HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES-10/18/1973-RegularOctober 18, 1973
Council -Manager Form of Government
Regular Meeting - 6:30 P.M.
A regular meeting of the•Council of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, was
held on Thursday, October 18, 1973 at 6:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of
the City Hall. Mayor Preble called the meeting to order; there were
present: Councilmen Bowling, Fead, Gray, Lopez, Preble, Reeves and Russell.
Staff members present: Brunton, Hogge, Kane, March and Lewis.
Mayor Preble signed and spoke to the five proclamations below, which were
summarized by City Clerk Verna Lewis, as follows:
1. Proclaiming the Month of October as "Toastmistress Month", and urging all
Citizens to avail .themselves of the ouportunity to acquaint themselves
with the fine program carried on by these clu-s.
.• laiming October. 24, 1973 as Fort Collins Legal Secretaries'Da;
in recognition or the work cord contributions of the legal secret>ales
of this Ciiy,
3. Proclaiming Sunday, October 28, 1073 as UNICEF DAY in Fort Collins
and urging citizens :c r :rtic�pate in the UNICEF tricx or treat project..
4. Proclaiming the week of October 12, through October 19, 1977 as Patriotic
Education Week and urging all citizens to participate wit;-1 the children
of the American Revolution by the observance, celebration, and study of
our history.
S. Proclaiming tho day of October 26, 1973 asF^rt. Collins Right to Read
Day and encouraging the concert and cooperation of agencies involved in
the night to Read Program.
Pdirutns of tha October 4 1973 meet Li a roved
Mayor Preble stca:,u conies of the minutes of t:o October 4, 1973 meeting had
?been received and hearing no corrections, they stood approved as publi.had.
Amena_lent to Prospect Green U~• ' t t Plan, approved
Direc:toi, of Planning William Kan- idenri.{ie,i the area and spoke to the amendment,
moving the site of a swimming, pool to combine it with an administrative build-
ing in order a improve pool suspervision and preserve more open green area.
The Planning and Zoning Board and the Planning Staff recommended approval.
Councilman Gray made a motion, seconded by Councilman Bowling, to approve the
amendment to the Prospect Greens Unit Development Plan. Yeas: Councilmen
Bowling, Fead, Gray, Lopez, Preble, Reeves and Russell. Nays: None.
Unit Development Plan for Foothills Convenience Center
Director of Planning William Kane identified the area and spoke to the
This is a plan for a shopping center containing a supermarket, drugstore,
restaurant, tire center, movie theatre and shops located across Foothills
Parkway from the Foothills Fashion Mall. It would provide needed neighborhood
commercial services for Southmoor Village and surrounding residential areas.
Planning Staff and Planning and Zoning Board recommendations to improve
landscaping and traffic circulation have already been incorporated into
the unit development plan.
Planning and Zoning Board Vote: approval
Planning Staff recommendation: approval
Councilman Russell inquired if the Planning staff was satisfied with the .
landscaping. Councilman Lopez expressed his concern for adequate parking.
tif. Kane responded to both inquiries, stating the P q g parking met the require-
ments and that the landscaping had been approved by the City Arborist. The
Planning and Zoning Board as well as the staff recommended approval.
Councilman Bowling made a motion, seconded by Councilman Fead, to approve
the Unit Development Plan for Foothills Convenience Center. Yeas:
Councilmen Bowling, Fead, Gray, Lopez, Preble, Reeves and Russell. Nays:
Plat of.Swallow Subdivision, approved
Director of Planning William Kane identified the area and stated the
proper provisions had been made for the extension of Swallow Road from
South Meadowlark Heights to South College Avenue.
Councilman Russell made a motion, seconded by Councilman Bowling, to approve
the Plat of Swallow Subdivision. Yeas: Councilmen Bowling, Fead, Gray,
Lopez, Preble, Reeves and Russell. Nays: None.
Proposal of Venture Development, Inc., to sell parkland
to the City referred to the Administration for appraisals
Mr. Tom Coffey, Management Consultant, 1224 Parkwood, made a presentation on
behalf of Venture Development, Inc., reviewing the background of the
seven year payment, interest rate, value of the water on the land, value
of the land and value of the buildings on tae site. Mr. Coffey further
reviewed the previous purchase prices paid by the City and the possible
uses of the parkland.
Mayor Preble inquired in to the 50/40 blue line which was identified by
Planning Director.14-1liam Kane. Councilman L�paz spoke to the need Lo
develop the Open Space Plan prior to acquisition of any future park site.
Councilman Bowling spoke to the development of the Foothills and the need
to make a decision.
Councilman Reeves spoke to the need to have a master plan prior to committing
G funds and here desire to have two appraisals, to be completed if possihl-,
in the two month:period discussed by Planning Directer Wililam Kane.
M Councilman Fead snake to the rising cos; cf land and the terms of the offer
m by Venture terrw;d by himself as favorable to the City; the financing and
W option plan.
Mr. Andy Anderson spoke to the proposal as a member of the DTZ Environmental
Task Force. City Manager Brunton and City Attorney I -larch spoka to the
probable length of tune in obtaining appraisals as two in t-o months.
Councilman Bowling rade a motion, seconded b•,, Councilman Fead, to refer
the matter to the administration for t,!o appraisals and fi* it to an
overall Parkland Open Space Program. Yeas: Councilmen Bowling, F'Ced,
Gray, Preble, Reeves and Russell. Nays- Councilman Lopez.
'Request of Uylvu Association for City participation in cost
of Christmas decorations approved.
Mr. Luther Hickman from the DW. stated he had submitted a written request
asking assistance with the Christmas lighting; since the letter was sub
mitted,_a meeting with the Laurel Street merchants had been held and they
would like to be incorporated in the Christmas lighting.
Councilman Reeves stated that at some point, because of energ cr2.se_,
the City might not he able to contribute toward lighting.
Councilman Russell made a motion, seconded by Councilman Lopez, tt..:t the
City agr;^ to pay half of the Christmas lighting expenses, not to exceed
$3,000; that this payment be made directly to the contractor of the
lighting company and not the DMA. Yeas- Councilmen Howling, Fead, Gray.
Lopez, PreblP, Peeves and Russell. Nays: None.
Request from ,James H. Stewart and Associates, Inc., for
apprefal :�° PVC sewer pipe and fittings `or City Sanitary
Scweu ::rains apd services referred to the Administration
for further study and investigation
City Manager Brunton stated Engineering would like to draw up the specifi
cations to make sure of the weights, the recoirm•endation was to develop a
standard to include in the oreinance and report back.
Councilman Bowling made a motion, seconded by Councilman Reeves, 'to refer
the matter to the Administration for further study and investigation.
Yeas: Councilmen Bowling, Fead, Gray, Lopez, Preble, Reeves and Russell.
Nays: None.
Request from Larimer County House of Hope for financial
assistance referred to Administration
Mr. Kenneth Scott, Vice President of the•Larimer County House of Hope,
spoke to the history of the House of Hope for the purpose of rehabilitating
alcoholics. Mr, George Gregory Director of the House of Hope, also
appeared and spoke to the request, stating that the agency work was not
duplicated in the.County and elaborated on the work and staffing of the
agency. Mr. Gregory also stated the amouncs budgoted and Yiedged by
other cities and local governments. The request is for $2,4000.
City Manager L,vnton stated in connection with the COG it was desIrc3 for
the City to appoint three persons to a committee that would examine these
kinds of requests for coordination purposes and give reconunendatio;is.
Mr. Brunton further stated if Council approved the budget.; there would be
money starting January 1, 1974 for somecE these matters; also a report
would be ready for t;:o November 29, 1973 meeting on all the requests
received with comments on each one of them.
CJunci:n, n Russell made a mori:o seconded by Councilman Reeves, that this
matter be referred to the Administration and that this be one of the items
t%a3 Ccu-,I,i-i. study seriously in the bu_ipP+ing of funds in the I -human
Resources Program. Yeas: Councilmen Bowling, Fead, Gray, Lopez, Preble,
Reeves.and Russell. Nays: None.
Request of Platte River Pc-,ger Authority for City to
assi.gr, contract, approved
City Maatager Brunton stated:
The Platte River Power Authority; formerly the Platte Rorer Municipal
Power Association, has requesteu the City to aFb:gn to them the existing
contract with R. W. Beck and Associates. The PRPA is now a financial
solvent and independent agency supplying power to the four cities in the
group. Originally the four cities underwrote the contract with R. pi
Beck and Associates for engineering consultant se:vic;:s. Because of
dSfferert c:::tract termdnation periods and because of some ancillary bene-
fits, the : arF.'Arould like the contract a^sign ed ru�:.cr than terminated.
They will in turn renegotiate th8 contract with R. W. Beck and Associates.
Recommendation: The Administration recommends ~'mat the City Conmcil.
authorize the as:.igimierit of the R. Beck and ^ss:,ci:Ites' contract t_
the Platte River Power Authority. 14
Councilman Bowling made a motion, seccnded blr Councilman Fed to authorize
the assignment of the R.W. Beck and Associates' contract to the Platte
P.?^er Power Authority. Yeas: Councilmen il,wl=.ng, Fead. Gray, Lopez,
P; -�blf and Russell. (Councilr;w i Reeves out of room)
Request of Care -A -Van for City participation in a
demonstration project referred to the Administrat
' Miss. Jan Reynolds, Administrator of Care -A -Van, stated the Council had
received copies of the proposal and the operation of the Care -A -Van. bliss.
Reynolds stated the proposal had been presented to D7'-', also that the bulk
of the passengers are hi the Core area and that the three vans are filled
to capacity.
Mr. Ted James, Administrator of Larimer Community Center Board for the the
mentally retarded, and seriously handicapped, and Mr. Andy Anderson spoke
in favor of the request.
Q City Manager Brunton zl:ated t..- C&'6y has also received a proposal on
M October 15, 1973 f-om Ace Cab Company for a transportation position paper
M and counter proposal to the City of Fort Collins. Mr. Brunton stated some
of the needs, especially those of the senior citizens, should be addressed
Gwt7 prior to the completion of the transportation study. A report on a consul-
tant will be ready for the November 1, 1973 meeting.
Councilman Bowling made a moticn, seconded by Councilman Lopez, to refer
the request to the Administration for study. Yeas: Councilmen Bowling,
Fead, Gray, Lopez, Preble, Reeves and Russell. Nays: None.
Ordinance authorized amending Section 84-2 offenses against
public decency
Mayor Preble stated the request of the Student Chapter of the American r
Society of Civil Engineers to serve beer in City Park.
Mr. Rich Brenner, President of the Student Chapter at CSU, spoke to the re-
quest. City Attorney March restated his prior opinion that the present
ordinance prohibits this request.
Councilman Russell restated his objection to having beer or any other
alcoholic beverage in the Yorks at any time by any organization, and
asked for reinforcement of the ordinance.
Councilmen Gray, Re^ves and Lopez spoke to the question of having designated
areas and a permit system.
Mayor PreLle iriformed Mr. Brenner, under the present ordinances, his request
could not Lz gra;.tv:u,
Councilman Gray made a motion, s-rnnded by Councilman Reeves, that the City
Attorney be irstn,c'. ;d to prepare Pr c• dinan;•e ;:mending. the present ordinance
cy seccus; aside _.,eci�3 fiareas, with a permit systex, to allow serving
beer is the parks.' Yeas: Councilmen Cray, Lopez, Preble and Reeves. Nays:
Councilmen Bowling, Fead and Russell.
r V Z"
November 1, 1973 set as date to consider Brown Farm.
Subdivision Second Filing
Attorney William Allen stated the Brown Parm Subdivision Second Filing had
been before the Council and had. been tabled, he was before the Council ask-
ing that they consider the approval of the subdivision immediately. Mr.
A11An reviewed the background of the Brawn Farm and presented the prelim-
inary boaster Plan that was submitted and approved, and spoke to the ordinance
regarding subdivisions. Mr. Allen stated the Council was not being asked
to do away with either park, but by by not making a decision, the subdi-
vider was being forced to sit on his land and his investment while a decision
was made on the parks, which had nothing to do with the plat that had gone
through channels.
City Attorney March stated legal opinions on the matter might well be
taker: at executive session. Mayor Preble stated an executive session
would be called. Upon return to the open Council meeting, idayor Preble
stated the matter would be considered at the November 1, 1973 meeting.
Councilman Food made a motion, seconded by Councilman Bowling, to place this
item on the agenda for November 1, 1973. Yeas: Cooncilmen Bowling, Dead,
Cray, Lopez, Preble, Reeves and Russell. Nays: None.
Request of Anthony ]squi✓ul is permit a house t,:,ilar
on his lot in Bucl_;;ngh_n Subdivision referred to Administration
City Attorney March stated this was similar to the beer question at City I
Park, the ordinances specifically prohibit a mobile home, in other than a
Mobile tome zone.
C^_umcilrnan Lopez stated he had been in contact with Mr. Hsouivel. after he
had been notified by the Buildinp Inspection office that he was in viola-
tion. Mr. DiTullio and Councilman Lopez had beer, to the trailer site,
harp discussed the problem and been .+iven 30 days to comply. CounCilnF�_
Lopez had also been in touch with Mr. Chico Martinez and he had been cir-
culating a petition in the area for rezoning.
City Manager Brunton stated initially the recommendation was to refer the
natter to the Planning and Zoning Board.
Councilman Lopez commended Assistant City M<amger Mike DiTull.io for ;.is
efforts in preventing a passible fire by nulling the electrical wires away
from the house and trailer.
Councilman Bowling made a motion, seconded by Councilman Fead, to refer the
matter to tic A.lanhistration for study and a report. Yeas: Councilmen
Bowling, Fead, Gray, Lopez., Preble and Reeves. Nays: Councilmen Russell.
Ordinance adopted on second reading zoning the East
FTosect Street First Annexation
Councilman Lopez made a motion,. seconded by Councilman Bowling, to adopt
' Ordii-,ance No. E4, 1973 on second reading. Yeas: Councilmen Bowling, Fead,
Gray, Lopez, Preble, Reeves and Russell. Nays: None.
Mui110,NCE NO. 34, 1973
Section 1. That the Zoning District Qp adopted by Chapter 118
of the Code of the City of Fort Collins, be and the same hereby is changed
and amended by including the property Imowil as the East. Prospect Street
First /wiexation to tile City of Fort Collins, Colorado, in zoning districts
as follows:
The following described portion of such annexation in the I-G
neral Industrial District, to -wit:
A tract of land situate in the Southeast 1/4 of Section 18, :township 7
iiange 68 FV"-st of the Gth I', li. , Lariiner Coun'�y, Colorado,
I hick coysi.dering the South like Of said: Section 13 as bearing IN 03o 50,
�:0 E and with all bearingfs contained herein relative thereto is contained
lvithin the boundary lines which begin at a point on the said SouOv line -
Which bears N G"o° 59, i0" E 1050.
95 feet .ion the South 1/4 corner of
said Section 1.3, and run thence along the Easterly line of Riverside Avenue,
{ ",
�D 031 20" V1 .(.!i i°. 13 iEv'-i, and along the arc of a 99S IO
curve to the left a distance of 1102.16 fee, the long o chord o. •..:-.ch bears
0 31' 17' 20" IV 10K.63 feet, and again W. 63° 31' 20" W. 559.49 feet to
t.i,t, IVest lint, of the Southeast 1/4 of said bectio 1. 13; thence 1 00' 0s; 50"
•ir 243, Q k2t t0 the SOlithwesterly r1ZIIt`Oi "1`iay line OI the Union 1:,aC1:iC
Railroad; 'thence alone said Southwesterly line:: S 610 32' 2u" E
and ash along the arc ci ati i5s7. 28 fort ra,I'-
- a distaIlcC Oi 1703.30 feet, the long chord Of which bears S Soo 47' 50"
IC22. 71 A'cet, and a rain S 00° 03' 20" E 680. ,3 .met ` c
to tae „outs lire
of said Sectie;i 18; :hence S °2° 59` <_0" TV 420. OS feet to tthe point of
containing 20. 2137 acres, raor c oa- less..
T:�P 4"
11 tract of land situate in Section 20, Township 7 North, Ainge• on Nest of,
the oth P: ?:h. , Lar imer Count';,. ' olar ada, which considering the South Ew
of said Section Was bearing N 880 591 ?0" E and with all bearings contained'
herein, relative thereto, is contained within the boundary lines which begin
at a point which 'bears S 00" 33' 3011 E 660, 73 feet frorn !Ile North 1/4
corner of s2.id Section. 20, and run thence S W 12' 30" E 962. 22 fee..;
hence S 880 12' 30" Is 629. 92 'eet to the Northeast corner of tnu Southwest
11'�= of the Northeast 1/4 of said Section 20; thence S 00° i9' 1V 1230. 10
feet to the Southeast corner of the Soiithwest 1/5 of the \ortheasL 1/4 Of.
;aid Section 20; c1'-,zn.cQ S 33" 00' E 1313.00 feet to the East 1/14 corner of.
:;,--dd Section 20: thence S 00" 26' 1711 IV 2G71, 64 feet to the South cast corner
Of said Section 20; thence PV 33" 52' W 11. 80 feet to a point on the centerline
of the Colorado 8. Southern Railroad; thence alo,ig said centerline, N .go 06'
20" W 5IA17, 00 feet; thence N n0' 02' 2,11" IV 691. 01. feet; thence S 89° 231
<. 0" 10 1350.29 Wet; thence 11 00" 38' 30" 1V M.57 feet to the point o
beginning, containing 180. 1232 acres, more or less.
Me fol-lowing described portion of said annexation in the C Corunercial
District, to -wit:
Ol land situate in the Southwest 1/4 oI Section 17, and thn Northwest
44 of Section 201 Township 7 North, range 68 West of i.he J':'. P. a`l. ,
.'.,arj.rner County, Colorado, which consi'lcring the South .lisle of said ScctiOn '
A, " as boariag N 88' 59, 00" E and with all, bearings contained herein
relative thoren, is t.ie houndar y line3 which begin at the
Soothwest corner of sadd Section 17, ailci run thence ., 00' 07' E 759, 00
')On,, the %Yc.s . line of the said SouGovest On thence S Si :9' E
2656, 65 feet to a point on the East line of the said unu .aYeSt 1/-; tlrienca
5 00- 02' 30 f. 5•7, <<0 feet to tt:o South 1/! cort-,er of said Uctio.. 17;
c,14 i�1 r r 12 f ��
u 1, vV 104. feet thence N 8i3' 13' �,D \'J ili`8.4.', ice;;
U:°:ncC 5 Ol1`' 0 :.1 L 9 i 1171 :cat;ihence S O- 57' 36" IV 003. 00 lost
.o a point o:"I the West line of the said Northwest 1/,_; thence N 00' 021
2 " 1"' 850. 53 feet to the point of beginning, containin'e 4.8. 1127 acres,
rn'are or less.
The folluwing described portion of said annexation in the I-L Limited
industrial District:, to -wit:
A tract of land situate in the Sc:uthwest 1/0 of Section 17, al:d the Northeast
�,i4 of Wcrion 19, arc'. the lorihi�•est IN of otction 20, Township
iian?e 0d %Vest of the 6th P. TV -I. , which considering the South line of said
Section 13 as bearing N 880 591 40" E and with all bearings contained
herein rclnti.e thereto, is contained within the boundary lid: s which be in
. ��
at the Northeas� coiner of said Section 10, and run th �°nce S 00' 021 2�� '
E c50. SO feet aionq the East line oI the said Northeast 7. Q thence 1 290
l.:y ti
57' 36" E fe
600.00 et; thence iv 000 Q2' 24" 1V 9fe7.01 feet; ;hence S £'.
13 40 Z 1143, 43 feet;' thence S £4' 13' E 904 42 feet l/.
to the \arch '
corner of said Section 2q thence S 00- 38' 30" E 1326.30 feet;, thence
'89° 22' 30" TV 2162. 46 feet to a ,point On the Centerline of the Colorado
`'huzher n Railroad; thence along said centerline, N 49° 06' 20" Iv 255. 00
jets thence N 44° 23' TV 433.31 feet to a point on the Nest line of
said SaMun 20; thence S 00` 0 24" H? 78u.5"feet;thence S 85, 16, 36"
*' 1526. 9-_ feet; thence S 1& 05' 36" IV 110. 27 feet; thence S SS* 03' 36"
1V 379.23 feet; thence N 85° 19' 10" W 400.71 feet to a point on the Nest
'lieof the tinicr) Pacific 'Railroad; thence N 00° 03' -20"` W 1710. 03 feet to
Point on the North line of said Section 19; thence N H' 591 40" E 1332.6$
to tie i i,int of iJ b nring, r..c:rtaining 121, 6387 acres,.: more or less,
77he following described portion of said annexation in the R-L-P Low
a; Density Planr.c5d Residential District, to -wit:
.A tract of - land situate in the North 1/2 of Section 19. Township 7 North,
Ran; e 61-Viest of the 6th P. Ad, , L.arinner County, ' Colorado, P:hich consider-
ing the SOilth lire Of said Section 18. an < bearing K.88o 59,40,_ � and with
xl bC?r - contained herein relative therei0, 1S COntallhed hthlrl the
].n:lnd c.;'�' line* tYCi1C:'h Ue=T. .. t Cie gin i a point on the 1Vest'erly tin,- .
k.aiiruaa, which bears N S3- " 73 `
c: a:.o uaicn�
'and�'° 03' 20" '. � J� S9 �0 E 13..1. feet and -�• C M, 6_ feet from i the North 1 n f Se.,L:4�� n S
L / curter o. said 19
run thence S 00° 03' ?.0" v "O
jl r 1J, Jai 1GeL alone er
a. _.Ae i.leiiCe l�� u9° 58+ JQ'' �S� 1• o Sall 'v�/2Si .ly rig-h,_of"1Vny
305.95 feet, thence N 86° ' 2"
<'e-; thence \' 01' .31' 40" E `- o r-. :i'7 5`' t✓ 156. G o
xJii, JO "OeQ thence N 80° 251 40" 1. 1470. t `f>ct to the::point of begi.nnin.g ,_
g, containing 1.9. £20 acres, XYlOre Cl' less.
- Section 2: 111e City Engineer is hereby au:_itorized and directed
to amend said Zoning District Map in accordance with this ordinance.
Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered
final gpassthisun size aZao ~i.cher A.D. 1971. and to be presented for
P y of 00tober, A.D. 1973.
1 EST:
Passed and adopted on final reading this 18 day of October, A.D.
, ,
1; Uyor
"a.ty crk•
First reading: r:Wber 4, 1973 (Vote: Yeas: 6, Nays:O)
Final reading: October 18, 1973 (Vote: Yeas: 7, Nays:O)
Published: October 9 and 23, 1973
Attest: t ��
City Clerk
Ordinance adopted on second reading amending the Code
relating to traffic and vehicles
Cotvicilman Fead made a motion, seconded by Councilman Lopez, fhat Ordinance '
No. 90,1973 be adopted on second reading. Yeas: Councilmen Bowling, Fead, '
Gray, Lopez, Preble, Reelros am! Ru3z��:1i. Nays: None.
ORDINANCE' NO. y(, 1.973
OF T1f1-: CODF O�� :,;F. CTTY OF FOM' C01•11NS
Section 1. That Section 114-13 of the Code of the City of
:'czt CrZ". :; bo, .,nd the same h^reby is, amended by deleting therefrom
the; word and figures "Ten (10)" and by substituting therefor the following:
"F.ifteen (ZS)".
1C Section 2. That Section 114-in -•f the Code of the City of, Fort
.Collins'be,and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows:
"Section 114-14. Obedience to Railroad Signal.
"A. ilhe,tever any person driving a vehicle approaches
a railroad gro.de crossing unde^ any of the cl.rcum-
stances sta;- in this section, the driv,r of ..c'..
vehicle shall stop within fifty (50) feet but not
less than fifteen (I5) feet front the nearest rril
of such railroad and shall not proceed until he
can do so safely. 'file foregoing requirement shall
apply when:
' "B. A clearly visible electrical or'mechanical signal
device gives warning of the i.rmnediate approach of
a railroad train;
"C. A crossing gate is lowered or t;hun a human flagman
Rives ui- continues to give a signal of the approach
or passage of a railroad tram;
"D. t. railroad train approaching within approximately
1,500 feet of the hi;hway crossing emits a signal
p audible from such di,tanco and suet-. railroad t,,a'r
M by reason of its speed or nearness to sach crossing
;.s an immediate hazard;
"L. An approach -In, .railroad train is plainly visible
and is in hazardous proxinit,• io such crossing."
Section 3. That Section 114-�£ the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended by deleting therefrom subsection
A thereof -nd by substituting therefor the following:
The driver of any motor vehicle carrying assengers
child or of any vehicle carrying explosive sub-
stances or flamable lig0 s as a cargo or a part
' of a cargo before crossing at grade any tract: or.
tracks of a railroad shall stop such vehi.clo within
fifty (50) feet b;:t >'o! less than fif",00n (is) I -,-
from the nearest rail of such railroad and while so
stopped shall listen and loot: in both directions
along such track for any epproachi..ng train and for
signal., indicating the approach of a train, except
as horci.nafter provided and shall not: proceed
unr.i7 1.^, cAn ie r, safely."
And by adding thereto the following subsection E:
"E. The stopping requirement set forth in subsections
k and 13 of this section shall not zpl,ly where it
has been determined by tho municipality or the
State that trains are not opor;ain;: during certain
periods or seasons of the year and all official
sign carrying the legend 'Exempt Crossing' lu:s
been erected giving notice wher so posted that
such crossing is exempt from th, storpiag requi,e-
Section 4. That Chapter lt4 of "'le Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding thereto between
' cations 114-15 and 114-16 theru^_ tite following additional section:.
"Secti.c.: 114-15.1 *loving Heavy Equipment at Railroad Crossing.
''A, No person shall operate or move any Caterpillar,
tractor, steam ;hovel, derrick, roller or other
equipment or structure having a normal operating
speed A six (6) or less miles per hour or a
vertical body or load clearanto of less than nine
(9) inches above the level surface of a roadway
upon or across any tracks at a railroad grade
crossing without first complying with this section.
"B. Notice of any such intended crossing shall be given
to a superintendent of such railroad and a reasonable
time be given to such railroad to provide proper
protection at -•wh crossing.
"C. 'Bofo.:; making any such crossing, tic person operating
or moving any s"ch Ynhi:le or equipment shall first
stop the same not less than fifteen (1S) feet nor
more than fifty (50) feet from the.nearest rail
of such railroad and while so stopped shall listen
and look in both directions along such track for any
appioachirg train and for signals indi-n-ing the
approach of a train and shall not proceed until
the crossing can be made safoly.°
"L. No such crossing shall be made when earning is given
by Automatic signal ni crossing gates or a flagpnan
or otherwise of the inimadislo approach of a railroad
train or car.
IT Subsecuion C o; this section shall not apply where
it has.been determined by this municipality or the
Sr.a th"t t;ainn are not operating during cerrai.n
periods or seasons of the year and an official si_gj
carrying the lagnaa Qncmpt Crossing' has been erected
giving; noti^e when so posted that such crossing; is
ca api from the stopping requirument."
Section S. That Section 114-1.8 of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as roll.ows:
"Section 114-18. Stop When Traffic Obstructed.
"No driver shall enter an intersection or a marKed cross-
walk unless there is suffi.cicnt space on the other side
of the intersection ornrosswalk to accommodate the
vehiclo he is operating withcat obstructing the passage
of other vehicles or pedestrians, notwithstanding any
traffic -control indication- to proceed."
Section 6. That Section 114-19 of the Code of the City of Fort
railins be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follnws:
,Section 114-15. 297.3c Rule.
jffu ,
"A. No person shall drive a vehicle on a street or highway
within this municipality at :, speed grater than is
reasonable and prudent under the conditions existing.
"B. Except when a special hazard exists that requires
lowering speed and except as otherwise provided herein,
the following speeds shall be lawful, but any speed
in excess of said limits shall be prima facie evidence
that the speed is not reasonable or prudent and thai
it is unlawful:
"(1) 25 miles per hour in any business district.
11(2) 30 miles per hour in any residence district."
n Section 7. That Section 114-20 of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended by deleting therefrom the
following portion Yhereof, to -wit: "That tia prima fr.cia speed permitted
� j by state laver at those intersections or approaches thor.eto'l and by sub-
stituting therefor the following: "That the prima ac:ie speed set forth
in Section 114-19 hereof at those intersections and approaches thereto".
Sect, �)t 8. That Sle-'•ion II,•2? the Code of the City of For`
Collins be; -nd the same he -by is, amended by deleting therefrom tiie
following words: "That the prima facie speed permitted by state law upon
those streets or portions thereof" and by substiauti.n� theacr7;1 'I.- .following
words: 1;nathe prin.- facie speed set forth in Section 114-19 liercof
upon those streets or portions thereof".
' Section sj. That Section 114-35 olr the Code of the City of Port
.,e, and the same hereby is, amended to rend cis fellows:
"Section 114-35. Obedience to Signs I.egvxd'ing '!'urns,
"Whenever official signs are erected directing, prohibiting
or restricting a right or left turn, 11-turn. or all turns
as authorized in Article XXl'II, no driver shoal di.si,b:y
the direction of any such sign."
Section 10. That Section 114-40 of the Code of the ri"y of Fort
'011i,js he, and the same hereby is, amended by deleting from subsection U
thereof the following words" "As set forth in the State Traffic Co-trol
Section 11. That Section 114-49 of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins bc, and the sr-e he..by is, amended to read as follows:
"Section 114-49. Lamps on Parked Vehicles,
"A. Whenever a vehicle is lawfully parked upon a highway
during the ;;ours between sunset and sunrise and'in
tho ev,,rt there is sufficient light to reveal any
person or obje:t within a distance of 1,000 felt
ux^n such Me:,i;;y, no lights reed be displayed upon
such paik,;d veniule,
"�. {6hanever a vehicle is parked or stopped upon a
roadway or shoulder adjacent thereto, whether
attended or unattended, duri.nL the hours between
sunset and sunrise and there is not sufficient
light to reveal an" person or object within a
distance of 1,000 fret upon e•:ch highway, such
ve."rlc so p3r':c1 or zcopa;;d si.all be equipped
with one or more operating lalvs meeting the
following requirements; At .least one .lamp shill
display a light or amber light visible from a
distance of Soo feet 'to the front of the vehicle
and the same lamp, or at least one other lamp,
shall display a red ilght vi _Ule from a listance
of Soo iLot to tha rear of the vehicle,.and the
location of said lamp or lripps shall always be such
that at least one lamp or com!,inatj un of is,;ipc
meeting tha re<p.ii.rement:s of this section is installed
as near as practicable to the side of t.hu vehicle
which is closest to a,u,.r-inp t—z%ffi.c. The foregoing
Provision sbatl not apply to a motor -driven cycle.
"C. Any lighted he�,dlavps upon a parked vehicle shall
be depressed or dimmed."
Section 12. That Section 1.14-59 of: the Code of the City of Fort
Collins DC, .,.ud th, s:-;nc 4. i-cby .s, a.mA ;iod by dcluti,.g from the opening
sentence thereof the word "p-rincipal''.
Section 13, That Sectic,., 11.4-59 of the Codn of thn (;, y of Fort
Collins be, and the saiae hereby is amonded by deleLing khe.afroui the word
"freeway" or "freeways" and by substituting therefor tho ward "highs,,,ay"
or "highways".
Section 14. That Sectiot, 114--ni of tiie Code of the Lity of Fort
Collins be, and the srmle hereby is, amended by addi.nr rr�ercto betwoen the
Words "in specified places" and the words "or ;ii a`SpecifiNd mminer" the
`r-llowing phrase: ", at specified times,".
Section 15. That Chapter 114 of tiv; Code of tiie City of For4
Collins be, and tho same hereby is, amended by adding thereto an additional
Section 114-69 as follows:
"Section 114-69. pus Stops Regulated.
"A. The operator of a bus shall no:: stand or park such
vehicle upon any street at any Place other than
a bus stop :o designated as authorized in this
'13. The operator of a bus shall i-ot stop such
vehicle upon any street at aay.place for purpose
nL' loading or unlWi^W passengers or i.iieii
r-U,ge other than at a bus stop so
as authorized in this section except in case of
an emergency.
"C. The operator of a bus shall enter a bus stop.at
a public'streat. in Fuch a manner that the bus,
wh•:n stopped tn lead ^r •c^).oad passengers or
baggage, shall be in a position with the right
front wheel of sucii vehicle not further than
eighteen (18) inches from the curb and the bus
approximately parallel to the curh'so as not to
unduly impede the movement of other vehicular
Section 1.6. That Sect;un 114-7U of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and the same hereby is, aaondod to read as follows*
Section 114-70. Taxi Cab Stands Regulated.
`�Y, "A. ine•operatcr of a t4yi cab shall not stand or park
such vehicle upon any street at any place other
W than in a taxi cab stand so designated, as
W authorized in this section.
11B. This provision shall not prevent the operator of
a taxi cab +:om ".-11orary stopping in nccordlnce
with other parking or stopping regulations at any
place for the purpose of and while actually engaged
in the expeditious loading or unloading of passengers.".
Section 17. That Section 114-82 of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins ins
and the same hereby is, , nded by charming tie title there.oi
' to read as follows: "Unifo.o.1 Specifications", and by deleting therefrom
subsection A thereof and by relettering the rema ning subsections to conform
to such deletion.
Section 18. That Section 114-83 of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended by changing subsection A thereof
to read as follows:
"A. No driver of a vehicle shall disobey the instructions
cf any official trt.ffic control device, including any
official hand signal device placed or displayed in
accordance with the provisions of this article, unless
otherwise directed by a police officer, subject to the
exceptions in this ordinance granted the driver of an
` authorized rmervncy vehicle."
Sect4nn 19. That Section 114-84 of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended w read as follows:
"Section 114-91 . 6fficiai Deviccz Required for Enforcement Purposes.
"A. No provision of this ordinance for which official
traffic control devices are required'shall be enforced
against an alleged violator if at the time and place
cf the alleged violation at official device is not
in proper and su£ficL�.,tly legible io be
saen by an Jl :.11c riiy ebs::.h•.:tt person.
P Zoe.
"B. Whenever a pmrti : .l L s,:ction does not state that
official traffic control devices are required,.such
section shall be effective even though no devices
are erected or in place," '
Section 20. That Section 114-86 of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows -
"Section 114-86.' Traffic Control Signal Legend.
"Whenever traffic is cc;1CroJlc:a oy traffic control _si:gnni-.
ex,iibiting different colored lights', or colored arrows,
successively one ,f 'a time or in combination, only the
rnlors green, yellow, and red shall be used, except for
sp,:i^1 pedestrian -control signals c-irryir,g a word legend
as provided in Section 114-69 hereof and said lights,
a-rnrs, 911il thereof shall. indi-ate and
apply to drivers of vehicles and pedestrians as follows:
"A. Green Indication:
"(I) Vehicular traffic facing; a !•ircular green
signal may proceed straigh thruugl) or turn
right or left unless a sign at such place
prohibits cit! r such turn; but vchi::ular
traffic, including vehicles tun,i.ng rig;it
or Ieft, shall yial.d the right of way to other
vehicles and to pedestrians lawfully within
the intersection or an adjacent crosswalk at
the time such signal is exhibited.
11(2) Vehicular traffic facing a green arrow signal,
shown alone cr in combination with another
indication, may cautiously enter the inter-
section only t., ;nakc the movement indicated
by such arrow or such other muvement as is
permitted by other indications shown a`
same tiwc. Such vehicular traffic shall yield
the right of way to pedestrians lawfully within
an adjacent crosswalk and to other trafClo 1aw-
fully using the inters,.,,tion.
"(3) Unless otherwise directed by a pe hstrian control
signal as provided in Section 114-89 rereof,
pedestrians facing any green signal, except
when the sole green signal is n turn arrow, may
proceed across thd roadway within any ml-:rked
or unmarked crosswalk,
"B. .Steady Yellow l,,(�IGatinn:
11(1) Vehicular tr::ffi.c facing a steady circular yellow
or yellow arrow signal is thereby wa:,:;d that '
the rclatod green movem,-nt is bein- tenairated
or that a red indication will be exhibited
immediately thereafter and such vehicular traffic
shall he.clear of the .W.cosection when such
red light.is exhibited.
Pedestrians facing a steady circular yellow or
yoil.nw arrow signal --,less otherwise directed
by a l?^'.^ST.r1a11-0071L.1Y'll signal as provided :in
Section 114-89 1:nscof, aye thereby advised
that there is i.nsuffi.cicnt time to cross the
:,oad before the :red indication is shown and
no pedestrian dull then start to cross the
"C. Steady Red Indi.cati.on: .
" 1 ( )
Vehicular tiu.fic facing a steady circular ral
sigual done shall stop at a clearly marked
stop line but, if none, before entering the
crosswalk on the near side of the intersection
or, if none, then before ontcring tho intersection
and shall remain standing until an indication to,
proceed is shown; except that:
"(i) S;rcl: vehicular traffic, miter corning to a
strop and yielding the right or way to
pedestrians inwOliy within an adjacent
crosswalk and to other traffic lawfully
using the intcrsect::i.on may make a right;
turn n'.closs an official sign has hecii
erected permitting such right Own as
provided in this article,
AM Such vehicular traffic when proceeding on
a one-way street and after coming to a stop
may wake a left turn onto a one-way street
upon which traffic is moving to the left of
the driver. Such turn shall be made only
after yielding the right of way to pedestrians
and otOr traffic proceeding as directed.
No turn shall be made pursuant to this sub-
paragraph AD at an intersection where an
official sir*n has boon erected prohibiting
such left turn as provided in this article,
Pedestrians facing a st-ndy circular red signal alone
Aall no" sneer true roadway un.lers otherwise
directed by a ;pedestrian -control signal as pro-
vided in ;aection 114-89 hereof,
Vehicular traffic facing a steady red arrow signal
may not entat the intersection to.make the movement
Indic etc , by su;h arro•' and unless :;teeing the
_ntcrac;tion to make suh ether ant as is
+'j ',
F. a
permitted by other indications shown at the
same time shall stop at the clearly marked
stop line but, if none, before entering the
crosswalk on the near side of the intersection
or,if n^ac, thcn Urfora ^ntering the inter-
section and shall remain standing unt;.l indica-
tion to make the nwvomvnt indicated by such
arrow is shown.
"(4) Pedestrians facing a steady red arro:•; signal
shall not. (.•,ter the roadway unless otheri,iso
e lrc;L"'ed by a pedestria,:-co
sSyndl ab
provided in Section 114-89 hereof,
I'D._ Nonintersecti.onal Signal.:
In the evont an official traffic ecatrol signal
is erected and maintained at a pl;r.c other than
interscctior,, provisions of this section shall
be applicable except as to those provisions
Which by their nature cwi have no applicati,.n.
11(2) Any seep requi:ad at a nonintersection signal
shall be made at a sign or pavement narkingindicating them :Lo stop shall be made, but
in the absence of any such sign or marking the
stop shall br name at the signal.'
Section 21. That Section 114-87 of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows:
"S"c Ion 114-87. Fl ss. ih ,q; Signals,
"A. an illuminated flashing red or yellow signal
is used in conjunction with -- traffic sj.gn or a traffic
signal or as a traffic beacon, it shall rem,ire
obedience by vehiavlar traffic as follows:
"(1) When a red lens is illuminated with rapid
intermittent flashes drivers of vehicles shall
stop at a clearl, m-r?'^Z stop line but, if none,
beforb entering the crosswalk on the near side
of the intersection or, if none, then at the
point nearest the jnte-accting roadway wheys
the driver nuz a view ri a.rpr^,ching tre.f£i c
on the iht; :secting roadway before entering
the intersection and the right to proceed shall
be subject to the .'les applicable after making
a stop at a. stop sign.
n(2) When : T."Dw 'ens is iiluininated io.th rapid
iI.tcz:nittent flashes drivers of 1,06icles may
proceed past such signal and through the inter-
section o, other hazardous location only with
"P. This -section shall not �upl,* ,-,t rail :oad gr". o crosbings.
Conduct of drivers of vehicles approacbing railroad
crossings shall be governod by the provisions of
Section 114-13 through 114-15.1 of this article.
Section 22. That Section 114-88 of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as f,.11ow..-
r "Section I14-88. Lane Usc Control Signals.
"Whenever lane use control signals are Ulacad .^,ror the
individual lanes of a street or highway such signals shall
indicate and apply to drivers of vehicles as follows:
"(1) Dow„waid-pointing green arrow (steady): A
driver facing such signal may drive in any lane
over which said green arrow signal is located.
11(2) Yellow "X" (steady): A driver facing c.:ch
signal is warned that the related green arrow
' movement is being termi.nated and shall vacate
in a safe manner the lane over which said steady
yellow signal is located to avoid, if possible,
occupying that lane when the steady red "a"
signal is exhibited.
11(3) Yellow "X" (flashing): A driver facing such
signal may use the lane over which said flashi.np
yellow signal is located for the purpose of making
a left turn or a passing maneuver, using pooner
caution, but for no other purpose.
11(4) Red "X" (steady): A driver facing sur.h si-nal
sha11 not drive in any lane over which said red
signal is exhibited."
Section 23. That Section 114-89 of the Code of the City of .crt
Collins be, and the same hereby is, a).0 ded to read as follows:
"Sort: n. 114-89. Pedestrian -Control Signals.
"Whenever special pedestrian -control signals exhibiting the
words 'Walk' or 'Don't Walk' are in place, such signals shall
indicate as follows:
"(1) 'Walk' (steady): While the 'Walk' in('.i.cation is
stem.? ✓ illuminated p ,destrians r>.cirg sur'.
sig,iai may proceed acre -is the s i"Iway in the
direction of the signal indication and all '
vehicular traffic shall be facing a steady
red signal.
"(2). - 'Walk' (flashing) • i°h^:::cr tt:o 'Walk' indica-
tion is flashing pedestri.ars facing said signal
are cautioned fluAt theae is possible hazard
from turning vehicles but such pedestrians
may proceed across the roadway in tlu: direction
of the signal indication and shall be given the
right of way by the driver:: of aV vehin'es
"(3) 'Don't Walk' (steady): While the 'Don't Walk'
indication is steadily illum:in..ted no pedes-
trian shall enter the roadway in tha direction
of the signal indication.
11(4) 'Don't Vhalk' (flashing): Wiu,ncvor the 'Don't
{'iaik' I. i6icatioll ; (; pcdost ci an
shall start to cross -lie roadway in the direction
of the irdicatic.., but any pedestri.::: who has
partly cor.:plet,,d .his crossing during tl — ' ra.ir."
indicaticn shall. proceed to a side,.r.lt: a
safety island and all drivers of vehicles shall
yield to any such pedestrian. '
"(5) Whenever a signal systen provides for the stopping
of al, vehicular traffic and the exclusive move-
ment of ped-striens and 'WaL':' and 'Don't Walk'
signal indications control such pedestrian move-
ment, pedestrians may cross in any direction
between coresrs of the intersection, offering
the shortest route within. the boundaric� uZ tho
it' intersection while the 'lk' indi.cat_on is
exhibited if signals and other official devices
direct pedestrian movement in such marn-r coa-
sistent with Section 114-99D hereof."
Section 24. That.Section 114:-91 of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as folloias:
"Section 114-91. Traffic Lanes.
"Whera traffic lanes have been marked as authorized in Article
yWII of this chapter a vehicle shall be driven as nearly as
practicable entirely within a single lane and shai: ;iot be
moved from.such lane until the driver has first ascertained
that such movement can be made with safety."
Section 25. Tha' Section 114-92 of the Code of the City of Fort
Collin be, ara. the same h reby is, amended Ly deleting zhere£ro- the
�r v°
' following phrase: "And a, declared in the State Traffic Control. blanunl',
Section 26, That Section 1.14-93C of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows:
"C. This section shall not be dwamcd to prohibit the
use Of motorist service`s :ini:olvat:i.on of a general.
nature on official highway 2uidc signs if such
signs do not indicate the brand, trademark or name
of any private business or commercial entc.:cprise
-e:Ffar:ing this service nor shall this secn on b y
.. »•i
deemed to prohibit the crect.in,, a1.;' private
1r Jon
properly adjacent to highways of signs giving
useful directional lA ormat.on and of a type that
cannot be mistaken for official signs.''
Section 27, That Section 114-95 of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended to read ns follows:
"Section 114-95. pedestrians Obey Traffic Control Devises
"A. A pedestrian shall c::ey the i.nstructi.onr of any
Official traffic control devise specifically appli-
cable to him unless otherwise directed by a police
"B. Fedcstriar- shall be subject to traffic and pedestrian
control signals as provided in Article 1X of this
''C. At all other places pedestrian shall be accorded the
privileges and shall be subject to the restrictions
stated in Qis article.
. Section 28. That Section 114-105 of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and the same horeby is, amended by adding thereto an additional
subsection B thereof as follows:
"B. Any pedestrian who is not wholly or partially blind
and any driver of a vehiclo who approaches or .comes
in contact with a person who is wholly or nartially
blind carrying ^ cane or walking stick, white or
metallic in color or 0ite tipped with red, or who
is accompanied by a guide dog ehall immediately come
to a full stop .nd take su'll precautions before pro
eeeding as may be necessary to avoid an accident or
injury to the person wholly or partially blind,''
Section 29. That Section 1.14-125. of the Code of th6 City of Fort:
Collins Se, and the, same bevyby is, amended by changing sbbsection A thereof
read a5 foJ!;ws:"
"A. The use of certain streets and roadways by motor ,
driven cycles, toucics or other commercial vehi.cics,
bicycles and horse-drawn vehicles or other non -
motorized traffic shall be restricted or prohibited
when., declared as provid-d in OUR" 1.14-195 and
when official signs giving notice thereof Are erected
as authorized in Article XXVil.".
And by adding an additional subsection between the existing subsect:i.oa,
A and B of such section as follows:
"B. For the purpose of road constr.'cti-n an.i.,iaintenvnce,
any street or portion thereof may, by action of this
municipality or by agreement with other concerned
road agencies, be tomporarily closed to thwough traffic
and to all vehicular traffic during the ':cork project
and the traffic affected shall be guided along appro-
priate detours or altevnOtive 'rouges by official.
ccntY-al de'Voic"}s,"
And by renumbering all other subsections to conform therewith.
Section 30. That Section 114-127b of the Cod.: of :.1:3 .:: ty of Fort
Collins be, and the same hereby is, NPnnde : by ndciing thereto befo'rQ `a";
existing subsections (1) and (2) the following additional subsecti.,..s. '
"(1) The total outside width of a farm tractor shall
not exceed ten (10) feet.
:(2) i1Tu:ncver pneuma'i.ic tares, i:n subsLituti.on of the
same type: or other types of tires have been here-
tofore or are hexrafter placed upon a vehicle, the
maximum width from the outside of one :'hcoc a'ncl
tire to the outside o;: the opposite wheal. Loa
tire shall not exceed eight (8) foot six (6)
inches, but in such event the outside width of
the body of such vehicle or the load thoreou shall
not exceed eight (s) feet except a load of loose
hay, whether horse drawn on by motor vehicle,
shall not exceed twelve (12) feet in width.''
And by renumbering the existing subsections to conform therewith.
S>r.*.ion 31. That Section 114-127D of the Code of the Citv,nf For-,
Co.l ns be, and the same hereby is, amended to head as foiloys:
"D, No combination of vehicles coupled together shall
consist of more than four units and no such com-
bination of vehicles shall exceed a total overall ,
_,rngth of sinny (60) feet.except that such. conbina-
ion of vel__cte's up to an overall Length of not tr
sixty-five (65) feet may be operated on streets
designated by this municipality but such vehicle
combinations over sixty (60) feet in length may not
exceed the maximum gross weight allowable on July 1,
1956•,- for a sixty (60) -,00t : L wAna.i. ! un unde.: the
weight formula as found in Section 114-132 hereof
but in respect to night transportation, every such
vehicle and the load theroou shall be equipped with
a sufficient number of c.learaacc lamps on both sides
and marker lamps upon tho extreme ends of any projecting
load to clearly marl: the 0ta.ensions of er.is
Section 32. That Section 114-127 of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and the salne hereby is, amended by adding thereto an additional
subsection E as follows:
"E. The length limitations of vehicles and combinations
of vehicles provided for in this section as they
apply to vehicles being operated and utilized for
the transportation of steel, fabricated beans, trusses,
utility poles, pipes and automobiles shall be deter-
mined withou`: rcg:r' to the projection of said com-
modities beyond the extreme front and rear of the
vehicle or combinaticn o. vehicles except that the
projection of a load to the front shall be governed
by the provisions of Section 114-128B of this ordinance
and no load shall project to the rear more *barn trn
(10) feet."
Section 33. That Section 114-138 of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended by deleting from subsections
A and B thereof the following worts and figures, to -wit:
"Sections 13-5-85 through 13-5-117, C.R.S., 1963,
and Ch. 87, S.L. 1965,"
and by substituting therefor the following words and figures:
"Sections 13-5-85 through 13-5-117 and 13-5-157 C.R.S.,
1963, as amended,"
and by deleting from subsection B thereof the following words: "With the
approval of the Colorado Department of Highways".
Section V . That Section 114-139A of the rode of the City of Fart
Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows:
"A. Every vehicle upon a street or highway within'this
municipality between sunset ,and sunrise and at any .
other time vher, clue to insufficient light ur unfavor-
.ble atmosl eric conditions persons ana vuhioles .n
said streets and highways are not clearly discernible
at a distance of l,000 feet ahead shall. dispi:y
lighted lamps and illuminating devices as by the
laws of the State of Colorado are respectively
required for differepr ?vss•.•s of :rLicles, subject
to the exception stated in Socti.on 11.4-49 herein
With respect to parked vcliicles and furt;ier that
stop lights, turn signals and other signaling
devices shall he lighted as prescribed by Colorado
law for the use of such r?evices."
Section 35. That Section 114-144 u,' the Code of the City of port
Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows:
"Section 114-144. Obstruction of View or ))riv_,:g Mechanism,
"A. No person shall drive a vehicle when it is so loaded
or when there are in the front: seat Such nur,her of
persons exceeding three (3) as to obstruct t)ie view
of the driver to the front or sides of the vehicle
or as to int- f re with the driver's control over
tine driving of the vehicle.
IT. No person shall knowingly drive a vehicle while any
passenger therein is riding in any manner. %a,ich
endangers the safety of such passenger oi• other; •
"C. No person shall drive any vehicle ectuipped with any
television viewer, screen or othew mewls of visually
receiving, a television broadcast which is located in
the motor vehicle at any pci::L forward of t)'n h <z;k
of the drive. -Is seat or which is vi.s.ible to the driver
while operating '%v muLor vehic'-.
"D. No vehicle shall be operated upon any highway unless thu
driver's vision through any required glass equipment
is normal and unobstructed.
IT No passenger in a vehicle shall rid^ in such positicn
as to create a hazard for himself or others or to inter-
fere with the driver's view ahead or to the sides or
to interfere with the 3ri.ver's control over the driving
mechanism of, the vehicle; nor shall the driver of a
vehicle permit an;" passenger t§.:rein to ride in such
Section 36. That Section 114-145 of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and the s<•;mo hereby is, amender: to read as follows;
'!Section 114-145 Unlawful Ridina.
' "A. No person shall hang on or othurwisu attach himself
to the outside, Lop, hood or finders of any vcl„isle
or to any other portion thereof other than the
specific enclosed portion of such vehicle intended
J-Or passengers Or Win 0 U `0tinq position in the
cargo area of a vehicle if such 4yea is fully or
Partially enclosed on all four sides, while the
base :is .in motion. This s Wecti.on A shall not
apply to parades, caravans or exhibitions thi.rh
are officially authorized or permitted by law.
"B. The provisions of subsection A of this section shalj
not apply to a vchiclo owned by the United States
[y] Government or any ag^;icy or instrumentality thereof
W or to a vahi.cle owned by the State of Col^.ado or
any of its political subdivisions or to a privately
owned vehicle when operating :in a governmental
capacity under contract with or permit from any
governmental subdivision or wider permit issued
by the Public utilities Commission of the State of
Colorado when in the per.furmance of their dutice.
persons are roquirad to stand or sit on the exterior
of the vehicle and said vehicle is equi-ppcd wim
adequate handrails and safe guards.''
Section 37. That Section 114--156 of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins bo, and the same• hereby is, amended by dc..lctAg from subsection C
the last sentence thereof and by adding thereto an additional subsection
D as follows:
"D. When the route for a funeral procession has been
approved by the Police Department, after the pro-
cession h•__ entered an intersection controlled by
signals or traffic control satins, individual.
vehicles in the funeral procession shall not be
required to stop or yield in compliance with the
:formal rules applica..'_o to such signals or figns
but tha entire procession shall be allowed to
Proceed through any intersection as a unit: and
all ochicles shall yi-ld to such procession. The
foregoing shall apply only when the vehicles in
the procession nryccoopicuously designated as'
^cquircd heround->r "
Section 3P. That Chapter 114 of the Code of the City of Port
Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding thereto after Section
114-1.56 an additional section as follows:
"Section 114-1561 1 Motorcycle !titles.
"A. 'To person ::! operate any Motorcycle Cr motor Kiven
cycle on any street or highway within this municipality
unless such person and any passengor thereun i!; wearing,
securely fastened on his head, a protective helmet of
a typo approved by the Si.u-e llepartlm,>nt of Revenue nor
shall' any vehicle be so oher-. .i 11111c-ss the :.pcxato:
and any passenger shall. hnv:; in place on his holmot a
.face shield or shall wear covering his c,,=cs gorglos or
cyo.gla sos made of $a.fca,y E;isss oa' plastic lens.
"B. Any motorcycle carrying a passenger other than in a
sidecar or enclosed cab shall he equippe.l with fun+
rests for such passengers.
"C. Every pierson operating a motorcycle shall he granted
all of the rights and shall be subject to -11 of the.
duties applicable to the driver of any other vehicle
under this ordinance except as to special regulations
herein and e.xccpt as to those pro': i2: ions of this
ordinance which by their nature can have, no application.
"D. A person operating a motorcycle shall ride ^a,ly crnn
the permanent ar.d rc nlar seat attached thereto and
such operator shall not carry any other perso:: ,;o:
shall any atoer peros ride on a motorcycle unless
such motorcycle is designed to carry hture th:..n one
person, in which event a passenger may •rid(n upon the
permanent seat if designed for two persons or upen
another neat firmly attached to the motorcycle at the
rear or side of tL: operator.
"E. A person shall ride upon a motorcycle only whxie sitting
astride the seat, facing forward, with one leg on either
side of the motorcycle.
"F. No person shall operate a motorcycle while carrying
.packages, b+,rlles or other articles which prevent him
from keeping both hands on the handlebars.
"G. No person shall carry any person nor shall any person
ride in a position that will interfere with t-he opera-
tion or control of the motorcycle or the view of tiro
I'H. All motorcycles are entitled tc full use of a traffic.
lane and no motor vehicle shall be driven in such a
manner as to deprive any motorcycle of the full use of
a traffic lane.. This subsection shall apply to Motor-
cycles operated two abreast in a single lane.-
!'*. The operato•. _i ra T^ torcycle shall not overc,:ke or pass
in the sam, lane occupied by i:he vehicles boing ov rtaken,
Q . No person shall operate a motorcycle between lanes
of traffic ov between adjacent lanes or rows of
"K. Motorcycles shall not he operol cd more than two
abreast, in a single inow.
"L. .Subsections _ ;nd ,l of this section shall not 2pply
to police officers in the ;,,;rf;,rm:ace of their
;.i.fi ciai duties.
r "M, No ;. rrson r' d .ng .:pon a not:orcycle sha' I attach
M himself or the motorcycle to another veh:iclo on a
Section 39. That Chapter 114 of the Coda of the City of Port
Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding thorato after
Section 114-156.1 an additional section as follows:
"Section 114-156,2 Emblem for Slow Moving Vehicles,
"A. All machinery; orr,inmraht and vehicles desipned to
Operate or normally operated at a speed A less than
25 miles per hour on a nr?li.c highway shall. display
' a triangular slow -moving vohicle emblem on the rear.
IT. Such emblem shall be of a type approved by the
Department of Revenua and shall be mounted in accordance
with the regulations issued by said department,
"C. The use of the emblem required under this section
shall be restricted to the use specified in suhsoction
A of this scctira and its use on any other type of
vehicle or star.r.onory object is prohibited,"
Section 40, That Chapter. 114 of the Code of the City of Port
Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding thereto after
Section 114-1S6.2 an additional section as follows:
"Section 114-156.3. Use of 7•iA&VIc dean Headlights,
"A. Intenever a motor vehicle is being operated on a r"adway
or shoulder adjacent thereto during the time.specified
in Section W-As nereol, the driver shall use a
distribution of i,ght c, composite bean directed high
enough and of sufficient intensity to reveal persons
and vehicles at � sa ;; oistznce in advance of the
vehicle, subject to the following requi.rcments and
' limitations:
;1) Whenovor a driver of a vehicle appoo?ches an
oncoming vehicle within S00 feet, such driver ,
shall use a distribution of light: or cor.:posite
beam so aimed that the glaring rays are not
projected into the eyes of the oncoming driver.
The lower most r:isM".t:lon of light or`com-
posi.te beam. Steil1. 1. he Awned to avoid Mare at
all times regardless of Toad contour and loading.
"(2) Whenever the driver of a vehicle follows another
vehicle, within 200 feet to the 'rear except when
engaged in lieu aet A overtaking and passin
such uriver shall use a d:i.str.ibuc:i.on of light:
other than the upper most distribution of light."
Section. 41. That Section 114-161 of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows:
"Section 11.4-161. Restricted Use of Snowmobiles, Skis,
Toboggans, Counters, Roller Skates and
Similar Devices.
::A. No person shoal use any street or highway within *his
municipality as a sled or ski course for the purpose
of traveling or coasting on snowmobiles, skis, tolog2ans,
sleets or similar devices except as othcrwiso provided '
in subsections C and D hereof.
116. No pers.^•n upon valley skates of riding in or oy means
of any coaster wagon, toy vehicle or similar device
shall go upon any roadway in this municipality except
while crossing a street on a crosswalk and when so
crossing such person :Shall he granted all cf the v:ights
and shall be subject to all of the eutins alTlicicble
to pe Bstrians.
"C. A snowmobile may be operated on Streets and highways
under the jurisdiction of this municipality only when
such operation is authorized by special ordinance or
addition to this ordinance, and appropriate notice is
given thereof and then only in tic ;,canner and on such
Stieets pxcscri.bed by such ordinance Consistent with
the provisions of state law.
I'D, This. section shall Pot apply upon any street or portions
thereof set aside ::d ot:floialiy marked as a play street
or course for the use of such devices as authorized in
this chapter.
Section 42. That Section 1.14.163 aP the Code of the City of Tort
Collins be, and he same hereby is, amended by adding thQve'to an additional ,
stibse^lion h as follows:
en. The driver of.a*t authorized emergency vehicle shall
carry in the vehicle at all times the designation
required by state la:w attesting to the fact that such
vehicle has been designated by the State Motor Vehicle
Agency as an authorized emergoncy vehicle by virive
.)€ its use for the of l:ifc or property
or for the e-�P.cution ,•f cnertancy governrontal func-
tions, but fai..lnro to carry the written designttt•.ion
shall not affect the stntus of the vehicle „s an
authorized emergency vehicle."
Section 43. That Section 114-167 of the Ccdc r ° t' e "`.ty of Fort
Collins be, and tht same h�r,:by :Ls, amended by adding thereto an additional
subsection D as follows:
"D. The Chief of Polit.o shall cooperate :vit?; the State
Department of Revenue in the development and use
of a coding system for traffic citations which can
be utilized in machine duta processing and in the
preparation of state reports."
Section 44. That Section 114-177 of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins Le, and the same hereby is, amended by deleting th(rFf-o)q the words
"a pe;,alty assessment notice", and by substituting therefor: "a summons or
notice. co appear".
Section 45. That Section 114-178 of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows:
"Section 114-178. Failure to Comply with Summons or Notice
to Appear on Parked Vehicle.
"If the driver or owner of an unattended motor vehicle
charged with an upparent violation of the restrictions
on stopping, :standing or parking undor the traffic
ordinances of this municipality does not respond within
the time specified to a Summons or Notice to Appear
affixed to such vehicle as provided in Section 114-177
by cppearance and payment at the Traffic Viulations
Rvreau or court having jurisdiction or by mailing pay -
went by means of United States rnail or by other disposi-
tier_ of the charges provided by law, the clerk of said
court or traffic violations bureau shall send notice
by mail to the•registerpd owner of the vehicle to -which
the original Summons or Futice to 4nswe5: was affixed
warring hi= that in tho, ev^nt -arch Summons or Notice
to Answer is disregarded for a period of twenty (20)
days from the date of mailing, v complaint will be
riled and a warrant of arrest will be issued."
3nctimi 46. That Saotion 114-185A of the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and the same hareby is, tricnded to read as '•sl...ows:
x "A. Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended
or unattended standing upon any portion of a street
'or highway right of way in this municipality in such
a manner as to, constitute u »io].ati.an of this chapter
or 1:0.L unattended for a per:hoci of 72 hours ur ro °a
ana presumed to be ^.bar:cra, .: uudor the connitions pre-
scribed by 13-S-71(7.) and 13-5-72(2) C.1t.S., 1.963, as
amended, such officer shall require th;t the driver
ur person in charj;e of th;: �'eb,.-le r„v:e the San?c• to
a position off the paved or improved or main traveled
part Of SI Gin street ui Ljj�, it UI rh.? (,ffiCs r y.j:_ ^.ause
the same to be removed and placed in storage in the
nearest garage or other place of safety designated or
maintained by this )rn,ihicipality,"
Section 47. That Section 114-185 o4 the Code of the City of Fort
Collins be, and the same hereby is, :uriended by adding t:,oreto an additional
subsection C as follows:
"C. If the owner of a vehicle does pot respond to a
notice sent to him by the Mirk of the court o.
traffic violations bureau pursuant to Section 114-
178 hereof and any police officer finds such
vehicle standing upon any portion of a street or
r alley right of way within this muni6pality, then '
such police officer is authorized to imnobilze
by irwLslling on or att.achi.ng to
such vehicle a device designed to restrict sine
normal movement of tine vehicle, provided that such
police officer shall attach to the vehicle a notice
in writing advi-i.ng the ounor, driver or person in
charge of the vehicle tL-t the vehicle was immobilized
because failure to respond to a notice rcge:rding
illegal parking and ghat from such inunobiliza-
tion may be obtained by contacting the Police Department
and arranging for the payment of all fines or other
penalties appiicabie tr such vehicle, including the
charge established by the court for immobilizing the
Section 48. That Section 114-187 of -he Code of the City of Fort.
Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended by deleting therefrom in both
subsection. A anG B thereof the following phrae: "or any 3f the traffic
laws of this st_. e".
Section 49. That Section 114-196 of the Code o` the Cit;v �f Fort
Collins be,,and the same hereby is, amended by changing subsection B(2) to
read as follows:
"(2) Designate Pad mark medians and traffic islands.,, ,
And by changing subsection B(14) to read as follows:
"(14) ,Designate and sign locations at which drivers shall
not make a right or lefr. turn, a U-turn or any turn
at all times or during certain times or at which
certain turns shall be renuirca at s11 ti;;ie or
during certain times.''
Section So. 'That Section 114-198 of the Coclo oi: the City of Fort
Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows:
"Section 114-198, Conformance to Uniform Standards.
"It shall be the duty of t:he 'Trai.i.'9 c. Er. ;i, ecr or other
official changed with res;,orsibili.ty .for traffic in this
municipality to seo that all. traff:i.c control de�,, ccs
required hereunder are uniform as to typo and location
as required by state law.:
ScctiOn 51, Mat Section 114-199 of the Code o:c" the City of Port
read as follows;
Collins be, alid tiie sa:lie )l;y is, atnendcd by changing subsection B(13) to
"(13) Designation of lorati.ons 'It which dri_»ep< 1j1dii
not make a right or left turn, a U-turn of a:,y
turn at ali times nr during cort.ain times or
Locations at which speci.f:i.ccl turns shall be
required at all. times or during certain times."
Aud by adding to subsection B thereof an additional subpart (14) as follows:
11(14) Rigbt turn on red and left: turn on red prohibi-
tions declared pur uant to Section 114-86."
And by deleting therefrom subsection U thereof,
SPcti.o[i 52. That Section 114-2 of the Code of the City of For;:
Collins be, and the saute hereby is, amended by changing tiie defi ition of
BICYCLE to read as follows:
"BICY,^,LL- -Every device propelled by human power upon
which any person :lay ride, having two tandem wheels.
either of which is more than fourteen (14) inches in
And Fv adding in additional definition following tiie definition o£ FhRM
TRACTOR as follows:
"IMPUMENT OF HUSBANDRY --Every vehicle which is designated
for agricultural purposes and used .by the owner thereof
.in the conduct of I agricultural nrerat:ions,"
And by changing the definition of SEMI -'!'RAILER to read as follows: I
"SEAfI✓I'RATLER--Any. wheeled vehicle without: motive power
!:Lich is designed to be used in 'c .njnnction l;,i-tll a truck
tra".ter so that some Bart of its o.:?n weigl'-t and tl`at cf
its cargo load rests upon vN 1s cairjeLj by such truck
tractor, and which is genoraily and commonly used to
carry. and transport property over the public highiaays,"
;ui% by adding an additional definition after the el.,f_;;;.ti n of SE1.1I-1YLil;,iii
as £o11.ows:
"SNO1010JILE---A self propel led vehicle primal ily designed
for travel on snow or ice and supported in part by skis,
belts, or cleats."
And by ad,ling an addit:ior.al defi.nitir;;l after the de-fi.ni.tioll of TRAILER
as follows:
"TRAII.UR, COACH OR 11lll;lo' HOME --Any wheeled v^'lick which
is a single self-contained oni.t-, without motive pcw4r,
Which is deSi,aned an,r1 "ei-eya.11y and commonly used for
occul/arcy by persons for residential purposes, in c'thcr
temporary or permanent locations, and lvl:icll may occasionally '
be drawn over the public }li.gilways h'y a motor vehicle,"
Section 53, That Section 1.14-3 of the Code of the City of Fort
Coilil,s be, �nd the sump hereby is, amended by Cb,^.r.I;.i.ng the do£J.nJ.t:aon of
ALLEY or ALLE-Y]AP,I' to read as follows;
"ALLEY or ALLEYWAY.--- A narrow minor street, usually
tJit:]lout sidelaalt Al wilich the rears of building:
customarily adjoin,"
And by adding an additional definition after tile definition )f DLCELF ATTQ71'
LAME as fo I l o;, s :
"DIVIDER HIGIII;,';Y--A highway with serarated roadways for
traffic in opposite clirections, said separation leiny
indicated by depressed dividing. strips, raised cvrbings,
traffic islands or other physical separat:icns or i.ndicat^Ci
by standard pavement markings or other officia- ir:.Cffi.c
con_rol devi-cos."
A^d by aadirg an additional definition after the definition of 1M ER;3Et;T1171N
aa follows:
LANE --The porticr, of a roadlaay for the move-acn: of a I
single line o£ vehzcics,"
Section 54. Th-F Section 114-4 o- the Code or the Cite of Fort
Colli-ns 1-e, ar l the SaM, ,CrE'1:y i , wrellded 1-,y sdoinn tl.prnt: nft_, t•
definition of LANE LINE an additional definition as follows:
"At/�RKINIGS--All li.,tcs, i;att:nns, t,;crds, colors, or other
devices, except sign:., set i.ntc the surface of, applied
up0.l, or'?c;.achcd LV the pavemWiL ur curbing i r to
objects within or adjacent, to th.. roadway, confo:mi.ng
to state stand-ards as required by law and officially
placed for the purpose of regulating, warning or
guiding traffic,"
And by deleting thcrefror•. t.lie d.;. ini.ti,,,l of ;T, E TR^PPIC C0P ROL WkNUAL
and by changing the definition of STOP LING to reac as follows;
"STOP LTNG (or LIMIT LINE) --A line which indicates
where drivers sir i l strop when directed by on official
traffic control device or a police officer."
Section 55. That Section 114-5 of the Code of the City of Dort
Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding thereto after Lice
definition of HOLIDAYS the following additional dcfiniition:
III.ITTL'R--All rL::L1sl'c, w1Ct:e ]rater: Ial, 2'CfuSe, garbage, t:?'a5n,
debris or other foreign substance, solid or li.qu:id, of
every form, size, kind and description."
Introduced, eonsidecd favorably on first reading, and ordered
published this 4th day of October _, A.D. 1973, and to be pre-
sented for fina'_l rassare on the 18th ay' dof October. ; A.D. 1973.
5/ al el 1'_ PrPhIP
/ . VPrna -I'Vd _
City Clark
Passed and adopted on final 7raading this 18day of October
A.D. 1973.
/s/ Verna Lewis
City Clerk=
D11abel G. Preble
L z.0
First reading: October 4, 1973 (Vote: Yeas: 6, Nays: 0)
Final reading: October 18, 1973 (Vote: Peas: 7, Nays: 0)
Publication dates: October 9 and 23, 1973
City Clcr
Ordinance adopted on first reading amending Section 118.22
relating to the zoning ordinance and procedure for amendments thereto
Councilman fray made a motion, seconded by Councilman. Fead, to adopt Ordi-
nance No. 91, 1973 on first: reading. Yeas: Councilmen Bowling, Fead, Gray,
Lopez, Preble, Reeves and Russell. Nays: None.
Ordinance adopted on first reading amending the Code
relating to the fire zones
City Manager Brunton. and Fire Chief Ed Yonker spoke to the changes made in
sae fire zone map. City Attorney Marchstated this ordinance did not affect
the zoning classifications, it only affects the construction. and :_ocastruc-
tin- x-sibilities in the area.
Chief Building Inspector Gordon Clyde stated the provision of the fire zones
is origi ally entered.intc the.building code requirements to help prevent
conflagrations in the areas of tight: building. As Pull's are built, it o.as
felt the fire zones cool& be dis ense ,
Councilman Lopez :ride a motion, seconded by Councilman Gray, to adopt
Ordinance No. 93, 1?73 on first reading. Yeas: Councilmen Bowling, Fead,
Gray; Lopez, Preble, Reeves and. Russell.. Nays: None.
Ordinance adopt-nd on first reading, ,unending the Code
gelatin^.to licensed occupations and annisement devices
Councilman Russell made a motion, seconded by Councilman Reeves, to adopt
Ordinance No, 94, 1973 on first, readin;. Yeas: Councilmen Bowling, Fead,
Gray, Lopez, Preble, Reeves and.Russell. Nays: ?done.
Rasolution adoptedauthorizing the acquisition by eminent
domain proceeding of certain lands
Councilman Lopez made a motion, seconded by Cnincllman Bowling, to adopt t:':-',
resolu.ion. Yeas: Councilmen Bowling, Fead, Gray, Lopez, Preble, Reeves
and Nussell. Nays: None.
WHEREAS, the City Council has considered the matter of the
acquisition of certain real property known as the Avery House, more
particularly hereinafter described; and
WHEREAS, such property is uz particular significa:t value
to the City of Fort Collins as an historic landmark; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has caused appraisals of said
property to be made for. the City and the City hat negotiated with the
owners of said property for the purchase thereof by the City and such
negotiations have been unsuccessful; and
ter; WHEREAS, the City Council, after reviewing the entire matter,
has determined that it is necessary and desirable that the City of Port
W Collins acquire said property,
Section 1. The Ci.tN, Council hereby finds and determines that
it is necessary and desirable that the City of Fort Collins acquire
csnership of the following Joscribed property, situate in the Country of
Larimer, State of Colorado, to -grit:
The South 132-1/2 feet of Lot 25, South 132-1/2 feet `
Of the West .Half (11 1/2) of Lot 26
The East 25 feet of Lot 26, Lot 27, and the West 12,5
feet of Lot 28, together with vacated alley adjoining
the above described property on -",e North;
all J.n Block 41, Or.iginai City of Fort Collins,
County of Larimer and State of Colorado;
said property being known as Tho Avery House, the improvements on said
property being a historic landmark in the City.
Section 2. The City Council hereby a::theri.zes the acquisition
Of the fee title to said propert;' by the City of Fort Collins and in
view of ti:e fact that negotiations for the acquisition of said property
have been unsuccessful, further authorizes tine City Attorney a,:d other
Property cffi.cisls of the City ':o zcqui.re. said property fora the City
by eminent domain procee6ings,
Passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Cuuncii
h:ld this 18th day. of October, A.D. 1D73,
City Clerk
Mayor ,
Resolution adopted approving the Articles of Association of
of the Larimer-Weld. Area Council of Governments electing on
behalf of the City of Fort Collins to become a member of such
Council of Governments and designating the represcntative
and alternate representative to such Council of Governments
from the City of Fort Collins
Councilman Lopez made a motion, seconded by Councilman Russell, that the
terns of the representatives he for one year.; expiring on Wy 1, 1974.
Yeas: Councilmen howling, Fead, Gray, Lopez, Preble, Reeves and. Russell.
Nays: None.
"ouncil.man Reeves made a motion, secoraea by Councilman Gray, nominating
Mabel Preble as the representative to the COG. Mean: Councilmen iiow!Tug,
Fead, Gray, Lopez, Preble, Reeves and Russell. hays. ;lone. No other
nomins0ons made.
Councilman Gray made a motion, Seconded b}' Councilman RUSseli , that the
alternate representative be ;Margaret r. Reeves. Yeas: Councilmen Prowling,
Fead, Gray, Lopez, Preble, Reeves and Russell. Nays: None. No other
nsmi.naLions made.
Councilman Bowling made a motion, seconded by Councilman FwaK. to approve
the Articles of Usoclatlon for the Larimer/Weld COG. Yeas: Councilmen
Bowling, Fead, Gray, Lopez; Preble, Reeves and Russell. Nays: None.
WHEREAS, pursuant to Article XIV, Section 15(2), of the Co ;t m- '
tion of the Stars of Color&o and Article 11 of Charter 86, Color :o
Revised Statutes, 1963, as amcn ied, the Boards e'i Counwi ?ommissiowars
of the Counties of Larimcr anJ Weld have adopted Articles of Association
for a r-oposed Larimar••Weld ArcCouncil of Governments; and
WHEREAS, the municipalities in such counties have been invited
to join such Council of Governments; and
1 WHEREAS, under the proposed Articles of Association the City of
Fort Collins would be entitled to a representative on such Council of
Governments; and
WHEREAS, it is the opinion of the City Council that the best
interests of the City of Fort ColIi,ns would be served if the. City of Fort
Collins were to aplln'tt- •;••• ;,,,,1,,•;,•,,1 Articles of Association and become
a member of such (:om •, i of t;,iv, rnment
W Section 1. That the proposed Articles of Association of the
W Larimer-Weld Area Council of Governments be, and the same hereby are,
accepted and approved.
Section 2. That the City of Fort Collins hereby elects to
become a member of the Larimer-Weld Area Council of Governments.
Section 3. That the City Council hereby designates j\label, C
Preble as its representative to the Area
Council of Governments and �Ma�Tearet D _ Reeves as its
alternate representative, t e th er,;ls of suc. rer�i resentative and alte—its
representative to expire on �q?y 1974 _•
Passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council hold
this 18th day of October, A.L. 1973.
City Clerk
Resolu:-icn adopted adopting a budget and fixing the
mill levv for the Fiscal vear endinv l)PremhP.r 31 107A
City Clerk, Verna Lewis, read the resolution at length.
Councilman Bowling made a motion, seconded by Councilman Lopez, to :a* tr:.
resolution. Yeas: Councilmen Bowling, Fead, Gray, Lope4,.Preble, and
Russell. Nays: None. (Councilman Reeves out of room)
WHEREAS, the City :•tanager has heretofore prior to the first Monday
4in October 1973, submitted to the Council a proposed budget for the next ensuing
budget year with an explanatory message pursuant to the provisions of Section 2,
Article V vi the City Charter,- and-
, -
h'HEREAS, the Council thereafter within 10 days after the filing of said
budget estimates set Oct. 9 and 11, 1975, as the date for 2 public hearings thereon
and caused notice of such public hearing to be given by publication pursuant
to Section 3, Article V of the City Charter, and
WHEREAS, public hearings on the proposedbudget were held on Oct.'9 and
I1, 1973, pursuant to said public notice, and
WHEREAS, Section 4, Article V of the City Charter provides that tae
Co+inc_? 0-all adopt the budge- for the ensuing fiscal year and shall fix the tax
leiry afrer ax.id public hearing and before the last day of November of each year.
that the following b,idget prepared in detail by he Baia pity !;a,iager in
conpliance with the provisions of Section 2, Articla V of the City Charter for
the fisc:.l year ending December il, 1974, b; ::;id the same is hnr,::ry adopted
as:a basis for the annual approp_iaiions ordir.an-^ f)r the fiscal year ending
December 31, 1974, as follows:
City Council ...... $ 33,775.00
City Manager
GE\"�\L FUND (Continues}: T ......... 42,689.00
Administration ... ............... ............................ $-28,342.00
Personnel....................................................... 46,064.00
Purchasing .................................... I................. 46,350.00
Systems € Information . ..................... ..................... 58,705.00
Buildings 6 Grounds ............................................. 132,237.00
Safety.......................................................... 11,86A.00 ,
:•'erehouse................................... .. .. 100,207.00
Boards i; Co -emissions ............................................. 9,517.00
&Z'z b
Human Resources ........................................ i77,947.00
CityClerk .................................... 68,934.00
Finance.......................................................... 158,324.00
Utility Billing
Insurance $ Retirement 622,600.00
City Attorney . 43,260.00
-funicipal Court .................................................. 44,574.00
........... 981,744.00
Fire............................................................. 939,889.00
Health.................................................... 10,000.00
:\:ministration .................................................. 28,092.00
Engineering ...
pPlanning & Zoning ................................................ 173,423.00
YJ Biilding Inspection .........................:..............:.... 129,362.00
Traffic $ Street Lights 237,913.00
Streets F, Alleys ................................................. 4S7 1.62.00
Administration ..... 26 872.00
Parks............................................................ 578,102.00
Recreation .: ........... ..... ............. ..:...................... 192,549.00
Outdoor Swimming Pool ............................................ 84,747.00
Indoor Switmu;iirg Pool..........:..:a:............................. 27,91.8.00
Forestry .. 79,034.00
Recreation Center ........................................ Y,2,700.00
Gran view Cemtery................................................
Roselawn Cemetery.....................................90",999.00
........... _2,099.00 .
ultury............................................. :iO3,268.00
Cultural Resources
LL, .............6 C7! .O1
CJP.tingeacies v
Transfers .... 99.748.00
' `LESS I?:TER FUND TRH;SFc;:S .........................,632, 41.0
Total General Fund ............................................... $ 6,225,472.00
Capital Improvement Revolving Fund ............................... 200,000.O1n,
LESS INTER FUND TRAIS ` RS ............................... 200,000.00
Total Capital Improvement Revolving Fun! ...
Capital Improvement Fund ....................... .................. $ 5, %.';,07n r,0
Special Assessments Fund ......................................... $ 71,910.00,
Trust Fund . . v 2,101,745.00
Total Trust Fund $ 316,'50.00
Equipment Fund
LESS INTER FUND TRA.\SFr.aS _ 750,196.00
Total Equipment Fund ............................................. -0 y.
Golf Course Fund ... $
LESS INTER FUND TRANSFERS ...... .....................
Total Golf Course Fund ........................................... $
Source of Supply ............................ $ 118,400.00
Purification 4. Tre,:t;nent 179,546.00
Transmission & Distribution .......:.............................. 221,050.00
Administration & Billing ......................................... 253,15S.00
Transfer to Restricted Funds ..................................... 25S,100.00
Water Capital Improvement 883 670.00
hater Bond Pay'nent............................................... 255,145.00
LESS I\fiRA FUND TRANSFERS $ 2,196,069.00255,100.00
LESS INTER FUND TRA.\SFEP.S .............................. 143,671.00
Total Water Fund ................................................. $ 1,797,298.00
Trunk $ Collection ......................................... $ 1S2,496.00
Treatment ............. '..................................... ...... 201,540.00
Administration $ Billing ......................................... 1('0,56.00
Transfer to Restricted Funds ..................................... lA,050.00
Sever Capital Improvement ........................................ 1.,237,805.00
Sot.er Bond Payment ............................................ 174,780.00
111,3• I.
LESS INTRA FUS) TRANSFERS .................$ 5,00
.. 1Sd,050.00
LESS INTER FUND TP NSFERS ............................... 90,85:'.:00
Total Sewer Fund......................................I........... $ 4,836,435.00
LIG: ! $ MIT-1-FUND:
Transmis§ion $ Distributiontion.......................... I......1,965,616,00
...................... 3 0,9sq.00
ad:inistration c Biliit: 472,270.00
Trarsfnr to jtestricted Fui.d .. 2,1S2,367.00
Light 4 Power.Capizai Improve-e-t :und ........ ............... 2,321,131.00
__ _ $ 7,2 2,373.00
LESS ISTR1 FUND MkNS_ERS ...................... 970
3S 796,970.00
Total Light S Power Fund'..... $ 5,100,006.00
Grand Total Expense ............................. $23,729,n44.00
BE IT FURTHER RESOLFED that the mill levy rate for taxation upon all
the taxable property within the corporate linits of, the City of Fort_ Collins for
the fiscal year ending December 3', 1974, shall be 10.00 hliiJs, which leery
represents the an..ount )f ta' City' purposed necessary Lr, f_ Vide for Pay ... Ont
L_ ... _-.... ...__. ...
during the ensuing budget year of all Properly authorized demands agaiuse the City.
' Said Mill levy shall be distributed as follows:
General Expense 10.00 mills
being a total of l.o.00 Mills, •.;:rich lW as 'so distributed shall be certified to
the County Assessor and the Board of County COMMiss.i.oners of Larimer County,
Colorado, by the Director of Finance as provided by law.
O Passed and a?opted Lt _ ro6alar meetiu9 of the Council of the City of
Fort Collins held this 18th day" of October, A.D., 1973.
Mayor -.— —
1 C1iC Cter}; --
Ordinance adopteu on first reading being the Annual
Appropriation Ordinance
City Clerk, Verna Lewis, read the ordinance at length.
:Councilman Fead made a motion, seconded by Councilman Lopez, to adopt Ordi-
nance No. 92, 1973 cn first reading. Yeas: Councilmen Bowling, Fead, Gray,
,Lopez, Preble, Reeves mid Russell. Nays: None.
Ordinance authorized changing the Rate Kater Policy
1-ity .•1arr.6er Brunton stated the only change nos in the last paragraph of the
memorandum. City ;Artorney March had advised it was illegal to require a
flP,�i.ble amount for anything over the six units per acre. The Administration
recommended that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare the necessary
amendment to the ordinance including time question on annexation and go
along wit: -he hater Board's recommerdat or with an ordinance to be presented
on November 1, 103.
Councilman Lopez made a motion, seconded by Councilman Bowling, to follow the >
Lopez,ndebl.,s of the Acanini tuation. Peas: Councilmen Bowling, Fead, Gray,
Lopez, Prebl^, Reeves and Russell. Nays: None.
Plat of dedication of Stover Street accepted
City Manager Brunton spoke to .the dedication for a right-of-way to be used '
as a public Street. The agreement is between the City, Ada. May Guard and
W. E. Jungmeyer.
Councilman Russell. mpde a motion, seconded by Councilman Reeves, to accept
the dedication. Yeas: Councilmen Fowling, Fead, Gray, Lopez, Preble,
Reeves and Russell. Nays: None.
Councilman Bowling made a motion, seconded by Couacilnian Fead, to approve
the agreement and authorize the signatures.. Yeas: Councilmen Bowling,
Fead, Gray, Lopez., Preble, Reeves and Rus:;ell. *a�,s: None.
Proposed Bylaws for Larimer County Council on Aging
referred to the Administration
CiLy Manager Brunton stated the Administration had talked with Loveland and
Larimer County on the proposal.. The Administration also desired a final
draft and come back witii a report at the Noy,/ember 1, 1973 meeting: The
comments of Dr. Gh.-,iles Shepe:rdson were also discussed.
tCouncilman Gray made a motion, seconded by Cotncilin:.n Reaves, to refer this
plopcon! to the Administratio- for further negotiation. Yeas: Councilmen
Bo`.ali,.g, Gray, Lopez, Preble, ;teeves aid Russell. Nays: None. (Councilman
Fead opt of room)
Discussion on Bike Lanes
City Manager Brunton stated the staff would line to give a `..rief progress
report on what is being done on the bike lane program and to get input from
the Council. Director of Planning, William Kano; s? rtcd what Ire waritcd to
shoo ;•;as the work that was in progress and not the final. report. The
wort: A taking place at iivo levels; one E « combination ortho existing
bike paths on the .internal streets in the City and a proposal for an
extension Of that concept. Tic Cnarts provid:'_ Quncil depicted .the "
traffic engineering problems.
Questions raised by the Council were on the bike lanes from the University to
the core area, the possibility of having a bike lane in the center of the
street, bike lanes on South Shields i, the area of Rocky Mountain High, Mr.
Yane's suZjestion to assigning the str 00 'her.: thay are narrow and having
people walk their bikes on the sidewalk, and the removal of pari;ing on
Pertain ctreets.
City Manager Br nt:.r also spoke to +ne a:ic'vain.- of Shields Streei-; the
intersection of Drake and Slhie10-7 *he Possibility of a special assess-
ment 71l the area; and the authority of the Traffic 1019ineer to naks oranges.
COuncll;:lan Reeves made a. motion, seconde'.i by Counclinian -graj , that � t`.hc'
Administration proceed with as many of the items as possible. Was:
G'?i-ncilnlen Bowline*, Fead, Gray Lopez, Preble Reeves and Pussy w '
' City Manager Brunton stated he would like to 'Make two announcements for
the record. One was the appointment of Thomas Fierce as the Civil Defense
Director to replace Police Chief Ralph Smith; it has the concurrence of
Chief Sm:it]i and Chief Yonker. Second was that LaVonne Hoffman has been
appointed .as Denuty City Clerk to art on behal` of the city when the cii±,
Clerk ou- of t:c cffice.
Councilman Lopez made a motion,seconded uy Wuucilman Fead., that the Council
adjourn, Yeas: Councilmen Bowling, Fead, Gray; Lopez, Preble, Reeves
O and Russell. Nays: W ne.
W � ��'t,c.l��-_�� l i� •,ice-/�
W Mayor