HomeMy WebLinkAboutSenior Advisory Board - Minutes - 11/12/1986Senior Advisory Board NOVEMBER 12, 1986 Members Present: Mildred Arnold, Nancy Luttrop, Yetta Rollin, Joe Campanella,Arlen Simon, Phillip Simon , Ruby Lynch, Pat Long, Sam Rosenthal, Dwight Saunders. Members Absent: Patty Raco-Wunsch 1. Call To Order Meet i ng was ca 1 I ed to order by Cha i rperson, Joe Campanella 11. Review of Minutes Motion was made by Pat to approve the minutes as read. Motion was seconded and a I I approved. 111. Old Business The city engineering dept had contacted Nancy about speaking with the board, and Nancy was going to arrange for both he and someone from the traffic division to meet with us today, however , arrgangements for the senior shopping spree had overshadowed these arrangements. Concern still exists regarding traffic lights around the city and this meeting wi 1 I be a priority directly after the first of the year. In the mean time, Joe wi i I contact the city and express our particular concern about the walk 1 ight in front of the hosp i to i . Sam emphat i ca 1 1 y po i nts out the 1 ack of a ye I l ow warn i ng when the I i ght 15 chang 1 ng and i s worr i ed that there i s not cuff I c i ent t ime to cross before changing. The Shopping Spree i s scheduled for Dec. IOth from 10 - 3. Care -A -Van and Saint wlII be assisting with transportation. Refreshments and entertainment will be provided. Many on our board have volunteered to assist with the spree.so Nancy suggested that we meet for our December meeting at Delfanie's restraunt at the FoothlIIs Mall. All present agreed, and Nancy wi 1 1 make reservations for Dec. 10, at 11:30 a.m. The Patient Advocacy Committee has presented the board with the hospital's admission packet to see if adequate Information is being presented to the elderly, regarding patients' rights. Each board member is requested to read the material and bring suggestions and comments to the next meeting. There was discussion about the hospital board, and our distaste regarding the closed meeting format. We feel the " personnel matters" clause in the open meeting rule for city business is much abused in this case. There was a brief presentation on the task force meeting. The purpose was stated : Research existing surveys and other material available in the community regarding senior needs. Methods outl ined : Sol icit imput and aid from our city 1 Eason. Ent Ist the aid of those who had appl fed to the sr. board. investigate the possibility of a survey to locate all Persons over 50, so that we may invite them personal I to share their concerns regarding services which the city should be providing in an open meeting format. Nancy suggested a survey of those attending the senior shopping spree, which would include those 50 and older, some nursing home residents, and those on Rt.5 of the transfort system. V. New Business Nancy reports that the senior hobby shop, a senior co—op, is open with juried crafts available through Christmas. Also, Nancy reports that on the most recent Parks and Rec planner, a new senior center was in the top three I An f nv i tat i on was extended by Nancy to attend a presentation of " Dream Works ", a Joint pub is and privately funded program involving the general Population sharing their Dreams. We are invited om Tuesday 12/2/86 at 11:00 a.m.at the center. Nancy also advises that It Is time to renew your subscription to the Greening Leaf ,the newwsIetter of the senior center, it comes highly recommended by several of the board members. Nancy is excited about a coming change of format, and hopes we' i I al I avaI I ourseI Yes of this great publication. It is avai table free at the senior center , or for only $3.00, wi I l be ma led to your home. VI. Ad.iournment -The table was pot led for any further new business, Meet i ng was adjourned at 3 :30 PM ResepectfuIIy submitted J.. F. C.