HomeMy WebLinkAboutWomens Commission - Minutes - 09/16/1991�J MINUTES COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN SEPTEMBER 16, 1991 Present: Dana Hiatt, Lynne Warner, Audrey Faulkner, Chris Wood, Mary Zamora, Bobby Cullor, Lu Fisk, Kathy McLeod, Carolyn Duff, Sally Miles, Kathy Everett, Donna Aurand Absent: Kathleen Faller, Doug Gertner, Brownie McGraw Council Liaison: Ann Azari Staff: Ann Turnquist I. Call to Order: 7:00 II. Council Report: Council is primarily working on budget at this time. Chris Wood asked about the Cement Plant burning of hazardous waste. Ann Azari described the vote on this issue and the reason why it will not an item for administrative review. Bobby Cullor asked if Utilities are self supporting. Ann Azari explained that they are a self-supporting Enterprise Fund. Audrey Faulkner and Lynne Warner presented a resolution which the Commission would like to present to Council re: two important Fort Collins women who had died recently . Ann Azari suggested that the Commission work with the City Clerk's office, possibly to turn it into a proclamation. Audrey and Lynne will work on putting it in a form to present to Council on behalf of the Commission. 3. Review of Minutes: Kathy Everett chaired meeting, rather than K. McLeod. Ms. Number should be 5zp90. Retreat II --sponsorship of Section 125 presentation --needs clarification at next meeting. Kathy McLeod will look into what decision was made on how minutes will be formatted. Approved as amended. 4. Presentation: Mims Harris--Lory Student Center Re: Multi - Cultural Education Team. The purpose of the team is to provide education for staff, students and faculty. It has done presentations for approx. 25 groups in Ft. Collins in the past year. It is committed to helping people to connect cognitive and affective pieces (What I think vs. what I feel) The length of time allowed for the training determines content. Discussed: training includes learning about self, people feeling safe about talking about self and what they are afraid of, and a better understanding of people who are different. The training encourages people to share their personal stories. Discussed team building aspect of training. Mims said it can be very effective for learning more about each other. Audrey mentioned that leadership issues for women is an important concern. Mims thought that we couldn't talk about team building, diversity and leadership in two hours, need more time. Discussed how "personal" people need to get. Mims said you choose how personal you want to get, but that there is a need to get personal to get to know each other beyond the superficial. There doesn't need to be a consensus about what all the problems are that should be addressed. Commission needs to decide how it wants to proceed, then get in touch with Mims. Minimum time frame: 4 hours. Given that Kathleen and Doug were to explore this training, and Kathleen surveyed membership, Audrey moved that discussion be postponed until one or both of them are at the meeting. Commission agreed. Another option is to see Lillian Roybal Rose, Oct. 9 and 10, 8-5, $60 per participant. 491-6626 Mims if want registration form for this full day seminar. Discussed providing scholarship for members to attend Lillian Roybal Rose's seminar if they would like to attend, but cannot afford to pay. Commission agreed that those who wish to attend should be sponsored by the Commission. 4. Chairwoman's Remarks Discussed by-laws work that Kathy McLeod has completed. Will prepare revised by-laws for next meeting. If you have an item for the agenda, please let Kathy know by the week of mailing (10 days before meeting). 5. Announcements Chris announced seminars for girls in grades 6-12 on non- traditional careers. National Women in Agriculture seminar Oct 5. International women's health conference, Wednesday Sept. 18. Conference on women working together, and financial seminar brochures passed out by Sally. 7. Old Business a. Task Force proposal: Kathy Everett moved that it be adopted. See how it works, and if changes are needed, they will be made. Clarification: how are members assigned? Appointed by Chair. b. Secretary: Ann will take minutes. Adopted statement of role of Corresponding Secretary. Discussed how to fill position. Audrey polled member and receive one interested candidate, Chris Wood, who was selected by acclamation. e. Retreat: Need to change date. Kathy McLeod proposed an evening meeting. Next meeting at 5:00 to 9:00 on Oct. 21, with dinner provided. Chris will call members about the content of the retreat, in addition to the unresolved issues from the last retreat. g. Task Force on Domestic Violence: Task Force has conducted research on issue, and collected written materials on topic. Question was asked, "What is the purpose or direction of Commission for this Task Force?" Are there priority areas for Commission efforts? (i.e. identify gaps in services in the area and make a proposal to Council.) Audrey made the suggestion to use this issue as an avenue to discuss process. Commission will discuss further at the retreat. Sally Miles asked the Commission to the confirmation of Clarence Commission decided that this wa that there would be a diversity the hour, the Commission chose of this type should be placed needed. Adjourned: 9:30 p.m. to come to agreement on opposition Thomas to the Supreme Court. The s not an easy issue to discuss and of opinion. Given the lateness of not to take up this topic. Issues on the agenda when discussion is