HomeMy WebLinkAboutTransportation Board - Minutes - 09/16/2020 TRANSPORTATION BOARD TYPE OF MEETING – REGULAR September 16, 2020, 6:00 p.m. Virtual Meeting Via Zoom 9/16/2020 – MINUTES Page 1 FOR REFERENCE: Chair: Indy Hart Vice Chair: Council Liaison: Nathalie Rachline Kristin Stephens Staff Liaison: Aaron Iverson 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Hart called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. 2. ROLL CALL BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Indy Hart, Chair Nathalie Rachline, Vice Chair Jerry Gavaldon York Ellen Boeke Kevin Borchert Cari Brown Matt Liberati Diego Lopez BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: None CITY STAFF PRESENT: Noelle Currell Amanda Mansfield PUBLIC PRESENT: None 3. AGENDA REVIEW Iverson stated there were no changes to the published agenda. 4. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION None. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – AUGUST 2020 Brown requested a wording change for one of her comments. Rachline made a motion, seconded by Brown, to approve the August 2020 minutes as TRANSPORTATION BOARD TYPE OF MEETING – REGULAR 9/16/2020 – MINUTES Page 2 amended. The motion was adopted unanimously. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. 7. NEW BUSINESS a. North Front Range MPO, Regional Active Transportation Plan – Ryan Dusil Ryan Dusil, North Front Range Metropolitan Planning Organization (NFRMPO) Transportation Planner, stated the MPO is currently in the initial stages of stakeholder engagement for its Regional Active Transportation Plan. He requested feedback on the general direction of the Plan and input on areas for improvement or emphasis. Dusil stated the NFRMPO is a federally-designated transportation and air quality planning agency for the north front range area. Among other things, it is charged with allocating funding for roadway, transit, and other transportation projects, and for creating the long-range vision for transportation planning between communities. Dusil stated this Plan is specifically focused on human-powered and human-scaled modes of transportation, including electric-assist modes, and will be an update to the Shared Regional Vision for improved active transportation both within and between communities. He outlined the timeline for the project and history of this type of plan. Dusil discussed the organization with whom the MPO has engaged on this effort, including the steering community and the Northern Colorado Bike and Ped Collaborative which are ongoing engagement groups. He stated input received has pointed out equity and access as being critical, aligning local and regional priorities as important, and the need for a focus on youth, older adults, and individuals with disabilities. Chair Hart asked if there is an update on the status of the Poudre River Trail Timnath area connections. Dusil replied the I-25 trail underpass will happen in late 2022 or 2023, which is later than what was originally anticipated. The municipalities on either side of the highway are trying to decide when to make those connections given there will still be a gap until the underpass is complete. York asked about the possibility of a transportation path connection from Fort Collins to Wellington and from south Fort Collins to Windsor given the trail connections between Fort Collins and Loveland and the plan for the initial connection between Fort Collins and Timnath are in place. Dusil replied those connections would be good to add to the network and noted Wellington is updating its comprehensive plan in the near future and has expressed interest in making it as consistent with the MPO plan as possible. Dusil discussed the interim path on the south side of Fossil Creek Reservoir between TRANSPORTATION BOARD TYPE OF MEETING – REGULAR 9/16/2020 – MINUTES Page 3 Loveland and Windsor. He stated that area will be an opportunity to align local and regional priorities. York noted there is a City of Fort Collins Natural Area there and suggested people may not want to go from that area for any particular reason. He stated a more northern connection may make more sense. Dusil replied that connection was also designed with residents of northeast Loveland in mind as well. Chair Hart commented on the squeeze point on Kechter over I -25. Iverson noted the bridge is being replaced by CDOT as part of the larger I-25 project. York asked why the route to get from north Loveland to Windsor was chos en to be along Carpenter. Dusil commented on the new alignment plan and noted there is difficulty in finding a straight east to west route through Loveland given the number of lakes and reservoirs. There was a question about the status of the 57th Street connection between the Longview and North Loveland Trails. Dusil replied the connection from Sunset Vista Natural Area over the railroad tracks should be completed this year. Dusil asked if there are types of regional guidance that would be useful to Fort Collins or if there are quick, low-cost improvements that would make a difference to the community. He also requested input on the best way for these plans to be communicated moving forward and on the best community engagement methods. Brown commented on the lack of trail connectivity from northeast Fort Collins to grocery stores. Chair Hart stated a trail information page with direct links to maps could be helpful. York stated some regional guidance on the difference between recreational and transportation-oriented human-powered modes could be helpful. Boeke noted the farthest south underpass is at the Foothills Mall. Brown commented on the possibility of trail ratings to give users an idea of safety for children and elevation gain. Dusil replied Fort Collins has utilized a rating system and it could be considered regionally. b. City Budget Update – Noelle Currell Noelle Currell, Finance Manager for Planning, Development and Transportation, stated the City is down 4.8% in revenue and sales and use tax is down 4.7% from what was budgeted. She noted certain portions of the City organization have been affected more dramatically based on closures from COVID. She discussed the status of appropriation freezes and various budget cuts. Currell noted the usual public participation process with Budgeting for Outcomes teams did not occur and the budget has become more of an internal operation for a TRANSPORTATION BOARD TYPE OF MEETING – REGULAR 9/16/2020 – MINUTES Page 4 single-year budget rather than the usual two-year budget. She noted transportation makes up 11% of the total budget, or $75.7 million, and discussed the various transportation-related budget items. Brown asked if the amended 2020 budget includes federal CARES funding. Currell replied it does in some cases. Brown asked if the 2021 budget includes funding for the taxi program that will take people to bus stops if they live along routes that are not currently operating. Currell replied in the affirmative. Brown asked if buses are still running fare free. Currell replied in the affirmative. Currell stated one Council worksession and one public budget hearing have occurred and the transportation outcome area was covered in that worksession. She noted the budget must be adopted by November 30th, per City Charter. York asked if the specific budget offers are published. Currell replied in the affirmative. Borchert asked if there is optimism for future budgets. Currell replied the budget cut process was painful and the hiring freeze has been quite impactful; however, staff is pleased items such as the Vine and Lemay intersection did make it to the City Manager's recommended budget. She also noted Fort Collins does seem to be faring better than other cities nationally and stated she feels comfortable moving forward that no additional cuts will be needed. Iverson agreed. Brown asked if Dial-a-Ride services have been maintained at early 2020 levels. Currell replied in the affirmative. Gavaldon asked if there is a recovery plan beyond this if continued closures are required. Currell replied facilities are gradually beginning to reopen and she noted there is a large safety net as part of the general fund which has yet to be utilized. Gavaldon asked if reserves are going to be utilized. Currell replied reserves will be utilized assuming the entire budget for 2020 will be spent. Gavaldon asked if there is any type of Charter mandate that requires reserves to be maintained at a certain level. Currell replied that requirement exists for certain funds. Brown asked if there is a plan for next year's budget to also be a one -year budget. Currell replied in the affirmative. c. E-Scooter Update – Amanda Mansfield Mansfield stated she is seeking final Board input regarding the E -Scooter and E-bike programs prior to going before Council. She summarized previous input from the Board noting members wanted to see additional available data, better location marketing, ensuring an equitable distribution of stations, and ensuring complaints and TRANSPORTATION BOARD TYPE OF MEETING – REGULAR 9/16/2020 – MINUTES Page 5 concerns are being accurately recorded and addressed. Liberati asked about station distribution. Mansfield replied and discussed the plan for ensuring equitable station distribution around the community. Gavaldon asked if there is an existing map of station locations noting he has recently been volunteering for the census and has not seen scooters in certain areas. He also asked when data will be available as that request has been ongoing for quite some time. Mansfield replied there is a station map available and Bird is restarting its operations with a smaller number of scooters in more strategic locations in order to make the operation work financially. Regarding data, Mansfield acknowledged it has taken some time but stated Bird's legal department is currently reviewing a letter from the City's legal department. York asked if a summary of the results from the request for information is available. Mansfield replied there were a variety of responses but a key takeaway is that most companies must have an E-scooter and/or E-bike program in order to support a bike share program financially. Mansfield showed the Board the survey that is out to garner community input on the previous bike share and current E-scooter program as well as on what the community would like to see in the future. She noted Bird and the Downtown Development Authority participated in the survey formation and stated the survey can be found of the FC Moves E-scooter webpage. (**Secretary's Note: The Board took a brief recess at this point in the meeting.) d. Transportation Board Work Plan – Aaron Iverson Chair Hart noted only minor adjustments are typically made to the work plan on an annual basis. York noted items can be added as priorities change and the work plan will be reviewed by Council. Rachline asked if there have been any instructions from Council or the City regarding different approaches to work plans given COVID. Iverson replied the only instruction he has received to this point is around timing, but he will research the issue and get back to the Board. Boardmembers discussed various ways to approach the work plan and determined it will be finalized and voted upon at the October meeting. Boardmembers also discussed the role of the Board as a whole, discussed the types of items that come before the Board, and discussed how the Board provides feedback to Council as an advisory Board. Chair Hart noted Board minutes are included in Council packets for certain items. TRANSPORTATION BOARD TYPE OF MEETING – REGULAR 9/16/2020 – MINUTES Page 6 8. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS York reported on helping with the City's bicycle and pedestrian counts. He noted he has seen two class 3 E-bikes on trails. He also reported on semi-truck and construction truck traffic on Willow which was just recently redone and may need to be re-signed to keep that traffic off. He mentioned issues with a crossing light at Lemay and Pitkin and requested input regarding hiring for existing vacancies. Borchert reported on helping with the City's bicycle and pedestrian counts and discussed issues with the Harmony and McMurray intersection crossing. He announced the pop -up E- bike education event on September 22nd and the Open Streets event at Soft Gold Park on September 27th. Liberati mentioned the Timberline and Vine intersection. Rachline commented on downtown Loveland closures that allow for people to be appropriately distanced outdoors. She suggested a similar approach could be taken in Fort Collins. Brown reported she could not find any budget cuts related to bus stop improvements and accessibility. She stated 80% of bus stops meet ADA standards. 9. OTHER BUSINESS a. Bicycle Advisory Committee Report Gavaldon reported he will begin to share presentations received by the BAC with the Board in advance of meetings. He noted Tessa Greegor has moved on from the City and stated discussions at the last meeting included the Linden Street renovation project, the Laporte Avenue corridor design and priorities and future agenda items. He noted the next meeting will be delayed by a week due to the super Board meeting. b. City Council 6-Month Calendar Review Iverson announced the dates of the upcoming budget worksessions and hearings and stated the Parks and Recreation Master Plan and Our Climate Future effort will also be discussed at upcoming worksessions. c. Staff Liaison Report Iverson reported on the super Board meeting coming up on September 28th and stated an exception to the hiring freeze must be requested in order to fill Tessa Greegor's position. Lopez mentioned an upcoming electric vehicle group buy event. TRANSPORTATION BOARD TYPE OF MEETING – REGULAR 9/16/2020 – MINUTES Page 7 10. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:36 p.m. by unanimous consent.