Dave Agee
Resolution 2001-94 Adopting a Stormwater Financing Plan.
Staff recommends adoption of the Resolution.
Substantial increases in monthly stormwater fees are needed in order to implement a 25-year
plan to build out the City's stone drainage system. If the Resolution is adopted, staff will
prepare the 2002-2003 budget with a 45% increase in monthly stormwater fees in 2002 and 10%
in 2003. For a typical residential customer (8,600 square foot lot with light runoff coefficient)
fees would increase from the current level of$8.13 per month to $11.79 in 2002 and $12.97 in
2003. The increases are expected to produce operating revenues in the Storm Drainage Fund of
approximately $9.5 million in 2002 and $10.8 million in 2003.
The City's new rainfall standards and work on updating master plans have produced the need to
re-examine the City's Stonmwater Financing Plan. In 1998, when the current City-wide
approach to financing stormwater capital improvements was adopted, existing master plans
reflected a cost of approximately $68 million to build out the system. Based on this amount,
Council decided to finance the stormwater improvements over a 15-year period using primarily
municipal debt financing.
Some of the master plans from which this information was derived were nearly 20 years old.
Since that time, improved mapping and other planning techniques have revealed drainage
problems not previously identified. This, along with the change in rainfall standards, has driven
cost estimates for needed improvements in the entire system to approximately $120 million.
Due to the increase in costs, it was necessary for staff and the Water Board to look at new
stormwater financing options. As options were developed, the following key factors were
DATE: July 17, 2001 2 ITEM NUMBER: 34
■ Reasonableness of stormwater fees and overall utility fees
■ Amount of debt financing to be used
■ Lengthening the original timetable
■ Reducing the 100-year protection standard to some lesser amount
Based on input from the Water Board, the following stormwater financing alternatives were
developed by staff.
Alternative 1 —Fifteen Year Build-out Schedule Usina a Combination of Municipal Bonds
and Pay-As-You-Go
This alternative meets the original 15-year schedule developed in 1998. Under this alternative,
rates would need to increase 70% in 2002 and then 11-12% per year every Year until 2008. It is
assumed that the Utility would borrow $30 million in 2002 with a 15-year repayment schedule
which, along with some pay-as-you-go funding, would provide the necessary funding to
complete the projects. Staff has a real concern about the ability to do a good job and complete
these projects within the remaining 13-year time-frame.
Alternative 2—Fifteen Year Build-out Schedule Using Pav-As-You-Go
This alternative also meets the original 15-year schedule. Under this alternative, rates would
need to increase 140% in 2002 and another 10% in 2002 to accumulate enough cash flow to
complete the projects within the 15-year period. 3% increases would also be needed in each of
the years 2009 through 2011. No more borrowing would take place beyond what has already
been done. The same concern about the ability to get the projects done properly within the
alloted time-frame also applies.
Alternative 3—Twenty-Five Year Schedule Using Municipal Bonds
This alternative extends the build-out schedule by 12 years and relies mostly on debt financing to
construct the improvements. Under this approach, rates would need to increase 5-6% per year
every year from 2002 through 2018 (a 17-year period) before finally leveling off. The biggest
drawback to this scenario is that debt payments would continue another 20-years beyond
completion of the improvements. In addition, debt service payments would constitute
approximately 66%of the total operating budget for several years.
Alternative 4—Twenty-Five Year Schedule Using Pay-As-You-Go
This alternative also extends the build-out schedule by 12 years,but relies exclusively on pay-as-
you-go financing from 2002 forward. Under this approach, rates would need to increase 40% in
2002, then by an average of about 7% per year from 2003 through 2008. This is the alternative
preferred by staff and the Water Board because: (1) it eliminates reliance on debt and the related
obligation of the City many years into the future; (2) the impact on fees is dramatic at first, but
then levels off; (3) fees are reduced dramatically coincident with the completion of the projects;
and(4) fee amounts are high but not unreasonable in relation to costs.
DATE: July 17, 2001 3 ITEM NUMBER: 34
Council's Preferred Alternative
At the May 22 Study Session, Council directed staff to present Alternative 4 with some
modifications for Council approval. Council generally favored the pay-as-you-go approach to
stormwater financing in order to reduce the City's reliance on debt financing for these
improvements. However, Council expressed a desire to see the City move ahead and make some
significant progress on getting the highest priority improvements done in the next few years.
This was based on 'concem that the longer the City waits to complete the improvements, the
more likely significant damage to persons and property could result from flood events.
Based on this direction, staff recommends borrowing $15 million in 2002 to "jump-start" the
twenty-five year improvement program and then proceeding with a pay-as-you-go approach to
finishing the rest of the improvements. As mentioned above, this approach requires a 45%
increase in fees in 2002 and 10% in 2003. Future monthly fee increases are expected to
approximate those outlined in Alternative 4, but could change somewhat depending on the final
costs of the improvements, growth in new customers added to the system, and the future cost of
operating and maintaining the system. As was mentioned at the Study Session, the pay-as-you-
go approach also gives the City the flexibility to modify the priority, timing, and scope of future
projects if deemed desirable or necessary.
WHEREAS,on October 6, 1998,the City Council adopted on second reading Ordinance No.
168, 1998, amending Chapter 26 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins relating to the fees of the
Stormwater Utility, such that the monthly stormwater fee established in Section 26-513 of the City
Code would be imposed on a uniform and city-wide basis for the purposes of operating,maintaining,
and improving existing stormwater facilities and for the purposes of designing,acquiring right-of-
way for, and constructing future stormwater facilities; and
WHEREAS,on March 16, 1999,the City Council adopted on second reading Ordinance No.
42, 1999,amending the"Storm Drainage Design Criteria and Construction Standards"by revising
the rainfall intensity duration curve graph; and
WHEREAS,the modification of the rainfall intensity curve graph,together with improved
mapping and other planning techniques used to develop updates to the master drainage plans for
various stormwater basins in the city, are expected to result in additions and modifications to
previously recommended and planned stormwater capital improvements; and
WHEREAS, the additional or modified stormwater capital improvements expected to be
implemented throughout the city as a result of these developments will cost substantially more than
the improvements anticipated in 1998 at the time of adoption of a 15-year plan for financing those
improvements; and
WHEREAS, City staff has recommended a proposed financing plan to reflect the current
recommendations for expected stormwater capital improvements, which plan would finance those
improvements, at a total estimated cost of $120 million, over a 25 year period (the "Financing
Plan"); and
WHEREAS, City staff presented its Financing Plan recommendation, together with other
possible alternative financing approaches,to the City Council at the Council's May 22,2001,study
session; and
WHEREAS,the Financing Plan contemplates the borrowing of$15 million to"jump-start"
the capital improvement program,and then proceeding with a pay-as-you-go approach to finish those
improvements over the course of the 25-year period; and
WHEREAS,the Financing Plan would require a 45% increase in the stormwater utility fee
base rate set forth in Section 26-514 of the City Code effective in 2002, and an additional 10%
increase in that fee effective in 2003, with future increases to be dictated by the final costs of the
planned capital improvements, growth in the number of system customers, and the future costs of
operating and maintaining the stormwater system; and
WHEREAS,the Council has determined that it supports the Financing Plan,as recommended
by City staff,and intends to proceed with the necessary budget,appropriation,fee rate change,debt
issuance, and other steps necessary to carry out the Financing Plan.
COLLINS that the Council hereby declares its policy and intent that the capital improvements
necessary to carry out approved master plans for the city stormwater system shall be financed and
proceed in a manner consistent with a financing plan that will finance those improvements at a total
estimated cost of$120 million,over a 25-year period,with an initial borrowing of$15 million and
subsequent Stormwater Utility fee increases as necessary to fully fund the design, construction,
operation and maintenance of stormwater system facilities consistent with the adopted storm
drainage master plans for the city,and otherwise consistent with the terms of this Resolution,subject
to the adoption by the Council of such ordinances as may be required to carry out said financing
Passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held this 17th day of July,A.D.
City Clerk