HomeMy WebLinkAboutDowntown Development Authority - Minutes - 07/12/2001LJ Larry Stroud, Chair 482-6066 (W) Chuck Wanner, Council Liaison 484-0810 (H) Anne Garrison, Staff Liaison 484-2020 (W) DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUiHORRY REGULAR DIRECTORS MEETING MINUTES OF JULY 1 2, 2001 REGULAR MEETING THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MET IN REGULAR SESSION AT 7:30 A.M. ON JULY 12, 2001 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM AT HOME STATE BANK, 303 EAST MOUNTAIN AVENUE, FORT COLLINS, CO 80524 PRESENT THERE WERE PRESENT: LARRY STROUD, CHAIR KIM JORDAN, VICE CHAIR JASON MEADORS, SECRETARY/TREASURER GREG BELCHER RICK GOODALE MARY BRAYTON ABSENT CHUCK WANNER CAREY HEWITT STAFF JAY HARDY, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ANNE GARRISON LUCIA LILEY, COUNSEL GUESTS DAVID SHORT, ANGELA MILEWBKI, ED STONER, FRANK BRUNO, MACK ANDERSON, RICHARD ROSE, DAWN SINNARD, MICKY WILLIS, PARADIGM REALTY, WOLFF•L.YON AND WONDERLAND HILL DEVELOPMENT REPRESENTATIVES CALL TO ORDER THE MEETING CAME TO ORDER AT 7.30 A.M. AND ROLL CALL WAS TAKEN. APPROVAL OF MR. MEADORS MOVED TO ADOPT THE MINUTES OF JUNE 7, 2001 AS WRITTEN AND MINUTES MR. BELCHER SECONDED THE MOTION WHICH CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. OTS AGREEMENT THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN OLD TOWN SQUARE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT AND DDA, REQUIRES THAT A LIST OF PROPOSED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED BY THE DDA BOARD. A SIMILAR AGREEMENT EXISTS BETWEEN THE CITY AND OLD TOWN SQUARE FOR ENHANCED MAINTENANCE PROJECTS ONLY, AND IS MODERATED BY THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY. DDA MINUTES PAGE 2 THE LIST COMPRISED THE REPLACEMENT OF PAVERS IN SEVERAL AREAS OF THE PLAZA WHERE THEY HAVE SUNK, CAUSING RETENTION PONDS; CAPPING THE. DRINKING FOUNTAIN AS A RESULT OF REPEATED VANDALISM, AND CONCLUDED WITH THE REPLACEMENT OF THE # I PUMP IN THE LARGE FOUNTAIN. APPROVAL IS SUBJECT TO THE: TERMS OF THE AGREEMENT WHICH STATES THAT REIMBURSEMENT WILL BE MADE UPON COMPLETION OF THE WORK, IN THE AMOUNT OF 50% OF THE COST, UP TO $ 12,500.00, RESPECTIVELY. MR. MEADORS MOVED TO REIMBURSE OTS FOR THE PROJECTS, AS STATED, IN THE AMOUNT OF 50% OF INVOICED COST AS OUTLINED IN THE AGREEMENT. MR. BELCHER SECONDED THE MOTION WHICH CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 185 N. COLLEGE AVE MACK ANDERSON. BUILDING OWNER, AND JOHNNY'$ PLACE TENANT, RICHARD Ross, SIGNAGE ADDRESSED THE BOARD REGARDING THE SIGNAGE ON THIS BUILDING, MR. ANDERSON EXPLAINED THAT ONE REASON THE SIGNAGE LOOKS SIGNIFICANTLY DIFFERENT FROM THE RENDERING IS BECAUSE IT WAS DESIGNED FOR TWO SEPARATE BUSINESSES„ RATHER THAN ONE. HE THEN SUGGESTED THE ADDITION OF AN AWNING TO SOFTEN THE BUILDING, AND REDUCING THE SIZE OF THE SIGN. MR. ROSS LISTED FINANCIAL CONCERNS AND THE IMPORTANCE OF THE MARQUIS AS A FORM OF ADVERTISING, AND REQUESTED THE BOARD DIRECT HIM IN DETERMINING WHAT WOULD BE AN ACCEPTABLE DESIGN. MS. BRAYTON RESPONDED THAT WHILE THE BOARD IS SENSITIVE TO THE FINANCIAL ISSUES IN THIS CASE, THE CURRENT SIGNAGE LACKS THE 'CHARACTER' THAT IS SOUGHT IN DOWNTOWN. MS. BRAYTON ALSO ADDRESSED THE TIMEFRAME IN WHICH THIS ISSUE NEEDS TO BE RESOLVED, AND REQUESTED A RENDERING BE AVAILABLE NEXT MONTH FOR THE BOARD'S REVIEW, WHICH IS AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE TO THE ORIGINAL DESIGN. LATER ON IN THE MEETING, THE BOARD RETURNED TO THE SUBJECT AND FELT STRONGLY THAT THIS ITEM SHOULD BE ON THE SEPTEMBER AGENDA WHEN MR. ANDERSON CAN BE IN ATTENDANCE. MS. JORDAN AND MR. BELCHER BOTH OFFERED THEIR SERVICES IN AN INFORMAL WAY TO THE TENANT TO ASSIST WITH THE DESIGN. THE BOARD REITERATED THAT ITS AGREEMENT IS WITH THE OWNER, AND THIS IS, THEREFORE, THE LANDLORD'S RESPONSIBILITY. THERE WAS SOME DISCUSSION ABOUT CONVENING A SUB COMMITTEE TO OFFER SOME DESIGN DIRECTION. MS. ULEY THEN SUGGESTED THAT THE BOARD SEND A LETTER REFLECTING ITS SYMPATHY WITH THE TENANT'S SITUATION, BUT MAKING IT CLEAR THAT THE RESPONSIBILITY RESTS WITH THE OWNER. REITERATE THAT A RENDERING IS REQUIRED AT THEIR NEXT BOARD MEETING AND PROVIDE A COPY OF THIS LETTER TO THE TENANT. IF NEEDED, A COMMITTEE CAN REVIEW THE RENDERING AND PUT TOGETHER A POINT LIST OF WHAT NEEDS TO HAPPEN IN ORDER TO CONCUR WITH THE ORIGINAL DESIGN. THE BOARD ACKNOWLEDGED COUNSEL'S REMARKS, AND DIRECTED MR. HARDY TO SEND THE LETTER. 135 WEST OAK JAY AND JACQUELINE WITLEN, TOGETHER WITH DAWN SINNARD FROM VAUGHT FRYE ARCHITECTS, CAME BEFORE THE BOARD REQUESTING DDA PARTICIPATION IN THE FUNDING OF THEIR NEW FACADE AT 135 WEST OAK STREET. NO ORIGINAL PHOTOS ARE AVAILABLE OF THIS BUILDING ERECTED IN 1924 AND REMODELED IN 1959. PLANS INCLUDE A LARGER MORE EFFICIENT KITCHEN AND MORE OF A BISTRO TYPE OPERATION WITH SIDEWALK TABLES. BOTH CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT AND TAX INCREMENT FUNDING ARE OPTIONS, SHOULD THE BOARD CHOOSE TO PARTICIPATE. MS. BRAYTON MOVED TO PARTICIPATE IN THE FUNDING OF THIS PROJECT, USING TAX INCREMENT FINANCING IN THE AMOUNT OF UP TO $55,C00 WITH A COMPLETION DATE OF DECEMBER 3 1, 2001 . THIS WAS SECONDED BY MS. JORDAN. A DISCUSSION FOLLOWED REGARDING THE PROPOSED FUNDING LEVEL. TEN PERCENT OF THE OVERALL COST HAS OFTEN BEEN USED BY THE BOARD AS A GUIDELINE, IT WAS EXPLAINED THAT IN EARLIER YEARS, THE NEED TO REDEVELOP DOWNTOWN SOMETIMES CAUSED A RELAXATION OF THAT GUIDELINE. BOTH MESSRS. MEADORS AND STROUD INDICATED THEY WOULD BE COMFORTABLE WITH A HIGHER LEVEL OF FUNDING. IT WAS THEN EXPLAINED HOW THE AMOUNT OF PARTICIPATION WAS DETERMINED; BY TAKING THE TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF $588,393 AND DEDUCTING THE PORTION NOT ELIGIBLE FOR DDA FUNDING, ($32, 1 15.) AS WELL AS ELEMENTS DEFINED AS PERSONAL PROPERTY. FOLLOWING THIS EXPLANATION, THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. DDA MINUTES PAGE 3 MASON STREET NORTH THE PRESENTATION GIVEN BY WOLFF-LYON, WONDERLAND HILL DEVELOPMENT AND PARADIGM REALTY WAS A CONCEPT REVIEW ONLY. A FUNDING REQUEST MAY BE MADE AT THE AUGUST MEETING. THIS MIXED USE PROJECT FITS PERFECTLY WITH THE CITY PLAN, OFFERING UNDERGROUND AND OTHER PUBLIC PARKING. IT COMPRISES RETAIL, OFFICE AND RESIDENTIAL, FOR AN ESTIMATED COST OF $7-8 MILLION. WHEN COMPLETED, IT WILL PROVIDE A MAJOR PEDESTRIAN CONNECTION FROM DOWNTOWN TO THE LEE MARTINEZ PARK. RENDERINGS WERE DISPLAYED AND THE BOARD TOOK TIME FOR A QUEST1014 AND ANSWER PERIOD, AS THE SEVEN ELEMENTS OUTUNED IN THE BOARD PACKETS WERE DISCUSSED. THE INFORMATION WAS WELL RECEIVED, AND BASED ON INPUT, THE DDA BOARD EXPRESSED INTEREST IN CONSIDERING A FUTURE FUNDING REQUEST. OTHER BUSINESS A PROJECT UPDATE REPORT IS INCLUDED IN THE PACKETS, AND MR. HARDY INQUIRED IF THE BOARD HAD AN INTEREST IN TOURING THE ARMORY BUILDING AT THE CLOSE OF THE AUGUST MEETING. ADJOURN THERE BEING NO FURTHER DISCUSSION, THE MEETING ADJOURNED AT 9:30 A.M. JASON MEADORS, SECRETARY CtWNTOWN � DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 19 OLD TOWN SQUARE, SUITE 230 FORT COLLINS, CO 80524 August 2, 2001 To: DDA Board 9f Directors From: Jay Haz RE: 334 East tain Avenue Telephone (970) 484-2020 Telefax (970) 484-2069 The new property owners of 334 East Mountain Avenue are proposing a renovation of the former Adventure Outfitters site to a bar/restaurant named Rythyms Bar & Grill. The owner(s) are seeking DDA participation on the facade, wrought iron fencing and sidewalk improvements. One of the partners in the project, Timothy Roberts, will be in attendance to present this project. Built in 1953, this building was remodeled to its current condition in 1993. The project is scheduled to begin construction later this summer, and the total estimated cost of the renovation is $606,490. Upon the removal of personal property ($175,000), the taxable improvements are estimated at $431,490. The following is an allocation of DDA eligible items within the project: Concrete sidewalk $5,720 Wrought Iron fencing (patio) $3,150 Eligible facade costs Stone Entry $1,500 Temporary fencing $450 Brick $3,600 Stucco $10,850 Signage $10,000 Painting — east side $6,500 Framing — east side $8,250 Exterior lights $1,850 Canopies $3 500 _Total eligible facade costs $46,500 Sub -Total $55,370 General Conditions $2,630 Fee $7,250 Total costs eligible for DDA participation $65,250 The property tax information on the building is as follows: Total actual value $300,050 Total assessed value $87 020 Total Current Property tax amount $8,523.09 Based on improvements as presented, the estimated tax increment is as follows:: Total project costs $606,490 Personal property ($175 000) Total taxable improvements $431,490 X 29 (commercial factor) Additional assessed value $125,132 .097944 (mill levy) Projected annual tax increment $12,256 Therefore, the tax increment available is $12,256/year, for a total of $55,152 assuming September 2006 expiration and completion of the project by December 31, 2001. The rejuvenation of this block of East Mountain Avenue was initiated by the Home State Bank project, which the DDA committed $190,000. Additionally on this block, the DDA has spent $40,000 on the old Salvation Army project at 345 E. Mountain as well as up to $68,885 for the Armory project at 314 E. Mountain Ave. The redevelopment of this property would move the efforts one step closer to Riverside, as well as add a restaurant/nightclub to a portion of downtown, which has not traditionally hosted this type of business. If the Board chooses to participate, a total of $92,629 remains in the administrative capital projects fund prior to this meeting. However, with anticipated upcoming projects competing for these funds, the most effective route of funding would be through a tax - increment debt package. &OWNTOWN � UWDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 19 OLD TOWN SQUARE, SUITE 230 FORT COLLINS, CO 80524 August 2, 2001 To: DDA Board Directors From: Jay Hard RE: Performing As Center/Library/Museum November ballot issue Telephone (970) 484-2020 Telefox (970) 484-2069 As discussed at our June meeting, a private citizen -based group (Imagine Fort Collins) has collected the necessary signatures to place on the November -ballot an initiative to fund a performing arts center, downtown library, museum expansion/renovation, joint box office with CSU and a land purchase for a future library in the southeast portion of Fort Collins. Subsequently, at least two additional tax ballot issues are being considered for this election. As the transportation tax issue is still under consideration, the Executive Board has requested Board discussion on the potential effect these combined issues may have on the Imagine Fort Collins vote. Included in your Packet is a summary of an economic impact study of a performing arts center on a central business district, commissioned in May 1998. As you can see, this project would have an enormous financial effect on downtown, and is an issue that should be on the forefront of the DDA agenda. Additionally, I have included a copy of the factual information on the ballot issue. This issue is scheduled for second reading at the City Council meeting on August 21, 2001. � 0 q n z 0 \ 0 c b ƒ � g I 0 0 w § � k 0 E 2 ] § \ F § / ° § § & - dk § ) � � / ) § k § | � k \ | § ; F ( - 2 / w $ § 03 § j /§/fq / 0 § _ 0 9 2 & DOWNTOWN � UWDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 19 OLD TOWN SQUARE, SUITE 230 Telephone (970) 484-2020 FORT COLLINS, CO 80524 Telefax (970) 484-2069 August 2, 2001 To: DDA Board of Directors From: Jay H RE: Hotel & ution Facility Feasibility Study In 1981, the DDA's original Plan of Development identified a downtown Hotel and Convention Facility as a priority project. Although a few efforts -have been initiated, twenty years later we are still without this asset downtown. Additionally, numerous plans have identified this need for our future success downtown, yet nothing has been built. The elimination in 1999 of the Mountain Empire Hotel and current failure of its redevelopment to a boutique hotel, together with the current market has rendered the DDA central business district without any hotel rooms. While the Bed & Breakfast industry is alive, well and a critical piece of our downtown, a formal hotel and convention facility is something our downtown is still lacking. In light of the continued inclusion of this project in our annual Work Plan, Board consideration in funding a feasibility study of this project is suggested during the FY2001 budget is recommended. In an effort to begin researching the costs, process and opportunities for this study, I have made initial contact with two reputable national firms to obtain a general estimate of the scope of work as well as cost of such a study. HVS International and Compass Management both provided our office with general guidelines, costs and elements which are necessary to identify the need and feasibility of this project and its success. Following initial conversations and correspondence, both firms contacted have provided a general `ballpark' figure of $75,000-$80,000 to complete two phases of work. The two phases would be as follows: Phase 1 Identifying current needs for a Hotel & Convention facility Phase 2 Identifying quantity of rooms, size of convention facility, site analysis and pro -forma (Phase 2, if needed) Due to the support which would be necessary to execute the construction of such a project, I have solicited three other entities to partner in the study. I have asked the City of Fort Collins ($30,000) and the Convention & Visitors Bureau ($5,000) to consider participating in this study. Additionally, I have requested a time at an upcoming Downtown Business Association Board meeting to make a funding request of $5,000. In the event total costs are $80,000, I would like to propose the DDA commit up to $40,000 toward this study, contingent upon the funding support of the other three entities. Such a study would need to go through a formal City of Fort Collins RFP process, and I have discussed the project with Jim O'Neill in the purchasing office. He has suggested a 3-week window of time to define the scope of work, at least 2 weeks in the RFP process, and another 2 weeks choosing a firm and finalizing a contract. At a time when the health of downtown is generally good, it has been the belief of the Board of Directors over the past twenty years that this type of project needs to occur. As our current financial condition will allow funding this type of project, I encourage the Board to strongly consider moving this potential project to a specific study level. If the Board elects to fund this study, funds are available in the administrative capital projects fund (current balance is $92,629), or the DDA can create a debt and use tax increment reserve funds. DOWNTOWN 0 UWDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 19 OLD TOWN SQUARE, SUITE 230 FORT COLLINS, CO 80524 August 2, 2001 To: DDA Board of Directors From: Jay Har RE: Opera Ga a Loft project Telephone (970) 484-2020 Telefox (970) 484-2069 The Opera Galleria is in the final planning stages of a remodel, which will transition the third floor of the building to high -end residential lofts. Tricia Diehl from Realtec Commercial Real Estate Services (the company marketing these residences) will be in attendance to introduce the project to the Board. While no funding request is being made, the DDA has a substantial investment in this property ($750,000) and therefore the presentation is informational only. DOWNTOWN � UWDEVELOPMEM AUTHORITY 19 OLD TOWN SQUARE, SUITE 230 FORT COLLINS, CO 80524 August 2, 2001 To: DDA Board f Directors From: Jay RE: Remingto t parking structure signage (DBA request) Telephone (970) 484-2020 Telefax (970) 484-2069 Recently, the Downtown Business Association (DBA) approved funding for two parking improvement projects downtown. The two suggested programs -are a voluntary, parking validation system, and a new parking sign for the Remington Street and the Civic Center Parking Structure. The costs of the validation system total $1,832 and will be paid entirely by the DBA. The construction and electrical hook-up of the sign is $6,531, for each garage. David Short, DBA Executive Director will be in attendance to explain these projects, and is requesting funding in the amount of $6,531 for one garage sign. The DBA would also fund a sign for one garage. A rendering of the proposed sign is included in your packet. The signs would be located at the Mountain Avenue and Laporte Avenue entrance on the respective parking structures. Procedurally, the sign on the Remington garage would be installed first, followed by the Civic Center Parking Structure sign. This improved signage would be an important addition to the parking structures, and is aimed at informing and encouraging public parking opportunities within the structures. A feature designating the garage as "Public Parking" as well as "OPEN or FULL" will be included on the signage. These two parking programs are a positive step toward moving cars off the street and into the downtown parking structures. If the Board chooses to fund the project, the balance of the available funds in the administrative capital projects fund is $92,629. DOWNTOWN � DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 19 OLD TOWN SQUARE, SUITE 230 Telephone (970) 484-2020 FORT COLLINS, CO 80524 Telefax (970) 484-2069 August 2, 2001 To: DDA Board 9f Directors From: Jay 1ardX It walk Repair RE: Pine Stree e The DDA recently funded the replacement of the sidewalk on the north side of the 200 Walnut Block. During this project, it was brought to our attention that another small segment needed repair to complete the `wrap -around' and finish the work on this block and corner. The City of Fort Collins and the property owner of 200 Walnut (Veldman Morgan) has agreed to fund 1 /3 of the cost of replacing the sidewalk from the southwest comer of the building to the alley. The parties are requesting the DDA contribute 1/3 to complete the work. Total costs of the project are estimated at $4,290, therefore the request from the DDA is for $1,430. Included in your packet is a photo of the current condition of the sidewalk. If the Board chooses to fund the project, the current balance of the administrative capital project fund is $92,629. Tracy Dyer from the City of Fort Collins will be in attendance to present the project. • s s8 N o N � V H H y y H H H y H y H y H y H y H H y y H y H y H O O N S O S l�V O O O O O O O 8 O O O O O 8 O V O O O O 8 G$ aC N vl v1 V' O pp N C C C C C C p C4 to ri K y rt n r en T en N a a b u A a x a � � ZZ U §RQ a Cd06 0 0 0 0 o vvi E s s so wi N R H H H H y H y y H H y H H H H H N H y H y H H R h 8 8 8 g p g p g p g p 8 p s v�i YOl p V r$ p N VOf p 8 S p 8 p 8 h t+� 'O VJ xu u m 9 c Eo 'fib a q a Co t3 ;e V u x M a a SH awa CS vs'i a o'i . Q t+iNfW100 ims b b b OG b 00 b OC b OO 00 b W b OC b 00 b OC b W b b ry rf AOWNTOWN UWDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 19 OLD TOWN SQUARE, SUITE 230 FORT COLLINS, CO 80524 Telephone (970) 484-202C Telefax (970) 484-2065 July 19, 2001 Mack Anderson Beartooth Properties, LLC PO Box 8, Idledale, CO 80453 Dear Mack: Thank you for taking time to attend the Board meeting on July 12, 2001 to discuss the DDA Agreement and facade signage at 185 North College Avenue. Following the general discussion the Board revis Present at any future meetings regarding this projited this issue and felt strongly that you should be ect. Therefore, I would like to encourage your attendance at the DDA Board meeting on September 6, 2001. The meeting will be held at 7:30 a.m. in the Home State Bank Conference Room. In addition, the Board requested I ensure that a rende'ing depicting the changes is made available prior to this meeting, and that the changes reflect the points of discussion from the July 12, Board meeting. The Downtown Development Authority is clearly sensitive to the tenant's need to conduct business effectively, and it is hoped that the new signage can incorporate many of those important elements, within the guidelines set forth However, the agreement referenced is between Beartooth Properties, LLC and the DDA. Therefore, while the Board seeks your interaction and cooperation with Mr. Ross in this matter, LLC. the presentation of the changes must come from Beartooth Properties, Mack, I would like to convey my thanks for your courtesy in handling this matter to date. It is certainly in the best interests of all parties to deal with these issues expediently, and to resolve them in a manner which reflects the original intent of DDA's Funding Agreement. Please be kind enough to confirm your attendance at the DDA Board meeting on September 6, and I look forward to receiving a rendering for our Board packets no later than August 24, 2001. I will be in touch with you prior to that date to answer any questions you may have at that time. Sincerely, Jay Hardy, Executive Director Downtown Development Authority cc: Richard Ross