STAFF: Chuck Seest
First Reading of Ordinance No. 023, 2008, Appropriating Prior Year Reserves.
Staff recommends adoption of the Ordinance on First Reading.
This ordinance increases 2008 appropriations by $2,785,726. A total of$1,451,454 is requested
for reappropriation in the General Fund and $1,334,272 is requested from various other City
funds. Reappropriation requests represent amounts budgeted in 2007 that could not be
encumbered at year-end. The appropriations are from 2007 prior year reserves.
City Council authorized expenditures in 2007 for various purposes. The authorized expenditures
were not spent or could not be encumbered in 2007 because:
• There was not sufficient time to complete bidding in 2007 and therefore,
there was no known vendor or binding contract as required to expend or
encumber the monies.
• The project for which the dollars were originally appropriated by Council
could not be completed during 2007 and reappropriation of those dollars is
necessary for completion of the project in 2008.
• To carry on programs, services, and facility improvements in 2008 with
unspent dollars previously appropriated in 2007.
In the above circumstances, the unexpended and/or unencumbered monies lapsed into individual
fund balances at the end of 2007 and reflect no change in Council policies.
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Monies reappropriated for each City fund by this Ordinance are as follows:
General Fund $ 1,451,454
Cultural Services and Facilities Fund $ 140,746
Light and Power Fund $370,000
Storm Drainage Fund $ 189,317
Wastewater Fund $ 110,460
Water Fund $ 25,000
Recreation Fund $ 51,000
Transportation Services Fund $ 447,749
On-line Supervisory Summit Program - $18,900. Funds were originally appropriated in 2007,
for an on-line version of the Supervisory Summit program. Supervisory Summit is a mandatory
employment policy program, designed for all City supervisors to develop a foundation of
knowledge to interpret, administer and communicate federal/state mandates and Citywide
policies and procedures. The Summit program is comprised of nine classes including:
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), Family and Medical
Leave Act (FMLA), Sexual Harassment, Risk Management, Discipline, Grievances and Appeals,
Recruitment, Reasonable Suspicion and Performance Evaluations. E-Leaming would allow all
supervisors access to training on-demand, any time, facilitating another delivery option in
addition to the typical in-classroom presentation, while integrating e-learning into the training
culture of the organization.
Funds were not expended in 2007 as this project required staff resources from Management
Information Services, Communications and Public Involvement Office and Human Resources,
and the priority of the 2008-2009 Budget process required this project be delayed.
Mountain States Employers Council - $25,000. Funds were originally appropriated in 2007 to
contract with Mountain States Employer's Council (MSEC) to assist with the new market data
exercise that the organization will be performing in 2008, which is tied to the performance
management project. The areas where MSEC will be involved are:
1. assess competitive position of current pay levels (new market definitions and possibly
add more benchmark jobs to the equation)
2. work with departments and employees to map pay structures for each area within all of
the occupational groups
3. assist the City in performing the average actual market analysis with the new market
4. develop detailed pay structures and occupational groups
5. define and document pay increase policies
6. develop 2009 budget -performance tied to pay
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Funds were not expended in 2007 because of the agreement to push out the time line in the
development of a solid performance management system. Due to the amount of market analysis
work that needs to be done, this project will take more than one year to complete.
Traffic Unit Expenses - $16,405. In 2008, the traffic unit will be in transition with new officers
filling vacant positions. These new officers will necessitate additional training and equipment
over the amount budgeted in for 2008. Appropriations from 2007 are requested for
reappropriation to fund the additional traffic unit expenses in 2008.
Latimer Emergency Telephone Authority - $11 881. The Latimer Emergency Telephone
Authority (LETA) collects a monthly fee from all county telephone users. This fee is used to
purchase and maintain equipment and train users to process E911 phone calls and dispatch
appropriate Emergency Services Providers. LETA uses a formula to determine the annual
budget for each Emergency Services Dispatch Center based on the number of dispatchers and the
number of E911 phones calls received in the Center. The LETA Board has provided direction
that the Emergency Services Dispatch Center be allowed to use the funds remaining from the
2007 allocation for additional purchases during 2008. These expenses may include headsets,
handsets, repairs and jacks for dispatchers; printer and cartridges; and training. The amount
from the 2007 LETA funding to be reappropriated for 2008 is $11,881.
Planning - South College Project - $4,164. This amount is the balance of 2007 appropriation for
the South College Project. The South College project was started in November 2007. The
remaining funds are for public outreach (postage, advertising, etc.) which will be done in 2008.
Funds could not be encumbered at the end of 2007 because the vendors had not been determined
at that time.
Planning - South College Corridor Consulting Services - $12,000. Funds were appropriated in
2007 for consulting services. Following the South College Corridor Plan public kick-off
meeting November 29th and a series of interviews conducted in early to mid-December; staff
found there were a large number of diverse issues and concerns raised by property owners,
business owners, and residents. Staff needs to understand how prevalent these issues are in order
to determine which ones will be addressed in the planning process. Therefore, the consulting
team recommended that a in-depth survey of these interests be conducted to supplement the
market and economic analysis components of the planning process. These funds could not be
encumbered in 2007 because the issues were not identified until mid-December 2007.
Land Bank Property Maintenance - $20,056. Funds were appropriated in 2007 for property
maintenance for the land bank properties owned and leased by the department. These funds are
needed in 2008 in anticipation of any maintenance required for these properties. Funds could
not be spent or encumbered in 2007 because they are for unanticipated property maintenance
that occurs frequently each year and the vendor would not be know until the maintenance issue
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Building Maintenance Items - $1,162,000. Several major maintenance and repair projects could
not be completed in 2007. Operations Services is requesting the reappropriation of these funds
to complete the following primary projects in 2008:.
1. Replace both the computer room and PBX room air-conditioning units at City Hall.
2. Replace 4 HVAC roof top units, upgrade HVAC system controls, repair the pool deck
and shell, and replace the pool boiler at the Mulberry Pool.
3. Replace the upper and lower-rear level roofs, upgrade the HVAC digital controls, and
replace three pool heat exchanges at EPIC.
4. Upgrade the digital controls for the HVAC system at the 215 N. Mason office building.
5. Replace both the main and domestic boilers at the City Park Outdoor Pool.
6. Clean, repair, and re-plaster the pool shells and pool decks and replace the gym area roof
at the Senior Center.
The above work could not be completed in 2007 for various reasons, including ESCO
negotiations, contractor/labor/customer scheduling, weather conditions, and staff workload.
JD Edwards Server Replacement Proiect - $75,000. MIS is requesting that $75,000 be
reappropriated for the New JD Edwards Servers Project. During the 2007 budget process,
$200,000 was budgeted for replacement of the JD Edwards Enterprise Server. Due to resources
needed for the budget process in 2007, the server replacement project was not completed as
planned. The reappropriation of $75,000 will allow MIS to complete the JD Edwards Server
Replacement Project in 2008.
Purchase PEG Equipment - $68,590. This amount is the 2007 year-end balance in restricted
funds to be used for the purchase and maintenance of equipment related to Public, Education,
Government (PEG) programming which is federally mandated. In 2008, plans are in place to
replace the switching and router systems to digital components. Purchases were delayed until
2008 to collect enough funds for cover the cost, as the expense will be substantial. These funds
can only be used for the PEG purchase of equipment.
Fort Collins Public Access Network (FC-PAN) - $16,680. This amount is the 2007 year end
balance of restricted funds to be used to purchase and maintain equipment used to operate the
public access network. Purchases were delayed to properly assess equipment needs. These
funds can only be used for FC-PAN.
Municipal Court Expansion - $20,778. Municipal Court is requesting $20,778 for the expansion
of the Court's large waiting room, located to the west of the main hallway between the lobby at
215 North Mason and the north stairwell. After being in the new space for approximately 6
months, it has become clear that there are often have more people waiting than space is available
for in the existing waiting room, causing increased stress for the public and staff. With the case
load increasing due to increased enforcement, the need for more space will continue. The funds
requested represent the department's salary savings from 2007 due to staff turnover. In Fall
2007, approval was received from Financial Services and the City Manager to encumber these
funds for this expansion project and Facilities has created draft expansion plans. Unfortunately,
the funds did not get encumbered by the deadline in 2007. Consequently, these funds are
requested to be reappropriated for this purpose.
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Art in Public Places - $140,746. City Council approved legislation in 1995 creating an Art-in-
Public Places ("APP") Program. The purpose of the program is to encourage and enhance
artistic expression and appreciation adding value to the community through acquiring, exhibiting
and maintaining public art. The program is funded by setting aside 1% of all eligible City
construction projects (including Utility projects) over $250,000, as defined in the APP
guidelines. Funds totaling $828,796 were appropriated in the Cultural Services and Facilities
Fund and included in the 2007 revised budget. As of December 31, 2007, $455,274 had been
spent or encumbered, leaving a balance of $373,522. This balance represents funding for
projects that were either postponed, delayed or are anticipated multi-year projects. This item
reappropriates the $140,746 in the Cultural Services and Facilities Fund to be used for the APP
program in 2008, including but not limited to the Southeast Branch Library Project and the
Harmony Road Project.
Art in Public Places - $170,000 City Council approved legislation in 1995 creating an Art-in-
Public Places ("APP") program. The purpose of the program is to encourage and enhance
artistic expression and appreciation adding value to the community through acquiring, exhibiting
and maintaining public art. The program is funded by setting aside 1% of all eligible City
construction projects (including Utility projects) over $250,000, as defined in the APP
guidelines. Funds totaling $559,706 were appropriated in the Light and Power Fund and
included in the 2007 revised budget. As of December 31, 2007, $16,189 had been spent or
encumbered leaving a balance of $543,517. This balance represents funding for projects that
were either postponed, delayed or are anticipated multi-year projects. This item reappropriates
the $170,000 in the Light and Power Fund to be used for the APP program in 2007, including but
not limited to the Transformer Cabinet Murals and the Pickle Plant Project.
Electric Plannin an
g_d En ing eering - Transformers $200,000. These funds were appropriated for
transformer purchases in 2007. The reappropriation will be used to purchase transformers for
phase one of the Southwest Annexation. The purchase was delayed until the engineering staff
determined the number and types of units necessary for the transfer from Poudre Valley REA.
These transformers are not available from existing stock.
Art in Public Places - $189,317. City Council approved legislation in 1995 creating an Art- in-
Public Places ("APP") program. The purpose of the program is to encourage and enhance
artistic expression and appreciation adding value to the community through acquiring, exhibiting
and maintaining public art. The program is funded by setting aside 1% of all eligible City
construction projects (including Utility projects) over $250,000, as defined in the APP
guidelines. Funds totaling $368,116 were appropriated in the Storm Drainage Fund and included
in the 2007 revised budget. As of December 31, 2007, $73,684 had been spent or encumbered
leaving a balance of $294,432. This balance represents funding for projects that were either
postponed, delayed or are anticipated multi-year projects. This item reappropriates the $189,317
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in the Storm Drainage Fund to be used for the APP program in 2008, including the Fox
Meadows Natural Area Project.
Art in Public Places - $110,460. City Council approved legislation in 1995 creating an Art-in-
Public Places ("APP") program. The purpose of the program is to encourage and enhance
artistic expression and appreciation adding value to the community through acquiring, exhibiting
and maintaining public art. The program is funded by setting aside 1% of all eligible City
construction projects (including Utility projects) over $250,000, as defined in the APP
guidelines. Funds totaling $140,587 were appropriated in the Wastewater Fund and included in
the 2007 revised budget. As of December 31, 2007, $17,609 had been spent or encumbered
leaving a balance of $122,978. This balance represents funding for projects that were either
postponed, delayed or are anticipated multi-year projects. This item reappropriates the $110,640
in the Wastewater Fund to be used for the APP program in 2008, primarily towards the Pickle
Plant Project.
Art in Public Places - $25,000. City Council approved legislation in 1995 creating an Art-in-
Public Places ("APP") program. The purpose of the program is to encourage and enhance
artistic expression and appreciation adding value to the community through acquiring, exhibiting
and maintaining public art. The program is funded by setting aside 1% of all eligible City
construction projects (including Utility projects) over $250,000, as defined in the APP
guidelines. Funds totaling $642,541 were appropriated in the Water Fund and included in the
2007 revised budget.. As of December 31, 2007, $12,000 had been spent or encumbered leaving
a balance of$630,541. This balance represents funding for projects that were either postponed,
delayed or are anticipated multi-year projects. This item reappropriates $25,000 in the Water
Fund to be used for the APP program in 2008, including design fees on various projects.
Equipment and Supplies for Northside - $51,000. The funds were originally appropriated in
2007 for the purchase of new equipment and supplies for the newly opened Northside Aztlan
Community Center. Due to the timing of the opening of the new Center in Fall 2007, the scope
of the items that needed to be purchased, and the deadlines for 2007 requisitions, the Recreation
Department was unable to encumber or expend the funds in 2007. Reappropriation of these
funds, will allow for the purchase of necessary items for the new building including gymnasium
floor covering for large events, additional fitness equipment, and equipment and materials for the
kitchen area.
Harmony Road Maintenance - $442,749. In the summer of 2005, the State of Colorado and the
City of Fort Collins had agreed upon Harmony Road being accepted by the City of Fort Collins
for maintenance and repairs. The State paid Fort Collins $13.7 million lump sum as
compensation, which has been deposited into a special account for Harmony operations and
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maintenance. In 2007, monies were appropriated for repairs and maintenance. To better
coordinate the maintenance work with the Front Range Village Retail project (Bayer Properties)
on East Harmony, the 2007 appropriation for maintenance had to be postponed until 2008. The
unencumbered funds are needed to complete the repairs and maintenance in 2008.
Parking Operations - $5,000. In 2007, the Parking Services Department partnered with the City
Communications & Public Involvement Office and the Downtown Business Association to
create a combined downtown brochure. The brochure will include a parking map, information
about major downtown destinations of interest, Lincoln Center parking, downtown business
information, and other information related to the downtown. This brochure will replace the
downtown parking map that is normally produced and printed by Parking Services. The
collaboration, design and production of the new brochure took longer than expected, so it was
not completed in 2007. Parking Services requests $5,000 to be reappropriated for this project,
which will be completed in 2008.
ORDINANCE NO. 023, 2008
WHEREAS, Article V, Section 11 of the Charter of the City of Fort Collins (the
"Charter") requires that all appropriations unexpended or unencumbered at the end of the fiscal
year shall lapse to the applicable general or special fund, except that appropriations for capital
projects and federal or state grants shall not lapse until the completion of the capital project or
until the expiration of the federal or state grant; and
WHEREAS, Article V, Section 9, of the Charter permits the City Council to appropriate
by ordinance at any time during the fiscal year such funds for expenditure as may be available
from reserves accumulated in prior years, notwithstanding that such reserves were not previously
FORT COLLINS as follows:
Section 1. That there is hereby appropriated for expenditure from prior year reserves in
FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY-FOUR DOLLARS ($1,451,454) for the following purposes:
On-line Supervisory Summit Program $ 18,900
Mountain States Employers Council 25,000
Traffic Unit Expenses 16,405
Larimer Emergency Telephone Authority 11,881
Planning-South College Project 4,164
Planning-South College Corridor Consulting Services 12,000
Land Bank Property Maintenance 20,056
Building Maintenance Projects 1,162,000
JD Edwards Server Replacement Project 75,000
Purchase PEG Equipment 68,590
Fort Collins Public Access Network 16,680
Municipal Court Expansion 20,778
Total General Fund $1,451,454
Section 2. That there is hereby appropriated for expenditure from prior year reserves
in the Cultural Services & Facilities Fund the sum of ONE HUNDRED FORTY THOUSAND
SEVEN HUNDRED FORTY-SIX DOLLARS ($140,746) to be used for the purpose specified in
the City's Art-in-Public Places program.
Section 3. That there is hereby appropriated for expenditure from prior year reserves
in the Light & Power Fund the sum of THREE HUNDRED SEVENTY THOUSAND
DOLLARS ($370,000)to be used for the following purposes:
Art in Public Places $170,000
Electric Planning and Engineering-Transformers 200,000
Total Light& Power Fund $370,000
Section 4. That there is hereby appropriated for expenditure from prior year reserves
in the Storm Drainage Fund the sum of ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY-NINE THOUSAND THREE
HUNDRED SEVENTEEN DOLLARS ($189,317) to be used for the purpose specified in the
City's Art-in-Public Places program.
Section 5. That there is hereby appropriated for expenditure from prior year reserves
in the Wastewater Fund the sum of ONE HUNDRED TEN THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED
SIXTY DOLLARS ($110,460) to be used for the purposes specified in the City's Art-in-Public
Places program.
Section 6. That there is hereby appropriated for expenditure from prior year reserves
in the Water Fund the sum of TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($25,000) to be used
for the purposes specified in the City's Art-in-Public Places program.
Section 7. That there is hereby appropriated for expenditure from prior year reserves
in the Recreation Fund the sum of FIFTY-ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($51,000) to be used
to purchase equipment and supplies for the new Northside Aztlan Community Center.
Section 8. That there is hereby appropriated for expenditure from prior year reserves
in the Transportation Services Fund the sum of FOUR HUNDRED FORTY-SEVEN
following purposes:
Harmony Road Maintenance $442,749
Parking Operations 5,000
Total Light& Power Fund $447,749
Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered published this 4th day of March,
A.D. 2008, and to be presented for final passage on the 18th day of March, A.D. 2008.
City Clerk
Passed and adopted on final reading on the 18th day of March, A.D. 2008.
City Clerk