HomeMy WebLinkAboutSenior Advisory Board - Minutes - 05/12/2004CITY OF FORT COLLINS SENIOR ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES: Meeting held May 12, 2004 Chairperson — Michael G. Richardson — 970-482-5731 Staff Liaison — Barbara Schoenberger — 970-224-6026 ✓ Council Liaison — Ray Martinez, Mayor — 970-221-6506 Attendance: Sandra Gibson Jeanette Namuth Dianne Heath C. Dean Miller Marjorie McTaggart Mike Richardson Bud Herin Jim Downey Eileen Hendee Excused Absence: John Smith Other Absence: Don Wells Guests: Melinda Suites, Commission on Disabilities Kraig Ecton, City Attorney Liaison: Ray Martinez, Mayor Staff: Barbara Schoenberger Karen Bryner I, Call Meeting to Order: Chairperson Mike Richardson called the meeting to order at 1:33 p.m, II. Introduction of Guests: •S Melinda Suites with CommiDisability Committee ssion on ❖ Kraig Ecton, City Attorney, has been assigned to the SAB as the Attorney Advisor. Kraig's role is to help SAB with any questions or concerns. III. Citizen Participation •S Margo Karsten was scheduled to give a presentation, however, due to a persona emergency; she will reschedule for July. ❖ Melinda Suites, representing the Commission on Disability, explained what the activities of the commission. Primarily, they work with the City & local businesses with their ADA compliance, and follow up on complaints. There is also a sub- committee dealing with heavy doors. Committee members go up and down the streets talking to the businesses about how hard it is for the disabled to deal with heavy doors. Mark Beck, Chairman, is very involved in practical housing for all, which is a group working with builders making houses easily converted to handicapped accessible. The Commission's biggest event is the Mayor's Awards in October. Anyone can nominate a person helpful to people with disabilities. Inspiration Park that is a universally accessible park for all kids, not only kids with disabilities. IV. Approval of Minutes - Corrections are under B new business that John Kirsch is the correct spelling. Dianne Heath made motion to accept the minutes with the correction; Marjorie McTaggart seconded the motion. Minutes were approved as corrected. V. Correspondence:with A. Memo from Ingrid Decker, City Attorney, re: revisions of by-laws was sent Attorney, ed to meet with the Board and corrections, deletions and changes. She has offer explain these corrections. Mike Richardson suggested that the item be tabled to Executive Board Meeting and then bring it back to the full Board in June. Jeanette Namuth seconded the motion. Motion was carried. B. Dianne Heath reported on an article in Senior Voice that the Boomers have arrived. VI. New Business A. Maintaining an archive - Dean Miller suggested starting a scrapbook with brochures, articles, and photos of the events SAB has been involved. It would be nice to have something for visitors to look through and see some of SAB's accomplishments. It was suggested that Dean write a "Thumbs Up" about the Tax Day Tournament and the employees of the Senior Center that helped with it. B. Issues on Aging - Marjorie McTaggart gave a report on "Creativity in Aging" by Craig Bigheart. VII. Old Business A. Outreach 1. Quarterly outreach meetings - Bud Herin - a. September 8`h _Senior Center Council/Membership -this will be a joint meeting. b. November 101h — Spring Creek, lunch will beat 12:00 p.m. for those wanting to eat. B. Community Events 1. Bridging the Gap Network Luncheon - Jim Downing and Jeanette Namuth Dr. Robin Whaker, from Greeley, will be the speaker. There will not be a meeting next month. The first mailing will be in June with follow-ups after that. The event will be Sept. 24, 2004 at the Budweiser Event Center and the fee will be $18.00. The next committee meeting will be June 16a'. 2. Inter -Faith Council networking - Mike Richardson - CCCC garage - The first day of garage sale opened to indigent families in the community. All the money raised for the next 2 days went to Neighbor/Neighbor program (well over $10,000), 26 churches participated. C. Relationships with other City Boards 1. Affordable Housing Board - Sandra Gibson - The big problem right now is no money. In the future they are asking people to write letters to Council and also to attend Council meetings. A lady by the name of Julie is trying to buy a piece of property on West Vine and have it re -zoned where she wants to do senior housing. The Council denied it even though it fit the City Plan. On April 21s`, Sandra attended a meeting on senior housing; the presenters were Peggy Allen & Margaret Paul. There was a recent 18-mo. study on housing for the elderly. The wait list for Oakbrook I & II senior housing is 20-25 months; Silver Leaf is 1 yr.; Estes Park does have openings. The other area that needs to be addressed is transportation. Many of the senior units are built with no means of transportation. The Board of Realtors is having a workshop on June 3 d that will include builders and designers to discuss design issues and sensible housing issues. People's Walk for Housing Justice will be held June 5`' This is a walk around the state to raise the awareness of affordable housing in Colorado. 2. Transportation Board - John Smith and Jeanette Namuth- Jeanette Namuth went to a meeting on the 21 s` of April and presented her letter. She received a letter thanking her for the letter. C. Advocacy Fund raising activities for the Senior Center - Barbara Schoenberger a. May ls` Golf Tournament - Barbara Schoenberger - Approximately $7,200.00 was raised for the Friends of the Senior Center. b. Cemetery Crawl is scheduled at the Grandview Cemetery on Saturday, Sept. 181n. The featured characters will be creative people from the Fort Collins past. Tickets are $6.00. c. The date for the annual Sundance Bluegrass Festival and Chili Cook -Off is Saturday, October 2, 2004. D. Communication 1. Communicate senior issues using all forms of media available - Marjorie McTaggart - SOAP Troupe put on a great performance. Spoke with Coloradoan about Toddy's closure. Albertson's will start delivery service. Coloradoan will do a follow up in a couple of weeks. 2. Relationships with Fort Collins Forum - Dean Miller - Met with John Kirsch again. Dean doesn't know if both articles will be printed. 3. Communication with the City Council, Mayor and City Manager - Mike Richardson — No meeting has happened. E. Coordination/Education/Facilitation 1. Education and information about senior issues - June 9, 2004, Mary Waring, North Front Range Metropolitan Planning Association - July 14, Margo Karsten, PVH 2. Presentations: (1) July - Dean Miller (2) September - Dianne Heath (3) November - Jim Downey 3. Senior Health and Fitness Day's Athletic Achievement Award - Barbara Schoenberger reported that the Senior Center and the Aspen Club are still collecting nominations, 30-40 nominations have been received. 4. Increase utilization of the Fort Collins Senior Center a. "Open House" for the community b. Name change for the facility - Dianne Heath — Next meeting will be May 17`n with the Board members invited. c. Report on letter sent to City Manager re: additional parking - Dianne Heath — No response has been received to date. Mike Richardson suggested Senior Council put notes on each vehicle asking students not to park in the Senior Center parking lot. F. Transportation 1. Advocate for public transportation to the south and east quadrant of the City - Jeanette Namuth and John Smith - still no money. 2. Identify and resolve dangerous intersections - Bud Herin - crossing time has been increased on Raintree and Shields. Bud sent a "Thumbs Up". VIII. Liaison Reports A. AARP - Jim Downey - The next meeting will be on May 20 from 9:15 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. The group will hear reports from local legislators about the results of the 2004 legislature that finishes on May 5. The meeting will be at the Senior Center. B. Mission Statement - Dean Miller- Senior Center's name needs to be changed to comply with mission statement. IX. Other Business A. Presentation on June 9 at 12:00 noon by John Roberts. Lunch will be served. B. Human Relations Commission Award nominations - Barbara Schoenberger read the letter she wrote to nominate the SAB Board. The award will be given June 8a' at the Lincoln Center. X. Adjourn - A motion was made to adjourn the meeting by Jeanette Namuth and seconded by Sandra Gibson. Meeting adjourned at 3:31 p.m. ❖ Next meeting will be May 12, 2004 at 1:30 p.m. Submitted by: Karen Bryner, Recording Secretary