HomeMy WebLinkAboutTransportation Board - Minutes - 09/20/20009 0 Draft minutes to be approved by the Board at their October I8, 2000 meeting. REGULAR MEETING MINUTES of the TRANSPORTATION BOARD September 20, 2000 5:45 p.m. City of Fort Collins — City Hall West — CIC Room 300 LaPorte Avenue FOR REFERENCE: CHAIR: Tim Johnson 416.0821 VICE CHAIR: Chris Ricord 472.8769 STAFF LIAISON: Randy Hensley 416.2058 ADMIN SUPPORT: Cynthia Scott 224.6058 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Dan Gould (late — excused) Tim Johnson Tom Kramer Brad Miller Ray Moe Chris Ricord Brent Thordarson Heather Trantham (late-unexcused) Mary Warring Steve Yeldell CITY STAFF IN ATTENDANCE: Gary Diede Susanne Durkin -Schindler Randy Hensley Cam McNair Kathleen Reavis Cynthia Scott Chair Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:50 p.m. ABSENT: Bruce Henderson (excused) GUESTS IN ATTENDANCE: Shawn Hahn — JF Sato & Assoc. Michelle Lee — JF Sato & Assoc. John Martin — CSU Journalism Bethany Ploegstra - CDOT Joe Rowan — FC Chamber Transportation Board DRAFT Regular Meeting Minutes September 20, 2000 Page 2 1. PUBLIC COMMENT None 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES There was a motion and a second to approve the August 16, 2000 regular meeting minutes of the Transportation Board as presented. Chair Johnson stated that on page 4, third paragraph, third sentence"10%"should be changed to `.I0%': The motion carried unanimously with the above stated amendment. 3. COUNCIL LIAISON REPORT None AGENDA CHANGES: It was agreed that Hensley would go first with the TRANSPORTATION FUNDING UPDATE due to his need to attend another meeting at 7 p.m. 4. TRANSPORTATION FUNDING UPDATE - Hensley Hensley reported that he and Diede attended the Chamber's Transportation Committee meeting last week. The Chamber is in the process of developing a white paper, which expressed their support for various transportation funding issues. Joe Rowan, General Manager at the Chamber, invited Hensley and Diede to that meeting. Hensley discussed with them the City's efforts to develop a comprehensive capital improvement projects list, as well as the traffic signal system and the Mason Street Corridor project. Hensley stated that he brings this subject up as it is important that the Chamber is taking the time to educate themselves and to take a position on transportation funding. It is crucial that they be a partner in whatever effort it is that we, as a City, develop to address our funding gaps in transportation. Hensley and Diede will continue to provide updates to the Chamber. A capital projects list will be brought to the Board at the next meeting. Internally, staff is close to developing a final list. Hensley said that he and Diede attended the Council Finance Committee meeting this morning. The Douglas Bruce tax initiative, amendment 21, was discussed. The City's budget director gave a presentation to the committee on the potential implications of that tax cut initiative if it passes. It is a fairly stark picture as there would be literally millions of dollars in revenue cuts that would have to be absorbed somehow into the City's budget. The Council Finance Committee wants to take this to their fall retreat to discuss further as they are not ready to make decisions yet. Kramer agreed that the Chamber's Transportation Committee is supportive and understands that it is not just business related, but quality of life too. Transportation Board DRAFT Regular Meeting Minutes September 20, 2000 Page 3 Rowan stated that they (the committee) look forward to seeing the priority list so they can make some specific recommendations. That's where they can play the biggest role in helping the City develop alliances and support. 5. MASON ST. TRANSPORTATION CORRIDOR — Durkin -Schindler Durkin -Schindler said that a recommendation is needed from the Board on the same three action items that the Council will be asked to approve. They are: 1. Adopt the Master Plan 2. Extending the boundaries of the corridor to Fossil Creek (this has to be done formally as the ballot language did not have it extend that far) 3. Authorize the City Manager to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the railroad. Moe presented the latest corridor design, segment by segment, to the Board using PowerPoint. Costs and project phasing were also discussed. Upon conclusion of the presentation, the floor was opened for questions and comments. Warring: What is the "New Start Money" process? SDS: We already talked with FTA so they know we're here. We've already talked to our legislative delegation in Washington and they know we're coming. In addition to starting an application process, which includes an environmental assessment (we have a lot of work already done on that), we would have to then beef ourselves up in terms of our legislative interest in the project. It's a lobbying effort as well as the formal application process. The good news is that FTA considers this a fairly "small potatoes" kind of project compared to the requests they get such as $525 M for light rail in Denver and this project is somewhat unique to boot. Yeldell: What is the discussion of whether or not Mason would replace the College buses? SDS: Right now, Transfort is reviewing its own overall strategic plan and one of the issues they have is getting riders to their destinations. The biggest complaint they think they might get if they move the transit from College to Mason is from our disabled community because some of those folks will have a lot greater difficulty getting from Mason to College. However, they do have a Dial -A -Ride facility that could help those folks out. Yeldell: Yes, it seems to me that it is a very bad statement to make — to have both a transit option on College and on the Corridor. That would be a bad message to send out. Kramer: Why did you leave out sales tax on automobiles? Moe: I don't have an answer for that — I'll have to get back to you. Chair Johnson asked for a motion on the first action item which is the Master Plan adoption. Transportation Board DRAFT Regular Meeting Minutes September 20, 2000 Page 4 Thordarson made a motion to recommend that the City Council adopt the Master Plan. There was a second and the motion passed unanimously. Chair Johnson thanked staff for the extensive public outreach. motionThere was a recommend approval past Harmony to Fossil Creek. There was a second and themotion passed by b aandary unanimous vote. There was a motion to direct the City Manager to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the railroad. There was a second and the motion carried by a unanimous vote. The board asked Durkin -Schindler to e-mail the order of the agenda items when it comes out so they will know when they need to be at the Council meeting for support. 6 ANNUAL RETREAT SCHEDULING - All It was aged that ard would hold a 1/2day meeting to develop their 201 Plan The date willbeSaturday, October 28 at 8 a.m., location to be determ ned. Work It was also agreed to have a retreat in February in order to welcome/orient the new member(s). No date was set at this time. 7. US287 CDOT PROJECT - Reavis Reavis introduced Bethany Ploegsta with CDOT, and Michelle Li and Shawn Hahn, both project managers with 7F Sato & Associates. Project newsletters were distributed to everyone. Ms. Ploegstra took the floor and explained the basics of the project. It is a four -lane widening of US 287 from SH 1 to LaPorte. Currently, the project is in the NEPA/location phase. Three alternatives are being investigated, narrowed down from ten. The need for the project is to relieve traffic congestion, increase capacity level of service, increase safety along the corridor and to look at future opportunities for multi -modal. Improvementhe last 20 . This segment of US 287 fros to US m Broomfield up to north have been ongoing for tof Fort Collins to be fourtlanedt In terms of finding, there is funding in the fiscally constrained STIP. The timeline will be ROW and utilities in FY2001 and construction to begin in FY 2003. Mr. Hahn stated that currently they are working on the Environmental Assessment (EA). The fast step of an EA is to do an alternative analysis. The numbers of measurable sites are narrowed down, which is where they are right now. If they can determine there is no significant impact, they will move to the next step which is to prepare a document called FONSI (Finding of no significant impact). At the present time, they are not making any determination or prediction if they will reach that level yet. Transportation Board V DRAFT Regular Meeting Minutes September 20, 2000 Page 5 Mr. Hahn went over the various designs and the reasoning behind each one. There was a discussion about medians as they relate to safety. It was noted that members of the Board stated that a painted median will only make the area unsafe. Hahn reiterated that this project is in the environmental assessment stage. Nothing has been set in stone at this point. Mr. Hahn then described each of the constraints and issues for the alternatives. Upon conclusion of the presentation, board members provided the following comments: • Raised medians would maintain consistency with City standards and this area is well within the UGA • Raised medians eliminate access points in the interest of safety • Consider water quality • Consider wetlands • It is unfortunate that the City/County had to inherit the old US 287. • "No" to alternative `B" Reavis urged members to contact her if they should have additional comments. She also stated that she will continue to provide updates to the Board. 8. TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT/SAFETY ISSUES —All Warring reported that she called the Traffic Engineering department in Scottsdale Arizona and was able to obtain a copy of their truck route plan. She was told that they used motorcycle enforcement for 2 weeks and virtually eradicated the problem. They also use a very basic NO TRUCKS sign (red circle with a line through the middle similar to No Smoking signs). Warring stated that this would be a cheap way to get the message across. She also stressed that the most important action to take right now is to get something in the City Code so it is enforceable. It was agreed that the sub -committee would meet one more time to finalize the letter next week. 9. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS Kramer: Articlg. I brought in that article on green lights, but I gave it to Ray for consideration in the Mason Street Corridor project. It's just a suggestion. I thought it was a good idea that buses get a green light while autos have to wait for a red light. Warring: P rk;ng Task_ Fort=R The meetings have been interesting. I would like information from other members with regard to parking. I will have more to report next month. Yeldell: 1) Downtown D nv r Commute. I heard that the commute has been improved by 50%! 2) Ja287 Pr 'get. I still think that CDOT will define the entire section how they want and alternative `B" is of great concern to me. Transportation Board DRAFT Regular Meeting Minutes September 20, 2000 Page 6 Gould: 1) Ads. Thank you for the Share the Road ads — they're great! + P to Sion problems at sunrise/sunset• There seems to be 2) a lot of accidents lately that involve poor or no visibility due to the blinding sun in the eyes of drivers. I sent e-mail to Rita Davis at the Police Department suggesting an outreach effort to the public. She said that they don't do this but perhaps Traffic Engineering does. public outreach to heighten awareness. We need to I just think it's so important to do send a message such as: If you can't see - don't move!!!! Thordarson: 1) SRJ2• I noticed that the center temporary support is gone — in reference to Kramer's observation last month. 2) Roimdab!2 . Our roundabout made channel 9 news last week. 3) Harmon Interchariee. On the south side, I noticed there doesn't seem to be a sensing device. (Scott will check with Eric Bracke.) Trantham: v destrian Difficulties. My husband wanted to walk a half mile to LSI, but it wasn't doable — he had to drive that half mile! Johnson: 1311 Shelters. Just to remind everyone that the advertising on bus shelters is going before Council soon. Surveys were sent out recently. Board members Ricord and Kramer stated that they wouldn't be able to attend the October meeting. 10. STAFF REPORTS Scott: Next Aeenda (October 18) - Minor Master Street Plan Amendments by Mark Jackson - I-25 Corridor Plan Update by Joe Frank - Transportation Funding Update by Hensley 11. OTHER BUSINESS There being no other business, the meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Cynthia L. Scott Executive Administrative Assistant