HomeMy WebLinkAboutParks And Recreation Board - Minutes - 01/24/200111 Council Liaison: Bill Bertschy Staff Liaison: Marty Heffernan 224-6064 President: Lance Freeman Phonr- 491-7R1 Z lu.n,Vl AS2d_F,74O Call Meeting to Order: President Lance Freeman called the Regular meeting to order at 5:35 p.m. Agenda Review: Marty Heffernan added the following Agenda Items: • Update on schedule of the Horticulture Center • Trails Committee Report from Lance Items of Note: Jessica MacMillan called to say she would not be able to attend tonight's meeting. Citizen Participation: No citizen participation Approval of Minutes: On a motion by Del Price, seconded by Dean Hoag, the minutes of the Regular meeting of December 6, 2000 were unanimously (7-0) approved. Mary Carlson was introduced to the Board as our new Board Member. She served on the Parks and Recreation Board from 1980 to 1984. She has been a citizen of Fort Collins for over 30 years. Her main interest is in open space management. Youth Activity Center Replacement Committee Report Ande Havenar began her presentation to the Board by introducing Ana Rocca, Jeremy Lees, Samantha Pagni, and Christa Miller who are active members of the YAC Replacement Committee. Ande said that for the past five years, the Recreation Division has offered activities to the youth in our community at Old Fort Collins High School, known as the YAC. Her group would like to assist the City in finding a replacement for the YAC. When the group met in December, they decided they wanted to meet with the Parks and Recreation Board to present their plans. The group wants to help the youth in our community have a place to recreate as they have for the past five years at the YAC. Ande said the reason they have come to the Board is /lner "ecemoer 2uui, me center wnt not oe avauaoie ror the Mos. Parks and Recreation Board Minute January 24, 2001 Page 2 She reviewed the history of the YAC from 1993 as a directive from the City Council to respond to increase gang activity. In 1995, the City leased a portion of Old Fort Collins High School for a Youth Activity Center. The Recreation Division developed programs for ages 2-to 19-years-old providing pre-school programs, youth programs, the summer basketball league, RAD van, and summer youth employment. The YAC has been very successful and popular with the youth of the community since then. The participation has exceeded expectations. The group toured the Timberline Church and the Faith Evangelical Free Church as potential sites for the YAC replacement. She explained how the group reviewed other youth activity centers along the Front Range. The Task Force made a recommendation to the City Manager and Council to pursue the purchase and renovation of Timberline Church to replace the YAC. Brownie McGraw presented this to City Manager John Fischbach. Jean said the Timberline Church would cost approximately $3,000,000 to purchase and the same to renovate. Ande said that Loveland is building a youth center. They are using the YAC as a model since it has been so successful in the past five years. If we build a new one it would cost approximately $4,000,0000 plus land acquisition. Part of the YAC Replacement Committee's focus is to dovetail on the School District's programs, however there isn't enough space after they run their programs. Paul Hudnut said that Doctor Yates spoke today at the Lincoln.Center and they have received funding for renovation of Old Fort Collins High School. Paul further said that Doctor Yates said that this would be open to the public for performing arts. Ross Cunniff said he would abstain from making any comments because of his position on the School Board. Dean Hoag said that the YAC is providing beneficial programs to the youth and we have a definite need in the community. Lance said that as a Board, we can write a letter to the Council taking our stand on this. The YAC is on our 2001 Work Plan. We need to come up with a position and send it to Council. Mike Gavin agreed with the other Board members that we need the facility. He questioned which one of the facilities the staff and committee have looked at is a better facility? Marty said that the Faith Evangelical Free Church would be our first choice and it requires the least amount of renovation. Lance said we need to talk to Council members. Jean said one thing the Task Force needs is suggestions from this Board as to where they go from here. Bill Bertschy said that the next Council Policy Agenda will be discussed in May. Timing is good if Council adopts replacement of the YAC on the next Council Policy Agenda for the next two years. He expressed the funding issue will be huge and asked if the committee developed any fund raising strategies? Ande said they have discussed it, but they want a commitment from the City Council before they start the fund raising. Bill said it will need some significant funding from the private sector. We have funding for the land for the performing arts and library but have no funding for construction yet. Everyone feels passionate about their capital projects. There is such a need for all of the capital improvements in the city. Bill visited a youth activity center in Los Angeles and he said it was a beautiful center, which was constructed through a partnership. The timing is good and if the Parks and Recreation Board Minutes • January 24, 2001 Page 3 Board has strong feelings, bring it forward to the Council in a study session. Communication would be in order and then return after the elections in April. What about partnering with Poudre School District? Ross said that in the bonding there was some money for City/School District partnering along with CSU and County, but no program earmarked. The funding would be approximately $1,000,000. Paul Hudnut asked if there could be a funding smaller increments of money to purchase the church over time. Paul Van Valkenburg said there are so many capital projects in the City are we even three years away from this? Would there be a developer willing to build the building and the City rents or leases back? Jean said we are looking at a both a long-range plan and a short-range plan. At this point we are looking at what do we do in 2002 and what are we going to do long-term. Marty added that the Old Fort Collins High worked so well because of the gymnasium. Del Price said that in locating a replacement for the YAC, are we focusing on high -risk youth or the youth in general? There are kids who need more help than others. Are these viable locations for the youth in the community? He added that the Boys and Girls Club are building on the north end of the city and we are working on the replacement for the Northside Aztlan Community Center. We can't assume the low-income kids are at high risk, all the kids are at risk. Dave Mosnik said that the Recreation staff works with agencies that network with at risk kids on a daily basis and they utilize the YAC. Dave added that kids from all walks of life and at every zip code in the city are represented at the YAC. Either of these sites (Timberline Church or the Faith Evangelical Church) would work for the YAC replacement. Dave added that we have an extensive preschool program. Those programs have tripled in the community since we centrally located them. The little kids have their first experience at the YAC and when they become 12-14 they will come back to the YAC to participate. The YAC sees all age groups of kids and the diversity of the kids economically and ethnically, attend activities at the YAC. Lance said we need to communicate with Council to see if they are willing to look at this scenario and determine if we should go forth with the YAC Committee. Lance said he would visit with Council members individually if necessary. Jean said the group has been for the past year wondering if they are spinning their wheels or is the Council interested in this project. And where do we go from here? What is the Board's take? Del asked what are we asking Council to do? Are we asking for the full funding? Lance said no we are asking for Council's support in this or do we close the doors in 2002? If not, we go from there and if so, we go forth. Jean said along with the lease, we need the O&M commitment from the Council. Del said we need to give the Council some options such as the City provides seed money and then list the various options. Paul Hudnut said we need a resolution stating that this is a viable capital project. We need a place for the youth. Bill Bertschy said he likes the idea of the resolution and the continuity of the program and asking Council to look at the bigger picture. He encouraged the group and the Board to take the next step. Council has been concerned. Ande asked Bill if the committee should bring this question forward now or after the election? Bill said bring it forth now. Parks and Recreation Board Minute January 24, 2001 Page 4 Lance said we will work on drafting a statement and we can get it to the Board members at the next month's meeting. We will brainstorm on best way to get this information to Council. We could conclude our process next month. Paul Hudnut said we need to get this done sooner. Paul Van Valkenburg said we need to endorse the concept and secondly we need to ask for direction for funding. Do we find a place for now, do we find a place to rent for a long period of time? We need it as an ongoing operation and maintenance. Bill said the Board needs to tell Council what you want. State your preference as a Board. It will be up to Council to decide. Bill said that it only takes three council members to bring forth a resolution. Lance said we think this is a critical service to be provided to the community and every effort should be made to fund this and look for a facility. Del added we have a very short time to work on this. We have a committee in place and they are at a standstill. They are not going to move until Council makes a commitment to this project. Paul Hudnut made a motion that the Board direct Marry Heffernan and Lance Freeman to draft a resolution that states the Board is in support of the replacement of the YAC; that we are supportive of the work of the YAC Replacement Committee; that we need a temporary rental in the meantime; and it is critical to continue this service to the community. A draft of the resolution will be circulated to Board Members via e-mail and members will get back to staff with comments. The motion was seconded by Dean Hoag, and the vote passed 7-0-1. Ross Cunniff abstained. Update on Trails Committee Paul Hudnut and Lance Freeman updated the Board on the Trails Committee meeting held last week. The purpose of the meeting was to focus on what was the iritent of the joint meeting with the two boards. The subcommittee decided it would focus on new trails and provide input to the staff to be proactive on balancing trails for recreational use as well as preserving the natural resources in the community. Our next meeting is February 20. The members are Lance Freeman, Paul Hudnut, Craig Foreman, Mark Sears, Linda Knowlton, Don Rodriguez, Randy Fischer, and Kelly Ohlson. Paul added that 85 percent of the views we agreed on. We need to balance the use of the trail system in the city and we will work through it. Mary Carlson asked if there is a movement to not allow horses on the trails and open spaces? Paul said there are different user groups and they all have their views of what and where activities should be used. Bill agreed with Paul and said that there is a difference between open space and natural areas and we need to manage the use. There are a lot of trail uses and not really enough miles of trails in the community. The focus will stay on areas like PineRidge the Poudre River corridor and Southwest Community Park. We want to get a vision on our whole trail system. Marty said that trails are the best recreational amenity we offer in the community. His vision is that we have the best trail system in the State. Harmony Neighborhood Park Final Design of Harmony Park was provided by Craig Foreman and Hetty Bixby. Craig explained that the 10-acre park is adjacent to Trout Elementary and Preston Junior High. The school district built about half of the irrigation pond. The RFP for construction will go out to bid Parks and Recreation Board •utes • January 24, 2001 Page 5 next month and construction starting in the summer. Staff has worked with the school district on the design of the park. Hetty said that between the school site and the park we have approximately 15 acres and the site will be surrounded by houses. A berm has been designed to buffer the existing housing. There are sidewalks through the park to Trout Elementary and Preston Junior High schools. The core area has a shelter, playground, restroom, trees buffer the ballfields and the play area. We are incorporating flower gardens at the entrance to the park. The playground will have natural boulders and some trees in the play area. The edge of the playground is a boulder edge set in concrete as seating areas and some flat to the ground. One of the ideas coordinated early in the project with former Park Planner Janet Meisel was an area where they could have teaching circles and it has been designed in the park in close proximity to both of the schools. The boulders will act as seating for the teaching areas. Plantings of trees will define areas in the park. City Forester Tim Buchanan has planed a variety of tree species in this park. Craig mentioned that there will be some new elements for the play area for older kids. Preston has a large soccer field that is fenced in and we are working with the School District to have it as an open field. Lance said that is a significant improvement over the original design. Del asked if there are any trails around the lake. Hetty said no that there isn't much room around the lake. There is a sidewalk along the lake. He asked if there is any passive recreation around the lake? Craig pointed out the learning area is on one side of the pond. Del asked about the availability of the ballfields? Craig said we will program through the summer. During the school year, the School District will use them for practice fields. One of the ballfields is a Building Community Choices project. We have an intergovernmental agreement that all the BCC fields that are on the school grounds will be maintained by the school district and the users will pay for the prep of the fields. Lance thanked the staff for the redesign and said it is a dynamic plan Gatewav Mountain Park Craig illustrated the entrance to the park and the new road design. The contractor will begin next week to start on Highway 14. We are working through the project and trying to get this done by April 30. The road is relocated behind the houses. Staff is beginning to design the picnic shelter, restrooms, and a launch site for boats. We're looking at the possibility of making the restrooms fully operational. In conjunction with the opening of the park by June 15, we are trying to have the first phase amenities in the park by that date. DOW is willing to stock a pond for catch and release, kids fishing, and handicap access fishing. Marty said that the overall plan is beyond our financial means and we are developing it by phases. Bill Bertschy asked about the old access road? Craig responded that Greeley would still like to use the road. The City will allow Greeley to use the old road, but they will have to maintain it. Craig explained that staff is going to videotape the entire site and document it. We want to keep it as the same quality it is now. Parks and Recreation Board Minutr January 24, 2001 Page 6 Marty Carlson had a question on the road construction. She asked if the redesign is a safety factor? Craig explained the center turn lanes have been designed for safety and we have worked with CDOT on the design. They have approved all road construction. Paul Hudnut asked about the access across the Poudre River. Marty said that it is a few years away because of financial reasons and Utilities has asked that we don't develop it at this point. There will be walking up to Seaman Reservoir. City Park Management Plan Marty said that we have been working on Martinez and Edora Park Management Plans and now we are working on City Park Management Plan. We are asking the Board tonight for input and we will put together a concept plan with Hetty Bixby's lead. Craig explained that we are zoning the park. The first zone is the softball fields/baseball fields; second zone is the multi -use soccer and organized sports use; non -programmed use is another zone where there is irrigated turf not programmed. In a general sense we captured all the areas in the park into zones. He referred to the core area. There are no sidewalks leading to the train, picnic shelter area, and pool. The tennis courts are in good shape. The special feature zone is the pottery studio, city park center, and pool. Lance said that he would like to eliminate most of the roads in the park and create alternative parking on the fringes of the park. Bill Bertschy asked if the Housing Authority is in the park? Craig said they are on the north edge of the park. Craig said we need a theme in the park and would like to rehab it with the same moss rock that is already in the entrances to the park. Paul Hudnut asked where will we get the funding for this park renovation? Craig said funding could come from the Community Parkland. Del said that the plans are important to have in place whether there is funding at the time or not. Marry asked if the Board thinks staff is going in the right direction? The Board agreed that this park does need some updated amenities, that the improvements are needed and applaud the neighborhood involvement. 2000 Annual Parks and Recreation Board Report Marty said that this is a synopsis of the Board's discussions and accomplishments as noted in the minutes of those meetings. On a motion by Mike Gavin, seconded by Paul Hudnut, the Board voted unanimously (8-0) to accept the 2000 Annual Parks and Recreation Board Report as presented. Other Business • Horticulture Center -- Marty updated the Board on the project. Staff determined relocating the Sherwood Lateral would have to wait until September. Although this delays the project somewhat, we decided we couldn't get the project done before mid -April as the Ditch Company required. This means that we will have to start that project in September. It will move the Horticulture's opening to spring 2002. The upside is that we will have more of a control on costs. The ditch project will be done at the same time as the rest of the project. Parks and Recreation Boardutes • January 24, 2001 Page 7 Mike Gavin asked if the change would affect the cost of the project? Marty said no it won't. Bill added that the gardens at Old Fort Collins High will be built this summer. Management Change in Park Maintenance -- Marty said that Bob Loeven will be Manager of Park Maintenance and Virgil Taylor will oversee cemeteries, Gateway Park, and work on special projects. Bill said that the Board's work plans go directly to the Council Liaison and that will have a couple of suggestions that will be sent to the Board and Staff Liaison. His suggestion is that the Board needs a statement as to how projects being considered fit the role and responsibilities of this Board. The work plans will be distributed to the Council and will be part of the Council's Policy Agenda. Lance asked Bill if it would be better if he came to our meeting when we are developing the work plan. Bill said that isn't necessary. Mike Gavin complimented the Recreation staff during the Winter/Spring class registration. He said customers were processed quickly and wants to send his compliments to the staff for their efficiency. CSU Rodeo Grounds -- Paul Hudnut asked about the plans for this area. Marty said the infrastructure development was too costly and that CSU didn't have any funding to offer. Lance thanked Bill Bertschy for coming to our meeting. Adjournment: On a motion by Mary Carlson, the Board adjourned at 8:25 p.m. 4pectfully submi d, —4-Jie ael (/ Executive Administrative Assistant Meeting Attendance Board Members: Mary Carlson, Ross Cunniff, Lance Freeman, Mike Gavin, Dean Hoag, Paul Hudnut, Del Price, and Paul Van Valkenburg Staff: Hetty Bixby, Peggy Bowers, Craig Foreman, Marty Heffernan, Jean Helburg, Dave Mosnik, and Jackie Rael