HomeMy WebLinkAboutRetirement Committee - Minutes - 02/28/2019CiPfbottins General Employees Retirement Committee 215 N. Mason 2nd Floor PO Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522 970.22't.6788 970.221 .6782 - tax fcgov.com GeneRal Eurpr-ovees' RenReuerur CourvurrEE Mrruures Specrnl Meerrruc - FeaRunnv 28,2019 215 N. Mnsoru - Conreneruce Roou 1B - Frnsr Floon - 1:15 pnit Committee Members Present: Clark [Vlapes, Chairman John Voss, Vice Chairman James Lathrop John Lindsay Del Bernhardt Ralph Zenlz Others Present Blaine Dunn Carolyn Koontz IVeeting called to order at 1:15 pm 1. Citizen Participation and Plan Member Gomments - None made or noted 2. Gonsider Adoption of Milliman Key Assumptions Following review, it is recommended that the supplemental payment stay at $1.2tt/ for now. Committee plans to make a recommendation regarding the supplemental payment at the beginning of 2020 (next BFO cycle). Updated Mortality Table: The new municipal mortality table (updated every 10 years) is driving the possible new amount. lf we adopt these mortality tables, we will have time to work on supplemental contribution amount adjustment. Lump Sum Distribution Assumption; current assumption assumed 0 Recommended it be changed to 70130 James Lathrop made a motion to accept the lVlilliman review assumptions with their recommended changes including the updated mortality table and the lump sum distribution assumption. Clark l/apes seconded the motion. None opposed. The motion passed unanimously. See detail below; c Itins Demographic Assumptions: 1) Mortality: New tables published in January 2019 by the Society of Actuaries (SOA) based on public sector plan experience only. Past assumptions have been based on the RP-2000 tables from the 90's. Life expectancy under the new table is approximately two years higher for males and three years higher for females when compared to the previous assumption. See table below; High-Lcvol Effects of Rccommcndation: Vanes by partrcrpant. w(h most partrcrpants havrng an increased lrfe expectancy The follolung table shor,'{s the estimated tmpact lo the Plan s Net Pension Liability al December 3 l. 20 l8 under the new morlality tables 1 21 31 1201 8 (Estimrted) 12131r2017 otd Monality Mortalityr.2 Ncw Monaliryt.t Oiscount Raia 1 Total Pension Liability (TPL) 2. Frduclary Net Postuon (FNP) 6.24% 560 0m $48 8m 6.26% $59 6m $43.1m 6.26./" 562 5m $43 lm 6.64'/, t66 7m S43.1m 3 Net Pensron Liabihty (NPL) 1 -2 511 2m Sl6 5m S19 4m S23 6m 4. FNP as a 0,6 of TPL 2 - 1. 819! 720.o 659i 2 3 I Ail Calaiated CalqJlated olier assulrptixrs usrE usrE tne blended Him's e rate the bnglefm sane based as m nvestmeot tios€ dedehn drsdcG€d rate in ZUI'l ol rn return our and Jaruary.fle rssufipl,z0-I )€fr on , 20 t\I tuni 8 tl.rdng bord nte vaIlalim o14.1096, rcporl 6 requred under GASS 67/68 2 City 4) Retirement Age and Form of Paymenl for Future Retirees from Defened Vested Status: 100% taking an annuity is not accurate Recommendation; Consider updating form of payment election assumption for future retirees from deferred vested status to 70% elect an annuity upon retirement and 307o elect a lump sum upon retiremenl. Discussion: Experrence oI lump sunr eleclEns over lhe last frve years ls sumntarEed rn lhe followng table 2014 2015 2016 2017 20lE Totll Lump sums Total exits % laking a lump sum ? 12 17% 5 12 42% 'I 10 t0% 2 t1 t8% 14 50 ?80h The average age of all exlts lrom defened vested stalus as 64.4. and the average age of those electing an annuity is 64.8. Deferred vested participants curently make up a Del Bernhardt and Ralph Zenlz will not be available to attend the l/larch 14th GERC meeting. Meeting adjourned at 1:35 PM John Voss, Vice Chairman Carolyn Koo , Staff Lrarson ins 3 Current Assumption: Deferred Vested particrpants are assumed to retire at age 65 (Normal Rellrement) l00oo of fulure retirees from defened vested status elect an annuity upon relirement 4 5 B0q6