HomeMy WebLinkAboutSupplemental Materials - Ad Hoc Chief Judge Recruitment Committee - 12/31/2019 - Executive Summary for City of Fort Collins Executive Search PartnersBaker Tilly Virchow Krause GovHR The Novak Consulting Group Company Overview In business since 1931. Three corporate offices in Central US employing 3,900 staff and 407 partners. Provides a wide range of accounting, tax, assurance & consulting services. Formed as Voorhees Associates in 2009. Changed name to GovHR in 2013. 19 employees and 27 consultants. Focuses solely on service public sector entities nationwide. One office in Illinois. Founded 20 years ago as Public Management Partners. Acquired by Julia Novak in 2009 and became The Novak Consulting Group. Headquarters in OH with staff throughout the continental US. Experience Merged with public sector executive recruiting expert Springstead in 2014 and completed 475 public executive recruitments to date. Executive recruitement team consists of 10 recruitment consultants plus project coordination staff. All recruitment consultants have experience working with municipalities of varying sizes along with other public sector organizations. Provided multiple, relevant government references. Has conducted hundreds of recruitments in 29 different states. Business has grown 30% each year. 28% of their current clients are repeat clients. Focus on serving government entities in the areas of strategic planning, organizational assessment and executive search services. Multiple government references in CO. Process Philosophy & Overview Collaborative approach focusing on developing a solid understanding of the position and the City's expectations prior to commencing recruiting efforts. Recruitment efforts focus on reaching qualified candidates who may not be actively searching in addition to those who are. Process includes additional communication efforts with prospective candidates so that candidates know what to expect. Final candidates are thoroughly screened prior to interviews, so there are no suprises. Very detailed throughout every step of the process. Collaborative approach involving extensive due dilligence to understand the position and the City's expectation. Very hands on with the City throughout the process - happy to always meet onsite with us. Background and reference checks are performed on candidates selected for interview prior to the interviews occuring. Collaborative approach focusing on devleoping a solid understanding of the position and the City's expectations. Extensive nationwide, targeted advertising in appropriate professional organizations along with targeted outreach to organizations serving minorities and women. Also utilize their database to identify potential candidates. Actively communicate with candidates during the process so they are not left hanging. Initial screening process focuses on candidate personal and professional attributes to ensure alignment with the position. Background and reference checks are performed after the interviews and only on the top candidate from the process. Availability & Search Timeframe Process typically takes 90 days Process typically takes 90 days Process typically takes 14 weeks (98 Days) Fixed Fee $24,500 $23,500 $23,800 Guarantee Will perform a new search for no additonal cost if hired candidate leaves in the first 24 months of employment Will perform a new search fo no additional cost if candidate leave in the first 12 months of employement.None specified. Notable Features Offered One-way video interviews with prospective final candidates that we can review. Also an online application management system giving us access to the Master Applicant list throughout the process. Utilizes technology, such as video interviews and social media, to connect with potential candidates. Partnership with Polco, which allows municipalities to collect citizen views, as an additional option for the recruitment process. Uses the objectives gathered from the City to create an action plan for the selected candidate's first year of employment. Then follows up with candidate throughout the first year of employment to ensure continued progress, productivity and satisfaction on the part of the candidate and the City. Executive Summary for CoFC Executive Search Partners