HomeMy WebLinkAboutYouth Advisory Board - Minutes - 01/06/2022YOUTH ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING January 6, 2022 – Presentation and meeting held at Northside Aztlan Community Center 5:00-5:30pm: North College MAX Extension Project Presentation; Josie Plaut, Associate Director -Institute for the Built Environment, Colorado State University 5:30-6:30pm: Regular meeting Virtual Option Through Zoom (beginning at 5:30pm): https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87898273692?pwd=OForcmhwM2o3dkVBQmNFUXRCTFZpUT09 Meeting ID: 878 9827 3692 Passcode: YAB2122 ____ 1. CALL TO ORDER a. The meeting was called to order at 5:42 pm. 2. ROLL CALL a. In attendance: Dylan Lindsay, Dimitry Volchansky, Rahul Goush, Riya Sajjan, Andrew Zuniga b. Absent: none 3. COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION a. None 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. January 6, 2022 meeting minutes were approved unanimously. 5. NEW BUSINESS a. New Member Welcome i. Andrew Zuniga was welcomed and introduced to the Board. ii. Current members also shared role on board and reason for being on the board 6. DISCUSSION ITEMS a. 2022 Work Plan i. Sarah shared strategies for creating successful plan & relayed to Board members that Council Liaison/Mayor Pro Tem Emily Francis would be attending the next meeting to review calendar and host discussion/questions. ii. Board members reviewed Council Planning Calendar: 1. Dimitry expressed interest in Jan mtg date on single use bags & April mtg on climate action plan 2. Dylan shared summary of HB 21-1162 on single use bags a. Proposed Board vote at 2/3 meeting to provide statement to Council for their 2/15 regular meeting b. Sarah will find out how to request YAB participation 3. Dylan expressed interest in March 8 meeting on ‘ranked choice voting’ a. Proposed vote at 3/3 meeting to provide statement to Council for their 3/15 regular meeting b. Sarah suggested adding this as discussion topic for Mayor Pro Tem Francis on 2/3 iii. Dylan requested future presentation on climate future 1. Sarah will reach out to City partners to schedule at future meeting b. Proposed Letter to School Board i. Sarah relayed suggestion to redirect letter to Council on how to engage with the YOUTH ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING school board as opposed to directing TO the school board. ii. Members discussed necessity and priority of letter and voted to take this action item off the task list. 1. Dylan recognized diversity of educational organizations in town in addition to PSD and agrees that YAB should focus on own municipality 2. Discussion took place surrounding new county initiative a. Sarah will look into how YAB may participate; would be good discussion topic for Mayor Pro Tem Francis. i. Can a YAB member reach out to PSD board to come to YAB for a presentation? c. Member Recruitment Strategies i. Spring 2022 Career Fair booths in high schools 1. Sarah relayed information that Board members may choose to share information on their own and encourage peers to apply 2. Council Liaison, Mayor Pro Tem Emily Francis will attend February meeting to discuss marketing and budget options for this 7. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS (COMMITTEES, EVENT ATTENDANCE, ETC.) a. LCDPHE Youth Engagement Committee i. No report. b. FC Moves Active Modes Community Advisory Committee i. No report. c. Sarah inquired about Dylan’s involvement in County Youth Coalition i. Dylan shared purpose of group (youth activity and connection in community, current work in mental health, i.e. creating safe spaces to offer youth resources & trainings – every Tuesday at north B&G club; IG handle @youthactionforhealth) ii. Board members requested more information/possible networking opportunity 8. OTHER BUSINESS a. Board member open discussion i. February meeting with Chief Equity Officer & Council Liaison 1. Board prepared list of questions/discussion topics for each guest 9. ADJOURNMENT a. The meeting was adjourned at 6:20pm. NEXT MEETING – Thursday, February 3rd 5pm presentation/discussion with Claudia Menendez, City of Fort Collins Equity Officer; 5:30- 6:30pm regular meeting at Northside Aztlan Community Center