HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES-01/06/1987-Regular' January 6, 1987 COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS, COLORADO Council -Manager Form of Government Regular Meeting - 6:30 p.m. A regular meeting of the Council of the City of Fort Collins was held on Tuesday, January 6, 1987, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers in the City of Fort Collins City Hall. Roll call was answered by the following Councilmembers: Estrada, Horak, Kirkpatrick, Liebler, Ohlson, Rutstein, and Stoner. Staff Members Present: Burkett, Huisjen, Krajicek Agenda Review: City Manager City Manager Burkett noted there was an item of Other Business dealing with the acceptance of the petition certification for a ballot issue for the March 3, 1987 Election. Consent Calendar This Calendar is intended to allow the City Council to its spend time and energy on the important items on a lengthy agenda. Staff recommends approval of the Consent Calendar. Anyone may request an item on this calendar be "pulled" off the Consent Calendar and considered separately. Agenda items pulled from the Consent Calendar will be considered separately under Agenda Item #15, Pulled Consent Items. 4. Second Readino of Ordinancp No. 9ns 1QAA yarn+inn an All.,, R. P. Plaza, Ltd, owners and developers of the Robinson Piersal Plaza, are requesting the vacation of the alley in Block 124 of the City to conform with the needs of the approved P.U.D. The affected utilities have no objection to the proposed vacation. The existing alley still has a sewer line, a gas line and telephone poles located within it. This Ordinance vacating the alley was adopted unanimously on First Reading on December 16. At that time, the developer had agreed by letter with each affected utility company to bear the costs of removal and, where necessary, relocation'of the facilities. The vacation was conditioned upon payment by the `developer to, Mountain Bell and Public Service Company for the removal and/or relocations. These payments have now been made. -295- January 6, 1987 5. 21 The DDA Board in a unanimous vote approved Resolution 86-14 expressing an intent to participate in the Linden Hotel Redevelopment project at a regularly scheduled Board meeting, July 10, 1986. Restoration of the Linden Hotel will bring a new use into Old Town Fort Collins. Planned as a boutique style hotel similar to the Boulderado, renovation of this national historic structure should significantly contribute to the economic and physical vitality of downtown Fort Collins. This Ordinance, which was unanimously adopted on First Reading on December 16, approves the reimbursement contract. Recognizing the need of businesses and households for assistance to safely and lawfully dispose of hazardous wastes, Larimer County and the Cities of Loveland and Fort Collins propose a study of hazardous waste management alternatives for Larimer County. Larimer County staff will have the lead role in the one-year, $80,000 project, with funding contributed by each in proportion to population (Larimer County - 34%, Loveland - 20%, Fort Collins - 46%). In addition to reviewing the technology and management options for a county -wide Hazardous Waste Management Plan, the project includes educational and outreach programs to assist small businesses and households. This Ordinance, which was adopted unanimously on First Reading on December 16, appropriates funds for Fort Collins' share. Items Relating to the Mill First and Mill Second Annexations Second Reading of Ordinance No. 209, 1986, Annexing Approximately 1.88 Acres, Known as the Mill First Annexation. Second Reading of Ordinance No. 210, 1986, Zoning Approximately 1.88 Acres, Known as the Mill First Annexation, into the B-P, Planned Business, Zoning District. Second Reading of Ordinance No. 211, 1986, Annexing Approximately 2.13 Acres, Known as the Mill Second Annexation. Second Reading of Ordinance No. 212, 1986, Zoning Approximately 2.13 Acres, Known as the Mill Second Annexation, into the B-P, Planned Business, Zoning District. These Ordinances, which were unanimously adopted on First Reading on December 16, are a request to annex and zone a total.'of approximately 4.01 acres located west of S. College Avenue, south of Harmony Road, -296- 1 January 6, 1987 and north of the Cameron Business Park, and place the property into the B-P zoning district with a condition that all development be processed as part of a PUD. Q City Council passed Resolution 86-73 on April 15, 1986 approving the incorporation of the Opera House Block Project into the DDA's Plan of Development. The DDA has approved the contract agreement and has recommended approval by City Council. The DDA would be obligated to reimburse to the developer a maximum of $403,945 for the cost of public improvements, fees, and certain expenses associated with the relocation of the Bennett Hotel residents. This Ordinance, which was unanimously adopted on First Reading on December 16, authorizes the agreement. 0 The Owners of 800 Lemay Properties are currently developing the property as two lots. In the process of having a title search done for the lots they discovered an off -site sanitary sewer easement tied to this property and adjacent property. This sanitary sewer has been ' abandoned and there is no further need for the easement. The Owners are requesting this easement be vacated so that it may be removed from the land title. 10. All utilities have been contacted and have no problems with the vacation. The resolution would authorize the City Manager to enter into a Professional services agreement with Aero-metric Engineering, Inc. of Fort Collins, for digital planimetric mapping. The cost of services is not to exceed $180,000. The project will utilize aerial photographs to produce a computerized mapping system for use by Utility Services and other City departments. Water Treatment Plant #2 is in need of additional Gould Modicon programmable controllers in the amount of $28,731.75. These ' controllers are used in the automated treatment process. This equipment has proven to meet our standards of performance, reliability and allows standardization of training in operation and repair. 297- January 6, 1987 12. Resolution 87-4 Authori7ina the r.ity Mananor tn rrror ;mot_ , a wi,:__ This resolution authorizes the City to enter into a 25-year agreement with the Historical Opera House Partnership, Ltd. to lease a maximum of 185 parking spaces in City -managed parking lots for their development. This agreement provides sufficient parking spaces to meet the employee parking needs of the Opera House PUD. In the event the City cannot provide the parking spaces as identified in the agreement, it agrees to provide convenient (within 1800' radius of the Opera House) replacement parking spaces on a one -for -one basis. The full cost of providing such replacement spaces shall be born by the Historical Opera House Partnership, Ltd. This agreement has been accepted in concept by the developer and the City Parking Commission. 13. Resolution 86-199 Making an Appointment to the Human Relations Commission. A vacancy currently exists on the Human Relations Commission due to the resignation of Ernest Chavez. The individual Council liaison has reviewed the applications on file. In keeping with Council's the ' policy, recommendation for this appointment was announced on December 16, 1986. The appointment was tabled to January 6 to allow additional time for public input. The prospective appointee is as follows: Human Relations Commission - Chuck Griffin 14. Routine Easements. a. Powerline easement from Clara, Samuel, and George Farrar for installation of underground electric services at 616 South Mason. Consideration: $720. b. Easement and Right -of -Way Agreement between the City as grantor and Northern Colorado Water Association for a waterline affecting the North Shields Pond Recreational Area. Ordinances on Second Reading were read by title by Wanda Krajicek, City Clerk. Item #4. Item #5. OEM January 6, 1987 ' Item #6. Item #7. A. 11 C. IBM Item #8. Ordinances on First Reading were read by title by Wanda Krajicek, City Clerk. Item #9. Hearing aroW ingandFirst Reading'^e_ of Ordinance No. 1 1987 Vacating an e Councilmember Estrada made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Liebler, to adopt and approve all items not removed from the Consent Calendar. Yeas: Councilmembers Estrada, Horak, Kirkpatrick, Liebler, Ohlson, Rutstein, and Stoner. Nays: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance No. 214, 1986, Appropriating Prior Year Reserves in the Water Fund, Adopted on Second Reading Following is staff's memorandum on this item: "A number of water acquisition opportunities have recently become available to the City. Staff and Water Board have'reviewed these opportunities and are recommending that purchases be made. The purchase proposals have been evaluated by the Water Board and are consistent with both the existing and proposed water acquisition policies of the Board. Included in the offers are a total of 1779 units of CBT water and 105 shares of North Poudre ' Irrigation Company stock. These water supplies are compatible with the City's existing water supply system and will be very useful in meeting future water demands during drought conditions. The CBT water yields more -299- January 6, 1987 water in dry years and less in wet years in order to enhance drought ' protection. This Ordinance, which was adopted 6-1 on First Reading on December 16, appropriates the funds for these purchases." Councilmember Kirkpatrick made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Estrada, to adopt Ordinance No. 214, 1986 on Second Reading. Yeas: Councilmembers Estrada, Horak, Kirkpatrick, Liebler, Ohlson, Rutstein, and Stoner. Nays: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. Resolution 87-3 Making Appointments to the Street Oversizing Task Force, Tabled to January 20, 1987 Following is staff's memorandum on this item: "Executive Summary On October 21, 1986 Council adopted Resolution 86-173, creating a Street Oversizing Task Force. Following its creation, staff accepted applications for membership, with members of Council conducting interviews of the applicants in December. Nine applicants have been selected and Council will announce their recommendations at the January 6 Council meeting. ' In keeping with Council's policy, this Resolution will be tabled until January 20 to allow for public input. Background Members of the Task Force will serve one-year terms. Their charge is to investigate and recommend to Council by October 1, 1987, long-term funding methods for street oversizing costs, with oversizing costs being defined as those costs to construct streets beyond that which is required by the developer of a parcel of land. The Task Force will represent the development community and the community at large." Councilmember Stoner made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Horak, to adopt Resolution 87-3 inserting names as follows: AT -LARGE DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY Michael Ehler Donald Parsons Ms. Fran Johnson Robert Zakely C. J. Streit Bill Bartran Mary Lou Smith Michael Schmid Jim Kuiken Councilmembers Stoner and Horak explained their rationale behind the choice I of these individuals. -300- January 6, 1987 i ' Councilmember Estrada made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Rutstein, to table Resolution 87-3 to January 20. Yeas: Councilmembers Estrada, Horak, Kirkpatrick, Liebler, Ohlson, Rutstein, and Stoner. Nays: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. Resolution 87-5 Approving the Issuance of a Revocable Permit to Construct Development -Related Improvements in the Public Right -of -May Adopted Following is staff's memorandum on this item: "Executive Summary R.P. Plaza, Ltd., owners and developers of the Robinson Piersal Plaza, have requested the City grant them a Revocable Permit to allow for the construction of certain development -related improvements within the public right-of-way of the streets surrounding their proposed development. The Planning and Zoning Board conditioned its final approval of the P.U.D. stating that the developer must receive Council approval of the Revocable Permit. The affected utilities have no objections to the proposed encroachments. Arrangements are being made for the protection or relocation of affected lines all at the developers' expense. The State Highway Department does not object to encroachment along College Avenue and has deferred to the City Revocable Permit to protect their interests. The only objections raised to the proposed encroachments have been from the Schofield Family Partnership who object to the loading area encroachment along Magnolia Street. Staff extensively reviewed the developer's plans during the planning process and found that a plan with the encroachment was the best alternative for optimizing the use of the development site. Background On November 18, 1985, the Planning and Zoning Board gave final approval for the Robinson Piersal Plaza P.U.D. Final approval was granted with the condition that the developer receive City Council approval of a Revocable Permit for encroachment of the service area of the development into the Magnolia Street right-of-way. It was determined that, with the PUD approval, the project was important enough to justify the encroachment. The developer made application 4or the Revocable Permit on November 21, 1986. The application (copy attached) requests approval of encroachments into all of the surrounding streets. In summary, the following is a list of ' the encroachments needed. -301- January 6, 1987 • Surface Encroachment for the service area and related improvements ' into Magnolia Street. • Subsurface Encroachment for foundations and mechanical and electrical systems into College, Magnolia, Remington and Mulberry. • Surface Encroachment for landscaped area wells into College, Remington and Mulberry. Only the first item for the service area encroachment in Magnolia has been questioned. The encroachment for foundations is common in a downtown area where the finished wall surface is on the property line and the footings and caissons spread out underground. Encroachment for the landscaped area wells was requested by City Staff to provide for openings to the outside in the lower level parking structure. All of the utility companies who have facilities in the surrounding streets, or could have in the future, have reviewed the request and have no objections to the encroachments. The developer has arranged with Mountain Bell, Public Service and Light and Power for moving and protecting their facilities. Since College Avenue is a State Highway, it was necessary to get the State's permission for any encroachment. They had no objection to the ' encroachment as long as it could be removed in the future if the highway needs required it and removal was paid for by the property owner. The State was not willing to vacate or sell the property. Upon reviewing a draft of the City's Revocable Permit for Magnolia, they requested that we just include the College Avenue encroachments in our permit. The primary objections to allowing encroachment for this development have been from the Schofield Family Partnership. A letter was received from them last month. A staff memo to City Council, dated December 30, 1986, discussed and responded to their concerns. A copy of the staff memo is attached for reference. Another option considered for allowing the encroachment was to vacate a portion of the street and give it back to the adjoining property owner. This was not a good option for a couple of reasons. Vacation is an irrevocable action and should only be considered if we can say with absolute certainty that the land would never be needed again. We are not that certain. In the long term, beyond 20 years, the downtown could change, and the right-of-way needed. Then we would have to repurchase the area to widen the street. The Revocable Permit is the proper way to handle this type of situation and is provided for in the Charter. The permit may be revoked at anytime and without cause. The cost of construction and removal of the improvements are the responsibility of the permittee. Maintenance of the service area ' is also their responsibility. The permit requires :,that the City be indemnified with the permittees insurance coverage. -302- January 6, 1987 ' Staff and the Planning and Zoning Board found that issuance of a Revocable Permit for the encroachment is the best way to protect the City's interests." Development Coordinator Mike Herzig reviewed the R-P Plaza project. He explained the details of the Revocable Permit. He showed slides of the location and planned development, and addressed the concerns expressed by the Schofield family. He summarized the review process and staff's recommendation for issuance of the permit. Councilmember Rutstein made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Liebler, to adopt Resolution 87-5. City Attorney Huisjen, Development Coordinator Mike Herzig, and City Planner Elaine Kleckner answered questions from Council about various aspects of this issue. Bill Van Horn, joint owner/developer of R-P Plaza, explained their fall back position if the encroachment permit is not issued or is revoked. He answered questions from Council about the planned project. Randy Larsen, representing Collins House Partnership and Schofield Family Partnership (Clock Tower), spoke in opposition to the permit. He stated they felt their properties to the north of the project will be devalued by this project with the revocable permit. He cited the aesthetics, the trash, the sun space, and the parking problems as negative affects on their property values. He stated he felt a formal policy was needed to address this type of issue. He stated he felt the project could be redesigned to avoid this situation. He concluded by saying they supported the project, but did not support the revocable permit under consideration. Barbara Allison, 1212 Lynnwood Drive, expressed opposition to issuance of the revocable permit. She agreed with several points made by Mr. Larsen. Downtown Development Authority Director Chip Steiner noted that a substantial redesign of the project would probably void the contract between the developer and the DDA which could subject the project to referendum again. Development Services Director Mike Davis explained why leasing the property was not a practical solution. Mayor Ohlson questioned if it was Council's preference to delay this issue for further information about aesthetics and compensation. Councilmember Horak stated the issue' for consideration at this time was granting of the permit, not the aesthetics of the project. Councilmember Kirkpatrick stated she felt a policy should be developed for issuance of revocable permits. -303- January 6, 1987 Councilmember Rutstein stated she felt in future situations individual t circumstances would be different, making policy development difficult. Councilmember Stoner stated he felt if the Council was going to encourage major development in the downtown inducements have to be made. He stated he would like to move ahead with consideration of this item. Councilmember Estrada stated he felt it would be impossible to develop a comprehensive policy dealing with the issue and added that he would like to proceed with consideration of this one issue. Councilmember Liebler stated although she initially preferred to delay this item, she had received enough information to enable her to vote on the issue at this time. Councilmember Rutstein stated she felt this illustrates the kind of compromises necessary to facilitate redevelopment in the downtown area. She added that although she was sympathetic to the adjacent property owners, she felt it was a workable solution, although not a perfect one. The vote on Councilmember Rutstein's motion to adopt Resolution 87-5 was as follows: Yeas: Councilmembers Estrada, Kirkpatrick, Liebler, Ohlson, Rutstein, and Stoner. Nays: Horak. THE MOTION CARRIED. Citizen Participation ' Gary Bonner, representing Portraits 'R Us, 305 West Magnolia #252, protested the Green River Ordinance which prohibits solicitation of private residences. Michelle Creeden, address unknown, spoke of an auto accident her family was involved in at Taft Hill Road and Springfield Drive. She questioned why the other party involved was not issued a citation for careless driving. Jim Creeden, Michelle's father, also spoke of the auto accident and read a letter from a local insurance agent referencing the lack of a citation for careless driving. Mayor Ohlson replied that according to the police report, a ticket for careless driving was not issued because, in the officer's determination, the accident was caused by the bald..tires on the car. The individual was ticketed for the bald tires. Bruce Lockhart, 2500 East Harmony Road, stated he felt the IDRB Ordinance for the Opera House Project was improperly adopted as an Emergency Ordinance. He read from the Charter the criteria for an Emergency Ordinance. 304- January 6, 1987 ' City Attorney Huisjen replied the Ordinance contained the reasons for adoption as an Emergency Ordinance. He stated the reasons are sufficient with a finding made by Council that an emergency does exist. He concluded he felt the Ordinance was properly considered and was valid. City Manager's Report City Manager Burkett introduced newly -hired Deputy City Manager Skip Noe. Councilmembers' Reports Councilmember Kirkpatrick stated she had originally intended to pull Item #10, Resolution 87-1 Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into an Agreement with Aero-Metric Engineering, Inc., to Provide Digital Planimetric Mapping Services, because she had several questions and concerns. She noted the Utility Services staff had answered many of her questions in advance and she was now convinced this will improve the basic efficiency and quality of the City's mapping services. Councilmember Stoner reported on the upcoming Airport Authority Retreat to identify goals and objectives for the next 1-5 years. He asked ' Councilmembers for any input they would like him to Councilmember Horak stated he would like to see take to that how retreat. "pie a report on previously set -in -the -sky" goals will be achieved. Councilmember Rutstein questioned the status of the annexation of the Airport property. Councilmember Stoner replied it has been completed. Councilmember Liebler reported on the upcoming Housing Authority retreat which will include formulation of goals and objectives. She stated she would be meeting next week with David Herrera of the Housing Authority and Steve Barbier of Neighbor -to -Neighbor to discuss housing issues such as replacement housing, single room occupancy housing, etc. She asked Councilmembers for any questions they might like to have addressed. Councilmember Rutstein stated she would like to know how the loss of HUD funds will affect Fort Collins and Larimer County. Councilmember Horak stated he would like to see the issue of mobile home park conditions addressed.. Councilmember Estrada agreed':with Councilmember Horak stating he felt some of the conditions in existing mobile home parks was appalling. He also ' stated he would like to see a policy developed relating to self-reliance for Housing Authority clients. -305- January 6, 1987 Councilmember Estrada reported on January the Chamber of Commerce retreat on , 14 which he and Mayor Ohlson, City Manager Burkett, and Deputy City Manager Noe would be attending. Other Business Motion Accepting Certification of Petition Concerning Nuclear Test Ban Following is staff's memorandum on this item: "Executive Summary Attached is the certification of a petition submitted on January 2 concerning a nuclear test ban. The petition has been checked, and it contains at least 733 signatures of registered City electors, which is sufficient for the initiated Resolution to be placed on the March 3 regular election ballot. The text of the initiated Resolution is attached to the certification. Background A petition for a citizen initiated Resolution was received on January 2 from Joe Stern, Julia Judson, Richard Hershcopf, and Steve Slaton. , The first step in the initiative process is verification of the signatures on the petition. The City Clerk's office has verified that the petition contains at least 733 signatures, which is 10Y of the total number of ballots cast at the 1985 regular city election. Council has several options to consider: adoption of the initiated Resolution without change within 30 days, or placement of the initiated Resolution on a City election ballot. The Resolution as it is included in the petition and a Resolution placing the initiative on the March 3 ballot will be prepared for Council's consideration at the January 20 meeting." Councilmember Liebler made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Rutstein, to accept the certification of the petition concerning a nuclear test ban. Councilmember Horak applauded the actions of individuals responsible for circulation of the petition for pursuing an,issue they felt important. Councilmember Liebler agreed with Councilmember Horak and stated she felt this was the appropriate way;to handle issues of an international nature. The vote on Councilmember Liebler's motion to accept the certification was as follows: Yeas: Councilmembers Estrada, Horak, Kirkpatrick, Liebler, Ohlson, Rutstein, and Stoner. Nays: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. 99I11.1c January 6, 1987 ' Mayor Ohlson discussed the schedule for the evaluations of the City Attorney and Municipal Judge. He suggested the evaluation of the City Attorney be done in Executive Session on January 20, and the evaluation of the Judge be done in Executive Session on January 14. Councilmember Horak stated he would prefer both evaluations be done prior to worksessions and not on the same evening as a regular Council meeting. He stated he would like to do the City Attorney's evaluation on January 14th at 5:00. Councilmember Rutstein suggested the Judge's evaluation be conducted at the Judge's office. Councilmember Horak stated he did not feel it appropriate to conduct the evaluation at the Judge's office and noted individual Councilmembers could visit the Judge at his office prior to the evaluation. The consensus of Council was to conduct the evaluation of the City Attorney on January 14 at 5:00 p.m. No time was set for the evaluation of the Municipal Judge. Adjournment Councilmember Rutstein made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Estrada, to adjourn the meeting to 5:00 p.m. on January 14. Yeas: Councilmembers Estrada, Horak, Kirkpatrick, Liebler, Ohlson, Rutstein, and Stoner. Nays: None. The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. -307-