HomeMy WebLinkAboutTransportation Board - Minutes - 06/18/1992Draft Minutes to be approved at the July 9, 1992 meeting. TRANSPORTATION BOARD MEETING MINUTES JUNE 18, 1992 5:30-7:00 P.M. BOARD LIAISONS: Council Liaison -- Cathy Fromme Staff Liaison - Rick Ensdorff BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Mark Egeland, Sara Frazier, Colin Gerety, Elizabeth Hudetz, Dave Lemesany, and Paul Valentine. BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Sharone Mekelburg, Michael Poppenwimer, James Reidhead STAFF PRESENT: Greg Byrne, Rick Ensdorff, Cindy Scott, Eric Bracke, John Daggett, Rita Davis, Craig Foreman, Gary Diede, Tom Frazier, Tracy Ochsner, and Kathy Collier. FACILITATOR: Suzanne Jarboe -Simpson AGENDA: 1) Call to Order 2) Role Call 3) Approval of Minutes - June 18, 1992 4) Transportation Status Briefing - Guest Speakers 5) Agenda for Next Meeting 6) Other Business 7) Adjourn DISCUSSION TOPICS: 1. CALL TO ORDER Suzanne Jarboe -Simpson called the meeting to order. 2. ROLE CALL All present introduced themselves. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved, seconded, and unanimously approved that the minutes from the June 4, 1992 Transportation Board meeting be accepted as presented. TRANSPORTATION STATUS BRIEFING Ensdorff gave a brief introduction of this discussion topic and stated that the guest speakers would be giving the Board an overview of their transportation related subject. If the Board desires, any of the guest speakers could be asked to return for a more detailed presentation. He also noted that he brought information that the Board requested: Davis, CA information and two copies of Boulder's Master Transportation Plan, available for review. REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION PLANNING - Eric Bracke Mr. Bracke gave an overview of the North Front Range Transportation & Air Quality Planning Council along with a diagram of the Regional Transportation Planning Process. Other hand-outs included the 1992 Unified Planning Work Program and the Air Quality Conformity Finding of the Regional Transportation Plan. He covered the Metropolitan Planning Organization's structure, what the Council does on a local level, funding and the Intermodal Surface Transportation and Efficiency Act of 1991 and how it's implementation has/will drastically effect how funds are programmed. Ensdorff and Byrne clarified the relationship between the City Transportation Department and the North Front Range Transportation & Air Quality Planning Council. TRANSFORT/CARPOOLING - John Daggett A bus schedule and route poster was distributed. Mr. Daggett explained the history of Transfort and Commuter Pool and how the two programs were/are funded. Today they are concentrating on commuter trip and major employers such as Hewlett-Packard. The response from the major employer campaigns they've run so far have been very positive. There are currently 17 buses in the fleet, 4 are to be retired, and there is a grant to purchase 9 more. Mr. Daggett stated that there is a 25% return of revenues. He also covered the Transit Development Program which is a five year operational plan for Transfort. BICYCLING/PEDESTRIANS - Rita Davis Ms. Davis presented a background on bikeways including the role of the county, and the City departments of Transportation, Engineering, and Streets. She also shared with the Board some of the current bikeway projects that are being implemented and some that are still in the planning stage. Various hand-outs were distributed on bicycle and pedestrian safety as well as accident summaries for 1991. Ms. Davis also explained the "Safe Route to School Program". TRAIL SYSTEM - Craig Foreman Mr. Foreman circulated pamphlets of the Parks and Recreation Master Street Plan, an Open Space and Trails Guide and a written summary of the trail system program including its origination, funding and future projects. He then went over the hand-outs with the Board in more detail. Questions ! 00 were asked about funding, and Mr. Foreman went over the State Lottery Program. CHOICES '95 - Gary Diede Mr. Diede gave the Board members a hand-out, part of the 1992 budget that shows the Capital Projects in an 8 year plan from 1/4 cent sales taxes. He explained how Council chose to decide on what projects to build which involved a lot of citizen committees. He also went over some of the projects that the Board may be hearing about such as improvements for Shields from Laurel to Prospect (a major bikeway/pedestrian access for C.S.U.) and the Timberline extension. He stated that projects are now planned with input from the public. TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEM - Rick Ensdorff Mr. Ensdorff distributed a sheet showing the computerized traffic signal system, and went over it with the Board. He talked about optimization of signals and the recent work that has been done in this area. He explained the auto detectors and how this feedback to the motorist has had a positive effect. The idea of progression signs on College Avenue was discussed as another way of providing feedback to the motorist. He suggested that in the future, it would be a good idea for the Board to take a tour of the traffic signal system to help them a better understanding of the system. Budgetwise, approximately $300,000 is spent per year. 5. AGENDA FOR NEXT MEETING There was discussion to decide which topic the Board would like to cover for the next meeting. It was decided that the Master Street Plan will be on the agenda for the July 9, 1992 meeting. Jarboe -Simpson suggested that the Board may want to spend 10 minutes towards the beginning of that meeting to find a common meeting time/day for future meetings, then spend the remainder of the time on the Master Street Plan. 6. OTHER BUSINESS Reminder about the Ice Cream Social with the Air Quality Task Force and the Natural Resources Board on June 29, 1992 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Tom Frazier stated that for the Board's information, on July 21 they are working with the Transportation Commission to put together the requirements for the para-transit and fixed route systems to meet regulations for the Americans with Disabilities Act. The Board will be seeing a lot of information regarding this. Board Member Frazier thanked the guests for coming tonight. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 7:05 p.m. d)1{, COY �lJ Cindy L. Vcott, Board Secretary