Work Sessions of the City Council are held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month in
the Colorado Room of the 222 Building. Meetings are conducted in a hybrid format, however
there is no public participation permitted in a work session.
City Council members may participate in this meeting via electronic means pursuant to
their adopted policies and protocol.
Fort Collins City Council
Work Session Agenda
6:00 p.m. Tuesday, January 10, 2023
Colorado Room, 222 Laporte Ave, Fort Collins, CO 80521
How to view this Meeting::
Meetings are open to the public
and can be attended in person
by anyone.
Meetings are televised live
on Channels 14 & 881 on cable
Meetings are livestreamed on
the City's website, fcgov.com/fctv
Upon request, the City of Fort Collins will provide language access services for individuals
who have limited English proficiency, or auxiliary aids and services for individuals with
disabilities, to access City services, programs and activities. Contact 970.221.6515 (V/TDD:
Dial 711 for Relay Colorado) for assistance. Please provide advance notice. Requests for
interpretation at a meeting should be made by noon the day before.
A solicitud, la Ciudad de Fort Collins proporcionará servicios de acceso a idiomas para
personas que no dominan el idioma inglés, o ayudas y servicios auxiliares para personas
con discapacidad, para que puedan acceder a los servicios, programas y actividades de la
Ciudad. Para asistencia, llame al 970.221.6515 (V/TDD: Marque 711 para Relay Colorado). Por
favor proporcione aviso previo. Las solicitudes de interpretación en una reunión deben
realizarse antes del mediodía del día anterior.
Meeting agendas, minutes, and archived videos are available on the City's meeting portal at
While work sessions do not include public comment,
mail comments about any item on the agenda to
City of Fort Collins Page 1 of 2
City Council Work Session
January 10, 2023 at 6:00 PM
Jeni Arndt, Mayor
Emily Francis, District 6, Mayor Pro Tem
Susan Gutowsky, District 1
Julie Pignataro, District 2
Tricia Canonico, District 3
Shirley Peel, District 4
Kelly Ohlson, District 5
Colorado River Community Room
222 Laporte Avenue, Fort Collins
Cablecast on FCTV
Channel 14 on Connexion
Channel 14 and 881 on Comcast
Carrie Daggett Kelly DiMartino Anissa Hollingshead
City Attorney City Manager City Clerk
6:00 PM
1. Fort Collins Connexion Update
The purpose of this item is to provide Council and the public a general update on the Connexion
broadband service and rollout.
2. North College Projects.
North College has been the subject of focus and planning for the past 30 years. After 30 years of
intentional planning and investment, the North College corridor has accomplished many of the
goals articulated in City plans and policy documents. This AIS provides a brief history of planning
in the corridor, what current projects are underway, and what the future holds for the North
College corridor. While we have accomplished much, many of the desires for the corridor exist in
tension with one another. Some of these tensions include:
• Affordability vs. desire for redevelopment and infrastructure investment vs. conservation.
• Desire for more amenities in the corridor vs. retaining the existing character of the
• Safe, comfortable, and accessible mobility options vs. fast vehicular movement through the
3. Land Use Code Changes to Address Xeriscape for New Developments and Soil
Amendment for New and Existing Developments.
The purpose of this item is to provide an overview of the current state of landscapes and
irrigation in Fort Collins, and to present four code change opportunities that promote climate-
appropriate landscapes and use of soil amendment.
City of Fort Collins Page 2 of 2
Upon request, the City of Fort Collins will provide language access services for individuals who have limited
English proficiency, or auxiliary aids and services for individuals with disabilities, to access City services,
programs and activities. Contact 970.221.6515 (V/TDD: Dial 711 for Relay Colorado) for assistance.
Please provide advance notice. Requests for interpretation at a meeting should be made by noon the day
A solicitud, la Ciudad de Fort Collins proporcionará servicios de acceso a idiomas para personas que no
dominan el idioma inglés, o ayudas y servicios auxiliares para personas con discapacidad, para que
puedan acceder a los servicios, programas y actividades de la Ciudad. Para asistencia, llame al
970.221.6515 (V/TDD: Marque 711 para Relay Colorado). Por favor proporcione aviso previo cuando sea
posible. Las solicitudes de interpretación en una reunión deben realizarse antes del mediodía del día