HomeMy WebLinkAboutWORK SESSION SUMMARY-01/28/2025-Work SessionCity Manager’s Office City Hall Fort Collins, CO 80522 970.221.6505 970.224.6107 - fax fcgov.com WORK SESSION MEMORANDUM Date: February 5, 2025 To: Mayor and City Councilmembers Through: Kelly DiMartino, City Manager Tyler Marr, Deputy City Manager From: Ginny Sawyer, Project & Policy Manager Subject: Work Session Summary, January 28, 2025 – Airport Governance BOTTOM LINE The purpose of this memo is to document the summary of the discussion during the January 28, 2025 work session. Councilmembers Canonico, Francis, Gutowsky, Ohlson, Pignataro, and Potyondy were present. Staff provided context and background on the work the Joint Governance Committee did through four meetings in 2024, which included further analysis into the options memo created by Special Counsel, Dan Reimer. The Airport Governance committee ultimately landed on a recommendation to pursue an Airport Authority. DISCUSSION SUMMARY Overall, Councilmembers are in support of considering a Resolution in support of pursuing the creation of an Airport Authority. There were questions and discussions regarding airplane noise, process and criteria for Authority Board member selection, airport staff support for an Authority model, and success of of other Authorities. John Kinney, Airport director, and Dan Raimer, Special Counsel, were present to address questions. NEXT STEPS Staff will bring forward a Resolution. Loveland City Council will be considering the same question and presentation on February 11, 2025. Should they also agree to support staff work will begin. It is anticipated that 2025 will be dedicated to creation of a new IGA that would outline all key operational aspects including criteria and conflict of interest definitions for Authority Board member appointments. Council touchpoints would be scheduled periodically in 2025 to confirm direction of IGA. Docusign Envelope ID: C8C9236F-1183-4DC8-B6B2-5BCB2EBA6CD8 City Manager’s Office City Hall Fort Collins, CO 80522 970.221.6505 970.224.6107 - fax fcgov.com WORK SESSION MEMORANDUM Date: February 5, 2025 To: Mayor and City Councilmembers Through: Kelly DiMartino, City Manager Tyler Marr, Deputy City Manager From: Ginny Sawyer, Project & Policy Manager Subject: Work Session Summary, January 28, 2025 Council Priorities BOTTOM LINE The purpose of this memo is to document the summary of the discussion during the January 28, 2025 work session. Councilmembers Canonico, Francis, Gutowsky, Ohlson, Pignataro, and Potyondy were present. Staff provided a high-level overview of current and planned work on the Council Priorities. DISCUSSION SUMMARY A common theme highlighted across Priorities included greater horizontal work/collaboration and the integration into “how we do business.” The Council calendar was highlighted as the next many months have items directly focused on Council Priorities. Overall Councilmembers were appreciative of the work and focus to Priorities while still maintaining day-to-day operations. There was discussion on the Priority setting process and how Priorities are reflected in the budget. In general, there is support for the process and a recognition that expectations could be better defined, especially as related to resourcing. City Manager DiMartino agreed and confirmed that budget changes are underway. NEXT STEPS Staff will continue work plans and quarterly updates. Upcoming Council touchpoints include: o February 11 Solid Waste Partnership o February 25 Staff Report: One Water Water Efficiency Plan Mobile Home Park – Local Oversight o March 25 Operationalize Housing (including impact fees) ADU Supportive Community Docusign Envelope ID: 60940D14-FE8D-4B0E-9878-BFF8730B0010 o April 8 Staff Report: EV Readiness & Electrification Roadmap Zero Waste Improve Human & Social Health for Vulnerable Populations update o April 22 Future of Commercial Corridors and Centers (15 Minute City) Docusign Envelope ID: 60940D14-FE8D-4B0E-9878-BFF8730B0010 City Attorney’s Office 300 LaPorte Avenue PO Box 580, Fort Collins, CO 80522 CC: [list any additional recipients] WORK SESSION MEMORANDUM Date: February 6, 2025 To: Mayor and City Councilmembers Through: Carrie Daggett, City Attorney Delynn Coldiron, City Clerk From: Jenny Lopez Filkins, Sr. Deputy City Attorney Subject: January 28, 2025, Work Session Summary: Council Priority to Update and Modernize the City Charter BOTTOM LINE The purpose of this memo is to document the summary of discussions during the January 28, 2025, Work Session. All Councilmembers except Mayor Arndt and Kelly Ohlson were present. DISCUSSION SUMMARY Special Legal Counsel Geoff Wilson, Sara Arfmann and Jenny Lopez Filkins presented overview information and asked for Council feedback about: Whether to bring forward reformatting and modernizing of Charter language to improve readability, replace outdated language for gender neutrality and eliminate unclear uses of the term “shall;” and Proposed grouping and prioritization of Charter amendments included in the agenda item summary; and Specific provisions identified for further discussion at the December 10, 2024, work session; and The number of ordinances or groupings of ballot language ordinances to be presented at the Council’s April 1, 2025, meeting. Councilmembers discussed each of these topics and the following points were noted: There is interest in considering a single ballot question ordinance that makes amendments throughout the Charter to reformat for ease of reading, replace outdated language, and eliminate unclear uses of the term “shall.” There is interest in considering ballot question ordinances for Grouping One through Grouping Four of the groupings identified in the agenda item summary. These include amendments to address corrections; alignment with amended or further developed laws and removing inconsistencies; modernizing publication requirements; and modernizing conflicts of interest. There is interest in addressing the items identified as group six as part of one of the other groupings, if permissible. Group six includes revisions to language that is obsolete and no longer needed. After discussion about the various options related to Council meeting vacancies, a common theme emerged that this should be addressed by Council action at the time meetings are cancelled, one of the circumstances creating ambiguity, rather than Charter amendment or that this is a topic to address with future Charter amendments. In general, there was support for considering a ballot question ordinance regarding campaign contributions like the first option viewed in the presentation slides. The option includes narrowing limits on employee campaign contributions to those employees who are confidential or policy-level employees and adding an exception for contributions the City is required to allow under the federal and state Constitutions. In general, there was support for considering a ballot question ordinance that requires publication of ordinances and legal notices on the City website and physically posted at City Hall or the Poudre River Library. It was noted that there is sufficient time after April 1, 2025, for other Charter amendments the Council may want to consider. NEXT STEPS Staff will address the question about adding group six to another ballot question and prepare ordinances with ballot language for the April 1, 2025, City Council meeting. FOLLOW-UP ITEMS Councilmember Pignataro asked about past proposed Charter amendments that did not receive voter approval. City Clerk Delynn Coldiron researched all Charter amendment ballot questions and compiled information shown on the attached spreadsheet. Of 45 Charter amendment ballot questions posed (some City-initiated and some citizen-initiated) since 1997, only 7 have failed. 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