ordinance No. 177, 2000, will repeal and supersede Resolutions 88-1 and 88-183,
and make the necessary amendments described above.