HomeMy WebLinkAboutWomens Commission - Minutes - 06/21/2006City of Fort Collins Women's Commission June 21, 2006 Members Present: Barbara Goff, Paul Cale, Beth Etter, Pat Lewis, Stacy Arnold, Tanya McCandlish Members not Present: Shelby Maier (excused), Mona Shatz Liaisons not Present: Karen Gebhardt (excused), Marjorie Mctaggart (excused) I. Call to Order 6:40pm Paula moved that minutes for both the April 2006 and May 2006 meetings be approved. Stacy seconded the motion. Motion passed. II. Announcements Paula submitted her letter of resignation via email on June 20, 2006. This will be her last meeting. Stacy will miss the October 2006 meeting. Marjorie is recovering from her surgery and expects to attend the July meeting. III. Old Business MNW Awards Event Pat volunteered to chair this event. Tanya volunteered to assist Pat with the coordination arrangements. Some discussion about if/how to pair this event with other events sponsored by the Commission, or to partner with other organizations in the community. No decision made Essay Contest Stacy volunteered to chair the 2007 essay contest Newsletter Beth volunteered to chair the Newsletter initiative. Shelby had volunteered to do some research for the first edition, and possibly write an article. The first edition will be available in the Fall, and will focus on women serving in elected or appointed positions (boards, commissions, congress, council, etc) The members were in agreement that an intern could be of tremendous assistance in creating the distribution list, and possibly developing the format for the newsletter. Beth will check with some of her contacts at CSU for possible intern candidates. Paula will check with Karen G. about a possible intern student. Beth will also form a committee to begin organizing the contact information for the newsletter distribution list. The Commission discussed approaching the Coloradoan about the possibility of a guest editorial (4-6 times per year) highlighting the theme of the Commission's newsletter. Barb G. will explore this with the newspaper. Website It was suggested that the Commission form a committee to review the website as it currently exists and to make recommendations on possible alterations or refinements. The Commission decided to put their energy into the development and marketing of the newsletter, and address the Website in the Fall. Name Tags Suzanne was asked to pursue getting Women's Commission name tags for the new members. Budget Suzanne explained that the Commission's request for a budget would be submitted to the City Manager's Office, and to City Council for consideration, based on a discussion with Diane Jones, Deputy City Manager. She suggested the Commission target August for this submittal. Barbara G. and Suzanne will draft the budget and submit it to the Commission in July for their review. IV. New Business Discussion Panel Commission members were very enthusiastic about sponsoring panel discussions, focusing on the same themes as the newsletters. General planning for the panel discussions will wait until after the newsletter process is more refined, additional Commission members are appointed. In the meantime, Beth will contact KRFC to find out how interested they are with hosting an on -air panel discussion. Barb will check with the HRC to learn more about their success with panel discussions. Barb will check with the League of Women Voters to see if they're interested in possibly partnering with the Commission on a panel discussion focusing on women serving in elected or appointment positions. Vacancies The Commission has two current vacancies, created when Penny and Paula resigned from the Commission. In addition, Mona hasn't attended a meeting in 2006. Barb has attempted to contact Mona, but hasn't received any response. The City Clerk's Office is currently advertising the vacant positions on the Commission and will keep the Staff Liaison informed on any progress. Educational Programs Tanya asked if the Commission were able to sponsor educational programs and charge a fee for attendance. Commission members indicated it was probably better for them to help publicize the events others are hosting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:20pm Next Meeting July 19, 2006 6:30-8:30pm Topics: Newsletter Update Panel Discussion Update Membership Update Budget Update Name Tags