April 26, 2022
Sylvia Tatman-Burruss, Sr. Project Manager
Travis Storin, Chief Financial Officer
City Council
East Mulberry Potential Annexation Lenses and Scenario Review.
The purpose of this item is to provide Council with an overview of the potential annexation phasing lenses,
assumptions, and corresponding financial modeling.
1. What aspects of each scenario would Council like to prioritize to further refine toward a potential future
annexation scenario?
2. What questions remain for Council regarding potential annexation phasing?
The “Project” is generally defined in two interrelated parts: the East Mulberry Plan and the Annexation Phasing
Analysis. The current 2002 Area Plan for the East Mulberry is in need of updating to al ign with current area
conditions, development standards, and recently -adopted plans for Larimer County and the City of Fort Collins.
The major deliverables of the entire project are:
• An assessment of existing infrastructure conditions and recommended futu re City infrastructure investments
and programs, consistent with the East Mulberry Plan;
• A revenue and cost estimate associated with potential future annexation and infrastructure and operational
needs, including potential annexation phasing options by subarea;
• Update to the East Mulberry Plan (previously known as the East Mulberry Corridor Plan) that captures the
community’s desired vision for the next 20-30 years, consistent with City Plan and current Larimer County
• Analysis for short-, mid- and long-term implementation strategies upon potential annexation.
A thorough Annexation Assessment will provide a balanced understanding of the benefits and tradeoffs of
implementing the East Mulberry Plan vision, should the area come into the City’s juris diction. It will also include
several scenarios for how the potential annexation could be phased over time to address the additional costs of
providing City services.
Annexation of land has been a tool used by t he City of Fort Collins since the 1800s. Fort Collins grew primarily to
the south by annexation of “greenfields” (or former farmland) through sale and development proposals. The East
Mulberry area grew somewhat independently on the outskirts of town beginn ing in the 1940s. Inexpensive land
that was prone to flooding formed the basis of industrial development in the area. The area continued to urbanize
through the decades and is now surrounded by Fort Collins City Limits.
April 26, 2022 Page 2
Intergovernmental Agreement and the Growth Management Area
Generally, the City of Fort Collins services urbanized areas in ways set out by the City’s Strategic Plan and the
City’s Comprehensive Plan, known as City Plan. These policies guide urban development and set urban provision
standards of service. In the early 2000s, elected officials and staff from City of Fort Collins and Larimer County set
out to define an urban growth boundary (the “Growth Management Area” or “GMA”) that would delineate areas for
urban and rural development. The Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) outlines situations where annexation of a
given parcel will occur upon receipt of a development proposal and areas where an enclave is created through
Continued Analysis of Annexation Scenario Planning
While Council may decide to hold off on annexation of the East Mulberry enclave, there may still benefits to
continue to model assumptions and analyze potential outcomes to phased annexation:
• A well-designed model can be updated in the future to reflect current cond itions and assumptions
• The model could be used as one tool to understand the opportunities, benefits and drawbacks of updating the
Intergovernmental Agreement between City of Fort Collins and Larimer County
In this section, phasing scenarios are articulated through text and visuals to depict the priorities, assumptions,
potential “benefits” or “drawbacks” to each scenario based on previously stated priorities by Council, community
members, and City staff. For each of the follow ing scenarios, the analysis presented reflects a twenty -year
timeframe and assumes annexation of all areas within the enclave. Depending on the timing of when a particular
sub-area is annexed into the City, additional operating costs and capital will fall outside the twenty-year timeframe
presented. For each Scenario, four breakouts are provided (Governmental Operating and Capital; Utilities
Operating and Capital). The twenty-year timeframe is grouped into four 5-year periods (Immediate, Short Term,
Medium Term and Long Term).
These scenarios are theoretical and assume annexation within given periods of time. These scenarios can be
adjusted by changing the underlying assumptions to produce different results. None of these scenarios are meant
to be “staff recommendations” and are instead a starting point for conversation and analysis.
1. Economic Opportunity - Emphasizes economic development and vitality in the area
2. Residential Enhancement - Emphasizes connectivity, utilities, and other social priorities
3. Environment & Hazard Protection - Emphasizes environmental buffers, flood mitigation
4. Fiscal Health for City - Emphasizes fiscal impact to City of annexation, including existing priorities, risks, and
5. The Gateway Community - Emphasizes improvements and reinvestment potential for the Mulberry Corridor,
including the highway and frontage roads
1. Scenario 1 - Economic Opportunity (Refer to Attachment 1 for corresponding map)
This scenario prioritizes the annexation of properties with potential for new industrial and service commercial uses
to be added to the city through annexation of existing businesses or creating opportunities for new businesse s to
locate in the city.
April 26, 2022 Page 3
Phasing Assumptions
• Prioritizes the annexation of Subareas 3, 4, and 1 first. This is meant to maximize development potential on
undeveloped industrial land concentrated in the eastern portion of Subarea 4. Also prioritizes annexa tion of
existing businesses in subarea 4 and Subarea 3.
• Prioritizes stormwater improvements to benefit subareas 1, 4, and 5 to create potential for new or renewed
• Maximizes potential for new business attraction through undeveloped land at the I-25/Mulberry interchange
and at the airpark/industrial park area
• Prioritizes support opportunities for existing businesses from city programs and through improvements to
support existing areas
Fiscal Impacts: Scenario 1 - Economic Opportunity (refer to bar charts in Attachment 1)
2. Scenario 2 - Residential Preservation and Enhancement (Refer to Attachment 1 for corresponding
Prioritizes the annexation of existing residential neighborhoods to the south and those areas to the nort h, which
may be developed within the first phase of annexation. Resource allocation focuses on improving their quality of
services within the first phase, and later on infrastructure improvements in electricity service and broadband
Phasing Assumptions
• Prioritizes annexation of residential neighborhoods to the south (Subarea 2) and north (Subarea 5) with the
short-term annexation of Subarea 3, which would allow for electricity and broadband internet infrastructure to
be brought through the E Mulberry corridor.
• Prioritizes stormwater improvements in Subareas 2 to address existing stormwater issues
• Prioritizes stormwater improvements to benefit subareas 1, 4, and 5 to create potential for new or renewed
• Addresses the interests and concerns of the largest number of potential residents
• Could trigger the need for additional investments in stormwater and road improvements.
• May choose to address inequities in service levels and quality of infrastructure
Fiscal Impacts: Scenario 2 - Residential Enhancement (refer to bar charts in Attachment 1)
3. Scenario 3 - Environment & Hazard Protection (Refer to Attachment 1 for corresponding map)
Prioritize the annexation of areas that need improvements to address environmental and hazard concerns. These
include natural resources such as the Cooper Slough (Subarea 1), part of the Poudre River watershed (Subarea
2), and Dry Creek stormwater issues (Subarea 4)
Phasing Assumptions
• Prioritizes annexation of Subareas 1, 2, and 4 to address stor mwater issues
• Assumes faster business development activity in Subareas 1 and 4.
• Addresses hazard concerns and liabilities
• Greater upfront investment and doesn’t maximize potential for new residential development to support
improvement costs
Fiscal Impacts: Scenario 3 - Environment & Hazard Protection (refer to bar charts in Attachment 1)
April 26, 2022 Page 4
4. Scenario 4 - Fiscal Health for City (Refer to Attachment 1 for corresponding map)
Prioritize the annexation of property/subareas with development pla ns and vacant properties with expected
development potential and areas that will generate revenues for capital and/or on -going improvements in the near
Phasing Assumptions
• Prioritize annexation of Subarea 3 and 1 to maximize utility service and tax r evenue
• Light and Power (along with Broadband) built on schedule that maximizes leverage with other potential
service extensions
• Increases property tax and sales tax growth (indirect from new residents)
• Increases opportunity to recoup capital expenditures
• City fiscal constraints may contribute to longer timeframes in addressing interests and concerns of area
Fiscal Impacts: Scenario 4 - Fiscal Health of City (refer to bar charts in Attachment 1)
5. Scenario 5 - Gateway Community (Refer to Attachment 1 for corresponding map)
Prioritize safety, aesthetic improvements, and reinvestment potential for the Mulberry Corridor including the
highway and frontage roads through direct investment and through partnership with the Colorado Departm ent of
Transportation (CDOT).
Phasing Assumptions
• Prioritizes annexation of Subarea 3 immediately
• Prioritizes investments in the central portion of Subarea 1 as part of the Gateway area to the community.
• Could lead to improvements along major city gateway due to L&P & Broadband investments upfront
• Provides more control over the Mulberry Street in the short term, including sign code and other Land Use
Code standards
• Is likely to stimulate commercial infill and redevelopment of underutilized sites
• Addresses health and safety concerns in the Subareas 1 and 3.
• Could require some upfront stormwater investment
• May address some of area resident concerns over time, especially related to multi-modal access along E
• Improved residential neighborhood access to the East Mulberry travel corridor is delayed
Fiscal Impacts: Scenario 5 - Gateway Community (refer to bar charts in Attachment 1)
The section below provides a high-level financial comparison of the five modeled scenarios. For each scenario,
the total Operating Margin and Capital Margin is presented for each 5-year period and in total for the twenty-year
evaluation timeframe.
Scenario Comparisons - Governmental Fiscal Impacts (refer to bar charts in Attachment 1)
Scenario Comparisons - Utilities Fiscal Impacts (refer to bar charts in Attachment 1)
April 26, 2022 Page 5
The original project timeline envisioned the review of the draft plan occurring ahead of the annexation scenario
discussion to make sure the future goals and vision for the East Mulberry area were aligned with Council goals
and priorities. The proposed, updated timeline prioritizes annexation scenario planning and discussion ahead of
draft plan review to allow Councilmembers to understand the decision-making framework and timeline to inform
the plan-making process.
Updated Timeline for 2022:
• March 8: Reviewed Goals and Big Ideas for East Mulberry Plan and Reviewed Annexation Scenario
• April 26 Work Session: Review Draft Annexation Phasing Scenarios
• Summer: Consider the refined financial assumptions presented on April 26 and discuss refined timeline and
scenarios for annexation
• Fall/Winter: Review Draft of the East Mulberry Plan and discuss final annexation scenarios
This timeline reflects a pivot to include more framing and context for annexation decision-making ahead of the
East Mulberry Plan draft review. This framing and context will include exploration of financial assumptions based
on things such as capital expenditures, future development potential and timing in th e potential annexation
phasing conversation.
Community Advisory Group Members (area residents and business-owners):
• Jesse Eastman, Jeffrey McClure, Mike Brown, Tom Larson, Amy Young, Bill DeMoss, Stan McGarvey, Erika
Ashauer, Carol Cochran, Cynthia Freeman, Louis Abrams, Craig McKee, Dave Marvin, and Wayne Hunter
1. Scenario Maps and Fiscal Impact Charts (PDF)
2. Powerpoint Presentation (PDF)
ATTACHMENT 1: This attachment corresponds to the text in the AIS
East Mulberry Scenario Maps and Fiscal Impact Charts
Scenario 1 - Economic Opportunity
Fiscal Impacts: Scenario 1 – Economic Opportunity
Scenario 2 - Residential Preservation and Enhancement
Fiscal Impacts: Scenario 2 – Residential Enhancement
Scenario 3 - Environment & Hazard Protection
Fiscal Impacts: Scenario 3 – Environment & Hazard Protection (refer to bar charts in Attachment 2)
Scenario 4 - Fiscal Health for City
Fiscal Impacts: Scenario 4 – Fiscal Health of City (refer to bar charts in Attachment 2)
Scenario 5 - Gateway Community
Fiscal Impacts: Scenario 5 – Gateway Community
Scenario Comparisons - Governmental Fiscal Impacts
Scenario Comparisons – Utilities Fiscal Impacts
East Mulberry Potential Annexation Lenses & Phasing
April 26, 2022
City Council Work Session
Tr avis Storin / Sylvia Tatman-Burruss / David Lenz
East Mulberry Map 2
1.Review timeline
2.Update on engagement
3.Annexation Lenses & Phasing
4Timeline/Work Plan Update
March 8th
Review Goals and Big
Ideas for East Mulberry
Review Annexation
Scenario Framework
April 26th
Review financial
Review Draft Potential
Annexation Phasing
Review Draft of the East
Mulberry Plan
Discuss final potential
annexation scenarios
Consider refined financial
assumptions, timeline
and scenarios for
potential annexation
New Ti meline (2022):
Advisory Group Meeting
Key Takeaways and Perspectives
·Support for annexation in hopes of eventually benefitting from
increased resources and attention toward transportation,
policing, stormwater, and other topics
·Concerns and surprise that annexation was in question
·Desire for greater connectivity, continuity, and safety for
different modes of transportation.
·Preference to start with Mulberry Corridor and the I-25
Annexation Lenses &
•I-25 and East Mulberry consistently noted as
an area where business success is partially
impeded by safety issues not adequately
addressed by current law enforcement
•actively requested to be annexed early to
mitigate law enforcement deficiencies
•Aesthetic improvements along the East
Mulberry frontage
•Hwy is dangerous to access by all
transportation modes
Stormwater Improvements
•The service-area/Industrial park southwest
of the old airport and directly east of Home
Depot and W almart is severely affected by
stormwater infrastructure deficiencies and
flooding related to Dry Creek
Housing and Transit
•Mechanisms for affordable housing
preservation can be utilized in these
•Investments in transportation mobility on key
corridors (e.g., Summit View)
Priorities by Subareas
Based on precedent from previous annexations, a phased approach is recommended.
•Allows for allocation of resources over time
•Allows time for revenue generation ahead of other phases
•Allows for better community engagement ahead of each phase
9Phasing Lenses
Phasing Lenses
Each lens focuses on one priority area. Other priority areas are still present
but might be delayed or resourced differently.
Emphasizes fiscal
impact to City of
annexation, including
existing priorities, risks,
and timing
Fiscal Health for
environmental buffers,
flood mitigation
Environmental &
Hazard Protection
Emphasizes economic
development and vitality
in the area
connectivity, utilities,
and other social
The Gateway
Emphasizes improvements
and reinvestment potential
for the Mulberry Corridor,
including the highway and
frontage roads
Fiscal Impact Model 10
Annexation Area
Jobs Households
=Persons Served
Revenues Expenses Net Fiscal Impacts
Ø Governmental
Ø Property Tax
Ø Sales/Use Tax
Ø Fees/Permits/Charges
for Services
Ø Utilities
Ø Rate/fee revenue
Ø Governmental
Ø Utilities:
Ø Governmental
Ø Full suite of
governmental services
Ø Utilities
Ø L&P, Stormwater and
Ø Governmental
Ø Specific identified
projects (Parks)
Ø Utilities:
Ø L&P –connectivity
including acquisition
costs from existing
providers (PVREA/Xcel)
Ø Broadband -Buildout
Ø Stormwater –specific
identified projects
Ø Governmental
Ø Annual Net Fiscal
Ø Total Net Fiscal Impacts
Ø Utilities
Ø Annual Net Fiscal
Ø Total Net Fiscal Impacts
Ø Governmental
Ø Total Net Fiscal Impacts
Ø Utilities
Ø Total Net Fiscal Impacts
11Financial Analysis Framework
•Separate analysis is provided for Governmental and Utilities
•Expenses and revenues are calculated within the subarea designations
•Constant $ assumed (no rate, revenue or cost inflation)
•20-year timeframe
•Summarized into 5-yr increments:
•Immediate, Short Term, Medium Term and Long Term
•Depending on assumptions around timing of sub-area annexations, additional capital (and
continuing operating costs) will be incurred past the 20-year horizon that is presented
Economically-Focused Phasing Option
•Prioritize the annexation of properties with
potential for new industrial and service
commercial uses
Phasing Assumptions
•Prioritizes the annexation of undeveloped
industrial land
•Prioritizes stormwater improvements to
benefit subareas 1, 4, and 5 to create potential
for new or renewed development.
•Maximizes potential for new business
attraction through undeveloped land at the I-
25/Mulberry interchange and at the airpark
•Prioritizes support opportunities for existing
businesses from city programs and through
improvements to support existing areas
13Scenario 1 (Economic Opportunity): Governmental Fiscal Impacts
•Quicker ramp up of
services in established
areas leads to quicker
expense build-up (police,
streets/traffic, other)
•Revenues build up from
existing residents &
•Large negative margin
•Includes investments in
new parks keyed to
resident increases over
•Revenue increases delayed
with later residential
development timeframe
Revenue $73
Expense $162
Margin ($89)
Totals - 20 yrs. ($M)
Revenue $38
Expense $16
Margin $22
Totals - 20 yrs. ($M)
14Scenario 1 (Economic Opportunity): Utilities Fiscal Impacts
•Assumes current rate structure
applied to all customers
•Assumes similar operating cost
structure to current averages
•Front loads capital investment
by bringing L&P & broadband
infrastructure through the E
Mulberry corridor
•Allows City to collect PIFs for
new development
•Acquisition costs (loss of
revenues or stranded
investments) to be recouped
through rate adjustments
Revenue $110
Expense $94
Margin $16
Totals - 20 yrs. ($M)
Revenue $9
Expense $138
Margin ($129)
Totals - 20 yrs. ($M)
Socially/Residential-Focused Scenario
•Prioritizes the annexation of existing
residential neighborhoods and improving
their quality of services and infrastructure.
Phasing Assumptions
•Prioritizes annexation from the south
(Subarea 2) and north (Subarea 5) with
Subarea 3 annexation to improve access.
•Prioritizes utilities’ investments to existing
and new residential areas
•Addresses the interests and concerns of the
largest number of potential residents
•Could trigger the need for additional
investments in stormwater and road
•May choose to address inequities in service
levels and quality of infrastructure
16Scenario 2 (Residential Enhancement): Governmental Fiscal Impacts
Revenue $62
Expense $111
Margin ($49)
Totals - 20 yrs. ($M)
Revenue $60
Expense $16
Margin $44
Totals - 20 yrs. ($M)
•Slower ramp up of services
in established areas leads
to slower expense build-up
(police, streets/traffic, other)
•Revenues build up slower
from existing residents &
•Relatively smaller negative
•Accelerated new residential
development provides
highest level of capital
revenue from subarea 5
17Scenario 2 (Residential Enhancement): Utilities Fiscal Impacts
•Similar annual operating margins
as in Scenario 1
•Assumes moderate upfront
investment for acquisition of
existing electrical infrastructure
•Assumes little new development
in existing residential areas
•Assumes large investment in
L&P and broadband internet in
last phase (subareas 1 and 4)
•Development PIFs increase with
earlier residential buildout
Revenue $111
Expense $92
Margin $18
Totals -20 yrs. ($M)
Revenue $10
Expense $138
Margin ($128)
Totals - 20 yrs. ($M)
•Prioritize the annexation of areas that need
improvements to address environmental and
hazard concerns.
Phasing Assumptions
•Prioritize annexation of Subareas 1, 2, and 4
to address stormwater issues
•Assumes faster business development
activity in Subareas 1 and 4.
•Addresses hazard concerns and liabilities
•Greater upfront investment and doesn’t
maximize potential for new residential
development to support improvement costs
Environment &
Hazard Protection
19Scenario 3 (Environment & Hazard Protection): Governmental Fiscal Impacts
•Similar to Scenario 1, quicker
ramp up of services in established
areas leads to quicker expense
build-up (police, streets/traffic,
•Revenues build up from existing
residents & businesses
•Large negative margin
•Accelerated park development
•Similar development profile to
Scenario 1 provides delayed
revenue increase
Revenue $76
Expense $164
Margin ($89)
Totals - 20 yrs.($M)
Revenue $42
Expense $16
Margin $26
Totals - 20 yrs. ($M)
20Scenario 3 (Environmental & Hazard Protection): Utilities Fiscal Impacts
•Highest total operating
margins from bringing on
existing business customers
•Assumes significant upfront
investment in infrastructure to
get new L&P and broadband
service out to businesses
within the I-25 gateway area
•New development revenues
spurred by these upfront
Revenue $120
Expense $102
Margin $19
Totals - 20 yrs.($M)
Revenue $11
Expense $138
Margin ($128)
Totals - 20 yrs. ($M)
•Prioritize the annexation of property/subareas
that will generate revenues for capital and/or
on-going improvements in near term
Phasing Assumptions
•Prioritize annexation of Subarea 3 and 1 to
maximize utility service and tax revenue
•Light and Power (along with Broadband) built
on schedule that maximizes leverage with
other potential service extensions
•increases property tax and sales tax growth
(indirect from new residents)
•Increases opportunity to recoup capital
•City fiscal constraints may contribute to
longer timeframes in addressing interests and
concerns of area residents
Fiscal Health for
22Scenario 4 (Fiscal Health for City): Governmental Fiscal Impacts
Revenue $52
Expense $100
Margin ($48)
Totals - 20 yrs. ($M)
Revenue $30
Expense $16
Margin $14
Totals - 20 yrs. ($M)
•Lowest level expense levels,
with slower ramp up of
services in established
areas, leads to slower
expense build-up (police,
streets/traffic, other).
Revenues build up slower
from existing residents &
•Relatively smaller negative
margin (similar to Scenario 2)
•Lowest level of capital
revenue from extended
development timeframes
23Scenario 4 (Fiscal Health for City): Utilities Fiscal Impacts
Revenue $70
Expense $61
Margin $9
Totals -20 yrs. ($M)
Revenue $7
Expense $138
Margin ($131)
Totals - 20 yrs. ($M)
•Lowest total operating margin
from bringing on customers
•Initial Infrastructure focused
along the E Mulberry corridor
•Similar capital profile to Scenario
Phasing Assumptions
•Prioritizes annexation of Subarea 3 and focus
on central portion of Subarea 1
•Could lead to improvements along major city
gateway due to L&P & Broadband
investments upfront
•Provides more control over the Mulberry
Street in the short term, including sign code
and other Land Use Code standards
•Is likely to stimulate commercial infill and
redevelopment of underutilized sites
•Addresses health and safety concerns in the
Subareas 1 and 3.
•Could require some upfront stormwater
•May address some of area resident concerns
over time, especially related to multi-modal
access along E Mulberry
•Improved residential neighborhood access to
the E Mulberry travel corridor is delayed
Gatew ay
25Scenario 5 (Gateway Community): Governmental Fiscal Impacts
Revenue $44
Expense $16
Margin $28
Totals - 20 yrs. ($M)
Revenue $64
Expense $126
Margin ($63)
Totals - 20 yrs.($M)
•Average operating revenue,
expense and margin
compared to the oth4
•Residential areas delayed
with the focus on E. Mulberry
business corridor
•Average level of capital
revenue from extended
residential development
26Scenario 5 (Gateway Community): Utilities Fiscal Impacts
Utilities Operating Assumptions
•Includes operating costs of
infrastructure after takeover from
PVREA to Light & Power
•Cost recovery through rate
adjustments within the area
Utilities Capital Assumptions
•Assumes moderate upfront
investment in electrical infrastructure
and moves that to the second phase
of annexation
•Assumes new development attraction
due to upfront electrical infrastructure
Revenue $10
Expense $138
Margin ($129)
Totals - 20 yrs. ($M)
Revenue $92
Expense $79
Margin $13
Totals -20 yrs. ($M)
27Scenario Comparison: Governmental Fiscal Impacts
Operating Margin ($M)
Immediate Short Term Medium Term Long Term To tal –20 Yrs.
Scenario 1 –Economic Opportunity ($13)($20)($23)($32)($89)
Scenario 2 –Residential Enhancement ($4)($10)($11)($24)($49)
Scenario 3 –Env. & Hazard Protection ($12)($20)($24)($32)($89)
Scenario 4 –Fiscal Health for City ($4)($7)($10)($27)($48)
Scenario 5 –Gateway Community ($4)($7)($21)($31)($63)
Capital Margin ($M)
Immediate Short Term Medium Term Long Term To tal –20 Yrs.
Scenario 1 –Economic Opportunity $3 ($0)$8 $11 $22
Scenario 2 –Residential Enhancement $3 $15 $15 $12 $44
Scenario 3 –Env. & Hazard Protection ($3)$1 $9 $19 $26
Scenario 4 –Fiscal Health for City $1 ($3)$6 $10 $14
Scenario 5 –Gateway Community $1 ($3)$17 $13 $28
28Scenario Comparison: Utilities Fiscal Impacts
Operating Margin ($M)
Immediate Short Term Medium Term Long Term To tal –20 Yrs.
Scenario 1 –Economic Opportunity $1 $3 $5 $7 $16
Scenario 2 –Residential Enhancement $1 $3 $5 $8 $18
Scenario 3 –Env. & Hazard Protection $1 $4 $6 $8 $19
Scenario 4 –Fiscal Health for City $0 $1 $3 $6 $9
Scenario 5 –Gateway Community $0 $1 $4 $8 $13
Capital Margin ($M)
Immediate Short Term Medium Term Long Term To tal –20 Yrs.
Scenario 1 –Economic Opportunity ($68)($42)$2 ($22)($129)
Scenario 2 –Residential Enhancement ($36)($15)$2 ($80)($128)
Scenario 3 –Env. & Hazard Protection ($94)($18)$3 ($19)($128)
Scenario 4 –Fiscal Health for City ($29)($43)$2 ($61)($131)
Scenario 5 –Gateway Community ($29)($43)($42)($16)($129)
29Questions for Council
1.What aspects of each scenario would Council like to prioritize to further refine toward a potential future
annexation scenario?
2.What questions remain for Council regarding potential annexation phasing?