HomeMy WebLinkAboutTransportation Board - Minutes - 02/19/2020 TRANSPORTATION BOARD TYPE OF MEETING – REGULAR February 19, 2020, 6:00 p.m. Streets Department Conference Room A, 625 9th Street, Fort Collins, CO 2 /19 /2020 – MINUTES Page 1 FOR REFERENCE: Chair: Indy Hart Vice Chair: Council Liaison: Nathalie Rachline Kristin Stephens Staff Liaison: Paul Sizemore 970.224.6140 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Hart called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. 2. ROLL CALL BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Nathalie Rachline, Vice Chair Jerry Gavaldon York Ellen Boeke Cari Brown Kevin Borchert BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Indy Hart, Chair CITY STAFF PRESENT: Judy Schmidt Clarie Havelda Lawrence Pollack Caryn Champine Larry Schneider Darren Moritz PUBLIC PRESENT: None TRANSPORTATION BOARD TYPE OF MEETING – REGULAR 2 /19 /2020 – MINUTES Page 2 3. AGENDA REVIEW Sizemore stated there were no changes to the published agenda. 4. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION None. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – JANUARY 2020 Brown made a motion, seconded by Gavaldon, to approve the January 2020 minutes as amended to change a reference from 'she' to 'Nancy Nichols.' The motion was adopted unanimously. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. 7. NEW BUSINESS a. Introduction of Assistant City Att orney – Judy Schmidt and Claire Havelda Judy Schmidt, Senior Assistant City Attorney, introduced herself stating her group of attorneys represents Planning, Development, and Transportation and Utilities. She introduced Claire Havelda who will be assigned to the Transportation Board. Havelda discussed her previous legal experience. Brown asked about how involved she could be with signing petitions and the like related to Montava. Schmidt replied there are provisions in the City Code and Boards and Commissions handbook related to conflicts of interest. She stated conflicts are generally related to decisions that may directly benefit the Boardmember or an immediate family member. Gavaldon asked if there is any difference between quasi-judicial boards and non- quasi-judicial boards related to conflicts. Schmidt replied there is basically little difference in the conflict rules; however, there is typically far less consequence associated with the decisions of non-quasi-judicial boards such as the Transportation Board. York asked when an advisory board, such as the Transportation Board, would need to go into executive session. Schmidt replied it may be possible if the Board were to be making a recommendation on a project that has yet to be approved. She noted there are very specific purposes for an executive session. b. Budgeting for Outcomes Kickoff – Lawrence Pollack Lawrence Pollack stated the rate of growth has slowed over the past few years which makes the budgeting cycle more challenging. He discussed the revenue components TRANSPORTATION BOARD TYPE OF MEETING – REGULAR 2 /19 /2020 – MINUTES Page 3 and the City's fund balances. He noted the City was reaffirmed by Moody's as a triple A organization last year which impacts the rate the City can get on debt. Pollack discussed an examination of the City's workload and employee count in comparison to other municipalities and noted Fort Collins is very tight on its full-time equivalent (FTE) count compared to other front range cities. Gavaldon asked about funding for the Vine and Lemay intersections. Pollack replied leftover dollars from one-time funds, such as Building on Basics, have been identified to fund Vine and Lemay. Those funds will not be available until after the Building on Basics projects are all complete, however. Pollack discussed the overall budgeting for outcomes (BFO) prioritization process. Rachline stated a timeline for the year's budgeting process would be helpful as would an analysis of what projects or programs, particularly related to transportation, wer e accomplished versus what was planned for the previous budget cycle. Pollack outlined the staff review process for that type of information. Pollack outlined the general timeline for the budgeting process and discussed the BFO teams of which there is one per outcome area. Sizemore noted there will be a good list of Planning, Development, and Transportation offers available for review by the March Transportation Board meeting. Rachline asked if offers previously submitted and left unfunded are identi fied as such when they are resubmitted. Pollack replied in the affirmative. c. Introduction of PDT Director – Caryn Champine Sizemore introduced Caryn Champine, the new Planning, Development, and Transportation (PDT) Director. Champine discussed her professional experience, most recently at the City and County of Denver, and commended the work of the City and staff. Rachline asked Champine about her priorities. Champine replied PDT cuts across so many different areas within the organization, but regarding transportation, her priority is helping to support Sizemore and his team to expand the mode share and reduce vehicle miles travelled. York asked about getting a program like DRCOG going in northern Colorado. Champine replied the North Front Range MPO here is working on getting funding sources allocated and helping communities prioritize. She stated DRCOG has been successful in being a convener for knowledge sharing across communities and has identified urban centers. She noted the importance of regio nal conversations. Gavaldon suggested CSU's funding of Transfort should be increased given CSU's TRANSPORTATION BOARD TYPE OF MEETING – REGULAR 2 /19 /2020 – MINUTES Page 4 level of ridership. Champine replied the vision for building out the transit plan will involve seeking funding sources. d. Streets Department Updates – Larry Schneider and Darren Moritz Larry Schneider, Streets Department, provided an outline of the streets program noting the City has 1,957 lane miles of streets, or 570 miles of roadway. He outlined accomplishments related to ramp replacements in 2019 and discussed the projections for 2020 for both ramps and other construction projects. He detailed the ways in which residents can learn about roadway construction projects, including the Streets webpage and Nextdoor. Schneider discussed the pavement condition index and program by which Streets works with various utilities providers to ensure alignment. He also discussed the pothole repair program noting crews will respond to reported potholes within 48 business hours. Schneider noted his area is also responsible for graffiti removal and street sweeping and he discussed both programs. Schneider discussed the snow removal program, its funding sources, and difficulties in finding enough plow drivers. He noted there is a nationwide shortage of commercial driver's license carriers. Rachline noted there have been a number of complaints this year about snow and ice remaining on roadways and related safety concerns. Schneider discussed the prioritization of plow response for the November storm, which produced 17 inches of snow. He noted individuals are then driving on residential streets and the thaw/freeze cycle makes those snow-packed roadways icy. York commented on observing windrows being made along crossroads where the water would normally drain. Schneider noted plows will not help in the case of packed icy roadways and chemical deicer has large negative environmental impacts. He stated staff responded to 1,100 residential calls to cut ice. Rachline asked if the City has some type of ability to declare an emergency for additional funds in these cases when safety is at risk. Schneider replied he was utilizing all equipment available to him and stated he has never been restricted for funds. He noted all residential calls were prioritized and addressed in the order they were received. Rachline suggested not all individuals would consider that they need to report ice issues in order for them to be addressed. Brown asked about the responsibility for cleaning bus stops. Schneider replied it is Lamar's responsibility to clear the bus stops and stated he has been working with TRANSPORTATION BOARD TYPE OF MEETING – REGULAR 2 /19 /2020 – MINUTES Page 5 Transfort to ensure the stops are clear. Schneider stated he spent $3.2 million on snow removal in 2019. He noted clearing bike lanes is the priority just behind roadways and clarified Parks and Recreation clears bike trails. Boardmembers discussed options for ensuring vehicles are not parked on snow routes. Schneider noted he used to have snow route signage displayed; however, they were removed due to sign pollution. Schneider discussed the various forms of data he garners from monitors and sensors and discussed the bridges that have automatic deicer sprayers. Brown asked who sets acceptable levels of deicing chemicals. Schneider replied there are federal regulations for waterways. Schneider detailed the publicity efforts of the Streets Department during snowstorms and discussed how he uses forecast models to determine treatments and response. 8. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS York stated he emailed his report to the other members. Gavaldon reported on the Parks and Recreation Master Plan update meeting. Borchert and other members discussed the role of the Transportation Board and its members. Borchert introduced himself and discussed his interest in transportation. Rachline announced the Super Issue Boards and Commissions meeting on February 24th and discussed transportation aspects of a recent trip to New York City. 9. OTHER BUSINESS a. Bicycle Advisory Committee Report Gavaldon reported on the recent Bicycle Advisory Committee meeting during which the Committee received an update on the Bird E-scooter pilot program and provided a recommendation of support for class 1 and 2 E-bikes on paved trails. b. City Council 6-Month Calendar Review Sizemore stated Council approved the Montava PUD Master Plan last night and he provided upcoming dates on which Council will be considering the transportation mobility worksession, the Harmony Gateway Plan, a staff report on long trains, the Master Street Plan amendments, the Hughes Stadium property rezoning, Strategic Plan adoption, and the E-bike pilot program. TRANSPORTATION BOARD TYPE OF MEETING – REGULAR 2 /19 /2020 – MINUTES Page 6 c. Staff Liaison Report Sizemore discussed staff's stakeholder engagement regarding Master Street Plan amendments. He stated the Downtown Development Authority has requested holding off on the Mountain Avenue reclassification until a study regarding the roadway is complete. Sizemore announced the Transportation Projects Fair to be held next Thursday at the Lincoln Center. Brown announced the passing of Valerie Arnold. 10. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:13 p.m. by unanimous consent.