HomeMy WebLinkAboutDowntown Development Authority - Minutes - 12/13/2007DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Regular Directors' Meeting Jack Wolfe, Chair Kelly Ohlson, Council Liaison Kathay Rennels, County Liaison 495-1298 (W) 219-9814 (W) 498-7010 (W) MINUTES of December 13, 2007 REGULAR MEETING The Board of Directors of the Downtown Development Authority met in Regular Session at 7:30 a.m. on December 13, 2007 at Home State Bank located at 303 East Mountain Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80524. PRESENT George Brelig; McCabe Callahan; Carey Hewitt; Kim Jordan; Ryan Keiffer; Kelly Ohlson, Kathay Rennels; William Sears; Patty Spencer; Steve Taylor; Jack Wolfe STAFF Chip Steiner, DDA Executive Director; Matt Robenalt, DDA Project Manager; Joanna Stone, DDA Staff; Carol Bennis, Beet Street, Executive Director; Kathy Cardona, DDA Staff; Jean Lamm & Maggie Hirko, Beet Street GUESTS INCLUDED Darin Atteber y, City Manager; Mike Jensen, Fort Collins Real Estate; Chuck Seest, Finance; Blue Hovatter, Interested Citizen; Scoo Leary, Aggie Theater; Denise Weston, Transportation Planning; Rick Price, Bike Fort Collins; DIK, Bicycle Coordinator; David Short, DBA; Earen Russell, LPC; Mary Vino; Ken Hejduk, Little Jacket; Christine Chin, Coloradoan Josh Guernsey, Brinkman Partners; Bob Flynn, Shamrock Taxi; Ben Manvel; Paul Mills; Ty Smith; David Dunn, Homes & Land Magazine; CALL TO ORDER Mr. Wolfe called the meeting to order at 7:35 a.m. Roll call was taken. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Hewitt moved to approve the minutes of November8, 2007. Seconded by Ms. Jordan, and passed unanimously. BIG IDEAS Bob Flynn of Shamrock Taxi addressed the board regarding his plan to provide a service to visitors to help get them from hotels to downtown and back. He is looking for letters of support for receiving PUC authority for the service. Board consensus approved DDA staff drafting a letter of support for the program. BOARD RETIREMENT Carey Hewitt is retiring as a board member after a total of 18 years service to the Downtown Development Authority. Chip Steiner presented him with a plaque in appreciation. Mr. Hewitt noted that his years on the Board have been ajoy and a pleasure and he is looking forward to seeing what the DDA accomplishes in the future. NEWS RACKS Matt Robenalt recommended that the board increase the amount of funding for news rack condominiums because prices have gone up since the proposal was first approved He is asking for the Board to increase funding from the original amount of $75,000 to $90,000, which with the City's contribution of $25,000 brings the total to $115,000, An alternative proposal has been presented by a group of publishers that DDA Minutes December 12, 2007 Page 2 involves the construction of corrals around existing news distribution boxes and for the establishment of a voluntary policing program that would be run by the publications themselves. Both proposals will be discussed at a City Council work session on January 8, 2008. The issues for downtown are the unsightly appearance of, the random organization of, and the propensity for trash to collect around the existing distribution boxes. Staff points out that the Downtown Business Association, an organization representing 120 private businesses in the central business district, strongly supports the condominium approach over the publisher's proposal. A recent survey resulted in 80 votes to support the condominiums to three that voted nay. Christine Chin, President and Publisher of The Coloradoan, speaking for the publishers group addressed the issue of safety concerns around existing news racks. The publishers' proposal includes the creation of a rapid response team to help maintain the racks. Their design would use local craftsmen to build the con•als, which would be designed to fit in with downtown. She asked that the board postpone any decision until after the January 8" City Council work session. David Short commented that the DBA passed a resolution at their December board meeting in support of the condominium racks. He noted that there are constant complaints about the appearance of existing news racks and that in 2000 the publishers had agreed to self -policing, now there were many more racks on the streets. In response to Ms. Chin's position that the publishers would lose their ability to be distinctive, Ms. Bennis noted that each publication has their front page to make distinctive within the condo unit. Darin Atteberry clarified that it is not only the issue of aesthetics that is of concern. There are also concerns about maintenance and safety. The City allowed the publishers time to prepare a proposal but there are flaws in that proposal such as there is not standard for limiting the number of racks; it does not address those who choose not to participate in the voluntary agreement; and, the growing numbers of publications. If this is a good fit for other communities across Colorado and the rest ofthe country, why would it not be a good fit for Fort Collins? The condominium proposal does not limit free speech. The Board did not feel it was appropriate to delay action until after the Council work session. Moved by Mr. Taylor; seconded by Ms. Jordan: To approve DDA participation of up to $100,000, contingent upon the City's contribution of $25,000, for a total of $125,000 to purchase and install modular news racks in nine (9) locations in the Downtown and in connection with the proposal presented by the DBA/DDA/City staff in March 2007. The motion passed unanimously. BEET STREET Elizabeth Hare, recently hired as Director of Cultural Arts Programming, was introduced. As can be seen from the calendar, programming is really packed full with the addition of Elizabeth. Carol Bennis reported that they were working on many infrastructure projects: centralized calendar; centralized ticketing; an arts district marketing and communications plan; the amphitheater. Beet Street is officially a non-profit corporation, but is still waiting for 501(c)(3) status. The 90 day action plan was also reviewed. Kelly Ohlson asked that it be revised to reflect what rolls off each month. DDA Minutes December 12, 2007 Page 3 CONSENT AGENDA Four items were on the consent agenda. Lucia Liley asked that Item Number 1 regarding the Beet Street Executive Director's contractual authority be pulled for further discussion at the January board meeting. The remaining items — UniverCity Connections director funding, the extension of Bas Bleu's commitment, and, the extension of the DDA commitment to Art in Public Places for the North College entry sculpture, - were approved, Moved by Mr. Sears; seconded by Mr. Taylor: To approve the consent agenda with the exception of Item Number 1 which is to be pulled for further discussion. The motion passed unanimously. BIKE PLAN Rick Price requested that his request for DDA funding for a bike ambassador program be withdrawn because he is satisfied that City and DDA staffs are working on these issues. LOBBYIST The DDA is again being advised to (tire a lobbyist to work on the tax increment amendment with the Colorado Legislature. Mr. Steiner presented reasons for hiring a lobbyist at this time; the Fort Collins DDA cannot maintain a constant presence at the capital —a lobbyist would be able to do this and could react quickly to emergencies; the importance of this legislation mandates that we do everything possible to ensure its passage. The cost of the lobbyist is minor relative to the stakes involved; DDA staff and others who are working on the amendment are not experienced in the process of getting state legislation drafted and approved. A skilled lobbyist can provide direction and advice; an on -site lobbyist can react rapidly to counter -arguments posed to legislators and senators by other interests. He recommended the DDA do everything possible to ensure passage of the TIF amendment and that the Board approve $40,000 appropriation to cover the cost of lobbying services. Board discussion focused on the issue of cost and whether the services of a lobbyist are needed. Mr. Wolfe supported the recommendation stating it is the lobbyist's job to quarterback the legislation and make sure we get the right people in the room at the right time. It is not the Executive Director's job. Ms. Jordan agreed, noting that the cost is determined by marketplace and that she fully supports hiring a lobbyist. It was decided to bring the matter back at the January board meeting and perhaps have a better idea of the cost at that time. SALES TAX REPORT Chuck Seest announced that the October sales reflected in the November sales tax collections increased by 3.5% downtown and 6.7% citywide. There was a 4.5% increase in hotel. There is some pressure on sales of general merchandise but it remains to be seen if Northern Colorado will follow trends seen on the coasts. Transportation costs are pushing up the price of food significantly. When asked what could be done to help downtown retailers, David Short noted that the DBA hosts regular retailers meetings and the newly launched gift card program should keep shopping money downtown. UPDATES Green Buildin¢ Criteria: Matt Robenalt noted that the ideas considered by the team reviewing green building criteria for DDA projects encompass a whole spectrum of green building practices, not just energy savings. The team will have its second meeting in January. DDA Minutes December 12, 2007 Page 4 EXECUTIVE SESSION Moved by Mr. Taylor, seconded by Mr. Sears: To move to Executive Session to discuss real estate acquisition. This Executive Session for the purpose stated is authorized pursuant to CRS 24-6-402 (4) (1) (1). The motion passed unanimously. Moved by Ms. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Keiffer: To move from Executive Session back to Regular Session. The motion passed unanimously. Moved by Ms. Jordan, seconded by Mr. Sears: To direct counsel to go forward with contracting an agreement with the local chapter of the Elks Club on terms that will be publicly put into the minutes. The motion passed unanimously. ADJOURN There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 10:05 a.m. George Melig,ASecrdtary