HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES-01/20/1987-Regular' January 20, 1987 COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS, COLORADO Council -Manager Form of Government Regular Meeting - 6:30 p.m. A regular meeting of the Council of the City of Fort Collins was held on Tuesday, January 20, 1987, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers in the City of Fort Collins City Hall. Roll call was answered by the following Councilmembers: Kirkpatrick, Liebler, Ohlson, Rutstein, and Stoner. (Secretary's Note: Councilmember Horak arrived at approximately 6:45 p.m.) Councilmembers Absent: Estrada Staff Members Present: Burkett, Huisjen, Krajicek Agenda Review: City Manager City Manager Burkett stated Item #33, Items Relating to the Adoption of a Special Events Permit Program, was pulled from the agenda for further review. He stated the item could be discussed under Other Business if Council desired. ' Councilmember Rutstein requested Item #23, Consider 1986 the Liquor/Massage Licensing Authority, Annual Report for be removed from the Consent Calendar. Consent Calendar This Calendar is intended to allow the City Council to spend its time and energy on the important items on a lengthy agenda. Staff recommends approval of the Consent Calendar. Anyone may request an item on this calendar be "pulled" off the Consent Calendar and considered separately. Agenda items pulled from the Consent Calendar will be considered separately under Agenda Items #24 and #34, Pulled Consent Items, except items pulled by anyone in the audience or items that any member of the audience is present to discuss that were pulled by staff or Council. These items will be discussed immediately following the ConsentCalendar. 4. 61 The Owners of 800 Lemay Properties are currently developing the ' property as two lots. In the process of having a title search done 309- January 20, 1987 for the lots they discovered an off -site sanitary sewer easement tied ' to this property and adjacent property. This sanitary sewer has been abandoned and there is no further need for the easement. The Owners are requesting this easement be vacated so that it may be removed from the land title. All utilities have been contacted and have no problems with the vacation. This Ordinance, which was unanimously adopted on First Reading on January 6, vacates the easement. The tract of land platted as Drake Landing P.U.D. has been replatted. The replat is called Hampshire Square P.U.D. and was approved by City of Fort Collins Planning and Zoning Board on December 15, 1986. The Developers are requesting a vacation of all easements and public rights -of -way and rededicating new easements and public rights -of -way with the recorded Hampshire Square Replat. All Utilities have been contacted and have no problems with the vacation and dedication. Items Relating to the Hansen Annexation and Zoning Hearing and First Reading of Ordinance No. 4, 1987, Annexing Approximately .373 Acres Known as the Hansen Annexation. ' Hearing and First Reading of Ordinance No. 5, 1987, Zoning Approximately .373 Acres, Known as the Hansen Annexation Into the R-L-P, Low Density Planned Residential, Zoning District. This is a request to annex and zone approximately .373 acres, located north of West Laporte Avenue and east of Taft Hill Road. The requested zoning is the R-L-P, Low Density Planned Residential, Zoning District. Items Related to the Lake Sherwood Annexation and Zoning A. Hearing and First Reading of Ordinance No. 6, 1987, Annexing Approximately 40.04 Acres Known as the Lake Sherwood Annexation. Hearing and First Reading of Ordinance No. 7, 1987, Zoning Approximately 40.04 Acres, Known as the Lake Sherwood Annexation, Into the R-L-P, Low Density Planned Residential, Zoning District. This is a request to annex and zone approximately 40.04 acres, located south of East Drake Road and east of Lemay Avenue. The requested zoning is the R-L-P, Low Density Planned Residential, Zoning District. -310- January 20, 1987 ' 9. Items Related to the East Vine 9th Annexation and Zoning A. Hearing and First Reading of Ordinance No. 8, 1987, Annexing Approximately 5.00 Acres Known as the East Vine 9th Annexation. B. Hearing and First Reading of Ordinance No. 9, 1987, Zoning Approximately 5.00 Acres, Known as the East Vine 9th Annexation, into the T-Transition, Zoning District. This is a request to annex and zone approximately 5.00 acres, located north of East Vine Drive and west of Summit View Drive (County Road 9E). The requested zoning is the T-Transition, Zoning District. 10. Items Related to the West Laporte 5th Annexation and Zoning A. Hearing and First Reading of Ordinance No. 10, 1987, Annexing Approximately .271 Acres Known as the West Laporte 5th Annexation. B. Hearing and First Reading of Ordinance No. 11, 1987, Zoning Approximately .271 Acres, Known as the West Laporte 5th Annexation, Into the R-L-P, Low Density Planned Residential, Zoning District. This is a request to annex and zone approximately .271 acres located north of West Laporte Avenue and west of Taft Hill Road. The requested zoning is the R-L-P, Low Density Planned Residential, Zoning District. 11. Items Relating to the West Laporte 6th Annexation and Zoning A. Hearing and First Reading of Ordinance No. 12, 1987, Annexing Approximately 1.866 Acres Known as the West Laporte 6th Annexation. Hearing and First Reading of Ordinance No. 13, 1987, Zoning Approximately 1.471 Acres of the West Laporte 6th Annexation, Into the R-L-P, Low Density Planned Residential, Zoning District and Zoning Approximately .395 Acres of the West Laporte 6th Annexation, Into the R-E, Estate Residential, Zoning District. This is a request to annex and zone approximately 1.866 acres located north of West Laporte Avenue and west of Taft Hill Road. The requested zoning is for the R-L-P, Low Density Planned Residential, and R-E, Estate Residential, Zoning Districts. 12. Items Relating to the West Laporte 7th Annexation' -and Zoning_ Hearing and First Reading of Ordinance No.j 15, 1987, Annexing Approximately .897 Acres Known as the West Laporte 7th Annexation. -311- January 20, 1987 13. 14. B. Hearing and First Reading of Ordinance No. 16, 1987, Zoning ' Approximately .897 Acres, Known as the West Laporte 7th Annexation, Into the R-E, Estate Residential, Zoning District. This is a request to annex and zone approximately .897 acres, located north of West Laporte Avenue and west of Taft Hill Road. The requested zoning is the R-E, Estate Residential, Zoning District. In May 1983, the City entered into a Concession Agreement with the Batter's Box for the operation of batting cages at City Park. The Agreement was effective until December 31, 1985 and was then renewed until December 31, 1987. The Batter's Box has since assigned its interest in the concession to Glen Werth. Glen Werth has recently purchased the business, contingent upon the City granting him a concession to operate the business for five years. Staff is requesting that Council authorize the City Manager to enter into such an agreement. Assessment in Harmony Trunk Sewer Special Improvement District No 60 ' In March of 1986, Council established the Harmony Trunk Sewer Special Improvement District No. 60. This was established to construct a gravity trunk sewer in the Southeast quadrant of the city and to assess the cost to the property benefitted by the improvements.. The City is now prepared to close out the district. In accordance with Chapter 16 of the City Code, the certification of the City Engineer, a statement of cost, assessment roll, and notice to be sent to property owners has been prepared. Once the resolution is passed, the City Clerk will have written notice published in the Coloradoan and will send individual notices to the property owners. This notice will state the cost of the improvements, the portion to be paid by; the City and the hearing date of the assessment ordinance (March 17, 1987). 15. Resolution 87- Care-A-Van provides transportation services to disabled, elderly, and economically disadvantaged persons. This service complements the City Transfort system. This contract provides support funding in the amount of $65,800. Of the total $65,800 contribution, $10,500 will be ' paid from the General Fund and $55,300 is federal grant money the City has allocated to Care -A -Van to provide transportation services within -312- January 20, 1987 ' the Urbanized Area of the City of Fort Collins budgeted in the 1987 Transfort budget. 16. 17. These funds have been Care-A-Van's 1987 projected cost per trip is $3.68. The City can expect that approximately 17,880 trips will be provided. Since April 1983, Care -A -Van has leased maintenance, office, and vehicle storage space and contracted for vehicle maintenance at the City transit facility located at 6570 Portner Road. During each of the last three years, Care -A -Van has paid a total of $15,000 annually for leased space and administrative charges. Due to increased costs for administrative expenses, Care -A -Van will pay $17,048 in 1987. Care -A -Van will pay for vehicle servicing according to their use. Since 1975, the City has provided Transfort services to the student body of Colorado State University by and through the Associated Students of Colorado State University (ASCSU). It is proposed that these services be provided for the term of this contract at the rate of $3.60 per semester for each full-time fee paying student and for fee paying international students enrolled in courses of study of the Office of International Training Programs (OITP). This will provide the City with approximately $118,000 in annual revenues. 18. Resolution 87-10 Rescindinn tha rrcntinn one Council approved Ordinance No. 40, 1985, Resolution 85-47, and Resolution 85-48, Accepting the petition of the Property owner and creating the Rossborough Special Improvement District No. 85. The petitioner, Roger Strauss of Tri-Trend, Inc. has stopped the process at that point and does not wish to complete the formation of the District. He has begun construction of the improvements required for his development with conventional financing. Since the process was stopped, Mr. Strauss is requesting that the Special Improvement District approval be rescinded and removed from the public record. -313- January 20, 1987 19. 20. 21. Resolution 87-11 Authorizing the Mayor to Enter into an ' Intergovernmental Agreement with Larimer County, the City of Loveland and the Towns of Estes Park Berthoud Wellington and Timnath for the Provision of Mutual Aid. This resolution authorizes the Mayor to sign a Mutual Aid Agreement with Larimer County, the City of Loveland and the Towns of Estes Park, Berthoud, Wellington and Timnath. The agreement would provide for the exchange of services and facilities to cope with the problems of warning, evacuation, rescue, relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction which would arise in the event of either a natural or manmade disaster. The Resolution would authorize the Mayor to sign an agreement with Union Pacific Railroad for a new pipeline crossing near Wastewater Plant #1. The crossing is for a 12" water line that will provide improved water service to Wastewater Treatment Plant #1 and connect with the Northeast Loop Waterline Phase II to provide better service to the surrounding area. The agreement extends for an indefinite period and the one-time license fee is $250. The agreement may be terminated by either party upon 30 days notice. The Colorado Campaign Reform Act (CPA) provides that cities may make contributions or contributions in -kind in campaigns involving issues in which they have official concern, provided the governing body authorizes such contributions. It has been determined on previous issues that such authorization is required for the dissemination of objective and factual information. The Resolution authorizes the expenditures of staff time and resources not to exceed $999 to provide objective, factual information concerning the proposed amendments to the Charter of the City which have been placed on the ballot for the General City Election to be held on March 3, 1987. 22. Resolution 87-3 Making Appointments to the Street Oversizing Task Force. On January 6, 1987, Council recommended nine applicants to serve on the newly created Street Oversizing Task Force. Members of the Task Force will serve one-year terms and represent the development community and the community at large. In keeping with Council's policy, these recommendations were tabled until January 20 to allow time for public input. The prospective appointees are as follows: -314- I January 20, 1987 At -Large Michael Ehler Ms. Fran Johnson C. J. Streit Mary Lou Smith Jim Kuiken Development Communitv Donald Parsons Robert Zakely Bill Bartran Michael Schmid 23. Consider 1986 Annual Report for the Liquor/Massage Licensing Authority. As required by the City Code, the Liquor/Massage Licensing Authority has prepared its Annual Report for 1986. This report shows the various types of applications acted upon, the number of licenses granted or denied, and all other actions the Board has taken during the year. Ordinances on Second Reading were read by title by Wanda Krajicek, City Clerk. Item #5. Ordinances on First Reading were read by title by Wanda Krajicek, City Clerk. ' Item #6. Item #7. A. B. Item #8. A. B. Item #9. A. -315- January 20, 1987 B. Hearing and First Reading of Ordinance No 9 1987 Zoning ' Approximately 5.00 Acres Known as the East Vine 9th Annexation, into the T-Transition Zoning District Item #10. A. Hearing and First Reading of Ordinance No 10 1987 Annexing Approximately .271 Acres Known as the West Laporte 5th Annexation. B. Hearing and First Reading of Ordinance No 11 1987 Zoning Approximately .271 Acres Known as the West Laporte 5th Annexation. Into the R-L-P Low Density Planned Residential Zoning District. Item #11. A. Hearing and First Reading of Ordinance No 12 1987 Annexing Approximately 1.866 Acres Known as the West Laoorte 6th Annexation. B. Hearing and First Reading of Ordinance No 13 1987 Zoning Approximately 1.471 Acres of the West Laporte 6th Annexation Into the R-L-P. Low Density Planned Residential Zoning District and Zoning Approximately 395 Acres of the West Laporte 6th Annexation Into the R-E, Estate Residential Zoning District. Item #12. A. Hearing and First Reading of Ordinance No 15 1987 Annexing I Approximately .897 Acres Known as the West Laporte 7th Annexation. B. Hearing and First Reading of Ordinance No 16 1987 Zoning Aporoximately .897 Acres Known as the West Laporte 7th Annexation. Into the R-E. Estate Residential Zoning District. Item #13. Hearing and First Reading of Ordinance No 17 1987 Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into an Agreement Regarding the Operation of the Batting Cage Concession in City Park Councilmember Kirkpatrick made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Liebler, to adopt and approve all items not removed from the Consent Calendar. Yeas: Councilmembers Kirkpatrick, Liebler, Ohlson, Rutstein, and Stoner. Nays: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. Consider 1986 Annual Report•for the Liquor/Massage Licensing Authoritv Following is staff's memorandum on this item: ' 316- January 20, 1987 "As required by the City Code, the Liquor/Massage Licensing Authority has prepared its Annual Report for 1986. This report shows the various types of applications acted upon, the number of licenses granted or denied, and all other actions the Board has taken during the year." Councilmember Stoner made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Kirkpatrick, to accept the 1986 Annual Report of the Liquor/Massage Licensing Authority. Police Chief Bruce Glasscock responded to questions from Council about the number of show/cause hearings in 1986 and the efforts of the Police Department in the area of compliance checks. (Secretary's Note: Councilmember Horak arrived at this point.) Councilmember Stoner stated that in the past there was .some concern about light penalties being levied by the Authority, and noted that in 1986 a 7-day and a 21-day suspension was levied. Councilmember Rutstein stated she thought it was important to get back to the previous level of compliance checks. Councilmember Liebler stated she felt the Authority was taking into account the increased concern over alcohol -related violations. ' Mayor Ohlson indicated he had received comments from the public expressing concern that the Authority was not levying appropriate penalties. He suggested a future worksession with the Authority to discuss the issue. He also suggested the Chair of the Liquor Licensing Authority write a memo to the Council liaison stating the Authority's viewpoint on violation penalties. The vote on Councilmember Stoner's motion to accept the 1986 Annual Report of the Liquor/Massage Licensing Authority was as follows: Yeas: Councilmembers Horak, Kirkpatrick, Liebler, Ohlson, Rutstein, and Stoner. Nays: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. Items Relating to Citizen Initiated Resolution Following is staff's memorandum on this item: "A. Citizen Initiated Resoluti6n'87-14 Urging, the President of the United States to Immediately Halt Nuclear Weapons Testing as a First Step toward Reversing and Ending the Arms Race. ' B. Resolution 87-15 Referring an Initiated Resolution concerning a Nuclear Test Ban to the Registered Electors of the City. 317- January 20, 1987 On January 6, Council adopted a motion accepting the certification from the ' City Clerk concerning a petition for a Citizen Initiated Resolution relating to a nuclear test ban. Verification of the petition was the first step in the initiative process. Under the City Charter, Council has several options: (1) adopt the Initiated Resolution without any changes within 30 days of the certification of the petition; or (2) take no action on the Citizen Initiated Resolution, and then place it on the March 3 ballot." Councilmember Horak made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Rutstein, to adopt Resolution 87-15 (Item B). Councilmember Horak stated he felt this was the appropriate way to have this issue considered. The vote on Councilmember Horak's motion to adopt Resolution 87-15 was as follows: Yeas: Councilmembers Horak, Kirkpatrick, Liebler, Ohlson, Rutstein, and Stoner. Nays: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. (Secretary's Note: No action was taken on Item A.) Resolution 87-16 Making Appointments to ' the CHOICE Advisory Committee and the Commission on Disability Tabled to February 3 Following is staff's memorandum on this item: "A vacancy currently exists on the CHOICE Advisory Committee due to the resignation of S. Christine Landrum. After advertising the vacancy, the Council liaison has reviewed the applications submitted and will announce the recommendation at the January 20 Council meeting. Three vacancies exist on the Commission on Disability due to the resignations of William Bertschy, Betty Pidcock, and Penne Thomas. These vacancies were advertised and the Council liaison has reviewed the applications submitted. The recommendations will be announced at the January 20 meeting. In keeping with Council's policy, this Resolution will be tabled until February 3, 1987, to allow for public input." Mayor Ohlson made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Liebler, to adopt Resolution 87-16 inserting the following names: -318- January 20, 1987 CHOICE Advisory Committee Ross Spaulding Commission on Disability Steve Kiefer Carol Rice Sharon Winfield Councilmember Stoner made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Rutstein, to table Resolution 87-16 to February 3. Yeas: Councilmembers Horak, Kirkpatrick, Liebler, Ohlson, Rutstein, and Stoner. Nays: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. Resolution 87-17 Making Appointments to the Fort Collins Convention and Visitors' Bureau. Tabled to February 3 Following is staff's memorandum on this item: "Executive Summary On November 4, 1986, the City Council adopted a resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement with the Fort Collins Convention and Visitors' Bureau. The contract, Bureau Bylaws, the role and formation of the Board of Directors has been reviewed by staff and the Council's Subcommittee on Economic Development. Advertisements were placed seeking applicants for the Bureau Board. Applications were reviewed and interviews conducted by the Council Subcommittee. Council is authorized to name six of the seventeen Board members and the citizens committee supporting the Bureau have recommended the remaining eleven members. In keeping with Council's policy, this Resolution will be tabled until February 3, 1987 to allow for public input. Background The City Council has had a number of worksessions and hearings to discuss the proposal for the Convention and Visitors' Bureau. Council has authorized the City Manager to enter into a contract for services with the Bureau and has authorized the allocation of a portion of the Lodging Tax revenues to purchase those Bureau activities. Due to the public funds allocated to the Bureau, Council is authorized to make six appointments to the Board of Directors. The remaining eleven members have been recommended by the citizens committee workirig;to establish the Bureau. In the future, Council will continue to appoint six members�'and the remaining eleven will be elected from the Bureau membership. Members selected for the Board of Directors represent broad community interests as well as business interests related to the convention and ' visitors' industry. Board members are selected to represent: advertising and public relations, performing arts, visual arts, recreational services, City of Fort Collins, Chamber of Commerce, Colorado State University (2), -319- January 20, 1987 food and beverage industry (2), lodging industry (1 representative from the ' large hotels and 1 representing hotel -motels with less than 50 rooms), media, retail and two from the community at large. City staff and the Council Subcommittee recommend adoption of the Resolution." Councilmember Rutstein spoke of the interviews conducted by Councilmember Liebler and herself, and summarized the recommendations being made by the citizens committee for the other 11 members. Jim Creeden, 4020 Goodell Lane #4, questioned why it has taken 21 years to establish this board. Mayor Ohlson stated that 21 years ago there had not been enough taxes collected to fund a bureau.. Councilmember Rutstein made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Kirkpatrick, to adopt Resolution 87-17 inserting the following names: Barbara Liebler (City) (3 years) Art Wilcox (Recreation) (3 years) Fred Levine (Visual Arts) (2 years) Kate Caldwell (At -Large) (2 years) Bruce Freestone (Performing Arts) (1 year) Terry Sarazin (At -Large) (1 year) ' Yeas: Councilmembers Horak, Kirkpatrick, Liebler, Ohlson, Rutstein, and Stoner. Nays: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. Councilmember Horak pointed out that the usual procedure was to table the Resolution for two weeks to allow for public input. Councilmember Horak made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Stoner, to reconsider Resolution 87-17. Yeas: Councilmembers Horak, Kirkpatrick, Liebler, Ohlson, Rutstein, and Stoner. Nays: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. Councilmember Rutstein made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Horak, to table Resolution 87-17 to February 3. Yeas: Councilmembers Horak, Kirkpatrick, Liebler, Ohlson, Rutstein, and Stoner. Nays: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. -320- January 20, 1987 ' Resolution 87-18 Authorizing the Expenditure of Funds for the Purchase of Certain Capital Equipment Purchased for the Edora Pool & Ice Center Adopted Following is staff's memorandum on this item: "Executive Summary Staff is requesting $43,800 to purchase high priority capital equipment, including tools, equipment, and office furnishings critical to the proper and efficient operation of Edora Pool and Ice Center. The purchases requested have been reduced from an original list to retain a substantial portion ($465,239), of the Project's contingency reserves to off -set the projected shortfall in the debt service for the project, to be paid in 1990. Background Delay of Capital Equipment On October 15, 1985, Council passed Resolution 85-195. See Attachment 1. By this resolution, capital equipment purchases were delayed until project costs were better known. The Council's direction was to review the delayed items as the project drew to a close and a better idea of actual ' expenditures would be available. The construction of the Center has proceeded very well and savings have been identified. In Attachment 2, a summary of the project's budget is presented. The most recent estimate of the budget shows: Total funds authorized for Construction $ 8,800,000 Funds Spent or Encumbered as of 1110187 8,290,961 Project Savings and Contingency Remaining $ 509,039 Council directed that these remaining funds could be used upon future review. Financing Savings Savings were also achieved in the $200,000 set aside for the financing of the bond anticipation notes. The financing budget for the project shows: Total funds available for financial costs $ 200,000 Funds spent or encumbered as of 1110187 118,023 Finance savings available $ 81,977 Any savings from the finance area were to be retained for future debt service payments. 321- January 20, 1987 Debt Service Projections ' On October 21, 1986, Council adopted the 1987 Budget. At adoption, the EPIC debt service shortfall was projected to be $734,446 in 1990. In December, 1986, Finance staff received information about tax law changes, and revised the shortfall to $848,464. Please refer to spreadsheets presented on Attachment 3 for more detail. With a projected shortfall of this magnitude, staff recommends that a significant portion of the project contingency should continue to be reserved. Only high priority equipment items should be funded at this time. Recommended Capital Equipment Staff reviewed all equipment placed on hold by Council in October, 1985: Approximately $106,000 of the original list was identified as critical to the proper and efficient operation of the facility. Within this group of high priority equipment, five priority levels were identified. The list is presented in Attachment 4. Many of the items on the list impact program operation and thereby produce revenue or reduce expenditures. Other items are desired to increase efficiency (for example, an air lift to change light bulbs and perform other overhead maintenance in the facility). Many of these items are explained on the second page of Attachment 4. Staff recommends, that of this list of critical, high priority items, only ' those in groups I and 2 be approved at this time. The total for these items is $43,800. Improvement in the Debt Service Shortfall The remaining funds in the project contingency and finance savings, plus interest on these funds for the next three years, would remain available for debt service. The projected shortfall would thereby be reduced to $197,912 in 1990. This represents substantial, but not complete, progress in solving the debt service problem. It is not solved, but it is more manageable. Staff will continue to investigate possible options for future Council consideration to alleviate the remaining shortfall. Summary Recommendation Staff recommends that of the $509,039 remaining in the,EPIC contingency, only $43,800 be used at this time to provide for critical capital equipment. The remaining funds will be held to off -set the projected shortfall in the debt service for the project. City Manager Burkett stated that more than a year ago the Council decided to hold back on the purchase of several items for the Pool and Ice Rink , until the facility was closer to opening. He noted ,the grand opening was scheduled for January 31. He stated some additional savings have been -322- January 20, 1987 ' identified throughout the project and therefore staff was recommending some of the savings be used to purchase additional equipment. Finance Director Alan Krcmarik gave a brief overview of the item. He and Recreation Superintendent Jean Helburg answered questions from Council. Councilmember Stoner made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Horak, to adopt Resolution 87-18. Jim Creeden, 4020 Goodell Lane #4, questioned if the fees for the pool and ice rink are stable or whether they will be raised after the election. Councilmember Horak stated the fees are set by policy and designed to recover a certain percentage of costs. Bruce Lockhart, 2500 East Harmony Road, questioned the need to purchase some of the items on the priority list and the award of certain contracts without going through the bidding process. Mayor Ohlson and staff responded to several of the comments made by Mr. Lockhart. Barbara Allison, 1212 Lynnwood Drive, suggested user fees be kept low enough to make it feasible for everyone to use the facility. ' Councilmember Kirkpatrick stated she felt it was necessary to provide the equipment for the facility. Councilmember Horak stated he felt staff was very reasonable in choosing which equipment should have priority when making purchases and have been very conservative in their revenue and expenditure projections. He commented on the facility's value as a tourist attraction. The vote on Councilmember Stoner's motion to adopt Resolution 87-18 was as follows: Yeas: Councilmembers Horak, Kirkpatrick, Liebler, Ohlson, Rutstein, and Stoner. Nays: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. Citizen Participation Jim Creeden, 4020 Goodell Lane #4, _questioned why Council was more concerned with EPIC than with the functioning of the Police Department and Streets Division. He commented on a recent accident he was involved in and pointed out several discrepancies in the Police Report. He voiced several complaints about the Police Department and the Streets Division. Roger Shannon, 1412 South Birch, president of ASCSU, commended Tom Frazier ' and Ken Sylvester for their negotiations on the ASCSU contract. -323F January 20, 1987 Barbara Allison, 1212 Lynnwood, asked if Council was going to lobby against ' the bill which raises the drinking age to 21. She stated she felt it was unfair for the federal government to blackmail cities into passing such a bill in order to receive highway funds. She asked the City to take a stand on the issue. Mayor Ohlson responded to comments made by Mr. Creeden regarding the Police Department and the Streets Division. He spoke of the competency and professionalism of the Police Department and stated he had received nothing but positive feedback from the community about the quality work done by the Streets Division. City Manager's Report City Manager Burkett noted that the CU/CSU football game would be played in Fort Collins this fall, and commented on the economic benefit to the community. Councilmembers' Reports Councilmember Rutstein complimented staff for their efforts in lane line painting, and plowing, sanding and sweeping of the streets. Councilmember Liebler reported on the Power Plant Visual Arts Center 2nd Annual Greater Fort Collins Arts Show. Mayor Ohlson reported on letters he had received .from citizens complimenting members of staff for their work in several areas of City government. He also mentioned that February 6th was the deadline to register to vote for the March 3 City election. He commented on PRPA's hiring practices when recruiting a new director. City Manager Burkett noted the City had included additional funds in the 1987 Budget for two new street sweepers and that one had been received already. Items Relating to the Adoption of a Special Events Permit Program (Secretary's Note: This item was- removed from the agenda for formal consideration, but was briefly discussed at this time.) City Manager Burkett asked Council if they had any new questions or comments relating to this item. Police Chief Bruce Glasscock responded to questions from Council relating I to the administrative guidelines for special events permits. -324- January 20, 1987 ' Lieutenant Jay Davis addressed the proposed routes and requirements for use of those routes. He spoke of the absence of defined guidelines in the past. It was noted that individual Councilmembers should forward their questions and comments to Chief Glasscock prior to formal review of the item. Other Business Councilmember Horak spoke of the State Legislature's consideration of S.B. 45 which would severely limit what municipalities can do in the way of annexation. He stated he felt there should be a motion made to oppose this legislation. Councilmember Horak made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Stoner, to formally oppose S.B. 45 and to transmit that opposition to State legislators. Councilmember Rutstein suggested staff might convey information relating to the City's land use policies and Urban Growth Area agreement. Councilmember Horak suggested the Colorado Municipal League be contacted to attempt to arrange a joint workshop to allow municipalities to educate legislators about annexation methods that are working. ' Councilmember Kirkpatrick stated this issue was a good indication of how much the State Legislature focuses on the problems of Metro Denver to the disadvantage of other communities in the State. The vote on Councilmember Horak's motion was as follows: Yeas: Councilmembers Horak, Kirkpatrick, Liebler, Ohlson, Rutstein, and Stoner. Nays: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. Executive Session Authorized Councilmember Rutstein made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Kirkpatrick, to adjourn into Executive Session to discuss personnel matters relating to the evaluation of the City Attorney. Yeas: Councilmembers Horak, Kirkpatrick, Liebler, Ofilson, Rutstein, and Stoner. Nays: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. AdJournment At the conclusion of the Executive Session, Councilmember Liebler made a ' motion, seconded by Councilmember Stoner, to adjourn the meeting. Yeas: Councilmembers Horak, Kirkpatrick, Liebler, Ohlson, Rutstein, and Stoner. Nays: None. 325- January 20, 1987 The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. ATTEST: City Clerk 11) -326-