October 3, 2000
Proclamations and Presentations
5:30 p.m.
A. Proclamation Proclaiming October 5, 2000 as 'National Depression Screening Day'.
B. Proclamation Proclaiming October 12, 2000 as "Turn Off the Violence Day'.
C. Proclamation Proclaiming October 14, 2000 as "White Cane Safety Day".
D. Proclamation Proclaiming the Month of October as "Community Homecoming Month".
Regular Meeting
6:00 p.m.
A. Presentation by Councilmembers to Outgoing Latimer County Commissioners,Cheryl Olson
and Jim Disney.
3. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION (limited to 30 minutes)
This is an opportunity for the Mayor and Councilmembers to follow-up on issues raised
during Citizen Participation.
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The Consent Calendar consists of Item Numbers 7 through 25. This Calendar is
intended to allow the City Council to spend its time and energy on the important
items on a lengthy agenda. Staff recommends approval of the Consent Calendar.
Anyone may request an item on this calendar to be "pulled" off the Consent
Calendar and considered separately. Agenda items pulled from the Consent
Calendar will be considered separately under Agenda Item #33, Pulled Consent
Items. The Consent Calendar consists of:
1) Ordinances on First Reading that are routine;
2) Ordinances on Second Reading that are routine;
3) Those of no perceived controversy;
4) Routine Administrative actions.
7. Consideration and approval of the Council Meeting minutes of September 19, 2000.
8. Second Reading of Ordinance No. 126, 2000, Appropriating Unanticipated Grant Revenue
in the General Fund for Police Services for the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency.Prevention
Grant Project.
Fort Collins Police Services has been awarded a grant under the Colorado Division of
Criminal Justice, Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (JJDP) in the amount of
$18,500 for salaries and costs associated with implementing a Youth Community/Family
Conference (restorative justice) Program. Restorative justice is an alternative method of
holding a youth offender accountable for his or her actions by conferencing with the youth
and the victim to develop appropriate consequences for the offense. Ordinance No. 126,
2000,which was unanimously adopted on First Reading on September 19,2000,appropriates
unanticipated grant revenue in the General Fund for the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency
Prevention Grant Project.
9. Second Reading of Ordinance No. 127, 2000, Appropriating Unanticipated Revenue in the
Capital Projects Fund Downtown Railroad Track Consolidation Capital Project to be Used
for Improvements Associated with Phase III of the Railroad Consolidation Project.
Ordinance No. 127, 2000,which was unanimously adopted on First Reading on September
19, 2000, authorizes the acceptance of the $500,000 in State funds to be used for the
relocation and improvement of various railroad tracks, upgrade the crossings of the Union
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Pacific tracks at Linden Street and Lincoln Avenue, and implement the design and
construction of various street improvements related to the crossing improvements.
10. Second Reading of Ordinance No. 128, 2000, Authorizine the Transfer of AQpropriations
From the Street Oversizing Fund to the Capital Projects Fund and Between Projects in the
Capital Projects Fund to be Used for Downtown Civic Center Improvements.
Transportation Services has been working toward improving the transportation infrastructure
surrounding the Civic Center project. The Civic Center Transportation Plan included an
analysis of a full range of improvements to support the Civic Center project, including
parking,lighting,landscaping,pedestrian access,transit,and street improvements. Staff has
identified these elements of the plan as necessary to enhance and support the current
construction of the parking structure, Latimer County Justice Center, City office building,
and the proposed transit center.
This Ordinance, which was unanimously adopted on First Reading on September 19, 2000,
authorizes the transfer of existing appropriations into the Capital Projects Fund Downtown
Civic Center project to be used for construction of improvements.
11. Second Reading of Ordinance No 129 2000 Appropriating Unanticipated Grant Revenue
in the General Fund for a Brownfields Assessment Pilot Program in the Downtown River
The EPA has awarded the City of Fort Collins the maximum grant of$250,000 to begin the
process of assessing the contamination concerns in the Downtown River Corridor.
Ordinance No. 129, 2000, which was unanimously adopted on First Reading on September
19, 2000, appropriates unanticipated grant revenue for a Brownfields Assessment Pilot
Program in the Downtown River Corridor.
12. Second Reading of Ordinance No. 130, 2000, Desi n� ating the Gill/Nelson Farm 5529
Timberline Road, as a Historic Landmark Pursuant to Chapter 14 of the City Code
The owners of the property, Ray and Patty Seaser and Jeff Nowak, initiated this request for
landmark designation for the Gill/Nelson Farm.The farmhouse is significant to Fort Collins
as an excellent example of Italianate architecture. The property also has historical value to
the community,for its association with the agricultural development of the Fort Collins area.
The property contains three buildings,a circa 1890 two story brick house,a circa 1880 stone
milk house or bunkhouse, and a circa 1930 two-car garage. Ordinance No. 130, 2000, was
unanimously adopted on First Reading on September 19, 2000.
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13. First Reading of Ordinance No. 131, 2000 Authorizing the Long-tern Lease of Property
the Fort Collins-Loveland Municipal Airport to Ron Grob for the Construction of an Aircraft
The Airport Manager has negotiated a lease of property for the construction of an aircraft
hangar. The hangar will provide at least 2,000 square feet of aircraft storage space. At the
expiration of the lease, the improvements revert to the ownership of the Airport.
The construction of the hangar will generate new revenue for the Airport and help meet the
aircraft storage needs of local aircraft owners.
14. First Reading of Ordinance No. 132, 2000 Authorizing the Lone-term Lease of Property at
the Fort Collins-Loveland Municipal Airport to James and Jackie Iberlin for the Construction
of an Aircraft Hangar.
The Airport Manager has negotiated a lease of property for the construction of an aircraft
hangar. The hangar will provide at least 2,000 square feet of aircraft storage space. At the
expiration of the lease, the improvements revert to the ownership of the Airport.
The construction of the hangar will generate new revenue for the Airport and help meet the
aircraft storage needs of local aircraft owners.
15. First Reading of Ordinance No. 133, 2000 Authorizing the Long-tern Lease of Property at
the Fort Collins-Loveland Municipal Airoort to Dale Matuska for the Construction of
Aircraft Hangars.
The Airport Manager has negotiated a lease of property for the construction of aircraft
hangars. The hangars will provide at least 4,000 square feet of aircraft storage space. At the
expiration of the leases, the improvements revert to the ownership of the Airport.
The construction of the hangars will generate new revenue for the Airport and help meet the
aircraft storage needs of local aircraft owners.
16. First Reading of Ordinance No. 134. 2000 Authorizing the Long-term Lease of Property at
the Fort Collins-Loveland Municipal Airport to Kent L. Norwood for the Construction of
Aircraft Hangars.
The Airport Manager has negotiated a lease of property for the construction of aircraft
hangars. The hangars will provide at least 4,000 square feet of aircraft storage space. At the
expiration of the leases, the improvements revert to the ownership of the Airport.
The construction of the hangars will generate new revenue for the Airport and help meet the
aircraft storage needs of local aircraft owners.
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17. First Reading of Ordinance No. 135, 2000 Authorizing the Long-term Lease of Property at
the Fort Collins-Loveland Municipal Airport to James Seilbach for the Construction of an
Aircraft Hangar.
The Airport Manager has negotiated a lease of property for the construction of an aircraft
hangar. The hangar will provide at least 3,500 square feet of aircraft storage space. At the
expiration of the lease, the improvements revert to the ownership of the Airport.
The construction of the hangar will generate new revenue for the Airport and help meet the
aircraft storage needs of local aircraft owners.
18. First Reading of Ordinance No. 136, 2000 Authorizing the Long-term Lease of Property at
the Fort Collins-Loveland Municipal Airport to Dennis Wyatt for the Construction of an
Aircraft Hangar.
The Airport Manager has negotiated a lease of property for the construction of an aircraft
hangar. The hangar will provide at least 2,300 square feet of aircraft storage space. At the
expiration of the lease, the improvements revert to the ownership of the Airport.
The construction of the hangar will generate new revenue for the Airport and help meet the
aircraft storage needs of local aircraft owners.
19. First Reading of Ordinance No. 137, 2000, Repealing Ordinance No. 24, 1996. and
Amending Chapter 14 of the City Code to Establish the Landmark Rehabilitation Loan
This Ordinance involves replacing the Landmark Rehabilitation Grant Program with a new
Landmark Rehabilitation Loan Program. Zero-interest loan amounts would be provided of
up to$5,000 per property. Loan repayments collected at the sale of a property would revolve
back into the Program, providing additional rehabilitation funds over time.
20. First Reading of Ordinance No. 138, 2000, Appropriating Prior Year Reserves and
Unanticipated Revenue in Various Funds and Authorizing the Transfer of Appropriated
Amounts Between Funds.
The purpose of the annual clean-up ordinance is to combine dedicated revenues or reserves
that need to be appropriated before the end of the year to cover the related expenses that were
not anticipated and, therefore not included in the 2000 budget. The unanticipated revenue
is primarily from fees, charges, rents, contributions and grants that have been paid to city
departments to offset specific expenses. Prior year reserves are primarily being appropriated
for unanticipated operation expenses from reserves that are set aside for that purpose.
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This Ordinance appropriates prior year reserves and unanticipated revenue in various City
funds,and authorizes the transfer of appropriated amounts between funds. The City Charter
permits the City Council to provide by ordinance for payment of any expense from prior year
reserves. The Charter also permits the City Council to appropriate unanticipated revenue
received as a result of rate or fee increases or new revenue sources. Additionally, it
authorizes the City Council to transfer any unexpended appropriated amounts from one fund
to another upon recommendation of the City Manager provided the purpose for which the
transferred funds are to be expended remains unchanged;or the purpose for which they were
initially appropriated no longer exists; or the proposed transfer is from a fund or capital
project account in which the amount appropriated exceeds the amount needed to accomplish
the purpose specified in the appropriation ordinance.
21. First Reading of Ordinance No. 139, 2000, Repealing Ordinance No. 93, 1995, and
Designating the C&S Freight Depot Building and Dock as a Fort Collins Landmark Pursuant
to Chapter 14 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins.
The owner of the property, the City of Fort Collins, is initiating this request to repeal
Ordinance No. 93, 1995,and to enact another ordinance to designate the C&S Freight Depot
building and the entire dock as a Fort Collins Landmark. The depot is significant to Fort
Collins as an excellent example of early vernacular industrial railroad design. The depot has
additional significance to Fort Collins for its historical importance,as a representation of the
development of transportation and commerce in Fort Collins.
22. Resolution 2000-121 Finding Substantial Compliance and Initiating Annexation Proceedings
for the Irish Elementary School First Annexation.
This is for a 100% voluntary annexation. The property being considered for annexation is
approximately 0.5 acres in size within the West Vine Drive right-of-way. The proposed
zoning district is Low Density Mixed-Use Neighborhood (LMN).
The proposed Resolution states that it is the City's intent to annex this property and directs
that the published notice required by State law be given of the Council's hearing to consider
the needed annexation ordinance. The hearing will be held at the time of First Reading of
the annexation and zoning ordinances on November 21,2000. Not less than thirty days prior
published notice is required by State Law.
23. Resolution 2000-122 Finding Substantial Compliance and Initiating Annexation Proceeding
for the Irish Elementary School Second Annexation.
This is for a 100% voluntary annexation. The property being considered for annexation is
approximately 12.6 acres in size at the northwest corner of Irish Drive and Cherry Street.The
existing use is an elementary school. The proposed zoning district is Low Density Mixed-
Use Neighborhood (LMN).
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The proposed Resolution states that it is the City's intent to annex this property and directs
that the published notice required by State law be given of the Council's hearing to consider
the needed annexation ordinance. The hearing will be held at the time of First Reading of
the annexation and zoning ordinances on November 21,2000. Not less than thirty days prior
published notice is required by State Law.
24. Resolution 2000-123 Establishing a Process for Evaluating the Performance of the City
Manager, City Attorney and Municipal Judge.
The Council Governance Committee has met with the City Manager, City Attorney and
Municipal Judge on two occasions to discuss the process for performing the annual
performance evaluation of these employees. The Governance Committee and these three
employees have recommended to the Council the adoption of this Resolution which would
standardize the process for conducting these evaluations.
25. Routine Easements.
A. Easement for construction and maintenance of electric utilities from Al and Carol
Wood, to install a streetlight, located at 421 Princeton Road. Monetary
consideration: $10.
B. Easement for construction and maintenance of public utilities from Leonard L. and
June S. Schlagel to underground electric system,located at 1123-1125 Lindenmeier
Court. Monetary consideration: $10.
26. Consent Calendar Follow-up.
This is an opportunity for Councilmembers to comment on items adopted or approved on the
Consent Calendar.
27. Staff Reports.
28. Councilmember Reports.
Committees that have met since September 19 include:
Finance Committee Health and Safety Committee
29. Items Relating to the Mason Street Transportation Corridor Master Plan.
A. Resolution 2000-124 Approving the Mason Street Transportation Corridor Master
Plan and Extending the Boundary of the Mason Street Corridor to Fossil Creek Trail.
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B. Resolution 2000-125 Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into a Memorandum of
Understanding with the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad Regarding the Mason
Street Transportation Corridor.
The first Resolution formally adopts the Master Plan for the conceptual design of the Mason
Street Transportation Corridor (the "Corridor") and extends the boundary of the Corridor.
The general concept is an at-grade bus rapid transit located along the east side of the
Burlington Northern Santa Fe(`BNSF")Railroad and the bicycle and pedestrian path on the
west side. The original project concept in Building Community Choices described a southern
terminus at Harmony Road. The final conceptual design is for the Corridor to extend south
to the Fossil Creek Trail. City Council must take formal action to enlarge the scope of the
Corridor beyond the Building Community Choices project description. The first Resolution
also extends the Corridor boundary.
A Memorandum of Understanding with the BNSF Railroad is needed to establish a basic
understanding and foundation for creating and implementing the formal agreement regarding
the Corridor. The second Resolution authorizes the City Manager to enter into such a
Memorandum of Understanding. Staff will work with the Railroad to complete a final
agreement based on the issues listed in the Memorandum.
30. Resolution 2000-126 Expressing Opposition to Proposed Amendment 21.
A citizen initiative, which will appear on the November ballot as Amendment 21, proposes
an amendment to the Colorado Constitution that would provide for a high and constantly
increasing tax credit. The tax credit would adversely affect the City of Fort Collins and the
services the City provides to its residents and visitors. If passed the Amendment would also
reduce revenues to Latimer County, the City's Downtown Development Authority and
General Improvement District No. 1,the Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District,the
Poudre Health Services District,the Poudre Valley Fire District and the Larimer County Pest
Control District. It is possible that the Amendment will literally put many smaller local
governments and districts out of business in the first year of the tax cut implementation.
Analysis by the Colorado Municipal League,Colorado Counties,Inc.,the Division of Local
Government, and other jurisdictions indicates that this Amendment will have severe effects
on the provision of governmental services. Based on this analysis, the management staff
finds the Amendment to be an inappropriate and misguided approach to tax reduction that
would jeopardize the public health,safety,and welfare of our community and the entire state
of Colorado.
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31. Resolution 2000-127 Expressing Opposition to Proposed Amendment 24 Amending the
Colorado Constitution by the Addition of a New Article to Be Entitled"Citizen Management
of Growth".
This Amendment would prohibit local governments from approving any development that
was not located in a Committed Area or a Growth Area, with several specific exceptions.
Committed Areas are to be established by the City Council prior to December 31, 2001,
based on three criteria contained in the Amendment. These Committed Areas contain land
that is the subject of a pending application, infill sites, or where development has already
begun. They may be the subject of development approvals immediately after their
designation, without a vote of the people. In a prior action on August 15, 2000, the City
Council adopted Resolution 2000-109 clarifying that Fort Collins will interpret "valid
development application" as at least an ODP under the second of these criteria.
If a local government plans to grow beyond its Committed Areas, Growth Areas are to be
established by a vote of the people,after being proposed by the City Council. These Growth
Areas are to include lands that can be served by roads, and central water and sewer, within
ten years following their adoption. They would have to be contiguous to a Committed Area
or previously approved growth area. The Growth Area Maps must be approved at general
elections in November. The first such opportunity would be November 2001. Any
subsequent changes to Growth Areas would need to be approved by the voters at a November
32. Items Relating to Elections.
A. Second Reading of Ordinance No. 121, 2000, Amending Section 7-127 of the City
Code Relating to Campaign Contribution Limits.
B. Second Reading of Ordinance No. 122, 2000, Amending Section 7-129 of the City
Code Relating to Election Campaign Reports.
At its June 27, 2000 Study Session, Council discussed the current limit ($50) imposed on
campaign contributions. The consensus of the Council was that the limits should be
increased to $100 for Mayoral candidates and $75 for District candidates. Ordinance No.
121, 2000, which was adopted on First Reading on September 19, 2000 by a 4-2 vote,
implements those increases which will be effective well in advance of campaign periods for
the April 2001 election. Ordinance No. 121, 2000, also conforms several of the definitions
in this Section to those contained in the Fair Campaign Practices Act (FCPA).
Ordinance No. 121, 2000 has been amended on Second Reading to delete reference to the
candidate receiving contributions,since the definition of"candidate committee"includes the
candidate. In addition, a provision relating to independent expenditures previously adopted
in Ordinance No. 125, 2000, has been incorporated in this Ordinance.
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On September 5,Councilmember Mason asked that an option be brought forward requiring
that all campaign reports that are filed with the Municipal Clerk, either under the FCPA or
the City Code, be current as of two days prior to the filing date. Ordinance No. 122, 2000,
which was adopted on First Reading on September 19, 2000 by a 4-2 vote, amends Section
7-129 of the Code,requiring that all reports filed with the City Clerk be current as of two(2)
days prior to the filing date.
33. Pulled Consent Items.
34. Other Business.
35. Adjournment.
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