Ethics Review Board Meeting Minutes
February 7, 2017
3:15 p.m.
Members in Attendance: Board members Ray Martinez, Gino Campana and Kristin Stephens
and Ross Cunniff (alternate)
Also Present: Kevin Jones, Fort Collins Chamber of Commerce;
Staff in Attendance: Carrie Daggett, City Attorney; Jeanne Sanford, Paralegal;
A meeting of the City Council Ethics Review Board (“Board”) was held on Tuesday, February 7,
2017, in the City Attorney’s Office Large Conference Room, to review and recommend City
Code amendments in follow up to and as discussed in Ethics Opinion 2016-01, and consideration
of an inquiry by Councilmember Campana requesting that the Board consider and provide an
advisory opinion regarding the question of whether a Councilmember is allowed to discuss with
City staff a matter regarding which a conflict has been declared upon filing a conflict of interest
The meeting began at 3:18 p.m. The Board reviewed the Agenda which contained the following
1. Appointment of Chair for Meeting of the Ethics Review Board for February 7, 2017,
2. Review and approval of the October 4, 2016 Minutes of the Ethics Review Board.
3. Review and recommend City Code amendments in follow up to and as discussed in
Ethics Opinion 2016-01.
4. Consideration of an inquiry by Councilmember Campana requesting that the Board
consider and provide an advisory opinion regarding the question of whether a
Councilmember is allowed to discuss with City staff a matter regarding which a
conflict has been declared upon filing a conflict of interest disclosure.
5. Other Business.
6. Adjournment.
The Board discussed appointment of a permanent chairperson for the meetings. Councilmember
Campana nominated Councilmember Ray Martinez to chair the meetings. Councilmember
Stephens seconded the nomination and Councilmember Martinez accepted the role of
chairperson with the unanimous consent of the Board.
Chair Martinez stated that this was an Ethics Review Board meeting on February 7, 2017 at 3:15
p.m., and after roll call, declared that all members of the Board were present. Ross Cunniff was
also present, although not participating as a Board member until later in the meeting.
Chair Martinez called for the approval of the October 4, 2016, Minutes of the Ethics Review
Board. Chair Martinez asked the Board if anyone had questions or motions.
Chair Martinez made a motion to approve the October 4, 2016, Minutes. Councilmember
Camapana seconded the motion. The Board unanimously approved the October 4, 2016,
Chair Martinez called for the second agenda item, review and discussion of draft City Code and
Charter amendments discussed in Ethics Opinion 2016-01.
City Attorney Daggett stated there were a few edits requested at the last meeting. Ms. Daggett
stated she sent out tracked changes to Councilmembers in December and there were no
concerns voiced but she wanted to give the committee a chance to formally approve and
recommend this version.
Ms. Daggett did note it was discussed at Leadership Planning Team that a question was raised
about whether there should be public outreach about the Code changes before presenting the
ordinance to Council for consideration.
Members of the Board indicated they did not think an outreach was needed.
City Attorney Daggett stated conflict issues affect all board and commission members and
indicated she had discussed with the City Clerk whether a “super issues” meeting would be
practicable. Ms. Daggett indicated that there was just a “super issue” meeting on February 6,
Councilmember Campana stated he did not think an outreach was necessary but suggested
putting the ethics opinion and Code provisions in new educational materials for on-boarding for
board members which would provide additional clarity.
Councilmember Martinez agreed it should provided as part of their training materials.
Councilmember Campana made a motion to approve proposed amendments to City Code Section
2-568. Councilmember Stephens seconded the motion. The Board unanimously approved the
changes to Code Section 2-568.
Chair Martinez stated the next item was consideration of an inquiry by Councilmember Campana
requesting that the Board consider and provide an advisory opinion regarding the question of
whether a Councilmember is allowed to discuss with City staff a matter regarding which a
conflict has been declared upon filing a conflict of interest disclosure.
City Attorney Daggett noted for the record that Councilmember Campana was no longer acting
as a member of the Board and Councilmember Cunniff was participating in his role as alternate.
City Attorney Daggett stated the question was raised in part because of the decision and
evaluation last summer of the actual effect of the Charter related to conflict of interest and how
that limits a board member or Councilmember’s activities under the Charter when a conflict has
been declared. Ms. Daggett explained the focus of that discussion was distinguishing and
participating in an individual or personal capacity. The analysis and interpretation in that
opinion is that Charter really limits performance of functions, influencing decisions and
participating as member of the Council. That opens up questions as to what other activities are
permissible. Ms. Daggett explained the Code has a provision that says a Councilmember shall
not represent any person or interest before the Council or any City board or commission.
However, it does not address whether a Councilmember in his or her personal capacity as an
individual can interact with City staff on an issue. In a nutshell, that is what the question is
really about. Ms. Daggett stated there is a limit that is clear in the Code about a Councilmember
with a conflict and prohibiting that person from interacting with Council or a board or
commission but it does not address that Councilmember’s interactions with city staff.
Chair Martinez asked if this was pertaining to personal business.
City Attorney Daggett stated yes, in this case the issue was really about a Councilmember who
has a conflict, was not participating as a Councilmember and now wants to be able to express
personal opinions and work with staff on policy or other issues. There are some parts of the
Code and Charter that bear on this to some extent. Ms. Daggett stated there was a provision
adopted in 2014 that prohibits officers/employees from seeking special treatment, so clearly
there is a limit to those activities. Ms. Daggett explained there is a Charter provision which may
or may not bear on this question but which provides Councilmembers, except for purposes of
inquiry, shall deal with the administrative services of the City solely through the City Manager
and shall not give orders to subordinates of City Manager. It is unclear whether that Charter
provision intends to address activities of a Councilmember speaking personally in his/her
individual capacity rather than as a Councilmember giving direction to City staff on an issue.
Ms. Daggett summed up there was some ambiguity here and her sense is that this is why
Councilmember Campana has asked this question.
Councilmember Stephens asked for clarification if this question would be about a personal or
business matter.
City Attorney Daggett stated the question could go to either situation and perhaps
Councilmember Campana could explain the nature of the question.
Councilmember Campana stated he recused himself from a topic and staff reached out to him as
a professional in the industry that staff wanted professional input from. Councilmember
Campana stated he has not responded and does not know how to react to this question. Mr.
Campana stated it was suggested he be contacted by the Finance Committee, which probably did
not know he had recused himself.
Councilmember Cunniff stated that it seemed risky to him for a Councilmember, whoever that
may be, who has recused himself on a matter because of a conflict of interest, to be giving
policy advice to staff.
Councilmember Stephens stated her concern is that if you have recused yourself and you are not
part of the policy discussion but you are still part of that policy discussion behind the scenes that
gives the impression of something happening behind the scenes and not in front of Council.
City Attorney Daggett stated another angle to look at this is to say, when Council adopted Code
Section 2-568(c)(2), what was intended?
City Attorney Daggett read Code Section 568(c)(2). Ms. Daggett stated it did not expressly
state that Councilmembers shall not represent any personal interest in dealings with City staff in
matters that will come to Council or a board or commission, and it may not have intended that.
Ms. Daggett asked, was this part of the intent or envisioned by this section?
City Attorney Daggett stated the language in the Code was to define council-driven expectations.
Ms. Daggett explained there is a provision in the Code now that was put in by Council, so there
may be an area where Council can adopt language for further clarification or interpret it as is and
determine there is no desire for the Code to say anything different. This issue may come up
more frequently under most recent ethics opinion of Charter about participating in discussions.
Ms. Daggett stated that the Charter provision applies to all board members, commission
members and Councilmembers. Ms. Daggett believes the stricter treatment of Councilmembers
in the Code that goes beyond what the Charter provides was motivated by the sense of basic
ethical expectations dictating stricter treatment in some instances.
Councilmember Campana stated he believed additional language should be added to the Code
Section 2-568(a)(1) previously discussed.
Councilmembers Campana and Martinez discussed adding the word “directly” to Code language.
City Attorney Daggett asked if all were more comfortable in reopening item 2 under agenda
looking at this Code language?
Councilmember Campana stated he thinks City Attorney Daggett is right in that the answer goes
to item 2 on the agenda, and the Board may want to discuss further, in the previously discussed
ordinance, revisions to the proposed ordinance and apply it to the question.
City Attorney Daggett explained that this language “attempt to influence” does not apply to
Councilmember contacts.
Councilmember Cunniff suggested that the “attempt to influence” language would probably say,
“attempt to influence or influence, as it pertains to this Section, shall mean take any action
intended instead of the previously discussed calculated, to impact, shape, control, sway, bias or
prejudice.”, because the word calculated is a little vague.
City Attorney Daggett stated that this language in that Section (§2-568(a)(1)) of the Code is still
only addressing board or commission members. If the desire is to clarify in Code what
Councilmembers may do, then the Board would need to look at Section 2-568(c)(2) which talks
about what Councilmembers can do. Ms. Daggett stated there is potential confusion from the
Code because it only talks about Councilmembers contacts with Council and boards, and does
not answer what Councilmember can do with staff.
City Attorney Daggett explained that Code Section 568(c)(2) – could say, no Councilmember
shall attempt to influence the City Council or any board or commission of the City.
City Attorney Daggett stated her recommendation would be to address this provision by separate
ordinance rather than modify the previously drafted ordinance, because it relates to Ethics
Opinion 2016-01 from last July. She indicated a separate ordinance could be ready to approve
with the already drafted one.
Ms. Daggett further explained if the Board renders an opinion that includes a recommendation
for a Code change, the opinion would need to go to Council for approval by resolution but the
ordinance could be considered at the same time. Ms. Daggett inquired the Board’s opinion
regarding what restrictions apply in the interim period before a Code change.
Councilmember Cunniff stated it is not explicitly prohibited by the current Code and Charter
provisions for Councilmember Campana to answer staff’s question. Councilmember Cunniff
stated he believed this was a consensus of the Board.
City Attorney Daggett indicated she would include as part of the opinion a recommendation that
Council clarify the section regarding Councilmembers.
Under Other Business in the Agenda, Councilmember Cunniff moved that the question that
Councilmember Campana had is not directly raised in the Code or Charter and therefore his
answering staff questions is not prohibited.
The Board unanimously approved Councilmember Cunniff’s motion.
City Attorney Daggett stated she would draft the opinion, circulate it among the Board and
schedule another 15 minute meeting to circle back and approve the language.
Ms. Daggett stated her understanding of what the Board desired for Code language to say is
along the following lines: “No Councilmember shall influence or attempt to influence directly
or indirectly, the City Council or any commission or board of the City regarding any matter that
which that Councilmember has declared a conflict of interest.”
City Attorney Daggett asked the Board to go back and reconsider the previous unanimous vote
and for Councilmember Cunniff to be the alternative board member for Councilmember
Councilmember Campana made a motion to reconsider Code Section 2-568 proposed changes.
Councilmember Stephens seconded the motion. All board members unanimously approved the
Councilmember Stephens left the meeting and Councilmember Campana returned to the
discussion of the Board.
City Attorney Daggett stated her understanding that the desired Code amendment would change
the definition of influence or attempt to influence and substitute the word intended where it
previously said calculated so it would read, “Attempt to influence or influence, as it pertains to
this Section, shall mean take any action intended to impact, shape, control, sway, bias or
Chair Martinez stated let the record reflect the Board unanimously approved the Motion.
Councilmember Campana asked City Attorney Daggett if he should wait to talk with staff.
City Attorney Daggett stated that technically, the opinion is not in force until Council acts on it –
which it cannot do at tonight’s Council session, but would be asked to consider on February 21.
Councilmember Campana stated he would hang tight until then.
Chair Martinez asked the Board if there was other business.
City Attorney Daggett noted she would work on drafting an opinion for Board review, would
modify the previously drafted ordinance, and would prepare a new ordinance per the Board’s
action. She indicated she would work with staff to schedule a Board meeting for review of the
new materials prior to the print deadline for the February 21 meeting (February 15).
The Board voted unanimously to adopt Chair Martinez’s Motion to adjourn the meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 4:06.
Carrie M. Daggett, City Attorney