HomeMy WebLinkAboutTransportation Board - Minutes - 08/19/1998r n • 4 Draft minutes to be approved by the Transportation Board at their September 16, 1998 meeting. REGULAR MEETING MINUTES of the TRANSPORTATION BOARD August 19, 1998 5:30 P.M. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Mark Egeland Dan Gould Steve Hanna Donn Hopkins Tim Johnson Ray Moe Chris Ricord Brent Thordarson IN ATTENDANCE: Sally Craig John Daggett Gary Diede Linda Dowlen Tom Frazier Dawn Gable Randy Hensley Mike Herzig Mary Johnson Cam McNair Wendy Meyer Will Smith Rick Richter Mary Warring Pete Wray Sandy Lemberg Chair Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:45 p.m. PUBLIC COMMENT None ABSENT: Alan Beatty Sara Frazier Heather Trantham Transportation Board Regular Meeting Movies A09081:19.1999 Page I APPROVAL OF MINUTES There was a motion and a second to approve the July 15, 1998 Transportation Board meeting minutes as presented. The motion carried by a unanimous vote. ACTION ITEMS: I. ELECTION OF OFFICERS There was discussion regarding the excellent job Tim Johnson and Mark Egeland have done over the past year. Both expressed interest and desire to complete an additional term as Chair and Vice Chair, respectively. By unanimous vote, the Transportation Board elected Tim Johnson and Mark Egeland as Chair and lice Chair respectively for an additional one-year term. H. APPOINTMENT TO "CITIES FOR CLIMATE PROTECTION ADVISORY COMMITTEE" Chair Johnson stated that he believed Board member Frazier had been attending the Committee meetings in the past on behalf of the Transportation Board. He asked if any other Board members were interested and referenced a memo explaining time commitment involved and the Committee's meeting schedule. The Board decided to ask Sara Frazier to continue representing the Transportation Board on the "Cities for Climate Protection," and Board member Thordarson expressed an interest in attending the meetings in the event Board member Frazier cannot attend. Randy Hensley will follow-up. DISCUSSION ITEMS: HL NORTHEAST TRUCK ROUTE STUDY - Moe, Daggett Public comment was allowed. Citizen Dawn Gable spoke regarding an alternate truck route above Owl Canyon through Colorado Lien Co. She mentioned the advantages of the alternate route. She also mentioned that she is in possession of petitions signed by area residents in favor of such an alternate route. She stated these were signed a year and half ago and turned into the County but residents have not received any response. She stated she will deliver a copy of the petitions and maps to John Daggett. Citizen Sandy Lemberg spoke regarding the proposed Douglas Road route and stated he believed that route to be fatally flawed. He also stated he had attended a meeting where more than 20 people present were in favor of a proposed northern truck route. He requested that public meeting input be recorded so it can be considered by others. Transportation Board 199ular voodoo Mlnutas Au9ust191998 Peas 3 Board member Moe then gave the Board an update on the status of the project and the objectives for his presentation, which were: to present the history; show the alternatives; gain input from the Board; and discuss next steps. Board member Moe then led a discussion about the history of the project, the rationale used in evaluating each proposed alternative and the criteria used for making a determination (some of those being cost, impact to homes, and distance). He summarized by stating the project committee is recommending further consideration of the Mulberry and Vine routes, and the Mountain Vista, Douglas and Owl Canyon routes are not recommended for further consideration. Chair Johnson commented about the cost and the need to be aware of limited funding available. Vice Chair Egeland commented that distance is an issue. Board member Gould stated that if the route is too long, the project may not qualify for state subsidies. John Daggett stated that agreements will be necessary with CDOT before the process is completed. Board member Moe then asked for Board input and agreement on the proposed alternative routes. Board member Hopkins stated the Vine route has merit, as trucking companies are currently there, railroad tracks act as a barrier and it would not be necessary to cross the Poudre River. Board member Thordarson was also in favor of the Vine route. Board member Gould was in favor of supporting a route that stays within the Master Streets Plan and that the Mulberry route may be a better alternative due to cost. Board member Hanna was also in favor of staying within the Master Streets Plan. Board member Ricord stated environmental cost should be remembered and therefore City should stay with what already exists. Chair Johnson favored the Mulberry route due to cost considerations. Next steps for the project are presentation at a City Council worksession scheduled for the week of August 24 and another meeting with the public within the next few months. The project will be then be further refined. IV. TRANSFORT NIGHT SERVICE - Dowlen Linda Dowlen reported to the Board that Transfort will now be offering night routes in and around the CSU campus. This new service is being financed by student fees, and there will be no change in the fee charged per ride. Two buses and two Dial -A -Ride vehicles will be in operation at night. Service will be available until 2:40 a.m. Friday - Saturday and until 12:40 a.m. Monday - Thursday. I Transportation Board Regular BleWag Minutes Il=919.1999 Paull There was some discussion about the Dial -A -Ride service and whether stricter application of ADA guidelines could help control costs. V. CHOICE STREETS SYSTEM - McNair Cam McNair gave the Board the history of this project and its timeline for completion. He asked for input on seven areas the project highlights, which are: a development construction permit; extended warranty and bonding requirements for developers; revised street repair standards (county -wide); revised licensing and bonding requirements for contractors who work in the rights -of - way; fees for street cuts and infrastructure inspections; regulations concerning annexed streets; and regulations concerning private streets. There was much discussion around each of the seven elements of the project, and Board members gave input. With only one concern regarding annexed streets within school district annexations, the group was supportive of the changes in the proposed Project. Chair Johnson called for a motion to support the project Board member Ricord moved to support the Project via a letter to City Council and Board member Gould seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Mr. McNair will draft a letter of support for Chair Johnson's signature. Chair Johnson will attend the September 16 City Council meeting in support of the project. VL MOUNTAIN VISTA SUBAREA PLAN UPDATE - Wray Pete Wray presented an update to the Board and requested input on the proposed framework of the plan and traffic analysis. There was much discussion regarding the proposed plan, including the potential sites for a high school and elementary school within the plan. Board member Moe discussed the connection with the Northern Truck Route Study. Board member Hopkins wondered if the Plan was compatible with what is being planned for area south of Vine. Board member Gould stated that the Plan should be specific regarding the enhanced corridor and to make it a priority. Board member Ricord stated Vine Street would make an excellent enhanced corridor. Mr. Wray stated the committee is still looking at options. Board member Moe commented that a bikeoverly and enhanced 1Fansportation Board 9egutar Meeting Minutes IWgast19.1999 Pane 5 travel corridor overlay could be brought back to the Board when those are refined. Board member Thordarson asked about the status of the Waterglenn development and future potential users. Board member Gould stated that the street standards will provide for a high level of bicycle service. Next steps for the project are input gathering within the next few weeks, running a traffic model, holding a public open house in the end of September and possibly coming back with a refined plan in the end of October. VII. REPORT ON TFAC PRESENTATION TO COUNCIL - Gould Board member Gould reported on the responses of Council on the TFAC presentation. He stated that Councilmembers Smith and Byrne wondered why not have a user fee tax; Councilmember Wanner wondered if the City could continue adding to the sales tax. Mayor Azari welcomes the opportunity for the public to get a chance to vote and put "their money where their mouth is...." There was agreement to move forward in taking the issue to the voters. There was no discussion of reallocation from the General Fund for asphalt maintenance. Randy Hensley stated that Councilmember Smith has requested information on where funding will come from and also a summary of the Advisory Committee's process, including rationale, pros & cons, etc. Staff is in the process of pulling that information together now. VIII. SAFETY ISSUE Board member Ricord reported that he attended the Pedestrian Road Show and has two items regarding safety that he would like to bring back to the Board for consideration at its next meeting on September 16. Those issues are: supporting pedestrian right-of-way language in the state statutes; and traffic enforcement in the City. IX. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS Thordarson reported he spent time on western highways this summer and has concluded that Oregon's are the best maintained. Moe reported that he has recently read an article on the merits of a rubber speed bump. He will try to bring a copy next month. Johnson reported he had traveled east this summer and visited a community with no sidewalks. He had witnessed much chaos as pedestrians and motor vehicles tried to share the same space. He said it was a "mad scene." Traaaportatioo Board Rogow Maotlu9 Nuns BuBuat19.1999 Pa9o9 _ X. STAFF REPORTS Hensley asked that Board members come prepared to schedule a fall retreat at the September 16 Transportation Board meeting. Hensley reported that the Timberline opening is scheduled for September 9 at 5:00 p.m Hensley also reported that staff is in the process of scheduling the Harmony interchange groundbreaking ceremonies. Board members will be notified of details shortly. Gary Diede reported that the Shields/Horsetooth project is completed and that it came in under budget and 30 days early. Hensley reported that reconstruction of the Remington and Welch flood -damaged bridges will begin shortly. NEXT AGENDA: - Transportation Board Retreat - Safety Issues - Ricord - Transit Funding - Johnson - Mason Street Corridor Update - Gould - Suggested uses for Use Tax (for City Council) - Build transfer center sooner than later OTHER BUSINESS: There being no other business, the meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m. W4 YNW Wendy Meyer 0704 Administrative Assistant