HomeMy WebLinkAboutParks And Recreation Board - Minutes - 08/07/1979PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD • SPECIAL MEETING - SWITZER APPEAL J" August 7, 1979 The minutes ob .the Juty 31st meeting weAe appAoved. Anhweu to the bouA questions posed at .the July 31st meeting weAe given by Tim Buchanan and PeteA Rugg.ieAo, Assistant City Attohney. "The PaAks and Recheation Adv.i6ohy Board Rejects the appeal by MA. Ratph SwitzeA on the basis .that .the existing Thee OAdinance ctean2y AequiAes that the adjoining pAopexty owneA Removes the tAees. In addition, the Board Aeeommends that his 4.inanciat 2.iabit ty 5oA Aemov-ing the two thees .in question be ).educed by 50%; and that the City shape equatty the cost og Removae o6 the subject tAees." Moved - CAockett; Seconded - Reid Cavried: 4-1 EQabo)atc:on: • The Board's Aea6ons SoA kecommending shaped Aespons.ibiZity .in th.i.s cane cfte two-6otd: 1. MR. SwitzeA has aPAeady boAn a substantiat cost .in hemov.ing seveha4 tAees .in ALght-o6-way. 2. The City has, .in the Recent past, shaped costs os thee temovat. "The Board Recommends that Couneit diAect staSS to conduct a compbete Aev.iew o� the "TAees: CaAe and Photeetion" ORdinanee and .in pakticutaA, make changes to Requihe the City to assume SuEt S.inaneiat Aezponsibitity boA thee Aemovat on Alght6-o4-way." Moved - CAockett; Seconded - Reid Cavried Meeting ad j ouA.ned at 6:15 P.M. RespeetbuUy submitted, GRANT REID, Seenetany PRESENT: H. R. Ph U-ips, D.iAectot o6 PaRks and ReeAeati.on Dwain M(,UeA Tim Buchanan, City FocesteA IAene Toti,veA John B)Looks, FoAesteA 11 Chuck Soeano PeteA RuggteAo, Assistant City Attohney Bob CAockett Ralph SwitzeA, AppeUant GAant Reid NEXT MEETING: August 28, 1979, 7:30 P.M. .in the downstaiu conbeAence Room 145 E. Mountain Avenue