HomeMy WebLinkAboutTransportation Board - Minutes - 10/17/2007MEETING MINUTES of the TRANSPORTATION BOARD October17,2007 5:45 p.m. City of Fort Collins Municipal Building 215 N. Mason Street — Community Room FOR REFERENCE: Chair: Gary Thomas 482-7125 Vice Chair: Ed Robert 224-4864 Staff Liaison: Mark Jackson 416-2029 Administrative Support: Polly Bennett 224-6058 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: James Clausen Don Edmondson Sara Frazier Neil Grigg Bill Jenkins Shane Miller Ed Robert Garry Steen Gary Thomas Scott VanTatenhove ABSENT: Wade Troxell, Council Liaison CITY STAFF: Mark Jackson Polly Bennett Kathleen Bracke Denise Weston Pete Wray OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE: Rich Follmer, FRU Emmanuel Didier, Edaw Nancy York 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chair Thomas at 6:00 p.m. 2. STAFF INTRODUCTION Kathleen Bracke introduced Denise Weston, the City's new Transportation Planner. 3. AGENDA REVIEW The Agenda was approved. 4. PUBLIC COMMENT None. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (September 2007) Edmondson moved to approve the September 2007 Transportation Board meeting minutes as presented. There was a second by Steen. The motion carried unanimously. Regular Meeting Minutes Page 2 Transportation Board October 17, 2007 6. COUNCIL LIAISON REPORT Wade Troxell, Council Liaison Mr. Troxell was not able to attend. DISCUSSION ITEMS a. Bicycle Program Update, David Kemp, Bicycle Coordinator DK revealed the new bicycle map, which is available online at WWW.fcpov.com/bicyclin The Bike Co-op is going to be in the now City -owned old Poudre Valley Creamery on LaPorte Avenue. The Co-op with maintain the bikes available through the upcoming Bicycle Library. Edmondson: Are there plans to finish connections (i.e. Spring Creek Trail)? DK: We identified, on the map, all future trail connections and projected completion dates. Claussen: Where will bike maps be available? DK: Bike shops, all City facilities. Robert: The Bike Library shows a lot of promise. Any chance we could have a remote location at the Welcome Center? DK: Great idea! We'll look into that! Steen: You mentioned accident reporting. How will that work? DK: I want to track accidents/near accidents around town in the event that we have a trend developing. I found a trouble spot at Loomis & Laurel and we are investigating ways to alleviate them. Jackson: We also have accident data collected at Traffic Operations that reflects all reported accidents. Edmondson: Is there a way to report bicyclists who run stop signs? DK: We are starting a bike education campaign next spring. VanTatenhove: On the Mason Trail crossing Swallow there is a flashing signal. When will that be connected? Edmondson: Something still isn't quite right on Horsetooth Bracke: There are underpasses planned at Horsetooth & Harmony in the Mason Corridor Plan. Edmondson: From a cost-effectiveness standpoint, I wonder if that is good. Bracke: We also looked at at -grade crossings. Jenkins: I rode in the Tour de Fat parade, and it was awesome! Steen. You gave us a number of how many people commute to work. Do you know what that is? DK: 4% of all trips are via bicycle. Data from Bike to Work Day can be broken down as far as how many commute to work. Jackson: The success of the Bike Program speaks to itself. It flew through BFO. b. Mason Corridor Update — Trail & Rail Grade -separated crossing by NRRC and Whole Foods. Alternatives were studied, but there were difficulties in building an underpass, specifically the fact that switchbacks would be required because of the grade. There is also high groundwater due to the proximity to Spring Creek. Short -and long- term needs were considered so the crossing will work with the future BRT line. The overpass is ADA compliant with elevators and stairs on both sides of the road. The crossing will be lighted at night. The structure will be high, to accommodate future rail below. Open House October 25. Final design & construction is scheduled for 2008. Clausen: The elevator might not be user-friendly for bikes during high volume traffic. Perhaps a ramp would work? Regular Meeting Minutes Transportation Board October 17, 2007 Page 3 Emmanuel: The switchback for a ramp would be so long that it could create dangerous situations for bike/pedestrian interactions. It also makes the landscape even more overpowering than it already is. There will be a gutter along side the stairs for bikes. Edmondson: How do the elevators affect the maintenance costs? Bracke: Elevators are less expensive to maintain because of the ground water problem. Miller. I assume there are comparable structures that use elevators that would have reliability data? How frequently do they break down? Bracke: The City's parking structures uses elevators. I will check with Randy Hensley, Parking Services Manager, to get data. Thomas: When will you be back with us? Bracke: Probably early next year. Robert. Would this be a prototype for other grade -separated crossings? Bracke: As we look at future areas, we will consider context and consider this option. Each one is unique. Robert Several areas in the country have built these with generators as back-up power sources. York: Do you have a ballpark cost estimate? Bracke. The underpass is several hundred thousand dollars more. York: Have you investigated private/public cooperation for financing? Frazier: Will you include Art in Public Places work on the overpass? Bracke: That part is not subject to APP. c. Budget Update Mark Jackson Jackson: The Council, on first reading, passed the City Manager's Recommended Budget unanimously. It included everything you saw last month, plus some one-time funds financing of the Transfort Strategic Operating Plan and funding night-time Dial -A -Ride service through 2008. There was no movement on Pavement Management and very little discussion. There were a lot of light bulbs that went off during this process. Council realizes that they have a big ticket coming up in 2010. Your letter played a role in that. The Community's consciousness is raised as a result of this process. Next step: Second reading in 30 days (November 20). Grigg: The Transportation Master Plan will be updated in 2009/2010. Is there anything that should be done before that? Thomas: We will have that as an item on the Work Plan. Jackson: We have done a fairly good job of keeping the Capital Projects list updated. Robert: General question about the T-Board being an advisory to Council, should we expect a response to our letter? Thomas: We are given an opportunity to meet with them. Last time, they told us yes, we read it, no you won't get feedback. Miller: My minimal experience is that if you take things to them individually rather than as a group they will be more likely to give feedback. Thomas: This board has a lot of credibility with the City. I was surprised that we didn't get any acknowledgement from Council. Thomas: Congratulations on keeping Transfort well -funded. Jackson: It isn't me ... Marlys did a fantastic job. Regular Meeting Minutes Transportation Board October 17, 2007 Page 4 d. Work Plan Appendix "A" used to be the Work Plan. It was too complex, so it became a supporting document. Griggs: One other thing we accomplished is providing a forum for Staff Reports of all kind. We might want to consider adding it as a goal, because we provide feedback to staff. Coordination means "providing harmony between things." We also coordinate between ourselves through writing letters, meeting with people, etc. VanTatenhove: It may fall under item III — Education and Outreach. Robert: We have not mentioned anything about Railroads. Griggs: That will be an important activity for some years to come. Thomas: Ed, would you care to comment on the changes you suggested? Robert: Numerals I — V are merely editorial comments. Below that I included items that are on our horizon that were not in our old plan. Thomas: Please look these over and send your comments in the next couple of weeks. I will work with Staff to create a draft. 8. ACTION ITEMS a. I-25/SH392 Interchange —Pete Wray, Senior Planner Wray: We are at the final stage in bringing the plan forward to Windsor and Fort Collins. Early 2006 — established an Intergovernmental Agreement between Windsor & Fort Collins. Plan purpose: To develop key direction for implementing the reconstruction of the I-25/SH392 interchange. Interchange configuration: Tight diamond, similar to the Harmony interchange, although the ramps are a bit closer together. The design includes Park `n Ride facilities on both sides, potential future BRT station. Summary of Public Outreach: General support for overall plan. Current condition: Operating at a failing level of service. Various design options were explained, including investigation for transit and trails, a bridge over SH392, and a pedestrian bridge over I-25 to connect the Park `n Rides on either side. Total estimated cost: $22 million. Funding scenarios were explained. Construction is scheduled to begin in 2009/2010. Jackson: The charge that Windsor & Fort Collins were given was to give strategic implementation steps to construct this interchange. This is a solid effort. I don't think it needs to go forward with the Master Street Plan change (4-lane to 6-lane). The likelihood of building a 6-lane road in most of this corridor is very slim because it is surrounded by protected areas. Wray: We are anticipating development activity at this interchange, soon. Jackson: I'm okay with either moving forward or holding off on the Master Street Plan Change until the 1601 goes forward, the I-25 EIS happens, or there is major development in the area. VanTatenhove: Do the frontage roads fall under your plan or Pete's plan? Jackson: Pete's plan. CDOT is out of the frontage road business. Miller: Are we giving up dollars by moving this away from CDOT? Jackson: If there were CDOT dollars to be had, yes, but they can't afford to maintain frontage roads anymore. Thomas: Let's answer the first question first and then address this. Regular Meeting Minutes Transportation Board October 17, 2007 Page 5 Robert On Figure 3 of the Interchange Plan they have Trilby extended to Kechter and a new interchange at Kechter. Jackson: That was dismissed. Thomas: What is "the plan"? Wray: It is a unique process/partnership, through which we are charged with identifying the groundwork and framework to implementing this interchange work. We identified funding options, alignment options, and buffer options. Thomas: Do we get to vote on those options? Wray: It will ultimately go back to Council. Jackson: The charge of the plan was to lay out strategies for implementation. They met that charge. Griggs. Will Council vote on this plan? Wray: They are being asked to approve the plan and create an IGA for a continued partnership. Clausen: Do the prospective Councils make decisions and IGA implements them? Wray: Our Council makes decisions on key actions (amending the Master Street Plan, IGA, etc.). There would be separate IGAs for the 1601 and funding. Clausen: Who decides on funding? Jackson: The Councils. Miller: At what point does the T-Board advise on funding? Jackson: It isn't under our scope. Miller: It is in the Work Plan that we explore funding options. Jackson: If the issue is that you want Pete and the Windsor group to come back when they start congealing funding, they will come back. Grigg: I move that we send to Council "The Transportation Board reviewed the I25.SH392 plan. The plan has identified alternative strategies but needs further work. Therefore, the Transportation Board recommends acceptance of the plan to continue the planning process." Edmondson: Second. Thomas: Friendly amendment that "Ten percent (10%) be set aside for Transit in the package." Miller: Second. Robert: Action item summary: recommend approval of the plan... Jenkins: There is an opportunity to really get something on the map. The problem is in getting people (vehicles) from point a to point b. Transit should be part of the soul of the whole plan. Jackson: The only discussions about transit are the I-25 EIS. This plan is basically constructed to embrace the potential EIS alternative of transit down I-25. What is missing that you want to see. Jenkins: '%4 of the traffic comes from Fort Collins, '/4 comes from Windsor. Thomas: The plan references the MPO (9.42/1.52) Jackson: Adding a specific recommendation might help it. A "such as" is probably fine. Wray: My concern is that we have worked very hard to take this facility and make it work with private/public partnership. Thomas: I think failing to put Transit in was a mistake. It misses the point of 12 months of hard work by a lot of people. VanTatenhove: A lot of people work at the big box developments and need a ride to work. Grigg. The word is intermodal. I'd like to see a statement that addresses not only transit, but also intermodal. Regular Meeting Minutes Page 6 Transportation Board October 17, 2007 Wray: It is addressed in the plan as future development. Clausen: I would like to be the voice of dissent. I don't think it needs to be attached to this request. The purpose of this is widening the bridge and road. I think that could be addressed in a separate plan. Steen. I agree. Wray: A significant amount is being sought from private contributions. The surrounding property owners are already feeling over taxed. Adding 10% would have a serious impact, as it wasn't included at this point. Thomas: Will there be another opportunity to offer that up? Jackson: The fact that this plan acknowledges Transit indicates that there will be other opportunities to address Transit. Miller: I would like to see Transit built into the plan from the start. If you build it into everything you build, you are multimodal immediately. Grigg: One way to craft the motion would be to say to design it to include Transit, but not specify a percentage. Steen: Isn't the MPO involved in ensuring that Transit is built into everything we do? Jackson: The MPO manages the overall regional project list from a financial standpoint. Steen: The first issue is to build the intersection. Edmondson: We are making a recommendation on policy. If we go forward without putting Transit in, it won't get done. Clausen: The portion of this plan that deals with transit talks about it and acknowledges it, but says it isn't the purview of this plan. The point of this plan is to get people across I-25 safely. Jenkins: I am all for improving the intersection and making it safe. It feels like a slippery slope to approve this because it looks like we're approving open space and parks. Jackson: The map shows what is on the books right now. It is seminal to the report because it shows the return on the investment of improving the interchange. Miller: The development pays for it. They create the partnership. Ultimately, they pass that cost on to the taxpayers who buy their services and products. Those taxpayers want transit. Our job is to make that happen. I think the specificity is important. Jackson: One thing politically to consider — the Windsor Town Board isn't in the same place considering transit. Wray: We've been trying to coordinate a connection down Harmony. There isn't a lot of development out there to pay for it. We do envision a fully built -out development. Miller: It seems that a large amount of money to fund this is coming from taxes. Wray: Roughly 80% from immediate land owners. Edmondson: So we're taxing the people who own the surrounding property now. Wray: We need up -front guaranteed money in order to get long-term funding. Thomas: Do we want to add 10% for Transit? Clausen: Is it tacking on an additional 10% or taking it out of what is there? Thomas: Tack on an additional 10% for Transit. Miller: Second. The amendment passed- 6 in favor 3 against. Grii f: Revised Motion: The Transportation Board recommends acceptance of the plan to continue the planning process and recommends that 10% be added to the final negotiated funding packet for Transit. Regular Meeting Minutes Transportation Board October 17, 2007 Page 7 Jenkins: Would the amendment go with this? Robert: What would that do to the project? Wray: We would have to find more money. Edmondson: We aren't telling the planners what to do, we're establishing policy. Miller: Our job is to help see that things get built. The way to do that is to implement the policy. Edmondson: There is nothing in this plan that is locked in concrete. It is a plan of options that can be put on the table. Robert: We're not saying put transit on the table, we're saying fund transit. They haven't ignored it ... it's in there. YanTatenhove: I think it's a change in culture. Asking to fund transit at an early stage sends a strong message. Miller: we're saying fund the interchange and 10% of the money should be devoted to an alternative mode. What I am hearing from people is that the community wants it. Steen: I'm absolutely for Transit, but I see this as apples and oranges. Clausen: The sticking point is the 10%. If we say we recommend a strong look at it, I can get behind it. Miller: The specificity isn't law. It can be changed. Call to question: 5 in favor 4 opposed. b. Legislative Policy Agenda Mark Jackson Last month I asked if you want to send comments on the LPA to Council. Page 31 has a list of policy that council would defend regarding transportation. Thomas: Section 5309 Transit money was used for operations, but since we got lumped into a Transit Management Area it is now used for capital. I don't see that in here. Jackson: Item #8 could include an example. Thomas: I'd like to add, "e.g. preserving FTA 5309 dollars for operations as well as capital costs." Thomas: Item # 10. Add a period after `funding.' Clausen: Motion to accept changes. Robert: Second. The motion passed unanimously. 8. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS Edmondson: None. Jenkins None. Miller None. YanTatenhove: Busing committee is putting together their recommendations regarding choice busing for School of Choice students. Long term goal of the school district is to get City buses and school buses linked up. Frazier: Two issues with Troxell — Transfort cuts and Trash Districting. Does our Board need to address Trash Districting with him? Trash Districting study was funded. UniverCity: had a meeting a couple of weeks ago. Sub groups are meeting. Homeless/near homeless sub group was well organized. Asked that all groups consider homeless/near homeless. The DDA helped purchase another trolley. Transit and Mobility group is concentrating on Wayfinding: Legacy Parkway, signage in town and on I-25. Regular Meeting Minutes Transportation Board October 17, 2007 Page 8 Miller: I want to compliment Larry Schneider on educating his wife on snow removal and giving her a great tour of the facility. She was also impressed by asphalt recycling. Robert: None. Clausen: No report, but would like to request a presentation on the Harmony Road/1- 25 Corridor plan when possible. Steen: Climate Task Force identified projects that will help reduce greenhouse gases. Grigg: CDOT Rail Relocation Study. We are trying to be included, but they are focusing on coal trains. Need a way to fund underpasses. Hazmat is an increasing issue due to chlorine products. Thomas: When Fort Collins quit operating the streetcars, we had five of them. One stayed here. The one in Charlotte is coming home, for $199,000. First phase is to purchase the car and house it in the old Trolley Barn on Cherry. Second phase is to restore it. Third phase is to get track to it. Report from the Transit Task Force is included in your packet. Task Force is disbanded. Study Session for the Transportation Master Plan. Push to January so we have new members involved. b. STAFF REPORTS Jackson: City Engineer: Candidate is entertaining an offer. Retreat: January/February? December meeting: Forego meeting in lieu of dinner at a restaurant. Helmshire? November meeting: November 28 at the new Police Facility. MPO North Front Range Regional Transportation Plan & Transportation Improvement Plan: Out for public comment. Available online at www.ncfrmpo.ore Mason Corridor: Met with Senator Allard's aide. The meeting ended up with her outlining the steps in obtaining financial support. Strong indicators from FTA (presentation on Small Starts... Mason was #1 on their slide about projects being funded). Jim Barr in Washington DC called to ask what he could do to help..."your application looks great!" November Aeenda: • Plans for Harmony Road • 2008 Work Plan - Action 9. OTHER BUSINESS None. 10. ADJOURN The meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Polly B n ett Executive Administrative Assistant