HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/21/2020 - Landmark Preservation Commission - Agenda - Regular MeetingPage 1 Meg Dunn, Chair Location: Alexandra Wallace, Co-Vice Chair This meeting will be held Mollie Bredehoft, Co-Vice Chair remotely via Zoom Michael Bello Kurt Knierim Elizabeth Michell Kevin Murray Staff Liaison: Anne Nelsen Karen McWilliams Jim Rose Historic Preservation Manager Regular Meeting October 21, 2020 5:30 PM Landmark Preservation Commission AGENDA Pursuant to City Council Ordinance 079, 2020, a determination has been made by the Chair after consultation with the City staff liaison that conducting the hearing using remote technology would be prudent. This remote Landmark Preservation Commission meeting will be available online via Zoom or by phone. No Commission members will attend in person. The meeting will be available to join beginning at 5:00 p.m. Participants should try to join at least 15 minutes prior to the 5:30 p.m. start time. ONLINE PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: • You will need an internet connection on a laptop, computer, or smartphone, and may join the meeting through Zoom at https://zoom.us/j/92814828882. (Using earphones with a microphone will greatly improve your audio). Keep yourself on muted status. • For public comments, the Chair will ask participants to click the “Raise Hand” button to indicate you would like to speak at that time. Staff will moderate the Zoom session to ensure all participants have an opportunity to comment. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION BY PHONE: • Please dial 253-215-8782 and enter Webinar ID 928 1482 8882. Keep yourself on muted status. • For public comments, when the Chair asks participants to click the “Raise Hand” button if they wish to speak, phone participants will need to hit *9 to do this. Staff will be moderating the Zoom session to ensure all participants have an opportunity to address the Commission. When you are called, hit *6 to unmute yourself. IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO PARTICIPATE ONLINE OR BY PHONE: Individuals who are uncomfortable or unable to access the Zoom platform or participate by phone may: 1) Email comments to gschiager@fcgov.com at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. If your comments are specific to any of the discussion items on the agenda, please indicate that in the subject line of your email. Staff will ensure your comments are provided to the Commission. 2) Come in person to 281 N. College Avenue to utilize City technology to participate in the meeting. Please arrive 15 minutes prior to the meeting and ring the doorbell at the north entrance so that staff may escort you into the building. Masks and social distancing will be required. To participate this way, it is strongly recommended that you contact us at least 24 hours prior to the meeting so that arrangements for proper social distancing and appropriate technology can be put in place to protect the health and safety of the public and staff. Contact Gretchen Schiager at gschiager@fcgov.com or 224-6098. Documents to Share: Any document or presentation a member of the public wishes to provide to the Board for its consideration must be emailed to gschiager@fcgov.com at least 24 hours before the meeting. Packet Pg. 1 Page 2 Fort Collins is a Certified Local Government (CLG) authorized by the National Park Service and History Colorado based on its compliance with federal and state historic preservation standards. CLG standing requires Fort Collins to maintain a Landmark Preservation Commission composed of members of which a minimum of 40% meet federal standards for professional experience from preservation-related disciplines, including, but not limited to, historic architecture, architectural history, archaeology, and urban planning. For more information, see Article III, Division 19 of the Fort Collins Municipal Code. The City of Fort Collins will make reasonable accommodations for access to City services, programs, and activities and will make special communication arrangements for persons with disabilities. Please call 221-6515 (TDD 224-6001) for assistance. Video of the meeting will be broadcast at 10:00 a.m. the following day through the Comcast cable system on Channel 14 or 881 (HD). Please visit http://www.fcgov.com/fctv/ for the daily cable schedule. The video will also be available for later viewing on demand here: http://www.fcgov.com/fctv/video-archive.php. • CALL TO ORDER • ROLL CALL • AGENDA REVIEW o Staff Review of Agenda o Consent Agenda Review This Review provides an opportunity for the Commission and citizens to pull items from the Consent Agenda. Anyone may request an item on this calendar be “pulled” off the Consent Agenda and considered separately.  Commission-pulled Consent Agenda items will be considered before Discussion Items.  Citizen-pulled Consent Agenda items will be considered after Discussion Items. • STAFF REPORTS ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA • PUBLIC COMMENT ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA • CONSENT AGENDA 1. CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 16, 2020. The purpose of this item is to approve the minutes from the September 16, 2020 regular meeting of the Landmark Preservation Commission. The Consent Agenda is intended to allow the Commission to spend its time and energy on the important items on a lengthy agenda. Staff recommends approval of the Consent Agenda. Anyone may request an item on this calendar to be "pulled" off the Consent Agenda and considered separately. Agenda items pulled from the Consent Agenda will be considered separately under Pulled Consent Items. Items remaining on the Consent Agenda will be approved by Commission with one vote. The Consent Agenda consists of: ● Approval of Minutes ● Items of no perceived controversy ● Routine administrative actions Packet Pg. 2 Page 3 • CONSENT CALENDAR FOLLOW UP This is an opportunity for Commission members to comment on items adopted or approved on the Consent Calendar. • PULLED FROM CONSENT Any agenda items pulled from the Consent Calendar by a Commission member, or member of the public, will be discussed at this time. • DISCUSSION AGENDA 2. REPORT ON STAFF DESIGN REVIEW DECISIONS FOR DESIGNATED PROPERTIES Staff is tasked with reviewing projects and, in cases where the project can be approved without submitting to the Landmark Preservation Commission, with issuing a Certificate of Appropriateness or a SHPO report under Chapter 14, Article IV of the City’s Municipal Code. This item is a report of all such review decisions since the last regular meeting of the Commission. 3. TENNEY COURT NORTH AND WEST OAK STREET ALLEYS CONCEPTUAL REVIEW DESCRIPTION: The applicant is seeking conceptual review comments from the Landmark Preservation Commission for improvements to two alleys: Tenney Court North and West Oak Street. APPLICANT: Downtown Development Authority City of Fort Collins 4. 126 S. WHITCOMB ST: APPEAL OF STAFF DECISION ON DESIGN REVIEW DESCRIPTION: This item is to consider the appeal of a staff design review decision for 126. S. Whitcomb Street. The applicant is proposing demolition of the historic 1932 garage and replacement with a new 1.5 story garage on its location. Staff denied the request on August 25, 2020, and the owner filed an appeal on August 26, 2020. Staff decisions may be appealed to the Landmark Preservation Commission. APPLICANT: Tara Gaffney (Property Owner) 5. 237/243 JEFFERSON CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REVIEW DESCRIPTION: The applicant is seeking conceptual review comments from the Landmark Preservation Commission for proposed additions to the two buildings at 237 & 243 Jefferson Street in the Old Town Historic District. APPLICANT: Sunil Cherian (owner); Matt Rankin (architect) 6. ADOPTION OF THE LANDMARK PRESERVATION COMMISSION’S 2021 WORK PLAN The purpose of this item is to discuss and adopt the Landmark Preservation Commission’s Work Plan for 2021. • OTHER BUSINESS • ADJOURNMENT Packet Pg. 3 1 Gretchen Schiager From:meg dunn <barefootmeg@gmail.com> Sent:Tuesday, September 1, 2020 4:54 PM To:Karen McWilliams; Gretchen Schiager Subject:[EXTERNAL] Extending our virtual meeting period Hi Karen,    Given our ongoing COVID‐19 “Safer at Home” recommendation from the State, I think it would be prudent for us to  continue to hold meetings virtually for the foreseeable future. Why don’t we set June 2021 as a cut off point to revisit  this, with the option to revisit the issue sooner if somehow a vaccine is found and quickly disseminated early next year,  and the Safer at Home recommendation is lifted. I know that P&Z is holding a mixed meeting soon, so I think we should  be open to that should the need arise.    So, to summarize: Let’s plan to continue our virtual LPC meetings until June 2021 with the understanding that, should  the need arise, we would be willing to consider an alternative option on a one‐off basis. Given that the members of the  LPC seem to feel that our virtual meetings have been going well, I don’t foresee this happening. But I would like to be  flexible should an applicant or appellant feel the need for an in‐person setting.    Thanks!  ‐ Meg      Packet Pg. 4 Date: Roll Call Bello Bredehoft Knierim Michell Murray Nelsen Rose Wallace Dunn Vote 9 present Consent Agenda - Approval (1 - Minutes of 9/16/20)Murray Wallace Bredehoft Bello Rose Knierim Nelsen Michell Dunn Yes Yes Yes abstain Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 9:0 4 - 126 S Whitcomb Appeal - Continued to December meeting Wallace Bredehoft Bello Rose Knierim Nelsen Michell Murray Dunn Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes recused Yes 8:0 5 - 2021 Work Plan Approval Bredehoft Bello Rose Knierim Nelsen Michell Murray Wallace Dunn Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 9:0 Roll Call & Voting Record Landmark Preservation Commission 10/21/2020 LANDMARK PRESERVATION COMMISSION THIS IS A PART OF THE PUBLIC RECORD Please contact Gretchen Schiager at 970-224-6098 or gschiager@fcgov.com if you inadvertently end up with it. Thank you! Visitor Log [This meeting was conducted remotely. The Secretary filled out the visitor log.] DATE: 10/21/20 Name Mailing Address Email and/or Phone Reason for Attendance Todd Dangerfield, DDA Applicant, Item 3 Cara Scohy, Norris Design Applicant, Item 3 Tara Gaffney, Owner 126 S Whitcomb Applicant, Item 4 Sunil Cherian, Owner 237 & 243 Jefferson Applicant, Item 5 Matt Rankin, R4 Architects Applicant, Item 5 Landmark Preservation Commission Hearing Date: 10/21/20 Document Log (Any written comments or documents received since the agenda packet was published.) CONSENT AGENDA: 1. Draft Minutes for the LPC 9/16/20 Hearing 2. Staff Design Review Decisions Report DISCUSSION AGENDA: (All new and updated documents below were added to the online packet on 10/20/20.) 3. Tenney Court North and West Oak Street Alleys • Updated staff presentation (Att 3) 4. 126 S Whitcomb Appeal • Updated staff presentation (Att 5) • New - applicant presentation (Att 6) 5. 237 & 243 Jefferson Design Review • Citizen emails/letters: o None • Updated Conceptual Plans (Att 2) • Updated staff presentation (Att 6) • New - Responses to Requests for Additional Information (Att 7) • New – Old Town Design Standards Excerpts (Att 8) 6. 2021 LPC Work Plan • Updated Draft Work Plan (Att 1) EXHIBITS RECEIVED DURING HEARING: Item # Exhibit # Description: 3 A Festoon Lighting Specs 5 A Updated Applicant Presentation CONFLICT OF INTEREST DISCLOSURE STATEMENT CITY OF FORT COLLINS, COLORADO The following disclosure statement is submitted to the Clerk of the City of Fort Collins pursuant to the requirements of Article IV, Section 9 of the City Charter and, to the extent applicable, Section 24-18-109(3)(a), C.R.S. or pursuant to City of Fort Collins Personnel Policy 5.7.2.F. Name: Title: Decision(s) or contract affected (give description of item to be addressed by Council, Board, Service Area Director, etc.): Brief statement of interest: Date: Signature: REMOVAL OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST I affirm that the above-stated conflict of interest no longer exists. Date: Signature: cc (if Councilmember or Board or Commission member): City Attorney and City Manager cc (if City employee): HR Director Updated: March 2014 Kevin Murray Landmark Preservation Commission Member 126 S. Whitcomb St. Appeal of Staff Design Review 10/14/20 Agenda Item 1 Item 1, Page 1 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY October 21, 2020 Landmark Preservation Commission STAFF Gretchen Schiager, Administrative Assistant SUBJECT CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 16, 2020 REGULAR MEETING EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this item is to approve the minutes from the September 16, 2020 regular meeting of the Landmark Preservation Commission. ATTACHMENTS 1. LPC September 16, 2020 Minutes – DRAFT Packet Pg. 5 Landmark Preservation Commission Page 1 September 16, 2020 Meg Dunn, Chair Location: Alexandra Wallace, Co-Vice Chair This meeting was conducted Michael Bello remotely via Zoom Mollie Bredehoft Kurt Knierim Elizabeth Michell Kevin Murray Anne Nelsen Jim Rose Regular Meeting September 16, 2020 Minutes •CALL TO ORDER Chair Dunn called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m. [**Secretary's Note: Due to the COVID-19 crisis and state and local orders to remain safer at home and not gather, all Commission members, staff, and citizens attended the meeting remotely, via teleconference.] •ROLL CALL PRESENT: Bredehoft, Dunn, Knierim, Michell, Murray, Rose ABSENT: Bello, Nelsen, Wallace STAFF: McWilliams, Bzdek, Bertolini, Yatabe, Schiager, Albertson-Clark Chair Dunn read a statement regarding the purpose and procedures for meeting remotely. •AGENDA REVIEW No changes to posted agenda. •CONSENT AGENDA REVIEW No items were pulled from consent. •STAFF REPORTS None. •PUBLIC COMMENT ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA None. Landmark Preservation Commission ITEM 1, ATTACHMENT 1 Packet Pg. 6 Landmark Preservation Commission Page 2 September 16, 2020 • CONSENT AGENDA 1. CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF AUGUST 19, 2020 The purpose of this item is to approve the minutes from the August 19, 2020 regular meeting of the Landmark Preservation Commission. Mr. Knierim moved that the Landmark Preservation Commission approve the Consent Agenda of the September 16, 2020 regular meeting as presented. Mr. Murray seconded. The motion passed 6-0. • DISCUSSION AGENDA 2. STAFF DESIGN REVIEW DECISIONS ON DESIGNATED PROPERTIES Staff is tasked with reviewing projects and, in cases where the project can be approved without submitting to the Landmarks Preservation Commission, with issuing a Certificate of Appropriateness or a SHPO report under Chapter 14, Article IV of the City’s Municipal Code. This item is a report of all such review decisions since the last regular meeting of the Commission. Staff Report The Commission did not request a staff report for this item. Commission Questions and Discussion None 3. 724 AND 726 SOUTH COLLEGE: APPEAL OF DETERMINATIONS OF ELIGIBILITY DESCRIPTION: This item is to consider the appeal of the determinations of eligibility for Fort Collins local landmark designation of two residential properties at 724 and 726 South College Avenue. On July 1, 2020, in fulfillment of a pre-submittal requirement for development review applications, staff determined both properties are landmark eligible based on evidence and conclusions presented by an independent historic survey contractor in intensive-level survey site forms. When undergoing development review, landmark-eligible properties are subject to the historic resource requirements in Fort Collins Land Use Code Section 3.4.7. Staff decisions may be appealed to the Landmark Preservation Commission. APPLICANT: Gannett Properties, LLC (Property Owner) Staff Report Ms. Bzdek presented the staff report. She provided a summary of the item and pointed out the development area on a map. She reviewed the role of the Commission and the applicable Code section and noted that the decision on this item can be appealed to City Council. Ms. Bzdek provided a timeline of numerous activities related to the development of this property, including City Council decisions that impacted the relevant Code. She talked about Staff’s role in reviewing independent surveys and determinations of eligibility and stated that a finding of eligibility does not mean a property will be designated as a landmark. Ms. Bzdek talked about the two requirements for landmark eligibility: Significance and Integrity. She pointed out that Context is no longer part of the evaluation. She talked about specifics to the evaluation of local significance under Criterion 3. She also explained that the term “vernacular architecture” refers to the special qualities about the local built environment that speak to the history of the area, and discussed the materials, workmanship and design that speak to vernacular wood frame dwellings. Ms. Bzdek explained that not all seven aspects of integrity must be present, but those relating to character-defining features that were in place during the period of significance should be intact. She noted that evaluating integrity is based on the current condition of the property but does not require the property to be in good repair, assuming that repairs can be made. She said for buildings which are eligible because of their architecture, the most important aspects of integrity are workmanship, materials, and design. ITEM 1, ATTACHMENT 1 Packet Pg. 7 Landmark Preservation Commission Page 3 September 16, 2020 She talked about the previous assessments of 724 South College in 1998, 2014 and 2019. The 2014 review found the property to be ineligible due to loss of context. Code changes since that time informed the finding of eligibility in 2019. Ms. Bzdek reviewed the history of 724 South College and the Shantz family that resided in the home from 1902-1963. She pointed out the features of the design and construction that are particularly important to vernacular wood frame dwellings, such as the front porch columns, wood shingle cladding, steeply pitched roof and gabled dormers. She talked about the setting and context, and reviewed changes to the property over time. Ms. Bzdek talked about the results of the previous assessments of 726 South College. The property was owned by Frank Shantz and used as a rental since 1903. She spoke about the significance of the design and construction, pointing out specific features such as the hip roof, decorative front gable and front porch with balustrade railing. She talked about the setting and context, and reviewed changes to the property over time. Applicant Presentation Nicole Ament, attorney for the Appellant, stated that they do not believe these properties are eligible under Section 14-22(b). She explained that Heritage Consulting Group had been retained to provide a second opinion on the eligibility of the property. Mick McDill and Todd Rosenzweig, owners of the property, spoke to the Commission about their history with the property, noting that they would not have bought the properties had they known they were eligible to be landmarked. Mr. McDill stated they were unaware that the previous determination of ineligibility could change and did not know it was being reevaluated. He talked about the hardship a determination of eligibility would have on their business. Michael LaFlash, Heritage Consulting Group, provided his credentials before reporting on his findings. He utilized Google Maps to show the surrounding area of the property. Mr. LaFlash discussed the eligibility of the properties and pointed out that these properties were not included in the boundary of the Laurel School Historic District. He asserted that the reasons for the 2014 determination of ineligibility were still valid. Mr. LaFlash talked about the lack of context as well as how zoning plays a significant role in the future of this area. He said these properties are not individually significant under Criterion 3 and should not be considered eligible for landmark designation. Public Input The Secretary read into the record a statement from Gwen Denton sharing her memories of 726 South College Avenue where her great uncle and aunt lived for 12 years. She expressed her hope that the building would be preserved. Commission Questions Chair Dunn reminded the Commission that their role was strictly to determine the eligibility of these properties, per Chapter 14, Section 22 of the Municipal Code, and the discussion should center around Significance and Integrity. The Commission is to review all the most current information and make a new, independent determination. She reviewed the order of proceedings for the appeal hearing. Chair Dunn apologized to the Appellant for the confusing process and noted that the changes to the Code were needed to clarify and improve the process, but unfortunately, these properties straddled those time periods. Chair Dunn asked whether Mr. LaFlash had done a written survey of these buildings, whether he lives in Fort Collins and if he had looked at the properties in person. He responded in the negative to all. Ms. Ament explained that they tried to find a local consultant, but those that were available had conflicts based on relationships with Staff. Mr. Murray asked for clarification of the timeline, particularly whether the owners were made aware of the recon survey done in 2019. Ms. Bzdek stated that when the 2014 determination was made, the property owner was notified that it was good for five years. Sherry Albertson-Clark, Historic Preservation Survey Consultant, explained that the owners were not notified of the 2019 recon survey, since an intensive survey would be required. ITEM 1, ATTACHMENT 1 Packet Pg. 8 Landmark Preservation Commission Page 4 September 16, 2020 Mr. McDill stated that they did not receive notice in 2014, or at the time of their submittal in November 2019, that the 2014 determination of ineligibility was nearing expiration. Chair Dunn commented that the process in the past did not include those notifications. Mr. Knierim asked whether the Commission is only to look at the post-March 2019 code. Mr. Yatabe said the Commission is to make their determination based on the current code. Ms. Michell asked whether the context information from 2014 was to be disregarded. Ms. McWilliams explained the Code changes that took place in 2019 specifically excluded context since it was already covered under the setting aspect of integrity. Mr. Murray asked whether the context that was considered in 2014 was the same as setting that is currently part of the Code. Ms. McWilliams responded that it is similar, but the context was added for a couple of years to address neighborhood changes. Ms. Bredehoft asked whether future changes to the neighborhood should be considered. Ms. McWilliams said the Commission should consider current conditions, not what may happen in the future. Chair Dunn asked for clarification on why Staff stated that design, materials, and workmanship were key aspects of integrity for this property under Criterion 3, while Mr. LaFlash chose setting, feeling and association as key aspects. Ms. Bzdek referenced the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) Bulletin 15 and stated that while all seven aspects of integrity are considered, if a building is eligible based on its architecture and it has a loss of integrity in design, materials and workmanship then it cannot convey that significance. Mr. LaFlash agreed with Ms. Bzdek’s statement, but since they don’t believe the properties are significant under Criterion 3 individually, they should be looked at as if they were contributing toward a historic district, giving setting, feeling and association a higher weight. Chair Dunn asked why Mr. LaFlash had dismissed Criterion 3. He responded that the properties lacked architectural integrity in terms higher artistic value as required by the National Register. [Secretary’s note: The Commission took a short break at this time. A roll call was conducted upon reconvening to establish all were present.] Chair Dunn asked Ron Sladek, former Landmark Preservation Commission Chair, to speak about the 2014 determinations. He explained that there was very limited information available for that determination, so the decision was largely based on context and setting with context having the higher priority. Chair Dunn asked how long the forms were valid, and Mr. Sladek thought it was less than 5 years. He suggested the period of construction be considered. Ms. Bzdek noted that the period of significance for 724 South College is defined as 1901 – c. 1964, which was when its use changed from single-family dwelling to student rental property. For 726 South College, the period is defined as 1901. Ms. McWilliams confirmed that in 2014 the determinations were valid for one year, but that became cumbersome, so it was later changed to five years. Ms. McWilliams said property owners were notified by mail, however Ms. Bzdek added that the letter did not include the expiration date. Chair Dunn asked Jason Marmor, the consultant who completed the recent surveys, for clarification on the extensive period of significance for 724 South College. Mr. Marmor explained that the significance for 726 was based only on architecture and stated if he were to do the survey again, he would limit the period of significance for 726 South College to the year of construction as well. [Secretary’s note: The Commission took a 20-minute break while Ms. Bredehoft prepared a motion. A roll call was conducted upon reconvening to establish all were present.] Commission Discussion for 724 South College Avenue 1. Location Ms. Bredehoft said location is the same. 2. Design Mr. Murray commented on the home being largely obscured by the tree. Chair Dunn said the actual design elements of the home are intact. ITEM 1, ATTACHMENT 1 Packet Pg. 9 Landmark Preservation Commission Page 5 September 16, 2020 Ms. Michell said the overall design features such as the gables, front porch and original siding are intact, but the setting is compromised. It is not high style but makes a statement as a vernacular home. Ms. Bredehoft said it is a great representation of middle-class homes in Fort Collins. The front entry, column detail, and the dormers that intersect with the roof are interesting and unusual. Chair Dunn said the window pattern on the front is not common. Mr. Rose talked about the delineation between the upper and lower story, and the aesthetic of the two different materials. Mr. Knierim asked if the screened-in porch was added. Ms. Bzdek stated the 1938 permit was to screen in the porch. Chair Dunn said a screened-in porch was a common change during that period. 3. Setting Ms. Bredehoft disagreed that the setting is lost. It still sits on College Avenue, across from CSU. The two buildings on either side, as well as the commercial building to the north, have a residential feel, and there are numerous homes along College being used as commercial. The setting is slightly diminished, but mostly intact. Mr. Rose said the filling station is still there, just with a different use. To the west, there have been no changes since the college was started. He noted that historically, South College developed with a mix of residential and commercial. He agreed that the setting is not lost. Chair Dunn said the setting is probably 50/50 intact, and while mixed, maintains a sense of residential. 4. Materials Mr. Murray asked if the windows are original. Ms. Bzdek said both properties retain many original windows. Mr. Murray said most of the windows maintain the original style if not the original sashes. He also commented that the cottage style window which was common in sitting rooms is probably original. The upper windows are double hung and appear to be original. Chair Dunn agreed that many of the windows appear to be intact. 5. Workmanship Mr. Knierim noted that great care was taken in the design and construction of the home and the selection of materials. Mr. Murray commented that these homes were built for specific people. Ms. Bredehoft said many of the features discussed for design could also fall under workmanship. Chair Dunn said the patterning and materials used for each story, and the columns on the porch, are examples of the workmanship of the time. The way the gable is worked into the roofline is stunning. Ms. Bredehoft added that the panels on the front of the porch under the windows are examples of the workmanship. 6. Feeling Ms. Bredehoft said it feels like a residential home, and the setback adds to that feeling. The wood details, wood columns and overall size of the house and its tall, narrow shape feel like 1901. 7. Association Ms. Bredehoft said the three houses, the commercial building to the north, and the gas station present a residential neighborhood feel. Chair Dunn offered an additional thought about setting in that the use of College Avenue has changed. People used to park along College, but the experience is different when travelling by in a vehicle. From the pedestrian level the setting is that of a neighborhood. Significance Mr. Murray stated that the architecture is outstanding for its time with the extra shingles on top, detailing of the cottage style windows and Tuscan columns in the front. The screened-in porch was well done. ITEM 1, ATTACHMENT 1 Packet Pg. 10 Landmark Preservation Commission Page 6 September 16, 2020 Mr. Knierim said the home is well-preserved, so the architectural features are easy to see. Chair Dunn said it is a good example of the architecture of the time and is supported by the integrity. She added it is a downplayed middle-class home but would almost be considered high style for the modest community of Fort Collins. Mr. Rose commented about the construction type and the fact that the second story is not a full story, which is indicative of the balloon framing common in that period. Mr. Murray agreed that the method of construction has significance. Commission Discussion for 724 South College Avenue Garage 1. Location Chair Dunn said the location is the same. 2. Design Chair Dunn said the design is close. 3. Setting Ms. Bredehoft said it is still in the backyard, next to the alley and associated with the house. 4. Materials Chair Dunn asked if the doors were original and wondered what material was under the stucco. Mr. Rose said the stucco was an irreversible intrusion sufficiently detrimental to call into question whether it is a contributing resource. He speculated that the doors are original. 5. Workmanship Chair Dunn said the workmanship of the door and the eaves is visible, but the gable end and side have been hidden. Chair Dunn stated that usually a house and garage have combined significance, but with the loss of workmanship and materials due to the stucco, its significance is questionable. Mr. Murray commented that the side with doors still has an overhang and looks like it fits with the house and time period. The deterioration, stucco and shortening of the roof on the other side diminish the integrity. The members speculated about the piece of wood protruding from the roof and wondered if it was related to a change in the operation of the doors from sliding to hinged. Mr. Knierim expressed reservations about the integrity and significance of the garage on its own. Ms. Bredehoft said it contributes to the residential lot but is not significant on its own. Ms. Bredehoft made a motion but withdrew it in order to clarify the eligibility of the garage. Mr. Rose said due to its questionable integrity the garage would be not considered a contributing resource and therefore should not be included in the eligibility for 724 South College. Chair Dunn said the doors are the only thing that would speak to the period of significance. [Secretary’s note: There was a lengthy gap in the discussion at this time while the Commission waited for Ms. Bredehoft to prepare her motion. There was no official break at this time, so the audio and video recordings continued to run.] Commission Deliberation for 724 South College Avenue Ms. Bredehoft moved that the Landmark Preservation Commission find the residential building at 724 South College Avenue eligible as a Fort Collins landmark, according to the standards outlined in Section 14-22 of the Fort Collins Municipal Code, finding that 724 South College meets Criteria 3 under Significance as a good example of a vernacular wood frame dwelling in Fort Collins, in that it is a product of the local builder’s experience, available resources and a response to the local environment, specifically in the balloon framing construction method that was used and additional wood design details and application of the materials, and finding that 724 South College Avenue meets all seven aspects of integrity, in that location, design, materials and workmanship are all intact, and although College Avenue has been altered with time, the setting of the residential character along the street frontage surrounding 724 South College is intact, and both feeling and association are intact. In addition, the garage building associated historically with the residence is ITEM 1, ATTACHMENT 1 Packet Pg. 11 Landmark Preservation Commission Page 7 September 16, 2020 not found to be a historic resource contributing to the significance or integrity of 724 South College Avenue based on the finding that of the seven aspects of integrity only location and association are met, and it does not meet Criteria 3 under Significance. Mr. Knierim seconded. Mr. Murray proposed an amendment to specify that the garage does meet two aspects of integrity: location and association. Ms. Bredehoft and Mr. Knierim accepted the amendment. The motion passed 5-1, Michell dissenting. Ms. Michell explained her dissent, stating that while the house is intact, the residential setting of that block is no longer intact. Commission Discussion for 726 South College Avenue 1. Location Chair Dunn stated the building has not moved. 2. Design Mr. Murray said the classic hip-roof box is a standard design throughout Old Town Fort Collins. All the features are intact including the original porch. Chair Dunn stated that the hip-roof box is obvious, and the porch and railing are original. 3. Setting Ms. Bredehoft commented that the feel of the Book Ranch has the same feel as the gas station would have, and the setting is intact. Mr. Rose said the setting for 726 is better than 724 due to its location. 4. Materials Mr. Rose said the materials are the most common in wood-framed construction. He said it was a good example of the use of materials that were available at the turn of the century. Mr. Murray said the siding may have been replaced. Chair Dunn said even if the siding is not original, it does fit with the era. Mr. Rose pointed out the siding appears to have multiple layers of paint and is not uniform, which may indicate it was not replaced in recent years. Also, the siding under the porch is protected which would explain the apparent difference in condition. He stated that it retains the necessary integrity. 5. Workmanship Mr. Murray commented on the likelihood that the front and back porches are original. He stated the gapping in the railings, the floor, the shingles on the dormer and the handrail all appear to be original, which is an indication of quality workmanship. The rooflines are very straight. Chair Dunn pointed out the leaded glass window on the front porch is still intact. She also noted that the transom window speaks to the time period. 6/7 Feeling & Association Ms. Bredehoft said both the feeling and association are similar to the other house. Significance Chair Dunn said it is a more modest house. Mr. Rose said it is a high-quality vernacular and the architecture is a good example for that period of time. He commented that the porches are an architectural expression of interaction with the community. [Secretary’s note: The Commission did not take a formal break but paused the discussion for 8 minutes while Ms. Bredehoft prepared a motion. The audio and video continued to record during this time.] ITEM 1, ATTACHMENT 1 Packet Pg. 12 Landmark Preservation Commission Page 8 September 16, 2020 Commission Deliberation for 726 South College Avenue Ms. Bredehoft moved that the Landmark Preservation Commission find 726 South College Avenue individually eligible as a Fort Collins landmark, according to the standards outlined in Section 14- 22 of the Fort Collins Municipal Code finding that 726 South College meets Criteria 3 under Significance as it is a good example of a modest vernacular wood frame dwelling in Fort Collins, in that it is a product of the local builder’s experience, available resources and a response to the local environment at the turn of the century, specifically in the simple design elements including the porch balusters, the diamond pattern under the gable, the lead glass transom and additional wood design details and application, and finding that it meets all seven aspects of integrity, including location, design, materials, workmanship, and although College Avenue has been altered with time, the 726 South College setting is intact specifically considering its relationship to the adult Book Ranch lot to the south which was once a local gas station, and the residential buildings directly to the north, and that feeling and association are also intact. Mr. Rose seconded. The motion passed 5-1, with Ms. Michell dissenting. Ms. Michell explained her dissent, stating that the property doesn’t retain its residential setting. Chair Dunn suggested voicing concerns earlier in the discussion rather than after the motion. Chair Dunn suggested the Appellants speak with staff about options such as adaptive reuse of the property and mentioned Ginger and Baker or the Goff House as examples. She also reminded the Appellants they have the right to appeal to Council. 4. OVERVIEW OF WILLIAM B. “BILL” ROBB HISTORIC CONTEXT PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This item introduces the Landmark Preservation Commission and the community to a historic context project on local architect William B. “Bill” Robb. Staff Report Sherry Albertson-Clark introduced the item and reminded the Commission about the grant the City received for this project. She explained why Bill Robb was chosen for the project. She mentioned that Bill Rob’s granddaughter, Susan Downing, will be working on this project with Ron Sladek. Mr. Sladek spoke about Bill Robb’s impact on the City, mentioning several specific projects. Commission Questions and Discussion Chair Dunn asked how many buildings would be included. Mr. Sladek responded that he would be looking several dozen scattered all over the City. Ms. Downing told the Commission she is excited about the project. • OTHER BUSINESS Jim Rose, a new Commission member, introduced himself and described his background in architecture and historic preservation. Chair Dunn reminded the Commission about the upcoming Boards & Commissions Super Meeting on the City’s 2021 budget and the “Reimagine Boards & Commissions” project. • ADJOURNMENT Chair Dunn adjourned the meeting at 9:59 p.m. Minutes respectfully submitted by Gretchen Schiager. Minutes approved by a vote of the Commission on __________________. _____________________________________ Meg Dunn, Chair ITEM 1, ATTACHMENT 1 Packet Pg. 13 Agenda Item 2 Item 2, Page 1 STAFF REPORT October 21, 2020 Landmark Preservation Commission ITEM NAME STAFF DESIGN REVIEW DECISIONS ON DESIGNATED PROPERTIES, SEPTEMBER 3 TO OCTOBER 7, 2020 STAFF Jim Bertolini, Historic Preservation Planner INFORMATION Staff is tasked with reviewing projects and, in cases where the project can be approved without submitting to the Landmark Preservation Commission, with issuing a Certificate of Appropriateness or a SHPO report under Chapter 14, Article IV of the City’s Municipal Code. Staff decisions are provided in this report and posted on the HPD’s “Design Review Notification” page. Notice of staff decisions are provided to the public and LPC for their information, but are not subject to appeal under Chapter 14, Article IV, except in cases where an applicant has requested a Certificate of Appropriateness for a project and that request has been denied. In that event, the applicant may appeal staff’s decision to the LPC pursuant to 14-55 of the Municipal Code, within two weeks of staff denial. The report below covers the period between September 3 to October 7, 2020. There is no staff report this month. Property Address Description of Project Staff Decision Date of Decision 307 E. Plum St. In-kind roof replacement (asphalt shingle). Contributing building to Laurel School Historic District (NRHP). Reviewed by staff under Municipal Code 14, Article IV. Approved 9/9/2020 511 Locust St. In-kind roof replacement (asphalt shingle). Contributing building to Laurel School Historic District (NRHP). Reviewed by staff under Municipal Code 14, Article IV. Approved 9/10/2020 201 S. College Ave. Replace front sign w/ larger version. City Landmark. Reviewed by staff under Municipal Code 14, Article IV. Approved 9/16/2020 611 Mathews St. In-kind roof replacement (asphalt shingle). Contributing building to Laurel School Historic District (NRHP). Reviewed by staff under Municipal Code 14, Article IV. Approved 9/16/2020 315 E. Magnolia St. In-kind roof replacement (asphalt shingle). Contributing building to Laurel School Historic District (NRHP). Reviewed by staff under Municipal Code 14, Article IV. Approved 9/22/2020 322 E. Myrtle St. In-kind roof replacement (asphalt shingle). Contributing building to Laurel School Historic District (NRHP). Reviewed by staff under Municipal Code 14, Article IV. Approved 9/28/2020 Packet Pg. 14 Agenda Item 2 Item 2, Page 2 245 Jefferson St. In-kind roof replacement (TPO membrane). City Landmark. Reviewed by staff under Municipal Code 14, Article IV. Approved September 29, 2020 634 Mathews St. In-kind roof replacement (TPO membrane). Contributing building to Laurel School Historic District (NRHP). Reviewed by staff under Municipal Code 14, Article IV. Approved September 30, 2020 408 Whedbee St. In-kind roof replacement (asphalt shingle). Contributing building to Laurel School Historic District (NRHP). Reviewed by staff under Municipal Code 14, Article IV. Approved September 30, 2020 615 W. Mulberry St. In-kind roof replacement (asphalt shingle). Unevaluated duplex over fifty years of age Reviewed by staff under Municipal Code 14, Article IV. Approved October 1, 2020 404 E. Oak St. In-kind roof replacement (asphalt shingle). Contributing building to Laurel School Historic District (NRHP). Reviewed by staff under Municipal Code 14, Article IV. Approved October 5, 2020 Packet Pg. 15 Agenda Item 3 Item 3, Page 1 STAFF REPORT October 21, 2020 Landmark Preservation Commission PROJECT NAME TENNEY COURT NORTH AND WEST OAK STREET ALLEYS CONCEPTUAL REVIEW STAFF Maren Bzdek, Historic Preservation Planner PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is seeking conceptual review comments from the Landmark Preservation Commission for improvements to two alleys: Tenney Court North and West Oak Street. APPLICANT: Downtown Development Authority OWNER: City of Fort Collins EXECUTIVE SUMMARY BACKGROUND: The Downtown Development Authority (DDA) has engaged in alley improvements in Fort Collins since 2006 to enhance aesthetics and use of these connective spaces in the Downtown. A 2008 master plan identified a multi-phased, prioritized approach to alley improvements and initial projects included Montezuma Fuller, Old Firehouse, Dalzell Alley, Beardmore-Reidhead-Godinez, and Seckner Alleys. The current master plan calls for finalization of the improvements in five separate phases that will occur between 2020 and 2029. Phase 1 includes two square blocks of enhanced alleyways identified as Tenney Court North and West Oak Street alleys. The design and engineering team is Norris Design and JVA Consulting Engineers. Construction is expected to occur between spring 2021 and November 2021. The DDA is engaged in the capital review approval process and outreach with the public, including involved property owners and businesses, and seeks Commission feedback for refinements of the plans in the final phase of design. PROPOSED ALTERATION: The applicant is presenting 60% plans for proposed improvements to the Tenney Court and West Oak Street alleys. The design for each alley is based on a unique theme, but serve the same goals: to encourage additional outdoor uses, inspire redevelopment of adjacent private parcels, create festive spaces with lighting and art installations, ensure emergency access and provide shared trash and recycling strategies, and implement a shared street model for vehicular access. Specific design elements include: • Vertical gateway elements • Circular concrete planters • Benches • Local granite rocks • Pedestrian lighting • Trash location • Wall mounted elements • Festoon lighting • Murals • Special paving Packet Pg. 16 Agenda Item 3 Item 3, Page 2 RELEVANT REVIEW CRITERIA: Section 14-51. – Alterations to designated resources requiring a certificate of appropriateness or report. Changes to rear elevations or other site features of designated landmark properties would require design review and approval based on the Secretary of Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties and a satisfactory plan of protection that covers those alterations as well as abutting construction and site work. Land Use Code Section 3.4.7 (E) (1) Design Compatibility, Table 1: Requirements for New Construction Near Historic Resources Visibility of Historic Features: New construction shall not cover or obscure character-defining architectural elements, such as windows or primary design features, of historic resources on the development site, abutting or across a side alley. Land Use Code Section 3.4.7 (E) (3) Plan of Protection. A plan of protection shall be submitted prior to the Landmark Preservation Commission providing a recommendation pursuant to below Subsection (F) that details the particular considerations and protective measures that will be employed to prevent short-term and long-term material damage and avoidable impact to identified historic resources on the development site and within the area of adjacency from demolition, new construction, and operational activities. ATTACHMENTS 1. DDA-LPC Staff Memo 2. Applicant Presentation 3. Staff Presentation Packet Pg. 17 DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FORT COLLINS, COLORADO TO: Landmark Preservation Commission FROM: Todd Dangerfield THROUGH: Maren Bzdek DATE: October 21, 2020 RE: Landmark Preservation Commission Meeting, October 21, 2020 Tenney Court North/West Oak Street Alleys Projects Executive Overview Background In 1981, the Downtown Development Authority (DDA) Plan of Development identified the alleys in the downtown area as an untapped opportunity for enhanced pedestrian connections. In 2006, the DDA initiated a pilot project which included improving the pedestrian-only Trimble Court (connecting College Avenue and Old Town Square) and Tenney Court (connecting Mountain Avenue with the Civic Center Parking Structure). The DDA’s goal in initiating this project was to enhance the alleys aesthetically and to stimulate increased economic vitality and use of these spaces. In 2008, the DDA engaged local design firm Russell+Mills Studios to identify and create a master plan of proposed enhanced alleys between CSU, Downtown and the River District. Beginning in 2010, the first phase of alley enhancements began with the construction of two alleys: Montezuma Fuller and Old Firehouse Alleys. These two installations were followed by the construction of the Dalzell Alley enhancements in 2011 and the Beardmore-Reidhead-Godinez and Old Firehouse East/Seckner Alleys in 2018. The original master plan established a prioritized order of alleys to be enhanced. In 2019 the DDA Board reviewed the ten remaining alleys identified for enhancement, reexamined the relevancy of the order and made a few adjustments as well as establishing a model for “bundling” the remaining alleys into five separate phases for design and construction in alternating years beginning in 2020 and continuing through 2029. The Board established a finance plan for Phase 1 consisting of two square blocks of enhanced alleyways identified as “Tenney Court North” and “West Oak Street alleys.” In early 2020, the DDA conducted a competitive process for design and engineering services related to the project. The team of Norris Design/JVA Consulting Engineers was formally approved for the project by the DDA Board in March 2020. The DDA is budgeting approximately $2.8 million for construction of the alley projects. The City Manager’s recommended budget identifies $300,000 from the General Improvement District No. 1 for the same purpose. The construction of both alleys is scheduled to begin in spring 2021 and be substantially completed in November 2021. Progress Designs Beginning in April 2020, the design team embarked on a programmatic and schematic design process that so far has engaged the City through the capital project review approval process as well as numerous individual coordination meetings with property owners and businesses adjacent to the two alleys. With the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and restrictions on group gatherings, the team continues to explore additional opportunities for engagement with the public. Through this engagement process a final schematic (conceptual) design was developed and approved by the DDA Board of Directors in July 2020. The attached images represent the progress of designs since the approved schematics and prior to the construction drawing milestone anticipated in early January 2021. Architectural goals include encouraging ITEM 3, ATTACHMENT 1 Packet Pg. 18 DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FORT COLLINS, COLORADO additional outdoor uses, inspiring redevelopment on adjacent private land, creating festive spaces using special lighting and artistic installations, ensuring emergency access where applicable, creating shared trash and recycling strategies as needed, and implementing a shared street model to allow vehicular access, including business deliveries and access to internal private parking lots in a controlled and integrated manner. Cara Scohy from Norris Design and Todd Dangerfield from the DDA will present an overview of the progress designs at the meeting. The DDA is asking for comments and feedback in anticipation of further refinement during the final phases of the design process. ITEM 3, ATTACHMENT 1 Packet Pg. 19 TENNEY COURT NORTH & WEST OAK ALLEYRENOVATIONSDESIGN PROGRESS-LPC PRESENTATIONSEPTEMBER 2020ITEM 3, ATTACHMENT 2Packet Pg. 20 1733345FORT COLLINS ALLEY RENOVATIONS - 2020TENNEY COURT NORTH09.24.2020PLAN VIEWKEYCivic Center Parking GarageNorth Mason StreetLaporte Avenue2 22253614Circular Concrete PlantersPedestrian LightingAnova BenchesTrash LocationVertical Gateway ElementLocal Granite Rocks7Wall Mounted Element174556668Festoon Lighting888ITEM 3, ATTACHMENT 2Packet Pg. 21 8FORT COLLINS ALLEY RENOVATIONS - 2020TENNEY COURT NORTH09.24.2020EAST MURAL COORDINATIONKEYEFGHIJI25C367D14BAEddington BlendRiver RedBuffCharcoalStandard Concrete Sleeping ElephantGrey RockPoudre RiverColorado AspensPoudre FallsCircular Concrete PlantersVertical Gateway ElementDecorative String LightingAnova BenchesTrash LocationPedestrian LightingLocal Granite RocksStreetPlanBuildingElevationLaporte Avenue Alley CDBGHFJ2345AAE67777778Wall Mounted ElementITEM 3, ATTACHMENT 2Packet Pg. 22 FORT COLLINS ALLEY RENOVATIONS - 2020TENNEY COURT NORTH09.24.2020SOUTH MURAL COORDINATIONKEYE25C36D14BAEddington BlendRiver RedBuffCharcoalStandard Concrete Circular Concrete PlantersPedestrian LightingAnova BenchesTrash LocationVertical Gateway ElementLocal Granite RocksStreetPlanBuildingElevationCDB234AE566North Mason StreetAlleyFGHHPingree ValleyForest Fire HistoryColorado AspensGF7Wall Mounted Element551766ITEM 3, ATTACHMENT 2Packet Pg. 23 FORT COLLINS ALLEY RENOVATIONS - 2020TENNEY COURT NORTH09.24.2020` GATEWAY & WALL MOUNTED ELEMENTSWall Mounted ElementVertical Gateway Element1'-0"7'-0"3'-9"9'-5"1'-0"6'-3"1'-4"TENNEY ALLEY - FORT COLLINS6&21&(',0(16,216NO SCALEBarbara GrygutisBarbara Grygutis Sculpture LLC2'-512"3'-9""20'-0"2'-0"1'-0"5'-11"3'-634"2'-0"6'-0"2'-512"Barbara GrygutisBarbara Grygutis Sculpture LLCITEM 3, ATTACHMENT 2Packet Pg. 24 6309.24.2020PLAN VIEWJoy OrganicsJay’s BistroACE HardwareDae Gee Korean BBQArmstrong HotelBrand Spanking NewThrift StoreKEY231Vertical Gateway ElementFestoon LightingHanging Baskets4Planter Pots5Benches554426Pedestrian Lighting624113FORT COLLINS ALLEY RENOVATIONS - 2020WEST OAK ALLEYITEM 3, ATTACHMENT 2Packet Pg. 25 09.24.2020VERTICAL GATEWAY ELEMENT',0(16,21629(59,(:NO SCALESDJHRIBARBARA GRYGUTIS SCULPTURE LLCFORT COLLINS ALLEY RENOVATIONS - 2020WEST OAK ALLEYITEM 3, ATTACHMENT 2Packet Pg. 26 1 Conceptual Review: Tenney Court and West Oak Alleys Maren Bzdek, Historic Preservation Planner Landmark Preservation Commission, October 21, 2020 Summary: Tenney Court & West Oak Alleys -Phased implementation of Master Plan for downtown alleys -60% plans for proposed improvements to enhance use and provide services Design elements: Vertical gateway elements Circular concrete planters Benches Local granite rocks Pedestrian lighting Trash location Wall mounted elements Festoon lighting Murals Special paving 2 1 2 ITEM 3, ATTACHMENT 3 Updated 10-21-20 Packet Pg. 27 Tenney Court Alley 3 • 100 Block W Mountain •2019 Recon Survey (no intensive- level recommended) • 100 Block N College •107-109: Woolworth/Welch Block •111-115: Windsor Hotel •2020-2021 N. College Survey Project West Oak Alley 4 • 201 S College (Old Post Office) • 249-261 S College (Armstrong Hotel) 3 4 ITEM 3, ATTACHMENT 3 Updated 10-21-20 Packet Pg. 28 West Oak Alley 5 Role of the LPC Secretary of Interior’s Standards: Evaluate impact of proposed attachments, rear building entry enhancements, site changes •No identified changes to historic resources Development Review (Sec. 3.4.7): Visibility of historic buildings and features •No identified concerns Plan of protection 6 5 6 ITEM 3, ATTACHMENT 3 Updated 10-21-20 Packet Pg. 29 7 Conceptual Review: Tenney Court and West Oak Alleys Maren Bzdek, Historic Preservation Planner Landmark Preservation Commission, October 21, 2020 Secretary of Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation 1. A property will be used as it was historically or be given a new use that requires minimal change to its distinctive materials, features, spaces and spatial relationships. 2. The historic character of a property will be retained and preserved. The removal of distinctive materials or alteration of features, spaces and spatial relationships that characterize a property will be avoided. 3. Each property will be recognized as a physical record of its time, place and use. Changes that create a false sense of historical development, such as adding conjectural features or elements from other historic properties, will not be undertaken. 4. Changes to a property that have acquired historic significance in their own right will be retained and preserved. 5. Distinctive materials, features, finishes, and construction techniques or examples of craftsmanship that characterize a property will be preserved. 8 7 8 ITEM 3, ATTACHMENT 3 Updated 10-21-20 Packet Pg. 30 Secretary of Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation 6. Deteriorated historic features will be repaired rather than replaced. Where the severity of deterioration requires replacement of a distinctive feature, the new feature will match the old in design, color, texture and, where possible, materials. Replacement of missing features will be substantiated by documentary and physical evidence. 7. Chemical or physical treatments, if appropriate, will be undertaken using the gentlest means possible. Treatments that cause damage to historic materials will not be used. 8. Archeological resources will be protected and preserved in place. If such resources must be disturbed, mitigation measures will be undertaken. 9. New additions, exterior alterations, or related new construction will not destroy historic materials, features, and spatial relationships that characterize the property. The new work will be differentiated from the old and will be compatible with the historic materials, features, size, scale and proportion, and massing to protect the integrity of the property and its environment. 10. New additions and adjacent or related new construction will be undertaken in such a manner that, if removed in the future, the essential form and integrity of the historic property and its environment would be unimpaired. 9 9 ITEM 3, ATTACHMENT 3 Updated 10-21-20 Packet Pg. 31 Description: Grantor: Property Address: May 2018 ITEM 3, EXHIBIT A Festoon Lighting - Added 10-21-20 Packet Pg. 31-1 Item 5, Page 1 STAFF REPORT Agenda Item 5 October 21, 2020 Landmark Preservation Commission PROJECT NAME 126 S. WHITCOMB ST: APPEAL OF STAFF DECISION ON DESIGN REVIEW STAFF Jim Bertolini, Historic Preservation Planner PROJECT INFORMATION DESCRIPTION: This item is to consider the appeal of a staff design review decision for 126. S. Whitcomb Street. The applicant is proposing demolition of the historic 1932 garage and replacement with a new 1.5 story garage on its location. Staff denied the request on August 25, 2020, and the owner filed an appeal on August 26, 2020. Staff decisions may be appealed to the Landmark Preservation Commission. APPELLANT: Tara Gaffney (Property Owner) LPC’S ROLE: Section 14-55 of the Fort Collins Municipal Code establishes that “staff denial of a certificate of appropriateness pursuant to Sec. 14-53 may be appealed to the Commission by the applicant.” In this hearing, the Commission shall consider an appeal of the staff decision for the proposed project at 126 S. Whitcomb St., based on the provided evidence from the 2013 Landmark District nomination, the applicant’s design review application, their request for an appeal, and any new evidence presented at the hearing. The Commission must use the Municipal Code 14, Article IV and the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation for its decision. Final decisions of the Commission shall be subject to the right of appeal to the Fort Collins City Council (Section 14-9). BACKGROUND The primary Cunningham property dwelling was built in c.1904 as part of the 1873 Avery plat, the original townsite for Fort Collins. The property has remained in residential use since that time. The property has been modified since that time, including a 1927 remodel for room on the second floor and a porch, the 1932 construction of the frame garage, a 1940 re-roofing, and the 1946 enlargement of a chicken house that was on the property. Later projects include new roofs in 1973 and 2002. January-May 2020: The previous owner engaged staff and applied for Design Assistance Program (DAP) funds to scope a rear addition to the main house and rehabilitation/addition options for the garage. Staff engaged engineer Geoff Robinson to assess not only load-bearing issues for the main house, but also the feasibility of correcting the lean on the 1932 garage, stabilizing it from future deterioration, and constructing an addition on its rear/east elevation. Mr. Geoff Robinson provided that analysis in May of 2020 and determined the garage could be easily corrected, some shear strength added to prevent further deterioration, and an addition to the rear would help provide stability. Packet Pg. 32 Agenda Item 5 Item 5, Page 2 July 2020: New owner (Ms. Gaffney) contacts the office with initial drawings for a new garage and demolition of the existing garage. Staff responds that there are alternatives, provides DAP materials, and guidance from Zoning about the dimensions of the new garage proposal. August 19, 2020: Ms. Gaffney submits a design review application pursuant to Municipal Code 14-53 to demolish the 1932 garage and construct the new garage on its location. August 25, 2020: Staff denies the application based on the findings that the garage is a contributing resource to the Landmark District, demolition of contributing resources does not meet the SOI Standards, and that a feasible alternative to achieve the desired program is likely available via the DAP product from May. August 26, 2020: Ms. Gaffney submits an appeal to Community Development and Neighborhood Services. Based on pandemic-related justification for the project in the appeal, staff requested an exception to Ordinance No. 079, 2020. On September 15, 2020, Council adopted an exception to Ordinance No. 079, 2020 that included explicit permission for an appeal of this staff decision to come forward to the LPC for consideration. October 7, 2020: The appeal of the determination of eligibility was publicly posted with historic review underway signs on the properties, in The Coloradoan, and on the City website. STAFF ANALYSIS AND DECISION The analysis and decision by staff is documented in the attached Denial for the Certificate of Appropriateness. RELEVANT CODES AND PROCESSES FOR HISTORIC REVIEW Sec. 14-54 (a)(3-4). – Commission design review and issuance of reports. (a)(3) Alterations to Fort Collins Landmarks Meeting the Standards. If the Commission determines that a proposed alteration to a Fort Collins landmark or resource(s) within a Fort Collins landmark district, contributing or non-contributing, meets the Standards, the Commission shall approve the application and issue a certificate of appropriateness. A certificate of appropriateness shall include, but not be limited to, a statement that the requested alterations have been approved pursuant to this Article, the date of approval, a copy of the design review application and the plans and specifications being approved. a.The proposed alteration shall not commence until the Commission has issued the certificate of appropriateness and the applicant has obtained all applicable permits, subject to §14-52. Alterations shall conform to the plans and specifications that the Commission approved in connection with issuance of the certificate of appropriateness or the report and deviations from such plans and specifications shall not occur unless such changes are first submitted to and approved by the Commission in the same manner as the original application. If non- conforming alterations are made, the City may issue a stop work order, refuse to finalize any issued permit, refuse to issue a certificate of occupancy, refuse to issue additional City permits, and take any other available action, or any combination of the aforementioned, until the applicant has applied for and received approval for the non-conforming alteration. If the non-conforming alteration is not approved, the applicant shall restore the site, structure, or object to conform with the approved plans and specifications or to the original condition of the site, structure, or object prior to any alteration occurring. b.A certificate of appropriateness shall be valid for one (1) year from the date of issuance and, thereafter, may be extended for one (1) additional year provided the Commission determines that the proposed alteration continues to comply with the Standards. To be eligible Packet Pg. 33 Agenda Item 5 Item 5, Page 3 for such extension, the Commission must receive an extension request on forms provided by staff accompanied by all required information at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the certificate of appropriateness. (4)Alterations to Local Landmarks Not Meeting the Standards. If the Commission determines that a proposed alteration to a Fort Collins landmark or resource(s) within a Fort Collins landmark district, contributing or non-contributing, does not meet the Standards, the Commission shall deny the application and inform the applicant in writing of the specific reasons for such denial. a.Upon denial of the application, the Director shall deny the application for a building or other permit associated with the proposed alterations and shall inform the applicant of such denial. b.No application shall be resubmitted pursuant to this Section under the original plans and specifications denied by the Commission except upon a showing of change circumstances sufficient to justify the resubmittal. SAMPLE MOTIONS If the Commission determines that the proposed project meets the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation in compliance with Chapter 14 of the Municipal Code, it may propose a motion based on the following: “I move that the Landmark Preservation Commission approve a Certificate of Appropriateness for the proposed project, according to the standards outlined in Section 14, Article IV of the Fort Collins Municipal Code, based on the following findings of fact: [insert findings on how the project meets the Standards]. If the Commission determines that the proposed project conditionally meets the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation in compliance with Chapter 14 of the Municipal Code, it may propose a motion based on the following: “I move that the Landmark Preservation Commission approve a Certificate of Appropriateness for the proposed project, according to the standards outlined in Section 14, Article IV of the Fort Collins Municipal Code, based on the following findings of fact: [insert findings on how the project meets the Standards], subject to the following conditions: [insert conditions]. If the Commission determines that the proposed project does not meet the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation in compliance with Chapter 14 of the Municipal Code, it may propose a motion based on the following: “I move that the Landmark Preservation Commission denies a Certificate of Appropriateness for the proposed project, according to the standards outlined in Section 14, Article IV of the Fort Collins Municipal Code, based on the following findings of fact: [insert findings on how the project does not meet the Standards]. Note: The Commission may propose other wording for the motion based on its evaluation of the application. Packet Pg. 34 Agenda Item 5 Item 5, Page 4 ATTACHMENTS 1.Excerpt from 2013 Whitcomb Street Landmark District Nomination Form a.Full nomination is available online, here: https://www.fcgov.com/historicpreservation/files/whitcomb-street-district-nomination- 2013.pdf?1583529711 2.Staff Denial of Certificate of Appropriateness a.Includes Design Review application and supplemental information from applicant 3. Engineer’s Report from DAP program 4.Appeal memorandum 5.Staff Presentation (updated 10-20-20) 6.Applicant Presentation (rec’d 10-20-20) Packet Pg. 35 City of ktColli~ Planning, Development & Transportation Services Community Development & Neighborhood Services 281 North College Avenue P.O . Box580 Fort Collins , CO 80522 .0580 Fort Collins Landmark District Designation LOCATION INFORMATION: District Name: Whitcomb Street Historic District, Fort Collins, CO 80521 Legal Description: See attached Boundary Discription and Exhibits for legal description of the proposed district. Boundary includes all residences and associated ancillary buildings described in this report, falling within the described boundary. CLASSIFICATION Category Designation D Building D Structure D Site D Object rg) District Ownership D Public rg) Private FORM PREPARED BY: Status rg) Occupied D Unoccupied Name and Title: Kevin Murray, Owner, Empire Surveys Address: PO Box 245, Bellvue, Colorado 80512 Phone: (970) 493-3499 Email: empire @verinet.com Present Use D Commercial D Educational D Religious rg) Residential D Entertainment D Government D Other Relationship to Owner: Neighbor and owner of 117 South Whitcomb DATE: August 8, 2012 TYPE OF DESIGNATION and BOUNDARIES D Individual Landmark Property Explanation of Boundaries: rg) Landmark District Existing D Nat'l Register D State Register The boundaries of the area being proposed as the Whitcomb Street Historic District correspond to the legal description attached to this document. This Fort Collins Landmark District will encompass fourteen properties, which together form a cohesive unit historically, architecturally, and developmentally associated with the 100 block of South Whitcomb Street. The proposed district is generally bound on the north by Mountain Avenue, on the south by Oak Street, and by alleys on the east and west sides. Revised 09-2004 Page 1 ITEM 4, ATTACHMENT 1 Packet Pg. 36 SIGNIFICANCE Properties that possess exterior integrity are eligible for designation as Fort Collins Landmarks or Fort Collins Landmark Districts if they meet one (1) or more of the following standards for designation: [gl Standard 1: The property is associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of history; [gl Standard 2: The property is associated with the lives of persons significant in history; [gl Standard 3: The property embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method of construction, or that represents the work of a master, or possesses high artistic values, or represents a significant and distinguishable entity whose components may lack individual distinction; D Standard 4: The property has yielded, or may be likely to yield, information important in prehistory or history . STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE The Whitcomb Street Historic District is historically significant under Fort Collins Landmark Standard Number 1, for its association with the development and social history of Fort Collins . Research into the property owners and tenants indicate that this block is particularly reflective of upper middle class domestic life in Fort Collins . This association with early prominent residents, such as Aaron Kitchel, Horace Garbutt, and Stewart C. Case, makes the district significant under Fort Collins Landmark Stnadard 2. Additionally, a prevalence of the residential dwellings within the district, as well as the individually designated Queen Anne residence at 601 West Mountain Avenue, are architecturally significant under Fort Collins Landmark Standard 3. The proposed landmark district provides a representative collection of Late 19th and Early 20th Century one-and two-story residences, with an eclectic mix of Queen Anne and Crattsman architecture, as well as a few Minimal Traditional dwellings. The periord of significance dates from the oldest construction, in 1889, to the newest built in 1940 on the last subdivided lot. During this span of dates, especially between the period from 1900 to 1930, the city experienced unparalleled growth and prosperity, which necessitated a rapid expansion in land annexation and residential construction. The builders of the Whitcomb Street residences designed these homes for upper middle class families. Mmiy of these homes were ispired by the high-style architectural details of adjacent houses on Mountain Avenue, but they understood that modesty in size and style did not mean loss of comfort or individualistic details. The residents, too, as they moved in and out of the neighborhood, perhaps also looked at those houses and aspired to a corresponding higher socio-economic standard . The range of occupants is reflective of the social and demographic changes during the first decades of the 20tli century. Many of the early residents were locally prominent, including Aaron Kitchel, Horace Garbutt, and Stewart C. Case, while later residents were a mix of owners and renters who had a variety of occupations, such as salesmen, clerks, butchers, mechanics, and students. The changes continue today, as most of the original homes have now been restored to single-family, owner-occupied dwellings, prized once again for their historic character and their proximity to the traditional center of the city. The proposed district is an important example of a residential neighborhood in the core of Fort Collins that has evolved with the times, yet managed to retain, mostly intact, its historic character. Revised 09-2004 Page 2 ITEM 4, ATTACHMENT 1 Packet Pg. 37 LOCATION INFORMATION: Address: 126 South Whitcomb St. Fort Collins, CO 80521 Legal Description: NORTH 1/2 OF LOT 8, LESS PART LY EAST OF DITCH, BLOCK 71, FORT COLLINS Property Name (historic and/or common): Cunningham Residence and garage OWNER INFORMATION: Name: John and Amy Volckens Phone: (919) 225-9881 Email: jv@volkens.com Address: 126 South Whitcomb St. Fort Collins, CO 80521 CLASSIFICATION Category Designation D Building D Structure D Site D Object ~ District Ownership D Public ~ Private HISTORICAL INFORMATION Status ~ Occupied D Unoccupied Present Use D Commercial D Educational D Religious ~ Residential D Entertainment D Government D Other Existing D Nat'l Register D State Register The first residents listed at 126 South Whitcomb are John and Rosanna Cunningham in 1904. In 1910, bookkeeper Clarence Moody was listed at the residence. J.E. and May Kircher were residents in 1913. By 1917, students of Colorado Agricultural College move in to the residence. In 1922, Professor William L. Burnett moves in with Eva, Raymond, Lois, and Grandma Rose. They stay until 1938. Burnett would become State Entomologist and the Curator of the Colorado Agricultural College Museum. He is responsible for a remodel in 1927 and a frame garage in 1932. In 1940, the Luggs are listed but a permit to reroof is filed by W. E. Schlect for the residence. Schlect was listed as the owner but may have simply been the contractor for the project. George, a carpenter, and Martha Earley are residents for 20 years. In 1946, George enlarged the chicken house. The Wallace family moves in from 1964 to 1966. From 1968 until 1980, Dorothy Jennings and her children are listed, and she reroofs the house in 1973. From 1980 until 1983, the house was used as an engineer's office. Primarily, students are residents until the current owners bought the house. At different times, there are apartments listed on the main floor, the second floor, and in the basement. In 2002, Marc L. and Mary E. Teets reroofed the house and replaced the furnace in 2005. Revised 09-2004 Page 36 ITEM 4, ATTACHMENT 1 Packet Pg. 38 ARCHITECTURAL INFORMATION Construction Date: 1893 Architect/Builder: Building Materials: Wood Frame, stone Architectural Style: Queen Anne Description: This Queen Anne;: residence is a roughly square, one and one half story, wood frame structure with an asphalt shingle, hipped roof. Roof features include intersecting cross gables, cornice returns on the gables, wide overhanging boxed eaves, and some guttering over the porch. It has a stone foundation, parged over, and asbestos siding. Wood fishscale shingles are found underneath the gable. The main fac;ade is broken into three bays and contains an entrance to the south. The one story, partial-width inset porch has overhanging eaves, two columns, and a wooden railing. The door is a modem aluminum door flanked by a non-historic hexagonal window, and there is a large fixed pane picture window to the north under the prominent front-facing gable. In the upper part of the gable is a single one-over-one double- hung window. The south elevation had two one-over-one double hung windows and a single one-over-one double-hung window in the cross gable, which is clad in wood fishscale shingles. The east elevation features two one- over-one double-hung windows, one with six lights and one with four lights. The back entryway has a pyramidal shed porch with two four-by-four support posts. There is a modem aluminum door with a fixed six-light window and two skylights in the roof. The north elevation has four one-over-one double- hung windows. A shed dormer is covered in wood fishscale siding and features two one-over-one double-hung windows. There are two chimneys present. A small front gabled one stall garage is situated to the rear of the northern elevation. It has lapped wood siding and hinged solid doors. The ornate Queen Anne, a subset of the Victorian period, was popular in Colorado between 1880 and 1910. This residence features typical hipped roof with cross gables, overhanging eaves, and pattern shingles. REFERENCE LIST or SOURCES ofINFORMATION (attach a separate sheet if needed) Architectural Inventory Form, October 2005. Recorder: R Graham City of Fort Collins. http://history.poudrelibraries.org. Building Permit Files. 10/3/1927; permit #1826; owner: Burnett, W.L.; permit to remodel 10/8/1932; permit #3390; owner: Burnett, W.L.; permit to build frame garage 9/3/1940; permit #6325; owner: Schlect, W.E.; permit to reroof 6/14/1946; permit #9244; owner: Early, George; permit to enlarge chicken house 5/31/1973; permit #20067; owner: Dorothy Jennings; contractor: Frank Neckel; permit to reroof 9/16/2002; permit #B0205812; owner: Teets, Marc L/Mary E; subcontractor: R&T Roofing; permit to reroof 2/14/2005; permit #B0500664; owner: Teets, Marc L/Mary E; subcontractor: Yeti Mechanical; permit to replace furnace City of Fort Collins. http://history.poudrelibraries.org. City Directories: 1902 through 2004. History Colorado, "Architecture and Engineering Guides: Queen Anne." Accessed June 14, 2012. http://www.historycolorado.org/archaeologists/queen-anne. Revised 09-2004 Page 37 ITEM 4, ATTACHMENT 1 Packet Pg. 39 Revised 09-2004 Page 38 ITEM 4, ATTACHMENT 1 Packet Pg. 40 r ~ ~ l ~ ~ I I i ~ .c: s: 8 i1 i5 0 ·15 li I en i ,g ~ g> c C .. ii: ~ t f ::, i ! .. C. i ·c ATTACHMENT 2 E~HIBIT OF WHITCOMB STREET HISTORIC DISTRICT SHOWING ADDRESSES MOUNTAIN @) ~ @ I- (/) C) I\ @ *-I<\, m ~ c., ALLEY C) 0 " (@) ~ 0 I- @ - I I @ 3: @ (ffi) 0 A K JULY 23, 2012 1"=100' THIS EXHIBITS SOLE INTENT IS TO GRAPHICALLY REPRESENT PROPERTY ADDRESSES WITHIN THE BOUNDARY OF THE PROPOSED WHITCOMB STREET HISTORIC DISTRICT. IT DOES NOT REPRESENT A MONUMENTED LAND SURVEY AS DEFINED IN C.R.S. 38-51-102. I @ @ @ @ @ ® S T . AV E . ._ " . \ *-c., <...: " ~ / @ INDICATES STREET ADDRESS i---------------------------------------0, ill di ITEM 4, ATTACHMENT 1 Packet Pg. 41 Community Development & Neighborhood Services 281 North College Avenue P.O. Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522.0580 970.416.4250 preservation@fcgov.com fcgov.com/historicpreservation Historic Preservation Services CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS - DENIAL DENIED: August 25, 2020 APPEAL DEADLINE: September 8, 2020 (due to holiday on 9/7) Tara Berglund-Gaffney 126 S. Whitcomb Street Fort Collins, CO 80521 Dear Ms. Berglund-Gaffney: This letter provides you with confirmation that the proposed changes to your property at 126 S. Whitcomb Street, a contributing property in the Whitcomb Street Landmark District, have been denied by the City’s Historic Preservation Division because the proposed work does not meet the criteria and standards in Chapter 14, Article IV of the Fort Collins Municipal Code. 1)Demolition of the historic 1932 one-bay garage northeast of the main house. 2) Construction of a new 1.5 story garage northeast of the main house. The decision has been made based on the analysis contained in the table below. Property owners can appeal staff design review decisions by filing a written notice of appeal to the Director of Community Development & Neighborhood Services within fourteen (14) days of this decision. If you have any questions regarding this denial, or if I may be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. I may be reached at jbertolini@fcgov.com, or 970-416-4250. Sincerely, Jim Bertolini Historic Preservation Planner Applicable Code Standard Summary of Code Requirement and Analysis (Rehabilitation) Standard Met (Y/N) SOI #1 A property will be used as it was historically or be given a new use that requires minimal change to its distinctive materials, features, spaces, and spatial relationships; The property would remain in residential use without substantial modifications to the primary historic residence. Y ITEM 4, ATTACHMENT 2 Packet Pg. 42 - 2 - SOI #2 The historic character of a property will be retained and preserved. The removal of distinctive materials or alteration of features, spaces, and spatial relationships that characterize a property will be avoided. The Whitcomb Street Landmark District was designated in 2013 under Standards 1, 2, and 3 as an important concentration of late-nineteenth and early-twentieth century residential development in Fort Collins. The District’s resources span the period from 1889 and 1940, including the Cunningham property at 126 S. Whitcomb constructed in c.1904 with the garage added in 1932. While not the primary resource on most historic properties, the addition of automobile garages to middle-class dwellings in the 1910s-1930s reflects the dramatic cultural and commercial shift from a primarily horse- and rail-driven transportation infrastructure to an automobile one over the first quarter of the twentieth century. Garages, especially when constructed during an historic district’s period of historical recognition, are considered significant alterations in their own right and help define the overall historic character of the property. They usually should be preserved and in this case, demolition does not meet this Standard. N SOI #3 Each property will be recognized as a physical record of its time, place, and use. Changes that create a false sense of historical development, such as adding conjectural features or elements from other historic properties, will not be undertaken. All proposed alterations would be clearly distinguishable as new. The proposed new garage includes modern window and door treatments and a slab foundation that avoid any false sense of history if it were to be constructed. Y SOI #4 Changes to a property that have acquired historic significance in their own right will be retained and preserved. As noted under Standard 2, the garage, constructed in 1932, is an historic alteration in its own right and should be preserved. Its proposed demolition does not meet this Standard. N SOI #5 Distinctive materials, features, finishes, and construction techniques or examples of craftsmanship that characterize a property will be preserved. As noted under Standard 2, the 1932 garage is a distinctive, if less articulate, feature of the site and should be preserved to meet this Standard. N ITEM 4, ATTACHMENT 2 Packet Pg. 43 - 3 - SOI #6 Deteriorated historic features will be repaired rather than replaced. Where the severity of deterioration requires replacement of a distinctive feature, the new feature will match the old in design, color, texture, and, where possible, materials. Replacement of missing features will be substantiated by documentary and physical evidence. As evidenced by the engineer’s report for this garage dated May 27, 2020, using Design Assistance Program funds, the garage does have some structural weaknesses. However, that report identified simple stabilization, correction, and reinforcement techniques that could keep the garage standing and facilitate an addition onto its rear to expand storage/work space. The proposed demolition and replacement garage does not meet this Standard. N SOI #7 Chemical or physical treatments, if appropriate, will be undertaken using the gentlest means possible. Treatments that cause damage to historic materials will not be used. N/A SOI #8 Archeological resources will be protected and preserved in place. If such resources must be disturbed, mitigation measures will be undertaken. The expected depth of excavation to clear and replace the existing concrete slab is not to a depth to reach undisturbed soils that may contain significant archaeological information. N/A SOI #9 New additions, exterior alterations, or related new construction shall not destroy historic materials that characterize the property. The new work shall be differentiated from the old and shall be compatible with the massing, size, scale, and architectural features to protect the historic integrity of the property and its environment. The proposed new garage construction requires the demolition of the 1932 garage which is, as noted previously, a distinctive feature of the property. Because of that project element, it does not meet this Standard. But for the demolition of the historic garage, the new proposed garage does appear to be sufficiently compatible with, distinguishable from, and subordinate to, the historic residence. It uses similar cladding materials to the original house (shingles and lapboard), and is lower than the historic house, being secondary in massing and scale, establishing compatibility. It utilizes modern window and door treatments to help distinguish it as new construction. But for the demolition of the historic garage, the new garage would meet this Standard. N ITEM 4, ATTACHMENT 2 Packet Pg. 44 - 4 - SOI #10 New additions and adjacent or related new construction will be undertaken in such a manner that, if removed in the future, the essential form and integrity of the historic property and its environment would be unimpaired. As noted under Standard 9, because this project proposes the demolition/deconstruction of the historic 1932 garage, it does not meet this Standard. But for the demolition of the historic structure, the proposed new garage would be completely separate from the primary historic residence and would not affect the primary resource’s historic integrity. N ITEM 4, ATTACHMENT 2 Packet Pg. 45 ITEM 4, ATTACHMENT 2Packet Pg. 46 ITEM 4, ATTACHMENT 2Packet Pg. 47 ITEM 4, ATTACHMENT 2Packet Pg. 48 UPUPUPR4R4R4R4E2E2E3E3E4E4S1S1S2S2E1E114'20'1'-9"10'-6"1'-9"5'15'21'-2 1/16"5'30'-6 7/16"95'-10 3/8"1143 SQ FT13'-0" X 19'-0"LIVING AREAGARAGE5'SETBACK5' SETBACK15'SETBACK7" " " 1st Floor3068104752840DHUPR4R4R4R4E2E2Elevation 2E3E3Elevation 3E4E4Elevation 4S1S1Cross Section 1S2S2Cross Section 2E1E1Elevation 114'20'1'-9"10'-6"1'-9"5'21'-2 1/16"13'-0" X 19'-0"GARAGE5'SETBACK5' SETBACK15'SETBACK" 1st Floor30682850DHR4R4R4R4E2E2Elevation 2E7E7Elevation 7E3E3Elevation 3E4E4Elevation 4S1S1Cross Section 1S2S2Cross Section 2E1E1Elevation 15'-8"2'-8"5'-8"6'-7"2'3'2'6'-5"14'13'19'20'2'2'2'2'280 SQ FTLIVING AREADECK2nd Floor126 South Whitcomb St.Fort Collins, CO 80521SHEET:SCALE:, DRAWINGS PROVIDED BY:DESCRIPTION, -DATE:BY DATENO.PROJECT DESCRIPTION:SHEET TITLE:GarageA-18/18/2020GARAGENTSSavant Homes Inc.9.5' C.H.ITEM 4, ATTACHMENT 2Packet Pg. 49 126 South Whitcomb St.Fort Collins, CO 80521SHEET:SCALE:, DRAWINGS PROVIDED BY:DESCRIPTION, -DATE:BY DATENO.PROJECT DESCRIPTION:SHEET TITLE:GarageA-28/18/2020NTSSavant Homes Inc.RIGHTSCALE:1/4" = 1'-0"REARSCALE: 1/4" =1'-0"LEFTSCALE: 1/4"=1'-0"COMPOSITE DECKING.6" SIDING4X4 POSTASPHALT SHINGLESITEM 4, ATTACHMENT 2Packet Pg. 50 126 South Whitcomb St.Fort Collins, CO 80521SHEET:SCALE:, DRAWINGS PROVIDED BY:DESCRIPTION, -DATE:BY DATENO.PROJECT DESCRIPTION:SHEET TITLE:GarageA-38/18/2020NTSSavant Homes Inc.CROSS SECTION 1SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0"ITEM 4, ATTACHMENT 2Packet Pg. 51 126 South Whitcomb St.Fort Collins, CO 80521SHEET:SCALE:, DRAWINGS PROVIDED BY:DESCRIPTION, -DATE:BY DATENO.PROJECT DESCRIPTION:SHEET TITLE:GarageA-48/18/2020Savant Homes Inc.NTSCROSS SECTION 2SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0"ITEM 4, ATTACHMENT 2Packet Pg. 52 ITEM 4, ATTACHMENT 2 Packet Pg. 53 ITEM 4, ATTACHMENT 2 Packet Pg. 54 ITEM 4, ATTACHMENT 2 Packet Pg. 55 ITEM 4, ATTACHMENT 2 Packet Pg. 56 ITEM 4, ATTACHMENT 2 Packet Pg. 57 ITEM 4, ATTACHMENT 2 Packet Pg. 58 ITEM 4, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 59 ITEM 4, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 60 ITEM 4, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 61 ITEM 4, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 62 ITEM 4, ATTACHMENT 3 Packet Pg. 63 ITEM 4, ATTACHMENT 4Packet Pg. 64 1 Jim Bertolini, Historic Preservation Planner Landmark Preservation Commission 10.21.2020 Appeal: 126 S. Whitcomb Street Landmark Design Review 2 1 2 ITEM 4, ATTACHMENT 5 Updated 10-20-20 Packet Pg. 65 Role of the LPC • Consider evidence regarding proposed work and whether it meets the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation •Is garage a contributing feature of property? •Does proposed project meet the Standards? • Provide a decision under Municipal Code 14, Article IV • Final decisions of the Commission shall be subject to the right of appeal to the Fort Collins City Council (Sec. 14-9) 3 Current Review Timeline 4 • January 8, 2020: Previous owner approved for DAP engineering funds to assess garage • May 27, 2020: Engineer Geoff Robinson provides DAP product – engineering solution for garage plus addition • July 7, 2020: Initial contact by new property owner for garage proposal • July 13, 2020: Initial submittal of Garage drawings • July 16, 2020: Informed owner, based on email from Zoning, that new garage design did not comply with Zoning requirements • August 19, 2020: Owner submits Design Review application • August 25, 2020: Staff denies application • August 26, 2020: Applicant provided written notice of appeal (within 14 days) • September 15, 2020: Council adopted exception to Ordinance No. 079, 2020 • October 21, 2020: LPC appeal hearing 3 4 ITEM 4, ATTACHMENT 5 Updated 10-20-20 Packet Pg. 66 Property Background • Contributing Property to Whitcomb Street Landmark District • Designated January 15, 2013 • Standards 1, 2, and 3 • Period of Significance 1889- 1940 • House constructed in c.1904 • Garage in 1932 5 Property Background - Treatment 6 • c.1904: House constructed • Oct 4, 1927: Remodel for room on second floor and porch • Oct 8, 1932: frame garage • Sept 3, 1940: re-roof • June 14, 1946: Enlarge chicken house • May 31, 1973: Re-roof • Sept 16, 2002: Re-roof •July 2013: Landmark Rehab Loan award ($7,500) – Removal of asbestos siding, rehabilitation of original wood lapsiding, siding and trim painting, and installation of insulation & vapor barrier in side-walls and attic • July 30, 2015: Re-roof 5 6 ITEM 4, ATTACHMENT 5 Updated 10-20-20 Packet Pg. 67 Proposed Project 7 1. Demolition of 1932 garage building northeast of main house 2. Construction of new 1.5 story garage northeast of main house Existing Conditions 8 7 8 ITEM 4, ATTACHMENT 5 Updated 10-20-20 Packet Pg. 68 Staff Analysis • Project meets Rehab Standards: • 1 – same use or compatible new use • 3 – Avoid false sense of history • Standards 7 & 8 don’t apply • 8 – chemical & physical treatments • 9 - archaeology • Project does not meet Rehab Standards: • 2 & 5 – preserve character- defining features • 4 – preserve historic alterations • 6 – Repair vs. replace • 9 – compatible, distinguishable new construction • 10 - reversibility 9 Staff Analysis: Basis for Decision • Existing 1932 garage is a contributing resource to the Whitcomb Street Landmark District • Based on DAP report from Geoff Robinson, garage can be corrected, reinforced, and can receive a rear addition to add extra space • Demolition of a contributing resource to a Landmark District does not meet the SOI Standards for Rehabilitation (2, 4, 5, 6, 9, and 10) 10 9 10 ITEM 4, ATTACHMENT 5 Updated 10-20-20 Packet Pg. 69 Appeal • Owner filed appeal on August 25 • Staff forwarded to Council based on the motivation for the appeal (pandemic-related) • Council approved on September 15 11 Responses to LPC ?’s • History of work on main house, including public incentives? • See Slide 6 • LRL Loan for $7,500 awarded in 2013 • Garage door info? • None available. Either not historic or not character-defining • Dimensions of garage? • Provided by applicant: 216 Sq Ft, 12’4”W x 18’4”L x 12’H • Ditch and constraints on property? • Applicant presentation includes map; irregular parcel line a result of undergrounded Arthur Ditch, which formerly ran behind property. 12 11 12 ITEM 4, ATTACHMENT 5 Updated 10-20-20 Packet Pg. 70 Role of the LPC • Consider evidence regarding proposed work and whether it meets the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation •Is garage a contributing feature of property? •Does proposed project meet the Standards? • Provide a decision under Municipal Code 14, Article IV • Final decisions of the Commission shall be subject to the right of appeal to the Fort Collins City Council (Sec. 14-9) 13 13 ITEM 4, ATTACHMENT 5 Updated 10-20-20 Packet Pg. 71 Garage Project –Appeal to CDNS126 South Whitcomb Street, Fort Collins, CO 80521The following circumstances were considered in making the decision to proceed with this project (in specific reference to plans provided by previous home owners):1.Need for larger garage space.2.Need for home office & exercise space.3.Assumed to be less expensive and less disruptivethan home addition.ITEM 4, ATTACHMENT 6 Added 10-20-20Packet Pg. 72 Existing GarageBuilt in 1932216 Sq Ft 12’4”W x 18’4”L x 12’H•Unsafe•Not secure•Small - cannot fit a car•Not aesthetically pleasingITEM 4, ATTACHMENT 6 Added 10-20-20Packet Pg. 73 House - Vernacular DesignDefining historical characteristics:•Wide & defining soffits•Roof pitch•Narrow wood siding•Overhanging eavesITEM 4, ATTACHMENT 6 Added 10-20-20Packet Pg. 74 Garage Location •No alley access will require removal of existing garageITEM 4, ATTACHMENT 6 Added 10-20-20Packet Pg. 75 Ditch on PropertyDITCH•Ditch further restricts location of garageITEM 4, ATTACHMENT 6 Added 10-20-20Packet Pg. 76 Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation - relative to project -1. A property shall be used for its historic purpose or be placed in a new use that requires minimal change to the defining characteristics of the building and its site and environment2. The historic character of a property shall be retained and preserved. The removal of historic materials or alteration of features and spaces that characterize a property shall be avoided. a) There are no historically defining characteristics of this building as it relates to the house. 5. Distinctive features, finishes, and construction techniques or examples of craftsmanship that characterize a property shall be preserved.a) The existing garage does not appear to have features that match the house or that characterize the property. The newly designed garage will add distinctive features to match the house. 9. New additions, exterior alterations, or related new construction shall not destroy historic materials that characterize the property. The new work shall be differentiated from the old and shall be compatible with the massing, size, scale, and architectural features to protect the historic integrity of the property and its environment. a) The newly designed garage will meet all of these requirements.10. New additions and adjacent or related new construction shall be undertaken in such a manner that if removed in the future, the essential form and integrity of the historic property and its environment would be unimpaired. a) The newly designed garage will be a detached structure and any future removal will not impair the house.ITEM 4, ATTACHMENT 6 Added 10-20-20Packet Pg. 77 New Garage Design•Design consistent with house•Aesthetically pleasing•Larger 14’W x 20’L x 20’HITEM 4, ATTACHMENT 6 Added 10-20-20Packet Pg. 78 Added Indoor Space•Home office space•Home schooling space•Exercise spaceITEM 4, ATTACHMENT 6 Added 10-20-20Packet Pg. 79 Agenda Item 4 Item 4, Page 1 STAFF REPORT Landmark Preservation Commission October 21, 2020 PROJECT NAME 237 & 243 JEFFERSON STREET – CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REVIEW STAFF Karen McWilliams, Historic Preservation Manager PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is seeking conceptual review comments from the Landmark Preservation Commission for proposed additions to the two buildings at 237 & 243 Jefferson Street in the Old Town Historic District. OWNER/APPLICANT: Sunil Cherian (owner); Matt Rankin (architect) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AUTHORITY: The Old Town Historic District, which includes the properties at 237 & 243 Jefferson Street, was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1978 and, with a somewhat smaller boundary, was designated as a Fort Collins Landmark district in 1979. Fort Collins Municipal Code Section 14-51, “Alterations to designated resources requiring a certificate of appropriateness or report,” requires that the applicant obtain a report of acceptability from the Landmark Preservation Commission (LPC) for proposed alterations to designated historic resources. The applicant is requesting conceptual review of a proposal to add a second floor to the one-story building at 243 Jefferson and extend this building’s rear elevation; and to extend the rear elevation of the two-story building at 237 Jefferson Street. Additional changes to the site, to be determined, are proposed at the rear of both properties, but will include parking to accommodate the proposed use. LPC’S ROLE Municipal Code Chapter 14, Article IV, provides the process and standards whereby alterations to officially designated Fort Collins Landmark properties are reviewed. This is a Conceptual Review. Hearing Procedure. 14-54(a)(2)(a): Conceptual review. Conceptual review is the first phase of the hearing and is an opportunity for the applicant to discuss requirements, standards, design issues and policies that apply to designated resources. Problems can be identified and solved prior to final review of the application. Conceptual review of any proposed alteration may be limited to certain portions of the work as deemed appropriate by the Commission. The appliable code requirements for this project include the Old Town District Design Standards https://www.fcgov.com/historicpreservation/pdf/old-town-design-standards.pdf, and the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards and Treatments for Historic Resources, https://www.nps.gov/tps/standards/treatment-guidelines-2017.pdf. Packet Pg. 80 Agenda Item 4 Item 4, Page 2 BACKGROUND The 2017 intensive level Colorado Inventory Record Forms for these buildings are attached. Relevant portions of the forms and supplemental information, focusing primarily on the areas proposed to be altered, are provided here. Constructed in 1879, the Stover & Deaver Block originally contained three bays (235, 237 & 243) stretching for 75” along Jefferson Street. In late 1904, the southeastern third of building was demolished, to be replaced the following year with a one-story building, now addressed as 243 Jefferson Street. Over the years the ownership of each bay changed independently of each other; currently the buildings at 237 and 243 Jefferson are under common ownership, with 235 under separate ownership. This project affects just the 237 & 243 buildings. In relation to the aspects of integrity, the building experienced the loss of one-third of its original design and massing twenty-five years into its existence. Its current size reflects how it has appeared for the last 115 years, far longer than it did in its original condition. The early demolition of the southeast bay reflects a historic alteration that is now simply part of its history. 237 Jefferson: This two-story masonry commercial building block has a 50' x 58' rectangular plan with two bays (235 & 237), each with a distinct business. Resting upon a sandstone foundation, the building block is constructed with brick walls laid in running bond coursing. Its flat roof is bordered by low masonry parapet walls. The building block standing there today represents the northwest two-thirds of its original 75' frontage along Jefferson Street. Its southeast exterior wall was originally an internal firewall, and the exposed upper area retains visible evidence of the previous roof joists and roofline. 237 Jefferson Street is the southeast storefront (shown here with the blue sign band). Packet Pg. 81 Agenda Item 4 Item 4, Page 3 The entire southwest (rear) wall of the building block is clad in stucco over the original brickwork, and it has been remodeled in stages since the late 1980s. The southeast bay (237) holds a pair of eighteen- light doors with flanking six- light sidelights, all set in wood frames. A tall four-light window to the northwest appears to be in a former pedestrian entry space. Above these, the upper floor holds two four-over-four double hung sash windows set in wood frames, which appear to be historic. An open concrete patio is behind the southeast part of the building, beyond which the rest of the property extending to Old Firehouse Alley consists of a gravel parking lot. Rear Elevation of 235 (Old Town Yoga) and 237 (Subject Property) Jefferson Street 243 Jefferson: This one-story masonry commercial building has a long narrow 25' x 120' rectangular plan. This includes the original building, along with an early rear addition. Its brick walls, exposed on the sides and rear, are laid in running bond coursing. The flat roof is bordered by low masonry parapet walls. The facade features a single storefront flanked by brick pilasters. With its height and wood construction, the design of the storefront evokes that of a false front building. However, the building dates from the early 1900s and is predominantly masonry rather than wood frame. Packet Pg. 82 Agenda Item 4 Item 4, Page 4 Southeast (side): Much of this wall abuts an adjacent one-story commercial building and is only exposed to view toward the rear. There the brick wall of the original building holds a 36-light glass block window with a sandstone sill and brick segmental arch lintel. The southeast wall of the early rear addition holds three two-over-two double hung sash windows with wood frames, sandstone sills, and brick segmental arch lintels. Rising above the parapet is a short square brick chimney. Southwest (rear): The rear wall of the building is also the southwest wall of the early addition. While the corners of the building retain their brickwork, the space between them is clad in stucco. Centered in the wall is an entrance that contains a wood door with ten-lights, along with a storm door and a single-light transom. The entry is flanked by metal-framed windows, each of which consists of a four-light awning, below which are two fixed lights. Wood shutters are fixed to the wall on either side of the windows. Northwest (side): Much of this wall abuts the adjacent two-story Stover & Deaver Block and is only exposed to the rear. There the brick wall of the original building holds a two-light window set in an original opening, with a stone sill and brick segmental arch lintel. To the southwest of that is a small non-historic concrete block addition with a shed roof and a slab door that faces toward the southwest. Near the original building's southwest corner is a two- over- two double hung sash window with a wood frame, stone sill and flat header. The northwest wall of the early rear addition holds three two-over-two double hung sash windows with wood frames, sandstone sills, and brick segmental arch lintels. Rising above the parapet along this side of the building are four short square brick chimneys. One of the Stover & Deaver Block's early occupants was the Fort Collins Courier. In November 1904, the Courier staff temporarily vacated the premises at 243 Jefferson and the two-story bay was demolished to make room for a new building. The Courier Printing & Publishing Company evidently wanted the offices and printing plant to be located on the same level rather in a two-story facility. To accommodate this, the new building would be one-story in height with a footprint of 25' x 95'. According to the December 7 article, the space would house the "business office, manager's office, editor's room, and job, composing and press rooms, supplied with modern conveniences in addition to a fireproof vault." A basement beneath the rear area of the building would provide additional space for paper storage and the heating plant. Abutting the Stover & Deaver Block on the northwest for the first 80' of its length and with no building to the rear or on the adjacent lot to the southeast, much of the new Courier Building would be fully exposed to view. Plans for the new building were prepared by Fort Collins architect Albert Bryan, who designed the 1903 Carnegie Library, 1904 Unity Church, and the 1905 remodel of the Northern Hotel. The Courier reported on 7 December 1904 that the $2,000 construction contract had been awarded to Hess Brothers, a popular local company. Packet Pg. 83 Agenda Item 4 Item 4, Page 5 STAFF’S COMMENTS: This project is also subject to the City’s Development Review process, which conducts a separate Conceptual Review at which staff provides comments. The following comments were provided to the applicant by Historic Preservation staff on September 28, 2020, based on the code requirements contained in Fort Collins Municipal Code Chapter 14, Article IV, which includes the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards and Treatments for Historic Resources, https://www.nps.gov/tps/standards/treatment-guidelines-2017.pdf and the Old Town District Design Standards https://www.fcgov.com/historicpreservation/pdf/old-town-design-standards.pdf with page numbers for easy reference. 1. Rooftop additions should be set back by at least one bay or one-half the length of the existing historic building. a. Set the addition on 243 Jefferson Street back by one-half the length of the existing historic building. The addition appears to meet this, apart from the solar shade. b. Rethink the fixed solar shade; if a fixed solar shade is necessary for the project, it would need to be set back to begin one-half of the length of the existing historic building. c. If retained, the solar shade would need to be designed to be more transparent and inconspicuous. Relevant Standards: • SOIS: Recommended (p. 101, Roofs): o Designing rooftop additions, elevator or stair towers, decks or terraces, dormers, or skylights when required by a new or continuing use so that they are inconspicuous and minimally visible on the site and from the public right-of-way and do not damage or obscure character- defining historic features. • SOIS: Recommended (p. 159, New Exterior Additions): o Designing a compatible rooftop addition for a multi-story building, when required for a new use, that is set back at least one full bay from the primary and other highly-visible elevations and that is inconspicuous when viewed from surrounding streets. • OTDS: Standard 3.32 (p. 63): o Design an addition or secondary structure to be subordinate to the historic building. Place a rooftop or upper-story addition to the rear, to minimize visual impacts from public streets. o Please note illustration on p. 63 showing placement of rooftop addition. 2. Make the additions as subordinate and inconspicuous as possible by lowering the height of the additions on both buildings to be at or lower than the height of the existing roof of the historic building at 237 Jefferson Street. This will be even more important if solar panels are proposed to be added to the roofs. Relevant Standards: • SOIS: Recommended (p. 101, Roofs): Designing rooftop additions, elevator or stair towers, decks or terraces, dormers, or skylights when required by a new or continuing use so that they are inconspicuous and minimally visible on the site and from the public right-of-way and do not damage or obscure character-defining historic features. • SOIS: Recommended (p. 159, New Exterior Additions): Designing a compatible rooftop addition for a multi-story building, when required for a new use … that is inconspicuous when viewed from surrounding streets. Packet Pg. 84 Agenda Item 4 Item 4, Page 6 • OTDS: Standard 3.22: (p. 59): o Preserve the historic roofline on a historic structure. Maintain the perceived line and orientation of the roof as seen from the street. • OTDS: Standards 3.31 (p. 62) and 3.32 (p. 63): o Design an addition or accessory structure to be compatible with the historic structure. Design an addition or secondary structure to be visually subordinate to the historic building. 3. Railing around front deck should be transparent. The solid wall on the side of the front deck should instead continue the open rail design of the front elevation or use a transparent material. • OTDS: Standard 4.8 (p. 75): o A railing shall be simple in design. o The railing shall be transparent in its overall appearance. One shall be able to see through to the building. 4. Materials. The rolling garage door should be made to be as transparent as possible, and contain the minimal number of dividers and structural elements necessary. (See code sections cited above about transparency). More comments on materials will be provided as material selections are made. 5. Alterations/Additions to Rear Elevations: While I need more information to fully assess the changes to these elevations, I do not anticipate any significant issues. While the buildings’ appearance from the alley is important to the District, alleys are usually the preferred location for additions. I will need photographs of the existing windows and doors, to better evaluate their historic age and materials, as well as your choice of materials for the addition. ATTACHMENTS 1. Secretary of Interior Rooftop Additions 2. 243 Jefferson Conceptual Plans (updated 10-20-20) 3. 243 Jefferson Architectural Inventory Form 4. 235-237 Jefferson Architectural Inventory Form 5. Applicant’s Photos 6. Staff Presentation (updated 10-20-20) 7. Applicant’s Responses to Requests for Additional Information (added 10-20-20) 8. Old Town Design Standards Excerpt (added 10-20-20) Packet Pg. 85 REHABILITATIONROOFS RECOMMENDEDNOT RECOMMENDEDAlterations and Additions for a New Use Installing mechanical and service equipment on the roof (such as heating and air-conditioning units, elevator housing, or solar panels) when required for a new use so that they are inconspicu-ous on the site and from the public right-of-way and do not damage or obscure character-defining historic features. Installing roof-top mechanical or service equipment so that it dam-ages or obscures character-defining roof features or is conspicuous on the site or from the public right-of-way. Designing rooftop additions, elevator or stair towers, decks or ter-races, dormers, or skylights when required by a new or continu-ing use so that they are inconspicuous and minimally visible on the site and from the public right-of-way and do not damage or obscure character-defining historic features. Changing a character-defining roof form, or damaging or destroying character-defining roofing material as a result of an incompatible rooftop addition or improperly-installed or highly-visible mechanical equipment. Installing a green roof or other roof landscaping, railings, or furnishings that are not visible on the site or from the public right-of-way and do not damage the roof structure. Installing a green roof or other roof landscaping, railings, or furnish-ings that are visible on the site and from the public right-of-way. [17] New wood elements have been used selectively to replace rotted wood on the underside of the roof in this historic warehouse. ROOFS 101ITEM 5, ATTACHMENT 1Packet Pg. 86 REHABILITATIONNEW EXTERIOR ADDITIONS TO HISTORIC BUILDINGS AND RELATED NEW CONSTRUCTION RECOMMENDEDNOT RECOMMENDEDRooftop Additions Designing a compatible rooftop addition for a multi-story build-ing, when required for a new use, that is set back at least one full bay from the primary and other highly-visible elevations and that is inconspicuous when viewed from surrounding streets. Constructing a rooftop addition that is highly visible, which nega-tively impacts the character of the historic building, its site, setting, or district. [ 63] (a) A mockup should be erected to demonstrate the visibility of a proposed rooftop addition and its potential impact on the historic building. Based on review of this mockup (orange marker), it was determined that the rooftop addition would meet the Standards (b). The addition is unobtrusive and blends in with the building behind it. New addition NEW EXTERIOR ADDITIONS TO HISTORIC BUILDINGS AND RELATED NEW CONSTRUCTION 159ITEM 5, ATTACHMENT 1Packet Pg. 87 REHABILITATIONNEW EXTERIOR ADDITIONS TO HISTORIC BUILDINGS AND RELATED NEW CONSTRUCTION RECOMMENDEDNOT RECOMMENDEDLimiting a rooftop addition to one story in height to minimize its visibility and its impact on the historic character of the building. Constructing a highly-visible, multi-story rooftop addition that alters the building’s historic character. Constructing a rooftop addition on low-rise, one- to three-story his-toric buildings that is highly visible, overwhelms the building, and negatively impacts the historic district. Constructing a rooftop addition with amenities (such as a raised pool deck with plantings, HVAC equipment, or screening) that is highly visible and negatively impacts the historic character of the building. [64] Not Recommended:It is generally not appropriate to construct a rooftop addition on a low-rise, two- to three-story building such as this, because it negatively affects its historic character. 160NEW EXTERIOR ADDITIONS TO HISTORIC BUILDINGS AND RELATED NEW CONSTRUCTION ITEM 5, ATTACHMENT 1Packet Pg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Thx. Sunil On Thu, Oct 15, 2020 at 4:56 PM Karen McWilliams <KMCWILLIAMS@fcgov.com> wrote: Hello, Sunil and Matt - At the October 14, 2020 Landmark Preservation Commission Work Session, LPC members requested that the following information be supplied for the 237/243 Jefferson Conceptual Review on October 21, 2020. As this is a conceptual review, as much information as possible is requested, but is not required; however, the extent and quality of the comments you receive will be dependent on the information submitted. Please provide staff (Karen McWilliams and Gretchen Schiager, both copied here) with any information you can by 5 p.m. Monday (Oct. 19) for inclusion in the LPC’s Tuesday update packet. Information should be in a digital format. Any information not available on Monday can be provided at the Wednesday evening meeting. The next day (Thursday, Oct.22), staff will need a digital copy of all materials and documents provided, to complete the meeting record. Please let me know if you have any questions! Best, Karen Information requested: More information on the appearance of the back walls of both buildings currently, and what would change. Existing elevations and new elevations provided in updated plans. We don’t have all the information you are looking for regarding appearance and finish at this conceptual level but will provide that should we be allowed to move forward with the project. I am in fact looking for guidance on these aspects of the project (please specify your criteria, if any, that have to be met) so that I can provide it to my Architect to take into consideration as we develop detailed design. Measurements: Both existing and proposed dimensions on all plans Plans have dimensions in them. Side elevation plans (both sides) ITEM 5, ATTACHMENT 7 Added 10-20-20 Packet Pg. 137 Included in plans Contextual plans that show the proposed addition in relation to the buildings on each side; reference lines between the proposed and existing would be very helpful Visible in plans Conceptual section(s), if available Sections not available at this time Plans or photographs that show the addition from eye-level from various perspectives, including from sides, the back alley, and from across Jefferson Street as it would look standing in front of Union Several 3-d depictions of the addition provided in updated plans. One is taken from the sidewalk in front of Union. Please be prepared to discuss idea of the materials on new additions We have not developed plans for materials yet, but the general idea is to contrast the addition with a sleek, simple and contemporary design. The pergola, as shown, is a placeholder and likely would not be wood as is shown; more likely an aluminum or steel pergola w/ retractable awning shades.We are open to your ideas/suggestions. Please be prepared to discuss the railings around the decks Perimeter railings would be an extension of the wall materials with exception of Jefferson Street restricting movement onto the adjacent roof . . . this would be steel. Karen McWilliams Historic Preservation Manager | City of Fort Collins kmcwilliams@fcgov.com | 970.224.6078 Tell us about our service, we want to know! COVID19 Resources ITEM 5, ATTACHMENT 7 Added 10-20-20 Packet Pg. 138 For all residents:https://www.fcgov.com/eps/coronavirus For businesses:https://www.fcgov.com/business/ Want to help:https://www.fcgov.com/volunteer/ Recursos COVID-19 Para integrantes de la comunidad: https://www.fcgov.com/eps/coronavirus Para empresas: https://www.fcgov.com/business/ ¿Quieres ayudar o necesitas ayuda? https://www.fcgov.com/neighborhoodservices/adopt Recursos de United Way: https://uwaylc.org/ ITEM 5, ATTACHMENT 7 Added 10-20-20 Packet Pg. 139 ITEM 5, ATTACHMENT 9 added 10-20-20Packet Pg. 140 ITEM 5, ATTACHMENT 9 added 10-20-20Packet Pg. 141 ITEM 5, ATTACHMENT 9 added 10-20-20Packet Pg. 142 ITEM 5, ATTACHMENT 9 added 10-20-20Packet Pg. 143 ITEM 5, EXHIBIT A Applicant Presentation - presented at hearing Packet Pg. 143-1 ITEM 5, EXHIBIT A Applicant Presentation - presented at hearing Packet Pg. 143-2 ITEM 5, EXHIBIT A Applicant Presentation - presented at hearing Packet Pg. 143-3 ITEM 5, EXHIBIT A Applicant Presentation - presented at hearing Packet Pg. 143-4 ITEM 5, EXHIBIT A Applicant Presentation - presented at hearing Packet Pg. 143-5 ITEM 5, EXHIBIT A Applicant Presentation - presented at hearing Packet Pg. 143-6 ITEM 5, EXHIBIT A Applicant Presentation - presented at hearing Packet Pg. 143-7 ITEM 5, EXHIBIT A Applicant Presentation - presented at hearing Packet Pg. 143-8 ITEM 5, EXHIBIT A Applicant Presentation - presented at hearing Packet Pg. 143-9 ITEM 5, EXHIBIT A Applicant Presentation - presented at hearing Packet Pg. 143-10 ITEM 5, EXHIBIT A Applicant Presentation - presented at hearing Packet Pg. 143-11 ITEM 5, EXHIBIT A Applicant Presentation - presented at hearing Packet Pg. 143-12 ITEM 5, EXHIBIT A Applicant Presentation - presented at hearing Packet Pg. 143-13 ITEM 5, EXHIBIT A Applicant Presentation - presented at hearing Packet Pg. 143-14 ITEM 5, EXHIBIT A Applicant Presentation - presented at hearing Packet Pg. 143-15 ITEM 5, EXHIBIT A Applicant Presentation - presented at hearing Packet Pg. 143-16 ITEM 5, EXHIBIT A Applicant Presentation - presented at hearing Packet Pg. 143-17 ITEM 5, EXHIBIT A Applicant Presentation - presented at hearing Packet Pg. 143-18 ITEM 5, EXHIBIT A Applicant Presentation - presented at hearing Packet Pg. 143-19 ITEM 5, EXHIBIT A Applicant Presentation - presented at hearing Packet Pg. 143-20 Agenda Item 6 Item 6, Page 1 STAFF REPORT October 21, 2020 Landmark Preservation Commission PROJECT NAME ADOPTION OF THE LANDMARK PRESERVATION COMMISSION’S 2021 WORK PLAN STAFF Karen McWilliams, Historic Preservation Manager PROJECT INFORMATION The purpose of this item is to discuss and adopt the Landmark Preservation Commission’s Work Plan for 2021. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The City’s Municipal Code requires boards and commissions to develop work plans identifying goals for the next year. Work plans take effect on January 1. For reference, the LPC 2020 Work Plan is attached. The Commission should consider a motion for adoption of the 2021 work plan. ATTACHMENTS 1. Draft LPC 2021 Work Plan (updated 10-20-20) 2. LPC 2020 Work Plan Packet Pg. 144 Community Development & Neighborhood Services 281 North College Avenue P.O. Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522.0580 970.416.2740 970.224.6134- fax fcgov.com Planning, Development & Transportation Services MEMORANDUM DATE: October 21, 2020 TO: Susan Gutowsky, Council Liaison CC: Darin Atteberry, City Manager Delynn Coldiron, City Clerk FROM: Meg Dunn, Chair, Landmark Preservation Commission RE: Landmark Preservation Commission 2021 Work Plan Landmark Preservation Commission (Est 1968): The City of Fort Collins is an organization that supports equity for all, leading with race. The Landmark Preservation Commission proactively addresses barriers that perpetuate inequality, to help minimize impacts to historically under-represented and under-resourced community members; and directly supports the City's goals of sustaining an environment where residents and visitors feel welcomed, safe and valued in the community. The LPC is a nine-member board, at least 40% of whom must have professional expertise in historic preservation, architectural history, architecture, archaeology, or closely related fields: o Architecture (Nelson, Rose); Landscape Architecture (Bredehoft); Land Development (Bello); Historic Preservation (Murray, Wallace, Michell); and Education (Dunn, Knierim). The LPC performs the Certified Local Government (CLG) responsibilities for the City of Fort Collins: o Enables City to administer preservation regulations on behalf of the state and federal governments; residents to receive 25% Colorado State Tax Credits for Historic Preservation; and City to receive CLG grants for training, surveys, building preservation, and community education; o Requires enforcement of state and local legislation for the designation and protection of historic properties consistent with the Secretary of Interior’s Standards; requires on-going survey of historic resources. LPC is the final decision-maker on: o Alterations to properties designated on the National Register, Colorado State Register, and as Fort Collins Landmarks; determinations of eligibility for Fort Collins Landmark designation; and allocation of Landmark Rehabilitation Loan funds. LPC makes recommendations: o To Council on Fort Collins Landmark designations; to the Colorado State Review Board on nominations to the National and State Register; and to Decision Makers on compatibility of developments adjacent to historic properties. LPC advises Council on the identification and significance of historic resources, threats to their preservation, and methods for their protection; and advises Council and staff about policies, incentives, and regulations for historic preservation. ITEM 1, ATTACHMENT 1 Updated 10-20-20 Packet Pg. 145 Landmark Preservation Commission 2021 Work Plan - 2 - 2020 Overview:  Generated $227,315 in new sustainable rehabilitation work by providing 12 property owners a total of $79,322 in Landmark Rehabilitation Loans.  Completed a comprehensive Historic Structure Assessment of Fort Collins Water Treatment Plant No. 1 at Gateway Park, supported by a State Historic Fund (SHF) grant; an intensive level survey of 50 Downtown College Avenue properties, supported by a second SHF grant, is underway.  Completed the survey and inventory of 1,474 properties in the 18 months since adoption of the revised historic preservation codes, increasing the number of properties with up-to-date evaluations of eligibility from 227 to 1,701, or 14% of the City’s 50+ year and older building stock (approx. 12,000 buildings total); 60% were evaluated as not eligible, 30% as contributing to a possible historic district; and 10% as individually eligible and a priority for protection.  Recommended six properties for official designation as Fort Collins Landmarks; 2021 Responsibilities and Initiatives: In 2021, the Landmark Preservation Commission will continue to directly support Council’s affirmed values of triple bottom line stewardship and innovation, centered in equity and inclusion. Aligning its strategic objectives with those of City Council, the Commission: Will support the Neighborhood Livability and Social Health Key Outcome Area by: • Enhancing the community’s sense of place by actively working to see Design Assistance Program (DAP) funding reinstated in the 2022 Budget. The DAP provides a voluntary, educational means to address the impacts of poorly designed new construction on established character, improving the outcomes of 144 construction projects since 2012 and reducing the number of complaints Council received on this issue by 20%. • Protecting historic character through landmark designation; and helping to ensure compatible alterations and new development through design review and development review. • Celebrating historic resources through a community recognition and appreciation opportunities, such as the Friends of Preservation Awards; virtual tours; signage and brochures; and partnerships with community history organizations. • Supporting affordable housing goals by retaining and rehabilitating older building stock, promoting more affordable options in housing; and by assisting Housing Catalyst in federal clearance for the sale of properties eligible for federal, state, and local designation. • Continue to develop a community-wide survey plan and identify priorities for historic survey. Will support the Economic Health Key Outcome Area by: • Allocating Landmark Rehabilitation Loans, and promoting State Tax Credits, State Historic Fund grants, and other financial programs for work to preserve and rehabilitate eligible residential and commercial properties. • Supporting Housing Attainability and Affordability through revisions to the Rehabilitation Loan Program and the Design Assistance Program to address issues of equity, inclusion, and financial ITEM 1, ATTACHMENT 1 Updated 10-20-20 Packet Pg. 146 Landmark Preservation Commission 2021 Work Plan - 3 - need, and better assist low and moderate-income citizens with cost-effective repairs and improvements to their homes. • Ensuring a smooth, integrated Development Review process by providing early comments to developers and staff on Land Use Code projects; and by providing decision makers with recommendations on development near historic properties. • Promoting and subsidizing the use of Fort Collins’ specialized skills and tradespeople to keep more financial resources in the community. Will support the Environmental Health Key Outcome Area by: • Incentivizing sustainable building practices and energy conservation measures in older homes through historic preservation review processes. • Promote sustainability, retention of embodied energy, and waste-steam reduction by encouraging the reuse of existing buildings and materials. • Facilitating safe, cost-effective energy rehabilitation and retrofitting, and resource sustainability through 0%-interest loans, grants, and free professional advice. • Promoting the Historic Preservation Division’s Costs Calculator, an on-line tool that enables area contractors and residents to understand the relative costs, longevity and energy trade-offs in material choices. Will support the High Performing Government Key Outcome Area by: • Overseeing the implementation of the new historic preservation codes and processes and continuing to identify improvements, recommending appropriate code revisions as needed. • Providing the best service to Council and the residents of Fort Collins by identifying and implementing innovative solutions and best practices through partnerships, continuing education, and professional trainings. • Building capacity, increasing productivity, and facilitating the career training and growth of young professionals by working with CSU students in Historic Preservation, Archeology, Construction Management, Heritage Tourism and other related fields of study. • Furthering Council’s and the City’s goals and objectives through the performance of the Commission’s duties. ITEM 1, ATTACHMENT 1 Updated 10-20-20 Packet Pg. 147 City of ktColli� Planning, Development & Transportation Services Community Development & Neighborhood Services 281 North College Avenue DATE: TO: CC: P.O. Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522.0580 970.416.2740 970.224.6134-fax fcgov.com MEMORANDUM October 16, 2019 Susan Gutowsky, Council Liaison Darin Atteberry, City Manager Delynn Coldiron, City Clerk n,rfL,{>-FROM: Meg Dunn, Chair, Landmark Preservation Commission Landmark Preservation Commission 2020 Work Plan RE: Overview of the Landmark Preservation Commission (Est 1968): •Federally authorized Certified Local Government (CLG} since 1991. CLG status: o Authorizes LPC to administer state and federal preservation regulations, notably Section 106 Review and Compliance for all projects with federal licensing, permitting, or funding. Ex: MAX bus system, Linden Street improvements, Community Development Block Grant (CDBG}, flood mitigation, telecommunications. o Enables residents to participate in the 20% Colorado State Tax Credit program. o Provides a dedicated pool of grant funding: Fort Collins has received over $200,000 in CLG grants for training, surveys, building preservation, and community education and outreach. o Requires enforcement of appropriate state and local legislation for the designation and protection of historic properties, consistent with the Secretary of Interior's Standards. o Requires on-going survey of historic resources. •Nine-member board, at least 40% of whom must have professional expertise in the fields of historic preservation, architectural history, architecture, archaeology, or closely related fields: o Commission professional expertise includes: Architecture (Nelson, Paecklar, Simpkins); Landscape Architecture (Bredehoft); Archeology (Gensmer); Finance (Bello); Historic Preservation (Murray, Wallace); and Education (Dunn). •Final decision-maker on: o Requests for alterations to properties designated on the National Register, Colorado State Register, and as Fort Collins Landmarks o Determinations of eligibility for Fort Collins Landmark designation o Allocation of Landmark Rehabilitation Loan funds •Makes recommendations: o To Council on Fort Collins Landmark designations; o To the Colorado State Review Board on nominations to the National and State Register o To Decision Makers on compatibility of developments adjacent to historic properties •Advises Council on the identification and significance of historic resources, threats to their preservation, and methods for their protection •Advises Council and staff about policies, incentives and regulations for historic preservation. ITEM 6, ATTACHMENT 2 Packet Pg. 148 ITEM 6, ATTACHMENT 2 Packet Pg. 149 BOARD TOPIC 4, ATTACHMENT 1 Packet Pg. 150