HomeMy WebLinkAboutBicycle Advisory Committee - Minutes - 01/11/2010 MEETING MINUTES of the BICYCLE ADVISORY COMMITTEE January 11, 2010 6:00p.m. Community Room 215 N. Mason Fort Collins, CO 80521 FOR REFERENCE: Chair: Dan Gould 970-482-1074 Vice Chair: Chris Gaughan 970-223-1146 Staff Liaison: Kathleen Bracke Staff Support: Dave “DK” Kemp 970-416-2411 BOARD/CITY ORGANIZATION MEMBERS PRESENT Transportation Board: Bill Jenkins Fort Collins Bicycle Co-Op: Doug Cutter UniverCity Connections: Rick Reider Economic Advisory Commission: Rick Price Poudre School District: John Holcomb Colorado State University: David Hansen Downtown Development Authority: Kathy Cardona Natural Resources Advisory Board: Clint Skutchan Air Quality Board: Greg McMaster AT LARGE MEMBERS PRESENT Dan Gould Cathy Mathis ABSENT Bike Fort Collins: Jeff Morrell Lands Conservation and Stewardship Board: Chris Gaughan At Large: Kim Sharpe Senior Advisory Board: Parks and Recreation Board: Greg Miller OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE Dave “DK” Kemp, FCBikes Coordinator Kathleen Bracke, Senior Transportation Planner Joe Olsen, City Traffic Engineer 1. CALL TO ORDER - Chair Gould called the meeting to order at 6:08 p.m. 2. AGENDA REVIEW Agenda was approved as modified. 3. PUBLIC COMMENT – None 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Dec. 14, 2009 minutes were approved after a brief discussion. Rick Price indicated he would not be able to continue as volunteer BAC minutes transcriptionist. Chair Gould thanked Price for his generous efforts and asked the BAC members to let him know who would be willing to replace Price. 5. DISCUSSION/INFORMATIONAL ITEMS a. Bicycle related traffic signs (placement and installation)...(Joe Olson) Streets Engineer Joe Olson summarized the City policy on the use of traffic signs. The City follows the guidelines outlined in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Code Devices (MUTCD). Signs fall in three categories: regulatory, guide signs and warning signs. Regulatory signs are top priority and have the force of law. Examples are signs indicating speed limit and traffic direction. Warning signs provide information unique situations or unexpected conditions. Share the Road signs fall in this category. The final category is guide signs which provide locational information. The rule in the MUTCD is to use warning signs sparingly as they often do not influence the speed of motorists. The fewer signs the better. Mr. Olsen called his counterpart in Boulder to see how many “share the road” signs they have. The answer was one only. In Fort Collins we put up something on the order of 35 so far. Mr. Olsen indicated that he would welcome help in identifying those “unexpected or hazardous” areas where we might want to add Share the Road signs in Fort Collins. Examples might include places where bike lanes disappear and streets narrow. The examples given were of cross streets such as Mountain Avenue, Olive Street, Magnolia, and Laporte in Old Town. Chairman Gould asked for volunteers to form a subcommittee of the BAC to undertake assessment of placement and effectiveness of Share the Road Signs. Price, Cutter, Gould and Kemp volunteered to do this. Skutchan expressed a desire to identify a process to solicit broader community input and to make this an ongoing process. Gould agreed to write the scope of work for the subcommittee and to suggest that concern. b. City Plan and Transportation Master Plan update…..(Kathleen Bracke) Senior Transportation Planner Kathleen Bracke presented the City Plan and Master Transportation Plan revision process for 2010 which is just now getting underway. See the presentation outline in the attached “Fort Collins City Plan/Transportation Master Plan” draft dated 01/07/10. Key messages in the planning process are “connectivity, integration of transportation modes and sustainable funding. The planning process will include a community symposium March 3rd at the Lincoln Center featuring futurist commentator, Thomas Frey. Ms. Bracke encouraged the BAC to look at Frey’s website at http://www.davinciinstitute.com/speakers/futurist-speaker-thomas-frey/. 6. ACTION ITEM BAC input for Council work session on transportation safety (Dan G.) In the interest of providing BAC input to the upcoming Feb. 9 Council work session on “Transportation Safety” Chairman Gould offered a draft statement for consideration by the BAC. That statement is attached. There was considerable discussion. To have some context BAC members asked what staff would be presenting to Council. Bracke responded that Joe Olsen would present information on his bike/car and pedestrian/car crash data. Pete Hall, from Poudre School District will also present information on the PSD/City collaboration on Safe Routes to School. For more context it was explained that this request for a work session on transportation safety came from a Sept. 1 Council meeting where some Council members had questions about the Safe Routes to School contract for 2009/2010. Chairman Gould’s statement focused on the following recommendations: 1. Strengthen the bicycle safety education portion of City Plan and the Master Transportation plan. 2. Develop a City bicycle education plan, including partnerships with community organizations. 3. Target specific populations through CSU, PSD etc. 4. Identify and seek funding sources for bicycle education outreach. 5. More enforce of traffic laws. 6. To promote bicycle-related questions on the driver’s education exam. It was moved and seconded to adopt the language of Gould’s statement with one modification: to include a paragraph referencing the value of the five Es in overall safety. The motion carried. Chairman Gould will write up a letter to Council and share with the BAC. 7. REPORTS a) Staff – none b) Board member reports/comments · Bill Jenkins reported that Dave Kemp presented the BAC Workplan to the Transportation Board in November. Bill is impressed that City Staff and Transportation Board members remarked that we really are identified as a “bike town.” · Rick Price mentioned that the BAC should be reviewing the scopes of work for the two new CMAQ grants that have been awarded to the City before they go to Council for approval: one for FCBikes for 2010/2011 and one for the Bike Library. Bracke offered to prepare a presentation for the February meeting. Price offered to share the copies of the scopes of work which he has received from CDOT. 8. OTHER BUSINESS Agreed upon agenda items for February are: · Bike Library Report for 2008/2009; Scope of work for 2010/2011 · FCBikes Scope of Work for 2010/2011 · BAC Work plan 9. ADJOURN Meeting adjourned at 8:24 pm Respectfully submitted, ____________________________ Dan Gould Bicycle Advisory Committee Chair