HomeMy WebLinkAboutTransportation Board - Minutes - 06/04/1992l 0 0 Draft minutes to be approved at the June 18, 1992 meeting. TRANSPORTATION BOARD MEETING MINUTES JUNE 4, 1992 5:30-7:00 P.M. BOARD LIAISONS: Council Liaison -- Cathy Fromme Staff Liaison -- Rick Ensdorff BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Mark Egeland, Sara Frazier, Colin Gerety, Elizabeth Hudetz, Dave Lemesany, Sharone Mekelburg, Michael Poppenwimer, James Reidhead, and Paul Valentine. STAFF PRESENT: Greg Byrne, Rick Ensdorff, Cindy Scott FACILITATOR: Suzanne Jarboe -Simpson GUESTS PRESENT: Tom Carson and R.P. Martin (the latter from Air Quality Task Force) AGENDA: 1) Call to Order 2) Role Call 3) Approval of Minutes - June 4, 1992 4) Discussion with Ad -Hoc Transportation Committee 5) Other Business 6) Adjourn DISCUSSION TOPICS: 1. CALL TO ORDER Rick Ensdorff called the meeting to order. 2. ROLE CALL All Board Members introduced themselves for the benefit of Mark Egeland, who was absent from the last meeting. } 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved, seconded, and unanimously approved that the minutes from the June 4, 1992 Transportation Board meeting be accepted as presented. 4. DISCUSSION WITH AD -HOC TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE - (Guest speakers Earl Wilkinson and JimYamane) Ensdorff gave a brief background on the Ad -Hoc Transportation Committee - how they formed through Council recommendation and the important document they spent their time and effort on - the Mission Statements, Policies and Objectives. Earl Wilkinson began by explaining the development of the Transit Plan, which improved the productivity of the bus system, and was adopted by Council and is now in effect. The next step that was adopted, was the Mission Statement, Policies and Objectives. Mr. Wilkinson then distributed a hand-out of a flow chart of what the Committee intended to do and where they are. He explained how each step was prioritized and then became adopted by Council. He also stressed that the Committee had more public meetings and the things that the Committee developed had more public input than any document that has been developed by the City. Mr. Wilkinson explained that whenever the Committee had a rough draft of something, they would forward a copy to the Air Quality Task Force, the Natural Resources Board and to the Planning and Zoning Board. Then the Chairpersons of each of these groups would meet and discuss what input was needed for the plan. It took a lot of hard work and compromising, and.the relationship between the four groups was good. Work Sessions were also important in working with Council. He also advised that while it is necessary to work with these other groups, the Transportation Board must keep their own identity. Mr. Wilkinson informed the Board that they are going to have the same problem as the Committee - less than 1% of the total transportation is alternate modes. The Single Occupant Vehicle (SOV) is the culprit that really needs to be worked on. Jim Yamane briefed the.Board on how the Committee learned to stay on track and not get sidetracked, wasting time on other issues. Be willing to say, "Not now". Board Member Reidhead asked what is so bad about having SOV's comprise more than 90% of the traffic. Mr. Wilkinson responded by stating that air quality and congestion are the two major culprits. Board Member Reidhead then asked why so much money is spent on improving the road system to accommodate a very foolish, inefficient mode of transportation. Ensdorff responded that it is currently the mode of choice and convenience. Mr. Yamane answered that the SOV is a result, an outcome. It is a result of what is convenient. What the Committee focused on is how do you reconfigure and restructure transportation and take into consideration the need for people to get from Point A to Point B. • Board Member Gerety asked if we can compare Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) with other cities with the same population density. Ensdorff answered by stating that the VMT data we currently have is comparable. Fort Collins has approximately 1 million VMT per day compared to Denver Metro which has 27 million VMT per day. Mr. Yamane briefly went over the subject of the relationship between land use and alternative modes. Board Member Gerety then asked what the current budget for road construction is compared to the budget for bike ways or bike paths. Ensdorff answered that every collector and every arterial that is built has a bike lane. As far as the actual dollars, he doesn't know, but can get the numbers for him if desired. Board Member Poppenwimer inquired about how the Committee was structured. Mr. Wilkinson responded by saying that the Committee met weekly for 1 1/2 hours. Their goal was to develop the Transportation Plan. Mr. Yamane stated that this Board is the result of the Ad -Hoc Committee's request. Mr. Wilkinson stated that staff did a fantastic job and they will for the Board as well. Mr. Yamane also stated that the Committee was largely dependent on staff and they are invaluable. Board Member Valentine asked how the Board might go about working on the 4 action plans, all at once or one at a time. Mr. Yamane answered that the plans are set up in priorities with time frames. Mr. Wilkinson suggested that the Board look ahead to the long range plans now, then put the appropriate actions into play. Board Member Mekelburg asked if the Committee had ever addressed high school students driving to school - if it was brought up that our community could be such that at some point in time that kids do not have to drive to school. Mr. Yamane explained their findings on transportation dependent people and how there is a huge capital investment and property taxes on the bus system. Ensdorff stated that in working with the School District on the new high school, we have started addressing alternative modes of transportation at all the high schools. Byrne had comments on the implementation of the plans and that there are big financial risks involved in the wrong solutions. Board Member Frazier asked if rail transit was considered. Mr. Wilkinson said no, it was not. Board Member Reidhead inquired how success is measured. Ensdorff said that one measurement or target in the plan was a Level of Service D, air quality standards, and a target to compare VMT to SOV's. Mr. Wilkinson and Mr. Yamane left at this point as their discussion was over. Board Member Egeland asked how the Board can prevent getting sidetracked as the Committee did. Ensdorff said that it is important to develop a work plan which is basically an understanding between the Board and Council. This should establish what the Board will, be working on and • could help eliminate sidetracking, but the Council still might have special or emergency items for the Board. Jarboe -Simpson asked guest R.P. Martin if the Air Quality Task Force has a work plan and if they get sidetracked. He responded by saying yes to both, but as the Committee members stated, you have to be able to say not now. He then commented that they are delighted to have the Transportation Board to work with. Board Member Reidhead said after listening to Earl and Jim, he sees two items that need to be addressed: 1. Behavioral or social problems (the idea that it's not cool to ride a bus) 2. The need to lessen SOV's. Board Member Hudetz suggested that to address the social aspect, perhaps public service announcements with a positive message could help change habits. There was discussion between Board Members Valentine and Gerety and Staff Member Ensdorff on the alternative modes solutions that Davis, CA and Boulder, CO has adopted. It was requested that staff get more information from these two cities for the Board to review. 5. OTHER BUSINESS Jarboe -Simpson reminded the Board that they would need to elect a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson, but they can wait if they desire. Ensdorff stated that for the next Board meeting he will have representatives from six areas of transportation come in and give the Board a briefing. These areas are: Regional Transportation Planning, Transfort/Carpooling, Bicycles/Pedestrians, Trail System, Choices '95, and Traffic Signal System. Each representative will spend about 15 minutes in their presentation to the Board. Board Member Lemesany requested that each of those representatives bring some kind of hand-outs for the Board's benefit. Staff Member Ensdorff told the Board of the Air Quality Task Force's invitation to a social to be held on June 29, 1992 from 6:30-8:30 in the central conference room at 281 N. College. Board Member Gerety stated that after observing Council and studying the City organization, he felt that the Board can be very effective. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned � �GJ��tat 7:05 p.m. L G� "! m Cindy L. Icott, Board Secretary