City of Fort Collins Page 1
Wade Troxell, Mayor City Council Chambers
Ross Cunniff, District 5, Mayor Pro Tem City Hall West
Susan Gutowsky, District 1 300 LaPorte Avenue
Julie Pignataro, District 2 Fort Collins, Colorado
Ken Summers, District 3 Cablecast on FCTV
Melanie Potyondy, District 4 Channel 14 on Connexion
Emily Gorgol, District 6 Channel 14 and 881 on Comcast
Carrie Daggett Darin Atteberry Delynn Coldiron
City Attorney City Manager City Clerk
Upon request, the City of Fort Collins will provide language access services for individuals who have limited English
proficiency, or auxiliary aids and services for individuals with disabilities, to access City services, programs and
activities. Contact 221-6515 (V/TDD: Dial 711 for Relay Colorado) for assistance. Please provide 48 hours advance
notice when possible.
A petición, la Ciudad de Fort Collins proporcionará servicios de acceso a idiomas para personas que no dominan el
idioma inglés, o ayudas y servicios auxiliares para personas con discapacidad, para que puedan acceder a los
servicios, programas y actividades de la Ciudad. Para asistencia, llame al 221-6515 (V/TDD: Marque 711 para Relay
Colorado). Por favor proporcione 48 horas de aviso previo cuando sea posible.
City Council Work Session
March 9, 2021
6:00 PM
1. Residential Time-of-Day Review and Potential Next Steps. (staff: Lance Smith, Gretchen Stanford;
15 minute presentation; 30 minute discussion)
The purpose of this item is to review the residential Time-of-Use rate structures and to discuss what
Council may want to either change or study further. In October 2018, all residential electric customers
were transitioned to a Time-of-Day (TOD) rate structure after an extensive pilot study. The pilot study
indicated that residential customers were expected to reduce their energy consumption as well as their
contribution to the coincident peak and in doing so realize some reduction in their electric bill relative
to the previous three-tiered rate structure. After the first year of the TOD rates being in place for all
residential customers, a review was done to ensure that the expected benefits seen in the pilot study
were still being realized. This was confirmed and presented to the City Council at the February 11,
2020 Council Work Session. The second year of the TOD rate structure saw a significant load shift
from commercial, and to a lesser degree industrial consumption, to the residential rate class due to
COVID-19, and the associated economic slowdown, making it very difficult to assess the impact of the
rate structure on customers in 2020. Higher summer temperatures and smoke from the Cameron Peak
Fire also contributed to the complexity.
City of Fort Collins Page 2
While the challenges of 2020 make it difficult to analyze the results in the second year, there is an
opportunity to consider if any adjustments may be appropriate. A subsidy within the TOD with a tier
rate, which applies to 90% of residential customers, has created an unintended price differential
between the two residential rate classes. This adversely impacts the portion of the 10% of residential
customers in all-electric residences primarily in manufactured park and multifamily housing and use
much less energy than all-electric customers in single family housing.
With all residential customers already being billed on a TOD rate, and large commercial and industrial
customers already being billed on a time-based rate, which includes a coincident peak demand charge,
only small commercial customers remain on a rate which does not reflect the time varying cost of
generation and transmission.
2. East Mulberry Planning. (staff: Caryn Champine, Travis Storin, Silvia Tatman-Burruss; 15 minute
presentation; 45 minute discussion)
The purpose of this item is to provide Council with an overview of the process to update the
community’s vision for the future of the East Mulberry area. Staff will share a public engagement plan
and the steps to update the area’s long-range plan in 2021. Project outcomes also include a fiscal
impact analysis that will inform the Plan’s recommendations and provide options for a potential, multi-
phased annexation for those portions of the area presently in the County’s jurisdiction.
3. E-Scooter Share Program Review & Future E-Scooter/Bike Share Program Proposal. (staff: Amanda
Mansfield; 15 minute presentation; 15 minute discussion)
The purpose of this work session item is to inform City Council on the electric scooter (e-scooter) share
pilot program and upcoming changes to both e-scooter share and bike share programs moving
forward. Due to impacts from COVID-19 related shutdowns, the City and CSU extended the e-scooter
share pilot program through March 31, 2021 for the purpose of gathering additional data and to allow
the system to mature. The City in partnership with CSU selected Spin as its vendor in February 2021
to manage a combined e-bike share/e-scooter share program. In addition to presenting on key
takeaways from the previous e-scooter share program and focus areas of the upcoming e-scooter
share/bike share program, City staff will be seeking Council input on select focus areas of the
upcoming program.