HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014 - Senior Advisory Board - Annual ReportFort Collins Senior Advisory Board 2014 Annual Report MISSION STATEMENT The Senior Advisory Board shall serve in an advisory capacity to the Fort Collins City Council on programs and policies that help aging citizens live full and interesting lives and continue to contribute, participate, and share in the life of the community. EDUCATION The Senior Advisory Board invites speakers to our monthly meetings and members attend city and community sponsored open houses and forums in order to keep current on issues of interest to seniors. The following speakers addressed the SAB in 2014: Month Speaker Organization Subject  Jan Chief John Hutto Fort Collins Police Department Body Cameras worn by Police  Feb Aaron Iverson Mid Town in Motion College Avenue Transportation Study  Feb Jerediah Burianek  Transfort Max and 3 phases of implementation  Mar John Stokes Natural Areas Department Poudre River Master Plan  Apr Sue Berk‐Ferkiss Social Sustainability Department Affordable Housing  May Bob Adams Recreation Department Senior Center Issues  Jun Lindsey Ex Environmental Planner Nature in the City  Jul Emma Belmont Transfort Route Changes  Sept Amy Lewin City of Fort Collins Planning West Central Area Plan  Rebecca Everette Fort Collins Moves Oct  Tessa Greegor FC Bikes Program Manager Bicycle Master Plan  Nov Mary Warring Mobility Coordinator; NFRMPO 5310 Travel Voucher Program  Nov Kurt Ravenschlag Transfort Bus Stop at the Senior Center  Emma Belmont Transfort Open Houses Attended by various SAB members: Month Subject Sponsor Type  Key Outcomes City of Fort Collins Super Committee  2015‐2916 Budget City of Fort Collins Community/Board Forums  Building on Basic City of Fort Collins Community/Board Forums  Foothills Mall City of Fort Collins Board Forum  Prospect Road/West Area Plan City of Fort Collins Community Forum  Nature in the City City of Fort Collins Community Forum  Recreation Department City of Fort Collins Focus Group  Re‐Thinking Transportation Senior Transportation Coalition Community Forum  Community Brainstorming Partner. for Age Friendly Comm. Community Forum  Self Directed Volunteer Teams Partner. for Age Friendly Comm. Training Sessions  OUTREACH In September the Board co-sponsored the annual Bridging the Gap event with the Larimer County Office on Aging and the Loveland Senior Advisory Board. This year’s speaker was the director of Wish of a Lifetime. This group grants wishes from seniors. Most comments from the attendees were very positive in all categories. The Board had been involved in the following: Partnership for Age Friendly Communities SAB members served on the steering committee and the four task groups/teams as follows: Housing, Mobility, Health and Wellness and the Cultures of Aging. This year the PAFC received a grant from the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging form a partnership and to determine projects that would have some impact on the aging community - and to implement these projects through the use of self-directed volunteer teams. The four task groups worked on projects for this grant. Senior Transportation Coalition In 2014 the STC served as a task group for the Partnership for Age Friendly Communities. The STC choose traveling training for active seniors as their project. The group wanted to familiarize seniors with public transportation before they lose the ability to drive. Senior Law Day In August the SAB was a sponsor and provided a display table. SAB members were available to chat with attendees and take their comments on issues of interest to them. Eldercare Resource Day SAB Members attended the Eldercare Resource Day Liaisons with Other Senior Groups SAB members continued communication with an identified network of groups and organizations that have some impact on aging. ADVOCACY SENIOR CENTER EXPANSION was one of the major focuses during the first half of the year.  Members worked on obtaining additional funding to fully complete the key features of the expansion.  Members worked to keep the current name and accreditation of the Senior Center  Members participated in Grand Opening Events for the Senior Center Expansion.  Members attended and hosted fundraising events as follows: 1. Winter Whimsy (January) 2. All American Picnic (July) The SAB sent out the following advocacy letters in 2014: Date   Recipients Response 4/8/2014 Changes to the Senior Center Council; D Attebury; Bob Adams Yes  6/30/2014 Senior Access to Bus Stops Transfort    7/22/2014 Comments on planning for Senior Housing Council; D Attebury; Yes  9/10/2014 Commendation of Barbara Schoenberger D Attebury; M Heffernan; B Adams    12/16/2014 Comments on BOBII tax Council; D Attebury; G Sawyer Yes    Comments on Poudre River Master Plan Council    The SAB also spoke to the City Council at citizen participation time: Date  Subject  4/8/2014 Changes to the Senior Center  12/20/2014 Comments on BOBII tax  ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS Meeting times and Conditions: After the Senior Center expansion was completed, the SAB meetings returned to the Senior Center. Members voted to keep the 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM meeting time. However they also voted to stop catering lunches for the members. Members may bring brown bag lunches. Volunteers Hours: SAB members contributed 1054 hours to the senior community