March 23, 2021
Erin Shanley, Broadband Marketing Manager
Ginny Sawyer, Policy and Project Manager
City Council
Connexion Update.
The purpose of this item is to provide Council and the public with an overview and update of the Connexion
municipal fiber buildout.
What q uestions does Council have for the Connexion team?
The City Connexion team along with its partners Atlantic Engineering Group and OnTrac, continue to build and
install fiber to the home service throughout the City. This voter -app roved initiative began in 2018 and is on target
to complete the main buildout in 2022. Reliable broadband service for all is extremely important and Connexion is
providing this important broadband service while introducing beneficial competition into the market.
Since construction began in late 2018, Connexion now has residential, business, and digital equity customers, a
24/7 technical support team, and a majority of the city under design and/or construction.
Connexion remains in the tenuous positio n of keeping details regarding the build and customer base at a
minimum to ensure competitive stewardship. It is anticipated that by late Q2 2021, Connexion will be able to
provide more information with less risk.
Anticipated to Actuals
There are operational items that are different than outlined in the original 2017 -2018 feasibility and business plan.
These elements include product design, partnerships, and infrastructure assumptions. Some of these have been
enhancements and opportuni ties while others have been challenges. Staff and the governance structure have
allowed Connexion to be nimble and respond in timely and productive ways to all necessary revisions.
Initial Inputs Actual
70,000 premises 77,700 premises
72% vacant conduit 48% vacant conduit
Operate under normal business hours Provide 24/7, 365 day support
Stand -alone staffing Integrated staffing (IT, Light & Power, Customer
Service, Billing)
Provide internet and phone service Providing Internet, phone, and video service
Provide multiple residential internet tiers Providing 1 GB for all with 10 GB available
March 23, 2021 Page 2
Build Progress
As discussed in previous work sessions, the design -build approach to the project has allowed construction to
move quickly and adds an element of schedule uncertainty. Staff continues to message that residents can
anticipate service availability within 6-9 months of initial construction. While crews continue to aim for the shorter
duration, some neighborhoods have seen longer times between construction and service.
Spring and warmer weather will increase construction production. The core downtown area will start to see
construction during this time. Staff is working very closely with the Downtown Development Authority to
thoroug hly communicate and minimize impacts to businesses. Most Connexion work in the core downtown area
will take place in the alleys using existing conduit to further minimize impact to downtown stakeholders.
Products and Service
Connexion continues to of fer service in new areas every week resulting in healthy new signups. Connexion is
also seeing the uptake of video service since its launch in November. Our installation vendor, OnTrac, has
continued to add staff to address these increases.
The City’s Digital Equity program is offering full 1 -gig service and WIFI at a reduced price of $19.95. Staff are
working with local non-profit housing organizations as well as directly notifying those that may qualify to engage
customers. Current PILOT funding can support the program in perpetuity.
Connexion will continue to update Council and the public through monthly reports (available at fcconnexion.com
<file:///L:\AGENDA%202021\0323%20WS\fcconnexion.com>) and quarterly Council work sessions.
The present ation will be provided as a read-before memo prior to the meeting.