HomeMy WebLinkAboutGolf Board - Minutes - 04/19/2000City of Fort Collins Cultural, Library, and Recreational Services Golf Board Minutes: Regular Meeting of April 19, 2000 City Council Liaison to the Board: Councilman Bill Bertschy Board Chairperson: Mike Sanders — 226.4545 (w) or 226.2627 (h) Staff Support to the Board: Jerry P. Brown, Manager of Golf, at 221.6350, and Jackie Rael, Executive Administrative Assistant. Call Meeting to Order: Chairperson Mike Sanders called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Agenda Review: Jerry rearranged the order of the Agenda with the approval of the Board. Items of Note: Mike Sanders introduced new Board Member Brian Cobb. All members welcomed him ... Jerry pointed out the memo in the Board packet regarding the new date for term expirations will change from June 30 to December 31. Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of February 9, 2000 were unanimously (9-0) approved on a motion by Tom White, seconded by Henry Fry. 2000 "Fort Collins Fore Kids" Event Golf Professional Jim Greer is the coordinator of the program this year at Collindale. Jim explained that we lowered the age bracket from 17 to 14 years old this year. The reason is that when the kids have passed junior high, they usually have had a chance to experience golf. We are not having a play day this year, but focusing on more instruction at the three venues of putting, chipping, and driving. We will have from five to 10 coaches from each course helping. Staff will explain etiquette and rules of golf. If the kids follow-up and participate in one of our lesson programs at one of our golf courses, we will give them a free round of golf. Kevin Wilcox, Collindale Concessionaire, will serve lunch to the volunteers and is organizing snacks for the participants that could include hot dogs and beverages. We are hoping to have 125 at each session. The golf course will use only three tee times in the morning and afternoon for this event. Henry Fry is the representative from the Board. The "goodie bags" will be stuffed by volunteers prior to the event. Collindale has clubs for the kids if they don't have their own clubs and the clubs will go home with the kids so they can practice the game. We have a substantial amount of clubs donated from both Ptarmigan and Fort Collins Country Clubs. The clinic will be advertised in the Kids Recreation and Sports Newspaper, and this will be distributed to all elementary and junior high schools. Donation request letters were sent to 31 individuals or businesses that donated last year. We now have a total of $868, including the prior year balance. Karen Joslin-Aured asked if the concessionaire will donate the food or if we will pay him for the Golf Board Minutes April 19, 2000 Page 2 costs? Jerry said that Kevin may donate some. Brian Cobb asked how much it costs to run this program? Jerry replied that last year we spent $2,542, all from donations. Mike Sanders said we would like the support from the Golf Board at this event. Karen thinks this is a wonderful event. She is glad that we are not having a play day and instead doing instructions. She asked if we are providing a way for under privileged kids who cannot afford to play? Jim Greer said that if kids can't afford to play, we will find a way for them to play. Status of the Collindale Irrigation Project Collindale Superintendent Doug'Evans said that the new irrigation system is totally installed. We are using the new system, but we are using it manually and not yet from the computer. The program will be installed next week. The contractor needs to re -compact the trenches and place the yard markers on the fairways. Craft Trophy is making the markers. Jerry pointed out that this is not a conflict of interest as the contractor purchased them directly from Henry Fry's company through a quote process. Doug noted that we now have an excellent irrigation system, but he feels that the contractor has been slow re -compacting the trenches back and seeding. Trenches should have been re -seeded starting April 10, but the contractor pulled most of their crew off the course in mid -March and sent them to another job. They are presently 2/3 of the way finished. However, they are ahead of schedule according to our contract so Doug feels we can't complain. Jerry noted that we revised the Public Notice for use of golf carts from May 1 through May 18 not allowing carts on the golf course during that time. Doug feels that once everything is seeded and we start watering heavily the trenches will be muddy and we need to keep the carts off the newly seeded areas. The grass can sprout in seven days, and given another week, it can endure traffic. We will need to continue to re -seed throughout the summer and perhaps sod in some areas. Trenches that settle will be the responsibility of the contractor, however our staff will do what they can to make the course in playable condition. Henry asked after the May 18 date, do we want to do a green line where carts can't cross the line? Doug said that is a good idea, and he will rope off near the green so everybody has to go around and not get close to the green with the carts. Henry said that it is amazing on the good condition of the course considering the major construction that has occurred there this winter. Doug said that the upside is that we had a mild winter and the situation was ideal for construction. Tom White added that we were very lucky that our staff kept the old irrigation system at Collindale in working order last year as it could have cost much more to replace. Doug said that he has sold some of the old irrigation parts to golf courses in Colorado Springs and Sterling. Jerry said we are very fortunate to have Doug as our superintendent at Collindale. Canal Importation Basin Master Drainageway Plan Background: Susan Hayes, Senior Stormwater Engineer, spoke to the Board regarding the Canal Importation Basin Master Drainage Plan and how it relates to City Park Nine Golf Course. She noted that she has been an engineer with the City for 13 years and is in charge of the stormwater basins throughout the city. We are in the process of updating our plans. She explained that in Fort Collins we have major canals through the City. The New Mercer Canal Golf Board Minutes April 19, 2000 Page 3 flows through City Park Nine Golf Course. This particular basin is highly urbanized and has very small channels. The New Mercer is to the west and Larimer #2 runs parallel through City Park. She gave some background of the ditch flows. We are going to concentrate on the Mulberry corridor. The water does over flow on the golf course and streets. We want to look at improvements to this area. The best scenario is to build a detention pond in the golf course. There will be no water in it unless there is a large storm and the water will be released quickly to flow down stream. The goal is to slow it down in the golf course and direct it to Sheldon Lake. Summary of Corridor Improvements. The stormwater will be piped underground through the golf course over to Sheldon Lake in City Park. Jerry and Susan agreed that this is a doable project. City Park Nine Golf Professional Dale Smigelsky said that it could be out of the line of sight. Dale asked what is the worst case scenario? Karen Joslin-Aured asked how many times will it infringe on the fairway? The pond will have water in it that will go out to the 6' fairway no more than six times a year (only inches deep) but a 100-year event could fill the pond. Henry Fry asked how far is it from the tee box to the east end of the lake --- Answer 150 yards. Basically, there won't be many people who will hit it in this area. Jerry explained that we will add an intermediate tee box. Byrd Curtis asked why couldn't we dig the ditch deeper and have standing water all the time. City Park Nine Superintendent Dave Sadler said we don't want standing water. We need to get the water out as soon as possible. Susan said that doesn't mitigate the stormwater problem. Dave explained that it is just a depression in the land and the grass will be maintained as it is now. Susan explained that it will be topography and not a berm. Susan provided the rationale for why we looked at the golf course. It is the only open space land in the area. There isn't enough open space west of this land and going across Mulberry would be very expensive with all the utilities under the road. Henry asked why the pipe doesn't come straight across the golf course. She explained that it is to avoid the trees. Henry asked what is the possibility to bury the ditch on #6 with this project. Susan said it would not be part of the project. Dave Sadler explained that we don't want that ditch buried, as we need it to overflow if the need arises. Susan further explained there will be some storm sewer work on Mulberry. Jerry said the detention pond will add some design to the course. Brian Cobb asked about the grade drop from where it starts on #6 to Larimer #2? Susan said that it is downfall or gravity fall into Larimer #2 and spill over into Sheldon Lake. Henry asked who will clean up the detention pond when it does flood and drain. Susan said Stormwater would clean it up. This flow will be out of a pipe and is not surface water. Tom White asked if she is working on floodplain throughout the city? She said yes. We will be eventually updating the entire city. Timeline: Susan said that this is a four -month project. It will be after October 15 and prior to April 15, but not necessarily this year. The pipe will be a box culvert 7' by 4' at some points and then 8' by 4' as it gets closer to City Park. When they do the project, they will restore it back to its original condition or better. Bill Rutledge said this is an environmentalist issue and the golf course (as an open space land) is the only reasonable place to do this project. We need to get credit for solving this problem for the City. Jerry fully agreed. This has been a high priority for Golf Board Minutes April 19, 2000 Page 4 City Council, however, they have yet to prioritize the projects. Susan will present her project to Council sometime this summer. Byrd asked how this will be funded? She explained through a fee on your utilities. Karen asked if Susan would like a recommendation from the Golf Board tonight? The Board conceptually supports the project at this time. Mike Sanders said that the Golf Board will send a representative to Council if needed. Susan will bring a formal plan back to this Board and ask for the recommendation at that time. She said this is a master plan and the basic vision. Brian asked if there are any assumptions on the water flow? She explained that we put together a plan for the 100-year flood event. We haven't looked at an alternative plan. Our policy is to meet 100-year plan in a cost-effective way. Susan said that a Web site has been set up for this project as follows: www.ci.fort-collins.co.us and go to the Utilities site and click on "Stormwater"; then "Drainage Basins", and view the basins that are listed. Potential New Golf Course Jerry said that we received a response letter from Council Liaison Bill Bertschy stating that the Golf Board should go forth with their plans to identify potential land sites and financing options for a potential new public golf course in Fort Collins by 2005. Cultural, Library, and Recreational Services Director Mike Powers and Jerry wrote a letter to the Utilities Director and Director of Natural Resources inquiring if there is any available City -owned land. Mike Smith, Utilities Director, responded that land at Prospect and I-25 is owned by the City and that could be a possibility for a new golf course. Real estate brokers Jerry has spoken to have said there isn't much land available in the city for a golf course. One option is that we could explore a joint venture with CSU. Mike Sanders is on the Ram Masters Golf Booster Club, which has endorsed a new golf course for CSU. Mike explained that there is land near the comer of Lemay and Vine available. This could be a privately owned/public use golf course with houses surrounding the course. This could be a partnership with the city for the private development. Mike thinks this will be a private golf course, but the problem could be the availability of water. The City could tie in with the developer to always keep it open as a public course at reasonable fees. He further explained that Budweiser is going to double its capacity within the near future. There could be space for a golf course there. Mountain Vista could also be a possibility that could become a City -run 18-hole golf course. Bill Rutledge asked about land north of the Poudre River? Mike said that it is probably too environmentally sensitive. Jerry asked Mike what his thought is on Link-N- Greens? Mike explained that the surrounding land is not for sale for development, and probably not environmentally feasible. Karen Joslin-Aured asked if we have any controlling say of what the parties who are interested in constructing the private owned golf course do? Mike said we have not gotten that far. Frank Blanco asked if the Council would make the final recommendation on the water? Jerry said first the Water Board and then ultimately the City Council. CSU could do their golf course and the private developer could do their own thing. Bill Golf Board Minutes April 19, 2000 Page 5 said that if a private developer wants to build a golf course, it will happen much sooner. Mike explained to Brian Cobb that with our surge in population we will need a new regulation sized golf course in the next five years. Henry Fry asked if we find land that the City owns, would we have to pay for it? Jerry said, probably yes. Byrd Curtis asked if "open space" could be classified as golf course? Karen said that environmentally she thinks it is compatible with golf and we need to pursue it. Mike said that if we need 150-acres for a golf course, we need about 250 acres of additional natural areas land. Bill said Legacy Ridge is a good example of a natural area/golf course compatibility. Collindale Clubhouse Replacement Discussion was postponed until the May meeting. Other Business • Golfers Creed — Jerry asked the Board members to read this. Jerry asked for an endorsement from this Board. The Board unanimously endorsed this creed. Henry Fry said the Junior Golfers Creed should be part of the packet for the Fort Collins Fore Kids Clinic and should be discussed at the clinic. • Jerry has copies of the other Boards and Commissions annual reports if anyone wants to read them. • Henry thinks the marshals on the course should have some kind of a policy statement that if they have to maintain the pace of play that staff needs to back them and the marshals will know that we will back them. Staff will come back to the Board at a future meeting with a recommendation. • Jerry complimented Frank Blanco for pointing out the Surcharge comparison for annual pass cardholders. Surcharge revenues were in the Board packet. All surcharge is absorbed by the debt payment. • Referring to the first quarterly play statements, Jerry said we are $10,000 above expected revenues. However, in April we might be behind slightly since we have lost weekend revenue due to bad weather. • The Fundraiser for the Bryant family went well and the baby is up to 6 pounds and may be going home in the next week. • Jerry received a complaint letter regarding Canada Geese. The letter and his response letter were in the Board's packet. Karen said that we need to take a proactive stance and don't want our courses to be ruined by geese droppings. She suggested that a dog on the course could take care of our problem. Golf Board Minutes April 19, 2000 Page 6 Adjournment to Executive Session: On a motion by Henry Fry, seconded by Mindy Markley, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn to Executive Session to discuss land acquisition matters at 9:16 p.m. Chairperson Mike Sanders called the Golf Board meeting back to order at 9:46 p.m. after the Executive Session. Adjournment On a motion by Brian Cobb, seconded by Karen Joslin-Aured, the Board voted unanimously to adjoum the meeting at 9:47 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jackie Rael, Executive Administrative Assistant Attendance Board Members Staff Guests Frank Blanco Jerry P. Brown Patrick Quadrel Brian Cobb Derek Cordova Byrd Curtis Doug Evans Henry Fry Susan Hayes Karen Joslin-Aured Jim Greer Mindy Markley Jackie Rael Bill Rutledge Dave Sadler Mike Sanders Dale Smigelsky Tom White