HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOUNCIL - AGENDA ITEM - 12/15/2020 - RESOLUTION 2020-118 GIVING STAFF DIRECTION ON NEXT Agenda Item 22 Item # 22 Page 1 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY December 15, 2020 City Council STAFF Molly Saylor, Senior Sustainability Specialist Judy Schmidt, Legal SUBJECT Resolution 2020-118 Giving Staff Direction on Next Steps for City Council Adoption of Plastic Pollution Mitigation Strategies. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this item is to present a Resolution to Council that directs staff to prepare an ordinance for Council adoption, with anticipation that Council refers the adopted ordinance to the April election. Based on Council feedback to date, the ordinance will include a hybrid approach, banning plastic bags and putting a fee on paper bags at all large grocers. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends adoption of the Resolution. BACKGROUND / DISCUSSION Reducing Plastics Pollution is an adopted Council Priority, which aligns with the community’s Road to Zero Waste goal to produce zero waste by 2030 as well as the goal to sustain and improve the health of the Cache la Poudre River and watershed. PAST COUNCIL ACTION • Funding o Midcycle budget offers funded: ▪ $35k to conduct plastic pollution reduction awareness and engagement during 2020. ▪ $35k for a study to address microplastics pollution in Fort Collins’ local waterways. • Work Sessions o February 11, 2020 - During this work session, staff provided plastic pollution context and learnings from peer communities. Council provided direction for action both on micro and macro pollution. (Attachment 1) o October 27, 2020 - During this work session, staff provided a progress update on plastic pollution awareness work, including impacts of COVID-19 on plastic use, policy development and community engagement, and a staff recommendation. Councilmembers indicated interest in moving plastic bag policy to a ballot measure. (Attachment 1) o December 8, 2020 - During this work session, staff provided Council a suite of policy options for a plastic pollution ordinance and related ballot measure. Council provided feedback on these policy elements and other logistics as outlined below. (Attachment 1) Agenda Item 22 Item # 22 Page 2 Based on Council direction at the December 8 work session, the Resolution directs staff to develop a plastic pollution ordinance that: • Leverages staff recommended base case with additions around equity and performance measurement and emphasis on risk mitigation language. • Takes a hybrid approach, banning plastic bags and putting a fee on paper bags. • Applies the policy to large grocers. • May include other items such as Styrofoam (i.e. expanded polystyrene), pending further discussion (see section on optional language). COUNCIL PREFERRED POLICY ELEMENTS The Council preferred policy elements that are reflected in the attached resolution are outlined in Figure 1. Figure 1. Council preferred policy elements Optional Language Policy elements that multiple Councilmembers indicated interest in will be developed as optional policy language for further discussion on January 12 and are outlined in Figure 2. Items marked with an exclamation point require additional clarification from Council. Staff will develop optional language for these if Council provides specific direction to do so. Figure 2. Optional language for consideration at January 12 work session. Note: Accessory items are the straws, stirrers, and plastic toothpicks. Policy Details Note: Updates have been made to staff’s recommended base case to reflect Council’s feedback around equity, Agenda Item 22 Item # 22 Page 3 performance measures, and risk mitigation. • Implementation: o Implementation begins one year post election. ▪ Note: Pending the addition of other business types or items, implementation could be phased to alleviate pressure on small businesses. o Two-year campaign to provide free reusable bags to the community, ensuring distribution to those most impacted by the change. o Include an income-qualified exemption to the paper bag fee. • Enforcement and Reporting: o Compliance audit and data collection from large grocers. o Civil penalties applied to retailers violating the bag policy. o Annual reporting to Council on equity impacts, compliance, and outcomes, including performance metrics around: ▪ Number and type of bags distributed; and ▪ Presence of single use plastic items in the environment, as a percent of litter removed from sensitive areas such as Natural Areas and the Poudre River. • Reporting can highlight the presence of bags specifically as part of this data set. • Risk Mitigation: o Include language in ordinance affirming Council’s commitment to monitoring equitability of the ordinance and to adjusting based on future stakeholder engagement. o Include language allowing Council to: ▪ Amend ordinance implementation dates if conditions change due to COVID-19 or other unforeseen situations. ▪ To suspend in unforeseen situations, like COVID-19, that impact public health or disrupt supply chains. Engagement With the timing of the April election, online engagement will need to end on January 31 for Council to consider the ordinance on First Reading on February 2 and Second Reading on February 16. Next Steps Pending Council’s vote on this Resolution, staff anticipates the following next steps: • Dec 16 - Jan 31 - Online engagement on OurCity (<https://ourcity.fcgov.com/plastics>) around the preferred elements of a plastic policy. • Jan 12 - Present ordinance and ballot language aligned to the Dec 15 Resolution for Council feedback. • Feb 2 - First Reading of the plastic pollution ordinance. • Feb 16 - Second Reading of plastic pollution ordinance and resolution to refer the ordinance to the ballot as a referendum. o Note: After this point, Environmental Services staff can no longer conduct any engagement on the issue. City Clerk’s office manages the logistics of the ballot process. Agenda Item 22 Item # 22 Page 4 PUBLIC OUTREACH General public outreach conducted on plastic pollution policy from April through December. (Attachment 1) No public outreach has been done on this Resolution specifically. ATTACHMENTS 1. Work Sessions (PDF) 2. Powerpoint Presentation (PDF) DATE: STAFF: December 8, 2020 Molly Saylor, Senior Sustainability Specialist WORK SESSION ITEM City Council SUBJECT FOR DISCUSSION Single Use Plastics Ballot Item Discussion EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this work session is to continue Council discussion on initiating a single-use plastic ballot measure. GENERAL DIRECTION SOUGHT AND SPECIFIC QUESTIONS TO BE ANSWERED What are Councilmember preferences on the outlined decision points? x What type of regulation should the ballot measure include: ban, fee, or ban/fee hybrid? x What businesses should be subject to such regulation: large grocers, all grocers, food service, retailers? x What mechanism should be used for adoption of regulation: o submission of ordinance to voters without Council adoption first o referral of ordinance to voters after Council adoption x What items should the regulation cover: plastic bags, paper bags, polystyrene, accessory items, plastic plates, cups, etc.? BACKGROUND / DISCUSSION Reducing Plastics Pollution is an adopted Council Priority, which aligns with the community’s Road to Zero Waste goal to produce zero waste by 2030 as well as the goal to sustain and improve the health of the Cache la Poudre River and watershed. Past Council Action Funding: x Midcycle budget offers funded: o $35k to conduct plastic pollution reduction awareness and engagement during 2020. o $35k for a study to address microplastics pollution in Fort Collins’ local waterways. Work Session: x February 11, 2020 - During this work session, staff provided plastic pollution context and learnings from peer communities. Council provided direction for action both on micro and macro pollution. (Attachment 1) x October 27, 2020 - During this work session, staff provided a progress update on plastic pollution awareness work, policy development and outreach, and a staff recommendation. Councilmembers indicated interest in moving plastic bag policy to a ballot measure. (Attachment 1 and 2) To put a plastic pollution question on the April ballot, staff will need direction on key decision points covering both logistical matters and preferred policy elements. The following sections provide details of the outstanding decision 22.1ATTACHMENT 1 December 8, 2020 Page 2 points. Based on recent conversations with Council and best practices from other cities, staff also presents a recommended base suite of policy elements that can apply to various types of policies (bans, fees, etc.) following the key decision point sections. Key decision points Type of policy Question: Does Council prefer a ban on plastic bags, a fee on plastic bags, or a plastic bag ban with paper bag fee combination? The following options, information on efficacy and notes provide context on these elements: x Plastic Bag Ban - Prohibits plastic bags from being distributed by a specific type of business (e.g. grocers, retailers, etc.) x Efficacy: Dramatically reduces plastic bags but can significantly increase paper bag distribution which may shift the environmental burden elsewhere instead of mitigating it. o Note: Few cities have solely used a ban - most have switched to a ban/fee hybrid. When paper bags are still distributed for free, most consumers simply switch to using paper bags. Paper bags have a higher environmental impact than plastic in some categories (e.g. GHG emissions, water use for producing, etc.). See section on Systems Approaches for more details. x Plastic and/or Paper Bag Fee Places a fee on plastic bags and/or paper bags, ranging from five to twenty cents to recover costs of recycling and managing these material streams. o Efficacy: Data from the City of Boulder suggests a fee on plastic and paper bags is effective at reaching a 70% reduction in bags overall. This approach typically does not achieve a 100% reduction. Note that if the fee applies only to plastic bags, consumers may shift to paper bags. See section on Comprehensive and Systems Approaches for more details. o Note: Many cities (including Boulder) have conducted an evaluation to review the costs incurred to the City and determine the appropriate fee amount. (Attachment 3) x Bag/Fee Hybrid o Efficacy: Best peer city examples suggest that combining a plastic bag ban with a paper bag fee results in the best long-term results for single use plastic bag reductions, keeping paper bag use low, and encouraging reusable bags to contribute to zero waste goals. The Palo Alto case study has more information of their hybrid approach.(Attachment 4) December 8, 2020 Page 3 Businesses impacted Question: What types of businesses should be subject to this policy? Many types of businesses hand out plastic bags with purchases, including grocers, restaurants, and retail establishments. The following information outlines options and considerations. x Large grocers o Note: Many large grocers have existing practices and policies that can be applied locally if a bag policy is enacted. These practices and policies have already been developed to comply with bag policies in other jurisdictions. x Expanded scope o All grocers o Food service o All retailers and food service o Note: Due to COVID-19 food service and many retailers are experiencing significant challenges that may be exacerbated by policy changes in the near-term. o Significantly increases the number of locations regulated and the compliance workload for the City. Ballot timing Staff understands Council interest to submit or refer a ballot question to the April election, which is lower cost and initiates potential nearer term progress on Council’s priority. Including the question on the November ballot is also an option. (Attachment 5) Mechanism Question: With no community-led petition being circulated currently, does Council wish to submit a question as a Council initiative or adopt an ordinance and use the ballot measure as a referendum? Pursuant to the Charter, Council may submit any question or proposed ordinance or resolution to the voters via Council initiative. Alternatively, Council may refer any adopted ordinance or resolution to a vote of the people via Council referendum. x Initiative: o Council submits ordinance to the voters without adopting it first o If adopted by the voters, the ordinance can only be amended by subsequent vote of the people o Council could include the ability for Council to make amendments in the ordinance, pending further legal review x Referendum: o The Council adopts an ordinance first, and then puts it on the ballot for voter consideration o If voter approval is received, Council is able to make future changes to the ordinance without voter approval Other additions Question: Does Council wish to expand the policy beyond bags and add any of the following items or other policy types? December 8, 2020 Page 4 x Additional items o Accessory items (e.g. straws, stirrers, toothpicks) o Polystyrene (i.e. Styrofoam) o Serviceware (e.g. cups, plates, lids, etc.) x Policy options o Bans - Ban single use plastic items. o Note: May need to be evaluated for alignment with State law. o Upon Request - Require single-use plastic items only be provided upon customer request. o Note: Can create a broad reaching policy to reduce single-use plastics that does not create access issues for disabled community members or limiting consumer choice. Staff recommended base case x The base case is the recommended approach to any of the policy options. x Implementation: o Implementation begins one-year post election o Two-year campaign to provide free reusable bags to the community, ensuring distribution to those most impacted by the change. x Enforcement: o Compliance audit of retailers and data collection from retailers. o Civil penalties applied to retailers violating the bag policy. o Annual reporting to Council on outcomes: equity impacts, mitigation impacts, compliance. x Risk mitigation: o Draft ballot language/ordinance to allow City Council to: xamend the ordinance if future stakeholder engagement or annual reporting finds policy elements to be inequitable or ineffective. xamend ordinance implementation dates if conditions change due to COVID-19 or other unforeseen situations. o Draft ballot language/ordinance to allow City Manager to suspend in unforeseen situations, like COVID- 19, that impact public health or disrupt supply chains. Engagement With an April election, all engagement from the City would need to end by February 2, 2021. In December 2020 and January 2021, staff would share with the community an online survey to gather feedback about the proposed elements. Systems Approaches Mayor Troxell recently shared an article (link below) with Council and staff speaking to the need for a systems approach, the trade-offs of alternatives and policy action as only one piece of the puzzle. A systems (or comprehensive) approach is one that engages multiple elements in the system to address an issue. For example, in the case of addressing single-use plastics, a systems approach could include policy that December 8, 2020 Page 5 balances trade-offs between different types of environmental burdens, improving existing recycling infrastructure and technologies, addressing the circular value chain for packaging, and increasing consumer awareness and community support for behavior change. For plastic bag policies specifically, a systems approach involves addressing multiple materials systemically for maximum positive environmental impact. This avoids an unintended consequence if an item targeted by a policy is replaced by an item of similar environmental impact, thus shifting rather than reducing environmental impact. x An example of shifting environmental impact could be reducing the waterway pollution impact from plastic bags with a ban but increasing greenhouse gas impacts from paper bags if they are not also considered in a policy. A systems approach is supported in the following mechanisms at the City: x Our Climate Future Big and Next Moves o The broader work of taking a systems approach to plastics and waste management is incorporated in the Our Climate Future work, through Big Moves such as: xCircular Economy xCooperative Communities o Universal Recycling and Composting x The City’s Legislative Policy Agenda on Recycling and Solid Waste Reduction incorporates many elements of a systems approach, including these statements o Encourages integrated, sustainable waste management planning and implementation policy, including but not limited to centralized data collection requirements and reaching statewide diversion targets. o Supports greater producer responsibility initiatives, such as “take back” regulations that assist consumers to appropriately recycle packaging materials or certain products (e.g., cardboard and expanded polystyrene packaging, single-use plastic shopping bags, or mattresses). Producer Responsibility is already successfully implemented in Colorado for paint. Article: <https://www.mckinsey.com/industries/paper-forest-products-and-packaging/our-insights/the-drive-toward- sustainability-in-packaging-beyond-the-quick-wins> Next steps Pending Council’s work session discussion on December 8, 2020, staff anticipates the following next steps: xAt the December 15, 2020 Council Meeting, consider a resolution directing staff to draft ballot language and a corresponding ordinance. xEarly December - end of January - Online survey and engagement for ballot measure. xAdditional next steps are dependent on Council direction on December 8, 2020. (Attachment 6) ATTACHMENTS 1. Work Session Agenda Item, October 27, 2020 (PDF) 2. Work Session Summary, October 27, 2020 (PDF) 3. Fees vs. Attachments in Context of Plastic and Paper Bags Memo (PDF) 4. Comprehensive Approach Case Study - Palo Alto (PDF) 5. Ballot Timing Considerations Memo (PDF) 6. Paths to April Election (PDF) 7. PowerPoint Presentation (PDF) DATE: STAFF: October 27, 2020 Molly Saylor, Senior Sustainability Specialist Richard Thorp, Lead Specialist, Utilities Watershed Program Jackie Kozak-Thiel, Chief Sustainability Officer WORK SESSION ITEM City Council SUBJECT FOR DISCUSSION Plastic Pollution Update. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this work session is to update Council on the status of the Microplastics Mitigation Study and Macroplastic Pollution Awareness and Policy work. GENERAL DIRECTION SOUGHT AND SPECIFIC QUESTIONS TO BE ANSWERED MACROPLASTIC POLLUTION: Which option would councilmembers like staff to pursue for plastic pollution? 1) Focus on Awareness and Delay Policy Discussion.Focus awareness work funded through 2020 on making single-use “opt-in” vs. “opt-out” and other simple actions; re-evaluate policy work in 2021 based on readiness criteria (outlined below). 2) Limited Policy Work. In addition to awareness, focus policy work on most feasible option with respect to COVID-19 (e.g. “utensils and accessory items upon request only”) and reevaluate comprehensive approach to other plastic items in 2021. 3) Comprehensive Approach.In addition to awareness, prioritize policy work and maintain comprehensive approach. 4) Refer Ballot Initiative. In addition to awareness, place single-use plastic bag regulation on the April 2021 ballot. BACKGROUND / DISCUSSION Reducing plastics pollution is a Council priority, which aligns with the community’s Road to Zero Waste goal to produce zero waste by 2030 as well as its goal to sustain and improve the health of the Cache la Poudre River and its watershed. Past Council Action xFunding o Midcycle budget offers funded ƒ$35k to conduct plastic pollution reduction awareness and engagement during 2020. ƒ$35k for a study to address microplastics pollution in Fort Collins’ local waterways. xWork Session February 11, 2020 o During this work session, staff provided plastic pollution context and learnings from peer communities. (Attachment 1)Council provided direction for action both on micro and macro pollution. Macroplastic Pollution Awareness and Policy Update 1) Awareness: Outreach and Data Collection BFO Offer Update a. Elements that have changed o Majority of campaign was delayed due to budget restrictions between March and mid-July. o Some messages have been adapted and presentations have been held virtually. ATTACHMENT 1 COPYBE ANSWEAN Ymbers like staff to pursumbers like staf on.on.Focus awareness workFocus awareness simple actions; resimple action -evaluate puate ess, focus policy wos, focus policy rk on m ms upon request only”) and n request on to awareness, prioritize on to awareness, prior on to awareness, place singawareness, place ONON COn is a Council priority, whs a Council priority 0 as well as its goal tas well as its goa October 27, 2020 Page 2 o Litterati app to characterize local plastic pollution had limited participation, as the best conditions for litter collection are in spring, which coincided with the onset of COVID-19. b. Progress o Adapted consumer awareness campaign in response to COVID-19: May the Fork Be With You campaign (Attachment 2). o Outreach to businesses and groups interested in plastic pollution from March through September. o Fall business recognition and awareness campaign will launch in late October and run through the end of the year. Campaign will feature businesses reducing plastic pollution and provide tips businesses can apply in their operations. o Community science and litter pick up campaign ran from March-July. Staff has also secured another year of the Litterati license to continue collecting litter pick up data. 2) Policy Development: Progress Update A. Councilmember direction: Targeted engagement and equity lens 1) Elements that have changed o COVID-19 has disproportionately impacted several of the stakeholder groups that would potentially be highly impacted by a plastic policy. o With other priorities such as navigating closures, lost business, paying rent, and covering basic needs for these groups during the pandemic, this is a challenging time to ask for input. The Our Climate Future planning project has worked to engage these stakeholder groups and has encountered significant barriers to these groups engaging at this time; the same difficulty applies to engagement on the plastics topic. B. Councilmember direction: Robust stakeholder and community engagement 1) Elements that have changed o During several months of engagement we have heard from primarily members of environmental groups and senior community members, and not the community at-large. ƒBroad engagement tools not getting typical results (e.g. Utility Bill inserts). ƒLow participation may relate to the significant focus in the community on COVID-19. o While there are committed individuals asking for change, it is unclear if there is broad support without more diverse participation. 2) Progress o Policy-focused outreach campaign including presentations, advertising, OurCity informational website and two online surveys between March and October of 2020. o Over 200 community members have engaged to date, primarily people from environmental groups and senior community members. ƒIndividual community members have also shared their interest directly with Council and staff is aware of a 600+ person petition to ban plastic bags. C. Councilmember direction: Take a comprehensive approach to policy development 1) Elements that have changed o A comprehensive approach assumes the ability of community members to use reusable items (mugs, bags, containers etc.). Due to COVID-19 and new corporate policies, reusables are not currently allowed in many businesses. ƒIt is unclear when these will be available again making implementation uncertain.COPYveral of the staf t y. ures, lost business, payinges, lost busines mic, this is a challenging timemic, this is a challengin worked to engage these sworked to engage these ese groups engaging at this ese groups engaging at this c. keholder and community engkeholder and comm hs of engagement we have hengagement we h community members, and nonity members, and gement tools not getting typicgement tools not getting typ cipation may relate to the sigcipation may relate to the sig e are committed individuals are committed individua ore diverse participation. diverse participati utreachutreach caca ne su October 27, 2020 Page 3 2) Progress o 117 people have shown support for acting on many types of single-use plastic items (recognizing the limitations of who has been/not been engaged) with only four respondents disagreeing that the City should act. See Attachment 3 for more information. D. Councilmember direction: Collect more data on the problem and existing solutions 1) Elements that have changed o Data collection from businesses ƒBusinesses have been closed or operating in a limited capacity, making outreach to them about plastic pollution policy difficult. 2) Progress o See “Outreach and Data Collection BFO offer update” above for information on the Litterati community science data collection effort. o 4 out of 9 major and natural/organic grocery stores in Fort Collins offer a bag credit for bringing a reusable bag in non-COVID times. (Attachment 4) Other elements that have changed ●Staff capacity o Due to retirement and COVID-related deployments , the Waste Reduction and Recycling team is currently understaffed. ●Resources o The mid-cycle offer for plastic pollution awareness and engagement was on pause from March-July to support the 2020 budget rebalancing process, meaning only Q3 and Q4 is left for planning and executing policy engagement and awareness work. Figure 1. Summary: Awareness and Policy Work Challenges Key: COVID-19 Staffing On track Possible approaches for moving forward As discussed, community and stakeholder capacity for engagement, lack of reusable alternatives and unclear timelines for when they will be reintroduced, and understaffing present significant challenges to policy development. Recognizing this, the following options, including staff’s recommendation, are intended to focus future efforts based on Council direction.OPYhe Waste Waste Reduction and Re Reduc eness and engagement waseness and engagement was ss, meaning only Q3 and Q4s, meaning only cy Work Challengescy Work Challenges October 27, 2020 Page 4 1) Staff Recommendation - Focus on Awareness and Delay Policy Discussion.Focus awareness work funded through 2020 on making single-use “opt-in” vs. “opt-out” and other simple actions; re-evaluate policy work in 2021 based on readiness criteria (outlined below). Benefits: o Respects community priorities and limitations (e.g. basic needs, rent, lost business, etc.) related to COVID-19. o Allows staff to focus on supporting businesses on COVID-19-related strategies to mitigate plastic waste. o Delivers on awareness element of Council priority in anticipated timeline. o Future policy work can be timed to when reusable alternatives are available again. o Early results indicate future policy work may be supported by plastic-related strategies emerging from the Our Climate Future planning process. Risks: o This approach will not deliver a new plastics pollution policy for Council consideration by the end of Q1 2021. Proposed Criteria for Restarting Policy Engagement o Alternatives to single-use plastic items (e.g. reusable bags, mugs, etc.) are available or there is indication of their reintroduction within a one-year timeframe o Community partners connected to key stakeholders indicate various groups are ready to engage in the conversation o Staff proposes a mid-2021 update to Council on readiness criteria status 2) Limited Policy Work. In addition to awareness, focus policy work on most feasible option with respect to COVID-19 (e.g. “utensils and accessory items upon request only”) and reevaluate comprehensive approach to other plastic items in 2021. Benefits: o Mid-cycle funding available to support engagement. o Advances Council priority with a policy consideration. Risks: o The highly impacted stakeholders may not be available for engagement. o Scope of engagement and policy process is more limited than initially proposed. o May need to be evaluated for consistency with State legislation. o Would require new or redeployed additional staffing, such as a co-lead to support engagement. 3) Comprehensive Approach.In addition to awareness, prioritize policy work and maintain comprehensive approach. Benefit: o Delivers comprehensive policy for this Council’s consideration. Risks: o Policy conversation may not get needed buy-in in the current moment. ƒIf the community does not support, may impede future policy work. o Policy may not be possible to implement for several years due to COVID and conditions may change significantly in that time. o To accomplish comprehensive policy work, would require additional staffing or staff resources would have to be diverted from other Environmental Services Department priorities (such as Our Climate Future, Regional Wasteshed, etc.), given the short timeframe now remaining for comprehensive plastics policy engagement.COPYbags, mugs, etc.) are avaags, mugs, etc ders indicate various groups ers indicate various grou il on readiness criteria statuson readiness c reness, focus policy work oreness, focus pol y items upon request only”) y items upon request ble to support engagement. le to support engagement. rity with a policy consideratiority with a policy consideratio d stakeholders may not stakeholders may and policy procesand policy proce d for consistd for consist loyed a October 27, 2020 Page 5 4) Refer Ballot Initiative. In addition to awareness, place single-use plastic bag regulation on the April 2021 ballot. Benefit: o If successful, a ballot initiative would enact plastic bag regulation, reducing the amount of plastic bags that become litter. Risks: o Ballot initiative may have similar challenges as the Comprehensive Approach above, specifically, the availability of potentially highly-impacted community members and businesses to inform an equitable policy solution, of staff to develop ballot language, and of reusable alternatives due to the pandemic. o May need to be evaluated for consistency with State legislation. o Few peer or leading city examples are available to learn from. ƒThe only example City staff is currently aware of is Louisville, CO. Louisville has referred a plastic bag fee of 25-cents to the April 2021 ballot. Microplastic Pollution Update 1) BFO offer: Council appropriated $35,000 as part of the 2019 mid-cycle budget process to fund a study to address microplastics pollution in Fort Collins’ local waterways. There is currently an information gap that limits the ability of staff to quantify the occurrence of microplastics and develop a targeted mitigation action plan. Staff proposed hiring a contractor to conduct a scientific review of available microplastics monitoring and analytical methods and best practices and technologies for the collection and treatment of water to mitigate microplastics pollution within the City’s drinking water, wastewater and stormwater infrastructure. a. Elements that have changed o The project was paused in 2020 due to budgetary restrictions. o The COVID-19 Pandemic has forced program staff to adjust work priorities, workloads and schedules in order to continue providing world class services to our community while also providing necessary care for family members. o Expanded technical support for the Halligan Expansion as well as the emerging monitoring, response and recovery efforts for the Cameron Peak Wildfire have resulted in no staff capacity to complete the Microplastics Pollution Mitigation Project in 2020. b. Progress o Budgetary restrictions and constraints on staff capacity delayed progress on this project. o Staff will re-evaluate by the end of Q2 2021 if it will be feasible to complete in 2021. A reappropriation of 2020 funds will be required to complete this project. By this time, more will be known about the wildfire response and recovery effort resource needs. 2) Council direction: Council desired the project to also focus on outcomes related the health impacts of microplastics on people and wildlife a. How direction would be addressed o The prevalence of microplastics in our local waterways and impacts to humans and wildlife are not well understood. This project will provide an inventory of monitoring and analytical methods. Evaluating the toxicity of microplastics to people and wildlife is beyond the scope of this study; however, mitigating microplastics pollution with the City’s water infrastructure will likely lessen health risks of these pollutants to people and wildlife. 9 mid-cycle budgeycle rways. There is currentrways. There icroplastics and develop a lastics and de cientific review of available mcientific review of availa ogies for the collection and ogies for the collection and water, wastewater and stormwwater, wastewate ue to budgetary restrictionsue to budgetary restr . forced program staff to adjuforced program staff to a ng world class seworld class services to orvices to o upport for the Halligan Expanor the Halligan Exp s for the Cameron Peak Wilds for the Cameron Peak Wild llution Mitigation Project in 20ution Mitigation Project in 20 ctions and constraintsions and constrain e by the end of e by the end of required required cove October 27, 2020 Page 6 ATTACHMENTS 1. Agenda Item Summary - Work Session February 11, 2020 (PDF) 2. Spring Awareness Campaign (PDF) 3. Community Engagement Data (PDF) 4. Data Collection (PDF) 5. Powerpoint Presentation (PDF)COPY DATE: STAFF: February 11, 2020 Molly Saylor, Senior Sustainability Specialist Richard Thorp, Lead Specialist, Utilities Watershed Program WORK SESSION ITEM City Council SUBJECT FOR DISCUSSION Mitigating Plastics Pollution. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this item is to share existing best practice research and to propose taking a comprehensive approach to mitigating single-use (macroplastic) pollution, while continuing to study microplastic pollution. GENERAL DIRECTION SOUGHT AND SPECIFIC QUESTIONS TO BE ANSWERED Macroplastics pollution 1. Do Councilmembers support a comprehensive policy and engagement approach to reducing plastic pollution? 2. Does Council have a preference on an initial focus area (e.g., plastic bags, straws, take-out containers)? Microplastics pollution 3. Do Councilmembers have input on staff’s approach to addressing microplastics? BACKGROUND / DISCUSSION City Council has identified plastics pollution as a priority concern for the City to mitigate, which aligns with the community’s Road to Zero Waste goal to produce zero waste by 2030 and its goal to sustain and improve the health of the Cache la Poudre River and its watershed. Waste Reduction Context In Fort Collins, plastic makes up around 10% of what is landfilled as “municipal solid waste”. With a community vision of producing zero waste by 2030, mitigating plastic pollution will be a necessary component of achieving this goal. River Health Context A healthy Poudre River and surrounding watershed provides innumerable benefits to the Fort Collins community, some of which include reliable, high quality water supply; flood attenuation and protection; recreation, health and wellness opportunities; healthy plant communities and habitat for fish and wildlife. Accordingly, the City invests considerable resources each year to ensure that the health of Poudre River is maintained and whenever possible, improved. Plastic pollution has the potential to negatively impact all these beneficial functions, whereas conversely, mitigating the problem supports and potentially even enhances outcomes in these areas. Overview of Micro and Macroplastic Pollution Sources and Pathways Practitioner knowledge about micro- and macroplastics differs. While the former is still a relatively new area, more is known about how to measure, track, and mitigate macroplastic pollution. ATTACHMENT 1 COPYCOPYE ANSWANANAN YYd engagement approach to rgagement apprgagement apprgagement appr area (e.g.area (e.g.area (e.g.area (e.g.,plastic bags, strawplastic bags, straplastic bags, straplastic bags, stra approach to addressing micapproach to addreapproach to addreapproach to addre OOs pollution as a priority conpollution as a priority copollution as a priority copollution as a priority co ste goal to produce zero waste goal to produce zero waste goal to produce zero waste goal to produce zero wa e River and its watershed. River and its watershed. River and its watershed. River and its watershed. xt up around 10% p around 10% p around 10% p around 10% y 2030, mi 2030, mi 2030, mi 2030, mi February 11, 2020 Page 2 Microplastics Microplastics are small plastic particles that are less than 5 millimeters in size and can include both visible and microscopic particles and fibers. Microplastics include particles that are either intentionally manufactured at very small sizes for the production of other plastic products or particles that form when larger plastic materials break down and fragment into progressively smaller pieces. These plastics originate from a variety of sources, including car tires, road markings, litter, personal care products, synthetic textiles and clothing, among others. The pathways for these materials to enter the environment include domestic and industrial disposal via the wastewater collection system and subsequent discharge of treated wastewater, stormwater runoff from the urban landscape, and improper disposal. Once these materials enter aquatic and terrestrial environments, they present hazards to fish, wildlife and potentially even humans, through ingestion and/or chemical exposure. While the ubiquity of microplastics in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems is well recognized, there is much less information available about effective methods for identifying, monitoring and mitigating microplastics pollution. As a result, the City is currently limited in its ability to develop targeted action plans around this issue. To begin addressing this knowledge gap, Utilities provided funding in 2019 towards a microplastics study of the South Platte River Basin that was designed to identify sampling and analytical methods that are well-suited for Rocky Mountain streams. The study is a cooperative effort between Inland Ocean Coalition and the University of Colorado-Boulder. Utilities supporting funds for this project came from the Utilities Watershed Program operational budget and enabled the inclusion of two new study sites on the Poudre River. Additionally, through the 2019 mid-cycle budget revision process, Council funded $35,000 for the purpose of conducting a scientific review focused on (1) analytical and sampling methods for monitoring microplastics; and (2) control technologies and industry best practices for mitigating microplastics pollution during the treatment of drinking water, wastewater and stormwater. Macroplastics Macroplastics are plastic particles (or products) larger than 5mm, including but not limited to single-use plastic items such as grocery bags, cups, take-out containers, etc. While some plastic is actively littered, many single- use plastic items enter the environment inadvertently. As depicted in the graphic below, winds can gust lightweight plastic items out of receptacles (or garbage trucks or landfills) and into the surrounding area. From there, storm events move plastic items into natural areas and local waterways. Once in natural areas and waterways, they may persist for hundreds of years, degrading into microplastics and at risk of being ingested by wildlife. Global markets and impacts Global markets for recyclable materials have suffered due to sweeping nationwide policy changes in China that halted the import of U.S. recycling commodities, including plastic materials. As the largest end-market for U.S. recycled plastics, this change has dramatically impacted cities’ ability to maintain recycling for some types of low - grade plastic. Single-use items, including those made from low-grade plastic, often have a higher environmental impact than the same items made from sturdier materials that can withstand reuse (for example, durable plastic bags or utensils). While the environmental “payback” period may be longer for reusable items, they reduce environmental impacts along the supply chain, as well as locally.COPYCOPYanalyticnalynalynaly Inland Oceand nd nd came from the romromrom ites on ttes ontes ontes on he Poudre Rie Poe Poe Po process, Council funded $3process, Council funprocess, Council funprocess, Council fun and sampling methods for mand sampling methods foand sampling methods foand sampling methods fo for mitigating microplastics por mitigating microplastics por mitigating microplastics por mitigating microplastics p roducts) larger than 5mm, inducts) larger than 5mm, ducts) larger than 5mm, ducts) larger than 5mm, ke-out containers, etc. Whileout containers, etc. Whilout containers, etc. Whilout containers, etc. Whil onment inadvertently. As dt inadvertently. At inadvertently. At inadvertently. A eceptacles (or garbage truceceptacles (or garbage trueceptacles (or garbage trueceptacles (or garbage tru astic items into natural areastic items into natural areastic items into natural areastic items into natural are st for hundreds of years, degfor hundreds of years, degfor hundreds of years, degfor hundreds of years, deg February 11, 2020 Page 3 Regional Wasteshed Coalition Fort Collins, Larimer County, Loveland, Estes Park, and Wellington have collaborated since 2015 to plan for waste, recycling, and composting infrastructure once the Larimer County landfill reaches capacity. Waste-to- Energy (WTE), a technical process that converts materials, such as plastic, into energy through a combustion process, was identified as a Tier II recommendation. After Tier I recommendations have been implemented, the coalition will evaluate how waste-to-energy could recover single-use plastic items that cannot be recycled. The Regional Wasteshed Coalition’s Policy Advisory Committee is scheduled to re -assess Tier 2 recommendations (including waste to energy) in Q4 of 2020. Past Council Actions In 2014, City Council passed a single-use bag policy requiring grocers to charge a 10-cent fee on plastic and paper bags. Under this ordinance, grocers retained the fee with 50% being directed to the purchase and distribution of free durable bags for customers. This ordinance was repealed later in 2014 in response to the concerns of community members opposing restrictions on single-use bags. Best Practice Approaches to Mitigating Single-Use Plastic Pollution Measures to reduce plastic pollution range in mitigation potential, for example, awareness about littering or recycling plastic items (Attachment 1) may not have the same efficacy as options that reduce consumption of plastic in the first place. Many cities have embraced the “reduce” philosophy in order to disrupt the pathway described above. By reducing the consumption of single-use items, environmental impacts along the supply chain are also addressed. To understand nationwide best practices, staff engaged a Colorado consulting firm Ecocycle to speak with program managers across the U.S. about their plastic policies. Based on this research, some common mechanisms to reduce single-use plastics include: x Banning items x Enacting fees on items x Restricting certain items and/or in certain situations o e.g., making accessory items like utensils available upon request only x Awareness (generally paired with another measure to increase efficacy) Some cities have targeted efforts to reduce single-use plastic as a whole category instead of enacting stand-alone policies that target individual plastic items (e.g., straws, bags, etc.). This comprehensive approach looks across multiple single-use plastic items and bundles of policies that, together, create a larger mitigation strategy to be implemented over time (multiple years). Creating a roadmap means impacted businesses and groups in the community know what to expect, can use up existing stocks, and have time to identify replacement items. Comprehensive approaches also allow time for the community to adjust to changes and learn from each policy component. COPYCOPYal, for example,exexex e efficacy as options e efficacy as e efficacy as e efficacy as educe” philosophy in ordeduce” philosopduce” philosopduce” philosop se items, environmental impae items, environmentae items, environmentae items, environmenta ctices, staff engagctices, staff ctices, staff ctices, staff ed a Colora Cola Cola Col about their plastic policies. about their plastic policies. about their plastic policies. about their plastic policies. include:ncludencludenclude rtain situationsain ain ain ry items like utensils availablems like utensils avems like utensils avems like utensils av ith another measure to increaher measure to incher measure to incher measure to inc orts to reduce singleorts to reduce singleorts to reduce singleorts to reduce single----use plasuse plasuse plasuse plas al plastic items (e.g.plastic items (e.gplastic items (e.gplastic items (e.g ,strawsttt c items and bundles of polims and bundles oms and bundles oms and bundles o ultiple years). Creatingtiple years). Creatiple years). Creatiple years). Crea pect, can use uppect, can use upect, can use upect, can use u o allo allo allo allow time ow time ow time ow time February 11, 2020 Page 4 Cities with Comprehensive Approaches Attachment 2 lists peer cities, Colorado cities, and other U.S. cities that have acted on single-use plastics. Attachment 3 provides a case study of Palo Alto’s policy work to mitigate plastic pollution. Current Actions - Plastic awareness campaign, data collection, and stakeholder engagement Through the 2019 mid-cycle budget revision process, Council funded $35,000 for an awareness and outreach campaign on plastic pollution, covering both macro and microplastics (separate from the $35,000 funded for scientific review on microplastics). The campaign will launch in Q2 and raise awareness on why single-use plastic items (macroplastics) are damaging to the environment, how they get there, and how they may eventually become microplastics. It will also encourage residents to: x Reduce their use of single-use plastic items by declining items when they are offered and un-necessary x Bring their own reusable items x Correctly dispose of plastic items when they can’t be avoided. The campaign will also have a business component that is currently under development. In order to further raise awareness about the problem, the campaign will provide opportunities for the community to take action by: 1. Removing plastic litter from the environment using the Litterati app Litterati <https://www.litterati.org/about>is an app that allows community members to photograph, tag, and geocode litter before disposing of it. Over 100,000 users in 117 countries have used this app to remove litter from their surrounding areas. In a collaboration between Sustainability Services, Natural Areas, and Human Resources, volunteers will be directed to download the app for City-led cleanups. The broader community will also be invited to participate in challenges. An additional benefit of Litterati is its ability to provide staff with data on: x Ratio of plastic to other materials x Percentage of specific types of plastic relative to all plastic found x Whether these data points are influenced by location COPYer U.S. cities that have acter U.S. cities that har U.S. cities that har U.S. cities that ha y work to mitigate plastic polluwork to mitigate plastic powork to mitigate plastic powork to mitigate plastic po data collection, and stakehata collection, ata collection, ata collection, process, Council funded $3process, Council process, Council process, Council oth macro and microplasticsoth macro and micropoth macro and micropoth macro and microp ampaign will launch in Q2 anmpaign will launch in Q2 ampaign will launch in Q2 ampaign will launch in Q2 a to the environment, how ththe environment, how tthe environment, how tthe environment, how t courage residents to:ge rge rge r use plastic items by declininuse plastic items by declininuse plastic items by declininuse plastic items by declinin itemstemtemtem lastic items when they can’tic items when theyic items when theyic items when they a business componbusiness compobusiness compobusiness compo about taboutaboutabout February 11, 2020 Page 5 2. Providing input on what the City should do to mitigate single -use plastic pollution in Fort Collins. Outreach will include opportunities for community members to share thoughts, as well as engage key stakeholders on a more targeted basis (e.g., the accessibility community and straws), acknowledging that this is a communitywide issue and that certain groups and businesses may be disproportionately impacted. Initial list of stakeholder categories (Subject to refinement based on Council direction) - Residents - Members of the accessibility community who must regularly use single use plastics - Historically underrepresented community groups, residents, and business owners - Local businesses (restaurants, grocery stores, retail stores, etc.)who provide single use plastics to their customers or otherwise rely on them to do business - Local businesses who manage single use plastic waste or who use it as a raw material - Local business associations and chambers of commerce - Local producers and suppliers of single use plastics (for example, wholesale suppliers of single use plastics) - Local nature, environment, and sustainability focused advocacy groups - Organizations directly involved in litter clean up -City departments Key Takeaways Staff’s evaluation of peer, Colorado, and U.S. cities has led to the identification of best practices that Fort Collins could build upon, if Council desires to move forward. Key learnings from staff’s review of other cities actions and best practices are: x Take a comprehensive approach that includes multiple items (e.g., individual type of plastic products), allowing the community to know what to expect, use up existing stocks, and have time to identify replacement items. x Phase policy-development and implementation over time (multiple years). x Move toward reusables and away from disposables. x Thoughtfully engage stakeholders, including groups and businesses that will be impacted by policy measures. Fort Collins is in a strong position of having some of the key characteristics of successful cities, including well- founded policies based on community vision and goals (Zero Waste, Climate Action Plan), as well as collaboration through regional wasteshed planning. Next Steps x Gather community and stakeholder input x Launch plastics awareness campaign and collect data (midcycle offer) o Gather community and stakeholder input x Regional Wasteshed Coalition’s Policy Advisory Committee is scheduled to reas sess Tier 2 recommendations (including waste to energy) in Q4 of 2020. x June 9, 2020 City Council work session. ATTACHMENTS 1. Types of Single-Use Plastic Items (PDF) 2. List of Cities taking action (PDF) 3. Comprehensive Approach Case Study-Palo Alto (PDF) 4. Powerpoint presentation (PDF)COPYCOPYdvocacvocvocvoc led to the identification of beled to the identification of led to the identification of led to the identification of Key learningsKey learningsKey learningsKey learnings from staff’s rererere ncludes multiple items (e.gncludes multiple ncludes multiple ncludes multiple o expect, use up existing stoo expect, use up existino expect, use up existino expect, use up existin plementation over time (multmentation over timementation over timementation over time way from disposables.m dism dism dis olders, including groups and olders, including groups andolders, including groups andolders, including groups and position of having some of tsition of having some ofsition of having some ofsition of having some of on community vision andcommunity visiocommunity visiocommunity visio al wwwwasteshed planningasteshed plannasteshed plannasteshed plann r 1 Types of Single-Use Plastic Items Types of Single-Use Plastics The broader category of single-use plastic includes a wide-range of items, from cigarette butts and sanitary wipes to plastic bags and straws. The items listed below are those most commonly addressed by municipal plastic policies. Carry-out bags: Bags made of thin, flexible plastic designed to transport purchases Polystyrene: Plastic foam take-out coffee cups, plates, and containers. Foodware: Plastic plates, cups, and utensils. Accessory items: Lids, utensils, straws, stirrers, etc. ATTACHMENT 1 COPYCOPYe plastic designed to transpoplastic designed plastic designed plastic designed offee cups, plates, and contafee cups, plates, and contfee cups, plates, and contfee cups, plates, and cont and utensils.ensiensiensi ensils, straws, stirrers, etc.nsils, straws, stirrers, etc.nsils, straws, stirrers, etc.nsils, straws, stirrers, etc. 1 Who is Taking Action? Key: X = has taken action, P = planning to take action, C = comprehensive approach, R = repealed Peer City Carry-out bags Polystyrene food containers Accessory items Food serviceware Fort Collins, CO R Palo Alto, CA C C C P Santa Barbara, CA X X X Santa Rosa, CA X X Portland, ME X X Eugene, OR X X Boulder, CO X Tacoma, WA X Colorado City Denver, CO X Boulder, CO X Avon, CO X P Telluride X Aspen X Carbondale X Breckenridge X Fraser X Frisco X Vail X Nederland X Crested Butte X Avon X Ridgeway X Steamboat Springs X Winter Park X Sample U.S. Cities - Not Comprehensive Seattle, WA C C C C Berkeley, CA C C C C Albuquerque, NM X Austin, TX X San Francisco, CA X X Baltimore, MD X New York City, NY X Davis, CA X X Berkeley, CA X X ATTACHMENT 2 XCOPYCOPY YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYPYPYPYYYYPYPPYPYPYYYYYPYPPYPYPYOPOPOPOPPPOPOPOPPOOOOOPOPOPOPPPX OOOOOOX XXX COCOCOCOOX XXX COCOCOCOCOCOX CCCCCOCCOCOCOX CCCCOCOCOCOCOCOX CCCCCCCCCCX X X X CCC 1 Comprehensive Approach Case Study – Palo Alto Population: 66,666 Disposable Bag Policy (2008) The City of Palo Alto began addressing single-use plastics in 2008 with the adoption of its Retail and Food Service Establishment Checkout Bag Requirements Ordinance which banned the distribution of single-use plastic carry-out bags from grocery stores. After subsequent creek cleanup events showed that plastic bags were still prevalent in local creeks and on streets, the policy was updated in 2013 to include all retailers and food service establishments. The updated ordinance also required a 10-cent fee on all paper and reusable bags that were distributed to deter the use of single-use paper bags. In 2019, the policy was updated again to ban the distribution of single-use plastic bags for produce, meat, and bulk food bags and require these bags to be certified compostable (paper or bioplastic). The city’s policy is now one of the most comprehensive in the country because it affects many different business types, including all retailers and food service establishments, and many different types of single-use plastic bags, including carry-out bags as well as meat, produce and bulk food bags. Key drivers for success x Other local policies: Palo Alto’s plastic bag ban followed in the footsteps of other California cities including San Francisco and Santa Monica. x Store leadership: Three of the city’s seven supermarkets had stopped distributing plastic bags as the city was exploring the policy. x Community support: Public and City Council supported exploring policy options. Local nonprofits dedicated to the reduction of plastic pollution were helpful in garnering community support. Effectiveness at meeting local goals x City data from creek cleanups showed a 90% reduction in the amount of plastic bags in the creeks after ordinance went into effect. x Compliance checks conducted by the city after implementation in 2008 found that over 90% of businesses complied with the policy. Future compliance checks will be conducted through the ATTACHMENT 3 COPYCOPY2008 with the adopt2008 with th2008 with th2008 with th Ordinancerdinancerdinancerdinance which banned twhichwhichwhich PYPYAfter subsequent creek cleaAfter subsequent creek After subsequent creek After subsequent creek s and on streets, the policy ws and on streets, the policy ws and on streets, the policy ws and on streets, the policy w ments. The updated ordinancnts. The updatnts. The updatnts. The updat stributed to deter the use ofd to deterd to deterd to deter e distribution of singlee distribution of singlee distribution of singlee distribution of single-use pl gs to be certified compostabs to be certified compostas to be certified compostas to be certified composta ensive in the country because in the country bee in the country bee in the country be d service establishments, and service establishments, ad service establishments, ad service establishments, a bags as well as meat, producbags as well as meat, producbags as well as meat, producbags as well as meat, produc es:es:es:es:Palo Alto’s plasPalo Alto’s plaPalo Alto’s plaPalo Alto’s pla ancisco anancisco anancisco anancisco an of th 2 Zero Waste group and will be scheduled after the next phase of the ordinance goes into effect in January 2020. x Through a survey, Palo Alto saw a sharp decline in plastic bag use and an increase in the use of reusable bags following its plastic bag ban. However, paper bag use increased immediately in response to the plastic bag ban. Paper bag use sharply decreased once the city implemented a fee on paper bags in 2013, and this led to a further increase in reusable bags and customers not using any bags. From 2008-2015, overall plastic bag use has declined from over 50% of bags used to zero, and over 75% of bag use is now reusable bags or no bag. Significant challenges faced x Opposition from plastics industry: The American Chemistry Council and Dart Container Corp., one of the largest manufacturers of polystyrene foam food containers, lobbied against the policy and testified before the city council. The industry group SavethePlasticBag.com also threatened the city with a lawsuit. The California Restaurant Association also closely echoed the concerns of the plastic industry representatives. x Fee: State law prohibits California cities from collecting a bag fee from retailers so retailers keep the entire 10-cent fee on all paper or reusable checkout bags sold. Disposable Foodware Policy (2019) In 2019, Palo Alto adopted the Disposable Foodware Reduction Plan, which is a three-phase program with the goal to eliminate the use of disposable foodware items and switch to reusable items in order to protect local watersheds and oceans, reduce litter, encourage Zero Waste, and reduce contamination in the composting program. The first phase of this plan was implemented in 2019 with the passage of the Disposable Foodware Items and Other Disposable Products Ordinance, which banned single-use plastic foodware accessory items including plastic straws, plastic utensils, plastic drink stirrers, plastic drink plugs, plastic food and drink picks, plastic drink accoutrements, and plastic produce bags. Businesses are required to provide only reusable or compostable alternatives, and these products must be offered only upon request or via a self-serve station. The policy applies to any business in Palo Alto that serves food, including restaurants, bars, delis, grocery stores, food trucks, hotels, convenience stores, and cafeterias. Hospitals were exempted from the program. The goal of the Disposable Foodware Reduction Plan: x Reduce the amount of single-use, disposable foodware generated in Palo Alto x Encourage the use of reusable foodware x Ensure that single-use disposable items are either recycled or composted The plan has a phased approach: x Phase 1 – 2019: Disposable Foodware Items and Other Disposable Products Ordinance o Bans single-use plastic foodware accessory items such as straws and stirrers. COPYCOPYvethePethetheth ation also closalsalsals lecting a bag fee from retaicting a bag fee fcting a bag fee fcting a bag fee f e checkout bags sold. e checkout bags sold. e checkout bags sold. e checkout bags sold. osable Foodware Reduction able Foodware Reductionable Foodware Reductionable Foodware Reduction se of disposable foodware itedisposable foodwadisposable foodwadisposable foodwa d oceans, reduce litter, e oceans, reduce litter, e oceans, reduce litter, e oceans, reduce litter, encounconconco The first phase of this plan wThe first phase of this plan wThe first phase of this plan wThe first phase of this plan w Items and Other Disposablems and Other Dispms and Other Dispms and Other DispCOCOms including plastic stras including plastic s including plastic s including plastic nk picks, plastic dk picks, plastic dk picks, plastic dk picks, plastic d able or comble or coble or coble or co tat 3 o Requires compostable or reusable alternatives are offered only upon request or via a self-serve station. x Phase 2 – 2021 o Charge for disposable cups and containers o Require reusable foodware for dine-in customers o Require all new construction for food service establishments to install a dishwasher x Phase 3 – 2025 o Ban all single-use disposable foodware for take-out o Require all food service establishments to have one of the following services to support reusable foodware: ƒHave a dishwasher on site ƒSign-up for dishwasher service ƒSign-up for reusable foodware service program o Require reusable foodware for take-out, including allowing residents to bring their own containers and/or implementing a citywide reusable food container rental/return program (see p. 59 for current pilot programs) Key drivers for success x Mitigate environmental impact: Palo Alto has a strong history of support for reducing waste, reducing the amount of plastics in oceans, decreasing litter in the community and reducing its climate impact. x Support for compostables in business survey: The city’s survey of food businesses ĨŽƵŶĚЫŽĨ food service establishments already utilized some form of compostable foodware and 52% reported it would be easy to switch to compostable products. x Local community partners: The city partnered with Girl Scouts and a local high school biology class to conduct business surveys. Several nonprofits and community advocacy groups submitted a letter of support to the city and encouraged the city to take bolder action. Local stakeholders promoted not using plastic disposables and reducing use at local community events (i.e. farmer’s market). x ReThink Disposable proves success stories at local businesses: The city signed a 3-year contract with ReThink, a technical assistance program provided by the City of Palo Alto Watershed Protection and Clean Water Action and Clean Water Fund. This program helps businesses, institutions, governments, and consumers reduce waste and associated costs by targeting disposable packaging items through outreach and education, and conducted local business case studies to show waste reduction and cost savings. Effectiveness at meeting local goals x The ordinance is expected to reduce waste by 290 tons per year and save 470 tons of carbon pollution once fully implemented. x ReThink Disposables Report on how businesses in Palo Alto successfully reduced disposable foodware showed the effectiveness of minimizing disposable foodware: 111 businesses were COPYgramamamam ing allowing reowowow reusable food contaireusable fooreusable fooreusable foo grams)ms)ms)ms) Alto has a strong history of sto has a strongto has a strongto has a strong oceans, decreasing litter in tceans, decreasinceans, decreasinceans, decreasin in business survey:business survey:business survey:business survey:The city’The cityThe cityThe city ents already utilized some folready utilized somlready utilized somlready utilized som e easy to switch to composta easy to switch to compost easy to switch to compost easy to switch to compost y partners:partners:partners:partners:The city partnereity partnereity partnereity partnere uct business surveys. Severalbusiness surveys. Sbusiness surveys. Sbusiness surveys. S ter of support to the citr of support to ther of support to ther of support to the oted not using poted not using oted not using oted not using market).arket)arket)arket) es 4 recruited and provided with outreach materials; 14 businesses were ReThink certified and found that 1,123,443 single-use foodware items were eliminated annually and had $32,023 combined total annual net-savings. Significant challenges faced x Council members were concerned with the availability of compostable foodware items. x Businesses were primarily concerned about the additional cost of compostable items, the difficulty in finding replacements and that these products would still result in litter. Supporting City Policies and Plans for Bags and Food Serviceware x Palo Alto’s Bag Ordinance was adopted in 2008 to ban the distribution of single-use plastic bags at grocery stores. This was updated in 2013 to require a 10-cent fee on paper and reusable bags sold by the retailer, and to include all food service establishments. (There is no charge for customers to bring their own bags. However, retailers cannot provide reusable bags for free and must charge a minimum fee on any bags sold to the customer in order to reduce the distribution of any free bags of any type.) In 2019, the ordinance was updated again to include produce, meat, and bulk food bags, and require them to be reusable or certified compostable. x The Expanded Polystyrene and Non-Recyclable Food Service Containers Ordinance was adopted in 2009 and updated in 2016. The policy prohibits foodservice and retail establishments from distributing prepared food in plastic foam or other non-recyclable plastic food service containers. o City facilities and events are prohibited from using disposable food service containers made from plastic foam or non-recyclable plastic. x In 2017, guidelines were updated to prohibit city staff from using Petty Cash and procurement cards to purchase polystyrene products, bottled water, and other plastic products. x The 2018 City of Palo Alto Zero Waste Plan has a goal of 95% waste diversion by 2030. x The Disposable Foodware Reduction Plan was put together in 2018 by the Zero Waste Group, which is a roadmap for the city to switch from disposable foodware items to reusable foodware. x The Disposable Foodware Items and Other Disposable Products Ordinance was adopted in 2019, banning plastic: straws, utensils, stirrers, beverage plugs, and produce bags. Alternative products must be compostable and can only be provided upon request or at a self-serve station. x The Municipal Regional Stormwater Permit requires the city to eliminate storm drain litter by 2022. COPYCOPYhmentsmenmenmen cannot providet prt prt pr customer in order tocustomer incustomer incustomer in ance was updated again to e was updated e was updated e was updated to be reusable or certified coto be reusable or certifiedto be reusable or certifiedto be reusable or certified clable Food Service Containeclable Food Service Containeclable Food Service Containeclable Food Service ContainePYPYcy prohibits foodservice andprohibits foodprohibits foodprohibits food c foam or other nonoam or other noam or other noam or other n -recycla vents are prohibited from usnts are prohibited from usnts are prohibited from usnts are prohibited from us tic foam or nonam oam oam o -recyclable plablablab were updated to prohibit citywere updated to prohibit citwere updated to prohibit citwere updated to prohibit cit e polystyrene products, bottpolystyrene products, bottpolystyrene products, bottpolystyrene products, bott of Palo Alto Zero Waste PlaPalo Alto Zero WaPalo Alto Zero WaPalo Alto Zero WaCOCOFoodware Reduction Poodware Reductiooodware Reductiooodware ReductioCCp for the city to p for the city to p for the city to p for the city to are Itemre Itemre Itemre ItemC 1Mitigating Plastics Pollution Molly Saylor and Richard Thorp 2-11-2020 ATTACHMENT  Questions to Council Macroplastics pollution 1. Do Councilmembers support a comprehensive policy and engagement approach to reducing plastic pollution? 2. Do Councilmembers have a preference on an initial focus area? (such as plastic bags, straws, take-out containers) Microplastics pollution 3. Do Councilmembers have input on staff’s approach to addressing microplastics? 2 rehe i e poreheieporeheiepoprehensive polprehensive polprehensive pol tiontiontion eference oeference oeference o ws, takews, takews, take---out conout conout con have inpuhave inpuhave inpu STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT Environmental Health • 4.4 Zero waste • 4.9 Poudre River health BUDGET Midcycle funding • $35K each for macroplastics and microplastics Plastics Pollution 3 COUNCIL PRIORITY Plastics Pollution • Microplastics • Macroplastics Approximately 10% of Fort Collins’ municipal solid waste is plastic COPYCOPYPYYSTRASTRASTRATEGITEGITEGIAAAAA ALIGNMALIGNMALIGNM nmnmnm •••ZeZeZe 49P49P49P YYOPYPYOPYOPYOPYOPYCCCC State of Science and Policy 4 • Knowledge of pollution pathways • Ability to quantify and monitor • Efficacy of mitigation options More informationLess information MacroplasticsMicroplastics Plastic particles less than 5mm Plastic particles greater than 5mm COCOKnowledge of pKnowledge of pKnowledge of p Ability toAbility toAbility to EfEfEfficacyficacyficacyfffff OPOPOPOPMMMatiatiati MacroMacroMacro c pac pac pa ggg Microplastics: What are they? Primary – manufactured at a size less than 5mm • Examples: microfibers, microbeads, pellets or “nurdles” Secondary – break down into micro-particles • Examples: water and soda bottles, fishing nets, and plastic bags 5 Fleece fibers Resin pellets / “nurdles” Plastic bag fragments han 5mhan 5mhan 5m robe perobeperobepecrobeads, pelcrobeads, pelcrobeads, pel ooo---particparticpartic d soda bottd soda bottd soda bott esin pellets / “nuesin pellets / “nuesin pellets / “nu 6 Paint / Coatings Litter Sources of Microplastics Synthetic textiles & clothing Personal Care Products (microbeads) Car Tires / Brake Dust Road Markings Pellets / manufactured plastics Atmospheric Deposition Artificial turf OOSourcesSourcesSources MicroplastMicroplastMicroplastPY COCPYPYtititi othothoth Current & Proposed Future Actions 7 2019 Rocky Mountain microplastics survey phase II: Methodology Study • Utilities Watershed Program funded two sites on Poudre River • Study led by Inland Ocean Coalition & University of Colorado, Boulder Past Project Current Project Assess current state of the science on microplastics, with focus on: • Analytical & monitoring methods - source identification and monitoring • Control technologies - drinking water, wastewater, stormwater e s e on meseonmeseonme science e science e science oring methoring methoring meth ---drinkdrinkdrink y phase II: My phase II: My phase II: Mypypyp nded twnded twnded two o o oalition & Uoalition & Uoalition & U OPOP Macroplastic Pollution Pathways 8OPYOPOPYOPYOPYOPCOPCOPCOPCOPCOPCOP Mitigation Options 9 Mitigation options Challenges Anti-littering awareness Not primary pathway Waste-to-Energy Risk of blowing out of bin Recyclable replacements Risk of blowing out of bin Compostable replacements Wildlife risk & contamination COCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCCPYPYPPPYPYOPOPOPYOPYOPOPOPOPCOPCOPOPOPOPOPPYPYPYPYOPOPOPOPYYCOCOhallengehallengehallenge Not primary Not primary Not primary ppp Risk oRisk oRisk o entsentsents RiskRiskRisk ememem WWW CC Mitigation Options 10 Mitigation options Benefits Fees on items Avoid plastic items entering the environment Avoid supply chain impacts Ban items/require reusables Ban/fee hybrids Item-specific restrictions COCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCCOPYOPYOPOPPPPYPYOPOPCOPCOPOPOPPYPYPPOPOPOPYYCOCOnefitsnefitsnefits oidoidoid the the the AvAvAvoidoidoid sss ononon Types of Plastic Items 11 Carry-out bags Polystyrene (Styrofoam) Foodware Accessory itemsCCCOPCOPOPYOPYystyrenystyrenystyren Carry-Out Bags What is it? Bags made of thin, flexible plastic designed to transport purchases Mitigation options: • Fees • Bans • Fee/ban hybrid Peer cities: Santa Barbara CA, Palo Alto CA, Eugene OR, Portland ME, Santa Rosa CA, Tacoma, WA 12 edtoedtoedtoed to ed to ed to a CA, Pala CA, Pala CA, Pal PYPY Carry-Out Bags Fort Collins context: Bag Policy 2014: 10-cent fee on plastic and paper bags at grocery stores • Grocers retained fee; 50% for free durable bags to customers • Repealed in 2014 before implementation Current Efforts: Awareness; plastic film recycling at TRC, grocers and box stores 13 c c c free free free ess; plastiess; plastiess; plasti and boxand boxand box PYPY Polystyrene Food Containers What is it? Plastic foam take-out coffee cups and containers. Mitigation options: • Fees • Bans • Restrictions • Dine-in only Peer cities: Santa Barbara CA, Palo Alto CA, Eugene OR, Portland ME, Santa Rosa CA 14PYPY Food Serviceware and Accessory Items What is it? Plastic plates, cups, lids, utensils, straws, stirrers, etc. Mitigation options: • Fees • Bans • Restrictions • Self-service stations; upon request Peer cities: Palo Alto CA, Santa Barbara CA 15 ,,, pon re uestpon re uestpon re uest PYPY Peer Communities 16 Palo Alto, CA Santa Barbara, CA Santa Rosa, CA Portland, ME Eugene, OR Boulder, CO Tacoma, WA Denver, CO COOCOCOCCCOCOOOOOPYYPYPYOPYOPYOPOPOPOPPYPYPYPY Best Practices 17 Successful approaches: •Comprehensive strategy with multiple policies • Policy development and implementation over multiple years • Move away from disposables and toward reusables • Extensive stakeholder outreachCOCOPYCOPYPYPYrategyrategyrategywww mmm and impand impand imp way from disposway from disposway from dispos e stakehoe stakehoe stakeho Stakeholder Outreach Considerations • Who should be engaged depends on item • Insight from other cities • Alignment with stakeholder goals Examples of stakeholder types • Accessibility community (need items due to disability) • Local businesses that provide/sell/distribute single-use items • Local businesses that recycle plastic 18 temtemtemitemitemitem alsalsals r types r types r types ity (temsity(temsity(temsity (need iity (need iity (need i ttt provide/sprovide/sprovide/s ecycleecycleecycle Next Steps • Gather community and stakeholder input • Launch plastics awareness campaign and collect data • Continue supporting legislation to facilitate local action • June 9th Council work session, single-use plastics update • Regional Wasteshed: Policy Advisory Committee meeting on Tier 2 recommendations (including waste to energy) - in Q4 of 2020 • Microplastics study completion in Q3 2020 19 nputnputnput aign d colaigndcolaigndcolaign and collaign and collaign and coll to facilitto facilitto facilit sion, singlesion, singlesion, single cycycy sory Csory Csory C ncluding wastencluding wastencluding waste c l tiicltiicltiicompletiocompletiocompletio Questions to Council Macroplastics pollution 1. Do Councilmembers support a comprehensive policy and engagement approach to reducing plastic pollution? 2. Do Councilmembers have a preference on an initial focus area? (such as plastic bags, straws, take-out containers) Microplastics pollution 3. Do Councilmembers have input on staff’s approach to addressing microplastics? 20 rehe i e poreheieporeheiepoprehensive polprehensive polprehensive pol tiontiontion eference oeference oeference o ws, takews, takews, take---out conout conout con have inpuhave inpuhave inpu Types of Plastic Items 21 Carry-out bags Styrofoam Foodware Accessory itemsCCCOPCOPOPYOPYyyyrofoamrofoamrofoam Case Study - Palo Alto 22 Palo Alto, CA Plastic bags (2008) Accessory items (2019) Disposable containers (2021) Take-out containers (2025) • Disposable Foodware Reduction Plan • Reduce single-use • Encourage reusable cessorycessorycessory itemsitemsitems (2019)(2019)(2019) DiDiDi e Reduction Pe Reduction Pe Reduction P se se se ababab Sample Project Timeline 23OCTNOVDECJANFEBMARAPRMAYJUNJULAUGSEPOCTNOVDECRESEARCH MICRO Sampling, Analysis & Control Technology MACRO Policy Best Practices Data Collection POLICY OUTREACH B&C B&C, Public & Stakeholders B&C, Public & Stakeholders AWARENESS Awareness RECOMMENDATIONS WORK SESSION PYYOOOPYOPYCOCOOPOPOOOPYOPYPYPYPYPYOPOPCOCOCCCMAMAMAAPAPAPplingplingpling sss BBB SSSS S S ATTACHMENT II: May the Fork Be With You Spring Awareness Campaign: May the Fork Be With You Description: May The Fork Be With You is an awareness and education campaign designed to raise awareness and provide an action that people can take to reduce single-use plastics. May The Fork Be With You encourages people to skip the utensils when ordering take out. The campaign was designed specifically in response to the increase in take-out ordering due to COVID-19. Messages were shared via social media and City communications and newsletters from May through the summer. Community reception: May The Fork Be With You was well-received and several community members have requested the associated Zoom background. ATTACHMENT 2 COPCampaign: May the FoCampaign: May With You is an awareness anWith You is an awareness action that people caction that people canan take take people to skip the utensils whople to skip the ut e to the increase in takeo the increase in ta -o mmunicationsmunic and nand e Fork Bk ATTACHMENT III: Community Engagement Data Bottom line: Staff does not have a complete picture of community support or concern due to generally low sample sizes and very low or no participation from stakeholders who could be disproportionately impacted by a policy. Stakeholders minimally or not engaged through survey: x Member of the LatinX community x Grocery store owner/manager x Coffee shop owner/manager x Restaurant owner/manager x Clothing retail owner/manager x Producer, wholesaler, or supplier of single-use plastics x Waste industry professional x Small business owner/manager x Income less than $25,094 per year x High school or college student x Member of a historically underrepresented group, please describe below x Business owner/manager x Person living with a disability x Minority-owned business owner/manager Stakeholders engaged: x 169 survey responses across two surveys o Plastic Bag Survey – 47 responses o Single-Use Plastic Survey – 122 responses x A significant number of responses were from members of environmental groups and senior community members. Key themes: x The majority of respondents were positive about addressing plastic bags and single-use plastics and mentioned a variety of voluntary and regulatory options in their responses. x Many respondents o Attempt to limit their use of single-use plastics, including bags. o Feel frustrated when they are given single-use plastic items by default and do not have an option to opt out. o Are noticing a significant increase in the amount of single-use plastics due to COVID-19 and fewer alternative options. ATTACHMENT 3 COPYicscs presented group, please descresented group, p ity ess owner/managerner/ sponses across two surveynses across two su ag Survey g Surv – 47 respores lastic Surveyastic Survey respo o Reuse single-use plastics, such as bags, before discarding or recycling. x Some respondents (fewer than 15 responses) o Indicate support for action on single-use plastics but responded negatively to the City taking action. o Do not support action on single-use plastics at all. COPY ATTACHMENT IV: Plastic Pollution Data Collection Community science campaign on local plastic pollution: Starting in April 2020, Environmental Services partnered with Human Resources and Natural Areas to launch a community science project using the Litterati app to characterize local plastic pollution. Community members collected over 2,000 pieces of litter, much of which was plastic. Key takeaways: x Plastic litter comprised 48% of all items collected o 19% of items were cigarette butts o 29% of items were other types of plastic Figure 1. Fort Collins Plastic Litter Distribution. Figure excludes cigarette butts to better present the other categories. Note that this is community science data and should be interpreted as directionally correct vs. precise. Existing practices at Fort Collins major grocers: Staff surveyed local bag-related practices by phone and found trends amongst national chains and natural/organic grocers. Key takeaways: x Major national chains in Fort Collins ATTACHMENT 4 Y o Offer plastic bags. o Do not offer bag credits for bringing reusable bags (3 out of 4 major grocers). o Report approximately 50% of people bring their own bags. x Natural/organic grocers o Do not offer plastic bags (4 out of 5 natural/organic grocers). o Offer bag credits (4 out of 5 natural/organic grocers). o Report that the majority of people bring their own bags. x Bag credits range from 2 – 10 cents and in some cases are associated with a donation program instead of the traditional cash back. COPY 1Mitigating Plastics Pollution Molly Saylor 10-02-2020 ATTACHMENT 5 Questions to Council Which option would Councilmembers like staff to pursue for plastic pollution? 2 cilmembe STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT Environmental Health • 4.4 Zero waste • 4.9 Poudre River health BUDGET Midcycle funding • $35K each for macroplastics and microplastics Plastics Pollution 3 COUNCIL PRIORITY Plastics Pollution • Microplastics • Macroplastics COPYCOPYSTRATEGIA ALIGNM nm •Ze 49P YYOPYOPYCC Background Context 4 Grounding in plastic pollution • Plastic pollution threats to waterways and wildlife • More information is needed on how to better quantify and monitor microplastic pollution • Litter as a source of pollution we can act on now • Peer cities and best practices recommend a comprehensive approach •Engagement – broad and targeted – is essential to good policyCCCCCCands and ifefe w to bett n n a t practices recomm oaddta etedoad and tar Councilmember Input 5 1) Targeted engagement and equity lens 2) Robust stakeholder and community engagement 3) Comprehensive approach to policy development 4) More data on the problem and existing solutions COPYPYYnd equ r and commun ive approach ata on the prob 6 Plastic Pollution Awareness 7 May the Fork Be With You - Adapted to be relevant to COVID-19 - Well-received Broad outreach - Businesses & groups: HP, Broadcom, League of Women Voters, Interfaith Council - Virtual Earth Day Upcoming - Business recognition and peer awareness - Business tip guide roadcom, Leag Co nd peer Engagement Insights Who we’ve heard from • 100+ people • Environmental groups • Seniors 8 Who we haven’t heard from • BIPOC • Small businesses • People with disability • People with limited English proficiency What we’ve heard • Broad support for action on most items • Specific interest in bags and polystyrene • Current lack of alternatives • Concern about plastic pollutions impacts ho w e haven’t BB S bus People w Ove hear d su port fo pecific interest in Current la •Concern COVID-19 Impacts 1. Targeted engagement and equity lens • COVID-19 disproportionate impact on “most-impacted” stakeholders • Competing priorities for historically underrepresented community members, i.e. housing costs, job loss, childcare, health 2. Robust stakeholder and community engagement • Engaged to date: environmental groups and seniors • Broad engagement tools not getting results 9 len pact on “mosp orically underrepr s job los d munit : environmental me tt ls not gment tools COVID-19 Impacts 3. Comprehensive approach to policy development • COVID-19-related restrictions on reusable alternatives • Unclear timeline for return of reusable items 4. More data on the problem and existing solutions • Impact of COVID-19 on businesses makes data collection on existing practices challenging • Litterati campaign launched and data collected! Yet, limited reach due to COVID-19 10 cy dev on sable of reusa em em and exis 9 on businesse es challenging paig lnched a D- Council Direction On track Significant challenges Significant barrier Outreach and awareness work Targeted engagement and equity lens Robust stakeholder and community engagement Comprehensive approach to policy development More data on the problem and existing solutions Key: COVID-19 Staffing On track COVID-19 and Staffing Impacts 11CexistinCOo p evCOPengagemen YYPYOPYYYYPYOPCOCCYYCC Options for Moving Forward 1. Focus on Awareness and Delay Policy Discussion. Focus awareness work funded through 2020 on making single-use “opt-in” vs. “opt-out” and other simple actions; re-evaluate policy work in 2021 based on readiness criteria 2. Limited Policy Work. In addition to awareness, focus policy work on most feasible option with respect to COVID-19 (e.g. “utensils and accessory items upon request only”) and reevaluate comprehensive approach to other plastic items in 2021. 3. Comprehensive Approach.In addition to awareness, prioritize policy work and maintain comprehensive approach. 4. Refer Ballot Initiative.In addition to awareness, place single-use plastic bag regulation on the April 2021 ballot. 12 u n vs. “opt-out” di it readiness criteri awareness (e.g. “utensils a nsive approach ach.In addition to he approach. addition Questions to Council Which option would Councilmembers like staff to pursue for plastic pollution? 1. Focus on Awareness and Delay Policy Discussion 2. Limited Policy Work 3. Comprehensive Approach 4. Ballot Measure 13 bers li and Delay k iv A rosive Appro Environmental Services 222 Laporte Ave. PO Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522 970.221.6600 fcgov.com/environmental services MEMORANDUM Date:October 30, 2020 To:Mayor Troxell and City Councilmembers Thru:Darin Atteberry, City Manager Jacqueline Kozak Thiel, Chief Sustainability Officer Theresa Connor, Interim Utilities Executive Director Liesel Hans, Utilities Deputy Director Lucinda Smith, Environmental Services Director From:Molly Saylor, Environmental Sustainability Senior Specialist Richard Thorp, Lead Specialist, Science CC: Jill Oropeza, Director of Sciences, Water Quality Services Re: October 27, 2020 Work Session Summary: Plastics Pollution Update Attendees: Jacqueline Kozak Thiel and Molly Saylor presented an update on microplastic and macroplastic pollution work in light of COVID-19 challenges. Mayor Troxell, Mayor Pro Tem Stephens, and Councilmembers Cunniff, Gorgol, Gutowsky, and Pignataro were present. Key discussion points: x Recognition of the challenges of engaging the community and most-impacted stakeholders on plastic pollution policy during COVID-19. x Some interest in following the impact that State legislation would have on potential local action. x There was interest in exploring a potential plastic pollution ballot measure o Perhaps a measure to ban plastic bags and perhaps considering accessory items as well. o Incorporating information from related actions in other communities. x Perspective that COVID-19-related challenges, such as availability of alternative items and temporary suspensions in times of health crises, would need to be addressed x Other perspectives include: o Interest in seeing waste-to-energy considered as part of a systems approach to plastic pollution mitigation, specific interest in follow up on the energy content of plastic items (see table below). o That a ballot measure is premature until more engagement can be done, more data collected on options (such as waste-to-energy) and COVID-19 has a lesser impact. o Concerns were raised about impacts of a regulation on businesses and consumers, especially while COVID-19 is reducing available options. o Interest in more data and health-related implications Next steps: x Macroplastics: o December 8 th work session to continue discussion of a plastic pollution ballot measure. o Continue existing online engagement. x Microplastics: o Staff will re-evaluate by the end of Q2 2021 if it will be feasible to completethe microplastics study in 2021. o By this time, more will be known about the wildfire response and recovery effort resource needs. o A reappropriation of 2020 funds will be required to complete this project.        ATTACHMENT 2 2 Table 1 summarizes a range of energy values contained in plastics often used to make single-use items. Figure 1. Energy values of plastic types typically used to make single-use plastics. Source: Tsiamis & Castaldi (2016): Determining Accurate Heating Values of Non-Recycled Plastics. https://plastics.americanchemistry.com/Energy-Values-Non-Recycled-Plastics.pdf        Fees in the Context of Plastic and Paper Bags Bottom Line: 1. The City could require vendors to charge customers a disposable bag fee, rather than permitting them to give disposable bags away. If such a fee is not shared with or remitted to the City, it would not be a fee (or a tax) charged by the City. The City could include acceptable uses of the fee by the vendor in its ordinance. 2. To support a disposable bag fee that is paid to the City in whole or in part, the fee would need to be imposed for the purpose of running education, mitigation and/or waste reduction programs and the City should: x Identify the police power basis for its imposition of the fee and its role in a larger regulatory scheme of activities to be funded by it; x Identify how the amount of the fee bears a reasonable relationship to the cost of the overall program/service (e.g. recycling costs) and/or regulatory scheme it is intended to support (e.g. education, outreach and awareness, mitigation, waste reduction programs – which may require a fee study). Decision Points – Charging a Fee: x Who collects the fee – vendor? x Is any portion of the fee remitted to the City? x What can the vendor and the City use the fee for (if City, must be used to offset cost of service provided such as education/mitigation related to waste reduction programs for example)? x Is the fee reasonably related to and not more than the cost of the programs and/or regulatory structure it is intended to support? Fees v. Taxes: Fees are assessed to defray costs of providing specific services and cannot be used for another purpose. Taxes are assessed on the value of something (property, sale of goods, etc. – often referred to as ad valorem (added to and based on the value) and are used for general governmental purposes. New taxes cannot be imposed under TABOR without a vote. Aspen Case: With these principles in mind, the relevant details of the Aspen case can be summarized as follows: x In the Aspen case, a $.20 fee (waste reduction fee) is imposed by Ordinance for each disposable paper bag provided to a customer (it also banned plastic bags). The grocer retained a portion of the waste reduction fee (up to a monthly cap) to be used for specific costs (educational information to customers, staff training, infrastructure improvement/alternation and administration of the fee). The remaining amount was paid into the City Waste Reduction and Recycling Account to be used to fund specified waste reduction and recycling activities and projects. x The issue that the Colorado Supreme Court in the Aspen case addressed directly was whether the fee was a really tax (which required a TABOR vote), and the Court held that it was not a tax requiring a vote under TABOR. ATTACHMENT 3 x The Court found the purpose of Aspen's charge was not to raise revenue to fund general governmental expenses so it was not a tax (and not based on the legislative power to tax). Instead, the Court found that the primary purpose of the charge was to “defray some of the costs of a comprehensive regulatory scheme aimed at improving environmental health and safety through a waste-reduction program” arising out of Aspen’s exercise of its regulatory police power focused on protection of health, safety, and welfare (which can be used to support “education and outreach on environmental sustainability”) . x The Court looked at the question of whether the charge was, “in fact, imposed to defray the direct or indirect costs of regulation and if the amount of the fee [was] reasonable in light of those costs. The Court found that the charge was only one part of a “larger regulatory scheme” to educate and promote waste reduction, recycling, and reduction of impact of disposable bags on the environment. x The Court also found that the charge was “reasonable” based on “a San Francisco waste- reduction study that found the cost of subsidizing recycling costs for plastic and paper bags was $0.17 per bag” and (2) the City’s analysis of its recycling costs for such bags. On this basis, the Court held that a $0.20 fee per bag bears a reasonable relationship to the costs of the regulatory scheme it was assessed to fund and did not need to exactly match the cost of providing the service or regulating the activity (the cost of permitting the use of such bags). Comprehensive Approach Case Study – Palo Alto Population: 66,666 Disposable Bag Policy (2008) The City of Palo Alto began addressing single-use plastics in 2008 with the adoption of its Retail and Food Service Establishment Checkout Bag Requirements Ordinance which banned the distribution of single-use plastic carry-out bags from grocery stores. After subsequent creek cleanup events showed that plastic bags were still prevalent in local creeks and on streets, the policy was updated in 2013 to include all retailers and food service establishments. The updated ordinance also required a 10-cent fee on all paper and reusable bags that were distributed to deter the use of single-use paper bags. In 2019, the policy was updated again to ban the distribution of single-use plastic bags for produce, meat, and bulk food bags and require these bags to be certified compostable (paper or bioplastic). The city’s policy is now one of the most comprehensive in the country because it affects many different business types, including all retailers and food service establishments, and many different types of single-use plastic bags, including carry-out bags as well as meat, produce and bulk food bags. Key drivers for success x Other local policies: Palo Alto’s plastic bag ban followed in the footsteps of other California cities including San Francisco and Santa Monica. x Store leadership: Three of the city’s seven supermarkets had stopped distributing plastic bags as the city was exploring the policy. x Community support: Public and City Council supported exploring policy options. Local nonprofits dedicated to the reduction of plastic pollution were helpful in garnering community support. Effectiveness at meeting local goals x City data from creek cleanups showed a 90% reduction in the amount of plastic bags in the creeks after ordinance went into effect. x Compliance checks conducted by the city after implementation in 2008 found that over 90% of businesses complied with the policy. Future compliance checks will be conducted through the ATTACHMENT 4 2 Zero Waste group and will be scheduled after the next phase of the ordinance goes into effect in January 2020. x Through a survey, Palo Alto saw a sharp decline in plastic bag use and an increase in the use of reusable bags following its plastic bag ban. However, paper bag use increased immediately in response to the plastic bag ban. Paper bag use sharply decreased once the city implemented a fee on paper bags in 2013, and this led to a further increase in reusable bags and customers not using any bags. From 2008-2015, overall plastic bag use has declined from over 50% of bags used to zero, and over 75% of bag use is now reusable bags or no bag. Significant challenges faced x Opposition from plastics industry: The American Chemistry Council and Dart Container Corp., one of the largest manufacturers of polystyrene foam food containers, lobbied against the policy and testified before the city council. The industry group SavethePlasticBag.com also threatened the city with a lawsuit. The California Restaurant Association also closely echoed the concerns of the plastic industry representatives. x Fee: State law prohibits California cities from collecting a bag fee from retailers so retailers keep the entire 10-cent fee on all paper or reusable checkout bags sold. Disposable Foodware Policy (2019) In 2019, Palo Alto adopted the Disposable Foodware Reduction Plan, which is a three-phase program with the goal to eliminate the use of disposable foodware items and switch to reusable items in order to protect local watersheds and oceans, reduce litter, encourage Zero Waste, and reduce contamination in the composting program. The first phase of this plan was implemented in 2019 with the passage of the Disposable Foodware Items and Other Disposable Products Ordinance, which banned single-use plastic foodware accessory items including plastic straws, plastic utensils, plastic drink stirrers, plastic drink plugs, plastic food and drink picks, plastic drink accoutrements, and plastic produce bags. Businesses are required to provide only reusable or compostable alternatives, and these products must be offered only upon request or via a self-serve station. The policy applies to any business in Palo Alto that serves food, including restaurants, bars, delis, grocery stores, food trucks, hotels, convenience stores, and cafeterias. Hospitals were exempted from the program. The goal of the Disposable Foodware Reduction Plan: x Reduce the amount of single-use, disposable foodware generated in Palo Alto x Encourage the use of reusable foodware x Ensure that single-use disposable items are either recycled or composted The plan has a phased approach: x Phase 1 – 2019: Disposable Foodware Items and Other Disposable Products Ordinance o Bans single-use plastic foodware accessory items such as straws and stirrers. 3 o Requires compostable or reusable alternatives are offered only upon request or via a self-serve station. x Phase 2 – 2021 o Charge for disposable cups and containers o Require reusable foodware for dine-in customers o Require all new construction for food service establishments to install a dishwasher x Phase 3 – 2025 o Ban all single-use disposable foodware for take-out o Require all food service establishments to have one of the following services to support reusable foodware: ƒHave a dishwasher on site ƒSign-up for dishwasher service ƒSign-up for reusable foodware service program o Require reusable foodware for take-out, including allowing residents to bring their own containers and/or implementing a citywide reusable food container rental/return program (see p. 59 for current pilot programs) Key drivers for success x Mitigate environmental impact: Palo Alto has a strong history of support for reducing waste, reducing the amount of plastics in oceans, decreasing litter in the community and reducing its climate impact. x Support for compostables in business survey: The city’s survey of food businesses ĨŽƵŶĚЫŽĨ food service establishments already utilized some form of compostable foodware and 52% reported it would be easy to switch to compostable products. x Local community partners: The city partnered with Girl Scouts and a local high school biology class to conduct business surveys. Several nonprofits and community advocacy groups submitted a letter of support to the city and encouraged the city to take bolder action. Local stakeholders promoted not using plastic disposables and reducing use at local community events (i.e. farmer’s market). x ReThink Disposable proves success stories at local businesses: The city signed a 3-year contract with ReThink, a technical assistance program provided by the City of Palo Alto Watershed Protection and Clean Water Action and Clean Water Fund. This program helps businesses, institutions, governments, and consumers reduce waste and associated costs by targeting disposable packaging items through outreach and education, and conducted local business case studies to show waste reduction and cost savings. Effectiveness at meeting local goals x The ordinance is expected to reduce waste by 290 tons per year and save 470 tons of carbon pollution once fully implemented. x ReThink Disposables Report on how businesses in Palo Alto successfully reduced disposable foodware showed the effectiveness of minimizing disposable foodware: 111 businesses were 4 recruited and provided with outreach materials; 14 businesses were ReThink certified and found that 1,123,443 single-use foodware items were eliminated annually and had $32,023 combined total annual net-savings. Significant challenges faced x Council members were concerned with the availability of compostable foodware items. x Businesses were primarily concerned about the additional cost of compostable items, the difficulty in finding replacements and that these products would still result in litter. Supporting City Policies and Plans for Bags and Food Serviceware x Palo Alto’s Bag Ordinance was adopted in 2008 to ban the distribution of single-use plastic bags at grocery stores. This was updated in 2013 to require a 10-cent fee on paper and reusable bags sold by the retailer, and to include all food service establishments. (There is no charge for customers to bring their own bags. However, retailers cannot provide reusable bags for free and must charge a minimum fee on any bags sold to the customer in order to reduce the distribution of any free bags of any type.) In 2019, the ordinance was updated again to include produce, meat, and bulk food bags, and require them to be reusable or certified compostable. x The Expanded Polystyrene and Non-Recyclable Food Service Containers Ordinance was adopted in 2009 and updated in 2016. The policy prohibits foodservice and retail establishments from distributing prepared food in plastic foam or other non-recyclable plastic food service containers. o City facilities and events are prohibited from using disposable food service containers made from plastic foam or non-recyclable plastic. x In 2017, guidelines were updated to prohibit city staff from using Petty Cash and procurement cards to purchase polystyrene products, bottled water, and other plastic products. x The 2018 City of Palo Alto Zero Waste Plan has a goal of 95% waste diversion by 2030. x The Disposable Foodware Reduction Plan was put together in 2018 by the Zero Waste Group, which is a roadmap for the city to switch from disposable foodware items to reusable foodware. x The Disposable Foodware Items and Other Disposable Products Ordinance was adopted in 2019, banning plastic: straws, utensils, stirrers, beverage plugs, and produce bags. Alternative products must be compostable and can only be provided upon request or at a self-serve station. x The Municipal Regional Stormwater Permit requires the city to eliminate storm drain litter by 2022. Ballot Timing Considerations This attachment provides context for timing for a question included in the April or November election. Descriptions include references to “submitting a ballot question” and “referring an ordinance” which are two different options for how Council may place a plastic policy on the ballot. More description and details on these options are presented in the Mechanisms section of the AIS. April considerations x Considerations by ballot mechanism: o If Council wants to submit a ballot question on the April 2021 ballot, it must do so by Resolution. In order to provide optimal time for preparation of the ballot, the preferred date to do so is February 2, 2021. The last possible date to do so is February 16, 2021. o If Council wants to adopt an ordinance and then refer it to the voters in April, second reading of the ordinance could occur no later than February 16. First reading could occur on February 2, or at an adjourned meeting on February 9. x The cost to add an additional item to the April ballot is negligible, unless the total number and length of candidate races and ballot measures will not fit on a standard 8.5” x 11” ballot. An 8.5” by 14” ballot will increase material and mailing costs. Staff support x Ordinance development x Online survey-based engagement between early December and January 31st x City Clerk’s support for election-related matters x City Attorney’s Office support for developing language November considerations x If Council determines it would rather target voter consideration at the November 2021 election, action to do so would need to occur no later than August 17. x The cost to participate in a November election is based on three factors: o The number of entities participating in the election; o The number of registered voters in the City; and o Whether the City has any ballot issues required to be included in the TABOR notice. x If the State of Colorado participates in the election, it pays $.80 per active voter in the County, thereby reducing the costs to be borne by all other participating entities. x Until the participating entities for a November election are known, which can be as late as early September, there is really no way to estimate potential cost to the City to participate. x The following table shows historical costs of November elections in which the City participated: Election Date Cost Questions on Ballot TABOR Notice In-City Voters Ballots Cast Nov 2017 $ 68,690 Authorization to revise medical marijuana provisions and a Charter amendment relating to Broadband No 118,082 38,097 Nov 2016 $129,436 Retention of excess KFCG revenue Yes 123,641 85,570 ATTACHMENT 5 Nov 2015 $ 61,425 Broadband No 94,912 31,404 Nov 2013 $ 39,579 Fracking moratorium No 96,824 43,562 Nov 2012 $292,276 Repeal of ban on medical marijuana No 93,075 80,595 Nov 2011 $ 16,125 Ban on medical marijuana NO 71,251 37,053 Bold italics indicates a Presidential election year Staff support x Ordinance development x Online survey-based engagement x Stakeholder meetings (pending COVID-19 developments may be possible by November, likely not possible in the April timeframe even if virtual) Paths to April Election Depending on the mechanism (Council initiative or referendum), the following dates reflect two possible paths to the April election. Council initiative. Council may submit any question or proposed ordinance or resolution to the voters. Dec 8 - Single Use Plastics Ballot Item Discussion to gain clarity on policy elements and other logistics. Dec 16 – Jan 31 – Online engagement around the elements of a plastic policy. Dec 15 - Council resolution to pursue a ballot measure and direct staff to prepare the ballot language/ordinance with specific elements as discussed on December 8. Jan 12 - Present ballot language and ordinance for feedback from Council aligned to the Dec 15 resolution. Feb 2 - Council passes resolution to submit the ballot question to the April election via Council initiative.. After this point, Environmental Services staff can no longer engage in any engagement on the issue. City Clerk’s office manages the logistics of the ballot process. April election Council referendum. Council may refer any adopted ordinance or resolution to a vote of the people. Dec 8 - Single Use Plastics Ballot Item Discussion to gain clarity on policy elements and other logistics. Dec 15 - Council resolution to pursue a ballot measure and direct staff to prepare the ballot language/ordinance with specific elements as discussed on December 8. Dec 16 – Jan 31 – Online engagement around the elements of a plastic policy. Jan 12 – Council work session to provide feedback on proposed plastic policy ordinance. Feb 2 a) First reading of plastic policy ordinance. Feb 16 a) Second reading of plastic policy ordinance. b) Council resolution to refer the ordinance to the April ballot via Council referendum. ATTACHMENT 6 City Clerk’s office manages the logistics of the ballot process. April election 0LWLJDWLQJ3ODVWLFV3ROOXWLRQ -DFTXHOLQH.R]DN7KLHODQG0ROO\6D\ORU  ATTACHMENT 7 4XHVWLRQVWR&RXQFLO ϭ͘ tŚĂƚĂƌĞŽƵŶĐŝůŵĞŵďĞƌƉƌĞĨĞƌĞŶĐĞƐŽŶƚŚĞŽƵƚůŝŶĞĚĚĞĐŝƐŝŽŶ ƉŽŝŶƚƐ͍  675$7(*,& $/,*10(17 (QYLURQPHQWDO+HDOWK ‡ =HURZDVWH ‡ 3RXGUH5LYHUKHDOWK %8'*(7 0LGF\FOHIXQGLQJ ‡ .HDFKIRU PDFURSODVWLFVDQG PLFURSODVWLFV 3ODVWLFV3ROOXWLRQ  &281&,/ 35,25,7< 3ODVWLFV3ROOXWLRQ ‡ 0LFURSODVWLFV ‡ 0DFURSODVWLFV 'HFLVLRQ3RLQWV 7\SHRISROLF\ %XVLQHVVHVLPSDFWHG 0HFKDQLVP 2WKHUDGGLWLRQV ‰%DQ ‰)HH± SODVWLF ‰)HH± SODVWLFDQG SDSHU ‰+\EULG ‰/DUJHJURFHUV ‰$OOJURFHUV ‰$OOIRRGVHUYLFH ‰$OOUHWDLOHUV ‰,QLWLDWLYH ‰5HIHUHQGXP ‰$FFHVVRU\LWHPV ‰6W\URIRDP ‰3ODWHVFXSVHWF ‰)XWXUH FRQVLGHUDWLRQ 2&)  6\VWHPV$SSURDFK  ‡ &RPSUHKHQVLYHDSSURDFK ‡ 7UDGHRIIVZLWKDOWHUQDWLYHV ‡ 6\VWHPVDSSURDFK ‡ 0XOWLSOHV\VWHPVFKDQJHVQHHGHGWRIXOO\ DGGUHVVSODVWLFSROOXWLRQ ‡ 2XU&OLPDWH)XWXUH%LJDQG1H[W0RYHV ‡ &LUFXODU(FRQRP\ ‡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‡ 2QOLQHVXUYH\WRROVIRUHQJDJHPHQWDQGFRPPHQWVRQEDOORW ODQJXDJHDQGUHODWHGRUGLQDQFH ‡ %HJLQ0LG'HFHPEHU ‡ (QG-DQXDU\ 0HFKDQLVP ŽƵŶĐŝůŝŶŝƚŝĂƚŝǀĞ͘ŽƵŶĐŝůŵĂLJƐƵďŵŝƚĂŶLJƋƵĞƐƚŝŽŶŽƌƉƌŽƉŽƐĞĚ ŽƌĚŝŶĂŶĐĞŽƌƌĞƐŽůƵƚŝŽŶƚŽƚŚĞǀŽƚĞƌƐ͘ ŽƵŶĐŝůƌĞĨĞƌĞŶĚƵŵ͘ŽƵŶĐŝůŵĂLJƌĞĨĞƌĂŶLJĂĚŽƉƚĞĚ ŽƌĚŝŶĂŶĐĞŽƌ ƌĞƐŽůƵƚŝŽŶƚŽĂǀŽƚĞŽĨƚŚĞƉĞŽƉůĞ͘  2WKHU$GGLWLRQV  3RO\VW\UHQH 6W\URIRDP )RRGZDUH $FFHVVRU\LWHPV %HVW3UDFWLFH3ROLF\(OHPHQWV ,PSOHPHQWDWLRQ (QIRUFHPHQW 3ROLF\UHVLOLHQFH 0D\ 2QH\HDUSRVW HOHFWLRQ ‡ &RPSOLDQFHDXGLW  GDWDFROOHFWLRQ ‡ &LYLOSHQDOWLHV ‡ $QQXDOUHSRUWLQJ ‡ 3XEOLFKHDOWK ‡ 6XSSO\FKDLQ ‡ 6WDUWGDWH ‡ (TXLW\  *Assumes Council initiative 6WDIIUHFRPPHQGDWLRQDFURVVEDQIHHRUK\EULGSROLF\ 'HFLVLRQ3RLQWV 7\SHRISROLF\ %XVLQHVVHVLPSDFWHG 0HFKDQLVP 2WKHUDGGLWLRQV ‰%DQ ‰)HH± SODVWLF ‰)HH± SODVWLFDQG SDSHU ‰+\EULG ‰/DUJHJURFHUV ‰$OOJURFHUV ‰$OOIRRGVHUYLFH ‰$OOUHWDLOHUV ‰,QLWLDWLYH ‰5HIHUHQGXP ‰$FFHVVRU\LWHPV ‰6W\URIRDP ‰3ODWHVFXSVHWF ‰)XWXUH FRQVLGHUDWLRQ 2&)  4XHVWLRQVWR&RXQFLO ϭ͘ tŚĂƚĂƌĞŽƵŶĐŝůŵĞŵďĞƌƉƌĞĨĞƌĞŶĐĞƐŽŶƚŚĞŽƵƚůŝŶĞĚĚĞĐŝƐŝŽŶ ƉŽŝŶƚƐ͍  1Mitigating Plastics Pollution Molly Saylor 12-15-2020 ATTACHMENT 2 STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT Environmental Health •4.4 Zero waste •4.9 Poudre River health BUDGET Midcycle funding •$35K each for macroplastics and microplastics Plastics Pollution 2 COUNCIL PRIORITY Plastics Pollution •Microplastics •Macroplastics Council Preferences Ty pe of policy Businesses impacted Mechanism Other additions q Ban q Fee –plastic q Fee –plastic and paper ü Hybrid ü Large grocers q All grocers q All food service q All retailers q Initiative ü Referendum q Accessory items q Expanded polystyrene q Plates, cups, etc. q Future consideration - OCF 3 Optional Wording Ty pe of policy Businesses impacted Mechanism Other additions q Ban q Fee –plastic q Fee –plastic and paper q Hybrid q Large grocers !Al l grocers !Al l food service !Al l retailers q Initiative q Referendum v Ac cessory items v Expanded polystyrene q Plates, cups, etc. q Future consideration - OCF 4 ! =clarity needed v = optional wording Policy Details Implementation Enforcement Risk Mitigation •May 2022 (One-year post election) •Income qualified fee exemption •Compliance audit & data collection •Civil penalties •Annual reporting including performance measures •Public health •Supply chain •Start date •Equity 5 Plastic Pollution Ballot Resolution Resolution directs staff to prepare ballot language with the following policy elements and logistical considerations: •Staff recommended base case •Hybrid approach –ban plastic bags, fee on paper •Large grocers •Referendum •Optional language for further business types and items 6 -1- RESOLUTION 2020-118 OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS GIVING STAFF DIRECTION ON NEXT STEPS FOR CITY COUNCIL ADOPTION OF PLASTIC POLLUTION MITIGATION STRATEGIES WHEREAS, City Council has identified plastics pollution as a priority concern for the City to mitigate, which aligns with the community’s Road to Zero Waste goal to produce zero waste by 2030 and its goal to sustain and improve the health of the Cache la Poudre River and its watershed; and WHEREAS, because plastic makes up about 10% of landfilled as “municipal solid waste”, mitigating plastic pollution will be a necessary component of achieving the City’s goal of producing zero waste by 2030; and WHEREAS, City Council funded midcycle budget offers to conduct plastic pollution reduction awareness and engagement during 2020 and fund a study to address a study of microplastic pollution in the local Cache la Poudre River and other waterways; and WHEREAS, City Council has discussed various options for mitigating single-use plastic pollution, while continuing to study microplastic pollution, at three Council Work Sessions on February 11,2020, October 27, 2020, and December 8, 2020; and WHEREAS, City Council wishes to direct City staff to develop for Council’s consideration a plastic pollution ordinance as described herein: and WHEREAS, City Council further intends to adopt an ordinance and refer it to a vote of the of Fort Collins’ voters. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS as follows: Section 1. That the City Council hereby makes any and all determinations and findings contained in the recitals set forth above. Section 2. That Council hereby directs that staff prepare and present to Council for consideration an ordinance containing the following elements: A. Ban on distribution of single-use plastic bags and fee on paper bags, applicable to large retail grocers with a place of business in the City of Fort Collins; and B. Said ban and fee to commence May 1, 2022; and C. Set a not to exceed maximum for the paper bag fee and limit any portion of the fee returned to the City to no more than the reasonable costs of a defined plastic pollution mitigation and solid waste reduction program to be approved by Council; and -2- D. Include an exemption to the paper bag fee for low income residents; and E. Include provisions for compliance audit of and data collection from retailers subject to the ban and fee and civil penalties for violation of the ordinance, and F. Include provision allowing suspension of program requirements as deemed necessary due to public health emergencies or other unforeseen circumstances. G. Require monitoring and annual reporting to Council on equity impacts, compliance and outcomes, including performance metrics related to number and type of bags distributed, presence of single-use plastic bags in the environment as a percentage of litter removed from sensitive areas such as Natural Areas and the Poudre River; and H. Include language affirming Council’s commitment to evaluating and adjusting, whether by expanding, contracting or modifying, the requirements and provisions of the ordinance based on stakeholder engagement or other unforeseen circumstances. Passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Fort Collins this 15th day of December, A.D. 2020. __________________________________ Mayor ATTEST: _____________________________ City Clerk