HomeMy WebLinkAboutCommission On Disability - Minutes - 10/09/2008Commission on Disability October 9, 2008 Members Present: Mary Elizabeth Lenahan, Mare Franklin-Gaumer, Bev Hageseth, Vivian Armendariz, and Terry Schlicting. Absent: Harry Meyer, Jason Holland, and Alva Vineyard. City Liaison: Bruce Byrne and Jenna Stieben Guests: No guests in attendance 1. Introductions — No introductions necessary 2. Call to Order 12:25 by Terry Schlicting 3. Approval of Minutes Mary Elizabeth moved to approve the minutes. Terry seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Open Discussion General Public & Community News Topics included: County Launches Emergency Registry: Bev Hageseth shared an article from the Fort Collins Coloradoan regarding the emergency registry for the Larimer County Special Needs Registry located at www.larimer.org or call 211. 5. New Business Accessible Apartment Complex: On Harmony Road - Mare Franklin-Gaumer brought up the issue regarding access to the complex. Bruce explained the city is trying to gain an easement for use of the land next to the complex so the city can put a sidewalk in. Liaison Updates: Bev has tried to contact representatives from the Senior Advisory Board and the Building Review Board and was unable to reach anyone or get a call back. Intersections & Accessibility: Vivian provided an update regarding accompanying a city representative to assess the city intersections and accessibility. The city is surveying each city intersection to determine if it is accessible and also which intersections can be more easily accessible. The city has installed a motion detector at a crosswalk to enable the signal to cross the street. Meeting Roles & Responsibilities: Vivian raised the issue regarding the last meeting addressing roles and responsibilities and felt it was more of a "pat yourself on the back" session. Lydia raised the issue about making our meetings more accessible utilizing tools available such as NetMeeting, WebEx, and teleconferences. Bruce will follow up with the City Attorney and MIS to determine if this is something the COD can do and if we have to be present (in the room) to vote. Terry believes people should be able to be involved to call in to our meetings. Mayor's Awards: Thursday, October 16, 2008 at 11:30am at the 112 E. Willow Street, Northside Atzlan Center. There are 60 people who have been invited and 32 have RSVP'd. Mary Elizabeth said award recipients would also be recognized at the City Council meeting scheduled for Tuesday, Oct. 21't COD members need to be there at 11:15am. Trophies and plaques are all ready. Harry Meyer arrived at 1:12pm after a tour of Fort Collins. Work Plan Session: November 13, 2008 at 12:00 — 3:00pm in the CIC. www.fcgov.com select A-Z, then select "C", and then select Commission on Disability and access the work plan. The COD will be setting the work plan. 6. Old Business The COD will review the flow chart next month. Mare requested a 6-month calendar for the City Council in the event COD members want to participate or provide input. The calendar is available online. Bruce volunteered to provide an update as to what the City Council will be discussing at their meeting for the next month for those who may be interested in attending. Mary Elizabeth asked when Vivian and Terry would present the Community Access PowerPoint and Brochure to City Council. A date will be set-up for Vivian and Terry to be videotaped presenting the Access presentation for Council members to view on their own. Harry shared his experience at the "Honor Flight of WWII Veterans". Next one to be held April 261h or 281h. — date to confirmed. Board Appreciation Dinner scheduled for Nov. 51h Meeting Adjourned at 1:42 p.m.