HomeMy WebLinkAboutCommission On Disability - Minutes - 06/13/2019Thursday, June 13, 2019 at 12:315-2:15 p.m. CIC Room, City Hall, 300 LaPorte Avenue 06/13/2019 – MINUTES Page 1 COMMISSION ON DISABILITIES (COD) REGULAR MEETING – Contact: Carol Thomas, Equal Opportunity & Compliance Manager – 416-4254 1. CALL TO ORDER a. Ashlynn Freestone called to order at 12:15pm 2. ROLL CALL a. Present: John Morris, Arianna Kilmer, Jan Barela-Smith, Ashlynn Freestone, Michael Marr b. Board Members Absent: Terry Schlicting, Sherri Reichow, Marilee Boylan, Amanda Morgan c. Staff Members Present: Carol Thomas, Dave Mullin Senior Transit Mgr, Jerediah Burianek Service Planner Transfort d. Guests: none present 3. AGENDA REVIEW a. Ashlynn reviewed agenda out loud b. Arianna moved to approve; Jan second c. Approved unanimously 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Arianna noted date is wrong on footer, Carol will make change b. Arianna motion; John second c. Approved with date change 5. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION a. None present 6. PRESENTATIONS AND DISCUSSIONS a. Dave Mullin & Jerediah Burianek, Transfort: Proposed August 2019 Route Changes i. Service Changes for August 2019, evaluates routes every year 1. Efficiency, on time performance 2. Route 6 and 12 have reliability issues, not meeting on time standards 3. Route 6 only 79% on time 4. Route 12 is only 65% on time 5. Poor performance worsens during peak travel times, becomes worse through the day Thursday, June 13, 2019 at 12:315-2:15 p.m. CIC Room, City Hall, 300 LaPorte Avenue 06/13/2019 – MINUTES Page 2 COMMISSION ON DISABILITIES (COD) REGULAR MEETING – Contact: Carol Thomas, Equal Opportunity & Compliance Manager – 416-4254 ii. NEEDS 1. Cost neutral 2. No area with service elimination 3. Reduced services a. Northbound JFK b. Eastbound harmony c. Westbound drake 4. Routes 6 and 12 average 582 boarding every weekday 5. Proposed changes will greatly improve service reliability 6. Other routes with enhancements: 6, 11, 12, 14, 16, 19, 9, Horn a. Found on Transfort website b. All will go through Harmony transit c. Access to Moby Parking lot at CSU d. Will align with high school new bell times iii. Map of proposed changes to Route 6 available on Transfort website 1. JOHN: routes 6 and 7 align, will 7 pick up some of the changed riders? JEREDIAH: yes all stops will be covered by routes that make sense 2. JOHN: Does 6 go into the mall area and wait? JEREDIAH: No longer will wait, this route no longer serve that part of the mall, but connections to route 5 will cover that space to take you to the other side of the mall for the 6. Also good that there are other connections that are reported on the real time info on the max station or via smartphone or text updates 3. DAVID: improvements and reliability are what make those routes possible iv. Map of proposed changes to Route 11 available on Transfort website 1. Will lose eastbound on harmony from Taft to Shields 2. DAVID: we added complexity and some parts will split to different routes 3. JOHN: does this affect CSU and FRCC students with Disabilities? 4. DAVID: worked with the ARC to assure that they approved of the changes to not affect people with disabilities that use their location v. Map of proposed changes to Route 12 available on Transfort website 1. Route 11 bus will shift to be route 12 bus near Horsetooth and College 2. MICHAEL: Is Route 11 a CSU route? DAVID: Not anymore, only Route 3 is the CSU/community route. The 30-series does not run at all when CSU classes are out. This will keep service on JFK but will Thursday, June 13, 2019 at 12:315-2:15 p.m. CIC Room, City Hall, 300 LaPorte Avenue 06/13/2019 – MINUTES Page 3 COMMISSION ON DISABILITIES (COD) REGULAR MEETING – Contact: Carol Thomas, Equal Opportunity & Compliance Manager – 416-4254 be southbound at JFK, will lose bidirectional but you will still take 12 to south transit center. vi. Map of proposed changes to Route 14 available on Transfort website 1. Currently from frontage road on to Mulberry, does remove stops, changes stop from the Waffle House to Denny’s area 2. Takes affect August 26, 2019 vii. Map of proposed changes to Route HORN available on Transfort website 1. Right now goes out to Shields, will instead turn in to the Moby Parking lot with small layover viii. Existing Alignments and Proposed Alignments Maps are available on Transfort website, same service areas are being covered ix. Allows for better time reliability, allows for future planning to be more efficient x. QUESTIONS: 1. JAN: Why were they late? JEREDIAH: the total length of the route takes more than an hour with traffic, constructions, and trains and over time has taken around 75 minutes for this one hour loop. When school is in, there have been sub drivers taking one loop just so current drivers can have breaks. DAVID: transit master plan was just adopted by Council, these changes are a step closer to that. The ultimate goal is a 15 minute span to different points in the city. Need to do more public outreach and get feedback from folks who use the bus, currently has outreach nights, online surveys, website updates, visiting more boards and commissions 2. DAVID would like to attend quarterly to this meeting to update and get feedback from this commission. 3. MICHAEL: Are there any safety concerns being addressed for any bus stops, specifically the MAX at night? DAVID: A lot of people share that safety is a big concern, the MAX as well as the 80 and 81. Additional Transit Security Officer and Fort Collins Police will have a bigger presence on busses. Camera systems are being upgraded with new technology, staff can pull up security cameras remotely. Safety and Security is a big conversation. xi. RideTransfort.com has been updated. ridetransfort.com > About Transfort > Plans and Project 1. August changes should be approved by end of June, then public will be notified and travel training will take place Thursday, June 13, 2019 at 12:315-2:15 p.m. CIC Room, City Hall, 300 LaPorte Avenue 06/13/2019 – MINUTES Page 4 COMMISSION ON DISABILITIES (COD) REGULAR MEETING – Contact: Carol Thomas, Equal Opportunity & Compliance Manager – 416-4254 b. Ashlynn Freestone, Bohemian Nights Special Events + Accessibility i. Ashlynn provided information last meeting about her role within Bohemian Nights events, would like to frame for the commission about how events are seen from event planner perspective ii. Volunteer Coordinator, acted as spokesperson/advocate for ADA compliance with the event, started with Bohemian Nights in 2017. Formerly worked for Denver ComicCon. iii. When we talk with staff- year round event staff starts planning next year right after each event. Most of work is done with temporary, short term event staff. Also element of Volunteers. iv. Full time staff were not having conversations about ADA compliance before 2017. First change was management level of training so it trickles down to the rest of staff. v. Further conversation is needed with DBA. vi. For Volunteer training for day-of volunteers is very face values, bite-size pieces. Two handouts. vii. JOHN: Should it be a volunteer that is running ADA things? In the past volunteers have created problems not knowing, and was not addressed in 2018. ARIANNA: Should this be staff? There seems to not be real fixes when problems happen. ASHLYNN: there was a person, paid position, disabilities liaison- that person did not do what they needed to do. Security team provided this person. Training needs to be more relevant to all events, not just this one, and then needs to be applied to everyone. Bohemian Nights has gained more control over this liaison position this year. ARIANNA: this discussion has happened every year, sidewalk and entrances, issues are not being addressed by from year to year because volunteers and security changes. viii. MICHAEL: Volunteers make me feel like I’m not welcome there, what is the volunteer mentality and who are they. ASHLYNN: “Accessibility” Volunteers started last year, folks should be able to speak to one of them when there are issues. Folks should talk directly to event staff (not volunteers/security) to get faster solutions. ix. JOHN: How is this different than other events that are more ADA Accessible? What can the COD offer to help Bohemian grow? ASHLYNN: Communication needs to be defined for training and day-of event people. Decisions should fall back on both Bohemian Foundation AND New West Fest, which is the DBA- Downtown Business Association. That is why changes take so long. Conversations started earlier this season, versus years before when complaints came in. Thursday, June 13, 2019 at 12:315-2:15 p.m. CIC Room, City Hall, 300 LaPorte Avenue 06/13/2019 – MINUTES Page 5 COMMISSION ON DISABILITIES (COD) REGULAR MEETING – Contact: Carol Thomas, Equal Opportunity & Compliance Manager – 416-4254 x. Training and Checklist that was prepared by John, Arianna, Terry and Marilee (COD) was passed by Carol to Ashlynn. It may be better for it to be a pocket guide type of handout to be more effective to all volunteers/staff. xi. How changes are made for permanent things: stages, restrooms, shade, etc. Those things must be talked about at a higher level and should be addressed with event staff before the event. Looking for a way to receive feedback about accessibility. One change last year was: they weren’t publicly sharing interpreter, hearing device access and such on social media. ASHLYNN: did you see this, were you aware? ARIANNA: We didn’t see it. MICHAEL: Didn’t see anything at the event. Is there a kiosk or booth that we should talk to? ARIANNA: using the radio to help people hear where to find the ADA information for the event. ASHLYNN: Would a phone number be helpful for onsite reporting of problems? ARIANNA: yes, with signage and on info booths. MICHAEL: Is there an event phone app? ARIANNA: ADA tab? ASHLYNN: Yes MICHAEL: putting under FAQ makes it hard to find. ARIANNA: It should be its own tab, standalone with a survey even. JAN: Important for connections to happen with event staff and DOC to assure that walk-throughs are happening and that all information is being received about ADA compliance. xii. The way that events professionals view accessibility, industry-wide, is now being seen at the same level as safety and security. The priority has changed with evacuation procedures. 7. NEW BUSINESS a. Meeting structure and agenda i. When there is a change in chair, structure or agenda changes may take place. 1. Meeting will promptly begin and end on time. Food ready at 12:00. 2. Absences need to be communicated 24 hours in advance and tardiness need to be communicated as soon as known 3. Work plan drives agenda b. Harmony/College Development – update on sidewalk installation plan i. Carol reached out to Rob Noseby, update, timeline, sidewalk installation: Brad and Rob have been working with development review engineers to get update, it seems to have gone dormant. If project doesn’t move Thursday, June 13, 2019 at 12:315-2:15 p.m. CIC Room, City Hall, 300 LaPorte Avenue 06/13/2019 – MINUTES Page 6 COMMISSION ON DISABILITIES (COD) REGULAR MEETING – Contact: Carol Thomas, Equal Opportunity & Compliance Manager – 416-4254 forward, conversations with Chad will produces installation of temporary connection to fix issue. Whenever there is a new construction project, its part of their code, so it falls to the construction company first. c. Harmony & Snow Mesa –bus stop i. Carol wrote to Transit planners, issues, safety concerns, no shelter: It is on the list to adjust but it would fall to 2020 list. Carrie suggested to look at the right-of-way and found out there is enough space to put in an accessible pad, and a type 2 bench, offset from the street. Will be an interim solution, should be added to the 2019 priority list. d. City Park Pool - update on accessibility improvements i. No updates available yet, Karen Jackson in Operation Services, has not responded to multiple emails 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a. Community Recognition Awards Planning - Arianna i. Arianna confirmed for at CSU Lory Student Center, Ballroom D 11:30am-1:30pm, October 17th , 2019 ii. What awards will be given should be decided soon iii. Jan would like duties to be assigned beforehand again iv. Carol will provide information about nominations next meeting b. Upcoming topics i. Carol contacted from Linden street for feedback needed from COD ii. Amanda Mansfield will have update on electric scooters after Council approval iii. Updates on accessible bus stops: 1. Ridetransfort.com > about > plans and projects > ADA Bus Stops Upgrade program 9. ADJOURNMENT John move to adjourn; Michael second Approved Unanimously *SAVE THE DATE: 10/17/19 for the 2019 Community Recognition Awards*