HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES-02/17/1987-RegularFebruary 17, 1987 COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS, COLORADO Council -Manager Form of Government Regular Meeting - 6:30 p.m. A regular meeting of the Council of the City of Fort Collins was held on Tuesday, February 17, 1987, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers in the City of Fort Collins City Hall. Roll call was answered by the following Councilmembers: Estrada, Horak, Kirkpatrick, Liebler, Ohlson, Rutstein, and Stoner. Staff Members Present: Burkett, Huisjen, Krajicek Agenda Review: City Manaaer Bruce Lockhart, 2500 East Harmony Road, requested Item #14, Hearing and First Reading of Ordinance No. 33, 1987, Appropriating Prior Year Reserves in the Golf Fund for the Purchase of Capital Equipment, be removed from the Consent Agenda. Consent Calendar This Calendar is intended to allow the City Council to spend its time and energy on the important items on a lengthy agenda. Staff recommends approval of the Consent Calendar. Anyone may request an item on this calendar be "pulled" off the Consent Calendar and considered separately. Agenda items pulled from the Consent Calendar will be considered separately under Agenda Items #29 and #38, Pulled Consent Items, except items pulled by anyone in the audience or items that any member of the audience is present to discuss that were pulled by staff or Council. These items will be discussed immediately following the Consent Calendar. 4. Consider aDDroval of the minutac of tha rnmilar mamfinn of Coi 9 5. A. Second Reading of Ordinance No. 20,.1987, Adopting by Reference the UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE, 1985 EDITION. B. Second Reading of Ordinance No. 21, 1987, Adopting by Reference the UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE, 1985 EDITION with Amendments. C. Second Reading of Ordinance No. 22, 1987, Adopting by Reference ' the NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE, 1987 EDITION with Amendments. -355- February 17, 1987 Lde 7. AN 0 s As a result of the scheduled, triennial building codes review process, , the Building Board of Appeals via its Code Review Committee, examined all of the latest, "85 Editions", of the "Uniform" model codes over several study sessions last year, and unanimously recommended approval of the amended versions. The Building Code, including a significant number of local amendments, was formally adopted in December. The remaining, Uniform Plumbing and Mechanical Codes with only minor amendments, together with the National Electrical Code, 1987 Edition, are contained in this item. These Ordinances were unanimously adopted on First Reading on February 3. This ordinance, which was unanimously adopted on First Reading on February 3, will appropriate $6,000 in unanticipated revenue in the Library Grants Fund for the continuation of the Library Adult Literacy Program. This funding is specifically for support of the Fort Collins Literacy Coalition through 1987. This Ordinance, which was unanimously adopted on First Reading on ' February 3, would appropriate $80,000 for the payment of general employees retirement benefits in 1987. The funds are available in the General Employees' Retirement Fund Prior Year Reserves. On August 19, 1986 the City closed on $33,030,000 of General Obligation Water Refunding and Improvement Bonds. The proceeds of the bonds included $4,000,000 which was designated for the acquisition of water rights for the Anheuser-Busch Brewery. The funds originally were appropriated into the Water Fund Reserve until such time as Anheuser-Busch had completed the acquisition and was prepared to make the transfer to the City. The transfer will occur this spring, and the funds need to be appropriated for expenditure. This Ordinance, which was unanimously adopted on First Reading on February 3, appropriates those funds. The owners of Courtney Park P.U.D. are requesting the vacation of 3.00 feet of an existing 20 foot utility easement. Building No. 5 currently encroaches this utility easement by 2.65 feet. This project was approved by the City of Fort Collins Planning and Zoning Board on ' November 19, 1984. -356- February 17, 1987 ' All Utilities have been contacted and have no problems with the vacation. This Ordinance, which was unanimously adopted on First Reading on February 3, vacates the easement. 10. 11. 12. The tract of land platted as Portner South Estates P.U.D. has been replatted. The replat is called Brittany Knolls P.U.D. and was approved by City of Fort Collins Planning and Zoning Board on January 26, 1987. The developers are requesting a vacation of certain easements and public rights -of -way and rededicating new easements and public rights -of -way with the recorded Brittany Knolls Replat. All Utilities have been contacted and have no problems with the vacation. This Ordinance, which was unanimously adopted on First Reading on February 3, accomplishes those vacations. The owner of Lots 176 and 177 are requesting the vacation of an existing 12 foot utility easement. The owner built a structure on this easement, and is now trying to sell the property. This easement must be vacated before the property can change ownership. All Utilities have been contacted and have no problems with the vacation. This Ordinance, which was unanimously adopted on First Reading on February 3, makes that vacation. This Ordinance, which was unanimously adopted as amended on First Reading on February 3, is a request to amend the Code of the City of Fort Collins to create a new zoning district (the "River Corridor Zone"), to create a Downtown River Corridor Point Chart and Planned Unit Development Criteria, and to establish definitions for "neighborhood plan" and "net developable acre" (terms that occur in the Code revisions). The proposed additions to the Code represent the first set of implementation tools for the, Poudre River Trust Land Use Policy Plan, an element of the Comprehensive Plan. -357- February 17, 1987 13. 14. 15. The lodging tax authorized by the City Council, collected since March 1984, was dedicated to activities which would generally enhance tourism in the city. Council has held numerous worksessions, and public hearings on the discussion of a Convention and Visitors' Bureau and related activities. The Council Subcommittee has reviewed the proposals, documents and contracts. After the initial year allocation of the accrued funds, it is recommended that future funds be divided on a percentage basis (70-20-10%) among three accounts for the promotion of convention and visitor activities, cultural development and programming activities, and a maintenance, mitigation and improvement account. This Ordinance, which was unanimously adopted on First Reading on February 3, appropriates the funds. The purpose of this ordinance is to appropriate $38,500 of prior year undesignated reserves in the Golf Fund for the outright purchase of 12 gasoline powered golf cars at Collindale Golf Course (replacing 10 existing electric golf cars acquired in 1980) and a greens aerifier ' for City Park Nine Golf Course, rather than the lease/purchase of the golf cars and greens aerifier as was originally intended. When the 1987 Golf Fund budget was proposed and adopted by Council, it was our' intent to lease/purchase the 12 replacement golf cars and greens aerifier. However, after review of our Golf Fund 1986 ending year financial condition, we are now recommending the outright purchase of these capital equipment items rather than lease/purchase. Annexation. This is a request to annex approximately 104.5557 acres of property, located east of the Fox Meadows Subdivision, south of East Horsetooth Road, and west of County Road 9. The property is presently vacant. APPLICANT: Spring Creek Farms, Inc. OWNER: Same Attn: Glen Johnson 3237 Nelson Lane Fort Collins, CO 80525 SK-10 February 17, 1987 ' 16. Resolution 87-28 Modifying the Policy for Residential Density in the "Foothills Area" of the Fort Collins UGA from 1 Unit per 2.29 Acres to 1 Unit per 2 Acres. On August 19, 1986, the City Council passed Resolution 86-141 which authorized a series of amendments to the Fort Collins UGA Agreement recognizing the "foothills area" west of the city as a special area within the UGA and establishing development guidelines for the area. One of the development guidelines indicated residential densities of areas not able to annex into the City of Fort Collins should be limited to 1 unit per 2.29 acres. Upon further review of this policy by the Larimer County Planning Commission, a recommendation was made to change the policy from 1 unit per 2.29 acres to 1 unit per 2 acres so it would be consistent with the density allowed under current County zoning for the area. This Resolution makes such a residential density policy change. 17. Resolution 87- on As adopted in 1980, the Intergovernmental Agreement for the Fort Collins Urban Growth Area provides that Fort Collins will annex all eligible property within the Urban Growth Area. The State of Colorado's annexation laws allow a municipality to annex county enclaves which have been completely surrounded by the city for three or more years. There are a number of properties throughout the city that qualify for annexation under these terms. At the request of Council, staff has been processing the annexation of these properties for over a year as they become eligible for annexation. This annexation was approved by the Planning and Zoning Board on January 26, 1987, by a vote of 5 to 0. This Resolution authorizes the City to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with Larimer County to lease 45 parking spaces on East Mountain Avenue and in the Chestnut Street parking lot for employees of the County Department of Social Services. Twenty-nine parking spaces would be located in the center median on East Mountain Avenue and sixteen spaces in the Chestnut -Street parking lot. This Intergovernmental Agreement began in' 1981 and has been renewed annually, thereafter. The Agreement has been accepted by Larimer County and the Parking Commission. -359- February 17, 1987 19. 20. 21. 22. 23 The Resolution would authorize the City Manager to enter into a professional services contract with James Montgomery Engineers for design and construction management services for the Westside Water Transmission Line, Phase II, in the amount of approximately $334,300. The contract includes design of four miles of transmission line on the west side of the City. The Resolution authorizes the City Manager to enter into an agreement with the Larimer-Weld Regional Council of Governments for the City's participation in a stream flow and quality monitoring program conducted by the U. S. Geological Survey. This is a professional services agreement in the amount of $31,770, as the City's share of a cooperative effort to monitor the Poudre River in conjunction with Kodak Colorado Division, the Town of Windsor, and the City of Greeley. The Resolution authorizes the City Manager to enter into a two year agreement with CSU to collect and process water samples on campus and to report the results to the City. The cost for 1987 will be $2510 and for 1988 will be $2635. Water. The Resolution authorizes the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Temporary Use Permit with the Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District (NCWCD), renewing the allocation of 324 acre-foot units of Colorado -Big Thompson water to the City. The NCWCD requires that Temporary Use Permits be renewed each year. Since transfers of water using permanent contracts take longer and are more complicated, they are initially made using the Temporary Use Permits. Every few years, all CBT water owned and used under a Temporary Use Permit is converted to use under a permanent contract. Resolution 87-35 in Su000rt of the Larimer-Weld Regional Council of Governments for the Year 1987. Larimer-Weld Council of Governments (COG) is a voluntary association of local governments in Larimer and Weld Counties. COG's role is -360- February 17, 1987 ' advisory, providing a forum for solving regional problems, assisting towns in working together on projects to prevent wasteful duplication of services, and uniting local governments to more effectively deal with state and federal agencies. In 1986 the Governing Board appointed a Blue Ribbon Committee to initiate an evaluation of the existing COG organization and functions. One of the recommendations from the Blue Ribbon Committee was to have all members agree to a Resolution of Support for COG for 1987 in support of COG's efforts while the organizational and management review is being conducted. 24. Resolution 87-26 Making An Appointment to the Personnel Board A vacancy currently exists on the Personnel Board due to the resignation of Sandi (Evenson) Salvhus. The Council liaison has reviewed the applications on file. In keeping with Council's policy, the recommendation for this appointment was announced at the February 3 meeting. The appointment was tabled for two weeks to allow time for public input. The prospective appointee is as follows: Personnel Board - Susan Strating 25. Reouest for Off -Site Street Improvement Waiver for Ader Estates P.U.D.. a County Referral. The applicant is requesting approval of a waiver to the requirements of improving off -site streets to City standards for a nine (9) lot subdivision on 27.58 acres. The property is located south of Applewood Estates, between Scenic Knolls and the Burlington Northern railroad track, 1/4 mile west of Highway 287. The property is located within the Urban Growth Area, and the request is consistent with the intent and purpose of the UGA Agreement. The proposed subdivision exemplifies the type of in -fill development which the waiver process was created to accommodate. The applicant has agreed to pay $700 per dwelling unit in lieu of the off -site street improvements. 26. Reauest for an Off -Site Street Improvement Waiver for Taft Canyon P.U.D.. a County Referral. The applicant is requesting approval of a waiver to the requirements for off -site street improvements for the addition of 25 lots to a phase of Taft Canyon P.U.D., which is now proposed to have a total of 45 lots on 33 acres. -361- February 17, 1987 27. 9-1 After concerns were raised about proposed fees and licensing policies, this Ordinance was tabled on First Reading on February 3 for additional review with interested parties. Staff met with the Building Contractors Licensing Board and contractors in an effort to develop further amendments which will streamline the process, while maintaining an adequate monitoring mechanism for contractors and providing an equitable fee structure. Staff is recommending tabling this Ordinance to March 17 to allow additional staff time to modify the ordinance. Adoption of the Consent Agenda will accomplish the requested tabling. Routine Deeds and Easements. a. Deed from Debora K. and Keith L. Scalva, 719 Rocky Road, rededicating a portion of right-of-way of Rocky Road. Consideration: $1. b. Deed from Erma L. Devers, 729 Rocky Road, rededicating a portion of the right-of-way of Rocky Road and Orchard Place. Consideration: $1. In January, 1985 portions of Rocky Road and Orchard Place were mistakenly vacated. These deeds are for 2 out of 14 parcels which will be deeded back to the City. We are proceeding with these two parcels in order to keep from delaying a sale of property for an owner who must have access to secure title insurance. The listed rights -of -way easements are routine documents that have been reviewed and approved by the affected departments and legal staff. Ordinances on Second Reading were read by title by Wanda Krajicek, City Clerk. Item #5. A. A C. -362- e February 17, 1987 I Item #6. Item #7. Item #8. Second Reading of Ordinance No. 26 1987 ADDrODriating Prior Year Reserves in the Water Fund. Item #9. Item #10. Estates P.U.D. Item #11. Item #12. Item #13. Account. Ordinances on First Reading were read by title by Wanda Krajicek, City Clerk. Item #14. Item #15. Councilmember Estrada made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Kirkpatrick, to adopt and approve all items not removed from the Consent Calendar. Yeas: Councilmembers Estrada, Horak, Kirkpatrick, Liebler, Ohlson, Rutstein, and Stoner. Nays: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. -363- February 17, 1987 Ordinance No. 33, 1987, Appropriating Prior ' Year Reserves in the Golf Fund for the Purchase of Capital Equipment. Adopted on First Reading Following is staff's memorandum on this item: "Executive Summary The purpose of this ordinance is to appropriate $38,500 of prior year undesignated reserves in the Golf Fund for the outright purchase of 12 gasoline powered golf cars at Collindale Golf Course (replacing 10 existing electric golf cars acquired in 1980) and a greens aerifier for City Park Nine Golf Course, rather than the lease/purchase of the golf cars and greens aerifier as was originally intended. When the 1987 Golf Fund budget was proposed and adopted by Council, it was our intent to lease/purchase the 12 replacement golf cars and greens aerifier. However, after review of our Golf Fund 1986 ending year financial condition, we are now recommending the outright purchase of these capital equipment items rather than lease/purchase. Background According to our 1987 to 1991 Golf Fund capital equipment and replacement budget projections, we designated $54,200 worth of capital outlay purchases ' for 1987. $15,700 of that amount is specifically budgeted and available in the 1987 surcharge reserve capital acquisition budget for the purchase of a utility maintenance vehicle and leaf sweeper for Collindale, and a small utility maintenance vehicle for City Park Nine. Because the 12 replacement golf cars will cost around $30,000 and the greens aerifier will cost around $8,500, we originally chose to acquire them utilizing the lease/purchase method. However, 1986 operating revenues exceeded the projections by $72,602, so sufficient funds are now available to outright purchase the golf cars and greens aerifier. This will save the Golf Fund a substantial amount of interest payments over the next several years. The Golf Board, at their meeting of January 21, 1987, unanimously agreed with staff's opinion to proceed with the outright cash purchase of the golf cars (and greens aerifier) rather than lease/purchase them, if appropriate. Staff believes that the outright purchase of the golf cars and greens aerifier is a more prudent approach than' to utilize the lease/purchase method as was originally intended:; Sufficient funding exists in the Golf Fund from prior year undesignated'reserves to accommodate the purchases." Councilmember Kirkpatrick made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Stoner, to adopt Ordinance No. 33, 1987 on First Reading. Bruce Lockhart, 2500 East Harmony Road, questioned why the City was replacing electric golf carts with gasoline -powered carts. -364- February 17, 1987 ' Assistant to the Parks and Recreation Director Jerry Brown stated the Department felt gasoline -powered carts were superior to electric carts and were less costly to maintain. The vote on Councilmember Kirkpatrick's motion to adopt Ordinance No. 33, 1987 on First Reading was as follows: Yeas: Councilmembers Estrada, Horak, Kirkpatrick, Liebler, Ohlson, Rutstein, and Stoner. Nays: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. Resolution 87-36 Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into an Agreement to Extend the Term of the Interim Operating Services Agreement with Following is staff's memorandum on this item: "Executive Summar This resolution will extend the term of the Interim Operating Services Agreement with the Railway Society until December 31, 1987. Staff has been working with the Railway Society to draft a new agreement, and needs more time to adequately address some aspects of the new agreement. This resolution extends the original agreement without modification, and will allow operation of the trolley beginning in Background March. The Fort Collins Municipal Railway Society has been operating the trolley under the terms of an Interim Operating Services Agreement since April of 1985. This agreement expired on December 31, 1985. The Railway Society has made a request for some modifications to the operating agreement in the areas of charters, one-way trips, operating hours, leaf management and special operations. To address these requests adequately, substantial research and coordination will be involved -- including coordination with the Parking Commission and conducting neighborhood meetings. The previous operating agreement allowed for the start of trolley operations in March. Staff does not feel there is time to accomplish these activities, formulate recommendations and draft an acceptable new agreement before March. Staff also does not wish to prevent the Railway Society from beginning operations in March. This resolution will allow the previous agreement to be extended so that trolley operations may begin in March. The extension does not include any modifications to the agreement. Staff will be researching the feasibility of the Railway Society's requests and will bring any proposed amendments to the agreement to City Council in April." ' Councilmember Liebler made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Kirkpatrick, to adopt Resolution 87-36. -365- February 17, 1987 City Engineer Gary Diede answered questions from Council about the drafting I of the new agreement. The vote on Councilmember Liebler's motion to adopt Resolution 87-36 was as follows: Yeas: Councilmembers Estrada, Horak, Kirkpatrick, Liebler, Ohlson, Rutstein, and Stoner. Nays: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance No. 27, 1987, Expanding the Size of the Commission on the Status of Women Adopted on First Readies Following is staff's memorandum on this item: "The Commission on the Status of Women was established in 1986 comprised of 7 members and 2 alternates. The Commission has set goals and priorities and formed subcommittees to develop implementation schedules. The scope of their workplan has prompted the Commission to request that Council change the size of the Commission. The Commission is requesting that the membership be expanded to 11 members and 2 alternates. These 4 new members will serve terms which expire July 1, 1990. Current members will retain the terms to which they were ' appointed. On July 1, 1990, the Commission will return to its original size. If the Commission feels that their size should remain at 11 members plus 2 alternates beyond July 1, 1990, they may present an evaluation and proposal to the Council for consideration prior to that date. This Ordinance was tabled at the February 3rd Council meeting for rewrite and consideration at this meeting." Councilmember Rutstein made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Liebler, to adopt Ordinance No. 27, 1987 on First Reading. Councilmembers and City Manager Burkett discussed the need to examine the current staffing levels and funding available to all boards and commissions. Councilmember Kirkpatrick stated she was pleased with the new draft of the Ordinance and would support the Ordinance. Mayor Ohlson asked that staff determine the support needs of the Commission on the Status of Women and investigate ways to address those needs. The vote on Councilmember Rutstein's motion to adopt Ordinance No. 27, 1987 was as follows: Yeas: Councilmembers Estrada, Horak, Kirkpatrick, Liebler, Ohlson, Rutstein, and Stoner. Nays: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. -366- February 17, 1987 Resolution 87-37 Making Appointments to the Housing Authority and the Water Board. Tabled to March 17 Following is staff's memorandum on this item: "A vacancy currently exists on the Housing Authority due to the resignation of alternate member Beverly Lee. A vacancy also exists on the Water Board due to the resignation of J.S. O'Brien. The Council liaisons have reviewed the applications on file and will announce their recommendations at the February 17 Council meeting. In keeping with Council's policy, this Resolution will be tabled until March 17 to allow for public input." Councilmember Liebler made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Horak, to adopt Resolution 87-37 inserting the name of Ken Bonetti as an alternate to the Housing Authority, Ray Hermann to the Water Board, and James Kuiken as an alternate to the Water Board. Councilmember Estrada made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Rutstein, to table Resolution 87-37 to March 17. Yeas: Councilmembers Estrada, Horak, Kirkpatrick, Liebler, Ohlson, Rutstein, and Stoner. Nays: None. I THE MOTION CARRIED. Ordinances Relating to the Salaries of the City Attorney, City Manager, and Municipal Judge Following is staff's memorandum on this item: "A. Hearing and First Reading of Ordinance No. 35, 1987, Fixing the Salary of the City Attorney. B. Hearing and First Reading of Ordinance No. 36, 1987, Fixing the Salary of the City Manager. C. Hearing and First Reading of Ordinance No. 37, 1987, Fixing the Salary of the Municipal Judge. City Council has met in Executive Session to perform the annual evaluations of the City Attorney, City Manager, and Municipal Judge. These three ordinances will establish the 1987 salaries for these three individuals. Council needs to determine the dollar amount to be inserted in each ordinance." ' Mayor Ohlson stated he had contacted the City Manager and City Attorney about their salaries, but had not had the opportunity to contact the -367- February 17, 1987 Municipal Judge. He noted Item C fixing the salary of the Municipal Judge would not be considered. ' Councilmember Rutstein made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Kirkpatrick, to adopt Ordinance No. 35, 1987 on First Reading inserting the amount of $55,500. Councilmember Estrada commented on City Attorney Huisjen's service over the past year and congratulated him on his performance. Mayor Ohlson thanked City Attorney Huisjen for his responsiveness over the four years he has been on Council. The vote on Councilmember Rutstein's motion to adopt Ordinance No. 35, 1987 on First Reading was as follows: Yeas: Councilmembers Estrada, Horak, Kirkpatrick, Liebler, Ohlson, Rutstein, and Stoner. Nays: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. Councilmember Estrada made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Rutstein, to adopt Ordinance No. 36, 1987 on First Reading inserting the amount of $68,500. Councilmember Estrada commented on the positive changes made by City Manager Burkett over the past year. Mayor Ohlson expressed satisfaction with Council's working relationship with City Manager Burkett. ' The vote on Councilmember Estrada's motion to adopt Ordinance No. 36, 1987 on First Reading was as follows: Yeas: Councilmembers Estrada, Horak, Kirkpatrick, Liebler, Ohlson, Rutstein, and Stoner. Nays: None. THE MOTION CARRIED. Councilmembers' Reports Councilmember Kirkpatrick reported on recent visits to EPIC. Councilmember Horak spoke about the Chamber's Futures Study Report and stated he felt Council should have�a work session to discuss cable channel programming. Councilmember Estrada commented on the initial success of EPIC. He reported that the Veterans' Memorial Committee is expecting to have a ground breaking ceremony on Memorial Day. He congratulated staff members Mike Davis and Rick Ensdorff for their work on the Swallow/Meadowlark plan to address the issue of safety for the school children in the area. February 17, 1987 Councilmember Liebler reported on a program being presented by CoPIRG on February 23 dealing with the balance between economic development and quality of life. Councilmember Rutstein recognized Financial Policy Analyst Pam Currey who is leaving the City to take a job in another state, and thanked her for her service. She also recognized Hazel and Brian Bloch who were visiting from England. Mayor Ohlson complimented staff on their report on the Poudre River which assigns staff members to various responsibilities dealing with the development and enhancement of the Poudre River corridor. He also spoke about Rich Shannon's memo dealing with the Poudre River fisheries plan. He commented on the improved format for the monthly report to Council. Mayor Ohlson recognized the Gannett Foundation contribution to the adult literacy program. He questioned the equitability of the $700 per unit for off -site street improvement fees and expressed his desire to have staff study the issue further. He commented on Item #19, Resolution 87-31 Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into a Professional Services Contract with James M. Montgomery Consulting Engineers for Design of the Westside Water Transmission Line Phase II, which was approved as part of the Consent Calendar. He stated he would prefer to have more information about the interview teams and deciding factors involved in Requests for Proposals. tE 11 e. Citizen Participation Carla Romero, Tau Iota University. Bonnie Davis, President of the as Mortar Board Week was accepted by ter of Mortar Board at Colorado State utrition Month was accepted by Colorado Dietetic Association. Proclamation Naming March as Women's History Month was accepted by Cindy Hoff, 2513 Farnel,l Road, on behalf of the Commission on the Status of Women. Proclamation Naming March 5 as Living Proof Day was fd\ward to the,.'., appropriate persons. 7 .s Proclamation Naming March as Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month was accepted by Kay Arnold, Foundation Director for Foothills Gateway. Rehabilitation Center. Presentation of backyard wildlife habitat certificates to Vikki L. Beauprez and Mary A. Roush. Edith Felchle, Natural Resources Department, explained the backyard wildlife habitat program. She explained that the certification applications of Vikki Beauprez and Mary Roush and been reviewed and it 369- February 17, 1987 was determined both applications meet all the requirements for I attracting wildlife to their yards. Mayor Ohlson presented certificates to Vikki Beauprez and Mary Roush. Pete Ruggiero, 1700 West Mountain, expressed concern about activities at the Sunset trailer park. He urged City staff to bring some closure to the issue. Other Business Councilmember Horak asked if the program for Women's History Month was going to be taped for showing on Cable Channel 27. He suggested the tape could be made available to the schools. Mayor Ohlson expressed his appreciation for the support of his fellow Councilmembers, past and present; for the support of staff and their dedication and competence; and his indebtedness to the citizens of Fort Collins for their support in electing him and for their support and trust shown to him over the last four years. Councilmember Estrada spoke of Mayor Ohlson's integrity, honesty, and sincere concern for Fort Collins. He wished Mayor Ohlson luck in his new position as Public Trustee of Larimer County. Adjournment Councilmember Stoner made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Estrada, to adjourn the meeting. Yeas: Councilmembers Estrada, Horak, Kirkpatrick, Liebler, Ohlson, Rutstein, and Stoner. Nays: None. The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. ,T City Clerk- ' is 1 -370-